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Reflexology and Marketing of it


Dr Bryan Hawley

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copy right 2010 Dr Bryan Hawley

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TOP 9 Myths of Reflexology

1. Don’t do Pregnant Women

This is untrue. However I would get a referral for someone with an unstable


Under normal circumstances Reflexology and help restore and maintain

homeostasis throughout pregnancy.

2. No Babies Allowed!

Reflexology is really safe for everyone including babies. We are all creatures

of energy and even babies have channels that get blocked or disrupted.

Especially those that have had complicated births. Usually babies and

children respond rather quickly due to the disruption not being able to build

up over years like it can in adults.

Colic and other illnesses have been known to respond rather well.

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3. Diabetic people cannot have Reflexology

Unless there is open wounds and ulcers people with diabetes can

get relief from organ stimulation and other benefits from

reflexology. When working with a diabetic most practitioners

usually make sure that the client is well nourished prior to

receiving a treatment and also keeps juice and or crackers on

hand for after sessions. This should be true with any form or

massage and diabetics.

4. Reflexology only deals with the feet

Definitely not true. Feet, ears, and hands all play a role in

reflexology. There are many “circuit board centers” located on

our bodies that can stimulate organs and energy flow. Not just

the feet.

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5. Needles and other instruments are used in reflexology

Again not true. The hands are the main tools used. The reflexologist has to

develop a tactile sense to determine which areas are blocked and also know

how do deliver just the right amount of pressure for each area. There is also

said to be an energy transference from the practitioners hands to the feet or

other areas being worked. This transference helps guide the energy of the

client and unblock channels.

6. Don’t do it if you are ticklish

Funny but not true either. The practitioner will use just the right amount of

pressure so as not to induce pain or tickle. Also when first starting there will

usually be broad strokes and initially just hands holding the feet so as to

desensitize the area and get the client used to being worked on.

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7. If I stand on my feet all day on concrete reflexology is not going to work on


If this is the case then you should definitely see a reflexologist and have your

feet worked on. If not just for local stimulation of blood flow and muscle relief

the lower limb channels for energy and blood flow are more than likely blocked

or impeded. A reflexology session on those “tired dogs” can really help

8. Reflexology is all myth

This form of treatment has been around long before “modern scientific

medicine” and has stood the test of time. There is deeper innate healing and

connections happening that we don’t fully understand. That doesn’t mean it is a


9. Reflexology should not cause pain

True and false. The goal is to cause stimulation of organs and systems and

unblock any energy channels. Sometimes when unblocking a point that has been

clogged for a long time there can be a little discomfort. But it will quickly

subside when it is released.

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The origins of Reflexology evidently reach back to ancient

Egypt as evidenced by inscriptions found in the

physician’s tomb at Saqqara in Egypt. The translation of

the hieroglyphics are as follows: "Don’t hurt me." The

practitioner’s reply:- " I shall act so you praise me. "

In the early 1900s Dr. William Fitzgerald published several articles he had written and termed

“zone analgesia”. He and Dr. Bowers co wrote a book entitled “Relieving Pain At Home” in 1917

He called his work Zone Analgesia where pressure was applied to the corresponding bony

eminence or to the zones corresponding to the location of the injury. He also used pressure

points on the tongue, palate and the back of the pharynx wall in order to achieve the desired

result of pain relief or analgesia. He made use of the following tools: elastic bands, clothes

pegs and aluminum combs, on the hands, surgical clamps for the tongue, nasal probes and a

regular palpebral retractor for the pharynx, He was responsible for formulating the first chart

on the longitudinal zones of the body

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Eunice D. Ingham, a Physical Therapist, worked closely

with Dr. Riley and was fascinated by the concept of Zone

Therapy and started developing her foot reflex theory in

the early 1930's. She had the opportunity to treat

hundreds of patients where each reflex point of contact

had been carefully and thoughtfully checked and

rechecked until with all confidence she was able to

determine that the reflexes on the feet were an exact

mirror image of the organs of the body. Dr. Riley

encouraged her to write her first book entitled "Stories The

Feet Can Tell" where she documented her cases and

carefully mapped out the reflexes on the feet as we know

them today.

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Keep in mind, even though Reflexology (or Zone

Analgesia) was first brought to the Western Limelight

by the medical community it has for the most part yet

to become scientifically validated

However in clinical cases individuals swear by it, and

actually strongly insist that reflexology is solely

responsible for reducing imbalances and blockages

resulting from chronic illness.

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A lot of clinical subjects have noted

that once the detoxification process

starts during the reflexology session,

sometimes they can feel slight

discomfort, emotional mood swings,

body temperature changes, and even

lethargy just to name a few.

Keep in mind this is similar to reports

when doing a general body detox.

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Reflexology is based off the theory of the body’s

Innate ability to heal itself. Many professions

Osteopathic, Chiropractic, Naturopathy and others

have similar beliefs.

This Innate ability is governed and regulated by

the body’s energy, chi, life force etc.

Reflexology is based off the principle that there

are 10 longitudinal lines (5 ea. foot) called Reflex

zones. These link the body’s energy pathways and

reflect upon all corresponding body parts and


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There are also 4

Transverse lines on each

foot, further dividing the

body into 4 quadrants.

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This is the body’s natural state, to be in a state

of homeostasis.

