Page 1: Renaissance timeline By: Namsai

By: Namsai Sethpornpong 8B

The Renaissance Timeline

Page 2: Renaissance timeline By: Namsai

Dante (1265-1321)

Dante was a politician and an author. He wrote the epic poem,

Inferno which told people about the 9 sins of hell.

*Dante emphasized how hell were flames of internal torment. Dante gave a perception to how hell really was, the bible never really described what hell was like, and now that Dante gave his perspective, it has become clearer for the people of the Renaissance.

Dante's Inferno struck fear to all of the people who were considered "sinners" during the renaissance. What they did to redeem themselves was pay money to the priests or monks of the church. Also, the Inferno pushed into converting to Christianity. Dante effects us now because of his writing, if he hadn't wrote the Infernal, then we would not have an insight on the what the people who lived during the renaissance had feared so much. And maybe, without the Infernal, we would never had developed, there would not have been all of these rebellions, which led us to the way that we are now.

A computer game based on Dante’s Inferno

Page 3: Renaissance timeline By: Namsai

The Black Death (1348-1350)Peaked in Europe for only two years, it is

also estimated to have killed 30-60% of the Europe population. It took Europe at least 150 years for recovery. The Black death

inspired people in the Middle ages to enhance their knowledge of the human

body. It also created major economy, social, and religious upheavals. The Black plague helped create the renaissance. Because almost 1/3 of the population died, the

villens or serf became more important in society. The feudal system ended and that

was how the renaissance began to develop.

The renaissance was the "rebirth". Without it, then we wouldn't be the way that we are today. The renaissance was the period in history that we began to discover the things that we have today. For example, we began to develop our knowledge about the human body, thanks to Da Vinci. The tank was invented, so was the printing press, and the Protestant religion was started. And to think none of this would've happened without the black death.

A medieval painting of the Black death

Page 4: Renaissance timeline By: Namsai

Printing Press by Johannes Guttenburg

(1440)Johannes Guttenberg created the printing press which allowed books and bibles to be printed

onto paper rather than having monks and priests write the text down by hand.

* The printing press enabled the bibles and books to become known more world wide. First, it spread in Europe, then it went all over. It has impacted us today because it was the way that people spread knowledge around the world and has helped us get to where we are today because it was the original printing press and a prototype for other new presses to come.

*The printing press is credited with helping the standardized alphabet become the way it is. Also the indexes, contents, and page numbers were said to be credited by the invention of the printing press.

The Printing Press at work

Page 5: Renaissance timeline By: Namsai

Christopher Columbus (1451-1506)

Was an explorer, "discovered" America. Columbus wanted to actually go to Japan to

do trade, but he actually landed in the Bahamas. Columbus made three more

voyages and initially explored most of the western hemisphere. Christopher also

discovered that the world was round because he sailed from the Atlantic and ended up

where he started.

Even though Christopher Columbus wasn't exactly the first one to go to America, (the first people were Vikings led by Leif Ericson) he still changed it permanently. We wouldn't be living the way that we are now. Most of our things and ideas or products are made in America. America is the most influential countries for us right now. We now know that the world is round, and Columbus was the first one to find that out. If Columbus didn't discover America, we would be living in a very different world.

Portrait of Christopher Columbus

Page 6: Renaissance timeline By: Namsai

Leonardo Da Vinci (1453-1519) Leonardo Da Vinci invented so many different things;

e.g The Mona Lisa; the Parachute; the tank. He was the original "renaissance man”

*The parachute has been very helpful to us because not that the aeroplane has been developed, we can now be dropped off from any height and be safely dropped down to the ground. This has also increased the economy for some countries which are tourist attractions.

*The tank has had a huge impact on the wars from World War I and II. The tank has saved many men during the two main wars.We still use this machine even today, and without it, the world would be very different for us.


*The Mona Lisa is the world famous painting of a lady who is an object of curiousity because of her famous smile. Leonardo's techniques are so perfect that the brushstrokes are not visible. The Mona Lisa was so influential that other famous artists had decided to repaint it with their own interpretation.

Da Vinci’s famous Mona Lisa (1504)

Page 7: Renaissance timeline By: Namsai

Niccolo Machiavelli(1469-1527)He was a politician and author. He wrote

the famous book called The Prince. He thought that a good leader must be like a lion and a fox, meaning that they were to be both strong and sly. And his quote "the end justifies the means" is very famous.

His view on leadership has influenced so many people today. According to Machiavelli dictators such as Hitler, Stalin, and Bin Laden were good leaders. In my opinion, they were. They were good leaders, but that doesn't mean that they were good people. Machiavelli's view on leadership has influenced so many people nowadays because some people choose to follow what he has told them, some people don't. His name is even used to describe someone malicious.

