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l••-t' IUUU11 Stl. t!·!•Z.

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All persons belonging to the Light-House Ser\"ice will strictly con­forn1 to the Regulations for uniforms publishecl by the Treasury Department.

r\ 11 persons on duty on board of tenders or light-\·essels, or on duty at light-stations, will at all times wear the uniforms of 1heir respect­ive grades hen:in directed.


to wear a double-breasted sack coat of navy-blue cloth in winter, or navy-blue serge or tlannel in summer: with fh·e large regulation triple-gilt buttons on each side-the top button placed close to the collar, the lower button about li inches from the bottom, and the other buttons at equal spaces between the top and bottom buttons; the length of c:oat to be the exll:ndccl arm and hand : the coat to be provi<lcd with two inside breast pockets and two outside hip pockets, the latter to have flaps so arranged as to he worn inside the pockets if desired. Each slecn: l <' h:wc two sn .;ill buttons on the cuff scam, Y,, inch apart. the lower button 1 ind1 fron . bottom of cuff.

The \'est to ht· of n:wy-hlue cloth in winter. •"Ir na\•y-hlue serge or tlanm.-1 in summer. and cut sin~le-hrcasted. with fin: s:'.1al! :-· ~~ula­

tion huttons and a small rolling- '-·ollar. so as to show about 6 inchc~ of the shirt hnsom: tn have a watd1 pocket in the kft side and a lower pocket on each side.

The trousers lo be of navy-hh1l0 doth in winter. or navy-blue serge or flannel in summer, cut in the prc\·ailing styles, with pockets in hip scams.

Cap to be of the na\'y pattern, with adjustable chin strap of gold lace ~,~ inch wide, fastened to the sides by two small regulation but­tons: in the middle of the front of the cap a gold embroidered wreath 1 J~ inches high by ::? inches spread, inclosing a silver cm­hroi<lcrcd light-house :'·~ inches high: a black mohair braid 1~ inches wide to be worn around the cap.



Rlee,·e ornaments for the masters of tenders will he four stripes of ~:i -inch gold lace laid on at intervals of .!:{ inch. The first stripe to be :? incl1es from the bottom of cuff. A silver embroidered light­house;'~ inch high to be laid on the front of the slee,·e !i inch above

the top stripe. The overcoat to be of the Caban style, of na,·y-hluc cloth, with

rolling collar 5 inches deep, double-breasted, with six large gutta­percha buttons on each side. the top button to be near collar scam, the bottom button S inches from bottom of skirt, and the others spaced equally between top and bottom buttons. The skirt to descend to the knees. Pockets to he in the side scams. breast hig'h. The sleeve ornaments arc not to be worn on O\"en.:oat .


Buttons to be triple gil~ on brass. The outer rim to he slightly raised, inside of which, arranged circularly, are to be the letters e. S. L. H. E . Then~ will he three sizes of buttons :

Large. 1 incl1 in diameter. :\ledium. ? ~ inch in di:uncter. Small, 1 : inch in diameter. The medium button to bt.: worn on serge or Hannel suits.


t<..o wear the same uniform as masters of temlers. The sleeYe orna· ments oi the first mate shall he three stripes of ~;-inch lace. sur­mounted !n· a siln~r embroidered light-house ~·.i inch high. That of the second.mate shall be two stripes of ~:(-inch lace surmounted by a sih·cr embroidered light-house r-1 inch hi~h. That of third mate shall he one stripe of!,; -inch lace surmounted by a sih•cr embroidered light-house ~.i inch high. Tr.,\t of fourth mate, the silver light-house

~{ inch high. When pilots arc pe~:nanently employed on board of tenders they

shall wi::-r a "!:::orm similar to that of fourth mates.


to wear the same uniform as masters of tenders, except that the slce,·e ornaments shall consist of three stripes of ~;-inch lace, sur­mounted by sih·er embroidered. three-bl:1ded propeller, }~ inch in

diameter. First assistant engineers to wear the same uniform as chief engi-

neers, except the slee\·e ornaments are to be two stripes of ~-inch gold lace, surmounted by a sih"cr embroidered, three-bladed pro-

peller U inch in diameter. . . . Second assistant engineers to wear same uniform as chief engi­

neer, ex~cpt that slee\"C ornaments will be one stripe of }.(-inch gold


lace, surmounted hy a sih'er embroidered. three-bladed propeller ~1. inch in diameter.

