Page 1: REGIONAL YOUTH COUNCIL [CHRISTIAN CHURCH IN … · 2015. 11. 17. · During the RYC Summer Retreat in August of this year, the group was challenged to write this devotional booklet

Go See What God Has Made Known . . .



A Devotional for Advent

Page 2: REGIONAL YOUTH COUNCIL [CHRISTIAN CHURCH IN … · 2015. 11. 17. · During the RYC Summer Retreat in August of this year, the group was challenged to write this devotional booklet


The Regional Youth Council [RYC] is made up of youth and adults from our congregations. The RYC gives their talent and time. They are the Region’s youth group.

The RYC serves to:

•Represent the children and youth in our congregations within the Region’s structure;

•Plan and lead retreats that support the mission of the Commission with Children, Youth, and Young Adults: to teach the language of faith and the practice of Christianity for the Church today and tomorrow;

• Set an example of servant leadership and life-long learning;

• Be a witness that intentional Christian community is messy, hard work that embraces a diversity of humanity and human experience that is blessed by God and called, “good;”

• Participate in the mission of the Region: to be a portal to provocative faith in action;

• Proclaim the good news of God through study, worship, service, prayer, and play, when the Region is gathered and in their living.


During the RYC Summer Retreat in August of this year, the group was challenged to write this devotional booklet. Michael asked RYC to reflect on the traditional themes of Advent: hope, peace, joy, and love. He asked those willing to write about how each theme has been made known to them, and how RYC members live out each theme. A further question was, “Are these traditional themes still relevant today?”

So, the Regional Youth Council set out to create a devotional that drew on their own experience and their current interpretation of scripture, as a way to help others journey to Bethlehem, again, maybe a bit more awake to the rhythm of hope, peace, joy, and love that persons experience and participate in each day.

Page 3: REGIONAL YOUTH COUNCIL [CHRISTIAN CHURCH IN … · 2015. 11. 17. · During the RYC Summer Retreat in August of this year, the group was challenged to write this devotional booklet

Not all members of RYC wrote for this devotional, but all are included in the introduction so you can meet the church today. This devotional is organized by theme with some weeks having more readings than others.

Regional Youth Council


Emily Angleton is a junior at Enid High School. She is a member of Central Christian Church in Enid, and this is her first year on Regional Youth Council.

Payden Arnold is a member of First Presbyterian / Christian Church in Pryor. This is her first year on Regional Youth Council.

Avery Bennett is a new member of Regional Youth Council. She is a senior at Bartlesville High School and has attended Disciples Christian Church in Bartlesville for over 10 years. Aside from spending time on both the Regional and General Youth Council, she is active playing sports (swimming, cross country, tennis) and enjoys all things team oriented.

Brenna Bushman is a senior in high school and in her second year on Regional Youth Council. She is a member of Central Christian Church in Enid. Her two favorite things are music and church camp.

Hunter Evans is a member of Central Christian Church in Enid. He served on the congregation’s search committee for a new Sr. Minister. This is his first year on Regional Youth Council.

Sami Frame is a junior at Cashion High School, and an Executive Officer of the Regional Youth Council. She loves coffee shops, Jesus, the mountains, and helping people with special needs. She plans to follow a call into ministry.

Aanika Jordan Gillett attends Western Oaks Christian Church in Oklahoma City. She is a junior at Harding Fine Arts Academy and this is her first year on Regional Youth Council.

Elizabeth Haskins is a new member of Regional Youth Council. She is days away from being 17 years old, is a junior at Rush Springs High School, and is a member of First Christian Church in Chickashsa. She enjoys dance, playing the saxophone, and everything about Christmas.


Page 4: REGIONAL YOUTH COUNCIL [CHRISTIAN CHURCH IN … · 2015. 11. 17. · During the RYC Summer Retreat in August of this year, the group was challenged to write this devotional booklet

William McCurley is a member of First Christian Church in Cyril. His hobbies include eating, sleeping, playing the ukulele, and reading. This is his first year on Regional Youth Council.

Abigail Peters is a member of First Christian Church in Duncan. She spends time reading, listening to music, and watching movies with her family. This is her first year on Regional Youth Council.

Payton Pierce is a senior at Classen School for Advanced Studies. She is member of Crown Heights Christian Church and is an Executive Officer of the Regional Youth Council.

Nicholas Rinehart is a senior at El Reno High School. He is a member of First Christian Church in El Reno. This is his first year on Regional Youth Council.

Nathan Roberts is a member of First Christian Church in Sulphur. He enjoys his motorcycle and playing guitar.

Emilee Sharp is a new member of Regional Youth Council. She is a member of First Christian Church in Yukon.

Jenny Swinton is a new member of Regional Youth Council. She is a member of Crown Heights Christian Church.

Zoe White is a new member of Regional Youth Council. She is a member of First Christian Church in Claremore.

Justin Whitfield is a new member of Regional Youth Council. He is a member of First Christian Church in Sulphur.

Alex Wright is a senior at Piedmont High School. She is a member of New Covenant Christian Church in Oklahoma City.


Pastor Travis Carlson is the youth minister at First Christian Church in Cyril. He enjoys his family and all things geeky.

Rev. Anna Hubbard is the Sr Minister at First Christian / Presbyterian Church in Pryor. Anna is a graduate of Phillips Theological Seminary. She is married to Travis and enjoys being an Aunt.

Ish Engle is a member at First Christian Church in Cushing. He is a long time camp counselor and an accomplished magician.


Page 5: REGIONAL YOUTH COUNCIL [CHRISTIAN CHURCH IN … · 2015. 11. 17. · During the RYC Summer Retreat in August of this year, the group was challenged to write this devotional booklet

Pastor Drew Kirtley is Assistant Minister to the Youth at First Christian Church in Duncan. He and his wife, Meghan, are new parents of Keely Jane.

Pastor John Wheeler is the youth minister at Central Christian Church in Enid. He is completing his MDiv at Phillips Theological Seminary. John is married to Sally, and they have two children, Luke and Chloe.

Rev. Michael Davison is one of our Associate Regional Ministers. He joined the Regional staff in August 2010. He organizes the Region’s Outdoor Ministry, resources and works with Regional Youth Council, guides the work of the Commission with Children, Youth, and Young Adults, and supports the adults that serve our children, youth, and young adults with resources, guidance, conversation, and education to do this missional ministry that is vital and alive.

Thank you for supporting missional ministry with children and youth in your community, and through the covenant we call the Christian Church in Oklahoma.


Page 6: REGIONAL YOUTH COUNCIL [CHRISTIAN CHURCH IN … · 2015. 11. 17. · During the RYC Summer Retreat in August of this year, the group was challenged to write this devotional booklet

Hope(noun)1. the feeling that what is wanted can be had or that events will turn out for the best;

2. a person or thing in which expectations are centered;

(verb)3. to look forward to with desire and reasonable confidence;

4. to believe, desire, or trust.

"hope." Unabridged. Random House, Inc. 12 Nov. 2015. <Dictionary.com>.

Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. Blessed are the merciful, for they will receive mercy.Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Matthew 5:3-11

Page 7: REGIONAL YOUTH COUNCIL [CHRISTIAN CHURCH IN … · 2015. 11. 17. · During the RYC Summer Retreat in August of this year, the group was challenged to write this devotional booklet

Hope is usually something everyone believes in. To not have hope is like saying that you don't have any humanity. Humanity and hope are two very important that you should always have in life or in any kind of situation. For me, hope is one of the things that drives me the most in my life. I believe that a lot of what we do is driven from hope.

