Page 1: REMINDER - · Reminders Fri 5th April – BAKE SALE (Rm3) 3pm Sun 7th April – Garden Working Bee 10-12pm Tues 9th April – Performance Assembly 2pm Fri 12th April-Hui/Assembly


Fri 5th

April – BAKE SALE (Rm3) 3pm

Sun 7th

April – Garden Working Bee 10-12pm

Tues 9th

April – Performance Assembly 2pm

Fri 12th

April-Hui/Assembly Rm2&Rm7@9:15am

Fri 12th

April - FULL School Evacuation Drill

Kia ora te Whānau o Te Kura o Haewai

It is hard believe that our first term is nearly over. It has been a fantastic term and that is down to the hard work of our staff and students. We wish you a safe and relaxing holiday. Term 2 starts back on Monday 29th April. In the last 2 days we have seen most of our whanau for goal setting. We really value the time and support you give to your child's learning. The partnerships that are formed through these are invaluable. I want to thank all of our staff for the time and effort they put into these. Tino pai rawa!

Naku te rourou nau te rourou ka ora ai te iwi

With your basket and my basket the people will live

The leadership team is heading to the Wellington Principals Leadership conference on Thursday and Friday at Te Papa. Jos Abernethy will be acting up as the School Leader for the 2 days.

The leadership team is excited having this wonderful opportunity to learn and hear from experts in education. We feel it is important that we too continue to be lifelong learners. Our roll is now at 219! We have had a lot of new entrants start this term. This means, Jos has now started her class. If your child is turning 5 this year and you haven’t yet enrolled them, please come to the office and ask for the enrolment form. During this week we have talked to and walked our children through the process for a lockdown situation. We didn’t do a whole school one. We thought that the important thing at the moment is for our children to know and understand what they need to do in this situation. We have rescheduled a full school lock down for later in term 2.

Daylight Savings Daylight savings ends on Sunday 7th April. Please turn your clocks backward 1 hour as we don’t want children arriving at school before 8.30am. Enjoy your extra hour sleep!

SWIMMING - TERM 2 The staff discussed swimming at the end of last year and felt that term 3 is a challenging time with the winter weather and students health. We have just heard that we can swim in term 2 on Tuesdays. This has taken a lot of negotiating and perseverance on Briar’s behalf to get this to happen. Thank you Briar for your great work! You will find the swimming notice attached. Any questions please contact your classroom teacher or [email protected]


On the 12th April we will be holding a full earthquake and emergency evacuation drill as part of emergency practice.

We will be running through our processes, including us contacting you by emergency text and requesting you to pick your child up (or delegate someone to do it for you). These emergency evacuations would happen in a natural disaster like an earthquake, dangerous storms or flooding, but also if we have a health and safety issue that requires us to close the school immediately. Much as we'd love to think it won't happen to us, it is important that we are as prepared as we can be for what might happen.

Houghton Valley School Caring, Exploring and Inspiring Together

Newsletter Thursday, 4th April 2019 Week 9 of Term 1

Page 2: REMINDER - · Reminders Fri 5th April – BAKE SALE (Rm3) 3pm Sun 7th April – Garden Working Bee 10-12pm Tues 9th April – Performance Assembly 2pm Fri 12th April-Hui/Assembly

I appreciate that it adds another thing to your busy lives to organise, and as for any drills it is quite artificial and planned! Even so it will be a helpful opportunity to test that our communication processes are robust, and help us continue to iron out any errors or issues with getting information through to you quickly. This is also a wee prompt to ensure your contact information (including emergency contacts and authorised “pick up‟

people, and more importantly people that are NOT allowed to collect your child) are up to date, and that you have a plan for if and when school needs to close in an emergency and your child needs to be collected. Please email: [email protected] with any new contact details. We recommend you have a conversation with your children over the next few weeks/holidays about which other adults might pick them up in this sort of situation, especially if you might be caught up across the city!

Here’s how our planned drill and evacuation will roll out in the afternoon of 12th April (and how we would like to think things would happen in a real emergency situation!):

We will simulate an earthquake response “drop, cover, hold. Wait for a teacher or adult to give further instructions”.

Alert caregivers that we are in an emergency drill scenario via text messaging system

We would then provide any information required via email or website as we can give you more information and to keep the phone lines free for emergency responders.

Make the decision to ‘evacuate’ and ‘close the school’. Alert caregivers that your child needs to be collected via text.


We will have a designated area for you to sign the paperwork and wait, and your child will be brought to you. The designated area is by the main gates on the bottom court outside Rooms 9 and 10.

You will not be allowed to enter the children’s assembly point. (This is the recommended procedure from Civil

Defence to help keep all children calm as they wait for their parents).

Parents (or delegated ‘pick up’ people) sign child out from teachers by 3pm. From there, our scenario will be completed, and as a staff we will review and debrief our processes.

From 3pm our usual processes will be back in place, so Kelly Club will still be operating. If your child usually attends After School Care, I recommend you delegate another parent to officially sign them out from school as part of the emergency drill, and then they can continue over to the hall.

Thank you in advance for supporting our emergency preparation! We will be seeking feedback and ideas after the drill for what worked and what we can improve.

