Page 1: Reference FARMS Review of Books 8/2 (1996): 397–411. FARMS REVIEW OF BOOKS 8/2 (1996) Ricks. Eldin, with Charles D. Bush, Junola S. Bush, and L. Kristine N. Ricks. Eldin Ricks'!;

1995 Book of Mormon Bibliography

FARMS Review of Books 8/2 (1996): 397–411.

1099-9450 (print), 2168-3123 (online)

Bibliography of publications on the Book of Mormon in 1995.






Page 2: Reference FARMS Review of Books 8/2 (1996): 397–411. FARMS REVIEW OF BOOKS 8/2 (1996) Ricks. Eldin, with Charles D. Bush, Junola S. Bush, and L. Kristine N. Ricks. Eldin Ricks'!;

1995 Book of Mormon Bibliography


Adams, Larry L. Where Doe:. the Two Cumorah Theory Stand? Spanish Fork, Utah: by the author, 1994.

Andersen. H. Verlan. The Book of Mormoll and the COlls/itution. Compiled by Hans V. Andersen Jr. O rem, Utah: Sunrise, 1995.

Anderson, Lynn Matlhcws. The Easy-to-Read Book of Mormon: A Learning Companion, Apple VaHey. Minn .: Estes Book, 1995.

Ankerbcrg, John, and John Weldon. Behind the Mask of Mormoll ­ism, 1995 reprint of Everything YOII Eller Wallfed to Know abo/lt Mormonism: The Trl/llz abollt the Mormotl Church. Eugene: Harvest House, 1992.

Bag ley, Pal. Norman the Nephite's and Larry the Lwnonite 's Book of Mormon Time Ulle. Sa lt Lake C ity: Deserci Book, 1995.

Black, Susan Easton, and Charles D. Tale Jr. , cds. Joseph SlIliIII : The Prophet. Ihe Mall . Provo, Utah: Re ligious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1993.

Brewster. Hoyt W. Isaiah Plain and Simple: The Message of Isaiah ill the Book of Mormon. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1995 .

Brodie, Fawn McKay. No Mall KflOIV.~ My HisIory: The Life of Joseph SmiIh. Ihe Mormon PropheI. 2nd rev. and enl. ed. New York: Vintage Books, 1995 (pa pe rback repri nt).

Burgess, A ll an K. Timely TruIlls from Ihe Book of Mormon. Salt Lake C it y: Bookcraft , 1995.

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398 FARMS REV IEW OF BOOKS 812 (1996)

Christensen, B. Keith. The Unknown Witness: Jerusalem, Geology, and the Origin of the Book oj Mormon. Calgary, Canada: by the author, 1992.

Collins, Steven M. The "Lost" Ten Tribes of Israel . .. Found. l SI

rev. cd. Boring. Ore.: CPA Books, 1995.

Day, Paul R. Book of Mormon Expedition: A Study Guide for All Ages. American Fork, Utah: Covenan t, 1995.

Decker, Ed. Decker's Complete Handbook on Mormonism. Eugene: Harvest House, 1995.

Farkas. John R., and David A. Reed. Mormonism: Change.~, Con­tradictioll.'i, and Errors. Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 1995.

Gibson, Stephen R. "Part 1: Answers to Questions about the Book of Mormon." In One-Minute Allswer.~ to Allti-Mormon Ques­tions. Bount iful, Utah: Horizon, 1995.

Griffith, Michael T. A Ready Reply: Answering Challenging Qlle.Hiom about the Go.Wel. Bountifu l, Utah: Horizon, 1994.

Griffith, Michael T. Refuting the Critic~' : Evidences of the Book of MormOIl '.~ Allthenticity. Bount iful : Horizon, 1993.

Hainsworth, Brad E. If Men Were Angels: The Book of Mormon, Christ, and the Constitlltion. Springville, Utah: Cedar Fort, 1995.

Hedengrcn, Pau\. The Lalld of Lehi. Provo, Utah: Bradford & Wilson, 1995.

