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  • 8/14/2019 Redress of Poetry 2




    Redress of Poetry

    The subject that Seamus Heaney has treated, the redress of poetry, is not a

    new subject. The nature and purpose of poetry has been a subject of practical

    importance to everyone who has an interest in poetry.

    yet there are times when a deeper need enters, when we want the poem to be

    not only pleasurably right but compellingly wise, not only a surprising variation

    played upon the world, but a re-tuning of the world itself .

    Seamus Heaney

    Heaneys main subject is the utility of poetry or what poetry means to life.

    Like all other forms of art, poetry is also a creative work but it also passed through

    some difficult phases when its utility was objected by many of the critics. He findssupport for his views about imaginative literature, which poetry is, in Platos theory

    of ideas.

    Poetry was not only pleasant but also useful for man and society.


    Plato was the first who raised objection thus declaring poetry not only an imitative

    art rather he went beyond it saying, Poetry is an imitation of an imitation thus

    twice removed from reality. Plato had banished the poets from his Republic. But

    ironically, his argument was that poetry took us away from the idea, while poetry is

    in fact is the world of the ideal. He is among the haters of poets and poetry. But

    then Aristotle, the great disciple of Plato, stepped forward as savior and by putting

    argumentative defense, he infused a new life to poetry. He interpreted it a creative

    process and while poet imitating reality transforms it into something new and much


    Seamus Heaney is the modern savior of poetry as it was liberated by Aristotle

    thousands years ago. Like Aristotle he also liberated poetry from the stains of

    allegation. Heaney liked any other poet and intellectual was a Humanitarian and

    was well aware of the functions of the poetry. He quotes that

    poetry gives us the picture of perfection like any other art from. Poetry takes usaway from the sufferings to the world of happiness. A very famous critic is of the


    Life worries man, but poetry relieves man.

    We can also present like many other romantic poets, example of John Keats, who

    when worried takes shelter in the imaginative world of poetry. Poetry not only

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    consoles us rather it also gives us hope. Poetry builds for us the world of aspiration.

    We like in the world which is full of sufferings but through poetry we create an

    alternative world, which offers us glimpse of the things which we miss in the real


    He brought the emotions within the range of imitation.

    Similarities between Plato and Aristotle ;

    There are some similarities between Plato and Aristotle like;

    that poetry is an imitative art.

    that poetry rouses the emotions.

    that poetry gives pleasure, both as an imitation and as arousing the emotions

    through imitative means.

    that the rousing of the emotions by poetry has an effect upon the wholepersonality of the spectator or reader and on his emotional behavior in real life.

    both considered poetry from a practical and utilitarian point of view.

    Heaneys view ;

    The world of ideas removes the defects of the words of facts, since the ideal is the

    perfect form of an imperfect existence. He goes on to say that the imagined

    standards and poetic fiction provide the dream of alternative world to both the

    government and the revolutionary. Both try to make the society as they imagine it

    to be best.

    Defender of poetry;

    There were others also who kept defending poetry against all kind of objections. For


    Sydney asserted (emphasized) that the poet takes us to the ideal. She

    straightforwardly wrote in Apology For poetry,

    A poet is a nightingale who sits in darkness and sings to cheer its own solitude with

    sweet songs; his auditors are axmen and trance by the melody of unseen musician

    who feel that they are moved and softened, yet know not whence or why.

    Shelley supported poetry because they reach the perfection.

    Oscar Wilde said that life should imitate art because art presents the perfection.

    Mathew Arnold went to extend that all that now goes in the name of religion or

    philosophy will be replaced by poetry. Poetry will perform the role of religion. It will

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    show man the right path and it will bring consolation to man. Poetry has a power of

    sustaining man in difficulties.

    This is the thesis of Heaney that in the present world only poetry can save man.

    This he calls redress of poetry.

    poetry is a violence from within that protects us from a violence without.

    Wallace Stevens

    Poetry gives us idealized version of reality. Poet suggest what is possible or

    desirable or, indeed, imaginable. Aristotle could have called it Catharsis. One of the

    very important functions of poetry is catharsis. It gives us inside. William

    Wordsworth also says that poetry is a spontaneous overflow of strong feelings. A

    poet gets catharsis through his poetry.

    The heckler or the rhubarbian (one who makes disturbance or noise) protests

    against the obscurity of art or its staying neutral in the fight between justice and theunjust. Heaney has no sympathy with this view of the heckler which is ideological

    and parochial.

    The poet doesnt invent. He listens.

    Jean Cocteau

    Like any poet, Heaney is a humanitarian. He would not divide humanity into

    antagonistic factions. In a nationalistic war, for example, the poet is asked to

    contribute to the war effort preferably dehumanizing the face of the enemy

    saying that,you are angels and others are devils. A poet will never accept that.

    W. B. Yeats, another Irish poet, in Easter 1916, sings in praise those Irish who losttheir lives in the horrible civil war but he also pays homage to the English who too

    were fighting for their ideals.

    If we know in what way society is unbalanced we must do what we can to add

    weight to the lighter scale.

    Simon Will

    The idea of justice in some peoples mind is the idea of balance. If u

    condemned one side you should also condemn the other too. Our Muslim and Hindu

    writers tried to keep this balance while writing about the communal rights at thetime of Partition. If they showed Hindu Murders, they also showed Muslims Murders.

    This is too artificial a concept of balance. Heaney Also did not approve of supporting

    the weaker side.

    To be a poet is a condition, not a profession.

    Robert Frost

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    Heaney rejects this Obedience to the force of gravity. This is also wrong.

