  • 1. Supporting Individuals and Families toSheree Bootes Accredited Gestalt Psychotherapist Accredited Mental Health Social Worker

2. Registered Business since 2009 Located in Denmark and Albany Aim to: provide psychotherapeutic support to individuals, groups, and families, and training and education. create safe and supportive environments in support of good health and wellbeing. 3. How can support can be accessed: Privately GP referral and Mental Health Care Plan under the Better Access Initiative Contractor with Amity Health under the Better Outcomes (ATAPS) support If you are caring for a family member or friend under Carers WA Employment Assistance Program (EAP) Relationships with other services/organisations include: Department of Child Protection (DCP) Albany Youth Association Great Southern Aboriginal Corporation (YAYY Young Aboriginal Yorga Yarns) 4. What experience and qualifications do I provide: Accredited Gestalt Psychotherapist Accredited Mental Health Social Worker Family focused therapist Support children, youth and adults (8 to aged) Clinical and Community Mental Health experience working with at risk youth, adults and families since 1999 BA in Anthropology and experience living and working in a remote Aboriginal community Commitment to ongoing professional development 5. What is Gestalt Psychotherapy? Gestalt therapy similar to psychodynamic therapies foster change primarily by the patient's learning to understand himself or herself in the world through insight and awareness. Was developed by Fritz Perls, Laura Perls and Paul Goodman in the 1940s and 1950s. Influenced by existential philosophy, Gestalt psychology, psychoanalysis , systems theory and field theory. Gestalt is a German word for a complete pattern or configuration. For a description [of a Gestalt or Gestalten], three phenomena must be considered: a thing, its context or environment, and the relationship between them. 6. Family Therapy Therapy attends to awareness, the quality of contact between family members, and the familys ability to create and elaborate a shared figure of interest. Additionally, how the withdrawal and return to connect with each other. Heightening the familys awareness of itself, of their process, of how each family member interacts is important. An interest in the formation, destruction and shifting forms of subsystems and alliances. Explore how groupings emerge, are connected to and in relationship with other systems and subsystems. 7. The Individual I want you to consider the Individual client/patient that presents to you and their presenting symptoms e.g. depression, suicidality, self-harming behaviours, eating disorders Now consider the connection between the presenting mental health issues with the client/patient and who is around this person i.e. partner, child/ren, family, work, school, community and what would the impact on others be? 8. Working with the Family can support families to become aware of and expand their areas of competence regarding their interactions with each other and their external environment. set the stage for new learning and experiments are used to help the family practice and integrate these new competencies. support the familys curiosity, not only in each other, but in the family as a whole which then leads to the development of emotional bonds and these in turn lead to caring for each other. develop creative problem solving. Achieved by encouraging families to struggle with each new awareness that presents in therapy. teach family members good contact . Encouraging members of the family to share sensations, arrive at a task, make contact, assimilate and make meaning out or their experience. 9. Sheree Bootes 98482977 or 0400 696456 [email protected]

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