  • Regulatory Expert Sample CV - 3

    Work Experience: October 2009 till date Organization: Aircel Limited, Gurgaon Manager- Corporate Regulatory Work Profile: CCCooommmppplll iiiaaannnccceee tttooo TTTRRRAAAIII RRReeeggguuulllaaattt iiiooonnnsss &&& DDDiii rrreeecccttt iiiooonnnsss

    Tariff Orders & TCP Regulation: EEEnnnsssuuurrriiinnnggg cccooommmppplll iiiaaannnccceee tttooo ttthhheee rrreeeggguuulllaaattt iiiooonnn aaannnddd aaalll lll aaammmeeennndddmmmeeennntttsss MMMiiinnniiimmmiiizzziiinnnggg aaadddvvveeerrrssseee ooobbbssseeerrrvvvaaattt iiiooonnnsss fffrrrooommm eeexxxttteeerrrnnnaaalll aaauuuttthhhooorrriii ttt iiieeesss Proactively initiating discussions with corporate marketing team on specific products, tariffs and giving

    regulatory opinion and approvals. Assisting in formulating and providing regulatory opinion on new VAS products and ensuring timely TRAI

    filing as well as other related mandatory compliances

    Ensuring correct and timely tariff filing (from Corporate, if required) as well as compliance to TRAI Direction/Regulations

    Supporting circles in tariff filings as per TRAI guidelines Assisting and ensuring timely filing of pan India products with TRAI

    CCCuuussstttooommmeeerrr CCCooommmmmmuuunnniiicccaaattt iiiooonnn:::

    Ensuring customer communication thru various modes(including creative/Art work/press releases/Physical Cards) does not violate any TRAI Regulation/Direction/guidelines

    Ensuring error free customer communication Sharing inputs, giving regulatory approvals on proposed creative as per TRAI Regulations/guidelines Ensuing no misleading information is published Proactive meetings with corporate brand team to ensure elimination of any ambiguity w.r.t TRAIs


    CCCooommmppplll iiiaaannnccceee tttooo TTTRRRAAAIII TTTCCCCCCCCCPPP RRReeeggguuulllaaattt iiiooonnn

    MMMooonnniiitttooorrriiinnnggg aaannnddd aaannnaaalllyyyzzziiinnnggg ttthhheee UUUCCCCCC ttteeennndddsss ooonnn aaa dddaaaiii lllyyy bbbaaasssiiisss aaannnddd uuupppdddaaattteee fffuuunnncccttt iiiooonnnaaalll hhheeeaaaddd TTTiiimmmeeelllyyy IIImmmpppllleeemmmeeennntttaaattt iiiooonnn ooofff vvvaaarrriiiooouuusss aaammmeeennndddmmmeeennntttsss iiissssssuuueeeddd bbbyyy TTTRRRAAAIII tttooo aaavvvoooiiiddd aaannnyyy nnnooonnncccooommmppplll iiiaaannnccceee aaannnddd

    cccooosssttt iiimmmppplll iiicccaaattt iiiooonnn

    MMMooonnniiitttooorrriiinnnggg cccooommmppplll iiiaaannnccceeesss aaannnddd iiinnniiittt iiiaaattt iiinnnggg pppeeerrriiiooodddiiicccaaalll iiinnnttteeerrrnnnaaalll aaauuudddiiitttsss aaannnddd ssshhhaaarrriiinnnggg ttthhheee fff iiinnndddiiinnngggsss wwwiiittthhh cccooonnnccceeerrrnnneeeddd fffuuunnncccttt iiiooonnnsss aaannnddd fffuuunnncccttt iiiooonnnaaalll hhheeeaaaddd tttooo gggeeetttttt iiinnnggg ttthhheee sssaaammmeee aaaddddddrrreeesssssseeeddd tttooo rrreeeddduuuccceee aaannnyyy pppooottteeennnttt iiiaaalll


    RRReeessspppooonnndddiiinnnggg tttooo TTTRRRAAAIII SSSCCCNNNsss wwwiiittthhhiiinnn ttthhheee ttt iiimmmeeelll iiinnneeesss tttooo hhhiiiggghhhlll iiiggghhhttt iiinnncccooonnnsssiiisssttteeennnccciiieeesss iiinnn ttthhheee ooobbbssseeerrrvvvaaattt iiiooonnnsss aaannnddd ppprrrooovvviiidddiiinnnggg fffaaaccctttuuuaaalll iiinnnpppuuutttsss tttooo mmmiiinnniiimmmiiizzzeee pppeeennnaaalllttt iiieeesss

    EEEnnnsssuuurrriiinnnggg ttt iiimmmeeelllyyy rrreeessspppooonnnssseee tttooo eeessscccaaalllaaattt iiiooonnnsss fffrrrooommm TTTRRRAAAIII aaannnddd eeexxxttteeerrrnnnaaalll eeennnttt iii ttt iiieeesss ooonnn aaa rrreeeggguuulllaaarrr bbbaaasssiiisss

    TTTRRRAAAIII aaauuudddiiitttsss--- RRReeeggguuulllaaatttooorrryyy iiinnnpppuuutttsss aaannnddd rrriiissskkk mmmiiittt iiigggaaattt iiiooonnn

    Ensure timely submission of M&B audit reports without any observations which may have adverse impact. Escalate any issue which may have adverse impact on the organization. Analyzing comments given by various functions on the observations and ensuring the same is in line with

    TRAI regulations/Directions. Initiate change in existing processes, policies within the ambit of the regulations along with the concerned

    function so as to ensure that the observations raised by the auditors are addressed and dont have any adverse impact.