Something that I've seen is the people that try to help our improve the world tend to have a lot of hope. Usually where I find the most hope is in teenagers, children, and musicians. So to some it up, hope is a very quintessential emotion to have. - Justin

I feel as though the act of hoping is deceivingly easy; it is easy to hope for something, but there is always a chance that nothing will actually come from it. Things I tend to hope for include: 1) hoping that there will be no homework 2) hoping that swim practice will be easy that day, and 3) hoping that I get accepted into my college of choice. Oh, and of course hoping that Donald Trump does not get elected. But seriously, what’s the point of hoping besides to ease our consciences? Well, if I have taken away anything from being a Christian, it would be the fact that Christianity is based almost solely upon faith and having hope- a critical skill we are called to work on every day. It is the absolute coolest thing ever to know that my God has a plan for my life! It is certainly not easy to put so much faith into something so seemingly uncertain (as it should be), however a neat little verse called 1 Peter 5:7 says, “Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you”- and I find this to be super satisfying! So if it takes more than just hope to hope, what can be done to exemplify it? First, I strongly suggest praying to God, especially through rough times- He will take care of the things we can’t! Also, when I feel sort of in a funk, to remember and hope that life will get better and easier in time- because it will. Furthermore, always hope for the best and nothing less- positivity can give us nothing but confidence and further trumps any doubt. I can only hope that my take on hope encourages you to hope completely and continuously! - Avery

The beginning of the Christmas season is referred to as Advent. There are four proceeding Sundays that lead up to Advent. Each Sunday a candle is lit. Those candles symbolize hope, peace, love, and joy. In Advent, hope may symbolize many things. Hope is defined as a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen, a time of reflection. During Advent we reflect on God’s promises to us. Hope during the season of Advent to me is having hope that Christ will resurrect again. We have hope that God will continue to be faithful to us and will keep the promises he made to us. - Emily A


Page 8: REGIONAL YOUTH COUNCIL [CHRISTIAN CHURCH IN … · 2015. 11. 17. · During the RYC Summer Retreat in August of this year, the group was challenged to write this devotional booklet

When I think of hope I think of the song, “Somewhere Over the Rainbow,” it portrays hope for a better tomorrow. The lyrics, “Someday I'll wish upon a star, wake up where the clouds are far behind me. Where trouble melts like lemon drops, high above the chimney tops. That's where you'll find me.”

Hope is very important for a person’s spiritual survival. Even the most fantastic lives are full of great loss and broken hearts but it the the presence of hope that makes the lives so fantastic. My experience has been that there is, surprisingly, always hope. Hope can come in many different forms, it could be a friend constantly feeding you kind words, or it could be as simple as spotting a rainbow after a nasty storm. I try to bring hope to those around me by reminding them of the bright side in life.

The Bible verse, Romans 8:18 encapsulates the idea that spawns from hope. It says, “I am sure that what we are suffering now cannot compare with the glory that will be shown to us.” This is my favorite verse, it is a good reminder of how everything that happens, and everything we go through as people will all be worth it because God has something great planned for our future.

May you feel hope today, no matter where you are in life and may you spread hope to those around you. For better days are coming and all will want to be there to experience it. - Abigail

People hope for a lot of things. Gifts, no school, being accepted, courage, and countless other things. They hope for these things because it’s either what they want or need. Their importance depends on the person and their situation. I’ve hoped for many things to happen in my life, more recently than anytime before. And what I’ve learned is that no matter how much you hope for something to happen, it’s not always going to. I’ve also learned something else, though. When things don’t go the way you were hoping, if you look around, there are people there for you. People that care for you and know when something is wrong. Those people that will be there for when you have no hope. And these people will love you and show you a new hope.

As Christians, we can be that person that cares and helps them with what they’re dealing with. No matter how small we think it might be, we need to remember what feels like to be in their spot. We should bring them back up and show them something that would make them feel hopeful. It might just take a couple of words or it may take a whole day out showing them a good time. Whatever makes them feel better, just keep doing it.

Some people need something to hope for. Something that will keep them going when life just gets bad out of nowhere. Because that sliver of hope might be what’s getting them through the day. We need to help them when they’re dealing with stuff. Provide a hope through Christ. Show them what he’s done in other people’s lives and allow them to see everything that he has done as a whole. If somebody has lost hope, we should show something else to be hopeful for. - William


Page 9: REGIONAL YOUTH COUNCIL [CHRISTIAN CHURCH IN … · 2015. 11. 17. · During the RYC Summer Retreat in August of this year, the group was challenged to write this devotional booklet

The meaning of hope is a strong desire for a certain thing to happen. Hope is a very powerful four letter word. I see people who hope things will happen. I see hope in the advent season, we hope and anticipate the birth of Jesus Christ. Hope keeps us strong in the midst of the storm our anchor is hope. When we are down and it seems like everything is against us sometimes all we have is our faith and we can only hope that it will turn out for the best. I see and feel hope fully in the advent season.

I'm hopeful and trusting that God will always be there for me and for all of us. - Zoe

With the themes of Advent I can be an example by living hopeful, I hope for the best in every situation. Hope is a sense of trust, one thing of living and being with God is having trust in him. You can put your trust in God for every situation. Having trust in something can let you be at peace with your situations. - Alex

Hope is what drives everyone to success and to go on in life. Every biblical prophet had some form of hope. Hope that life will get better, hope that the Christ would come soon, hope that they would have the strength to overcome some tribulation. In the past biblical times to the first world problems we face in this day and age, we all rely on some form of hope. Now, while some people have too much hope, other people give up hope. Where we become an example of hope and live like Christ is when we find the balance and peace in the middle. We can have hope and faith that God has our future in God's hands, but we do not need to get our hopes up too high. We must realize that the world is not perfect, our lives won't end up perfect, so if we get our hopes up too much we are setting ourselves up for disappointment. Our lives are for the Creator to decide what happens. However, we can not give up hope. We must possess the faith and hope that in our Loving God we will find peace and salvation. Although life might be rough right now, although life might not be going exactly how we have planned for it to be, we mustn't give up hope. Our God is greater than the world, our God overcomes and secedes our small tribulations we face, and our God is worthy of our faith and hope. - Hunter

“Hope is important because it can make the present moment less difficult to bear. If we believe that tomorrow will be better, we can bear a hardship today.” Thich Nhat Hanh

Why were we created to need that sense of expectancy? Why do have that need to go on that journey yet again to the stable? These are a couple of the questions I ponder sitting away from the hustle and bustle of this very busy season.


Page 10: REGIONAL YOUTH COUNCIL [CHRISTIAN CHURCH IN … · 2015. 11. 17. · During the RYC Summer Retreat in August of this year, the group was challenged to write this devotional booklet

I remember waiting for Christmas to get here counting down the rings of the pale colored construction paper stapled together in a chain over my bedroom door. I remember writing the letters to the mystical jolly elf, who because I was a good boy, would bring me gifts. That is where my hope was many seasons ago.

As I look now, the sense of hope as changed for me. I identify with the different characters of the Bible story.

What about the expectant mother so nervous about what is coming in the next few days? Will my baby be safe? How do I know what to do with a child? How will people see me differently? That is what I see in the face of mothers around the world and in my own partner in life as our two children were born.

What about the man, being called to take his pregnant wife on a journey while she was so close to her time to give birth? Where would they stay? What if the baby came, and there was no one able to give assistance? When I see a parent struggling to make ends meet, or trying to keep their child safe in a world of uncertainty, or when I look on the face of worry, and see somewhere a glimmer of something better for their child. That is hope.

We were given hope in the Bible story as all the world was blessed by a child. Remember? People came from all around to see and be in awe of the child.

I feel that has been given to us, so we can expect that miracle. We can be that change for good in a world that sometimes offers little hope. I encourage you to take a chance step out and make a difference. As that small child came and changed the world, so can you. - Travis

I was eight years old, and for Christmas that year - more than anything - I hoped for an American Girl Doll. Not just any American Girl Doll, but specifically the Kit doll would fulfill all my wildest longings. I must have put every ad we received in the mail right where my mom could see it, opened directly Kit’s page. When Christmas morning finally arrived, and the time came to tear into the perfectly wrapped gifts under the tree, I was ecstatic when I unwrapped my long expected present. It fulfilled every hope, dream, and desire my little eight year old self could wish for; it was everything superficial. Unfortunately though, my doll did not solve any large scale world problems. It could not solve world hunger, bring world peace, let alone, do my chores at home. My doll did not, and never can, come close to the authentic hope Jesus’s birth brings to the world. Jesus brought the kind of large scale hope that saves nations, but also the individual hope that saves each longing heart. Matthew 12:21, says “In His name the nations will put their hope.” Eventually, I outgrew my doll, but the great thing about the hope Jesus brought us, is that it’s not something people can outgrow. Hope is defined in Webster’s dictionary numerous times, but I think the definition that best suits the hope


