
Reflections from Day One

Our school is only as great as our lowest performing student and our lowest performing



Reflections from Day One

The fact that the principal actually told the staff that they needed to become a

part of the vision or move on.


Reflections from Day One

I valued learning about the Leadership Networks Strategy (KY) as a way to further develop state/local capacity.

Am leaving today with a brainload of ideas….Y.E.S.!


Reflections from Day One

I like the principals sharing and the Kentucky Story.

I liked the time to work with my colleagues.

I wondered what the Kentucky implementation (outline) plan looked like.


Reflections from Day One

Wondered about the KY Dept. of Ed (Karen Kidwell’s) structure to marshal so much P.D. for so many, so

fast!!! (Amazing and great!)


Reflections from Day One

I loved the statement that we need leaders in the classroom and helping teacher get better.

I wonder how District Staff supports helping principals help teachers.


Reflections from Day One

Are states still able to become “critical friends” of the Kentucky Story? I think we would like to join.


Reflections from Day One

[I have a] feeling of national pride being in the room being involved in a discussion with people in state

surrounded by similar conversations in other states.


Reflections from Day One

I really appreciated the two where we would work and write. It is important to feel productive.


Reflections from Day One

I appreciated the opening video.


Reflections from Day One

I like the idea shared by Bryant G. to have “Parent Academies” where parents learn about the

assessments and instrumental strategies. I also appreciated Cindy Galloway’s comment about

changing up the teams to foster more collaboration. I admire how she has encouraged her teachers to

videotape themselves in the classroom and during PLC meeting, then to critique. These strategies can

help to change a culture and improve student achievement!


Reflections from Day One

I really found the change strategy activity motivating and thought provoking. Plus… our Utah team came

away with a basic structure for a plan.


Reflections from Day One

A school must be a place where everyone learns every day.

Love the parent request for a teacher response – collective responsibility for the learning of all



Reflections from Day One

Engaging, interactive sessions, thanks!


Reflections from Day One

Cindy G’s idea of having specialists descend upon a school as a group leading to the principal having

uninterrupted collaboration during the school day to learn together Gave me an idea for creating more effective times for teachers to collaborate in my



Reflections from Day One

I wonder how the principal got all of the teachers in my Elementary School to agree to an ever changing



Reflections from Day One

As we are desiring to have continuity and consistency throughout all of our schools in Hawaii, it

would be equally important to have a common student foundation nationally. The stories told and the connections will be bridges for me to carry on.



Reflections from Day One

I really appreciated the two sessions where we could work and write. It is so important to feel productive.


Reflections from Day One

Loved the video on Power of Principal has the ability to keep staff retention. I wondered how will

education look 10 years from now.

Hit me – Please don’t leave principals behind. If you want us to make a difference in student outcomes,

we need just as much training as our staff.


Reflections from Day One

West Virginia has often has a reputation for being behind. As it turns out, we are ahead of the curve. Kudos to our office of school improvement at the



Reflections from Day One

It is not the evidence in time but in the evidence you have grown.


Reflections from Day One

I wonder about developing a schedule that has time for learning by all, students, teachers and principals.


Reflections from Day One

Enjoyed Pearl’s comments and her dedication to her profession.


Reflections from Day One

Wondered about how the 2 associations are formed and how they go about implementing the process.


Reflections from Day One

I loved the article by Stephanie Hirsh. The success of the implementation of the CCSS is dependent upon good professional learning for teachers and

principals alike!


Reflections from Day One

Collaborative opportunities


Reflections from Day One

I loved the principal panel in the morning session. We all need more practical application of the

concepts surrounding principal effectiveness and development.


Reflections from Day One

I really liked listening to Pearl and Philip comment on what they have done in their individual schools to

address the “Wallace Five”!


Reflections from Day One

Chance to collaborate. How we will/can proceed in further development for our states/districts?


Reflections from Day One

Time is a commodity.


Reflections from Day One

Parents send the best kids they have – We are responsible that they ALL learn. We accept nothing

less in our school.


Reflections from Day One

Enjoyed hearing about the impact of powerful principals on teacher retention to work in

challenging buildings.


Reflections from Day One

Need for videos and evidence of what good professional learning looks like


Reflections from Day One

Loved the diverse thoughts of our group.


