
Change Expert, Author, Keynote Speaker


Move from

with. . .


To learn more about her books, keynotes, workshopsor to hire Susan for your next event visit:

Do you embrace change with strength and resilience?______________

Or do you resist change with fear, denial, and frustration?


AAre you at a loss for how to move past adversity and challenge?______________

Would you like to create more positive change in your life?

Change isn’t going anywhere and will continue to happen again and again . . . with you, without you, for you, or against you. That’s life. Then why do some people strive and thrive, while others flop and flounder?


In In Release the Power of Re3: 77 Ways to Create Positive Change & Transformation, Susan Young shares her 3-step formula for harnessing change, becoming exponentially resilient, and optimizing outcomes in

life and in business . . .

Whether you hope to navigate change more successfully, create something brand new, or improve upon the past, Susan will help you

make the right choices for the right reasons.

“Susan has given you the keys to reset your counters to zero and let go of the good, bad, ugly and great of your past. Let today be the dividing line in the sand and you will create a new chapter of ideas, goals, experiences, and moments that matter.”

—Mark LeBlanc—Mark LeBlanc Speaker, Pilgrim and

Author of Never Be the Same and Growing Your Business

Review, Redo & Renew

850.598.3317 |©2017 Susan Young All Rights Reserved

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