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6th Annual

Zalán Bács, Deputy Chief Executive for Strategy, MVM Group

Nicola Cotugno, Director of Power Division, Slovenske Elektrarne

Sandor Liive, Chairman of the Management Board – CEO, Eesti Energia

Alan Svoboda, Executive Director, Sales & Trading, CEZ Group

András Péntek, Vice President of Strategy Development, MOL Group

Bernhard Raberger, Chief Financial Officer, Enerjisa

Central and Eastern European Power


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FAX: +44 (0)20-7176-8512

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Hear from the industry’s leading organisations including:

• MVM Group


• CEZ Group

• Eesti Energia

• Slovenske Elektrarne

• Enerjisa

• Electric Power Industry of Serbia - EPS

• MOL Group

• Fortum


• Activ Solar

• European Bank of Reconstruction and Development

• Continental Wind Partners

• Deloitte CE

• Energy Community Secretariat

• Candole Partners

2012 speaker line up includes:

Topics to be discussed at CEE Power 2012 include:

Register by 16 December 2011 and save $200

Media partners:

Principal media partners:

Executive sponsor: Lanyard sponsor: Exhibitor:

Supporting organisation:

• National and regional generation portfolios: Senior level representatives from MVM, CEZ, Eesti Energia, Slovenske Elektrarne and MOL will be presenting their visions of national and regional power markets

• CEE power generation projects and case studies: Insight into PGE’s inaugural nuclear power project in Poland, Deloitte’s role in the Tarnita pumped storage project, the role of solar power in the Ukraine and the development of wind power across CEE

• CEE regulatory landscape - Encouraging renewable generation: Eurelectric’s insight into the impact of the Emissions Trading Scheme and the current regulatory hurdles for power generation in CEE

• Neighbouring power generation portfolio focus: Includes Fortum’s analysis of the Russian power market, Enerjisa’s initiatives within Turkey as well as updates from the Baltics and South East Europe

Generating regional growth and investment...

30-31 January 2012 • Hilton Budapest West End • Budapest,

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Conference Day 1 – Monday 30th January 2012

08.30 Registration and Breakfast

09.00 Chairman’s opening remarks

Martin Burdett, Editor, Energy in East Europe, Platts


The conference will open with senior level participants from Central and Eastern Europe’s main utility companies presenting their visions of national and regional power markets, and specifically discussing their generation portfolio’s in today’s low-carbon era.

KEYNOTE PRESENTATION09.15 The role of Hungarian power generation in Central

and Eastern Europe: • Insight and update into Hungarian national power markets• Proposed impact of expansion to PAKS nuclear power plant • Insight into ambitions to increase role in regional energy

infrastructure projects• Outline of plans to enter the natural gas wholesale market and

expand MVM’s renewable profile

Zalán Bács, Deputy Chief Executive for Strategy, MVM Group

KEYNOTE PRESENTATION09.40 A Baltic perspective on the CEE power market outlook

• Meeting energy demand whilst offering reasonable cost• The future of diversified power generation• The future of shale-based power in the region

Sándor Liive, Chairman of the Board, Eesti Energia

KEYNOTE PRESENTATION10.05 The future of Polska Grupa Energetyczna’s (PGE) power

generation investment strategy 2012 and beyond• Outline of the revised investment strategy from Poland’s largest

power company• Insight into the viability of PGE’s coal-fired and gas-fired

generation projects• Implementing sound economic reasoning into current and

future projects

10.30 Networking refreshment break

KEYNOTE PRESENTATION11.00 Strategic regional and national power generation

objectives in Czech Republic from CEZ Group • Analysis into the renewal and development of the CEZ groups coal-

fired power plants • Development of activities in the target Central and Southeastern

European markets • Emerging renewable generation and its influence on the regional

energy market both technically and commercially • Nuclear vision for the region - Cleaning up coal or boosting natural gas

Alan Svoboda, Executive Director - Sales & Trading, CEZ Group

KEYNOTE PRESENTATION11.25 Slovenske Elektrarne: Implementing and maintaining

cleaner power generation in the CEE Region• Details of current and future of SE’s generation portfolio• Plans to utilise nuclear as a route to sustainable, competitive and

reliable energy • Long term view on regional energy balance and security

Nicola Cotugno, Director of Power Division, Slovenske Elektrarne

PANEL DISCUSSION11.50 Views of national and regional power markets in CEE, in

particular the evolution of generation portfolios in this new low-carbon era

Chaired by: Martin Burdett, Editor, Energy in East Europe, Platts Zalán Bács, Deputy Chief Executive for Strategy, MVM Group Nicola Cotugno, Director of Power Division, Slovenske Elektrarne Alan Svoboda, Executive Director - Sales & Trading, CEZ Group Sándor Liive, Chairman of the Board, Eesti Energia Tomasz Zadroga, CEO, PGE

