  • 8/7/2019 Report on Freight Analysis by Gulzar





    YEAR 2009-11




    EXTERNAL: Mr. B.S. Sehrawat Dr. Sonia Gupta INTERNAL: Mr. Anand Joshi ,


    0914870019MB A III SE MESTER

  • 8/7/2019 Report on Freight Analysis by Gulzar




    This p roject has b een under tak en as a pa rtial fulfillm ent of the req uirement s f or the

    awa rd of the degree of MASTER OF BUSINESS AD MINISTRATION f rom

    Uttar Pr adesh T echnical U niver sity, Lu ck now.

    I dec lare that this p roject is m y or iginal w or k and the analysis a nd finding are f or

    academic pur pose only. This p roject has not been presented in any seminar or

    submi tted elsewhere f or the awa rd of degree or diploma.


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    It is our pleasa nt duty of ack nowledge our f eelings of gr atitude to those who had

    been an instr ument in some way or other s, in br inging out wha t is p resented in this


    I f eel an imm ense pleasu re and sense of gr atitude regarding the help a nd co-

    o per ation whi ch I rece ived f rom Dr. Sonia Gupta and my respected faculty Mr.

    Anand Joshi , Fa culty of T eert hank er Mahav eer Institute of Management &

    Technology Mor adaba d and all the faculties of ma nagement and numb er of

    per sonne l of A cme Tele power Ltd. Rudr apu r (Sidcul) dur ing the cour se of collect ion

    of data.

    I am hi ghly gr ateful a nd ex press our sincere gr atitude to Mr. Nayar (Ass tt. H.R .

    Manager ) and Mr. B.S. Sehrawat (Head of H .R . Acme) f or giving me an

    o pp ortunity to wor k u nder their guidance and who hav e been kind eno ugh

    throughout my tr aining and without whom i t would not have been possibl e to

    compl ete our project in the present f or m.

    Finally, I am thankful to our famil y and f r iend s, wh o direct ly or indirect ly extended

    their valuabl e supp ort to this ende avor.

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    This p roject is b eing submi tted in the partial fulfillm ent of the req uirement of the

    Master Degree of Business A dministr ation of T eert hank er Mahav eer Institute of

    Management & T echnology Mor adaba d. It is the outco me of the wor k I hav e

    undergone at A cme Tele Power Ltd. (SIDCUL)

    Today "it is a ck nowledged and widely acce pted facts" that beside money , ma ter ial

    and machine succe ss of any org aniza tion greatly de pend upon the quali ty of

    "Acco unts & fi nance. "

    Acco unts and Finance plays an important role f or prolonged develo pm ent:

    y To record the financial s tatement of the compa ny.

    y Get in tuned with the competition.

    My To pic is concern with F reight analysis on Acme Tele power Ltd. Rudr apu r


    This p roject provided me an o pportunity to under stand compa nies acco unts and

    finance of the org aniza tion.

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    This p roject is b eing submi tted in the partial fulfillm ent of the req uirement of the

    Master Degree of Business A dministr ation of T eert hank er Mahav eer Institute of

    Management &T echnology Mor adaba d.

    It is the outco me of the wor k I hav e undergone at A cme Tele Power LTD .

    Rudr apu r (SIDCUL) .

    Today "it is a ck nowledged and widely acce pted facts" that Finance and Acco unts is

    an important part of the org aniza tion.

    My To pic is concern with a nalysis of f reight on A cme Tele Power LTD . Rudr apu r

    (SIDCUL) . And did sur vey on tr ansport compa nies they are o per ating through,

    vehicles they are gener all y using, the distr ibu tion point of those compa nies, wha t are

    the pro blems they are facing at present whil e wor king with the present tr ansport

    compa nies and wha t are their need s fu rther and sco pe of cold chain.

    This p roject provided me an o pp ortunity to under stand Compa nys Acco unting and

    Finance as w ell as i nward and outward charges of f reight proced ures of the

    compa ny.

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    12. ANNEXURE

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    ACME Tele Power Ltd. (ATPL).

    ACME T ele Power Ltd. was i ncor por ated in 2003 . The compa ny was establish ed

    with a missi on to provide inno vative and creative solutions to hitherto unaddre ssed

    inf r astr ucture- and power-re lated pro blems fa ced by teleco m o per ator s in the

    country. The idea was to provide solutions that are cost-eff ect ive, environ ment-

    f r iend ly, reliabl e and delivered a quick ROI .

    Based on the commi tment to R&D a nd inno vation, AC ME T ele Power con verted its

    visi on and missi on into tangible busi ness reali ty by launching a spa te of u nique and

    or iginal p rod ucts that clear ly addre ssed the pain points of the teleco m o per ator s. Our

    succe ss i n this ende avor is b orne out by the fact that some of the large st teleco m

    compa nies in the wor ld lik e Nokia a nd Airte l a re user s of our passiv e inf r astr ucture


    It Provides comprehensive passiv e inf r astr ucture

    solutions to wireless teleco m pla yer s both in

    India as w ell as over seas. Focusing on inno vation

    and R&D, ATPL has develo ped a r ange of

    inno vative prod ucts that help p rovide cost-

    eff ect ive, energy-e fficient , integr ated , passiv e

    inf r astr ucture solutions, to teleco m compa nies.

    ACME b elieves i ts p r incipal diff erent iator is i ts

    abili ty to provide end-to-end solutions as

    compa red to partial s olutions p rovided by most

    other competitor s. It launched the "Green Shelter ", whi ch is a compl ete package to fit var ious environ ment and temper ature

    pa r ameter s a t teleco m si tes, av oiding the r unning of ba ckup s ystems lik e diesel

    gener ator s.

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    The study is related to learn the proce ss of Freight analysis of the A cme Tele

    Power LTD . Ru dr apu r (SIDCUL) .

    Freight is ma jor cost head of the Acme Tele power Ltd. This is the eff ort to red uce

    this h ead to the best possibl e extent in order to red uce its cost of the prod uct. The

    organiza tion pays two ty pes of f reight whi ch includes f reight inward and f reight


    Freight inward is the amount that is pai d by the compa ny f or acquir ing good s lik e r aw ma ter ial, a dvert ing good s of f or br inging finished good s in the compa ny. Lik e

    wis e the bever ages in its p rod uct port f olio.

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    y The o b jective of the study is to find out the var ious m ethodo logies and

    proced ures ado pted by the compa ny and to ident if y its need s and var ious fa cts

    of fl ows of acco unting system of the organiza tion.

    y To ident if y the var ious ty pe of the f reight in the Acme Tele power Ltd.

    Rudr apu r

    y To ident if y the Pr ima ry and Second ary Freight against EMS Si te Deliver ies

    of the r aw ma ter ials of the compa ny

    y To ident if y the unloading and re- loading charge of the Acme Tele power Ltd.

    y To study the f reight and logistics of the compa ny as w ell as l earning about the

    Freight charge s of va r ious tr ansportation & bill passi ng proce ss.

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    Compa ny Nam e: ACME TELE PO W ER LTDBusiness T y pe: Manufacturer

    Prod uct/Ser vice: Cold stor age units, DC Ai r Cond itioner s, T eleco m

    Shelter A. C.

    Numb er of Empl oyee s: 501 1000 P eo ple

    Trade & Market

    Main Mar k ets:

    North Am er ica

    South Am er ica

    W estern Euro pe

    Eas tern Euro pe

    Eas tern Asia

    Southeast Asia

    Mid Eas t

    Af r ica


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    The Compa ny was i ncor por ated as AC ME T ele Power Pr iva te Limi ted on January

    14, 2003 u nder the Compa nies Act with the R egistr ar of C ompa nies, NCT a t New

    Delhi . It was con verted into a publi c limi ted compa ny on August 29, 2005 a nd

    con sequent ly the name was changed to AC ME T ele Power Limi ted.

    ACME T ele power s o per ates through i ts w or ld class, mai n manufa ctur ing facility at

    Pantnagar , U ttar akha nd as w ell as a not her pla nt at Par wanoo in Hima chal P r adesh.

    The Pantnagar plant spreads over 28 a cre s. It incor por ates modern equipm ent and a

    high level of au tomation equipm ent and a pla nt includes a full y automated PUF

    panel ma nufa ctur ing line (PU MA) f rom I taly, au tomated lines f or air cond itioner s,

    power inter face units, li ne cond itioning units, ba ttery charger s etc. Their manufa ctur ing facilities hav e a combi ned daily out pu t capa city of 250 PIU, 210

    Shelter s, 276 PC Ms and 140 ACs .

    The plant provides a green factory environ ment to complim ent its green prod uct.

    They empl oy n- pentane as a f oami ng agent instead of ozone de pleting

    chloro fluoroc ar bons in our o per ations to provide a green environ ment f r iend ly

    ambi ence.

    The AC ME groups cor por ate offi ce and two manufa ctur ing facilities a re cert ified as

    ISO 9001 :2001 complai nts.

    The ACME group today is a l eader in the field of inno vative solution s f or the

    wireless teleco m i ndustr ies, cold chai n management system, al tern ate energy and

    was te wa ter treatment. It pr ides itself as a tr ailblaz er in the develo pm ent of green

    technologies i .e. solution that fulfill s ocietal need s by being energy effi cient , cost

    eff ect ive and capabl e of deliver ing a quick return on investment without impa cting

    the environ ment adver sely.

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    The ACME gro up ha d its ince ption in 2003 wi th AC ME T ele Power Ltd through the

    visi on of i ts f ounder , Mr. Manoj Kuma r Upa dhyay, wh o dre amt of providing

    r adically new technology solutions r ather than maki ng incre mental change s to

    existing technologies through a fi erce commi tment to research a nd develo pm ent and a passi on to preser ve the environ ment by energy con ser vation.