    Holding meetings to discuss each and every line item and ensure closure with comments in the ATR which are within the regulatory framework and which ensure compliance.

    Share consolidated action items with all the relevant stakeholders for their action and confirmation of compliance within the time frame as stated in the audit report.

    IIInnnttteeerrrnnnaaalll PPPrrroooccceeesssssseeesss///PPPooolll iiicccyyy fffooorrrmmmuuulllaaattt iiiooonnn &&& AAAnnnaaalllyyysssiiisss

    To assist the concerned function in formulating process for compliance to TRAI regulations / directions so to ensure that they are always in line with any change in regulatory framework by giving timely inputs and interacting with cross functional teams and providing regulatory inputs on various processes and policies.

    Monitor and understand industry practice on specific issue in question.

  • To assist in drafting reply on Notices/communications received from TRAI on reporting compliance violations / adhoc information etc. and to submit response.

    Proactive meetings and taking inputs on industry practices and ensuring appropriate closure from my end.

    CCCooonnnsssuuullltttaaattt iiiooonnn PPPaaapppeeerrrsss &&& LLLiiiccceeennnsssiiinnnggg

    Analyze TRAI recommendations on various industry issues/subjects Share inputs on Consultation Papers published by TRAI Finding relevant practices , approach , standards followed in other industries, countries and proactively

    sharing learning with key team members Analyze and compare Aircel standing vis a vis other operators. Assisting in preparing draft comments on

    consultation papers after detailed discussions with all the stakeholders Tracking all the license amendments and assisting in analyzing the impact on business.

    CCCooommmppplll iiiaaannnccceee MMMooonnniiitttooorrriiinnnggg:::

    Formulate compliance certificate, make periodic revisions and also ensure monthly submission from circles Timely compilation of information and sharing with Head Regulatory along with major findings Analyzing compliances given by circles and highlight deviations, discussions with circles/Corp SMEs on

    major findings advice action plan in the process, assisted in streamlining major compliances like LI, EMF etc.

    CCCiiirrrcccllleee SSSuuuppppppooorrrttt:::

    Providing feedback to circles on specific queries with regards to TRAI directions/guidelines/Regulation Circulating guiding notes as well as related guidelines and also implementing best practices of a circle in

    other circles. Proactively sharing points on General Practice in release of Artwork by Corp/Circle Brand team with circle

    regulatory to ensure circle teams are aware of the details to be included in any customer communication related to products/services/tariffs.

    August 2007 October 2009 Organization: Sistema Shyam TeleServices Ltd. Jaipur Assistant Manager- Regulatory Compliances and MIS Work Profile:

    Handling monthly, quarterly and yearly regulatory reporting for all the 6 telecom circles then operations. Filing of tariff plans for all the circles as per the guidelines in the latest TTO. Compliance handling for website as per Quality of Service Regulation, 2007. Responsible for subscriber verification compliances and coordination with TERM Cell of the DoT. Performing analyses on various regulatory requirements and comparing business unit policies and

    procedures for compliance with the changes in regulation Working with the business units to understand their processes and business practices and ensuring that

    the business units comprehend the impact of changes to regulation to their respective areas

    Coordinating with Audit Agencies regarding Audit of Metering &Billing System Accuracy and Quality of Service Audits as stipulated by TRAI.

    December 2006 August 2007 Organization: Tata Teleservices Limited, Jaipur Sr. Executive- Retail Operations, Branded Retail Work Profile:

    Process deployment --Training , Monitoring & Auditing IT and MIS Support---Code creations, back end Co ordination for all applications. MIS for Customer

    service and operations for COCO Store Operational Excellence Review -- Monthly audits & action points, Adherence to the store ops

    manual. October 2005 November 2006 Organization: Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd., Jaipur Assistant Manager, Retail Liabilities Work Profile:

  • Responsible for gross addition in the sales figure per month and achieving target. Wealth Management- Managing portfolios of HNI customers

    December 2004 September 2005 Organization: Keane Worldzen India Pvt. Ltd., Gurgaon. -A subsidiary of Keane India, Keane Worldzen is a BPO specializing in Third Party Collections Sr. Executive, Operations Work Profile:

    Coordinating on daily basis with the client and responsible for getting more business from the client. Coordination and maintenance of project SLAa in coordination with Project Manager. Preparing collection reports that provide the client with detailed insight into process achievements. Analyzing reports and predicting collection forecasts on specific assignments.

    December 2002 November 2004 Sr. Executive, Customer Care and Service Provisioning Organization: Bharti Hexacom Limited, Jaipur April 2001 November 2002- Supervisor, Call Center April 2000 March 2001- Executive, Customer Care Education

    Graduated from University of Rajasthan, in ABST (Accounts and Statistics) Hons., in 1998 with 1st division.

    Masters Diploma in Business Administration (MDBA) in Sales and Marketing, from Indian Institute of Modern Management, IIMM, Pune in 2003.

    A Level from DOEACC, New Delhi through CIStems School of Computing, Jaipur Date of Birth 21-10-1977

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