'l'hird assistant engineers to wear same uniform as chief cng-i­neers, except l1iat slee,·e ornament is to be a sih·cr embroidered, three-bladed propeller .'~ inch in diameter.

Hats oi :Mackinaw straw nrnY he worn in summer or in southern dimates : the crown to he nol iess than ~inches in height and the hrim not less than 3 1 ;; inches wide. with a hlack silk ribbon hancl not less than 2 inch~· s wide.

(.; LEl{I;-<

to wear the saml· unnorm as scconcl mates nf tcntlcrs. except that the tlistinguishing· mark abo\·c the upper slccn· stripe will be the letter C in sih·er, '..i inch high. instc:lll uf the li~ht-house.

to wear the :>ame uniiorm as clerks or tenders or supply vessel, except that the distinguishing mark on the slce\·e be the letter Y only. in silver, ' ·.i inch high. instead of the light-house.


to wear the same uniform as fourth mates of tenders, except the sih-cr li~ht-housc on the sleeve. They will wear a steering wheel, 1 ~. f inches in diameter, cmhroidercd in white silk or white thread on both coal sleeves midway between the shoulder and elbow.

to wenr a navy-hluc flannel shirt l'UI in navy st.ylc. with rolling- co). lar 6 inch!!s deep with tW•l stripes o( ·~-inch white tape laid on ,' ~

inch apart. cxtendin:.:- to the bottom oi the besom opening of shirt aml Joined so as tt• form a continuou;:; !inc. The cuff.~ to han~ two stripes of white tape 1; inch wide around them, the upper cdJ.!e of upper stripe to join the gathering 11i slec\·e to cuff. t he sc.:: ~ n<l !,:, inch below the first. The corner of the c··~!:•;,; to ha\·e worked ,~.,

them in white thn·acl or cotton. a broaclax 1 inch !on~. To wear this same clc,·icc on both slec\·cs of hl11c shirt midwa\" hetwccn shoulder seam and dhow. Caps for winter anti su111mc1: same as pre;;cribed belO\\' for seamen and firemen.

to we:1r same uniform as carpenters. except in each corner of colla.r to wear a barrel worked in white silk or white thread. The same de­vice to he worn on the slee,·cs of shirt midwa\· between the shou}. der scam and the elbow. Caps for winter and s~1mmer to be the same prescribed below for !''!amen and firemen.

STE\\' All DS A :-1 ll l'OOJ;;S

to wear a single-breasted, n;w~·-hllte doth or 1lanncl coat, with five regulation medium htttti,ns on the rig!1t side. spaced e<Jlmlly from the upper button, placed 3 inches hdnw the l'ollar scam. Vest to be of mn·y-blue cloth or llannel. showing about 6 inches of the shirt bosom, with tJ\·c small rcg·ulation buttons. equally spaced on right side. Pantaloons to he of n:t\')'-blue cloth or 11anncl, cut in prevail· ing style, with pockets in si<le scams. Caps same pattern as masters of tenders. hut without ornaments or hraid band . The adjustable chin strap to be dark patent leather.

The cook to wear a cook's c~tp and white apron when cooking. The steward. when \\'aiting-, to wear a white apron and white jacket. The overcoat to he that prescribed for the crew.

to wear a na,·y-hhtc flannel shirt, cut in the n:wy style, with rolling collar 6 inches de1..·p, with two stripes of .!4'-iuch white tape. laid on ,'-: inch a pan. ex tending- to the bottom of the hosom opening- of shirt, and _ioinetl .•::)as to form a_t·on:intt<JUS line. The cuffs to have two stripes •>f white tap1..· ·~ in,·h wide arou:ic! them. the upper ccl~c of upper st ri pc tu jvi n the gathering· of slec\'e tu cu ff. the sct·o11tl ! ~ inch l>elow the first.

