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Real People………Loving God, Growing in Community, and Serving Others Page 1

Report of the Five Year Strategic Growth Plan for Ministry and Mission

“…Who knows?

Perhaps you have come to royal dignity

for such a time as this.”

Esther 4:14

Faith United Methodist Church

Spring, Texas

December 2014

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Table of Contents

Roster of Strategic Plan Ministry Team .......................................................................... 3

Introduction .................................................................................................................... 4

Vision and Mission ......................................................................................................... 5

Purpose Statement ........................................................................................................ 7

Methodology ................................................................................................................... 8

Snapshot of Demographic Information ........................................................................... 9


Worship ............................................................................................................. 11


Adult Discipleship ……………………………………………………………………...16

Children’s Ministry……………………………………………………………………...19

Youth Ministry…………………………………………………………………………...22

Faith Kids ............................................. ……….…...….……………………………24

Family Ministries ……………………………………………………………………… 26




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Strategic Plan Ministry Team Members

Michael Brennan………………………… Family Ministries Representative

Scott Fitch ............................................................... SPRC Representative

Dennis Floro ......................................................... Generosity Chairperson

Ruth Jarratt .............................................................. SPRC Representative

Audrua Malvaez……………………………………….Youth Ministry Director

Godwin Ndukwe………………………………………Finance Representative

Louise Reed………………………………………………...Faith Kids Director

Debbie Shaw …………………………………… Children’s Ministry Director

Harry Vein .............................................................................. Lead Pastor

Casey Wallace .......................................................................... Lay Leader

Brian Wharton .................................................................. Associate Pastor

Michell Yarbrough .................................................. Trustee Representative

Jan Floro, Consultant – Grow Church Now

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At Faith United

Methodist Church, we

are Christians who are

excited to be part of

the United Methodist

Church. We believe

that we are part of

something bigger, part

of the worldwide 'Body

of Christ'.

Introduction to the Strategic Plan


Faith United Methodist Church is a member congregation of the

United Methodist Church, which measures 8 million members in the

United States of America with 39,000 congregations around this country.

Faith United Methodist Church is a member congregation of the

Texas Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church

encompassing the eastern half of Texas from Texarkana to Galveston,

from the Louisiana border west to Bryan-College Station, not including

Waco or the Dallas-Ft. Worth area. Within the bounds of the Annual

Conference are 800 United Methodist congregations representing

230,000 people of faith.

Faith United Methodist Church is a member congregation of the Central North District of the

Texas Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church. This District is comprised of 50

congregations of the northern suburbs of the City of Houston.

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Vision and Mission

Faith United Methodist Church has as its:

Vision Statement:

Lives being transformed by experiencing the love of Jesus Christ

Mission Statement:

Real People……Loving God, Growing in Community, and

Serving Others

Matthew 28: 18-21 (NRSV)

And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has

been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them

in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching

them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with

you always, to the end of the age.”

The Texas Conference of the United Methodist Church has challenged each congregation to live out the Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations: Radical Hospitality, Passionate Worship, Intentional Faith Development, Risk-Taking Mission and Service, and Extravagant Generosity.

Robert Schnase, author of the book Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations, states that people are searching for a church shaped by these qualities. According to Mr. Schnase, “The presence and strength of these five practices demonstrate congregational health, vitality, and fruitfulness.” By repeating and improving these practices, we are told that churches make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.

Faith United Methodist Church adopted the Vision Statement, “Lives being transformed by experiencing the love of Jesus Christ.” Often the question is asked, “How do we accomplish this Vision?” In 2011, Faith United Methodist Church developed the Mission Statement, “Real People….Loving God, Growing in Community, and Serving Others.” This Mission Statement puts the Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations into simple words that require action by the congregation. Living out this Mission Statement will lead the congregation to achieve the spiritual goal of lives being transformed through Jesus Christ.

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Welcome &




Real People: We often hear the people of Faith UMC described as genuine and authentic and that Faith UMC is a safe place to ask questions and to seek answers.

