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    1.0 Organisation Profile

    1.1 Introduction

    Tun Seri Lanang Library was incepted concurrently with the establishment of

    Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia in 1970 at Lembah Pantai, Kuala Lumpur. The

    library has moved to the permanent campus at Bangi and has used level 5, Canselori,

    UKM in the year of 1977. It was officially named Perpustakaan Tun Seri Lanang on

    the 20th of July 1980, after a prominent figure of the Johore Sultanese, in recognition

    of his immense contributions to the Malay world. Actually, Tun Seri Lanang is a

    famous bangsawan & laureate in Tanah Melayu in 16th century. Today, the Library is

    housed in a six-storeyed building at the main campus of UKM in Bangi and has four

    branch libraries, named the Malay World & Civilization Branch library, Law Branch

    Library, Dr. Abdul Latiff Branch Library and UKM Hospital Branch Library.

    Perpustakaan Tun Seri Lanang (PTSL) is divided into 3 parts which are Resource

    Development Programme, Service Management Programme and Branch Libraries

    which all of them are headed by Chief Librarian, Hj. Abu Bakar bin Maidin.

    There are 4 departments under Resource Development Programme which are

    IT & System Department, Acquisition Department, Catalogue Department and

    Binding & Journal Management Department. Resource Development Programme is

    headed by Deputy Chief Librarian, Pn. Hafsah binti Mohamed. While Service

    Management Programme has 7 departments under its management which are

    Information Service Department, Customer Service Department, Research Service

    Department, Arab & Islam Civilization Collection Department, Archive, Gallery &

    Special Collection Department, Southeast Asia & Documents Collection Department

    and Media Collection Department. This programme is headed by Deputy Chief

    Librarian, Puan Noraini Omar (organization chart: refer to appendix). Branch

    Libraries are supervised by main library. These libraries held special collections that

    main library cannot provide. These libraries are Law Library (located at Law Faculty

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    which contains law-related collections), Malay World & Civilization Library

    (located at Malay World & Civilization Institute which contains Malay civilization

    collections), Dr. Abdul Latiff Library (located at KL campus which contains medical

    and health related collections) and UKM Medical Centre Library (located at Cheras

    which contains more advanced medical and health related collections). Each Branch

    Libraries is headed by 4 Chief Branch Library.

    Mission Of Tun Seri Lanang Library

    The library is committed in becoming a library that will set the trends in providing a

    range of services and technologies which facilitate access, retrieval and interpretation

    of knowledge irrespective of the nature or location of the information sources.

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    2.0 Activities & work experience gained

    2.1 Task and how to do the task

    I started my Industrial Training on 7th July 2008, at 9.00am. My friends and i attended

    first meeting on that day handled by the Deputy Chief Librarian, Pn. Hafsah binti

    Mohamed. She gave us a brief explanation about the library and the things that we

    have to do during our training at Tun Seri Lanang Library.

    For the first month of our training, we were brought to all departments of

    PTSL and Branch Libraries. The first thing we had to do is survey all the work

    processes and procedures either it is necessary at any process that can be transform

    into a system to accomplished their task in a minimum time. We also have to give

    comments and suggestions in order to improve the works in the libraries especially in

    ICT applications. We had been given the chance to feel the experience to key in the

    data in VTLS System in every department. Each department does different kind of

    job. We also had been given the chance to do the other works process of a library that

    are not related or not used the ICT application like bind a book. It is very interesting

    because I got to know how the book is processed before the student can get it on the

    shelf and borrow the book. Besides, I also get the chance to join the Information Skill

    Course as the course instructor. I have to give the explanation about PTSL to the new

    students. I brought small groups of students to all Library collections and facilities. I

    got benefits from it on upgrading and increasing my self-confidence and my

    communication skills.

    From our survey, PTSL has many manual forms that we think can be

    computerizing (online form). PTSL has problems with non-degree students because

    they register in UKM at irregular period. They must come to the library to register

    their user ID and password because PTSL do not have online register forms to assist

    these students.

    After first month, we had a meeting with our company supervisor which is

    Deputy Chief Librarian, Pn. Hafsah and the Head of System and Information

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    Technology Department, Encik Hazmir and also with Encik Hafiz (System and

    Information Technology Department). We have discussed about the potential project

    that will be carried out for our practical training project. We have to present our

    comments and suggestions on what we had seen during first month at each department

    of PTSL and the branch libraries. We also discussed about the projects that suitable.