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When one speaks of Reflexology

the natural tendency is to think

of FEET.

Now if you really think about it

each foot has

: Over 7000 nerve endings

: 107 ligaments on average

: 26 individually movable bones

: 19 Separate muscles that

govern over 1000 different

coordinated movement


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According to the principles of

reflexology the feet

represent every organ and

every body part.

Some basic facts:

Lungs are on each foot

Kidneys on each foot

Liver is on the R foot

Heart is on the L foot

In fact most of the entire R

side of the body is

represented on the R foot

Likewise the L side is on the L


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Which part of the Thumb to use

1. Put your hands palm together in front of your face and look at the tops of your thumbs

2. Roll thumbs together at the top slightly so the nails are just touching

3. Feel the part of your thumbs where they are touching each other just on the inside at the top.

This is the part of the thumb to use when thumb walking,

the inside edge of the very top of your thumbs

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Thumb Walking Technique

1. Hold a pen or similar shaped object with one hand

2. With the other hand, put your thumb on the pen touching it with the part of the thumb described in the previous slide

3. Bend your thumb at the distal joint

4. Now without moving anything else, simply straighten your thumb making sure that it stays in contact with the pen and slides on the pen.

You will notice two things- your thumb crept slightly forward- you are now able to apply a little bit of pressure

with the part of your thumb that is touching the penrepeat; Bend, unbend, bend, unbend

Interphalangeal joint

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Keep in mind that some people will like a lot of pressure with your thumb

Some won’t but don’t go too light because then you may end up tickling them.

Try and find a happy medium where the client can simply relax and have the

treatment still be effective.

Look for the 3 G’s as well

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Getting a baseline for the energetic


Start by simply holding the persons

hands for feet gently but firmly before

you begin.

Note what you see and feel and what

gut impressions are telling you.

At the end of your sessions you may

repeat this as a final sense of “clearing”

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Normally start Thumb

walking from medial heel

to medial toe

Spine of the foot.

Across toes Big to small

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The best way to position yourself and the person set to receive reflexology, is to sit across a table from them with a towel under their hands/ wrists for comfort.

Every reflexology treatment begins

with a relaxation exercise.

The relaxation exercise sets the tone of

the treatment as relaxing and helps to

soothe the muscles before you get into a

therapeutic deeper massage of the


Start with palms side upBegin with Fingers, thumb first gentle rolling and passive joint movements

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Hand reflexology uses a completely different technique to foot reflexology.

Hands are very flexible and the reflexes are much deeper under the skin which means you need to reach deeper and hold for longer to stimulate a hand

reflexology point.

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Starting with the right foot or hand (as many do), since most of us

are “righties” (meaning right-handed), it’s this side of the body that

often holds the most tension. So, why not start of the side that

may need the most attention?

In Indian and Asian healing practices, the right-side of the body

represents the yang energies, the masculine, the outward

reaching, the upward moving.

And, the left side of the body represents the denser yin

energy, the feminine, the inward and downward moving.

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Usually most practitioners start off with hitting the Meridian points first

Meridian points on the hands are:Lung MeridianColon/ Large Intestine MeridianHeart Constrictor MeridianTriple Burner Meridian

Triple Burner Meridian


Small intestine

Heart Constrictor

Colon/Lg intestine


NOTE: "the triple burner is not exactly an organ, but a relationship between a number of organs.."

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The fingers represent everything from your neck up. It represents the glands, brain, skull, facial skin, ears, hearing and sight...

Much like the toes represent the same areas. The difference between doing reflexology on the toes and fingers is that the fingers offer a greater area to do reflexology on. The fingers are a bigger version of the toes, like the toes have

been "zoomed in" on.

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People that should not under any circumstance receive

reflexology include anyone with the following

•Deep vein thrombosis•Thromboplebitis•Cellulite on the feet or legs•Acute infection with high temperature•Stroke- in the first two weeks•An unstable pregnancy

Always thoroughly check the foot, hand, face or ear before

ever doing reflexology.Look for bruises, cuts, swelling, blisters, infections anything

contagious or painful to touchThings like these mean you should definitely not do reflexology on that area of the body. Ex bruised foot or ankle- no foot reflexology.

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Marketing Your


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So what is the goal of FB advertising

First goal is to actually get them OFF FACEBOOK and onto our

website or fanpage

Create a pos ROI (ROI can be $ in the door, patients, website

hits, phone calls, whatever your business is needing to grow)

Gain your office instant social visibility.

Casting your net wide will get in front of literally thousands in

your local area to direct them to your website and or fan page

Provide a low cost venue for getting the word out of what you

do to as many potential customers as possible

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FB Retargeting Ads

Ads that get the audiences attention and funnels them to your

Website or Email opt in list

In Marketing the old addage holds true

The average customer still needs to see 7-8 points of contact

before they will do business with you.

This is where strategic retargeting comes into play

You can also retarget to “old clients” and add them to a separate

email list.

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Headache image that is happy and at peace that has healed their HA converts

a looker to a phone call or website click more than a negative one of someone

holding their head in agony.

Pets with kids

Happy ones

Nature images work well too


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Notes and recording will be sent out


Certificates will be emailed

1 week out


All presented tonight is based off OUR OWN

CLINIC system

Email ([email protected])

Lets begin

copy right 2010 Dr Bryan Hawley

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