Hcimc rdingcr, Chris. Tennis Shoes and the Feathered Serpent. American Fork, Utah: Covenant, 1995.

Heroes from the Book of Mormon. Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1995.

Hickenbotham, Michael W. AlZSwcring Challenging Mormon Quesliol/s: Replies to 130 Queries by Friends wui Critic.~ of the LDS Church. Bounti fu l, Utah: Hori zons, 1995.

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Hobby, Mic hae l, and Ju ne Hobby. Proofs of the Book of Mormon. Sail Lake City: Zarahemla Foundat ion, 1992.

Johnson, Sherrie. Enos Prays. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book. 1995.

Johnson, Sherrie. Jared and Hi.5 Brother. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1995.

Johnson, Sherrie. Jeslls Visits the Nephites. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1995.

Key, Thomas. A Bi%gi.H Examines the Book of Mormon. Marlow, Okla.: Utah Missions, 1995.

Morgan, Wi llard. Prom Critic to Convert: A Skeptic Challenge~·

His Way to Mormonism. Bount ifu l, Utah: Horizon, 1995.

Nurturing Faith through the Book of Mormon. Salt Lake City: Dcscret Book, 1995.

Nyman. Monte S., and Charles O. Tate Jr. , cds. The Book of Mor­mon: Fourth Nephi through Moroni, From Zion 10 Destruc­rioll. Provo, Utah: BYU Religious Studies Center, 1995.

O'Brien, Ammon. Seeing beyond Today with Anciellf America. Hast ings, England: Cumorah Hi ll . 1995.

Pearson, Glenn L. Moroni's Promise: The Converting Power of rhe Book of Mormon. Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1995.

Pearson, Glenn L. t and Re id E. Bankhead. Building Faith with the Book of Mormon, enl. and rev. ed. of Teaching lVith the Book of Mormon. Provo, Utah : Joseph Educational Foundation, 1994.

Pelerson. H. Don I. The Story of the Book of Abraham: Mummies, Manuscripts, and Mormonism. Salt Lake City: Deserct Book, 1995.

Price, Lynn F. Every Persoll in rhe Book of Mormon: A Chrono­logical Reference and Synopsis. Bountifu l. Utah: Horizon, 1995.

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400 FARMS REVIEW OF BOOKS 8/2 (1996)

Ricks. Eldin, with Charles D. Bush, Junola S. Bush, and L. Kristine N. Ricks. Eldin Ricks'!; Thorough Concordance of the LDS Standard Works. Provo, Utah: FARMS, 1995.

Salonimer, Joseph R., and Norrene Salonimer. I Know Thee by Name: Hebrew Roots of Lehi-ire Non-BiblicaL Names in the Book of Mormon. Independence, Mo.: Salonimer, 1995.

Shipps, Jan, and John W. Welch, eds., The William E. MeLeUin Journals (183/ - /836), Urbana, Ill. : University of Illinois Press and BYU Studies, 1994.

Terry, Keith. Out oj Darkness: A Novel. American Fork, Utah: Covenant Communications, 1995.

Van Gorden, Kurt. Mormonism. Grand Rapids: Zondcrvan, 1995.

Von Harrison, Grant. Teaching Your Children to Read U.~ing the Book of Mormon. Provo, Utah: n. p., 1994.


Adams, William J., Jr. "More on the Silver Plates from Lehi's Jerusalem." Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 4/2 (1995): 136- 37.

Anderson, Kenneth W. "The Knowledge Hid Up Because of Un­belieL" In The Book of Mormon: Fourth Nephi through Morolli, ed. Nyman and Tate, 3 1-44.

Asay, Carlos E. "Golden Threads of the Book of Mormon." In Heroes from the Book of Mormon, 20 1- 12.

Ballard, M. Russell. "Joseph Smith's First Vision." Friend (April 1995): 34- 35.

Barney, Kevin L. "Poetic Diction and Parallel Word Pairs in the Book of Mormon." Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 4/2 (1995): 15- 81.