    ACMEs pr inciple diff erent iator is i ts abili ty to provide end to end solution as

    compa red to partial s olutions p rovided by the competition. It has pi oneered the

    green shelter conce pt whi ch is a compl ete package to fit var ious environ ment and

    temper ature par ameter at teleco m si tes. These unique shelter s come with a nd o ptimal

    coo ling, power s and ther mal ma nagement system, av oiding the r unning system lik e diesel gener ator s. The system p rod uces o per ational cost by as mu ch as 40% as

    compa red to con vent ional sh elter s a nd contr ibu tes towards red ucing green house gas

    emissi on. Every year , AC ME p rod ucts sav e around 2 milli on units of power and

    over 100 ML of diesel oil.

    The ACME gro up is near ly reliant on its R&D i nitiatives a t its research a ctivi ties a re

    carr ied out in mode m 2500 s q f oot facilities a t Manesar , Ha ryana empl oying near ly

    100 qualifi ed eng ineer s. The compa ny also bene fits f rom research carr ied outs i n its

    establishm ent s in Canada & US .

    An ack nowledged leader in teleco m passiv e inf r astr ucture, teleco m p ower s solutions

    and teleco m enc losure system, AC MEs solution and prod ucts p ort f olio hav e a wi de

    r ange of usa ge beyond the teleco mmu nication industr ies. The group has u ndert ak en

    initiatives to prod uce revolutionary cutting edge energy efficient solutions in other s

    sectored as w ell. Its pa tented tec hnology in ther mal ma nagement provides cold

    stor age solutions f or f r uits, veget abl es, va ccines, bl ood plasma etc whi ch w ere

    hitherto de pa rtment on DG s et power to maintain temper ature dur ing power failu re.

    At AC ME, i nno vation is the very lif e- blood of our existence be it in our

    technology initiatives, p rod ucts or solutions. Over the year s, our inno vations hav e

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    led to the develo pm ent of energy-e fficient , environ ment- f r iend ly and cost-eff ect ive

    prod ucts and solutions f or var ious s ector s inc luding Teleco m Inf r astr ucture, Power

    Gener ation, Al tern ate Energy , Cold Chai n management and Environ ment.

    The AC ME G roup p r ides itself as a tr ail- blaz er in the develo pm ent of `green technology. W e hav e pioneered the G reen Shelter conce pt, whi ch is a compl ete

    package to fit the var ious environ ment and temper ature par ameter s f or passiv e

    inf r astr ucture in the teleco m i ndustry. W e hav e also develo ped a sl ew of inno vative

    prod ucts and solutions lik e nano-coo led shelter s and other teleco m sh elter s, fu el

    cells, wa ter treatment plants, ul tr a-modern ref r iger ation and cold stor age prod ucts,

    power inter face units and ther mal ma nagement systems.

    The Compa ny today enjoy s an intern ational p resence in sever al countr ies a round the

    wor ld, through i ts own establishm ent s, channe l pa rtner s, a nd associates.

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    ACME today is a l eader in the field of inno vative solutions f or the wireless

    teleco mmu nications industry , al tern ate energy and was te wa ter treatment. It pr ides

    itself as a tr ailblaz er in the develo pm ent of green technologies, i .e. solutions that

    fulfill s ocietal need s by being energy efficient , cost eff ect ive and capabl e of

    deliver ing a quick return on investment , wi thout impa cting the environ ment

    adver sely.

    ACME ha d its ince ption in 2003 wi th AC ME T ele Power Limi ted through the visi on

    of i ts f ounder , Mr. Manoj Kuma r Upa dhyay, wh o dre amt of p roviding r adically new

    technology solutions, r ather than maki ng incre mental change s to existing

    technologies through a fi erce commi tment to R esearch & D evelo pm ent and a

    passi on to preser ve the environ ment by energy con ser vation.

    ACMEs p r incipal diff erent iator is i ts abili ty to provide end-to-end solutions as

    compa red to partial s olutions p rovided by the competition. It has pi oneered the

    Green Shelter conce pt, whi ch is a compl ete package to fit var ious environ ment and

    temper ature par ameter s a t teleco m si tes. This u nique shelter comes wi th a n o ptimal

    coo ling, power and ther mal ma nagement system, av oiding the r unning of ba ckup

    systems lik e diesel gener ator s. The system red uces o per ational costs b y as mu ch as

    40 p ercent as compa red to con vent ional sh elter s and contr ibu tes towards red ucing green house gas emissi ons. Every year , AC ME p rod ucts sav e around 2 milli on units

    of power and over 100 ML of diesel oil.

    ACME is h eavil y reliant on its R&D i nitiatives a nd its research a ctivities in Gurgaon

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    facili ty , employing near ly 100 qualifi ed eng ineer s. The compa ny also bene fits f rom

    research carr ied out in its establishm ent s in Canada and the United States.

    ACMEs offices, fa ctor ies and research fa cilities, a re cert ified as ISO 9000 :2000

    complia nt and it is i n the proce ss of o btaining ISO 14001 cert ification f or its

    environ ment initiatives. An ack nowledged leader in teleco m passiv e inf r astr ucture,

    teleco m p ower solutions and teleco m enc losure systems, AC MEs solutions and

    prod uct port f olio have a wi de r ange of usa ge beyond the teleco mmu nications

    industry. The compa ny has u ndert ak en initiatives to provide revolutionary cutting

    edge , energy efficient solutions in other sector s as w ell.

    An ack nowledged leader in teleco m passiv e inf r astr ucture, teleco m p ower solutions

    and teleco m enc losure systems, AC MEs solutions and prod uct port f olio have a

    wide r ange of usa ge beyond the teleco mmu nications industry. The Group has

    undert ak en initiatives to provide revolutionary cutting edge , energy effi cient

    solutions in other sector s as w ell. Its pa tented technology in ther mal ma nagement

    provides cold chain and stor age solutions f or f r uits, v eget ables, va ccines, bl ood

    plasma, etc. whi ch w ere hitherto de pend ant on DG s et power to mai ntain

    temper atures dur ing power failu res.

    Based on exten sive research a t its fa cili ties in Canada, AC ME has recent ly brok en

    new ground by undert aking a p roject to set up the fir st comm erc ial fu el cell

    manufa ctur ing plant whi ch will hav e widespread appli cations in resident ial,

    comm erc ial a nd teleco m sector s. This clean energy venture, whi ch is capabl e of

    deliver ing 100 MW of power annuall y, will create new dimensions in distr ibu ted

    energy and subs tantiall y assis t in red ucing green house gases whi ch contr ibu te to

    Glo bal W ar ming. ACME has als o develo ped unique was te-wa ter treatment facilities

    by develo ping technologies that tr ansf or m sewa ge into usabl e water. The system is

    bas ed on using non-tox ic and non- haza rdo us chemicals dr astically cutting down

    energy con sump tion through pa tented proce sses.

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    Qua lity policy of ACME:

    W e in ACME a re commi tted towards achieving customer satisfa ction

    through E xce llence in both p rod uct and ser vice quali ty.

    This shall b e delivered through:-

    Zero def ect prod ucts. Multiskilli ng through tr aining.

    Vender upgr adation towards D .O.L.

    Proce ss Inno vation and Imp rovement through Kaiz en.

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    Lau nch p rod ucts / techno logies that are Inno vative and NOT simpl y incre mental

    imp rovement s to existing prod ucts / technologies

    Focus on solving pro blems that can:

    Save Energy

    Enhance the Environ ment

    Bene fit Society

    Design prod ucts that hav e a return on investment f or customer s in 15 to 24

    months. Spaw n synerg istic busi nesses f rom our teleco m core that hav e the

    potent ial to tr ansf or m their respect ive industr ies


    Our missi on is to provide inno vative solutions to customer s usi ng energy-e fficient ,environ mentally-f r iend ly and cost-eff ect ive methods.

    ATPL s turnk ey solution s rely on advanced tec hnology and flawl ess s er vice

    to addre ss the unique need s of the wireless teleco m industry.

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    Core Te am th a t mak es ACME Tic k

    At the core of any great compa ny lies a team of visi onar ies and inno vator s wh o

    con sis tent ly and con stantly str ive towards achieving aims a nd goals that are

    extr aord inary. Here is a b r ief introd uction to the technocr ats and management

    team that hav e made wha t ACME is today and defining wha t it will b e in the


    Manoj Kumar Upadhyay Founder & Managing Director Engineer

    Atul Sabbarwal Chief Op er ating Offi cer , US Op er ations

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    Management Team

    Manoj Kumar Upadhyay, Founder and Managing Director r. Upa dhyay, Promoter and Managing Director of AC ME

    Tele Power Limi ted , has over 14 year s of ex per ience in

    the power and teleco m s ector s. Ear lier , as research eng ineer

    and, la ter , as technical h ead with the teleco m p ower compa ny,

    Benn ing Gmbh, G er many, Mr. Upa dhyay succe ssfull y led the

    modification and adaptation of sever al cr itical p ower systems to

    sui t Indian req uirement s. He started Adhunik P ower Systems

    Pr ivate Limi ted in 1999, to develo p li ghtning surge protect ion

    systems f or teleco m si tes. In 2003, h e f ounded ACME T ele

    Power Limi ted to provide inno vative, energy effi cient ,

    environ ment f r iend ly prod ucts f or passiv e teleco m

    inf r astr ucture. He is the inventor of fiv e patented prod uct

    inno vations and proce sses in this a rea. Mr. Upa dhyay is als o member of the Ex pert Commi ttee on Science & T echnology

    and Inno vation of the Ass ociated Chamb er s of C ommerce and

    Industry of India (ASSOCHA M).