Reflections from Day One

Loved the opportunity for discussion.


Reflections from Day One

I appreciated the table conversations that allowed for time to make meaning of the presentations.


Reflections from Day One

I love the energy and collaboration of the people here. It is exciting to be able to listen to how other

states are doing.


Reflections from Day One

I loved the time to collaborate throughout the day around these issues.


Reflections from Day One

Enjoyed time to talk as a state team! It will make a difference when we get back home!


Reflections from Day One

Time is flexible.


Reflections from Day One

Loved collaborating with colleagues. I wonder if you are truly following the PD standards – more us less

you talking at us. Good info but delivery needs improvement.


Reflections from Day One

What do each of the standards look like in practice or can they just be left for individual interpretation?


Reflections from Day One

Collaborating with people in state

Too many talking heads


Reflections from Day One

Should we be thinking of schools having an instructional principal and building manager?


Reflections from Day One

Key learning – connecting the dots to get CCSS and teacher evaluation framework to get to student


Wallace 5

Professional Learning Standards


Reflections from Day One

I am wondering how student learning objectives are being applied to leverage Common Core and

Educator Effectiveness?


Reflections from Day One

Would like more information on actual processes, or strategies for implementation and application to

principal preparation.


Reflections from Day One

I LOVED the depth of learning that was happening today from those conversations and presenters’

inspiring stories.

It hit me to continue to move principal leadership forward in deliberate ways to be expert in the

Wallace 5.


Reflections from Day One

We don’t have to keep doing things the way we’ve always done them.


Reflections from Day One

I loved the chance to heave from others that they are doing great things to transform their

building/districts. This allows ideas to change and grow.


Reflections from Day One

I loved that the principals who shared today, while creating teacher leaders, are clearly also out front



Reflections from Day One

What is expected must be inspected.


Reflections from Day One

Hearing the strategies of Pearl Harmon


Reflections from Day One

I loved the pre-reading and the intellectual stimulation and real life examples. And it’s really got

me motivated and wondering about all of the possibilities.


Reflections from Day One

I both love and was hit by the observation that great leaders exhibit such positive and optimistic attitudes

and are steadfast in their focus on ALL kids!


Reflections from Day One

I wondered why there wasn’t more time for states groups to process among themselves.


Reflections from Day One

It was good to have conversations with other educators and leaders from my state.


Reflections from Day One

The opportunity to hear other perspectives and consider the implications for our district’s current



Reflections from Day One

Principals know their communities. Pearl’s statements hit me about not letting anyone use

poverty as an excuse!


Reflections from Day One

I enjoyed sharing time. Thanks!


Reflections from Day One

Loved how Pearl CARED enough and understood the power of doing what was best in banning the parent to bring her around to the point of involvement in

the school. That’s an unconventional way of gaining parental involvement.


Reflections from Day One

I loved meeting and sharing common problems, hurdles with others from different states.


Reflections from Day One

Love the focus on job embedded professional learning and need to leave old concept of

professional development

Wonder – taking transformational professional learning to scale proves difficult. How can states continue to leverage resources. Collaboration!

Hit me- without a focus on professional learning standards, other standards are obsolete.


Reflections from Day One

Effective professional learning requires that participants be engaged and desire to do better.

What hit me HARD is that we have placed where this engagement and desire is NOT there (for principals

or teachers) and we don’t have capacity/resources to replace them. So how do we change things up?


Reflections from Day One

During the principal panel, there was a great comment when Philip explained the impact of his school parade. He followed

up with it is a little thing. I’ve been asked questions like “what are you doing to improve your school to get such high test scores? IT is hard to answer that question because the

answer is a lot of little things. I won’t even hold a school parade but it is ideas like that that build school culture, build

community and lead towards school improvement. I don’t have to replicate his ideas but I do need to look at the little

things that can be done. When those things are all put together, big things can happen.


Reflections on Day Two

What can CCSSO/Learning Forward Do to Continue to Support States in this Work?

More resources are desired on implementing the Common Core

More Resources

Resources for a leader toolkit


Reflections on Day Two

What can CCSSO/Learning Forward Do to Continue to Support States in this Work?

More opportunities to meet together and discuss leader effectiveness

More opportunities for role-alike discussion

Strategies for creating a system of leader development and support


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