Bateman, Merrill J. "Lehi's Tree and Al ma 's Seed." In Heroes Jrolll the Book oj Mormon, 16- 3 1.

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Benson, Ezra Taft. "Joseph Smith: Prophet to Our Generation." Ensign (March 1994): 2- 5.

Black, Susan Easton. "Father Lehi: A Visionary Man." Provo, Utah: FARMS video transcript. 1995.

Brewerton. Ted E. "The Book of Mormon: A Sacred Ancient Record." Ensign (November 1995): 30-3 1.

Brinley, Douglas E. "The Jarcdites-A Case Stud y in Following the Brethren." In The Book of Mormon: Fourth Nephi through Moroni, ed. Nyman and Tale, 45- 59.

Brough, Montc J. ''The Prophet Ether: Man of the More Excel­lent Hope." In Heroes from the Book of Mormon, 189-94.

Butler, John M. "The 'Author' and the 'Fini sher' of the Book of Mormon." In The Book of Mormon: Fourth Nephi through Moroni, ed. Nyman and Tate. 6 1- 68.

Cannon, Donald Q. "ZcJph Revisited." In Regional Stlldies if! Latter-day Saint Church History, ed. H. Dean Garren, 97-1 I I . Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University, 1995.

Carmack, John K. "Pahoran: Wartime Statesman, Defender of Freedom." In Heroe~' from rhe Book of Mormon, 134-44.

Christensen, Joe J. "Captain Moroni, an Authentic Hero." In Heroes from the Book of Mormon, 128- 33.

Christiansen, Jack R. "Why We Need the Book of Mormon." In Christiansen, Be Strong and of Good Courage, 89- 99. Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1994.

Clark, David L. "Oliver Cowdery in Wisconsin." Mormon Heri­tage Magazine 2/3 (1995): 17- 20.

Clark, Eugene E. "A Preliminary Study of the Geology and Min­erai Resources of Dhofar, the Sultanate of Oman." Provo, Utah: FARMS, 1995.

Cobabe. Douglas L. "The Books of Daniel." New Era (June 1995): 48- 52.

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402 FARMS REVIEW OF BOOKS 812 (1996)

Condie, Spencer J. "Mormon: Historian, General, Man of God ." [n Heroes from the Hook of Mormon, 168- 79.

Cook, Lyndon W. "David Whitmer: Faithful Dissenter. " This People 15 (Fall 1994): 10, 12, 15.

Dellcnbach, Robert K. "The Translation Miracle of the Book of Mormon." Ensign (May 1995): 9- 1 I .

Donaldson, Lee L. "The Plates of Ether and the Covenant of the Book of Mormon." In The Book of Mormon: Fourth Neph i through Moroni, ed. Nyman and Tate, 69-79.

Eaton , Melani e. "The Reward Is Worth (he Effort. " Ensign (May 1995): 93.

Ensign. " I Have a Question: Questions Related 10 the Book of Mormon [1972-941," Provo, Utah: FARMS, 1995.

Ey ring, Henry B. "Amulek: The Blessings of Obedience." In Heroes from the lJook of Mormon, 106-11 .

Forbes, Janna M. "The Allegory of the Light s." Ensign (Fcbruary 1995): 66.

Fricnd, J. Michael. "The Word Became Flesh." TIle Witness: Newsletter of the FOllndatioll for Research 011 Ancient America 88 (Summer/Fall 1995): 6-7, 15.

Garrett , H. Dea n. "Light in Our Vessels: Faith, Hope, and Char­ity ." In The Book of Mormo,,: FOllrth Nephi through Moroni, ed. Nyman and Tatc, 8 1- 93.

Godfrey, Dale. "The Seed Is Planted." The Wimess: Newl· letter of the Foundation for Research on Ancient America 88 (S ummerIFall 1995): 4- 5, 15.

Groberg, John H. "Enos." In Heroes from the Book. of MonllOlI, 47- 58.

Grover, Li sa M. "Ri si ng 10 the Chall enge." New Era (June 1995): 44- 45 .