    Sandeep Sethi, Chief Executive Officer

    Mr. Sethi h eads the glo bal busi ness of AC ME T ele Power Ltd. ,

    He br ings wi th him a r ich a nd diver sifi ed ex per ience of alm ost

    20 year s wi th M NCs i n industr ial /commerc ial B2B industr ies,

    havi ng wor k ed in the US, Si ngapore , Chi na and India. Bef ore

    oining ACME, Mr. Sethi was P resident of U nited

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    Technologies f or Carr ier Comm erc ial R ef r iger ation's Asia n

    o per ations. Pr ior to that, he was wi th J ohnson Contro ls, wh ere

    he held var ious roles of incre asing responsibili ties. In his las t

    role at Johnson Contro ls, h e ser ved as Vi ce President f or the Ser vices and Energy Management o per ation s acro ss Asia . He

    has a B.S. & M. S. in Mec hanical E ngineer ing and an MB A

    f rom the US .

    R. Sampath, Chief Financial Officer

    R . Sampa th is the CFO responsibl e f or financial pla ns f or the

    compa ny. He is a C ommerce Gr aduate and a Cha rtered

    Acco untant. He br ings wi th him m ore than 28 year s of w or k

    ex per ience with organiza tions lik e Carr ier , Mo ser Baer , Sam tel.

    Amajit Gupta, EVP S&M Product & Solutions

    Mr. Gup ta is the Exec utive Vi ce President Sales and Mar k eting

    and is responsibl e f or sales and mar k eting o per ations f or India ,

    SAARC a nd Asia . This i ncludes all ATPL s olutions, p rod ucts

    and ser vices sold in the reg ion including, customer acco unt

    management and solutions teams i n ATPL . He is a n Electron ics

    Engineer. He br ings wi th him m ore than 21 year s of r ich &

    diver se ex per ience in glo bal teleco m compa nies & IT whi ch

    cover s r unning large P&Ls, de ploying large size teleco m

    project s, i ncuba ting new ma r k et, maki ng deals a nd buil ding

    large prof essional glo bal teams . Sal es, busi ness develo pm ent ,

    emerg ing mar k et and technology are his sp ecial ties. Dur ing his

    prof essional journey he has w or k ed in premier glo bal M NCs

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    lik e Ta ta U nisys, Motoro la- South Asia C ellul

    Commu nications.

    Dinesh Bahal, Executive Vice President

    Mr. Bahal h eads Intern ational sal es & ma r k eting f or AC ME

    Tele Power Ltd. He br ings over 25 year s of ex per ience in high

    technology industr ies. Bef ore ACME, h e wor k ed f or Sun

    Micro systems I nc. as Vi ce President of pa rtner s and industr ies

    f or sun's emerg ing mar k ets org anisa tion, wh ere he was

    responsibl e f or defining and impl ement ing Sun's s tr ategy f or

    growth via pa rtner s in emerg ing mar k ets. Mr Bahal is a s cience gr aduate and an MB A f rom the XLRI, Jamsh ed pur.

    Atul Sabharwal, Chief Operating Officer, US Operations

    Mr. Sabha r wal has b een a pa rt of p restigious glo bal ent ities

    such as the Boston Consul ting Group, P r icewater houseCoo per s,

    IBM and Tim e W arner. He has 15 year s of cor por ate

    ex per ience. Under his guidance , AC ME T ele Power has b een

    ex panding its glo bal p resence and also tying up p rofitabl e

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    ventures. Mr. Sabha r wal is a n MB A f rom the reno wned

    W harton School, U niver sity of P enn sylvania, USA a nd the

    Aus tr alia n Gr aduate School of Management.

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    Spheres of Innovation

    The cor por ate offi ce of the ACME G roup of compa nies is bas ed in Gurgaon , in the state of Ha ryana in Northern India wi th a nationwide networ k of 4

    regional offices a nd 14 other sales a nd ser vice offices, whi ch s er ve all ma jor hubs

    and teleco m circles. AC ME als o has i ntern ational offi ces in the USA, Ca nada,

    Sweden , Singapore and Indone sia . In addition , we hav e a p resence in over 20

    countr ies through designated channe l pa rtner s and distr ibu tor s.

    In ter ms of ma r k eting, sal es, i nstalla tion and af ter sales supp ort , the ACME

    Group has the req uisi te and highly skill ed ma n power in all 23 teleco m circles in the country whi ch essent iall y means that it is totally geared up to provide end-

    to-end solutions and supp ort f or any of our inno vative technological s olutions in

    any part of India. And given its intern ational ass ociations and our ex per ience of

    o per ating in such a vas t nation, w e are well-eq uipp ed to handle the sam e in the 20

    more countr ies acro ss the wor ld.

    The ACME G roup s cor por ate offi ce and 3 ma nufa ctur ing facili ties are

    cert ified as ISO 9001 :2000 complia nt.

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    Innovations Playground

    Acmes 3 ma nufa ctur ing facilities sp read over 500,000 s quare f eet of spa ce,

    are equipp ed wi th s tate-o f -the-art inf r astr ucture f or manufa ctur ing and prod uct

    testing. The manufa ctur ing bas e recent ly setup i n Uttar anchal (I ndia) is the large st

    automatic prod uction unit of i ts kind in Asia .

    ACME has i ts mai n manufa ctur ing plant in Pantnagar and other facili ties in

    Par wanoo and Manesar. Highli ghts of i ts pla nts include:

    A full y-automa ted state-o f -the-art Panel Manufa ctur ing line f rom PU MA,


    Shelter Panel proce ssing unit f rom T ek na, I taly

    Conveyor- bas ed lines f or manufa ctur ing:

    Air Cond itioner s

    Power Inter face Units

    Line Cond itioning Units

    Battery Cha rger s and other sub -assembli es

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    DELTA - Delta group h olds the no. 1 swi tching power. The compa ny shipp ed

    its fi r st swi tching power suppl y in 1980 & b y 2002, D elta ha d beco me the wor lds

    largest provider of Merc hant Swi tching Power suppli er wi th ma r k et sha res of over

    50% i n Ser ver Power Mar k et & 35% i n the note book ma r k et .


    Swi tching Power Suppli er

    DC /DC con verter s


    Teleco m P ower

    AC/DC A daptor s

    Energy savi ng ballas ts

    Cus tom p ower suppli es

    The 97.5% efficiency of D eltas Ph otovoltaic Inverter s, f or exampl e is the highest

    achieved class i n its class s o far.

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    PUNCH S.O.
















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    F.G. ISSUE





    SIFT B

    SIFT C







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    Board Of Directors

    Managing Director Manoj Kumar Upadhya

    Head New Business &Corporate Affairs

    Kapil Kathpalia

    CEOSanjay Dhawn

    Director Finance &Corporate Strategy

    Sunil Sethy

    CFOS. Aggarwal

    H.R.S.M. Arif

    LegalG.N. Pareek

    I.T.Romy Chopra

    CommunicationBarun Banerji

    Head Key Accounts

    Bharti &Indonesia






    Head Sales &Service Delivery

    RM South

    RM West

    RM East

    RM North



    B. M.Central

    Head OperationsRudrapur

    Head Innovation& Opex


    Quality Expat

    Head OperationsParwanoo

    PCB Manesar


    New Projects

    Head Mfg.Tech. & ProcurementTSP India

    R & D Special Project


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    ACME T ele Power Ltd. was i ncor por ated in 2003 . The compa ny was establish ed with a

    missi on to provide inno vative and creative solutions to hitherto unaddre ssed

    inf r astr ucture- and power-re lated pro blems fa ced by teleco m o per ator s in the country.

    The idea was to provide solution s that are cost-eff ect ive, environ ment- f r iend ly, and

    reliabl e and delivered a quick ROI .

    Based on the commi tment to R&D a nd inno vation, AC ME T ele Power con verted its

    visi on and missi on into tang ible busi ness reali ty by launching a spa te of unique and

    or iginal p rod ucts that clear ly addre ssed the pai n points of the teleco m o per ator s. Our

    succe ss i n this ende avor is b orne out by the fact that some of the largest teleco m

    compa nies in the wor ld lik e Nokia a nd Airte l a re user s of our passiv e inf r astr ucture


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    As on date, AC ME T ele Power boasts of a r ich a nd var iegated port f olio of cost-

    eff ect ive and inno vative prod ucts bas ed on the modern technolog ies. These included

    There are a ma ny ty pe of the prod uct to pr uduce the Acme Telpower Ltd.

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    Green Shelter

    Power Interface Unit

    Line Conditioner Unit

    Thermal Management System with PCM

    AC with Free Cooling

    Heat Exchanger

    Battery Life Enhancer

    Alkaline Fuel Cells

    Battery Cooler

    NACC Compressor less Air Conditioner

    Each of the org aniza tions p rod ucts con sider ably red uce the de pendence on dieselgener ator s f or coo ling req uirement s dur ing power outages, a nd provide stabl e power

    suppl y

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    Green Shelter 1

    ACMEs G reen Shelter houses the BTS a nd electron ic equipm ent. It comes fi tted with

    PIU, PC M and efficient AC s ystems, p roviding 4 to12 h r s of ther mal ba ckup, whi ch

    red uces energy costs p er site.

    The Green Shelters Fib er R einf orced Plas tic (FRP) outer ski n provides greater

    insula tion, is l onger las ting and off er s better ther mal resis tance to solar gain than

    con vent ional sh elter s.