The corners of the1..·ollars I•> ha\·e worked on them, in white thread or cotton. a lig-hthnuse ;\1 inch hig-h. l f firemen, these ornaments are to he nf red tape and 1..·mhrnic!crcd with red thread or c~•tton.

Hats ior wintl'r to be d•lrk blue clnth. rouncl crownccl, with u stitched band abon: the hrim .'·i inch wide. The brim to be 27:! inches broad. oi d1111hle cloth. stitched through and through with 12

or q rows of stitching- of hlack silk to stiffen it. A black silk ribbon r !,~ inches wide, with·• Light-House Serdce" cmbroiclered in gold wire letters 1 ! ~ inches hig-h, to be worn around the crown, joining the binding of crown. Hats of !'imilar desig-n in brown canvas to he of '\\;,.,,;:. s'i:ule ;ls ean\'as o,·erall suits. but without ribbons, to he wr • .'with ~~·;rat\ 5'Ji~s \Vlten working.

For ,,·inlet· ,,·eather work a watch cap of the navy pattern, knitted of dark blue yarn. will he worn by crew to protect the cars.

In summer a )lackinaw straw hat, with a crown 4 inches high and brim from 27:! to .> inches broad, wilt be worn by crC\v. A black ribbon. with" Light-House Service·· worked in gold letters 7:1 inch high, will be worn around crown of i\laekinaw hats.

Q,·erall suits to consist of brown cotton jumper suits, with 5-inch deep collars, ancl pantaloons of same material, to be worn over uni­form to protect it when working.


I •


Qyercoats to he of nan·-htuc cloth. double-breasted, with five black gutta-percha buttons on.each side. The: top button to be near the collar, the lower button 6 inches from the bottom-the other bttt· tons spaced equally between the top and bottom buttons. The skirts to descend halfway from hip to knees.

Rain suits of oiled cam·as. consistin!J of a jumper, pantaloons, and southwester, known as Cape Anns, will be worn in wet weather by the crews of tenders and lightships.


to wear the same uniform ns the first mates of tenders. Assistant keepers of light·\·essels will wear the same uniform as

second mates of tenders. If there are more than two keepers, the second and third assist­

ants will wear the sanw uniform as third and fourth mates of

tenders. ESGIXH'.RS or l.IGHT-\'ESSF.l.S

to wear the same uniform as first assistant eng-ineers of tenders. Assistant.engineers will wear the same uniform as second assist­

ant engineers of tenders. If there are more than two cng-incers. the second assistant will

wear the same uniform as the thinl as,;ist:mt cng·inecr of tenders.

to wear the same uniform as seamen and firemen of tentlcrs.

KEf.l'ER"' or 1.11; 111"·110USES.

to wear the same uniform as the masters of tenders, except the ornaments on the sleen!s of coat. They wi!J wear on each lapel of the snck coat a loop embroidered in gold.:? .Vi inches long hy ~'.i inch wide, the qorder of loop to be 1.1.0 inch broad. If principal keeper· · the letter K will be worn within the loop. If first a=-sistant keeper the figure 1 will he worn embroidered within the loop. If second assistant keeper the figure : will be worn embroidered within the loop. If third assistant keeper the figure 3 will be worn embroid­ered within the loop.

If there are more than three assistants they will wear the num· ber 4. 5, or 6, as the case may be. embroidered within the loop.


to wear same uniform as principal keepers of light-stations.



to wear a ;;ingle-breastcd sack coat of navy-blue cloth in winter, or of navy-blue flannel in summer, cut after the pattern of the army blouse, with a turn-o,·er collar 1 ~-:; to 2 inches <lecp, huttone<l up to the throat, with five large regulation buttons on the right side, the top button just below the collar scam, the lower button just below the waist, the other· buttons equally spaced between the top and bottom buttons. The letter \V, :14 inch high, worked in gold, incloscd in a gold embroidered loop of same dimensions as that worn by light­kcepcrs. to be worn on c:u:h end of the collar, r inch from bottom.