Loving God: Matthew 22:34 boldly tells us, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment, and the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself. ” Christians are called to offer the gracious invitation, welcome, and radical hospitality of Christ so that all may experience the sense of belonging.

Growing in Community: Philippians 2:1-5 “If you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one, in spirit and purpose. Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others. Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus.”

Through passionate worship, God changes hearts, shapes souls, and creates a desire to grow closer to Christ. God’s spirit nurtures people and matures faith through learning in community. Passionate Worship and Intentional Faith Development build people up in Christ.

Serving Others: God calls us to help others through mission and service and God inspires people to give generously of themselves so that others can receive the grace they have known. I Peter 4:10-11 “Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God. If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.”

Research finds that four processes grow a church.

1. Inviting people to Christ and to church 2. Welcoming and Connecting with those who show up so they return 3. Discipling those who stay 4. Sending them back out into the world to serve and to invite

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Purpose Statement

Just as it recognized that Queen Esther was brought to power when she was….”for such a time as this,” we recognize that Faith UMC was brought to this place “for such a time as this.”

The purpose of the Strategic Planning Ministry Team was to assess the ministries of the church and to investigate opportunities to live out the Vision and Mission. This Strategic Plan emphasizes being in “the people” business, and the purpose and focus is to grow the church numerically and spiritually. The overall objective of the SPMT was to develop a written document for future consideration by the congregation, building committee and Church Conference. The Strategic Plan was to focus on these three (3) areas:

•Ministry needs: providing programming and ministry opportunities for the expanding community around us •Staffing needs: As we look ahead, we know the demands are great being placed on our church staff. It is important that we staff for the future of Faith UMC. •Space needs: To better minister to all of those coming into our Faith community, we will put together a plan to expand facilities that will allow us the ability to provide more ministry to our children, youth and adults.

As disciples of Christ, we are instructed to make more and stronger disciples for Christ. Matthew 28:18-21 is called the Great Commission, not the Great Suggestion, and gives us instruction for our purpose on earth. The Vision of the church is achieved through living out the Mission of the church. This Strategic Plan develops opportunities to love God, grow in community, and to serve others. The following report outlines the methodology used by the SPMT, the findings of the process, and recommendations for presentation to the congregation.

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The SPMT used several means to gather data for this study, including:

1. The first step of this process was for Lay Leadership Council to convene a Strategic Planning Ministry Team, (SPMT) approved at the July 2014 meeting. The SPMT was appointed to consist of the Pastors, full time Program Ministry Directors, and various lay leadership representing ministry teams.

2. The Pastors, Jan Floro-Consultant, and Dennis Floro (Generosity Chairperson) met with Central North District Superintendent Morris Matthis and Texas Conference New Church Start Director, Jeff Olive, to discuss numerical growth in the location surrounding Faith UMC.

3. Over twenty-five hours of SPMT meetings were held to review the ministry area SWOT (strength/weaknesses/opportunities/threats) assessments, growth plans, demographic information, and projected community growth predictions.

4. The SPMT toured CrossRoads church to gain insight on building modern buildings for the most impactful ministry opportunities.

5. An IT expert was brought onsite to give a professional assessment of current and future needs.

6. SPMT meetings were held to develop and write the Strategic Plan.

Key Data Referenced

SWOT assessments from Pastors and Program Ministry Directors were presented at SPMT meetings.

Programing Ministry Growth Plans were presented at SPMT meetings.

Faith UMC staff organizational chart to establish responsibility and accountability for ministry areas.

Average Worship Attendance (AWA) statistics from end of the year reports as required by the Texas Conference.

Demographics: The Woodlands Development Company, a Division of the Howard Hughes Corporation, January 1, 2014.

Demographics: Information provided by Conroe ISD.

Demographics: Quick Insite Report prepared for The Texas Conference UMC

“Leadership and Church Size Dynamics; How Strategy Changes with Growth,” by Dr. Timothy Keller.