12.30 Networking lunch


14.00 Case study: Update on Poland’s nuclear power supply project• Context of nuclear energy in Poland • PGE NPP new build overview• Approach to plant vendor and technology selection

Wojciech Niewierko, External Affairs Director, PGE Energia Jadrowa S.A

14.25 Overview of the Romanian power market and the Tarnita pumped-storage project

• Analysis of the challenges and opportunities unique to the Romanian power market

• Latest developments of the Tarnita pumped-storage project • Details of the Tarnita project finance

Alexandru-Valeriu Binig, Director Financial Advisory Services/ Energy & Resources/ Corporate Finance, Deloitte CE

14.50 The evolution of solar power projects in the CEE region• The role of solar power projects in Ukraine’s plans to generate 30

percent of its energy from renewable sources by 2015• Insight into the Okhotnykovo power plant, one of Europe’s biggest

solar projects, with a maximum generation capacity of 80 megawatts• The role of regionally external investment in completing large scale

solar projects

Kaveh Ertefai, CEO, Activ Solar

15.15 Developing wind power generation in Central and Eastern Europe

• Comparison of the different support regimes and permitting procedures for wind power in the region

• Insight into practices in Romania, Poland, Bulgaria and Serbia• Challenges and opportunities of wind power

Mark Crandall, Chairman of the Board, Continental Wind Partners

15.40 Networking refreshment break


16.10 Evolution of renewable generation in Central and Eastern Europe

• Impacts of the financial crisis on renewable energy development in CEE • Biomass project at Polaniec in southern Poland• Current role of renewable incentives and support schemes • Effects of direction of the German market on the region • Measuring the real need for new renewable assets in the region • Integrating intermittency issues into the renewable discussion as

early as possible

“Again, a great overview of CEE power market, very good speakers and perfect level and number of participants”— 2011 attendee, FOSTER-WHEELER

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Quick & Easy Ways to Register! WEB: PHONE: +44 (0) 20-7176-6300 EMAIL: [email protected] Register by 16 December 2011 and save $200

16.35 Understanding the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) and its impact on Central and Eastern European power market development

• The impact of recent financial pressures and subsequent readjustments of the EU ETS targets

• The relationship between ETS vs other EU regulations and subsidies• Phase III transition and auctioning – Impacts on regional market

operators from 2013 onwards

John Scowcroft, Head of Environment and Sustainable Development, EURELECTRIC

17.00 Regulatory hurdles to CEE power markets from the generators perspective

• Review of the current state of integration of CEE electricity markets (electricity prices, marginal costs of generation)

• What hinders the formation of the single regional market? • Is the single regional market in 2014 achievable given current policies?

Jan Ondrich, Partner, Candole Partners

17.30 End of conference Day One & networking reception

Conference Day 2 – Tuesday 31st January 2012

08.30 Welcome breakfast

09.00 Chairman’s remarks

Martin Burdett, Editor, Energy in East Europe, Platts


KEYNOTE PRESENTATION09.15 Value propositions in the Turkish power sector

• Overview on Turkish primary energy situation and power-generation opportunities

• Privatisation, liberalisation and market develoment in the Turkish power sector

• Status report on Enerjisa, the Verbund and Sabanci joint venture in Turkey

Bernhard Raberger, Chief Financial Officer, Enerjisa

09.40 Challenges and opportunities for MOL portfolio expansion within CEE power business

• Update on the MOL-CEZ co-operation started in 2007, including insight into the Danube Refinery project and the Slovnaft refinery project

• Prospects for MOL to increase geothermal and inert gas projects in the region

• New opportunities identified for MOL power business expansion

András Péntek, Vice President of Strategy Development, MOL Group

10.05 Challenges and opportunities of the Russian power market

• Overview of the world’s fourth largest consumer of electricity and the world’s biggest integrated power market area

• The Russian power market reform and the implications for CEE• Future directions and ramifications for Russian power

Anne Brunila, Executive VP, Corporate Relations and Sustainability, Fortum

10.30 Networking refreshment break

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Premier and Strategic Partnerships for chairing and moderating as well as a wide variety of uniquely visible packages including:

Executive Sponsor (with speaking slot) • Breakfast Sponsor • Luncheon Sponsor • Networking Reception Sponsor

• Networking Break Sponsor • Exhibitor

To learn more about sponsorship and exhibition opportunities, please contact Simon Marshall on +44-20-7176-6229