Page 11: REGIONAL YOUTH COUNCIL [CHRISTIAN CHURCH IN … · 2015. 11. 17. · During the RYC Summer Retreat in August of this year, the group was challenged to write this devotional booklet

Jesus brings to the world is, “someone or something that may be able to provide help.” That being said, hope is something you could give someone this Christmas season. Whether it be tossing some change in the red kettle, volunteering at your local soup kitchen, or donating food to the local food bank, you could give someone a small ray of the same kind of hope Jesus brings to the world. After all, it was Jesus - not Santa Claus - who brought hope for the past, present, and most importantly, the future. - Elizabeth

This theme of Advent hits me hard because of what I have lived through. I had a very rough childhood and I literally had to hope things would get better. It go so bad at some points that I just wanted the day to be over. Hope is one of my favorite themes because everyone hopes for something at some point whether its for a Christmas present, or a meal, or for just someone to notice them and care for them. I want to be the answer to some people’s prayers. I want to be able to make someone happy and to just all around change their lives. I can be an example of hope by showing others that it always gets better, that there is always another day. I want to give people hope that things will get better, that things won’t always be down hill. One day, it will get better. Maybe not tomorrow and maybe not the next day, but it will. I want to give people something to look forward too. I have overcome a lot of things to be in the position I’m in and I have not one else but God to thank for that. God put something in me to keep pushing and not give up even when it was hard. That something was hope. I had a feeling that I was being tested and that I had something to look forward too. I want others to have that same feeling. - Nathan

I can be an example of hope by telling others my story. I was born with small knee caps that went out of place and have low muscle tone, and because of this I have had to have three knee surgeries. My therapists, doctor, and nurses have encouraged me and given me hope through my surgeries and my recuperation. I like to spread hope by telling people my stories and tell them if there is a will there is a way. Hope has meant that I never give up, even if I am having the worst day. - Aanika

Jesus was a living testimony of hope. The messiah gave hope to his people when he was born. He healed many ill, diseased, and hopeless peoples. He gave the woman at the well hope that she was in fact loved by someone, the Son of God, and that she, a divorced Samaritan woman, could be an instrument to reach more followers. He gave hope to the woman caught in adultery when he, a sinless being, did not throw a stone and forgave her. He gave hope to those burdened with religious rules and laws when he personally taught that that love was the most pure law. He gave hope to his disciples when he calmed the stormy waters, literally


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and figuratively. Jesus was beaten, mocked and crucified. He clothed himself in our hopelessness and bore our burdens and sins so that he could clothe us in his righteous hope when came back to life. His love continues to be light of hope to our broken world.

How can we be a living example of hope to a lost world we live in? We let our hearts be a reflection of Christ. We soak up his teachings to preach his hope by our actions. We can give Christ’s hope by taking the time to talk to homeless man on the street. The cans of vegetables we donate in the local food drive may give hope to hungry family. ”The spirit of the Lord is upon me, for he has anointed me to bring good news to the poor...”Luke 4:18. Forgiving the person who broke our trust fills them with hope that they aren’t too far gone. Now, however it is time to forgive and comfort him. Otherwise he may become overcome with discouragement. 2 Corinthians 2:7. Small compliments that may seem insignificant can start a message of hope and reassure value. So encourage each other and build each other up, Just as you are already doing. 1 Thessalonians 5:11. When the weight of the world is on our shoulders and our spirit is crushed we can look towards the Lord’s joy and radiate hope that even in our darkest hour God brings us through. Yet what we suffer now is nothing compared to the glory he will reveal to us later. Romans 8:18

I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13 - Sami


Page 13: REGIONAL YOUTH COUNCIL [CHRISTIAN CHURCH IN … · 2015. 11. 17. · During the RYC Summer Retreat in August of this year, the group was challenged to write this devotional booklet

Peace(noun)1. the normal, nonwarring condition of a nation, group of nations, or

the world;

2. a state of mutual harmony between people or groups, especially in personal relations;

3. a state of tranquillity or serenity;

(interjection)4. used to express greeting or farewell or to reuest quietness or silence.

(verb)5. to be or become silent.

"peace." Unabridged. Random House, Inc. 12 Nov. 2015. <Dictionary.com>.

We shall overcome, we shall overcome,We shall overcome someday;Oh, deep in my heart, I do believe, We shall overcome someday.

We shall live in peace, we shall live in peace,We shall live in peace someday;Oh, deep in my heart, I do believe,We shall live in peace someday.

“We Shall Overcome,” by Louise Shropshire based on lyrics of “If My Jesus Wills,” (1950).

Page 14: REGIONAL YOUTH COUNCIL [CHRISTIAN CHURCH IN … · 2015. 11. 17. · During the RYC Summer Retreat in August of this year, the group was challenged to write this devotional booklet

When I was younger and my little sister had just been born she hated car rides, absolutely hated them. She screamed and cried every time we got in the car. One day we were driving down the road and “Don’t Know Why” by Norah Jones started playing and she immediately stopped crying. We had found the secret to a happy baby, the sweet melodies of Norah Jones. Most songs would work, but Don’t Know Why was always the one that could basically sedate her. The words don’t have any specific peaceful meaning just the melody and the general ambience the that the song gives off still to this day, makes everyone in my family calm down a little bit. Like Norah Jones’s voice, a relationship with God can bring peace even when you don’t feel very peaceful. Philippians 4:6-7 says,“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Fully relying on God is a great way to feel wrapped in peace, it does not matter what you are worrying about because God will always be there to help you regain the inner-peace we all desire in life. - Abigail

It’s such a wonderful feeling. Peace, that is. When you can sit and do whatever without worrying about anything is, like, the best thing ever. Sadly, to achieve this feeling is not as easy I would like it to be. Goodness, that would be amazing! But no, it doesn’t work like that. Being at peace or having peace in your life, can have a lot to do with your environment. This can be anywhere from the books you read to the people you surround yourself with. The things and people around you can have negative and positive affects on your life. Because, I mean, if the people you consider close to you don’t think how something they say or do may impact you, then do they care? I know that sounds harsh, but you gotta think about that stuff. And with the activities you participate in, they may be fun in the moment; but what happens afterwards? Are they truly good for you?

So, now that I have you thinking about that, are you producing a positive influence in someone’s life? Would what you just said or did hurt someone? I’m not saying to center everything you do around everybody else, but if you’re having a conversation with someone, be careful of what you say. And maybe you’re not being that bad influence. But if you see that someone does have something that’s keeping down, you need to help them break away from that negativity. There are thing in people’s lives that just make them constantly worry or not settle right with them. Helping them with what they are going through can help them with what they’re going through. It could help them get a burden of their shoulders that’s just been holding them down for a long time. Once this weight is gone though, they’ll feel so much better, allowing them to achieve that peace. - William


Page 15: REGIONAL YOUTH COUNCIL [CHRISTIAN CHURCH IN … · 2015. 11. 17. · During the RYC Summer Retreat in August of this year, the group was challenged to write this devotional booklet

Peace is the freedom from disturbance; quiet and tranquility. I feel peace in nature and quiet (hence “peace and quiet”). Peace is an amazing feeling that is why it is one of the fruits of the Spirit. Peace isn’t an easy acquired feeling and not everyone feels peace every single day.Peace is sometime the “calm before the storm,” and sometimes peace is constant. Peace is a beautiful thing and is sometimes taken for granted. Advent is a time we seek peace so we will be ready for the celebration of the birth of Jesus. - Zoe

Peace has always been a interesting subject for me to talk about. I was never really a peaceful person at all when I was little. I usually got into fights a lot as a kid. Peace was a difficult thing for me to understand as a child. I would always have to be causing some kind of mischief.

