
Triple Strange Loop Double Cross System

Information Security based on deceptionSpecial Thanks to A. Turing

Michael Calvin LeeTuesday July 21 2009

Filing USPTO patent application and applying for DARPA SBIR research funding = formal statement of intent.

1Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Single Strange Loop

send lots of data

most is false

some is true

only Valid Participants know the difference

2Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Problem: inefficient!

most data is noise and a waste of bandwidth

high noise/signal ratio to be secure


3Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Triple Strange LoopMost Data is true, a tiny bit is false

use p2p relay mesh clusters to send data

Multipoint to Multipoint efficiency

The valid recipient is only known to participants

The context of data only known to recipient.


4Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Principles of Operation

You can intercept data, but you don’t know who it’s intended for

Even if you determine that, you don’t know the context

If you get both of those, there is a question of is it true or not.


5Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Algorithm!Representation of base 10 integer as base phi positional numeral system

Reduction to minimal representation in base phi

Mathematically offers two unique properties for data security

third loop is based on a quormum/consensus prototcol to clarify truth 6

6Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Security is Prove-able!By unique two properties of base phi representation and reduction to minimalist representation

Truth is that the unique properties hold after the random modifier is applied

The nodes don’t even know until a message block decode is agreed by consensus


7Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Explanation of last bit!The call to clarify is based on autonomous systems and some random variable

can be made at any time and changes all three strange loops

only after message block is received by all does ‘what to do with data’ step used


8Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The Beauty of ItTransmission is automated and does not require human intervention

Interception and decryption does

knowledge of base phi numerals, private key of all peers, and autonomous systems to be certain anything is true

should drive most people nuts


9Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Without being certain of all three double cross loops are actually true...

what use is the data?

nagging doubts is an intentional design aspect...

10Tuesday, July 21, 2009

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