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Hamblin, William J. "The Latest Straw Man." Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 412 (1995): 82- 92.

Hamblin , William J. "Reformed Egyptian." Provo, Utah: FARMS, 1995.

Hansen, Gerald, Jr. "Preparing for the Judgment. " In The Book of Mormon: Fourth Nephi through Moroni, ed. Nyman and Tate, 95- 104.

Hatch, Gary L. "Mormon and Moroni: Father and Son." In The Book of Mormon: Fourth Nephi through Moroni, ed. Nyman and Tate, 105-15.

Hinck ley, Gordon B. "Moroni." In Heroes from the Book of Mormon, 195-200.

Holland, Jeffrey R. "Jacob the Unshakable." In Heroes from the Book of Mormon, 32-46.

Holland , Jeffrey R. "Rend ing the Veil of Unbelief." In Nurturing Faith, 1- 24 .

Holland, Jeffrey R. "True or False." New Era (June 1995): 64-66.

Holmes, David L "Vocabulary Richness and the Book of Mormon: A Stylomet ric Analysis of Mormon Scripture." Re­search ill Humanities Computing 3 (1994): 18-31.

Holzapfe l, Richard N. "Golden Bible Hill." Mormon Heritage Maga,ine 2/2 (1995): 44-46.

Holzapfel, Richard N. "Mormon, the Man and the Message." In The Book of Mormon: FOllrth Nephi through Moroni, ed. Nyman and Tate, 117-3\.

Howard, F. Burton. "Ammon: Reflections on Faith and Testi­mony." In Heroes from the Book of Marmo/!, 120-27.

Hunt, Wallace E., Jr. "The Marketpl ace." JOllmal of Book of Mormoll Studies 4/2 (1995): 138-41.

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404 FARMS REv IEw or BOOKS 8n (1996)

Hunter, Howard W. "The Pill ars of Our Faith ," Ensign (September 1994): 54-55.

James, Rhett S. "The Legacy of Martin Harri s: The Printing of the Book of Mormon." Mormon Heritage Maga zine 212 (1995) : 14-20.

James, Rhett S., and David H. James. " Mart in Harri s: The Wit­ness," Mormon Heritage Magazine 2/2 ( 1995): 3 1-35.

James, Rhett S., and Beverly Scoll . "Lucy Harri s: Wife of the Wit­ness." Mormoll Heritage Magazine 212 ( 1995): 7- 13.

Jensen, Clint. " Why Me?" New Era (Ju ne 1995): 25.

Johnson, Clark V. "Temple Sermons in the Book of Mormo n." Provo, Utah: FARMS video transcri pt, \995.

Judd, Danie l K. "The Spirit of Christ: A Light amidst the Dark­ness ." In The Book of Mormon: FOllrth Nephi th rough Moroni, ed. Nyman and Tate. 133-46.

Judd, Frank F. . Jr. "Jared ile Zion Societies: Hope for a Better World. " In 'm e Book of Mormon: Fourth Nephi through Moroni, ed. Nyman and Tate, 147- 52.

Ki ll gore. Mark . " Book of Mormon Summer." Ensign (August 1995), 28- 29.

Kofford, Cree-L. "Abinadi." In Heroes from the Book of Morm on. 68- 78.

Larsen. Dean L. "Zeezrom." In Heroes f rom th e Book of Mormon , 112- 19.

LeBaron. E. Dale. "Ether and Mormon: Parall el Prophets of Warni ng and Witness ." In Th e Book of Mormo,,: Fourth Nephi through Moron i. ed. Nyman and Tate. 153- 65 .

LeBaron, E. Dale. "T he Book of Mormon: A PaUern in Preparin g a Peop le to Meet Chri st. " Provo. Utah: FARMS video tran­script. 1995.

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LeBaron, E. Dale. "The Savior's Mini stry to the Nephites: A Millennial Prototype." Provo, Utah: FARMS video transcript , 1995.

Lilj enquist, Ruth. "A Good Name." Friend (February 1995): 11-13.