I didn't have peace until I found Jesus. I would have to say that when I found Jesus I felt entirely different. The peace I was true and honest. I knew that Jesus was the only person that could give me true peace. So peace has been a really different experience for me and I feel that if you know you are loved by Jesus, you have a true sense of peace. - Justin

The second Sunday of Advent is peace. Peace, to me is defined as quiet and calming, no violence. However the biblical definition of peace differs from the English definition. My biblical definition of peace is tranquility, harmony, security, and well-being. During the Advent season Jesus’s peace is used to transform our bad thoughts and fear, to keep us grounded and to give us security that he is with us. Peace gives me a sense of hope as well, knowing that Jesus is right there with us and here to help. This week also gives you the chance to reflect on yourself, to find it in yourself to be at peace with Christ and the people around you. - Emily A

I have always considered myself somewhat of a peacemaker, mostly because arguing tends to make me extremely uncomfortable. Don’t get me wrong- I’m always up for a good debate concerning whatever topic I feel strongly enough about to defend- but it’s when the discussion reaches a too heated or personable level that I tend to throw in the towel. Sometimes though, I really struggle with making peace, and it normally comes in the form of a petty argument between me and my mom or brother; threats concerning dirty laundry, unfinished homework, or whose turn it is to watch Netflix on the big TV usually puts me in an anything but peaceful mood. However, I find that my biggest struggle isn’t making peace, but finding it. It’s certainly not something we prioritize in our “go-go-go” culture- from 5:50am workout, school, after school athletics, club meetings, homework and to the thing teenagers are especially deprived of, SLEEP- it can all get a little too much, can’t it? Well, in order to exemplify peace, I think one must first find it in a daily practice. It may not be much, but peace can be found in a variety of forms: exercise, music, napping,


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prayer, reading, or even a cup of coffee- remind your body that amidst your hectic schedule, everything’s going to be alright. The next step is being able to share your peace with others. This doesn’t mean you have to walk around in all white and constantly talk in a soft voice; it just means that you have to sometimes agree to disagree with people. Peacemaking is not a translation of giving up or giving in- rather, it is understanding all sides of an issue, and being able to take action that refrains from hurting others.

Peace be with you my friends. - Avery

Another theme of advent is peace, peace can mean so many different things. To me having peace in a situation can mean relieving stress off my shoulders. I try to be at peace with the decisions I've made and for the decisions I'm going to make in the future. It is not always easy and definitely takes time to be at peace with something fully. - Alex

Peace, in my mind, is the only way to succeed in life. Violence is never the answer. Violence causes more problems and solves none. Psalm 37:37 tells us that if we are people of peace, we have an ensured future. "Consider the blameless, observe the upright; there is a future for the man of Peace." If we practice violence rather than peace, we hurt more than ourselves. We can physically hurt ourselves, we can physically hurt others, we can mentally and emotionally damage ourselves as well as others. We can destroy our own futures, and we can destroy the futures of those around us. Peace promotes love and can do no harm. Peace is always the way. As Disciples of Christ, we should have no thoughts, or perform no deeds that don't promote peace and love. As we serve a God of Peace, we must represent God as so. We can not claim to worship the Prince of Peace, but turn around and go hurt someone physically or emotionally for any reason. Without the promotion and distribution of peace into the world, especially in a world that is so war-torn, full of violence, and lost as ours is, there's no way the living Body of Christ can exist. We must be people of peace, we must do everything in peace and in love, and we must do what we were called as Disciples of Christ to do if we want to keep the Body of Christ and God alive in this world. - Hunter

Many people are familiar with the hymn “It Is Well With My Soul”, but many do not know the full story behind the lyrics. The lyricist, Horatio Spafford, was a successful Chicago business man, when tragedy struck. As if losing all of his financial holdings in the 1871 Great Chicago Fire was not bad enough, Spafford lost all four of his daughters in a shipwreck crossing the Atlantic. While traveling a route eerily similar to the fateful route of his daughters, he was inspired to write the famous lyrics,


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“When peace like a river, attendeth my soul, When sorrows like sea billows roll;

Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to know,It is well, it is well, with my soul.”

I think an appropriate bible verse that correlates with this story is Philippians 4:7, “and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” Before Jesus, the Prince of Peace, came, our world did not have a firm grasp on the concept of this kind of peace. Unfortunately, some still do not today. It took a lot of courage to write those lyrics. Courage that seems quite similar to the peace that passes all understanding Paul was describing in his letter to the Philippians. As for how to find peace this holiday season, it is important to remember, even though it may seem cliche, the true reason for the season, Jesus’s birth. Through the hustle and bustle, find time to listen for that still small voice. - Elizabeth

It’s now just little past 7:30 am, and I am walking with three others up a gravel road to a place that might be strange to some people. The birds are chirping, the gnats buzzing, and the humidity is palpable in the air. I top a hill and see a cross jutting out of the ground that says (amazing enough) “Parking.” As my eyes adjust, a basketball court comes into view. To the casual observer, it looks like a concrete court like many you will find throughout the world, but on the court are some very strange scribbles.

We pause at the entrance of this labyrinth. We start down a winding path, one foot in front of another. With each step, I weave to and fro, losing myself. Soon, I find I’m leaving the world behind and letting the troubles of the past and future be released and taken away. I try to narrow my focus and pinpoint that one place in my soul where my hear God’s voice. The quiet veil is pierced as I commune with my creator. Thoughts and ideas flash through my head and an odd sensation comes over me. I have found my peace.

The Advent season is a journey through a labyrinth. This twists and turns, hustle and bustle, stress and strain of the season is enough to drive us into a place where we can’t find our way out. The neat idea of the Labyrinth is the way in is also the way out. We find ourselves going until we come to that peace in the center. We stay there a awhile and then make our way back into the world the same way in which we came. I can’t guarantee that your Advent season will be free of the monsters inside, but once you are centered they seem not to matter as much. - Travis


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Peace! Peace when described in the English language according to reads; a state of tranquility or quiet, freedom from oppressive thoughts and emotions, and interjectionally used to ask for silence or calm as a greeting or farewell. The angels in some translations of the Bible use the word “peace” to still the stirring shepherds, to quiet a quaking Joseph in a dream, and to settle the fears of a young, unwedded mother, Mary.

I use the word “peace” intentionally as my closing in my letters to people, because the small word carries with it so much weight. First it reminds us to live in tranquility. Paul demands in Romans 12:18, “If it is possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all.” It also stills the shepherds from running before the angel proclaims the message, imagine the scene where shepherds are so scared by this unnatural occurrence they fearfully run away. The word peace reminds us to not be afraid. Peace to me also is a symbol of freedom. Humanity was meant to live free as described in the creation story, where all things except the serpent, lived in harmony with everything else.

Isaiah speaks of Immanuel, God with us (Isa. 7:14), as a Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace (Isa. 9:6). Of course we know the rest of the story; we live on the later side of the prophecy. Jesus has come and changed our world in all kinds of ways. The lamb has bought our freedom, offered us tranquility, and given us no reason to fear.

Receive this blessing.

The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace. AMEN. - John

From our Chalice Hymnal, the song “When God Is a Child,” verse two reads, “Peace is a ribbon that circles the earth, giving a promise of safety and worth. When God is child there’s joy in song. The last shall be first and the weak shall be strong, and none shall be afraid.” My hope is that we can find peace in all the varied ways that God calls us to live. I pray we find peace in our lifetime. - Aanika

I see God’s peace in creation. The way a tree stands firm in faith but accepts visitors to find shelter under its branches. A tree grows with knowledge of those around it and gives life to all. That’s how I see the lord’s peace. We must have our trust in him to receive His peace. Jesus loved people from all walks of life and was always welcoming so we must welcome strangers and give


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them shelter. Welcoming others to rest in God’s peace. In welcoming strangers we learn to connect and accept people from diverse backgrounds, casting aside our differences and arguments to be in unity receiving Christ’s peace together in community. - Sami

In the hustle of shopping, black Friday’s, Cyber Monday’s and the stress of finding the perfect gift that hits the right note in 2015 it can feel like the stores are less holy day celebrations and more like battlefields of merchandise and aisles. These days we put a lot of pressure on ourselves to find that gift that was hinted to months ago. We become so engulfed in our quest for these gifts that we may become oblivious to the needs of others around us.

It would be easy to overlook the checker who had to miss half of Thanksgiving to get to work and assist shoppers that desired the best deals. Sure they’re getting their pay, but look for the smile in their eyes.

Look to your fellow shoppers waiting in line for that pallet to be opened at 4am. Are they feeling the peace, or is there hunger in their eyes? Desperation for the next biggest and best thing money can buy, because spending money we don’t have is supposed to fill the void in our lives.

Are there children in your midst? What are they learning in this mass of bodies, shuffling through carts and merchandise? Are these kids learning about the priorities of the almighty dollar, or the value of a good nights sleep?

