
Report on Visiting Professor Program at

Veltech University, Chennai India

I was invited by Dr. Sivaperumal, Director of International Relations, VTU as a Visiting Professor at Veltech University (VTU), Chennai, India to conduct a short course for the Department of Electronic Communication Engineering (ECE) from 11 September 2017 to 21 September 2017. This program is conducted under an MoU between Veltech University, (VTU) and Universiti Technologi MARA, (UiTM). The Veltech Dr.RR & Dr.SR University was ranked 74 as the World’s best young university among the institutions represented from 48 countries across Europe, Australasia, Asia, North America and Latin America in the sixth annual edition more than any other THE ranking, except the flagship world rankings – demonstrating that rising higher education stars are found worldwide. I was lucky enough to receive an invitation which covered all my expenses and has been greatly facilitated my attendance in VTU. Throughout the program, the organizers also set up several other programs such as giving a Guest Lecture at Engineering Colleges, discussion with the staff of ECE department and visiting research laboratory.

A) Short Course on Antennas and Radio Propagation Systems

The title of the course is ‘Antenna and Radio Propagation System” which covered 5 chapters. This program was organized by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering for third year students. Figure 1.0 show the activities during the short course that was conducted at Michael Faraday Engineering Hive, VTU. My lecture covered from the concept of antenna theory until the latest technology in antenna design. The lecture was followed by a very interesting discussion with the audience and then more private dialogue with them. The sessions were highly interactive and received very good feedbacks.

Figure 1.0: Few activities conducted during the short course

B) Invited as Lecturer at Multi-Tech Engineering College, Chennai India

I was invited to give a Guest Lecture on “Multifunction Antenna for Tele Communications Technology” at Multi-Tech Engineering College, Chennai India on 14 September 2017. This college is one of few colleges in Chennai that was founder by the State of Chennai,India. Giving a guest lecture was an invaluable experience for me. This program was arranged by the International Department Office, Veltech University to give exposure to other students from the nearest colleges. The event was organized for third year students in Electrical Engineering Department and also few lecturers in the department. On the day of the presentation the venue was fully booked by more than 30 audiences The program took two hours which focused on sharing knowledge in the latest information in antenna research technology. The program ended by having meeting with the Principal of College. I expressed my sincere thanks to the Principal of Multitech Engineering College, Dr V. Rajamani for providing me the consent for giving the Guest Lecture.

Figure 2.0: Meeting with the Principal Of College

Speaker for Guest Lecture


Multi-Tech Engineering College, Chennai India

Figure 3.0: A Few activities during the Guest Lecture was conducted

C) Invited as Lecturer at High-Tech Engineering College, Chennai India

I also was invited for another series of Guest Lecture program on “Multifunction Antenna for Tele-Communications Technology” at High-tech Engineering College, Chennai India. This program also was arranged by the International Department Office, Veltech University to give exposure to other students from the nearest colleges. The event was organized for final year students in Electrical Communication Engineering and also few lecturers in Communication Department. This college is also one of few colleges in Chennai founder by State of India. The program took almost two hours which focusing on sharing knowledge in the latest information in antenna research technology. Alhamdulillah received good feedback from the student and also the lecturers. The program ended by having discussion with the Principal of College. I expressed my sincere thanks to the Principal of HighTech Engineering College, Dr E. Kamalanaban for providing me the consent for giving the Guest Lecture.

Figure 4.0: Meeting with the Principal Of College

Speaker for Guest Lecture at

High-tech Engineering College, Chennai India

Figure 5.0: A Few activities during the Guest Lecture was conducted

D) Sharing session with Department Staff of Electronics and Communication Engineering, VTU

Beside that, they also arranged the Interactive session with the Faculty members of ECE department, on 18th September 2017. We shared our experience in few topics such as conducting research group and explored the opportunities for Joint Research Activities. The lecture was followed by a very interesting and lengthy discussion with the audience and then by another, more private, yet equally stimulating dialogue with members of the Department over coffee break.

Figure 6: Sharing session with members of ECE Department

E) Visiting Research Laboratory and Discussion with Researcher

I had the chance to visit the Research Laboratory in VTU. During the tour, I visited various of research group and had a very interesting discussion with the members. I had the chance to enhance the impact of my research by communicating it to a scholarly audience who shared similar interests. Most of their research running by funded from industry and collaboration with others Universities.

Figure 7: Visit the Research Laboratory in VTU

To sum up, my visit to VelTech University was a very productive and enjoyable experience. I had the chance to enhance the impact of my research by communicating it to a scholarly audience who shared similar interests. I also engaged with the ideas of local specialists on the reception of the classical tradition and I strengthened my ties with the scholarly community of the University of Veltech. Finally, I had the chance to meet with very good people and learn more about Indian Studies, as well as life in Chennai.

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