Lud low, Danie l H. "The Destin y of the House of Israe l. " In Nt/rturing Faith, 25-88.

Martin , J. Todd, and Lisa A. Johnson, "Joseph , Son of Joseph. " New Era (June 1995): 24-27.

Matthews, Robert J. "The Mission of Jesus Christ- Ether 3 and 4." In The Book of Mormon: Fourth Nephi through Moroni, ed. Nyman and Tale, 19- 29.

Matthews, Robert J . "The Power and the Purpose of the Written Record." In Nurturing Faith, 89- 11 7 .

Max well , Neal A. "King Benjamin." In Heroes from the Book of Morm oll,59- 67 .

Merri ll , Byron R. "There Was No Contention." In The Book of Mormon: Fourth Nephi through Moroni, cd. Ny man and Tate, 167- 83.

Middleton, Michael W. "Gathcrin gs in the Last Days : Saved in Sheavcs. Burned in Bundles." In The Book of Mormon: Fourth Nephi through Moroni, ed. Ny man and Tate , 185- 97.

Millet, Robert L. "Alive in Christ: The Salvation of Little Ch i l ~

dren." In 111e Book of Mormon: Fourth Nephi th rough Moroni, cd. Nyman and Tate, 1- 17.

Mil let, Robert L. "The Destiny of the House of Israe l. " Provo. Utah: FARMS video transcript , 1995.

Mi llet, Robert L. "Foo ls before God. " Provo, Utah: FARMS video transcript, 1995.

Millet, Robert L. "The Regeneration of Fallen Man." In Nllrtllr~

ing Failh, 11 9-48.

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406 FARMS REVIEW OF BOOKS 8n ( 1996)

Nelson, Russell , M. "Neph i, Son of Lehi." In Heroes from the Book of Mormon, 1-15.

Nib ley, Hugh W. "Figure 6 of Facs imi le 2." Provo, Utah: FARMS brown bag lecture, 1995.

Niblcy, Hugh W. "Promised Lands." Lauer-day Digest 3 (February 1994): 4- 14, 16.

Nyma n, Monte S. "The Judgment Seat of Chris!." In The Book of Mormon: Fourlh Nephi lhrough Moroni, ed. Nyman and Tate, 199- 213.

O'Driscoll, Jeff. "Zion Zion Zion: Keys to Understanding Ethe r 13." In The Book of Mormon: Fourth Nephi th rollgh Moroni, ed. Nyman and Tate, 215- 34.

Oman, Richard G. "Sacred Connect ions: LDS Poltery in the Na­tive American Southwesl." BYU Stlldies 35 ( 1995): 107- 28.

Owens, Lance S. "Joseph Smit h and Kabbalah: The Occult Con­nection." Dialoglle 2713 ( 1994): 117-94.

Perry, L. Tom. "Alma, the Son of Al ma." In Heroes from the Book of Mormon, 98- 105.

Perry, L. Tom. "This Is My Gospel: Preparin g the Foundat ion for the Ki ngdom." Provo, Utah: FARMS annual banque t, 1995.

Peterson, Andrew W. ';Samuel the Lamani te." In Heroes from the Book of Mormon, 157-67.

Pelerson, Daniel C. "A Scholar Looks at Evidences fo r the Book of Mo rmo n." Provo, Utah: FARMS video transcript, 1995 (also available in Spanish and German).

Peterson, Daniel C. "Experiment upon My Word." Provo, Utah: FARMS video transcript, 1995.

Peterson, Daniel c., and Wil liam J. Hambli n. "On Alma 7: 10 and the Birth place of Jesus Christ." Provo, Utah: FARMS, 1995.

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Peterson, H. Don I. "Moron i, the Last of the Ncphitc Prophe ts." In The Book of Mormon: Fourth Nephi through Moroni, ed. Nyman and Tate, 235-49.

Prince, James R. "Prov ing the Prophet's Promise ." Ensign (January 1994): 64- 65.