Perhaps I am too critical and I accept that, I myself have been caught in the whirlwind of spending money on Black Friday. It is similar to the rush of an auction when you think just a few dollars more and that lot will be mine. The result for me is the same, a few dollars poorer and still voids to fill.

As we look for the arrival of the Christ, may we not forget the example Jesus led with, feed the hungry, heal the sick, love one another. We would do well to remember his words, “peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you. I do not give as the world gives, so do not let your hearts be troubled.” - John


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Joy(noun)1. the emotion of great delight or happiness caused by something

exceptionally good or satisfying; keen pleasure; elation;

2. the expression or display of glad feeling, festive gaiety;

(verb)3. to feel joy, be glad, rejoice.

"joy." Unabridged. Random House, Inc. 12 Nov. 2015. <Dictionary.com>.

This is the sound of all of usSinging with love and the will to trustLeave the rest behind it will turn to dustThis is the sound of all of us

This is the sound of one voiceOne people, one voiceA song for every one of usThis is the sound of one voiceThis is the sound of one voice

“One Voice,” The Wallin’ Jennys (2004).

Chandelle Hazen, “Joy,” 2008.

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Unlike the other four themes of Advent, I believe joy is a mindset, something you can choose to be. James 1:2 says, “Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance.” One winter, northern Oklahoma was hit with a bad ice storm, and two sets of people recounted their storm experiences in two completely different ways. In one case, an elderly couple was hosting the woman’s sister for an extended visit. Their version of events sounded like an extended slumber party. The other couple was out of power for only two days, and made it sound like the worst, most dreadful two days of their lives. It’s all about perspective. You can look at things with a joyful outlook, or a dreadful outlook. My best friend is a person who has the “perfect excuse” to have a sad disposition. In first grade she lost her dad in a tragic accident, and just this past summer, lost her sister after a long three year battle with cancer. Though everything, I have never seen her feel sorry for herself. I have seen her keep her head up, and take on the role of comforter to those around her. During the hardest of times she seems to shine the brightest. She has taught me a lot about perseverance, and put many things in perspective for me. Some people naturally find the joy of Christmas, while others struggle with the notion of a perfect Christmas. Jesus did not come into the world because we had perfectly wrapped gifts; Jesus came because it was God’s perfect plan for redemption from the beginning. Jesus did not come because we had the most charming Christmas cookies; Jesus came because God loved us so much. Jesus did not come because we had the perfect Christmas; Jesus came and it IS the perfect Christmas. So this Christmas, when your perfect Christmas does not go as planned, remember the perfect Christmas already happened two thousand years ago in a manger in Bethlehem. Then choose joy. - Elizabeth

Joy is a great feeling of pleasure and happiness. Joy is a fantastic emotion because what brings on people’s joy can be so different depending on the person you are talking to! For instance, cloudy skies and rain and bring one person so much joy while the same situation can bring a feeling of gloom to another. This scenario of joy is depicted in the musical “Singin in the rain,” Gene Kelly sings, “Let the stormy clouds chase everyone from the place. Come on with the rain, I've a smile on my face. I'll walk down the lane with a happy refrain, just singing in the rain.” From a metaphorical standpoint, this verse could be taken as a person who is so joyful and excited about life that the things that most people would dread or run away from seem like an easy task that can be simply conquered by a great attitude.

In Ecclesiastes 8:15, the Bible states, “And I commend joy, for man has no good thing under the sun but to eat and drink and be joyful, for this will go with him in his toil through the days of his life that God has given him under the sun.” It reminds me of how


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knowing God and receiving joy through that relationship can transfer happiness to the times of your life when you’re not feeling your best. The joy of a relationship with God can bring is truly extraordinary. - Abigail

The third Sunday of Advent is centered on Joy. Joy is happy, cheerful, and it lifts your spirits. To me joy is fun and festive, it lets you reflect on all of the happy things you’ve been blessed with and that you know you will always have Christ by your side. Joy is a choice that you can make, God blessed us with the ability to be happy but that happiness may disappear at times. Therefore, joy gives us a choice, we can either be resentful and filled with hate or we can follow God’s way and live the life he has chosen for us. - Emily A

Joy in my opinion is by far the best emotion. I found that my congregation has a great sense of joy. I think that the best way to enjoy your time in church is to express joy. Joy is definitely one thing that can save a congregation. I believe one thing that makes the world go around is joy.

One thing that I've seen that a lot of congregation fail at it's showing or expressing joy. I feel that's why a lot of churches end up shutting their doors. So I believe the best way to have our express joy is to share it with your congregation. - Justin

Joy isn’t always right there in front of you. It doesn’t always come out of nowhere and just punch you in the face with happiness. No, it has to be found. It has to be looked for through careful inspection. But finding, oh finding is such a wonderful thing! Especially when you can remember exactly where you found it. Because you can keep coming back, and, and back, and it will always be there. Or so you think. See, it’s not always going to be there. Because you’re going to come back to it one day and you’re going to notice it’s not where it’s always been. Your joy. It’s gone. And again, or so you think. You have to find that joy again. That doesn’t mean to replace it. But find a different kind of a joy. For nothing can give you that same feeling you had. Only give you something similar, yet different.

Some people have lost their joy. And as christians, we need to either be there new found joy or help them find it. And no matter how long it takes for that person to find it, you need to stay by their side, helping them. You may not think it is, but that means the


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world to that person. To have someone there, that wants you to be happy no matter what is truly amazing. Because there aren’t many people out there willing to do that. It’s not that hard. I mean, I’m not saying to do everything for them, but if you notice that they’re down, talk to them. Give them a little pick me up. Make them feel like they matter. Let them everything is going to be alright. Everyone’s been there. Where they just feel like crud. Help them out. Take them out to do something fun. Get them to smile out of pure joy. Make it your goal to at least see the corners of their mouth twitch. And once you see that little twitch, go all the way. Look for that whole, that complete smile. Get them to feel that joy that they’ve been missing. - William

“Though you have not seen him, you love him, and you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy for your receiving the goal of your fate the salvation of your souls.” 1 Peter 18:22 Joy is not only a feeling, but you can also see Joy in people smiles and kind words. I feel joy knowing that God gave his only son, the joy I feel is overwhelming. I feel joy when I lend a helping hand or someone lends me a helping hand.The feeling of complete joy is one of the greatest feelings you could feel in this advent season. - Zoe

Joy is something I personally have been working on lately, having joy is to have great pleasure and happiness in your day to day life. In order to have joy you must be able to hope for your future and know God's plan for you. Waking up and being happy is joy, knowing there is someone who will always be there for you, to be completely and madly in love with your life. That is pure joy. I can be an example of joy by people looking at me and knowing I’m happy. I have my bad days but I also have my good ones. Joy is something you cannot take away from me. Living with love can mean a few different things, love can be an action. - Alex

Three thing come instantly to mind when I hear this word. First my daughter, then the hymn “Joy to the World”, and finally the song by Three Dog Night called “Jeremiah was a Bullfrog”. The chorus to this last song is (to me, at least) the way we should approach the Joy of the season.


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Singin' joy to the world All the boys and girls now

Joy to the fishes in the deep blue sea Joy to you and me

Three Dog Night Written by Hoyt Axton

With Christmas fast approaching, we need to examine the way in which we celebrate it.

Do we stay within our family and friends? Or do we maybe step outside of our comfort zone? What is needed in your hometown, church, or with your neighbors? When we look inward toward our soul, we may feel the call to help our fellow man. Love our neighbors, so to speak.

During this advent season, I invite you to feel the call to spread joy. One of the ways the youth of Cyril FCC does this is to take on the mantle of the Christian Ninjas. The youth often collect toys, food, and other things to deliver to people around town, but there is one thing that cannot happen. The people that the youth deliver to can’t see them doing it. It must be done in secret. So after the Christian Ninja strikes, they listen around town for people who talk about the things they received. My groups tell me the joy they get from helping is better because they know and keep these things close to their hearts.