    Benefits of Shelter

    y Av er age power savi ngs: 3,120 u nit/ year/site y 70% of solar r adiation is reflected back to the environ ment using Nano-co ated

    PUF pa nelsy Provides saf e o per ating environ ment (temper ature and dust particle)y Air and water tight to achieve IP55 l evel protect ion

    y Quick installa tion time helps i n fas ter roll out of sh elter s

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    Thermal Management System with PCM

    Acmes Th er mal Management System (T MS) s er ves as a n altern ative ther mal energy

    back -up f or teleco m si tes, dur ing power failu res usi ng integr ated electron ic equipm ent s

    and Phas e Cha nge Mater ial (PC M) T MS red uces the need to r un high-co st diesel

    gener ator s f or air cond itioning dur ing power failu res. The TMS s ystem can be

    succe ssfull y de ployed in a va r iety of indus tr ial appli cations lik e the cold stor age

    management and tr ansit ref r iger ation f or pha r maceutical, f ood & b ever age, veget abl e &

    f r uits industr ies etc. ,

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    Power Interface Unit(PIU)

    Acmes Power Inter face Unit (PIU) p rovides compl ete AC p ower management f or

    teleco m si tes including voltage, phas e select ion and surge protect ion. The prod uct

    empl oys s tatic, electron ic parts whi ch req uire lower mainten ance compa red with

    tr aditional m echanisms . It integr ates all essent ial component s of a si te into a single

    compa ct r ack to supp ort total au tomation. AC ME T ele Power holds a pa tent f or this

    prod uct until 2024 .

    Lightning and Surge Protector

    Teleco mmu nications sh elter s and tower s a re sus ce ptible to var ious environ mental a nd

    power-re lated haza rds su ch as li ghtning and voltage surge s. The pheno menon of

    lightning is a r ando m, chaotic and dangero us a ct of nature. It is a n un pred ictable event ,

    whose eff ect s can be direct or indirect. Dur ing lightning, puls es of ampli tude ~200 KA

    with wav e shap e of 10 /350 mi cron s a re gener ated.

    ACME T ele Power Ltd. provides li ghtning and surge protect ion to teleco mmu nication equipm ent. It off er s a dyn ami c, extern al li ghtning protect ion device, whi ch is r adio

    quiet and its o per ation only occ ur s dur ing lightning. AC ME als o provides intern al

    lightning and surge protect ion systems.

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    AC with free cooling

    ACME T ele Power manufa ctures an energy-e fficient air cond ition ing solution

    o ptimiz ed f or the Teleco m Industry. The Free Cooling AC is bas ed on a fil ter less

    technology and as the name sugge sts, i t coo ls the shelter even without r unning the AC

    when the ambi ent temper ature falls b elow 25C . This is a chieved by con stantly

    releasing the tr app ed heat inside the shelter and r ationalizi ng temper ature imbala nce s,

    by sensing the diff erence between inside & outside environ ment.

    Controller Features y Can contro l up to two AC a nd one f ree coo ling unit y Temper ature contro ly Humi dity sensor

    Structural Features

    y W all m ounted unit y Front discharge y Eas y installa tion, mai nten ance and ser vice

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    Battery life Enhancer

    ACME has b rought f or the teleco m s ector , the technology whi ch not only sav es energy

    bu t also incre ases the lif e spa n and maximiz es the per f or mance of the batter ies. It also

    k ee ps the enc losure clean and hygienic. The Battery Lif e Enhancer wor ks on a simpl e

    pr inciple of assi gning se pa r ate clima te zone s in a si ngle electron ic enc losure. A se pa r ate

    ba ttery compa rtment f or power r acks a nd f ree- standing battery compa rtment s f or the

    ba tter ies a re combi ned in develo ping a con stant temper ature. The batter ies' coo ling and

    heating units a re powered by 48VDC . They are heated at a con stant temper ature of 22

    to 25C whi ch enhance s the lif e as w ell as the per f or mance of the batter ies. Th e patent

    combi nes mi cro clima te in the battery compa rtment and macro clima te in the electron ic

    enc losure to o per ate in a con stant temper ature. It als o combi nes a sp ecial sh elter

    solution and a nor mal sh elter in the sha de. This is v ery advantageous f or f ree coo ling

    throughout the wor ld.

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    Line conditioner unit (LCU)

    ATPL als o suppli es other prod ucts to compl ement the teleco m enc losure appli cations.

    These include

    Line Cond itioner Units (LCUs)

    Battery Cooler s (whi ch is pa rt of our Green Shelter 2 solution f or the domestic

    mar k et and ex port pipeline)

    Line Cond itioner Units (LCUs) a re a sub -co mponent of the Power Inter face Unit

    (PIU) a nd are de ployed in the non-te leco m spa ce in Industr ial appli cations wh ere

    a 1% v oltage regula tion is req uired

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    Heat Exchanger

    Acmes HEAT E XCHANGER, app ro pr iately called Cool Z one, is a n electro-

    mechanical ai r handling system. It uses ambi ent energy f or ther mal ma nagement of

    teleco m sh elter s & electron ic enc losures or any other enc losed unit. It helps mai ntain

    the temper ature inside the teleco m sh elter with the help of ambi ent air-coo ling. The heat

    exc hanger compr ises of two circula ting fans and two r adiator fans, o per ating on DC

    Voltage. It is designed to sav e power con sum ed by air cond itioner s f or red ucing the

    heat gener ated f rom electron ic equipm ent inside the teleco m sh elter. Oper ating cost is

    very low as i t con sum es a f r action of the energy req uired to r un a simila r capa city air

    cond itioner.

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    Alkaline Fuel Cells

    ACMEs Alkali ne Fuel C ells a re a reliabl e, hi gh quali ty source of p ower , off er ing ease

    of mo bili ty, modula r ity and scalabili ty f or the teleco m industry. Running on pure

    hydrogen , they are a zero emissi on power source.

    The technology develo ped by ACME is bas ed on research and develo pm ent wor k carr ied out at

    facilities near Toronto , Ca nada, of G roup ass oc iate MKU Ca nada Inc. ACME T ele Power

    Limi ted has entered into a T echnology Tr ansf er Agree ment as of Se ptember 25, 2007 f or

    manufactur ing of these fuel cells.

    ACMEs Fu el C ells a re a reliabl e and high quali ty source of p ower off er ing the ease of

    modula r ity and scalabili ty. W idespread appli cations not only in teleco m bu t also in

    resident ial, comm erc ial a nd other industr ial s ector s.

    Prod uct Features

    Pollu tion f ree , near ly no Green House Gas Emissi onsLow w eight and noise levelCompa ct and modular solution

    Quick s tart, even in subz ero temper atures

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    Battery Cooler

    ACME Battery Coo ler maximiz es the lif espan of ex pensive te leco m ba tter ies and

    results in a quick ROI .

    Acmes Battery Coo ler achieves the savi ngs by maintaining the site battery enc losure

    temper ature within the specified limi t. This h elps to incre ase the dur abili ty and maximiz e the

    per f or mance of the batter ies enc losed. ACME Battery Coo ler is designed f or the coo ling of

    battery cabinet s wi th IP54 p rotect ion level and is sui table f or o per ating in industr ial

    environ ment s. Its us e elimi nates pro blems caused by high temper atures, dirt and humi dity

    which are present in the environ ment as w ell as those gener ated by the batter ies a nd other

    prod ucts.

    ACME Battery Cooler is designed f or the coo ling of ba ttery cabinet s wi th IP54

    protect ion level and is sui tabl e f or o per ating in industr ial environ ments. Its us e

    elimi nates p ro blems caus ed bit high temper ature, dirt and humi dity.

    Prod uct

    Prod uct FeaturesUltr a compa ct Aesthetically Pleasing Design Availabl e in AC a nd DC

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    NACC Compressor Less Air Conditioner

    The ACME G roup, whi ch is f ocused towards p roviding inno vative, energy effi cient

    prod ucts, has i ntrod uced the NACC, C ompressor less, CFC f ree AC, f or the fir st time in


    The new AC us es an aqueous m edium as coo ling flui d instead of ha r mful chemical

    ref r iger ants. It is compressor less, thus fa cili tating minimum p ower con sump tion and isemissi on f ree , maki ng it a unique, environ ment f r iend ly, energy sav er. The new AC

    whi ch is b eing manufa ctured in sever al va r iants and sizes will fi nd use in both

    comm erc ial a nd domestic appli cations and can be customized f or o ptimum usa ge.

    Usi ng the unique Non Adiaba tic Compressor less C ycle technology , AC ME has

    develo ped a hi ghly advanced and energy effi cient coo ling solution. It is eco f r iend ly

    and uses an aqueous m edium as coo ling flui d instead of ha r mful chemical ref r iger ants

    whi ch de plete ozone layer.

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    To cond uct a research s cient ific method mus t be f ollowed. The univer se of s tudy at

    Acme Tele power s Ltd. Rudr apu r (Sidcul) is basi cally very large in whi ch i t is

    diffi cult to collect inf or mation f rom all the empl oyee s. So, the sampli ng method has

    been f ollowed f or this s tudy. The analysis is bas ed on pr ima ry and second ary data

    collected f or this pu r pose.


    Qualitative Research: - Quali tative research all ows you to ex plore perce ptions,

    attitudes a nd motiva tions a nd to under stand how they are f or med. It provides de pth

    of inf or mation whi ch can be used in its own r ight or to deter mine wha t attr ibu tes

    will subs equent ly be measu red in quantitative studies. . However , it relies heavil y

    on the skills of the moder ator , is i nevitably sub jective and sampl es a re small .