    Pn. Hafsah, En. Hazmir and En. Hafiz have listed three projects to be carried out by

    us. We have been divided into three groups.

    My partner, Rabiatul Adawiyah, and I were asked to develop an e-Tutorial to

    guide the users on how to use OPAC Gemilang, UKM Digital Collection and e-

    Journal Portal. We have to show and guide the users how to search the items in the

    library collections, renew the items, request the items, cancel the requested items,

    check accounts and the other applications of OPAC Gemilang, UKM Digital

    Collection and e-Journal Portal.

    At first, we tried to search the software for developing an e-Tutorial in the

    internet. Then, En. Hazmir have suggested us to use Adobe Captivate. So, we

    downloaded Adobe Captivate version 3 but it is just only for one month. We started to

    learn and explore that software. Before starting the work to develop that e-Tutorial,

    we have discussed with Pn. Lela Ruzma, Pn. Azmah and Pn. Noraini about the e-

    Tutorial. They have explained to us the functions and the applications provided in

    OPAC Gemilang, UKM Digital Collection and e-Journal Portal.

    After three weeks, En Hafiz gave us the original Adobe Captivate version 2.

    We faced some problems because of the different version of that software. We have to

    redo the e-Tutorial, we have to start again all the work process that we have done


    We have presented our project to the users who are my fellow friends to get

    their comments and suggestions to add into the e-Tutorial. We have edited the e-

    tutorial according to the users comments and suggestions. We also always referred to

    Pn. Lela Ruzma and En. Hazmir when we got problems.

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    My partner and I have presented the complete e-Tutorial on 21st November

    2008 to the Management to show our outcome in doing practical training in Tun Seri

    Lanang Library for 5 months.

    I also involved in the activities that has been held by PTSL such as Bicara

    Buku Bersama Dato Dr. Sheikh Muzaffar. He talked a lot about his life journey. I

    was very motivated with his speech. Besides, I also involved with special events such

    as celebrating Hari Raya, morning assembly with other staff. From all the occasions

    and events, i get to know more about the staffs and get to communicate with them

    better. It gave me work experience and it have teach me to be more prepared to work

    environment later after finishing my studies in UKM.

    2.2 Contribution to the company

    One of the main contributions that I gave to the library is, I have developed an e-

    Tutorial that will be used by the library in order to guide the users on how to use the

    services provided in the librarys website. This e-Tutorial is very important and is an

    alternative to the way that the librarian did before; teach the students in the computer

    lab on how to use the OPAC Gemilang, UKM Digital Collection and e-Journal Portal.

    This e-Tutorial will help the librarian and also the users because it can be access and

    used by users anytime and anywhere.

    The other contributions that I gave to the library are; I have to teach some

    users on how to use the borrowing and returning self service machine. Besides,

    sometimes, if the returning machine is full, I collected and arranged the book neatly

    on the trolley so that it is easier for the staff to collect the books.

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    3.0 ICT application in organisation

    UKM Library uses the latest ICT application to manage its daily routine.

    Softwares used are Virtua System that was bought from VTLS from United Kingdom

    to help in book circulation (borrow & return process), the OPAC GEMILANG and

    book & media ordering & invoice process. This system uses Sun Solaris server and

    Oracle database. Other software includes Content Manager from IBM to manage

    UKM Digital Collection and ezproxy server to manage E-Journal database. UKM

    Library also uses Computer Lab Management System created by Zettasoft to manage

    its computer labs located at siber@ptsl. Recently, UKM Library has bought a book-

    drop system and a borrowing self-service system.

    UKM Library also uses basic hardware which is computer sets from Dell and

    Hewlett-Packard & barcode scanner. This scanner is used to scan barcode that was

    glued to the books. These barcodes works similar as goods in a supermarket. It helps

    with total books borrow and return for the day, month or year for each student. The

    other basic hardware used in the library are self service borrowing machine and self

    service returning machine.

    UKM Library also uses basic software which are:-

    (a) System VTLS Virtua

    This is the main system that is being used to do all the work in Tun Seri

    Lanang Library. There are many modules in this system which are book

    circulation (borrow & return process) module, cataloguing module, acquisition

    module and modul terbitan bersiri. This system uses Sun Solaris server andOracle database.

    (b) Computer Lab Management

    This software is an outsource software that is created by Zettasoft to manage

    library computer labs located at siber@ptsl in Tun Seri Lanang Library.