“Leading Ideas, Reaching the Millennial Generation.” Asa J. Lee.

Worship Attendance Patterns, Lewis Center for Church Excellence. Lovett H. Weems, Jr.

“RIP, Average Attendance.” Call and Response Blog. Posted in Church Membership/Congregations Permalink, by David Odom on 9/15/2014.

“7 Youth Ministry Numbers You Really Should Know.” Gavin Richardson, October 4, 2011.

Sustainable Youth Ministry, Mark DeVries, December 2012.

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Snapshot of Demographic Information

Continued substantial growth is projected for The Woodlands area and the area surrounding Faith United Methodist Church.

The New QuickInsite Report prepared for the Texas Conference sites the following predicted growth for a 4 mile radius of Faith UMC.

Population 2013 2018 2023 80,612 98,828 117,905 Population Change 9,292 18,216 19,077 Percent Change `13% 22.6% 19.3% Family Structure in the area will remain largely married couples with also significant

growth in single mother and single father households. Single father families shows a 1.4%

growth from 2010 till 2018.

Phase of Life 2013 2018 2023

Ages 0-4 (before formal schooling) 7,114 8,103 8,558

Ages 5-17 (required formal schooling) 16,147 20,178 20,989

College/Career Starts (18-24) 6,702 9,002 11,192

Singles & Young Families (25-34) 11,739 11,449 13,578

Families & Empty Nesters (35-54) 23,893 29,166 32,390

Enrichment Yrs Singles/Couples (55-64) 8,275 10,751 13,457

Retirement (65 and over) 6,742 10,180 14,740

Totals 80,612 98,829 117,904

Average Household Income Trends 2013 2018

Average Household Income $94,632 $105,163

Median Household Income $77,186 $85,346

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Basic Demographic Profile (Conroe ISD)

Median Age 32

Average Adult Age 40

Average Household Income

(3 mile radius) $107,413 (5 mile radius) $86,998

Total Projected New Housing Occupancies (through 2021) 3,850

Within 6 years

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Worship is what we do as a people of God. All that we are and all that we do is to bring honor

and Glory to God in, and through worship.

Worship Attendance

The Texas Conference requires every congregation to submit an End of the Year report to reflect membership, worship attendance, age specific program ministry attendance, and financial information. The SPMT determined that Faith UMC would use Report Day worship attendance numbers, referred to as Average Worship Attendance (AWA) for Strategic Planning purposes. Total Professing Members

Year 2011 2012 2013

Members 807 847 652

End of the Year Report Day – Average Worship Attendance (AWA)

2011 370

2012 371

2013 373

2014* 360

*2014 through end of November

A. The SPMT voted to use the 2014 AWA number of 360 as the baseline number to predict growth.

B. Barna Research defines Average Worship Attendance as attending worship once every four to six weeks.

C. Worship growth is based upon the prediction of 4,000 new homes being built over the next five to six years in the area surrounding Faith UMC. •Prediction of 5% of 4,000 new households to attend Faith UMC = 200 new households •Prediction that each of the 200 new households will average 3 people = 600 people

D. The SPMT recommends that Faith UMC set a goal of 400 AWA by 2015 End of Year Report.

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How Shall We Grow Worship Participation?

(1) Set the worship attendance goal:

Goal 2014 2015 2019

*Average Weekly Attendance 360 400 960

Increase in Worship 40 560

*Through November 30, 2014

A growing congregation must provide worship experiences for a community that enables people to fit worship routines into a culture that has placed decreasing value towards Christian Worship.

Sunday Order

Service 9:30 Contemporary 11:00 Traditional/Blended 5:00 Contemplative

Location Worship Center Worship Center Worship Center

Leaders Pastors Contemporary Worship Leader

Contemporary Music

Pastors Music Director/Choirs



Note: Seating capacity of current Worship Center is 300. (2) Increase Worship Strategies

Recommend the building of a new multi-purpose Ministry Activity Center to allow for Worship Center designed for Contemporary Worship.