"Questi ons and Answers: I' ve been studying the Book of Mormon, but the Bible seems boring. Shou ld I rcad and study the Bible just as much as the Book of Mormon?" New Era (June 1995): 16- 18 .

Rasmus, Carolyn J. " 'Weak Things Made Strong.'" In 'the Book of Mormon: FOllrth Nephi rhrough Moroni, cd. Ny man and Tatc, 25 1- 62.

Reeve. Rex c., Jr. "The Book of Mormon: A Book Wri tten for Our Day." Provo, Utah: FARMS video transcript, 1995.

Renc her, Alvin C. "Unity through the Power of Charit y." In The Book of Mormon: Fourth Nephi through Moroni, cd. Nyman and Tate, 263-75.

Reynolds, Noel B. "The Poli tical Context of the Book of Mormon." Provo, Ulah: FARMS video tran sc ript , 1995.

Rhett , James. "The Legacy of Marlin Harris: Printing the Book of Mormon." Mormon Herilage 2 ( 1995): 14- 20.

Roper, Matthew. "Noah Webster and the Book of Mormon." Jourtllll of Book of Mormon Studies 4/2 (1995): 142-46.

Roper, Matthew. "Reve lation and the Urim and Thummim ." Insights: All Ancielll Window (December 1995): 2.

Samuelson, Cecil 0 .• Jr. "The Brother of Jared." In Heroes from the Book of Mormon, 180-88 .

Satterfield, Bruce K. "Moroni 9- 10: Remembering How Merciful the Lord Hath Been." In The Book of Mormon: Fourlll Nephi through Moroni, ed. Nyman and Tate. 277- 88.

Saunders, lain. " I Knew Nephi." New Era (June 1995): 12- 14.

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408 FARMS REVIEW OPBOOK$ 812 (1996)

Scott, Richard G. "Neph i, Son of Helaman," In Heroel" from the Book of Mormon. 145- 56.

Skinner, Andrew C. "Zion Gained and Lost: Fourth Nephi as the Quintessential Model." In The Book of Mormon: Fourth Nephi through Moroni, ed. Nyman and Tate. 289- 302.

Snow, Edgar C, Jr. "Narrati ve Critic ism and the Book of Mor mon." Journal of Book of Mormoll Studies 412 ( 1995): 93-106.

Snow, Edgar c., Jr. "One Face of the Hero: In Search of the Mythological Joseph Smith ." Dialogue 27/3 (1994): 233-47.

Sorensen, Kim C. "Latter-day Father's Guide book." Ensign (Feb ruary 1995): 14- 17.

Sorenson, John L. "An Evaluation of the Smithsonian Instit u­tion's 'Statement Regarding the Book of Mor mon,''' rev. ed. Provo, Utah: FARMS, 1995.

Sorenson, John L. "Old World People in the New? (Part I)." Insights: An Ancielll Window (April 1995): 2.

Sorenson, John L. "Old World People in the New? (Part 2)." Insights: An Ancient Window (June \995): 2.

Sperry, Sidney B. "The Book of Mormon and Textual Criti­cism." Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 4 (Spring 1995): 175-84.

Sperry, Sidney 8. "The Book of Mormon as Translation Eng­li sh." Journal of Book of MormOIl Studies 4 (Sprin g 1995): 209- 17.

Sperry, Sidney B. "The Book of Mormon's Message on Brother­hood." Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 4 (Spri ng 1995): 239-45.

Sperry, Sidney B. "Did Father Lchi Have Daughters Who Married the Sons of Ishmael?" Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 4 (Spring 1995): 235-38.

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Sperry, Sidney B. Excerpts fro m Our Book of Mormon. In Jour­nal of Book of Mormon Stl/dies 4 (Spring 1995): 1- 174.

Sperry. Sidney B. "Hebrew Idioms in the Book of Mormon." Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 4 (Spring 1995): 2 18- 25.

Sperry, Sidney B. "The Isaiah QUOlalion: 2 Nephi 12- 24." JOl/r­nal of Book of Mormon Studies 4 (Spring 1995): 192- 208.