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    (c) Content Manager

    This Software is brought from IBM to manage UKM Digital Collection

    (d) Ezproxy

    Ezproxy server is used to manage E-Journal database.

    (e) Microsoft Window XP Professional

    This is the main operation system that is being used by Tun Seri Lanang


    (f) Macromedia Dreamweaver 8

    This software is being used as a tool to create a system or a webpage. This

    software can be used in many language programming such as PHP

    Programmming Language. It being used by the System and Information

    Service Department and the KIK team that is assigned to do improvement to

    their job by designing a system or a website.

    (g)Adobe Photoshop 7

    This software is important to design the banner of a website or a banner for

    any occasion.

    (h) Adobe Captivate 2.0

    This software is used to do the e-tutorial.

    (i) Microsoft Office Tools

    The software such as Microsoft Word, Excel, Publisher, Power Pointwill be

    used in daily usage.

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    4.0 Conclusion

    After 20 weeks of training at PTSL, I finally know what working environment is like.

    I found that work is not an easy. I am glad that I have chose PTSL as my training

    place because I got a lot of experiences not just in Information Technology field but

    also from the Library Science field. Teamwork is the most important thing that needs

    to be implemented in a working environment. This chance and experience at PTSL

    make me realise that IT need and used in everywhere and in every organization.

    Sometimes, I felt disappointed and stress when the staff asked me too many

    things to do in that e-Tutorial. I have tried my best with my partner to accomplish the

    goal. I hope that the library will be success in the IT field, so that the Tun Seri Lanang

    Library can always heading the information

    Training students should be given more chances in involving in library works to get

    more work experiences. The comment or suggestion for faculty, students should be

    given enough knowledge and be teached the subjects and courses that are related and

    being used in Information Technology industries, for example language PHP and



    Tun Seri Lanang Library

    - IT & System Department

    - Information Service Department

    - Resource Development Programme Department

    Pn. Hafsah Mohd.

    Timbalan Ketua Pustakawan KananKetua Program Pembangunan Sumber,

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    Bahagian Pentadbiran dan Kualiti,

    Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

    43600 Bangi, Selangor

    Tel: 03-89215059



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    Homepage of our project (e-tutorial)

    OPAG Gemilang page (links to e-tutorial)

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    UKM Digital Collection page (links to e-tutorial)

    e-Journal Portal page (links to e-tutorial)

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    Examples of screen capture of e-Tutorial

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    The Librarys collections encompass more than 550,000 volumes of books

    and government documents, about 3000 titles of journals apart from

    microforms and media in various formats. This section of the librarys

    homepage lists the main collections of the library. Books are classified by

    the Library of Congress (LC) Classification scheme and they are arranged

    on the shelves in the following classified order.

    General Collection

    This collection is located on the 5th level of the Library and houses books on all

    subjects with the basic holdings in English though some of the books are written

    in Malay, Arabic and Dutch. All the books are on open access and may be checked

    out upon request. The holdings of this collection are accessible through the

    librarys online catalog GEMILANG and the location code is Koleksi Am.

    Red Spot Collection

    The Red Spot Collection is located behind the circulation counter on level 4 of the

    Library. The materials in this collection are acquired upon the recommendation of

    lecturers, and they serve as compulsory reading materials. They may be accessed

    via GEMILANG, the Librarys online catalogue, and the location code is Tanda

    Merah (red spot).

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    All the materials in this collection may be borrowed for 2 hours. However, renewal

    for another 2 hours is permitted unless they have been reserved by other users.

    Overnight loans are allowed from 4.15 pm to 9.45 pm on Mondays to Fridays, and

    2.00 pm to 5.30 pm on Saturdays and Sundays. Nevertheless, postgraduates

    may borrow 1 book for a week while lecturers are allowed to borrow 1 book for 2


    Reference Collection

    Consists of books embracing all disciplines except the Arabic and Islamic studies,

    is housed on level 4 of Perpustakaan Tun Seri Lanang. These materials are strictly

    for reference only within the vicinity of the collection which is divided into the

    following 2 sections:

    General Reference Section

    This section comprises reference books such as encyclopedias, dictionaries,

    almanacs, guide books, yearbooks, etc., all having the code RUJ preceding their

    call numbers. Included in this section are also past years' examination papers of

    the faculties.