    Demand of justice must be met irrespective of who is strong and who is weak. He

    quotes Voclave Havel that, poetry is a state of mind not a state of the worldit is

    an orientation of the spirit, an orientation of an art. It creates a state of mind, not a

    political situation. It means that the poet should think of redress where redress is

    needed. It is not a counter weighting force, poetry offers a counter reality.

    Havel proceeds to say,

    It is not the conviction that something will turn out well, but the certainty that

    something makes sense regardless of how it turn outs.

    Heaney is speculating that;

    whether poetry has a role to play,

    whether poetry can console man,

    whether poetry can redress the injuries done to man.

    Everyone believes that poetry has the power of sustaining man in difficulties.

    Heaney concluded that in the present world only poetry can safe man. This he calls

    redress of poetry.

    Poetry is alleviating function of reality.

    Heaney starts by quoting the poem The Pulley by George Herbert. This poem is a

    parable, a moral story. In a pulley you pull down in order to rise up. There are forces

    in life which are pulling you down but the same forces are raising you up. Sufferings

    also alleviate you. They bring out the best in man as it is said; adversity brings outthe best in man.

    Poetry gives us the picture of perfection.

    Then Heaney quotes a statement of Pinsky, who says that life raises some questions

    which poetry answers. For example, he quotes a poem by Robert Frost. The poem is

    Directive. In his poem, Frost presents a toy house that children built. It is not a real

    house. But then try to provide in it what a real house demands. It is the house of

    their imagination which is the ideal of their perfect house. It is not a real house but

    it is an ideal form of a real house. In this way, poetry helps us to answer the


    Poetry takes us to the paradise while we stay on the earth.

    The main function of poetry is to show us that perfection which we want to achieve.

    It shows us the difference between what is and what ought to be. Actually poetry is

    a link between the real and ideal.

    Life worries man, poetry relieves man.

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    Poetry built for us our aspirations of world. We live in the world which is given to us.

    We did not choose it but in our imagination we create our own world that is the

    world of poetry. Poetry shows us the glimpse of those things which we miss in our

    life. This is the glimpse of redress. It is a consolation.

    This world is a labyrinth where man is lost. Poetry shows us the right way.

    The Propagandist wants poetry to be practical. People demand that poetry should

    become propaganda. But this is not the function of poetry. Poetry presents before

    us an alternative word which gives us consolation. Poetry does not create the ideal

    world but it shows the possibility of creating that world and this is very reassuring.

    That gives us confidence that a better world can be created.

    Heaney is of the opinion that poetry gives beautiful expressions to our

    feelings. It gives us rhyme and diction. It gives pleasure to us and inspired hope in


    Poetry should be great and unobtrusive, a thing which enters intoone's soul, and does not startle it or amaze it with itself, but with its


    John Keats

    W.H. Auden is an English poet. He says that poetry has three functions;

    making, judging and knowing. Poets create in order to judge and that brings

    awareness. Literature shows as the possibilities of mans action. Shakespeare writes

    Hamlet and ONeill writes Mourning Becomes Electra, not so much to give a

    judgment as to make. Poetrys delight lies fundamentally in inventiveness. As

    Sophocles writes Oedipus Rex and put him into the laboratory of drama and

    concludes that his fall was his pride. Thomas Hardy goes to this extend and says, If

    Galileo had said in verse that the world moved, the Inquisition might have let him


    Revolutionary change;

    Poetry as William wordsworth says, it is a spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings, when

    it flows, it brings revolution not only in an individual bit also in nation. History is replete

    with example\illustrious when the poet changed the course of History through their

    revolutionary verses Dante, Allama Iqbal, Khalil Gibran, umer Khayam etc brought about a

    revolutionary changes in their society. They infused new spirit in the life of their nation.

    Endow your will with such power

    That every turn of fate is so be,

    That God Himself ask his slave

    What is it that please thee?

    F our basics functions which poetry performs ;

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    1) Poetry takes us from the world of sufferings into the world of happiness.

    2) Poetry consoles us and gives us hope.

    3) Poetry is the world of possibilities. We know from our experience that dreams

    are ultimately realized. Our forefathers thought that it was impossible to fly,

    though poets created flying carpets. The fact is that we are flying.

    4) Now we think that it is impossible that human sufferings will ever be removedbut one day they will be removed. What the mind conceives as poetry is a

    possibilitythat can be realized.


    To sum up, we say that redress of poetry lies in providing an alternate world to

    the world of actual living. The world in which we live, is full of confusions and

    sufferings, poetry opens the doors of a world to us which is reassuring and

    consoling. Secondly, poetry shows us what is possible and desirable. It gives us the

    world of our aspirations, and human aspirations are not idle or futile. These can be

    realized. It is poetry which is the real motive power in life.

    Every branch of art is useful and reflects life and no any artist whether

    Poet, Novelist or Dramatist is useless. everyone is not a poet; the one who has

    esthetic sense can do it. It also reflects the esthetic, sentiments of people. It reflects

    life. If you deny the utility of poetry you are denying the fact. You are going to

    refuse a very important branch of art.

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    William Blake saysNature is a balm

    Thomas Hardy Poetry is a mirror which makes beautiful that which is distorted. Percy Shelly, A

    defense of Poetry 1821

    Poetry is man rebellion against being what he is James Branch Cabell

    Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion; it is not the expression of


    but an escape from personality. But, of course, only those who have personality and emotions know

    what it means to want to escape from these things

    - T. S. Eliot

    The poem is a little myth of man's capacity of making life meaningful. And in the end, the poem is not

    a thing we see-it is, rather, a light by which we may see-and what we see is life.

    Robert Penn Warren

    The poet is a liar who always speaks the truth.

    Jean Cocteau

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