Internal and external promotion of primary worship and importance of attending. o Do not accept the norm of worship attendance once every 4 to 6 weeks. Encourage

more consistent worship attendance.

Communication strategies to the church of its worship opportunities.

Be more intentional with follow-up of first time and repeat guests.

Be intentional to engage and connect new members with opportunities to be in a Life Group and a Serve Group.

Lead invitation programs seeking commitments to church membership to reach out and invite persons to worship. o Train congregation on how to invite. o Witness.

Increase lay involvement in worship leadership. o Including participation in choirs, ensembles, testimonials, etc. o Increase Usher Team and Hospitality/Welcoming Ministry Team.

Improve our worship experience at all services by having more excellence in the area of media ministry.

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Utilize Faith Kids for invitation purposes of parents, students and teachers to Sunday worship. o Special Sundays for the school.

Promote special Sundays.

In order to better reach out toward the growth areas around us, especially the area off of Riley Fuzzell, the idea of a Coffee House would provide the type of space for additional worship away from the main campus of Faith UMC, as well as for outreach and other ministry opportunities during the week.

New opportunities for growth should involve an evaluation of the 5:00 service. Is our goal to have a third worship service and if so, are we meeting the goal by having the service at that time? Is there a better time? When is it?

“Evangelism is the whole work of the whole church at all times” - Dr. George Hunter

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Faith United Methodist Church strives to move from having a mission emphasis that is primarily focused on foreign opportunities and move to being a missional church that is broadening its base of involvement and deepening its relational capacity for ministry in accordance with our mission and vision. In other words, Faith UMC will become a missional church rather than a church that does mission.

The Mission work of the community is developed to provide opportunities to the community to engage in works of justice, mercy, and service as a means of grace. Particularly with the rising post-denominational and post-modern generations, faith, spirituality, and formation are based in relationship and experience. The searching and questions that follow these moments then open the door to discipleship.

Mission Project Participation

Note: Mission participation numbers reflect participation in specific projects defined by the Texas Conference end of the year report. Participation numbers are not inclusive of those participating in Christmas boxes, Angel Tree, Food Bank, and many other local mission opportunities.











Membership Mission Participation






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Opportunities for Ministry Area Growth

All missional activities developed with a mind toward relationship.

2015 Spring Break Family mission trip to Weslaco.

Continued youth mission (Jr High Mission Project, United Methodist Action Reach out Mission by Youth, CVS Mission Explorers)

Increased participation in UMW projects.

Find another UMC to partner with for participation in a Habitat House project.

Develop and/or support the increasing impact of poverty in south Montgomery County.

We will engage in conversation with our neighbors and develop the appropriate missional ministries.

We have members who are engaged in the community in missional activities. We need to create forums for them to invite and engage others.

We will set goals in concert with Discipleship to develop an understanding of the fundamental connection between faith and works.

We will offer discipleship opportunities that are specific to the missional nature of lives committed to Jesus.

To Accomplish Growth Goals

Mission needs appropriate space, classrooms, workrooms and storage.

There will need to be a budget increase for training, teaching resources, and community engagement resources.

Purchase of a church bus.

Addition of Ministry Assistant for Missions and Discipleship.

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Our celebration of questioning, and our comfort with doubt, creates a space where discipleship

is non-threatening, it is flexible and personal. All of which is very good in forming disciples who

are committed to Christ rather than the theology or dogma of any person or group.

Spiritual formation ministries are intended to make space for and facilitate learning for the

purpose of making committed disciples of Christ the fullness of whose lives are a gospel


Current Spiritual Formation Detail

Sunday School

We currently have three “regular” adult Sunday school classes offered at 9:30 a.m.

Current Sunday School classes represent, not entirely, a more traditional stream in

“church thinking” and a somewhat more mature group in this community.

Our adult meeting spaces are outdated and inadequate to meet the demands of our

growing community.