    Abstracts, Indexes and Bibliographies Section

    All materials in this section have the code ZZ prefixed to their call numbers.

    Indexes, abstracts, bibliographies, book reviews and guides to literature

    constitute this section.

    Arabic & Islamic Civilization Collection

    This is a collection of books and reference materials pertaining to Islam and the

    Middle East, and journals in the Arabic language. It is located on level 5 of the

    Library. The holdings of this collection are accessible through the Librarys online

    catalogue, GEMILANG, and are assigned the location code Koleksi Islam. There is

    also an author/title card catalogue for materials written in the Arabic language, in

    the vicinity of the collection. The cards are arranged alphabetically, according to

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    the Arabic alphabet. All the books in this collection may be borrowed except for

    the reference books with call numbers preceded by Ruj or ZZ.


    Produces acquisitions lists for new books.

    Compiles guide books on subjects taught at the Faculty of

    Islamic Studies.

    Provides reference and information services relating to

    Islamic studies.

    Conducts library instruction classes for students from the

    Faculty of Islamic Studies (upon request only).

    Archives Collection

    The Archives Collection is located on level 5 of the Library. It consists of the

    following printed and non-printed materials on Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, its

    academic and professional staff as well as the activities of its graduates. All

    materials are for reference only within the collection during office hours.

    Official Reports

    Comprises annual reports, calendars, prospectuses and other publications of the

    University and its departments.

    Newspapers and Newsletters

    In-house newspapers and newsletters of departments or faculties, including

    magazines and bulletins by students and staff associations.


    Journal titles published by the University Press and the faculties.

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    Inaugural lectures

    Texts of all inaugural lectures and materials from exhibitions held in conjunction

    with the lectures.

    Personal Collection

    Writings and published works of academic and professional staff as well as

    research reports and working papers presented in seminars and conferences form

    the bulk of the collection.

    Theses and Dissertations

    Those pertaining to Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia only.


    Informative programs or souvenirs in bookform that are produced in conjunction

    with any official ceremonies in the University, e.g. convocation.

    Non-Printed Materials

    Photographs, charts and newspaper clippings pertaining to the history and

    development of the University.


    Indexes are provided in 2 arrangements, namely: Author/Title, Faculties and


    Southeast Asia Collection

    The Southeast Asia Collection is situated on level 5 of Perpustakaan Tun Seri

    Lanang. It is a closed access collection consisting of the following materials on an

    array of subjects pertaining to Southeast Asian countries such as Brunei,

    Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand

    and Vietnam. Books published in a variety of languages - Malay, Indonesian,

    English and Dutch. Current and back issues of important journals relating to

    Southeast Asia.
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    Masters and doctoral dissertations acquired by the Library. Papers presented at

    workshops, seminars and conferences held in the country. Reference materials

    and bibliographies on Southeast Asia. These materials are catalogued according

    to the Library of Congress Classification Scheme. Bibliographic information of

    these materials may be obtained from GEMILANG (Online Public Access


    Regulations and Loan Services

    Students are allowed to borrow only 1 item at a time for 2 hours.

    However, lecturers may

    borrow 2 items for 2 days.

    Materials in this collection can be borrowed for reference only within the

    confines of the

    collection's reading area.

    Users are advised to check GEMILANG for the correct call number of the

    material they wish

    to borrow.

    Campus card must be produced each time a user wishes to borrow an


    Borrowers are required to check the shelf arrangement plan for the correct

    location of items as

    browsing is not allowed.

    Borrowing and returning of materials are handled at the counter manually

    (for students) and

    via the computer (for academic staff).

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    Photocopying facilities provided in accordance with the Copyright Act

    1987, are available to


    An overdue book is fined 50 cent per hour until the item is returned. For

    academic staff, the

    fine is 50 cent per day until the item is returned.

    Media Collection

    This collection encompasses materials such as microfiches, microfilms,

    videocassettes, slides, films and maps. It is located on level 2 of the Library.

    Current materials can be accessed via GEMILANG while the earlier ones are

    accessible through the following card catalogues in the collection, by Author/title

    catalogue or catalogue based on materials/form.

    Loan Service

    Academic staff may borrow 2 items for a week. Other users, however, are allowed

    to borrow 1 item for 3 hours. Borrowing procedures are the same as those for the

    general collection. Overdue items are fined 50 cent per item per hour until it is

    returned. For academic staff, the fine is 50 cent per day until the item is



    A variety of equipments like video players, OHP, LCD, microform readers,

    video projectors, etc. are provided for use with the different types of


    5 theatrettes for group film viewing.