What gives you joy? Find your joy and spread is this season and every day of your life. - Travis

I can be an example of joy by donating my time volunteering at Christmas for Others which is sponsored by Midwest Boulevard, First Christian Church in Midwest City, and Del City Christian Church. The churches help seventy-two families in the area to have presents for their children, for the children to pick presents for their parents, and have food for the holidays. I find joy in being able to watch the children carefully pick presents for their parents. I also find joy in helping the children to have the opportunity to give and not just receive. - Aanika

There are around 77 scriptures about joy. Joy often feels unattainable. How can you find joy in midst of trials in life or when you’re drowning in sorrow? You may find temporary haven in happiness but not joy. Pure joy only comes from being complete in God’s


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love. The joy our creator fills your heart with is unexplainable. The overflowing grace and love that comes from Jesus makes it impossible not to share it with others. That’s exactly how you live out the Lords joy, you share it, with everyone. Let it shine through you. Even in times of unfathomable suffering look towards the light of Christ. When you continuously keep your heart set on the on his immense gift of joy, no matter your circumstances, people notice. They’ll see Jesus’ joy beaming out of you like sunshine. Joy is genuine, pure, and contagious. All I want is for everyone to open their hearts to the joy that comes from our creator.

“The lord is my strength and shield. I trust him with all my heart is filled with joy. I burst in songs of thanksgiving.” Psalm 28:7 - Sami


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Love(noun)1. a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person;

2. a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection, as for a parent, child, or friend;

3. sexual passion or desire;(verb)4. to have love or affection for;

5. to have a strong liking for or take great pleasure in.

"love." Unabridged. Random House, Inc. 12 Nov. 2015. <Dictionary.com>.

Love is patient; love is kind; love is not envious or boastful or arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice in wrongdoing, but rejoices in the truth. It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.Love never ends.

1 Corinthians 13:4-8

One loveOne blood

One lifeYou got to do what you should

One lifeWith each other


One lifeBut we're not the same

We get to Carry each otherCarry each other


U2, Achtung Baby, “One,” 1991.

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One of the most popular Bible verses almost every kindergarten Sunday school student, as well as many NFL fans, memorize is John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” In a nutshell, this verse sums up the entire Christmas season. The heart of the matter is that God loved us so much, he sent his son to die for us. Advent is about preparing for the small child who is ultimately coming to save us from demise. Demonstrating this kind of love is no simple task. Fortunately, we have numerous models. Looking throughout the Bible, this is not the only example of this kind sacrificial love. Genesis 29 tells the story of Jacob and Rachel. Jacob loved Rachel so much he sacrificed 14 years of hard work to marry her. Another excellent example of sacrificial love is Hannah’s tale, told in 1 Samuel. Hannah was sad because she wanted a baby so badly but was unable to have one. She did the only thing she knew to do: pray. She prayed for a son, and promised that her baby would be dedicated to the Lord’s work. As soon as the baby, named Samuel, was old enough, Hannah took her small son to be raised by the priests, and Samuel became a great prophet. The whole book of Ruth demonstrated the kind of love God desires from us. Ruth loved her mother-in-law, Naomi, so much that following the death of her husband, she sacrificed moving back with her family to take care of Naomi. Even today, sacrificial love examples are modeled all around us. My high school counselor recently donated one of her kidneys to her stepfather. Every time a firefighter rushes into a burning building, they sacrifice their safety for a stranger’s well-being. This Christmas season, I challenge you to not only think about what you are sacrificing for your loved ones, but also to think about what someone is sacrificing for you, and to remember what Jesus has sacrificed for you. - Elizabeth

The first thing that comes to mind when I think of love is the Bible verse, 1 Corinthians 13:4-8. It says, “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.” I absolutely adore this verse, it is comforting and brings about excitement for love. These are the end goals to be this kind of love to those around you and to feel this kind of love given to you will be so great.

A song that I feel really captures the essence of love is a sad one, but it is still so great and the meaning is definitely there. Forever and Always by Parachute tells a story and shows how even in the hardest of times, you can still show the person you love how much they mean to you. “I want you forever, forever and always. Through the good and the bad and the ugly, we'll grow old together, and always remember whether rich or for poor or for better. We'll still love each other, forever and always.” This song shows how unconditional the right kind of love is, like the love God has for all of us. It is so comforting to know that we are all endlessly loved and adored by our creator. - Abigail


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The final Sunday before Christmas is all about love. Love comes in all shapes and sizes. It has no biased opinions. God showed his love to us when gave his son for us, so we could live a free life. In my opinion, love is the most important candle out of the first four because by the way God showed his love for us we are able to do the same for him and not be persecuted for it; we are able to spread God’s word. We can love because He first loved us. - Emily A

Love. It’s an emotion that is something we can all feel. It can be a very strong feeling, but it can also be something that is so weak that it’s not felt anymore. Love is a feeling that can be problematic. The reason for that is that it can take a long time to show to someone that you truly do care for them, yet it can take just one small action to shatter that love. That’s why we try so hard not mess up things with the people we care about. They may not remember all the good things we do, but when we do something wrong, they’ll remember. And it more than likely won’t be forgotten.

But we as Christians, are supposed to love everyone. That’s hard. Like, really hard. It can be for me anyways. The reason why is because there so many people out there that are out there that enjoy hurting others. That’s not an okay thing to do, whatsoever. But instead of putting those people down for their actions, we need to encourage them to change their ways by showing them how awesome it can be to help someone else. Show them that by making someone else smile, it can make you feel the so good. Seeing others love one another gives me this feeling that makes me feel so happy.

Showing someone you care isn’t hard hard either. It can be the smallest of things like helping them carry their stuff to their classes or just telling them a dumb joke. You never know what someone is feeling, so being a kind and caring person to everyone can ensure that everyone is lifted up when they need to be. So if you can, show someone, doesn’t matter who, that you care about them. They may need to be picked back up. - William

“The most important thing in this world is to give out love, and let it come in.” You must show love not, just say those three little words. The only 100% completely true love is the love that God has for us and he proves this by having his one and only son died on the cross for our sins.1 Corinthians 16:14 says, “Let all that you do be done in love.” God is telling us not only in the Advent season, but always you should show love in everything you do and to everyone that you meet I see love each and every day. Proving to one that you love them could be a “I hope you have a great day.” or simply making sure one gets home safe. - Zoe


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Showing your love for people by your words and how I live, I like to tell people randomly that I love them. People need to know they are loved. The words I use day to day can be flowing with love speaking kindly is something I try to do and I want people to know I am a person of love. - Alex

1 Corinthians 13:4-7 Love is patient, love is kind. It is not jealous, [love] is not pompous, it is not inflated, it is not rude, it does not seek its own interests, it is not quick-tempered, it does not brood over injury, it does not rejoice over wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things. [New American Bible (Revised Edition) (NABRE)]

An Elder in our congregation by the name of Charles, when it was his turn to deliver the call to worship, would most often use the same verses. This is his scripture he would go to, ever since I can remember. I would think, “Really, can’t you pick something else? Why do we have to hear this every time?” I was getting kind of annoyed with this by the time I started to college, so one Sunday I asked him, “WHY?”

His reply was, “Travis, I hope you come to realize with age that these small three verses will keep you on the right path if you take them to heart.” I thought, “Yeah right!!!!”

He was correct. I thank you for that, Charles. Those words come to my mind whether I am dealing with employees, youth, or people I meet on the street. That is the true definition, in my opinion, of love. I believe that is the kind of unselfish love is the same that was taught by the person we celebrate during this time. He came to let us know how to conduct our lives and that was clearly passed on even after his death, so the writer of 1 Corinthians felt the need to let the people of Corinth know what was expected of them as followers of the Way.