    Techniques include group discussi ons/wor ksho p s essi ons, pai red inter views,

    individual i n-de pth inter views a nd mystery sho ppi ng (wh ere the researcher plays the

    role of a p otent ial s tudent , etc in order to re pli cate the over all ex per ience ).

    Quantitative R esearch: - Quantitative research is descr iptive and provides ha rd

    data on the numb er s of p eo ple exhibi ting cert ain behavi our s, a ttitudes, etc. It

    provides inf or mation in breadth a nd allows you to sampl e large numb er s of the

    po pula tion. It is, h owever , str uctured and doe s not yield the reasons behind

    behavi our or why peo ple hold cert ain attitudes. Techniques commonly used in

    HE /FE i nclude postal su r veys (pa rticula r ly app ro pr iate in the case of s tudent

    po pula tions wh ere name and addre ss inf or ma tion is availabl e), tele phone sur veys

    (app ro pr iate f or sur veys of empl oyer s), on- line or we b- bas ed sur veys (v ery cost-

    eff ect ive f or reaching audience s wh ere e-mail p enetr ation is hi gh, su ch as s tudent s

    and univer sity/co llege staff) a nd mystery sho ppi ng (in this case to test quantifiabl e

    asp ects of the ser vice).

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    The data collect ion phas e of this p roject f or f r ami ng eff ect ive wor k lif e bala nce

    str ategies f or Acme Tele power s L td. Rudr apu r (Sidcul) employee s was diffi cult and

    prone to error. Some empl oyee s w ere not availabl e f or f eed back session. Some of

    them refused to coo per ate due to lack of time and loads of w or k . Als o, some

    empl oyee s ha d bias ed or dishone st answer s.


    The data collected f or the project wor k a re f rom two source s that is p r ima ry and

    second ary source s.


    For this research I hav e f ollowed the str ucture per sonne l inter views af ter dec iding to

    carry out a su r vey research b y select ing sampl e f rom the po pula tion of the Acme Tele power s Ltd. Rudr apu r (Sidcul) . The o pinion of empl oyee s was collected using

    app ro pr iate questionn aire. This o bser vation was b rought about with the help of

    attent ion and perce ption.


    The second ary data w ere collected f rom the internet and the manual publish ed asAnnual R e port etc. of the compa ny

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    A research design is the arr ange ment of cond ition f or collect ion and analysis of data

    that aims to combine relevance to the research pu r pose with econo my in proced ure.

    It con stitutes the tr anspa rency f or the collect ion , measu rement and analysis of data.

    Conclusive Research

    It is designed to choose among var ious p ossibl e cour se of action i.e. to mak e

    dec ision. The research done f or conc lusi on is bas ed on the resul ts dr awn out of the

    questionn aire, and then figur ing out the actual si tuation through sever al pi e-charts.

    Research instrument

    In this p roject , the str uctured instr um ent is us ed whi ch is a pla nned , f or mal lis t of questionn aire where the questions w ere ask ed direct ly f rom the empl oyee s.

    a. Literature review

    This ma y be an atte mpt to summa r ise or co mm ent on wha t is al ready k nown

    about a pa rticular to pic. By collect ing diff erent sources toget her , s ynthesisi ng

    and analysing cr itically, it essent ially cre ates new k nowledge or per spect ives.

    There are a numb er of diff erent f or ms a li ter ature review mi ght tak e.

    b. Case study

    This will i nvolve co llect ing empi r ical data, gener ally f rom only one or a small

    numb er of cases. It usuall y provides r ich detail ab out those cases, of a

    predo minantly quali tative nature. There are a numb er of diff erent app roaches

    to case study wor k (e.g. , ethnogr aphi c, her mene utic, ethogen ic, etc ) and the pr inciples a nd methods f ollowed should be made clear.

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    c. Survey

    W here an empi r ical s tudy involves collect ing inf or mation f rom a la rger

    numb er of cases, p er haps usi ng questionn aires, i t is usuall y descr ibed as a

    sur vey. Altern atively, a su r vey might mak e use of al ready availabl e data,collected f or anot her pur pose. A su r vey may be cross-sect ional ( data

    collected at one time) or long itudinal ( co llected over a per iod). Bec aus e of

    the larger numb er of cases, a su r vey will gener ally involve some quantitative

    analysis .


    Sampli ng is a technique whi ch h elps us i n providing a solution of a given pro blem

    is a l esser amount of time at a lesser cost by studying a subpa rt (small s ect ion) of the

    po pula tion and without using much of the effi ciency. In this p roject , non- pro babili ty con venience sampli ng is a do pted.


    The sampl e size f or this p roject tak en into con sider ation is 80 . Research type : Conclusive Research

    Sampling : Non-probability

    Sample size : 80

    Area of the study : Rudrapur

    Period of the study : 45 Days

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    A h y pothesis con sis ts either of a su gge sted ex pla nation f or an o bser vabl e

    pheno menon or of a reasoned pro posal p red icting a p ossibl e causal corre lation

    among mul tiple pheno mena. The ter m der ives f rom the Gree k, h y potithenai

    meaning "to put under " or "to supp ose." Th e scient ific method req uires that one can

    test a scient ific hy pothesis . Scient ists gener ally bas e such hy potheses on previous

    o bser vations or on exten sion s of scient ific theor ies. Even though the word s

    "hy pothesis" a nd "theory " a re of ten used synony mously in comm on and inf or mal

    usa ge, a s cient ific hy pothesis is not the sam e as a s cient ific theory .


    The Null H y pothesis of this p roject re port is that there is a p ositive resul t of maki ng

    mar k et sur vey in order to mak e eff ect ive use of LG Au tomated W ashi ng Machines.


    The Altern ate Hy pothesis of this p roject re port is that there is a p ositive

    relationship b etween customer s and LG C ompa ny.

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    Freight is a ma jor cost head of the compa ny. Every compa ny puts an extr a eff orto

    red uce this h ead to the best possibl e extent in order to red uce its cost of the prod uct.

    The Compa ny pays two ty pes of f reight whi ch includes f reight inward and f reight


    Freight inward is the amount that is pai d by the compa ny f or acquir ing good s lik e r aw

    mater ial, a dvert ising good s or f or br inging finished good s in the compa ny. Lik e wis e

    the compa ny purchas es su gar , Ca r bon Di O xide f or manufa ctur ing var ious ty pes of bever ages in its p rod uct port f olio.

    Freight Ou tward is the sum that is pai d by the compa ny f or deliver ing good s by the

    tr ansporter s a t the distr ibu tors outlet. The f reight r ates a re previously deter mined by

    the compa ny wi th the help of a contr act/ agree ment whi ch is ma de to acquire ser vices

    on a year ly basis .

    The r ates f or var ious s tations are negot iated and af ter the proce ss of negot iation the

    agree ment is ma de or rene wed f or providing ser vices. The agree ment includes va r ious

    ter ms a nd cond itions whi ch is appli cabl e f rom wh en the tr uck is hi red f or a s tation till

    the time it doe s not reaches the destination.

    Lik e one of the cond ition is of detent ion whi ch m eans that the tr uck sh ould be unloaded

    by the distr ibu tor wi thin 24 h our s of reaching the distr ibu tor s outlet if the tr uck is

    detained f or more than 24 h our s then the compa ny has to pay extr a charge s to the

    tr ansporter so as to remuner ate the labour empl oyed by the tr ansporter.

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    The amount paid in lieu of detent ion de pend s up on the load size the tr uck is taking

    to the distr ibu tors outlet. Lik ewis e if the load size of 300 350 cases (cr ates) the

    amount of detent ion is Rs .300 f or the fir st three days and Rs. 400 there onwards. If

    the load size is of 351 600 cases then Rs. 450 f or the fir st three days and Rs. 500

    there onwards

    Freight Outward Proce ssi ng R elief p rovides duty relief on imp orts f rom third

    countr ies of good s whi ch hav e been prod uced f rom p reviously ex ported Commu nity

    good s. It enabl es busi nesses to tak e advantage of cheaper labour costs outside the

    EC, whil e enco ur aging the use of EC p rod uced r aw ma ter ials to manufa cture the

    finished prod ucts. Good s ma y be also tempor ar ily ex ported to undergo proce sses

    not availabl e within the Commu nity.

    The proced ure also enables faul ty good s to be returned to a third country f or re pai r ,

    or f or re pla cement with equival ent good s u nder the Standard Exchange System

    (SES) .

    W hen you imp ort good s f rom outside the Commu nity you nor mall y hav e to pay

    duty on the full customs valu e of the good s. W hen Commu nity good s a re ex ported

    outside the customs terr itory of the EC they lose their Commu nity status, a nd if they

    are later re- imp orted they are treated in the same way as non- Commu nity good s,

    and are liabl e to duty on the full customs valu e.

    W hen you us e the OPR p roced ure it will enabl e you to claim relief f rom duty on the

    Commu nity good s whi ch hav e been ex ported f or proce ss, as l ong as you can show

    that the ex ported good s w ere used to prod uce, or are incor por ated into , the prod ucts

    you a re imp ort ing. Bef ore you can claim duty relief under OPR, h owever , you mus t

    be author ised to use the arr ange ment s.

    If you hav e IPR good s in the Commu nity

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    Freight Analysis

    Under standing f reight activi ty is imp ortant f or matching inf r astr ucture suppl y to

    Demand and f or assessing potent ial i nvestment and o per ational s tr ategies. As

    Previousl y ment ioned , tr uck is the predo minate f reight mode in the Northwest

    RPO region.