Adult Small Groups

Outside of Sunday School there are no regular small groups.

Currently those adult small groups which are connected to other activities [worship,

children’s choir, youth] seem to be more successful. Easy to participate because it is a

routine time/place and activities for the whole family.

Small groups have been developed around specific “teaching moments” but not


Programmed small group opportunities such as “Oasis” [2010-12] were successful for a

time, but withered due to lack of participation.

Our successes have been in providing relevant studies, [Wesleyan Summer Shorts

[2012], Animate [2013], Men’s Group [2009-2013], etc.] that could be “accomplished” in

a short term.

Week day/night short term bible studies [2010-2013] have been successful as such, but

again failed to draw an audience from our primary demographic.

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Adult Discipleship Participation

Note: Number of Discipleship Participants do not indicate the actual number of

adults involved. Individuals were counted each time they participated. For

example, if a person attends a Sunday School class and attended two small

groups in the same year, they were counted 3 times instead of showing 1 person

in 3 events.

Opportunities for Ministry Area Growth

Approaching a Post –Denominational, Post Modern World

Denominational “loyalty” is no longer the norm. Therefore the theological distinctive of

this or any other denomination are more than likely unknown. Likes and dislikes

regarding this or other churches are associated with experiences.

Postmodern generations have been marketed to their whole lives; they know it when

they see it. They will not respond well to it from a church claiming to follow Jesus, they

seek authenticity.

Although social media tends to muddy the waters, Post moderns are very much

relational people.

How then do we Disciple?

IN RELATIONSHIP! Lecture is out, conversations and questions and doubt are in.











Membership DiscipleshipParticipants






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Connection to “real life,” disciple through life experience, “social roles” and stages.

Developing appropriate persons to lead who understand and relate to this new audience.

Understanding discipleship as the piece that for many will come after experience. That

is to say engagement in social justice, missional activities will open the door to

discipleship rather than the reverse. [“Our storytelling should be supported by our story

living.” Who’s Afraid of Post Modernism, James K.A. Smith, Baker Academic 2006]

Developing a progressive and cohesive curriculum and catechism that will guide the

planning of not only Discipleship teams but act as guiding structure behind all forms of

ministry, in all level of our community. [Faith Kids, Children, Tweens, Youth, Adult]

Develop a multilevel, multi location [off main campus], small group formation community.

Places of relationship that are comfortable, non-threatening, and accessible for families

in motion.

In developing small groups our focus will be on “affinity groups” that are primarily

structured around fellowship/community, into which we can at some regular interval

introduce short term studies.

Meeting people where they already live is critical, ball fields, coffee houses, book clubs,

etc. All of these vehicles offer places of relationship that may open other doors.

Worship and mission are components of discipleship and should be connected to

planning and the curriculum. Here are implications for planning, execution and follow-


Try everything, fail and try again! [“Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art

is knowing which ones to keep” – Scott Adams]

To Accomplish Growth Goals

Appropriate spaces, non-clinical, non-institutional, warm inviting open space that is

immediately familiar.

Routine “Gifts” and needs assessments for community members as part of new member


Leadership development program.

Effective community feedback tool, routinely used or accessible.

If we assume that one of the Associate Pastors will continue to be responsible for

discipleship, then within the next two to three years we should plan on hiring a ministry

assistant to help in administration, record keeping and facilitating. Adult discipleship

should be planned and guided by a laity team.

Technology; discipleship spaces with readily accessible technology and Wi-Fi access


On line learning and conversation opportunities. [Technology Investment].

Pre-packaged Curriculum is designed to appeal to a broad market which makes finding

anything which “fits” Faith a challenge. We may at some point need a staff member for

curriculum development. This person would be shared between, at a minimum, youth

and adult.

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Currently there are not adequate budget lines specific to “Adult Discipleship”, just



Here at Faith, we are always exploring new ways to get as many

children and families involved as possible. We are excited about our

Children’s Ministry program and have many opportunities to reach out to

the community. We hear and see how the kids have fun! It is

so important to get the kids involved at a young age to learn all about

Jesus and be able to go home with their families and live out what they

have learned.