    Open carrels for individual study.

    Off-air recording facility (upon request only)

    Micrographic services for microforms.
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    Special Collection

    This is a rich and diverse research collection. Within this collection are the

    librarys oldest, most beautiful and most fragile works. It is actually a collection of

    small special collections. Through the astute acquisition of collections and with

    donations from private collectors, this special collection of international

    significance has attracted many overseas researchers.

    The following are the special collections within this collection with each having its

    own significance and uniqueness:

    The Schacht Collection

    This collection, acquired in the early 1970s, was named after its original owner,

    the late Prof. Joseph Schacht, a German orientalist who published books on

    Islamic studies. The books in this collection were written in various languages like

    Arabic, English, German, French, Hebrew and Persian. Invaluable resources on

    Hadith, al-Quran, Islamic law, sufism, mysticism, Arab civilization constitute this


    The Rare Book Collection

    Consists of books on social sciences which were published before 1950. Books

    were written in Arabic, English. Dutch, German, French and Malay/Indonesian

    with the bulk relating to Southeast Asia.

    Indonesian-Chinese Peranakan Literature

    This collection consists of literary works written by Indonesian-born Chinese and

    published in Indonesia between 1870 and 1950. Fiction in the form of novels,

    poetry and short stories portray interesting social conditions prevailing in

    Indonesia during the 19th and 20th centuries.

    Harun Aminurrashid Collection

    This collection was entrusted to the library by the family of the late Harun

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    Aminurrashid, a well-known Malay writer. Consists of books, journals, conference

    papers, reports and pamphlets in various fields.

    The Manuscript Collection

    The collection consists of Malay and Arabic manuscripts. Malay manuscripts relate

    to the history of the Acheh Sultanate. Arabic manuscripts however focus on

    Quranic verses.

    Loan Services

    All materials kept in the Special Collection may be consulted within the Special

    Collection reading area on level 4 of Perpustakaan Tun Seri Lanang. Users may

    request the items at the counter on level 5 by filling up the request slip. Items

    will be retrieved by a staff member. Part of the holdings is accessible by means of

    the librarys online catalogue GEMILANG. Each special collection has been

    assigned identification as given below:

    41 The Schacht Collection

    42 The Rare Book Collection

    43 Indonesian-Chinese Peranakan Literature

    MS Manuscript

    To access the remaining materials, users are urged to visit the Special Collection

    in person in order to consult the classified card catalogues, accessions lists and


    Documents Collection

    Government documents are important sources for statistics, government policies

    and current or historical events. They are housed on level 5 of Perpustakaan Tun

    Seri Lanang and are published by the following bodies:

    Government of Malaysia (ministerial/department level)

    State governments of Malaysia

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    Statutory bodies in Malaysia

    United Nations and its agencies

    Foreign governments (selective)

    OECD (Organization for Economic Corporation and Development)

    Intergovernmental bodies

    Rand Corporation a private institution which publishes reports, papers,

    notes, etc. for research

    Document materials may be borrowed for reference within the Southeast Asia

    Collection reading area. Academic staff may borrow a maximum of 2 items for a

    period of 2 days. Overdue items are fined 50 cent per day per item until it is



    The Documents Collection is accessible via 3 types of catalogues:

    The Malaysiana Catalogue arranged alphabetically by author/title and

    corporate name

    The Foreign Government Catalogue arranged alphabetically by corporate


    The Pamphlet Catalogue arranged alphabetically by author/title and

    corporate name


    Loan Policies

    This collection is open to library members only. To borrow, members are required

    to abide by the following loan procedures:

    Refer to the catalogue for the reference number of the item.

    Enter the collection (without pencil/pen/paper) to retrieve the item.

    Hand over the library/membership card and the item to the counter staff

    for recording. (The counter is open from 8.30 am to 10.00 pm on Mondays

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    Fridays, 8.30 am to 6.00 pm on Saturdays and 10.00 am to 6.00 pm on

    Sundays. However, during study/exam weeks, the opening hours are

    extended to 10.00 pm on Saturdays and Sundays)

    User Education/Advice

    This service is provided (upon request) with the following objectives:

    To help the users retrieve government documents.

    To educate users on the use of the Documents Collection catalogues.