Performance Assembly We know these are hugely popular and that we get a lot of parents and whānau to these so they will continue each term. They will be in Week 10 of every term, on Tuesday afternoons 2.00pm-2.55pm.

The band have decided to defer their first performance until they have had more time to polish their gig, which will be during term 2. We can’t wait!

Ngā mihi kia koutou katoa, Luana Carroll, Te Tumuaki – Principal

A big welcome in ngaio class to:

Iris Andrews

Page 3: REMINDER - · Reminders Fri 5th April – BAKE SALE (Rm3) 3pm Sun 7th April – Garden Working Bee 10-12pm Tues 9th April – Performance Assembly 2pm Fri 12th April-Hui/Assembly

Sustainability Update

Sustainability Team Working Bee!

On Sunday the 7th of April between 10am and 12pm we will have a working bee here at school. We will be getting together to weed and prepare the vegetable gardens for planting in term 2. We would love to see you here to help. We will be meeting outside the junior classes at 10am to get started. Bring your garden gloves, trowels and weeding forks, if you have them! Please email

Ashleigh from our sustainability team at [email protected] if you have any questions about this.

Predator Free Houghton Valley School

Volunteers Needed

We are looking for families to take responsibility for a Rat Trap. This will involve setting up your designated rat trap in the rainforest and

checking it once a week and recording the amount of rats caught on “Inaturalist” app. If you are keen, please email Rekha on [email protected]



SPARE CLOTHES – for the office – if any families have any

children’s spare pants/shorts/trousers (all ages) for our clothes box in the office, please drop them off to Denise. Thanks

Bake Sale this Friday 5th April 3pm

outside Nikau Room 3!

Bring your coins!

Page 4: REMINDER - · Reminders Fri 5th April – BAKE SALE (Rm3) 3pm Sun 7th April – Garden Working Bee 10-12pm Tues 9th April – Performance Assembly 2pm Fri 12th April-Hui/Assembly

Play based learning – Junior school

At HVS, we believe that play allows children to experience fun, joy and laughter which will develop and practice life skills.

The children are making herbal tea outside and one child made a sign for their café. The children cooperate together, share ideas and solving problems together. They are using materials to build hammocks and tents.

Play is essential for developing language, social and emotional skills. (Wallis, 2017) Learning and problem solving come from exploration. (Bruner)

Play Based Learning

Page 5: REMINDER - · Reminders Fri 5th April – BAKE SALE (Rm3) 3pm Sun 7th April – Garden Working Bee 10-12pm Tues 9th April – Performance Assembly 2pm Fri 12th April-Hui/Assembly


Ngā mihi nui tamariki ma! Thank you and congratulations on all your walking, scooting and biking to school during Movin’March. We noticed many students are trying new ways to come to school during

the weeks we participated.

Please make sure your named and stamped cards are returned to the Pohutukawa student leaders Art, Emma, Ines and Sam, so we can post them back to be in to the Movin’March organisers to be entered into a lucky draw. We can return one card each if they are not fully complete as well.

We will celebrate our efforts to be healthy and reduce the use of cars with a ‘Fancy Feet’ morning

on Monday 8th April. Students can come to school on Monday with decorated footwear and Junior classes will have time decorate their shoes at school.

Home and school association

Bake Sale Tomorrow - remember your coins The first bake sale of the year is on tomorrow (Friday 5 April) after school. It is being organised by the teachers, students and whanau of Nikau. Thanks to all those helping. Bring along your

spare change to spend.

Home & School Election of Officers At the AGM on 27 March 2019; Ian Long was elected as chair, Kevin Hales as treasurer, Dougal Wylie as deputy treasurer, Megan Taylor as secretary and Karen Parr as grants officer.

We are looking for someone to learn all about the grants role from Karen so that we don’t lose the knowledge when she leaves the school at the end of the year. If you are interested in learning about the role and possibly taking over from Karen at some point, get in touch with Megan at [email protected].

If you are interested in getting involved in any shape and form; come along to a meeting or get in touch.

Next Meeting - 1st May Our next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday 1 May. That’s the first week back at school in term 2. We’ll aim to send out a reminder but do put it on your calendars.

Parent Classroom Reps We are looking for a parent representative for each classroom. It would be up to you what you make of the role but the main idea is to help build the relationships between the classroom parents. This would involve welcoming new parents who start at HVS and could involve organising catch-ups for the parents to get to know each other. We’ve heard of this being successfully run in other schools.

We have had some parents already volunteer to be the parent representatives for Rata, Harakeke and Karaka (thanks!). If you are interested for any of the other classes; please contact Megan at

[email protected].