Penguin Classic’s “The Prince”

Page 8: Renaissance timeline By: Namsai

King Henry VIII (1491-1547) *Had 6 different wives. In order to divorce the

first one, Queen Catherine of Aragon, he decided to create a new religion which

separated the Roman Catholic Church and the Church of England which reformed to


A lot of people are Protestant which is another branch of Christianity. King Henry the 8th created this religion and has greatly impacted the lives of many more people to come. Nowadays, about 500 million people are reported as protestants. Without King Henry, there wouldn't be the protestant religion. Henry the 8th also impacted the renaissance in another way which was that he was one of the things that made Queen Mary or Bloody Mary kill all of the people she did. Bloody Mary executed many because of religious influences, she was Catholic, whereas a lot of people weren't.

King Henry depicted with his six wives

Page 9: Renaissance timeline By: Namsai

Graphite Pencil (1564)The graphite pencil was created when a large graphite mine was

discovered in Cumbria, England. The graphite were made into sheets and cut into thin rods, ensconced into wooden holders; and

the pencil was created. At that time, people thought that the graphite was lead, therefore giving its name as the "lead" pencil,

even though it contained none of the substance.

Before the keyboard was invented, the pencil was crucial. We use pencils in our daily lives today. Even though there were pens, we couldn't erase pens from paper like we can with the pencil. We use pencils all the time, from sketching, to writing reports. The pencil was also used during the renaissance by artists when they sketched.

“Lead” Pencil

Page 10: Renaissance timeline By: Namsai

William Shakespeare (1564-1616) He wrote many plays which became world famous

and his plays were able to be related to the Kings and the Peasants. He developed 1,700 english words and

is one of the most remarkable playwriters in the English language.

Shakespeare's plays and poems have become quite known worldwide. Students are learning about his works in school. Shakespeare also established 1,700 English words. Even today William Shakespeare's plays are being developed and interpreted. His type of plots are being used today;



*Two young people falling in love that is forbidden from his play Romeo and Juliet


*An evil person who ends up in deep trouble because of their own sins, from Hamlet.

Portrait of William Shakespeare

Page 11: Renaissance timeline By: Namsai

King Naresuan (1590-1605)He was a king of Thailand during the

Renaissance period. King Naresuan lead many battles against Myanmar, trying to gain more territory, from which was taken

from us.

If if wasn't for King Naresuan, then Thailand may not be the way it is. He plays a great role in Thai history, and is one of the most influential Monarchs. During King Naresuan's reign, Siam had the most territory extent. Not only this but King Naresuan still has made a lasting impact, playing the role model and hero for all Thai people. Because of his bravery, leadership, kindness, and great fighting skills, he has been a great inspiration for many, and us Thai citizens would not be where we are now without him.

One of the many movies about King Naresuan

Page 12: Renaissance timeline By: Namsai

The Flush Toilet (1596)The first flush toilet was invented by John

Harrington for Queen Elizabeth I.

Even though the flush toilet was made popular by Thomas Crapper, Harrington was the one who had first created it. The flush toilet has created a lasting impact on us because we use it everyday in our lives. Imagine how hard life would be it we didn't have flushing toilets, we would have to urinate or poo in a pot and throw that out. There are sewage system underground so that it doesn't smell that bad, but imagine if you just throw all of your waste out the window, life would be quite disgusting.

The Flush toilet during the Renaissance

Page 13: Renaissance timeline By: Namsai

Isaac Newton (1643-1727)

Invented Calculus, he created the universal theory of gravity, wrote the book Principia.

*Calculus is the thing that math is all leading up to, it’s the formula and laws of nature. Everyone who has a decent education must learn calculus, because it is required in the jobs of architects or engineers. We use calculus in our daily lives, and so, Isaac Newton has really impacted us.

* The Universal theory of gravity was created by Isaac Newton when he was sipping tea in the garden with a friend- William Stuckeley and an apple fell on his head. This has greatly effected us today because if we still didn't know about how gravity works, then how would we know that if a pencil fell of a desk, it wouldn't end up on the ceiling? Isaac helped us to recognize the laws of gravity around us. • In Newton's famous book, Principia, he describes three main laws called "Newton's Laws of Motion. These laws describe how objects which are not being pushed or pulled by the same force will stay still or continue in a steady line. Another law is the mass multiplied by acceleration equals force. (Which helps us today to predict many things.) Or the last law that states "for every action, there is an equal or opposite reaction." In Principia, Newton also describes how the planets orbit around the sun in an oval, not a circle, changing our views on things and making everything clearer.

Newton’s Apple tree at Trinity College

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