My prayer for you is that this may become a cornerstone of your walk to live like Jesus. May you rejoice in the love that has been given to you and you spread to others. - Travis


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I see love in a folded basket of clothes, knowing that my mother spent hours washing, ironing, and providing for me.  I see love when I open the refrigerator door and find the organic milk, baby kale, and the Greek yogurt that only I eat, knowing that my dad wants to make me happy.  I practice love in my heart when I strive to succeed not for myself, but to make my parents proud.  I see love in all the sacrifices we make for others, big and small.  - Avery

There are many ways love can be shown through out someone’s life. I try to portray it through how I treat others. I try to show people that others love them no matter what they’ve done. A lot of people have lost that ability to show love to others. It’s so rewarding to see people be nice and love each other. It’s very uncommon to see people like that because it seems like everyone is competing with each other. They act like they can’t get along or that they can’t just be nice to a person for a moment. Even if people look like they don’t want to talk or they look like they just hate the world, I still try to greet people with a smile. I have gotten a lot of dirty looks back, but I still try to keep my smile even if I don’t feel good. It’s so rare to meet people like that smile and talk to you to show you that they love you as a person. I could be better. Everyone could be, but one reason I want to be better at showing others love is so people know that others care about them. I know how other people feel when it feels like no one loves them. It hurts. You feel alone. You feel abandoned and lost. It’s not a good feeling at all. I hope that no one around me ever feels like that because I would feel like I wasn’t doing a good enough job of showing love. - Nathan

In an Advent booklet, my grandpa made my cousins and I, he stated, “The hoped for a Savior has come as a sign of God’s love. When we show love to others we are living as God wants us to live” (Fred Jordan). This means to me that I should show Gods love to everyone I know and meet, even when it is hard - Aanika


Page 31: REGIONAL YOUTH COUNCIL [CHRISTIAN CHURCH IN … · 2015. 11. 17. · During the RYC Summer Retreat in August of this year, the group was challenged to write this devotional booklet

Advent(noun)1. a coming into place, view, or being; arrival;

2.the period beginning four Sundays before Christmas, observed in commemoration of the coming of Christ into the world.

"advent." Unabridged. Random House, Inc. 15 Nov. 2015. <Dictionary.com>.

Does your congregation journey through Advent by lighting candles? Many congregations share words and prayers designed to focus worshipper’s attention on this time of waiting.

Rev. Dr. Lisa Davison and Rev. Michael Davison created this Advent wreath liturgy from a ‘lessons and carols’ worship that Dr. Davison created in 2008.

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Week 1 - Hope

Scripture Reading: Isaiah 7:10-16

Again the Lord spoke to Ahaz, saying, Ask a sign of the Lord your God; let it be deep as Sheol or high as heaven. But Ahaz said, I will not ask, and I will not put the Lord to the test. Then Isaiah said: “Hear then, O house of David! Is it too little for you to weary mortals, that you weary my God also? Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign. Look, the young woman is with child and shall bear a son, and shall name him Immanuel. He shall eat curds and honey by the time he knows how to refuse the evil and choose the good. For before the child knows how to refuse the evil and choose the good, the land before whose two kings you are in dread will be deserted.

Reader: Immanuel – in the 8th century BCE, King Ahaz of Judah was faced with the most important decision of his life. The Assyrians were on their way to conquer Egypt, and to get there, they had to go through Israel and Judah. Ahaz was being pressured to join a coalition of 2 smaller nations that planned to fight against the Assyrians, which was a losing cause. Another option was for Ahaz to become a vassal of Assyria in hopes that they would show mercy to Judah rather than utterly destroy it. The prophet Isaiah was sent with a message from God: Trust in the LORD and not in human might. As a sign of hope for the king, Isaiah pointed out a young woman great with child and told Ahaz that the child to be born was a reminder of God With Us.

Reader: Immanuel – in 1st century CE Palestine, the early followers of Jesus, including the writer of the Gospel of Luke remembered these words from Isaiah and found in them a description of what they had experienced in the life and teachings of the man from Nazareth. His words and deeds were a reminder of God With Us.

Light the candle. (one of the three purple candles)

Reader: Immanuel – in 21st century CE (add your city or town), we have gathered to hear the stories of our faith. We know the words of the 8th century prophet and of the 1st century gospel writer, yet we still need a reminder of God With Us. What will it look like this year? Today we embrace Advent, a time of waiting, by lighting a candle as a sign of our hope that the spirit of Immanuel will overwhelm our hearts and be birthed in our living, anew.


Page 33: REGIONAL YOUTH COUNCIL [CHRISTIAN CHURCH IN … · 2015. 11. 17. · During the RYC Summer Retreat in August of this year, the group was challenged to write this devotional booklet

Prayer - paraphrase of Psalm 25 O Lord, as we begin the Advent journey to Bethlehem, we ask that You make Your ways known to us. Light our path with these candles. Lead us in Your truth and teach us. For you are the God of our salvation; for You we wait all day long. Bless us, that integrity and uprightness will preserve us. We wait for You. Amen.

Note: BCE, before the common era, and CE, common era, are a modern designation for the often used BC/AD notation with dates. These are less Christian-centric date notations. Click here for further explanation about the significance of their use or email Dr. Davison a question about the use of these date designations.


“Nativity,” Vie De Jesus Mafa.

Page 34: REGIONAL YOUTH COUNCIL [CHRISTIAN CHURCH IN … · 2015. 11. 17. · During the RYC Summer Retreat in August of this year, the group was challenged to write this devotional booklet

Week 2 - Peace


Reader: The journey to Bethlehem continues as we light a second candle. God’s Peace be with you.All: Immanuel, God with Us, in hope and our search for peace.

Reader: The word, shalom, is often used as a synonym for peace. In this instance, the understanding of peace as being more than just the absence of war rings very true. Shalom embraces personal wholeness and health. Shalom seeks the well being and personal fulfillment of everyone. Shalom embraces justice, reconciliation and nonviolence. Shalom is a word with deep meaning, a word that does not translate easily into English. Shalom might be better understood as “wholeness” All: Immanuel, God with Us, in hope and our search for peace.

Reader: Shalom is the experience of being in right relationship with God, which would mean that you see yourself and your neighbors as God does: inherently good and worthy of respect. Such a state of being would make violence impossible because each person would be valued as an image of the Divine in the world.All: Immanuel, God with Us, in hope and our search for peace.

Reader: God’s desire for the world to know shalom is perhaps most clearly envisioned in the words of Isaiah of Jerusalem (chs 1-39), the pre-exilic prophet who addressed the nation of Judah in the 8th century BCE. In Isa 2:1-4, we are given a description of how life will be, when God’s mission to establish shalom is realized, when weapons will be turned into farming tools, no longer instruments of destruction but of productivity. Weapons will not be necessary because there will be no more war.All: Immanuel, God with Us, in hope and our search for peace.

Light the second candle. (if the first candle is not lit, light it first before the second).


Page 35: REGIONAL YOUTH COUNCIL [CHRISTIAN CHURCH IN … · 2015. 11. 17. · During the RYC Summer Retreat in August of this year, the group was challenged to write this devotional booklet

Scripture Reading: Isaiah 2:1-4 [NRSV, altered to allow for the infinite nature of God to be more accurately represented.]

The word that Isaiah son of Amoz saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem. 2 In days to come the mountain of the LORD's house shall be established as the highest of the mountains, and shall be raised above the hills; all the nations shall stream to it. 3 Many peoples shall come and say, "Come, let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, to the house of the God of Jacob; that the LORD may teach us the LORD’s ways and that we may walk in the LORD’s paths." For out of Zion shall go forth instruction, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem. 4 The LORD shall judge between the nations, and shall arbitrate for many peoples; they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.

PrayerGod we pray for shalom:We remember those we consider our enemies and pray for those that call us enemy;We remember the injustice in our community and pray that our living will be a model of justice;We remember the moments when shouting and anger were silenced by mercy and compassion;We remember that, “if we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.” Lord, for our world, our Church, and ourselves we ask, hear our prayer for shalom. Amen.

Note: “if we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.” A saying of Mother Teresa, 1910-1997.


Page 36: REGIONAL YOUTH COUNCIL [CHRISTIAN CHURCH IN … · 2015. 11. 17. · During the RYC Summer Retreat in August of this year, the group was challenged to write this devotional booklet

Week 3 - Joy


Reader: The journey to Bethlehem continues as we light a third candle. God’s Joy be with you.All: Immanuel, God with Us, in hope, in peace, and in the experience of Joy.

Reader: Rejoice in God always, and again I say, rejoice. Believe that God desires for you to know joy.All: Immanuel, God with Us, in hope, in peace, and in the experience of Joy.

Reader: Angels, a multitude of heavenly hosts appearing in the night sky? It was a good thing that all the shepherds witnessed this amazing sight; otherwise, no one would have believed it. Things like this don’t just happen every day. It would scare anybody. “Don’t be afraid” – the first words spoken by the angel, words of comfort to a weary bunch of shepherds. Yet, the best news was what followed next. The in-breaking of God’s love for the world had once again taken place.All: Immanuel, God with Us, in hope, in peace, and in the experience of Joy.