The vest to he of navy-hlue cloth in winter or flannel in summer, to he cut su as to ;;l1ow about 5 inches of shirt bosom, and to ha\·e five small regulation huttons on right side; the \"cst to have a watch pocket on right side and ~1 pocket on each side below. .

Pantaloons to be of navy-blue cloth in winter or flannel in sum­mer, cut in the prevailing style, with pockets in the side seam:-..

Hats to be of the helmet pattern, of blue in winter or light brown linen in summer. The helmet to have a black glazed ~f-inch leather strap in front, secured on each side by small regtllation buttons, and to ha\·e one gilt hul·klc on each front quarter. 'l'o have9a gilt metal light-house 1 inch above the chin strap in the middle of the front, with a whistling and spar huoy crossed.

The captain of the watch to wear the light-house in gold embroid­ered wreath.

Belts to be of adjustable black leather, :.? inches wide, with gilt clasps, on which in raised letters to have the word "Police." When overcoats are worn, the belt will be worn outside, with a leather stall to carrv the club.

The ~hield to he the same as that worn by the police of Richmond County. N. Y. To he worn on the left breast of the sack coat in summer or the overcoat in winter. OH~rcoat to be clouhle-hrcastcd, of navy-hluc cloth, with fi\·e large

regulation buttons on each side equally spaced hetwccn the top but­ton at collar scam and the bottom button 6 inches from the bottom of the skirt. The skirts to descend to the knees, and tl1e ro!ling col­lar to he 5 inches deep. The pockets on each side to be breast high, cut \"Crtically. and two pol·kcts with flaps cut hori7.ontally just he­low the hips. A cloth belt of same material as o\'crcoat to be fitted from the side seams, ;! inches broad, to button behind with a largc­sized regulation button. The hack middle seam to he slashed up 10

inches with a fly flap, closed by four regulation buttons. The collar to be fitted to turn up and button with a strap of cloth to n small regulation button.

Caps of blue cloth, with ear-flaps to turn down over the ears for protection in cold winter weather, day or night, may be worn. When not needed, to tie up in front with silk tics.

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I ·I



All males employed on tenders or light-\·esscls, or at shore light· stations. and all seamen or firemen, shall wear the uniform pre­scribed at alt times on clutv, and when dsiting the Light-House Board's office or the inspccto"r·s or engineer's office. they will always appear in their proper uniform.

JA1horcrs l·mploycd to care for river or pnst iights arc not required to wear uniform .

All kccpers and 11thcr l'lllploycs. when deaning- lamps or lenses, will wc·ar apn111s pr11\·ickd and issued.

Engincl·rs. in repairin~ or ck·aning machinery oi ,·csscls. may wl·ar th1.· n\·erall suit pn:scrihcd to sa\·e the uniinrm.

'fhl· drawings, which :trl' made a part oi the· rcgttlations, explain thc dt·tail of the uniform.

The measures for unif .. rms nf the Light-House cmplnycs arc suhjoincd, and c·mployl-s an· authorized to han· the uniform made whl·ren•r th('y may pn·frr: hut att uniform:- must conform to the regulations herewith cst:1hlis!H:d.

Officers arc forhidckn to wear any part of their uniform with citi­zen clothes, except the ('ap and o\•crcoat. In foul weather officers and crews will be permitted to wear rain clothes.

Approved March 13. 1893 J. G. CAR LISLE,


JAS. A. GREER, Rear-Ad111ir11/. U. S. ,V<lt:J'. C!111irma1f.


... . ....... ...... .. _ ...... -... ........ ·-·- --· -- -·---, To the·---·---·--·-···················• .......... ........ L.-H. District.