    To handle enquiries pertaining to the Documents Collection.

    Book Exhibition

    New publications by government/statutory bodies are displayed at the Exhibition

    Corner of the Documents Collection for 2 weeks. Borrowing of these publications

    is only allowed after the exhibition period.

    Photocopying Service

    This service is provided to users but in accordance with the Copyright Act 1987.

    Journals Collection

    Located on level 3 of the Library, this collection houses approximately 3000 titles

    of both current and bound journals, covering subjects ranging from religion,

    economics, social sciences, science and technology. The subscribed journals

    include scholarly as well as peripheral titles. All journals are non-circulating and

    are for reference only within the collection. Those with marginal usage are kept in

    compact storage. Self-service photocopying facilities are provided to those who

    wish to make copies of journal articles. Nevertheless, users are reminded of the

    Copyright Act of 1987.

    3 service units in this section
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    Popular Journal Unit

    Houses important journals for course references and journals considered popular

    among library users. These journals are strictly for reference within the unit.

    Newspapers Unit

    Provides English and vernacular language dailies, such as The New Straits Times,

    The Star, Malay Mail, Berita Harian, Utusan Melayu, Nanyang Siang Pau and the

    Tamil Nesan. Back issues of some of these dailies are available in microforms on

    level 2 of the Library while the archival sets of newspapers published by The

    Straits Times may be accessed from the NSTP online database which is web-


    Microform Unit

    Back issues of journal titles on microfilms and microfiches are kept in this unit.

    Users may request for these items from the library staff of the unit.

    Banned Collection

    This collection, comprising mainly books banned by the Malaysian government, is

    housed in a room on level 4 of Perpustakaan Tun Seri Lanang. These banned

    books are strictly for reference within the confines of the room. Users wishing to

    access the books must have a recommendation letter from their Head of

    Department and permission from the Head of the Department of Information

    Management and Services. All the materials in this collection are given the

    location code Haram (illegal) in GEMILANG (Online Public Access Catalogue) and

    the prefix 49 in the call number.

    Light Reading Collection

    This collection is on level 4 of the Library, in front of the circulation counter. It

    houses light reading materials, general and popular in nature, and suitable for all

    categories of users. Reading and browsing are restricted to the corner provided.

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    From time to time, free/trial online databases are available from vendors for a

    certain period. Users are urged to make full use of this opportunity to search and

    download information relevant to them.


    Library's Homepage

    Links the Library to vast information universe. Provides information on library

    facilities, resources and services. It may be accessed via URL:

    Information Skills

    Academic staff and students are taught on information searching and retrieval

    skill including the catalogue search strategies and online searching, web-based

    and CD-ROM databases.

    Internet Access

    Two computers labs with Internet facilities are available for users to access e-

    mail, online databases and other sources of information on the Internet. Users

    are charged RM1.00 for every 50 minutes. Printed documents from the Internet is

    charged 10 cents per page.

    Reference and Advisory Services

    Provides answers to questions pertaining to the Library. Trained staff members

    are on hand to assist users in searching and locating library sources.

    Study Carrels & Discussion Rooms
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    Study carrels are for individual use while discussion rooms accommodating 5-15

    users each, are for group use. The latter may be used free of charge. Study

    carrels, however, are charged RM10.00 per month plus a refundable deposit of



    About 1000 lockers are available for rent to users at a charge of RM3.00 per

    month plus a refundable deposit of RM5.00


    The Library hosts many exhibitions on level 4. New books are also displayed for a

    month. Users may reserve them through GEMILANG. However, they can only be

    checked out after the display period.


    QIT (Quality Improvement Team)

    The Library has formed Quality Improvement Team (QIT) which consists of

    librarians with the Chief Librarian as the Chairperson.

    The teams are:

    Training QIT - planning and evaluation of training of the library staff.

    Services QIT - evaluates and monitor the services of the Library.

    Management QIT - evaluates and monitors the management of the Library.

    Technical QIT - evaluates and monitor the technical aspects of the



    Besides the QIT, the Library encourages their staff to set up quality control circle to

    create and inside a strong foundation of team spirit. KMK team consists of:


    KMK Neraca

    KMK Warisan

    KMK Semarak

    KMK Pantas

    KMK Mediatek

    KMK Perdana
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    KMK Teras

    KMK Saga

    KMK Sebar

    KMK Siber

    KMK Maya KMK Syifa'

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