    Freight gener ated within the reg ion is p r ima r ily associated with ma nufa ctur ing.

    Pr imary prod ucts include mo bil e/modula r homes, p etro leum p rod ucts, ma chined

    Met al p rod ucts, s end and gr avel and hardwood and lumb er. Dis tr ibu tion of these

    A p rod uction facility is gener ally evenly spread throughout the reg ion. In bound

    Freight is als o gener ated by these industr ies. However , i t should be noted that

    W arehouse and distr ibu tion center s r ank ed f ourth over all i n ter ms of comm odities

    This i n this region tr ansla tes into retail .

    Sever al s tudies cond ucted over the pas t five year s hav e sur veyed busi ness,

    Econo mic develo pm ent agenc ies and tr ansport ation provider s concern ing

    Needed system imp rovement s. R eco mmend ations w ere under standably geared

    Toward specific industry need s and included easing hor izont al a nd vert ical

    Cur ves, sh oulder imp rovement s, re pla cement of w eight posted br idge s and

    Adding tr uck climbi ng lanes. In addition to ex pressing concern s ab out the Highwa y networ k, m ent ion was ma de about other mode s as sh own by the

    Following quote f rom A nalysis of the Tr ansport ation Need s of the W ood Prod ucts

    Industry in Dis tressed Appala chia n R egions.

    R espond ing hardwood manufa cturer s re ported 93% of their prod ucts b y volum e

    W ere shipp ed by tr uck in 2004 to domestic mar k ets. Seven percent of their

    Prod uct was shipp ed by r ail i n the domestic mar k et. R espond ing hardwood

    Manufa cturer s did not tr ansport any prod ucts b y barge or ship to domestic Mar k ets. Due to steadily incre asing tr ucking charge s, only partiall y caus ed by

    Fuel cost spik es; respondent s ident ified imp ediments to r ail a nd inland water way

    Altern atives yet stressed their competitive need f or more reliabl e and cost

    efficient acce ss to their domestic and intern ation al ma r k ets .

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    Effi cient good s m ovement is k ey to econo mic vitali ty. The pur pose of this s tudy

    is to analyze both in bound and out bound f reight movements b y commodity and

    The nations hi ghwa y system, a nd our enor mous tr uck fl eet , moved 71 p ercent of

    the total tonn age and 80 p ercent of the total valu e of U . S. shipm ents in 1998 .

    Although tr ucks ma de the bas e ma jor ity of local deliver ies, they also

    carr ied large volum es of f reight between regional a nd national ma r k ets. W ater

    and r ail als o moved significant sha res of total tonn age, bu t they acco unted f or

    much small er sha res wh en measu red on a valu e basis . As ex pected , ai r f reight

    moves less than 1 p ercent of total tonn age but carr ied 12 p ercent of the total

    valu e of shipm ent s in 1998 .

    Domestic f reight volum es will grow b y more than 65 p ercent , incre asing f rom

    13.5 billi on tons in 1998 to 22.5 billi on ton s in 2020 . The f orec ast shows that the

    air and tr uck m ode s will ex per ience the fas test growth. Domestic air cargo

    Tonn age is p rojected to near ly tr iple over this p er iod, al though i ts sha re of total

    Tonn age is ex pected to remain small . Tr ucks a re ex pected to move over 75

    Percent more tons in 2020, captur ing a somewha t larger sha re of total tonn age.

    W hile volum es m oved by the r ail a nd domestic wa ter mode s a re also

    Projected to incre ase over the f orec ast per iod, they will not grow as dr ama tically

    Pr imar ily becaus e of anticipa ted slower growth in demand f or many of they k ey

    Comm odities carr ied by these mode s.

    Intern ational tr ade acco unted f or 12 p ercent of total U .S. f reight tonn age in 1998

    And is f orec ast to grow fas ter than do mestic tr ade. Intern ational tr ade is

    Projected to incre ase by 2.8 p ercent annuall y between 1998 a nd 2020, near ly

    Doubli ng in volum e. This growth in intern ational tr ade is lik ely to present

    Chall enge s to U.S. ports and border gateways.

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    Funds f or tr ansport ation system imp rovement s a re con str ained , there f ore , the

    R esul ts of this s tudy are cr ucial to eff ect ive dec ision maki ng on investment s to

    maintain capa city of the five county tr ansportation system. Freight in this reg ion

    is shipp ed via tr uck, r ail a nd air. Tr uck is the pr imary mode ; there f ore , i t is

    pa r amount that the highwa y networ k is w ell mai ntained

    R egional F reight Mo vement

    Tr uck, r ail a nd air f reight ser vice is availabl e in the Northwest RPO . Simila r to

    Penn sylvania a nd the United States, the ma jor ity of f reight is m oved by tr uck in

    Ter ms of tonn age and valu e. Figure 3 indicates f reight flow b y tr uck . Factor s

    Tha t influence modal choice includes commod ity, distance and r ates. Although

    most f reight is shipp ed by tr uck, s ome of the areas busi nesses could not sur vive

    without r ail . In a N orthwest Commissi on r ail s tudy done in 2002 s ome

    Compa nies s tressed that there was no altern ative method of tr ansportation of

    Their good s . Air f reight acco unts f or less than 1% of f reight movement.

    However , lik e r ail s ome busi nesses w ould not be abl e to o per ate without acce ss

    to this m ode.

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    Freight Cha rging by AC ME to Cus tomer s on ly against Suppl y under Nor mal

    Sales O rder (SO) as p er De ployed Vehicle Size & a ccord to Locations f or all

    ty pes of Cus tomer (Domestic & E x port ).Freight against Suppl y under

    Miscellaneo us Sal es O rder (whi ch is f or Dispa tches due to Dama ges &

    Shortages dur ing Pr ima ry Dispa tch) has b een not charged to Cus tomer s f or any


    A.1 Scope of Logistics

    Logistics D e ptt. Ment ioned the Freight to be charged to Cus tomer accord to Vehicle

    Size & L ocation in Pack Slip a nd on Tr ansporters LR too (only when reco very of

    Freight doe s not belong s to Dispa tched Q ty)

    A .2 Freight Charged by Excise

    Excise De ptt. Cha rged the Freight on Sal e Invoice accord to Freight ment ioned on

    Pack Slip & LR f or warded by Logistics bu t wh ere Freight should be reco ver accord

    to Shelter s Q ty. (Freight per Shelter ) or as p er Destination where the Site has b een

    installed, Freight has b een charged as p er Freight ment ioned on Sales O rder or as

    per clear ance f rom Mar k eting.


    B.1 Bills Submi t by Ser vice Provider s to Logistics

    Bills submi t by Ser vice Provider s wi thin 15 days f rom D elivery of C onsignment along wi th nece ssa ry Docum ent s (LR / Invoice Co py/ Packing List/ W ay Bill /

    Vehicles RC co py) sh ould also attached Documentary Evidence of O ther Cha rge s

    (Detent ion/ Unloading/ W H Cha rge s ) wi th a n Exce ss s et of Xerox co py f or future

    ref erence.

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    B.2 Bills Checking Process at Logistics

    Logistics check ed the Bills a nd ver if y the gent ility of E x penses Claim ed by Ser vice

    Provider s as p er Cus tomer remar ks as P roo f of D elivery (POD) a nd also as p er

    Agree ment done with T r ansporter s & SOP ma de f or Bills Passi ng appli cabl e f or

    Ser vice Provider s.

    Post Checking, Pass ed and Deducted amount of each bill has b een entered into UDS

    Screen by Logistics wi thin each h ead of E x pense & pu t their remar ks f or Am ount

    being ded ucted there.

    B.3 Bills Forwarded to Finance

    Bills hav e been f or warded to Finance af ter pro per checking of each E x pense

    wi th a co py of Submissi on duly signed by Exec utive and app roved by Head-

    Logistics on Summa ry Sheet of Bills m ent ioned in it and return a co py of sam e

    as rece iving of Bills b y Finance f or further proce ss.

    B.4 Bills Checking Process at Finance

    Bills passi ng proce ss has b een done by Finance on FIFO m ethod accord to

    Agree ment done with Ser vice provider s and as p er SOP appli cabl e f or Freight

    Bills passi ng made by Logistics , L egal & Fi nance jointly. In case of any

    Dispu te/Error in Bills f or warded by Logistics. Finance inf or med to Logistics

    within 3 days of Bills rece iving and said bill has b een honored af ter justification

    of Am ount pass ed by Logistics.

    B.5 Bills Updation in Excel Sheet

    Pass ed bill am ount & Suppli er Ex pense Invoice No entered by Finance in Exce l

    Sheet against each AC ME I nvoice No under diff erent GLs of E x penses.

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    B.6 Bills Updation in User Defined Service (UDS)

    Pass ed bills a gainst ACME Invoice of FY 2009 -10 has b een entered in UDS

    Screen in RA MCO to captur ing the dupli city of Bills submissi on & to get the more

    accur acy in Freight Liabili ty / Provisi on to be tak en.

    B.7 Payment Advising

    Payment of Ser vice Provider s is a dvised by Finance on every Mond ay f or

    Current W eek wi th details of pai d bills a nd adjustment of D e bi t / Cred it Notes.

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    Check List for Verification & AuthenticationTr ansporter s LR, AC ME I nvoice, Pa ck Slip, PDI R e port & W ay Bill

    Transporters LRs

    ALL LRs sh ould hav e f reight wr itten on all co pies & that too match wi th invoice f reight.