SIR: I Jiave to request t11at the fo11owing articles of uniform may be made for me, according to measure on the re\'erse of this s11eet:

•.•••••••• Kersey t'o11t$ • • • • • • • • - - • K<.'rsC,\" \"<':ll •

•..• •••••• l\rrsPy trous1m• .• •••••• .•.. Fhmuel eoatl>!, for s111111111•1· wear • • •• • • . • • • • f<'lm111cl \'l'!;f,;, for s1111111w1· wenr • • • . • • . . • . . Fiann<>! truu~f'r~. fo1· ,;11111111('1" wear . • • • • • . . . •• Hine t'lotb m·1·rroat~ . • . • • • •. •.• Guc-rn~c>y . . • .• •. •. •• "'orklnp ~nit~, hrown c•ottun d11C'k . • .• • • • •• .. Kl'l'pcr's <'llJI, wl1h hatl~c> . .••.•.•••• Cloth ea1H-)(11~1t·r·~. )lute. Enginl'f'r. A•·i~1>1111 l::ngim-t•r . •••••..•.. Blue jockey mp, with rihh1111 . • • • • • • ••• • Cu11v11,; 11111. : . •••.•••• LinPn lwlml"I • •.•• •.•... lalt l.111tto11~. lurgt•. - • ·-. ••• • • >!1111111.

Office Light-House .. . .... . .. . .. .. . . ........ ................. . ..... District,

............. . ... ...... ·-·-········ .. . .... ' ..... .. ........ , 189 Respectfully forwarded to the Light-House Board. The articles

mentioned should be sent tt> my ad,drcss, as abo\·c .

........................................... L(i;hl-Jlmue District.

v. S. LtcH-r-HoU!.~}: BoMrn, I r.1slri11gt1111, .D. C.,

. ..... . . . . ....... .. .. . ...............• , 189

~less rs ..................................... . .. . .. _

You will please make the articles mentioned ~1bo\·c, and deliver as above directed. All to conform with previous ag-rccment.

------------·--·····---------------···... ... .. .... u. s. x., N•1Nl St"1·tt11ri1 •!f° t/11 l.ittM·ll"''"e. /J11<11"1l.

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B as he square or lugb sboulders-Wbich? ---··-·----------------··--------

, HsS be eloping or round ehouldeis-WWcb1'. _________________________________ _

Bas he long, short, or medlnm neck-Whlch1' • -,---·--·;---·--------------........ --------·-

ls be erect.or stooping-

Is he slender or corpulent-.Which Y •• _ ••••• • _ .• ______ -----· __ • ____ ·-___ . -----••


Canvns Sul~ and Gaernseya can be titted froln tbe 11uit monaure. , The uniform coat being o ll!lck, the full length should be, measured to n point

midway between .the t.o1> of the hip bone and the knee joint. I


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ll. B.-In every C3.88 the meas11re aho11ld be ta\:e11 fill! :u1d all q11estio:11 a11swered.

N ante: ...... ___ -------······ ............ ___ ......... ____ . ____ ......... . ___ .. ____ _ ....... .

Rank or Rate: ......... ·----------· ____ ------·-····-----··- .. __ .... ___ ..... ____ ......... .

Station: .................................... ............................ ____ ........ _ ..... .


Post-Office Address: .. .................. .. ........... ................................ .


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LEXGTll.-t'rorn A tol••nglh w1111tf'<l .. .•... .. .......•...

~LEE\"E.-Take :1amt• as for umler.-ont. make no 111lowancc .••••.••••••••.••••

BHEAST.-~ ·\~!.:~·~~~:~~~t~j ................ .. ..... ······ .... ···-······-·······---· ., All arouutl 111 I, ..•..... . .......•.. .. .. . ...•.......•.........•...••..

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WAIST.-~· Al,~.~~~~~~~~-> ll ......................... ············---·---·········

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Oi>~NJNG.-From R to .1--.--··----------·--------·-···--·-· ,II le collar SOam. l le llr.t battoo. .

OUTSIDE SEAM.-Frotn' N to 0 ·-----······-·---1..-­N II topof Walttbuld. Oia H..,1-8eam of Shoo.

' . INSIDE SEA.ll.-From R to S ------------~----··

n i.c1me DJ> lD c:rotdl. s ;. B~l.SC.m of Shoo.

SEAT.- All around at P l' Je l•rg-part or 5.,.t.


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