Sperry, Sidney B. "The Lamani tes Port rayed in the Book of Mormon." Journal of Book of Mormon Stl/dies 4 (Spring 1995): 246- 54.

Sperry, Sidney B. "Moroni Expounds Old Teslame nt Scri p­tures." Joumal of Book of Mormon Studies 4 (Spring 1995): 269-86.

Sperry. Sidney B. "Moroni the Lone ly: The Story of the Writing of the Ti tle Page to the Book of Mormon." Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 4 (Spring 1995): 255- 59.

Sperry, Sidney B. "Some Problems of Interest Relating to the Brass Plates." Jot/mal of Book of MormolZ SllIdje.~ 4 (Spring 1995): 185-9 1.

Sperry, Sidney B. "Some Universals in the Book of Mo rmon." Journal of Book of Mormoll Siudies 4 (Spring 1995): 226- 34.

Sperry, Sidney B. "Were There Two Cumorahs?" Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 4 (Spring 1995): 260- 68.

Sturgess, Gary L. ''The Book of Mosiah: Thoughts about Its Structure, Purposes, Themes, and Authors hip." Journal of Book of Mormon Stl/dies 4/2 ( 1995): 107- 35.

Szink, Terrence L., and John W. Welch. "On the Right or Left: Benjamin and Ihe Scapegoat." Insights: An Ancient Wit/dow (January 1995): 2.

Tanner, Jerald, and Sandra Tanner. "Joseph Smi th 's Use of the Apocrypha." Salt Lnke City Messellger 89 (December 1995): 1- 14.

Thomas. Janel. "A Great Book." New Era (J une 1995): 40-41.

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410 FARMS REvIEw OF BOOKS sn (1996)

Thompson, Jerry (i llustrator). "Hagoth." Friend (January 1995): 27.

Thompson, Jerry (ill ustrator) . "The Murder of the Chief Judge." Friend (June 1995): 15- 19.

Thompson, Jerry (illustrator). "Nephi and Lehi in Prison." Friend (March 1995): 16- 19.

Thompson, Jerry (ill ustrator) . "Nephi Rece ives Greal Power." Frielld (August 1995): 16- 18.

Thompson, Jerry (illustrator). "Samuel the Lamani le Tell s abou t Jesus Christ." Friend (October 1995): 16- 18.

Thompson, Jerry (illustrator). "Signs of Christ ' s Birth," Friend (December 1995): 4- 6.

Thorne, Melv in 1. "What Is F.A.R.M.S.T' This People 16 (S pring 1995): 42-46.

Trimble. Brenda. "The Feathered Serpen!." The Witness: News­letter of the FOlfl/dalion for Research 011 Ancient America 85 (Summer 1994): 7-9.

Tvedtnes, John A. "Ci ties and Lands in the Book of Mo rmon." Journal of Book of Mormoll Studies 4/2 (1995): 147- 50.

Valletta, Thomas R. "Jared and His Brother." In The Book of Mom/Oil: FOllrth Nephi through Moron i, cd. Nyman and Tate. 303~22.

Van Orden, Bruce A. "Preach the Gospel to Every Creature." In The Book of Mormon: FOllrth Nephi through Moroni, ed. Nyman and Tatc, 323-36.

Verrnet!ren, Douglas 1. "We Believe ... " Frielld (November 1995): 44-46.

Welch, John W. "Criteria fo r Identifying and Evaluati ng the Pres~ ence of Chiasmus." JOllY/wi of Book of Mormon Studies 4/2 (1995): ' ~ 1 4.

Page 16: Reference FARMS Review of Books 8/2 (1996): 397–411. FARMS REVIEW OF BOOKS 8/2 (1996) Ricks. Eldin, with Charles D. Bush, Junola S. Bush, and L. Kristine N. Ricks. Eldin Ricks'!;


Welch, John W. "The Power of Evidence in the Nurturing of Faith." In Nurturing Faith, 149-86.

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