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Mediterranean Power Markets 28-29 November 2011 Madrid, Spain

3rd Annual European Renewable Energy Markets 26-27 January 2012 Berlin, Germany

6th Annual European Carbon Capture and Storage 27-28 February 2012 London, UK

3rd Annual European Power Markets April 2012 Amsterdam, Netherlands

Platts Upcoming Events

11.00 Overview of the current Serbian power generation market including project specific case studies

• Serbian power generation market today• New energy law and compliance with the EU standards• EPS generation projects under development• Case study: TPP Kolubara B

Aleksander Jakovljevic, Director of Strategy and Investments, EPS Jasmina Nesic, TPP Kolubara B - Project Manager, EPS

11.25 Insight into the role of the EBRD in supporting power generation in CEE

• How the EBRD is supporting sector reforms that enable regional energy sectors to function according to market principles (e.g., competition, market liberalization, private ownership)

• Role of the EBRD in strengthening frameworks for regionalisation (trans-border transmission lines, energy trading)

• Prioritising environmental, energy efficiency and renewable energy investments for the CEE region

Nandita Parshad, Director - Power and Energy Utilities Team, EBRD

11.45 Balancing energy supply and demand with integration of renewable energy in the Energy Community

• Reducing energy dependency and improving efficiency of non EU member states within the region

• Increasing the share of renewable energy in the energy community – a top priority

• Strengthening national institutional capacities and adapting legislation and regulation to EU energy acquis

Gabriela Cretu, Electricity Expert, Energy Community Secretariat

12.10 Chairman’s closing remarks

Martin Burdett, Editor, Energy in East Europe, Platts

12.15 Close of conference

“Again, a great overview of CEE power market, very good speakers and perfect level and number of participants”— 2011 attendee, FOSTER-WHEELER

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Central and Eastern European Power

30-31 January 2012 • Hilton Budapest West End • Budapest, Hungary


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Registration fee: Early Bird Discount Standard Rate

Commercial $1,799 + VAT @ 25% $1,999 + VAT @ 25%Credit card incentive $1,699 + VAT @ 25% $1,899 + VAT @ 25%The full conference registration is payable in advance, failure to do so will require you to guarantee your place by credit card. The delegate fee includes breakfast, day 1 lunch, refreshments and post-conference documentation.

Discounts: Discounts or promotional offers cannot be combined.

Early bird discount — Register by Friday 16 December 2011 to SAVE $200 off your registration feeTeam discount — $1,640 + VAT @ 25% per person. This price is applicable when you register three or more delegates simultaneously for the same organisation.Credit card discount: — Save $100 off both the early bird and standard rates when paying in full at time of registrations with a credit card. (subject to verification)

Venue:Hilton Budapest West End, Váci út 1-3, H-1062 Budapest, Hungary, Tel: +36 1 2885500

Discount accommodations:A limited number of rooms have been reserved for Platts 6th Annual Central and Eastern European Power conference participants at the Hilton Budapest West End at the preferential rates listed below. The discounted rates are for the nights of January 29-30, 2012 only. These rates will be honored until Monday 9th January 2012 — subject to availability.

Room Rates:Single occupancy €79 Double occupancy €89Executive room ratesSingle occupancy €105 Double occupancy €115All rates are inclusive of breakfast but exclude VAT and taxes.

ReservationsTo make your reservation please call the hotel directly on +36 1 288 5500 and be sure to mention Platts 6th Annual Central and Eastern European Power conference in order to receive the preferential rates.

Substitution & cancellation:Your registration may be transferred to a member of your organization up to 24 hours in advance of the conference. Cancellations must be received in writing on or before January 23, 2012 in order to be refunded, less a $195 administrative charge. No refunds will be made after this date. In case of conference cancellation, Platts liability is limited to refund of the conference registration fee only. Platts reserves the right to alter this program without prior notice.


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mAilStacey Knox 20 Canada Square Canary Wharf London E14 5LH, UK

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Register by 16 December 2011 and save $200

• National and regional generation portfolios: Senior level representatives from MVM, CEZ, Eesti Energia, Slovenske Elektrarne and MOL will be presenting their visions of national and regional power markets

• CEE power generation projects & case studies: Insight into PGE’s inaugural nuclear power project in Poland, Deloitte’s role in the Tarnita pumped storage project, the role of solar power in the Ukraine and the development of wind power across CEE

• New players and emerging generation markets: Includes Fortum’s analysis of the Russian power market, Enerjisa’s initiatives within Turkey as well as updates from the Baltics and South East Europe

Platts, 20 Canada Square, Canary Wharf, London E14 5LH, UK

6th Annual

Generating regional growth and investment...

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