    They should hav e Addre ss of C ner & C nee, Invoice Valu e, W ay Bill N o., N o.

    of pa ckages loaded & m ent ioned on invoice to tally with LRs


    Pre Authent ication f rom AC MEs au thor ized re present ative.

    ACME TIN N o. & ECC detail .

    Consignor & C onsignee Addre ss wi th CST & LST N o. OR TIN N o. Shippi ng Addre ss wi th CST & LST N o. OR TIN N o.

    Du ty/Cress wh ether appli ed to assessabl e valu e

    Second Authent ication AC MEs au thor ized re presentative.

    Four Sets of Invoices (Buyer Co py, DFT C o py, Acco unts C o py & E xcise Co py)

    Other Documents (Pack List & PDI Report)

    Pack Lis t should hav e Logistics exec utive authent ication.

    PDI R e port mus t be signed by PDI exec utive.

    No of pa ckages in the pack slip mus t be matched with Invoice & LR .

    Way Bill (Road Permit)

    If W ay Bill (R oad Per mit) appli cabl e, the way bill detail of f or m numb er &

    Ser ial N o. Must be ment ioned on LRs as w ell as i n Dispa tch R egister.

    R oad Per mits mus t be attached with doc ument s wh ere appli cable duly affi xed

    wi th AC ME S eal.

    W ay Bill sh ould be duly fill ed by tr ansporter s & cro ss check ed by AC ME

    officials .

    Hando ver all the doc uments to tr ansporter s and o btain signature on offi ce co py.

    Ensure vehicles out within half a n hour of gett ing doc ument s

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    Entering Billing in Computer

    This p roced ure is us ed by the acco unts rece ivabl e cler k to compl ete daily billi ngs to

    customer s.

    The Procedures :

    Step-1: Shipping Paperwork - Find the shippi ng pap er wor k in the shipp er s

    box in the mail roo m. The pap er wor k sh ould include a ha ndwr itten shippi ng log, as

    well as whi te and green co pies of the bills of lading. Se pa r ate these doc ument s into

    diff erent piles.

    Step-2: Verify Bills of Lading [or Air W ay Bill f or air shipm ent] - Ver if y that there is a bill of lading f or every order listed on the shippi ng log, and also that all

    bills of la ding are lis ted on the log. Then put the bills of la ding in order , fi r st by

    customer numb er and then by order numb er (if there is m ore than one order per

    customer ). Next , check the carr ier colum n of the shippi ng log. Mo st order s will

    have Cus tomer Pickup lis ted next to them. Any acco mpa nying f reight sheet is

    filled out by the shippi ng de pa rtment. These are usuall y turned in ahead of time and

    k e pt in a fil e. Pull out the app ro pr iate sheets, becaus e they are needed f or invoicing.

    Step-3: Review Freight Sheets - R eview the f reight sheets. If the bill of la ding

    reads Pa cking List on the to p, the order has al ready been pick ed by the shippi ng

    de pa rtment. If i t reads Cus tomer Order Pick lis t a nd the shipm ent quantities a re

    handwr itten in the blanks, the order still mus t be pick ed. To pick an order , go to

    SHIP i n the sof tware, enter the issu e ty pe, and then enter the customer numb er. If

    the quantity showing on the screen f or an item ma tches the quantity handwr itten in

    the bill of la ding, p ress ENTER to pick that item. If the quantities diff er , ty pe the

    handwr itten quantity into the order and press ENTER . Pick all of the items on the

    order , and then proceed to the next order.

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    Step-4: List All Picked Orders - The resul ting lis t should include all the order s

    in the stack, plus a ny order s shipp ed out today. In this s te p, go through the list and

    choose only those order s that were shipp ed the previous day and f or whi ch there are

    bills of la ding.

    It may be diffi cult to deter mine the order numb er s f or some shipm ent s, b ecaus e

    there may be more than one sequence numb er f or the sam e customer order numb er.

    You ma y need to look a t all of the order s wi th a pa rticula r order numb er to find the

    correct one. To pick one , mak e sure the item numb er s and quantities ma tch the bill

    of la ding.

    Step-5: Check Pricing - Check the pr icing f or each order and ver if y that there is a

    charge f or pall ets and shippi ng. Enter the customer order numb er and sequence

    numb er to check p r ices. Each customer has a p r ice sheet in the pr ice book that lists

    current pr ices f or all of the items i t order s. The pr ice sheet will als o tell you wh ether

    or not to charge that customer f or pall ets. This is als o where the f reight sheet is

    used. Check the f reight code on the order and mak e sure that it matches wha t the

    shippi ng de pa rtment has w r itten on the f reight sheet. If the code is p re pai d, do not

    charge the customer f or f reight. If i t is p re pay and add, you mus t add the amount

    on the f reight sheet to the invoice. If the order was s ent collect , there will b e no

    f reight sheet , becaus e the customer is a rr anging and paying f or its own f reight.

    The next proce ss is recurring invoices issuance R ead on.

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    Issue Recurring Invoices

    This p roced ure is us ed by the billi ng staff to issu e recurr ing invoices near month-

    end , f or good s or ser vices p rovided dur ing the f ollowing mont h.

    The Procedure :

    Step-1: Print Billing Report

    (1) . Tw o weeks p r ior to month-end , p r int two co pies of the R ecurr ing Invoicesre port f or the f ollowing month.

    (2) . For ward a co py to the sales ma nager and pr icing cler k, wi th a req uest f or themto note any correct ions direct ly on the re port and then return it to the acco untsrece ivabl e cler k .

    Step-2: Verify Pricing

    (1) . Ver if y the accur acy of all p rod uct or ser vice pr ices lis ted on the re port. Note changes direct ly on the re port.

    (2) . R eturn the re port to the acco unts rece ivabl e cler k .

    Step-3: Verify Contact Information

    (1) . Ver if y the accur acy of all cont act inf or mation listed on the re port. Note change sdirect ly on the re port.

    (2) . Note changes to recurr ing good s or ser vices on the re port. If a customer hascance led further activity, cro ss out the customer.

    (3) . R eturn the re port to the acco unts rece ivabl e cler k .

    Step-4: Correct and Issue Invoices - To compl ete this s te p, the acco unt rece ivabl e cler k w ould need to per f or m the f ollowing task :

    (1) . Upon rece ipt of the corrected re ports, enter all change s noted by the pr icing cler k and sales s taff i n the compu ter system.

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    (2) . R e pr int the R ecurr ing Invoices re port and ver if y that all correct ions hav e been made.

    (3) . R eset the date of the acco unting sof tware to the fir st day of the f ollowing month.

    (4) . Use Proced ure BIL-05 to create invoices bas ed on the R ecurr ing Invoicesre port.

    (5) . W hen completed , reset the date of the acco unting sof tware back to the current date.

    (6) . Issu e the resul ting invoices to customer s a t once.

    Printing and Issuing Invoice

    This p roced ure is us ed by the acco unts rece ivabl e cler k to pr int and issu e invoices to customer s as w ell as to file


    Step-1: Create Electronic Invoice. There are f our essent ial task to be per f or med to

    compl ete this s te p:

    (1) . If no Ado be Acro ba t sof tware yet , install the latest ver sion.

    (2) . Go to the Create Invoice screen in the acco unting sof tware. Enter allinf or mation f or the new i nvoice. W hen compl ete , p r int a test invoice. Ver if y that the f ollowing inf or mation on the invoice is correct:

    Acco unting de pa rtment cont act inf or mation Contact inf or mation f or a cred it card payment The payment due date

    The ear ly payment discount date

    (3) . Pr int the invoice to the A do be PDF p r inter that will app ear in the list of availabl e pr inter s. Use the invoice numb er as the file name.

    (4) . Send the invoice to a customer by linking it to an e-mail m essa ge as a fil e attachment.

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    Step-2: Create Paper Invoice There are eight tasks to do in this s te p:

    (1) . Go to the Create Invoice screen in the acco unting sof tware. Enter allinf or mation f or the new i nvoice. W hen compl ete , p r int a test invoice.

    (2) . Go to the Billing Batch s creen and select all u n pr inted invoices.

    (3) . Tu rn on the pr inter and ver if y that the cont inuous-f eed invoice stock is correct ly positioned in it.

    (4) . Pr int a sampl e invoice to ensure that the line sett ings a re correct.

    (5) . Ver if y that the cont inuous-f eed invoice stock has not been bur st.

    (6) . Pr int the compl ete batch of invoices.

    (7) . Scan the invoices to ensure that they were correct ly pr inted. Hav e a second per son inde pendent ly review all la rge-do llar invoices to ensure that the correct quantities, p r ices, exten sions, a nd sales taxes were used.

    (8) . If there are no error s, check off the flag in the acco unting sof tware aski ng if the pr int r un was su cce ssful .

    Step-3: Prepare and Send Invoices It need s f our task to be done to complete thisste p:

    (1) . Bur st all i nvoices, wi th the whi te co pies going to the CUSTO MER bi n, the goldenrod co pies to the ALPHA BETICAL FILE bi n, and the pink co pies to the


    (2) . Stuff envelo pes wi th the whi te invoice co pi es.

    (3) . Stamp A ddre ss C orrect ion R equested on every envelo pe.

    (4) . Affi x postage to the envelo pes and put them in the intero ffice mail, ma r k ed f or outside delivery.

    Step-4: File Invoice Copies - Do these two task to compl ete this s te p a nd close the proced ure:

    (1) . Attach the pink invoice co pies to the billi ng of la ding and packing slip co pies,and file by customer.

    (2) . File the goldenrod co pies in numer ical order.