Reader: Let us open our lives to the possibilities for joy that God provides for us. We will worship God in hope, and peace, and joy.All: Immanuel, God with Us, in hope, in peace, and in the experience of Joy.

Light the third candle. (if the first and second candle are not lit, light them first before the third).

Scripture Reading: Luke 1:46-55 (translated by Rev. Dr. Lisa W. Davison)

"My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, For the Lord has looked with favor on the lowliness of God’s servant. Surely, from now on all generations will call me blessed; For the Mighty One has done great things for me, and holy is God’s name.


Page 37: REGIONAL YOUTH COUNCIL [CHRISTIAN CHURCH IN … · 2015. 11. 17. · During the RYC Summer Retreat in August of this year, the group was challenged to write this devotional booklet

The Lord’s mercy is for those who fear God from generation to generation. The Lord has shown strength with the divine arm; God has scattered the proud in the thoughts of their hearts. The Lord has brought down the powerful from their thrones, and lifted up the lowly; The Lord has filled the hungry with good things, and sent the rich away empty. The Lord has helped God’s servant Israel, in remembrance of God’s mercy, According to the promise the Lord made to our ancestors, to Abraham and Sarah, and to their descendants forever."

Prayer (adapted from a prayer from

Loving God, we open ourselves to you, trusting that this is how you made us: you created us for joy-filled hearts and lives. Show us the creative power of hope. Teach us how to live in the peace that comes from justice. Amen.


“Magnificat” by Macha Chmakoff

Page 38: REGIONAL YOUTH COUNCIL [CHRISTIAN CHURCH IN … · 2015. 11. 17. · During the RYC Summer Retreat in August of this year, the group was challenged to write this devotional booklet

Week 4 - Love


Reader: The journey to Bethlehem continues as we light a fourth candle. God’s Love be with you.All: Immanuel, God with Us, in hope, in peace, in joy, and Love.

Reader: God created you with the capacity for love. Trust in God's good will for all of creation and open yourself to God's transforming love.All: Immanuel, God with Us, in hope, in peace, in joy, and Love.

Reader: The shepherds believed, they went, they found, and they returned. But they were not the same. What they had witnessed on the hillside and in the manger revealed to them what they had never fully embraced. They were even more aware of God’s presence in their own lives and in the world around them. This made real to the shepherds the words – God With Us.All: Immanuel, God with Us, in hope, in peace, in joy, and Love.

Reader: There it is on the horizon. Can you see it? It is coming into sight: Bethlehem. We have heard the great news. We have seen God at work in ordinary and extraordinary ways. The angelic chorus tells us “Do not be afraid.” Come, let us go to Bethlehem and see this thing which the Lord has made known to us. Along the way, may our eyes, hearts, ears, and minds be open to new signs of God’s love. May this journey inspire us to share that love, so that all the world will know the fullness of Immanuel! All: God be with Us, in hope, in peace, in joy, and Love.

Light the fourth candle. (if the first, second, and third candles are not lit, light them first before the fourth).


Page 39: REGIONAL YOUTH COUNCIL [CHRISTIAN CHURCH IN … · 2015. 11. 17. · During the RYC Summer Retreat in August of this year, the group was challenged to write this devotional booklet

Scripture Reading: Luke 2: 8-15

In that region there were shepherds living in the fields, keeping watch over their flock by night. Then an angel of the Lord stood before them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. But the angel said to them, ‘Do not be afraid; for see—I am bringing you good news of great joy for all the people: to you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is the Messiah,* the Lord. This will be a sign for you: you will find a child wrapped in bands of cloth and lying in a manger.’ And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host,* praising God and saying, ‘Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace among those whom God favors!’

When the angels had left them and gone into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, ‘Let us go now to Bethlehem and see this thing that has taken place, which the Lord has made known to us.’

PrayerWe give thanks, O Lord, that Your love for creation is imprinted on our lives and that your spirit fills the air we breath. Just as Mary wrapped Jesus in swaddling clothes, we pray that your Love, O God, will enfold us, giving us the strength to face life in all of its ambiguities. Amen.


NativityLu Lan, China, 1993.

Asian Christian Art Association

Page 40: REGIONAL YOUTH COUNCIL [CHRISTIAN CHURCH IN … · 2015. 11. 17. · During the RYC Summer Retreat in August of this year, the group was challenged to write this devotional booklet

Christmas Eve - Christ Candle

On Christmas eve we suggest dividing the birth narrative between three distinct ages: a young person (elementary school age), a middle age person, and an older or the oldest member of your congregation that will attend worship.

Voice 1 - Luke 2:1-7 In those days a decree went out from Emperor Augustus that all the world should be registered. This was the first registration and was taken while Quirinius was governor of Syria. All went to their own towns to be registered. Joseph also went from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to the city of David called Bethlehem, because he was descended from the house and family of David. He went to be registered with Mary, to whom he was engaged and who was expecting a child. While they were there, the time came for her to deliver her child. And she gave birth to her firstborn son and wrapped him in bands of cloth, and laid him in a manger, because there was no place for them in the inn.

Voice 2 - Luke 2: 8-15 In that region there were shepherds living in the fields, keeping watch over their flock by night. Then an angel of the Lord stood before them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. But the angel said to them, ‘Do not be afraid; for see—I am bringing you good news of great joy for all the people: to you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is the Messiah,* the Lord. This will be a sign for you: you will find a child wrapped in bands of cloth and lying in a manger.’ And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host,* praising God and saying, ‘Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace among those whom God favors!’ When the angels had left them and gone into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, ‘Let us go now to Bethlehem and see this thing that has taken place, which the Lord has made known to us.’

Voice 3 - Luke 2:16-20So the shepherds went with haste and found Mary and Joseph, and the child lying in the manger. When they saw this, they made known what had been told them about this child; and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds told them. But Mary treasured all these words and pondered them in her heart. The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all they had heard and seen, as it had been told them.


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Reader: With the shepherds we come to Bethlehem to see Immanuel, God with Us. All: Immanuel, God with Us, in hope, in peace, in joy, and Love.

Reader: We light the Christ candle proclaiming that hope, peace, joy, and love are alive, birthed in our hearts anew tonight.All: Immanuel, God with Us, in hope, in peace, in joy, and Love.

Reader: And we return to our neighborhoods, jobs, and homes giving thanks to God for what has been made know to us.All: Immanuel, God with Us, Jesus, whom we call Christ, is born!

Light the Christ candle. (if the first four candles are not lit, light them before lighting the Christ candle).

PrayerLoving God, we open ourselves to you, trusting that this is how you made us: you created us for joy-filled hearts and lives. Show us the creative power of hope. Teach us the peace that comes from justice. Bless our worship and the sharing of the bread and cup fill that they will us with the kind of joy that cannot be contained, but must be shared. Amen.


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This November, 130 high school youth and adults attended CYF Koinonia. The event, planned and led by the Regional Youth Council, invited participants to ask questions on the topics of: bible, current events, interfaith, and relationships. During the worship services, panelists, Rev. Jesse Jackson, Pastor Tara Dew, Rev. John Bain, and Rev. Dr. Lisa Davison offered answers, ideas, and continued conversation.

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Here is a sample of the questions asked by participants at the CYF Koinonia event. Take one or more of the questions with you this Advent to your small group, to youth group, to Sunday school, to your family dinner table, and to your minister. The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) values dialogue, collaboration and community inspired by Micah 6:8, and informed by Mark 12:29-31. Wrestling with and practicing these two portions of scripture requires life-long learning.

How do we know our interpretations of scripture are correct?

How should we deal with grief and how would you help somebody get through it?

Why aren’t people more accepting?

Who have you set at table with from another religion?

Do you believe everything in the bible?

Does the bible oppress women? Does the bible say that women shouldn’t be clergy?

How do you fix broken relationships?

How can we help to make the church a safe place to discuss hard to understand cultural issues?

What does it mean to find your identity in Christ and what does that look like in everyday life?

How can I get my boyfriend to see God in a new way?

Why do bad things still happen to good people if God watches over the earth?

What makes us Disciples and what is expected of us?

If Jesus is the way, the truth, and the light, how can people of other faiths go to heaven or have eternal life?


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