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Term 1 events

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Week 9


th April

3 Way Goal Setting


3 Way Goal Setting 3:15pm-6pm

Leadership Team at Wellington Schools

Leadership Conference

============ TWoA – Te Reo Maori

classes start 6pm in the Library

Leadership Team at Wellington Schools

Leadership Conference

================ 3pm Bake Sale

Nikau (Rm3)

Week 10


th April

Performance Assembly

2pm to 2:55pm in Hall

Senior Trip to Wgtn Museum - Room 4, 9 & 10

TWoA – Te Reo Maori classes start 6pm in

the Library

Hui/Assembly 9:15am-10am

Kowhai & Mahoe =================

Evacuation Practice

Kelly club april holiday program & Sports


Held at Island Bay School

Kelly Club Holiday Programmes focus on giving children aged between 5 and 13 the

opportunity to do things they enjoy in a safe, supportive and encouraging environment. The programmes

are packed with activities to entertain and inspire children. We have some exciting days planned: Flip

Out!, Wellington Zoo, Nigel Kennedy the Magician, Laser Force a Bouncy Castle and lots more!

KELLY SPORTS TERM 2 Kelly Sports will be back in Term 2 with their fun and exciting classes. Kelly

Sports encourages children to have fun, build confidence and to give sport a go. We believe that sport and

physical activity has so much to offer young people; it improves fitness, develops communication skills,

team work and gives them a place to channel their energy.

Wicked Winter Sports! (Yrs 1-4) – Thursday’s 3.05pm-4.05pm - Come and try Football, Netball, Handball

and Rippa Rugby (2 weeks of each sport). It’s a great way to try new sports, learn new skills and

improve ability. We use games & drills to teach game sense and team play. Learn the fundamental skills

for all sports – throwing, running, jumping, striking, balance and many more – all while having a great

time! For full details and to enrol into our programmes visit email [email protected] or call 04 972 7201.

Page 7: REMINDER - · Reminders Fri 5th April – BAKE SALE (Rm3) 3pm Sun 7th April – Garden Working Bee 10-12pm Tues 9th April – Performance Assembly 2pm Fri 12th April-Hui/Assembly

Community notices

MARRZIPAN HOLIDAY WORKSHOP! Students will devise their own play, create characters they feel awesome portraying, learn to direct each other, design the set, bring in costumes, use iMovie to create a commercial for their play on the iPad and get to perform to family and friends at the end of the final day! Dates - Monday 15th - Thursday 18th April, Location - Evans Bay Cadet Centre, Price - $60 per day You can sign your child up for a Trial Lesson via our website (we have contact numbers on there too, should you prefer to talk to a human!)

BIGAIR’s GYMNASTICS Children in Wellington are learning how to Cartwheel, Round-off, Handspring and Flip at BIGAIR Gymnastics classes! Children develop strength, flexibility, balance, proprioception, plus pride and self-confidence as they achieve new skills. BIGAIR’s GYMNASTICS, TUMBLING, FREE RUNNING & TRAMPOLINE classes are great for fun and fitness! We focus on safety, technique, basic skills, through to more advanced skills such as summersaults and twisting. Book now for our April School Holiday Programme! Full day and half day sessions available. Great for kids to get active and learn something new! To find out more, please call Bigair Gym Owhiro Bay on 3838779 or email [email protected].

WHAT NOW Audience I am the Audience Coordinator for the children’s TV programme ‘What Now’ (8-10am Sunday on TVNZ 2). During 2019 we are broadcasting our first 10 shows from around Wellington, show casing a different community each week. On Sunday

7th April, our show will be coming live from Berhampore and I would like to invite your families to be part of the live audience! Families (including adults) are all invited to come and experience live TV being made while being part of our awesome audience…& it’s FREE!! As space is limited, we work on a ‘first in best dressed’ approach. You are most welcome to include this link in your notices for your families to register online to be part of the audience Ground Location: Berhampore School, 105 Britomart St, Berhampore. We look forward to joining your community! You are most welcome to include this link in your notices for your families to register online to be part of the


Artrageous Kids Programme: 15 – 26 April 2019 BOOK ARTRAGEOUS APRILVenue: Poneke Dojo, Prince of Wales Park, Salisbury Tce, Mt Cook, Wellington 8.30am–3:00pm $69 and after care 3:00pm-5.15pm $15 Aimed at children aged 5-12 years. Our classes provide a space for all children to explore at their own pace; chaotic or careful, gingerly or with gusto, tiptoeing or tromping. Our aim is to draw out their creativity, not stuff things in! Bookings essential. BOOK NOW!

Island Bay United Junior Football Club Play soccer this season! Does your 10-11 yr old (girls and boys) want to play soccer this year? Island Bay United Junior Football Club has a few spaces, so contact Jo on [email protected] today. It doesn’t matter if you haven’t played for a while - just bring along your enthusiasm. Games start 6 April.

Wellington South Fencing Club is running a Beginners Fencing Programme from Tuesday 8th October - Friday 12th October, 9am-12pm for anyone keen to give fencing a go. Check out for more details or call Tracy on 027 2144 129 for more information.

For HVS Updates checkout the website :

OR for HVS Facebook page Kelly Club After School Care & Holiday Programmes

• Genevieve Programme Co-ordinator - Cell 022 010 9981 or email [email protected]

Bee Healthy Dental Clinic • 0800 825 583 • Thursdays • Sushi – go online to before 9am to order

• Fridays • Pita Pit – go online before 9am to order

Houghton Valley School Ph: 939-3318

Principal Email: [email protected] School Office Email: [email protected]

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