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    Receiving and Depositing Cash

    This p roced ure is us ed by the mail roo m a nd cash cler k to rece ive cash f rom avar iety of source s and de posit it into the compa ny bank acco unt.

    The Procedures:

    Step-1: Receive Checks and Cash Through Mail

    (1) . Enter todays date on a new co py of the Mail roo m R emittance Sheet

    (2) . Enter on the Sheet f or each check rece ived the check numb er , customer name,the city and state f rom whi ch the payment was s ent , and the amount paid. If cash isrece ived, enter this am ount in the S ource if not check colum n. Enter the gr and total of all checks a nd cash rece ived at the botto m of the Sheet. Sign and date the Sheet.

    (3) . Insert all checks a nd cash rece ived , al ong with the compl eted Sheet and aremittance co py, in a locking intero ffice mail p ouch a nd have it cour iered to the Cash Cl er k .

    (4) . W hen the cour ier returns wi th an initialed co py of the Sheet , sh owing evidence of rece ipt by the Cash Cl er k, fil e it by date in a locking cabinet in the mail roo m.

    Step-2: Total and Record Cash

    (1) . Open the intero ffice mail p ouch f rom the mail roo m cont aining the daily checksand cash rece ipts. Initial the enc losed co py of the Mailroo m R emittance Sheet and return it by cour ier to the mail roo m.

    (2) . Summa r ize all cash a nd checks rece ived on an adding machine tape.

    (3) . Enter all checks rece ived on a de posit slip, as w ell as cash rece ipts in a lumpsum . Ver if y that the de posit slip total a nd the adding machine tape total a re the sam e. If not , reco unt the cash a nd checks.

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    In my re port study I hav e to find out wha t is the existing acco unting system i n

    the compa ny (AC ME T ele Power Ltd), s o I f ound out that compa ny use accr ual

    bas e acco unting.

    The tr aining aids us ed were helpful i n imp roving the over all eff ect ivene ss of the

    tr aining progr amm er s.

    The o b jectives of the tr aining progr amm es w ere broadly k nown to the

    respondent s them. As w ell as the tr aining is p rovide of the basi c k nowledge

    about the finance.

    I hav e k nowledge about the finance de pa rtment of acme.

    I m l earning the proce ss of the f reight outward of the compa ny and f reight

    charging & bill passi ng learning of the ste p b y ste p bill passi ng bill w or king af ter that mak e a gr id merg ing of the tr ansporter bill & af ter that entry in r am co

    sof tware of the compa ny that is called invoice of the bill s o then maki ng of the

    (uds) Up dation in User Defined Ser vice.

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    ConclusionGone are the days wh en tr aining was a 2 h our proce ss on the fir st day of the

    jo b. Tr aining has tr ansf or med f rom a n add-on funct ion to a core funct ion of

    compa nies. It has b eco me more of a s cience with systematic r ules and f or mats

    guiding the compa nies on how to go about tr aining and develo pm ent. And that is

    the way it should be.

    Provides comprehensive passiv e inf r astr ucture solutions to wireless teleco m pla yer s

    both in India as w ell as over seas. Focusing on inno vation and R&D, ATPL has

    develo ped a r ange of inno vative prod ucts that help p rovide cost-eff ect ive, energy-

    efficient , integr ated , passiv e inf r astr ucture solutions, to teleco m compa nies. It

    should be borne in mind that the too l appli ed in the study to analysis the effi ciency and eff ect ivene ss i n financial ma nagement are most app ro pr iate one s.

    The future would demand more f rom the empl oyee s as w ell as the compa nies in

    ter ms of p rod uctivi ty. New technology , mul ti-taski ng, group culture, etc. will b e

    more emphasiz ed upon. This m eans tr aining and develo pm ent is going to be even

    more imp ortant, compl ex and r igoro us. Compa nies al ready f ore see this a nd are

    already in pre pa r ations to mak e their staff b etter equipp ed. On this w e conc lude our

    re port with the f ollowing word s E ducation end s wi th s chool bu t learning end s wi thlif e.

    Freight tr ansportation is i ntegr al to incre ased econo mic develo pm ent and

    improved quali ty of lif e. A thoro ugh u nder stand ing of f reight movement is k ey to

    enhancing these asp ect s of our region and in ident if ying ways to imp rove

    tr ansportation system effi ciency. Since the ma jor ity of f reight is shipp ed by tr uck

    investment in highwa y and br idge project s sh ould f ollow that modal choice. Rail

    and air are cr itical to some industr ies and have to be mai ntained albeit at a lower

    level of investment. In gener al, pas t and present TIP p roject s hav e bene fited

    those corr idor s whi ch hav e the highest f reight volum es. The resul ts of this s tudy

    will assis t the Northwest RPO s T r ansportation Advisory Commi ttee in pr ior itizing

    project s on future TIPs and the Long Range Pla n.

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    SUGGESTIONS Now I w ould lik e to give the suggestions sp eed up passi ng of bills, s o that the

    compa ny can pass m ore and more bills i n the minimum time. Fir st and f ore most

    thing whi ch con sum e more and more time f or passi ng of bills i n the whole

    proce ss is the checking the r aw ma ter ial b y quali ty de pa rtment. So my

    suggestion is f or quali ty de pa rtment is to check the more and more r aw ma ter ial

    in the minimum time. So physical checking of r aw ma ter ial sh ould be fas t by the

    quali ty de pa rtment. I m s tudy of these compa ny. Analysis that ter ms &

    cond ition wor king cond itions of the empl oyee s that are r anking order is s emantic

    f or ms treated as w or k er s. So study about the de pa rtment & pla nt . Tak e my

    advice,Dont get the bell cur ve in per f or mance app r aisals . It is one of the bigge st

    blu nder s of the cent ury and need s to sto p now I assum e you really are not

    awa re of s tatistics wh en ask ed that question. The bell cur ve will do more har m

    than good in your hand. So leave it and try the 5 p oint system.

  • 8/7/2019 Report on Freight Analysis by Gulzar



  • 8/7/2019 Report on Freight Analysis by Gulzar




    1. W hile maki ng the project in Acme Tele power Ltd.. the main limi tation that I

    faced was the secrecy ado pted by the compa ny in providing the inf or ma tion.

    2. Tim e was the limi tation whil e carry ing the project. I ha d to compl ete the

    project in 45 days thus the project could hav e been better if m ore time was

    provided to me.

    3. The respondent s w ere too bus y to provide me pro per time that was req uired

    by me.

    4. The tr ainee s of one de pa rtment were not allowed to go and inter act with

    other de pa rtment.

    5. Bec aus e of time con str aint sampl e size was the sco pe of the project in limi ted

    to the empl oyee of the compa ny only.

    6. Bec aus e of the con str aint sampl e size was restr icted on 80.

  • 8/7/2019 Report on Freight Analysis by Gulzar



  • 8/7/2019 Report on Freight Analysis by Gulzar




    1) WWW .ACMEtele m

    2) www .goog m

    3} www .at pl

    4} h r@

  • 8/7/2019 Report on Freight Analysis by Gulzar



  • 8/7/2019 Report on Freight Analysis by Gulzar




    Dear respondent s, pl ease give your valuabl e time and views to fill this

    questionn aire. W e will b e heartily thankful to you.

    Q .1) wha t is fi nance in your o pinion?

    Q .2) wha t is the role of fi nance de pa rtment in manufa ctur ing industry?

    Q .3) Is i t an imp ortant part of the organiza tion?

    a) YES b) NO c) Ca nt Say

    Q .4) A re you sa tisfi ed with the per f or mance of fi nance de pa rtment?

    a) YES b) NO c) Ca nt Say

    Q .5).Ra te the finance de pa rtment of your compa ny on the basis of their

    per f or mance


    a) E xce llent b) V . Good

    c)Av er age d) G ood

    e) Be low Av er age f) P oor

  • 8/7/2019 Report on Freight Analysis by Gulzar



    Q .6) Ra te the activities of fi nance de pa rtment on 1- 10 s cale. (10 - Exce llent , 1 -

    Poor )?

    a) F reight b) c. f or ms

    c) R econc ilia tion d) inventory e) Pa yment f) SO BI

    Q .7) Is the finance de pa rtment abl e to meet the daily target s?

    a) Y es b) N o c) Ca nt say

    Q8) Ra te the financed officials a ccord ing to their per f or mance.

    a) E xce llent b) V . Good c) G ood d) Av er age

    e) Be low Av er age f) P oor .

    Q .9) Is the de pa rtment supp ortabl e to the org aniza tion?

    a) Y es b) N o c) Ca nt say

    Q .10) wha t is the contr ibu tion of finance in the total growth of the

    org aniza tion?

    a) 25% b) 40%

    c) 60% d) ab ove 75

    Q .11) A good co- ord ination among there officer s in finance de pa rtment

    a) YES b) NO c) Ca nt Say

    Q .12) P ro per guidelines p rovided to the tr ainee

    a) YES b) NO c) Ca nt Say

  • 8/7/2019 Report on Freight Analysis by Gulzar



    Q .13) Y our org aniza tion con sider s tr aining of fi nance as a pa rt of

    org aniza tional s tr ategy. Do you a gree with this s tatement?

    a) S trong ly agree b) s omewha t agree

    c) Agree d) Disa gree

    Q .14) W hat mode of tr aining method is nor mall y used in your

    org aniza tion?

    a) J o b rotation b) C onf erence / Dis cussi on

    c) E xtern al tr aining d) Progr amm ed instr uction

    e) All

    Q .15) Giv e your valuabl e suggestions to improve the per f or mance of fi nance

    de pa rtment?

  • 8/7/2019 Report on Freight Analysis by Gulzar


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