What We Do Faith UMC Children’s Ministry provides ministry opportunities and programs for newborn to 6th grade children. We are actively finding ways to touch the hearts and lives of the children at Faith, and beyond. We want kids to learn all about the Bible and to be able to share all of the fun experiences here with their friends. Ultimately we are seeking to kingdom build by allowing children to experience Loving God, Growing in Community, and Serving Others.

Statistical Data Snapshot

Average number of children attending Sunday School weekly

2013 - 2014 comparison

children 3yrs - 6th grade


2014 % change

April 62 77 24%

May 65 72 11%

June 66 67 2%

July 55 67 22%

August 71 94 32%

September 89 91 6%

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October 79 88 11%

November 79 79 0%


2013 - 2014 comparison

infants - 2 year old


2014 % change

April 20 23 15%

May 20 19 <5%>

June 17 18 6%

July 19 17 <12%>

August 20 19 <5%>

September 20 17 <15%>

October 17 15 <13%>

November 20 15 <33%>


Kid's Night Out (KNO) - we offer this once a month and we always fill up.

We average 40 children each time.

VBS has 300 kids every year.

Sports camp had 96 kids. This was the first year for the camp. Projected Growth

The number of school age children is expected to have a significant increase over the next five to six years. By 2021 it is predicted there will be an increase of over 4,000 new homes built in the area surrounding Faith UMC. The largest increase in number of children will be in the age group of 5-17 year olds.

With the continued growth in The Woodlands area, and with the projected increase in

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Faith UMC worship participation, Children’s Ministry is planning for a 10% increase in Sunday morning attendance in 2015, with a 10-15% increase each year following, dependent on end result of worship attendance growth. Opportunities For Growth

New opportunities include marketing strategies and communication tools for local families, increasing the availability of website and ease of usage.

We plan to enlarge and expand community wide events such as Kids Night Out, summer events, fall events and Christmas events.

Opportunities exist as we strengthen and continue evaluating all programs and look at parenting development.

We plan to enhance mission opportunities for children and families.

To Accomplish Growth Goals

Additional age appropriate space with audio/visual equipment.

Older elementary age rooms (5th and 6th grade) are needed as participation increases.

Large gathering area for activities.

Additional rooms will be needed to expand the nursery ministry.

Additional staff dedicated to Children’s Ministry.

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Students are not able to be anonymous at Faith UMC because they are

approached and connected with an adult and/or peer upon entering an

event. Youth of Faith UMC are challenged to take the things of Christ into

the world and to be countercultural with what they already own and do.

What We Do Youth Ministry at Faith UMC exists to empower teenagers to become lifelong disciples of Christ and to change their world by loving the people around them. This ministry exists to provide a physically, mentally, and emotionally safe environment for students to interact with a Divine God as well as their peers and intergenerational group, while discovering their identity in Christ.

Youth Ministry recognizes over 85% of those who are Christ-followers decided to do so before the age of 18.

The Youth Ministry includes students grades 7-12, sharing students in 6th grade with Children’s Ministry. This includes students who may never walk into the doors of Faith UMC, but will still have a positive interaction with Faith UMC as a faith community.

Statistical Data Snapshot

2010 2013 2014

Number of families actively involved in Youth Ministry

20 family units

45 family units

Average number of students seen each week (during the Fall) 19 28 30

Number of students regularly involved in youth activities 22 59

Growth data shows a projected growth of approximately 24% between 2013 and 2018. If we are to represent the same growth, we will see 78 different students each month, on an average.

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Opportunities For Growth

Loving God – In-home Bible studies Student led worship Increasing consistency at currently offered discipleship opportunities Art workshop space for teens and adults

Growing in Community – Structured and unstructured fellowship, camps and mission trips Connecting student leaders with students within the group Connecting parent leaders with other parents of youth Community center to be used for open gym Mentoring Opportunities Moving Big2403 events off site Support efforts of Young Life in the community Car magnets to advertise church when on trips around the area Children Ministry Transition: consistent tracking of data, strong bridge-building between ministries

Serving Others Outreach events at local schools Hosting community events at Faith UMC or off site properties Tutoring program Invite youth to serve in the church (Worship Committee, Ushering, Welcoming, etc) Hosting NA and AA groups in community center

To Accomplish Growth Goals

Volunteer base needs to be expanded, and deepened.

Funding for training for adult and student leadership volunteers.

In correlation to growth of the area surrounding Faith UMC, a building that includes a gym, a room equipped for worship, a gathering space, kitchen, welcome desk with kiosk, staff offices, video games, and three classrooms to create a welcoming and functional environment for students and families.

We need a sound system, projector and screen, and video monitor with DVD capabilities in the youth room now.

Computer bank in youth room for homework and church small groups

Recommend bringing in a youth ministry analyst, specifically Charles Harrison.

Additional staff will be needed, including a full time assistant or co-youth director and administrative assistant.

Increase Youth Ministry budget.

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Faith Kids is a Christian Preschool that offers a very personal environment along with low

teacher-to-child ratios and dedicated, experienced teachers. We believe in the value of

providing a Christ-centered atmosphere where children can explore God’s world, experience His

love, and learn principles for living. Faith Kids provides a loving Christian learning environment

for 18 months to 5 years old.

Statistical Data Snapshot:

Growth at Faith Kids 2007-2014

Note: Teacher-to-Child ratio meets all requirements of Texas Licensing Board.











2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014



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Expected growth of Young Families and Young Children 2010-2023

Opportunities For Growth

There are several new opportunities for the next few years that will help grow Faith Kids. Not

just in numbers of children but with the understanding that we are a ministry of Faith UMC.

1. PTO – Programs and special events that include both Faith Kids and the Faith congregation.

2. Expand community services through Faith Kids through various programs like food drives, scholarship programs, etc.

3. Involvement of parents and congregation members with volunteer opportunities. 4. Does this community need/want a full time Christian child-care center? We need to

gather effective methods of research to determine if this is useful in this community. 5. We should survey pre-K parents before the end of the school year to see the overall

interest in a transition class. 6. Research tuition increase.

To Accomplish Growth Goals

1. Faith Kids has a waiting list for children wanting to enter the program. We could fill four additional classrooms immediately according to the waiting list.

2. Faith Kids could possibly use portable buildings until completion of a new building. 3. Additional teachers will be needed to grow the program. 4. Additional resource staff will be needed.








2010 2013 2018 2023

Children 0-4

Families with Young children

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Additional entry points, other than Worship, are needed to bring people to Faith UMC.

Entry points such as fellowship opportunities and seasonal events are multi-generational

and give purpose to invite others to Faith UMC. These connection points provide a safe place for

guests to ask, “Is this church a good fit for me, or my family?”

What We Do

To date, this ministry area has primarily been focused on young audiences and has worked with the supervision of Children’s Ministry. Family Ministry events such as Breakfast with Santa, Easter Celebration, and family movie night have been very successful.

Opportunities for Growth

1. Change the name of Family Ministry to be more inviting and all-encompassing of individuals, not just families.

2. Create a ministry leadership team with a staff over-sight person. 3. Grow this ministry to have equal representation and involvement from across

generations, races, and family types. Include families of young children, families of youth, singles, married couples without children, senior adults.

4. Include events such as church wide picnic, movie nights, softball team, game nights, attend a sporting event as a group.

5. Be a part of the community and sponsor events off of the Faith UMC campus, such as neighborhood picnics and community projects.

6. Use social media to share the opportunities this ministry area provides.

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Demographic information and various growth studies of the area surrounding Faith UMC predict that tremendous residential growth is expected within the next five to six years. The Strategic Planning Ministry Team offers the following recommendations to equip Faith UMC to embrace the magnitude of church growth, numerically and spiritually, in a short period of time.

Ministry Needs: What new ministries and programs will be needed to invite, welcome, engage, disciple, grow in community, and send people back out to serve? What are the current ministries doing now that need to be done differently?

A. Identify, capture, and utilize professions, skills and talents of members. B. Create and distribute a survey to determine the congregation’s interest in Life Group

topics and opportunities. C. Schedule 2015 Life Group opportunities for the congregation. D. Develop on-going active listening opportunities with the congregation to share the vision

of the Strategic Growth Plan. E. Develop a system to keep accurate and current attendance and participation numbers.

F. Detailed ministry area growth plans are attached to provide a roadmap for the

next five to six years. Implement the growth plans. G. Leadership Council to serve as accountability partner to help with implementation of

growth plans. H. Pastoral team and ministry area leaders will continue to develop SWOT, and

Moving From – Moving To, to determine continued opportunities for improvement. Change is continuous and change, as needed, must be reflected to attract and retain guests and members.

I. Routine “Gifts” and needs assessments for community members as part of new member assimilation.

J. Leadership development and training to be offered for ministry area volunteers.

K. Share the Strategic Plan with the congregation and engage their participation, support,

encouragement, and implementation of the Plan.

L. Develop improved and continuous communication with the congregation regarding the

Strategic Plan implementation and progress.

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Staffing Needs: Faith UMC needs to hire staff for the future. The Strategic Planning Team requests that SPRC continue to develop job descriptions for each ministry area. SPRC will work with Finance to ensure the church budget reflects the cost to hire new staff positions, as needed, over the next five to six years.

a. Facility Manager – As ministries increase, so increases the logistics of preparation, maintenance, and day-to-day needs for the campus.

b. Children’s Ministry Summer Intern – providing assistance with VBS, summer camps, Sunday School, and other opportunities to connect with children and their families.

c. Part time Children’s Ministry Assistant – as the number of participants grow in children’s ministry, so does the need for additional staff. This assistant position will help with administrative duties to allow the Director of Children’s Ministry to spend more time building relationships and sharing the vision of the ministry and the church.

d. Media/Communication Coordinator – to develop, create, and implement communication tools such as social media; video for sermon illustrations; video of personal testimonies, video of “Life at Faith”, marketing tools, etc.

e. IT (contract or employee) to help keep Faith operating effectively and efficiently. f. Worship Coordinator – Coordinate communication, media, music, etc. g. Administrative Assistant for Missions and Adult Discipleship ministry. h. Administrative Assistant for Youth Ministry.


Building/Facility Needs:

A. The Strategic Planning Ministry Team strongly recommends that the first action item be to establish funds to hire a professional land development expert to establish the comprehensive, long range usage of the existing facilities and property. This individual should have experience in church development that will help us plan for the future.

B. Faith Leadership Council to appoint a Building Committee to consider the following, but not limited to items listed below. 1. Interview and choose an architect for future building campaign. 2. Facilitate a Capital Financial Campaign. 3. Faith Kids Preschool consistently has a “waiting list” for enrollment. A high priority is

to provide more space for the school. Faith Kids is a major “outreach” opportunity for Faith UMC.

4. Build an additional building with age appropriate space to be used by the Youth Ministry which will allow extra educational space for Faith Kids and Children’s Ministry.

5. Multi-purpose Activity Center for Worship, youth ministry, fellowship, etc. (large kitchen, large gathering area, administrative offices, etc)

6. Remodel of existing Worship Center and existing buildings.

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Ministry Area Data:



Moving From – Moving To

Growth Plan


Growth Plan

Adult Discipleship

Growth Plan

Children’s Ministry


Moving From – Moving To

Growth Plan

Youth Ministry


Moving From – Moving To

Growth Plan

Faith Kids Preschool

Growth Plan

Family Ministry


Growth Plan

Articles to support Strategic Plan

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