Page 1: Reports - Basic Operation · 2015-01-21 · Reports - Basic Operation COMOS Platform Reports - Basic Operation Operating Manual 08/2011 A5E03638220-01 Trademarks 1 Basic operation

� Reports - � Basic Operation














Platform Reports - Basic Operation

Operating Manual

08/2011 A5E03638220-01

Trademarks 1

Basic operation of reports and symbols


MultiCrp.exe 3

Symbol Designer 4

Basic Operation Report Designer


Script options in Reports 6

Functions in Reports 7

Sketch Reports (@Sketch) 8

Basic operation of the interactive report


Line types 10

Editing attributes on the report bar


Context menu in reports 12

Page 2: Reports - Basic Operation · 2015-01-21 · Reports - Basic Operation COMOS Platform Reports - Basic Operation Operating Manual 08/2011 A5E03638220-01 Trademarks 1 Basic operation

Legal information

Legal information Warning notice system

This manual contains notices you have to observe in order to ensure your personal safety, as well as to prevent damage to property. The notices referring to your personal safety are highlighted in the manual by a safety alert symbol, notices referring only to property damage have no safety alert symbol. These notices shown below are graded according to the degree of danger.

DANGER indicates that death or severe personal injury will result if proper precautions are not taken.

WARNING indicates that death or severe personal injury may result if proper precautions are not taken.

CAUTION with a safety alert symbol, indicates that minor personal injury can result if proper precautions are not taken.

CAUTION without a safety alert symbol, indicates that property damage can result if proper precautions are not taken.

NOTICE indicates that an unintended result or situation can occur if the relevant information is not taken into account.

If more than one degree of danger is present, the warning notice representing the highest degree of danger will be used. A notice warning of injury to persons with a safety alert symbol may also include a warning relating to property damage.

Qualified Personnel The product/system described in this documentation may be operated only by personnel qualified for the specific task in accordance with the relevant documentation, in particular its warning notices and safety instructions. Qualified personnel are those who, based on their training and experience, are capable of identifying risks and avoiding potential hazards when working with these products/systems.

Proper use of Siemens products Note the following:

WARNING Siemens products may only be used for the applications described in the catalog and in the relevant technical documentation. If products and components from other manufacturers are used, these must be recommended or approved by Siemens. Proper transport, storage, installation, assembly, commissioning, operation and maintenance are required to ensure that the products operate safely and without any problems. The permissible ambient conditions must be complied with. The information in the relevant documentation must be observed.

Trademarks All names identified by ® are registered trademarks of Siemens AG. The remaining trademarks in this publication may be trademarks whose use by third parties for their own purposes could violate the rights of the owner.

Disclaimer of Liability We have reviewed the contents of this publication to ensure consistency with the hardware and software described. Since variance cannot be precluded entirely, we cannot guarantee full consistency. However, the information in this publication is reviewed regularly and any necessary corrections are included in subsequent editions.

Siemens AG Industry Sector Postfach 48 48 90026 NÜRNBERG GERMANY

A5E03638220-01 Ⓟ 09/2011

Copyright © Siemens AG 2011. Technical data subject to change

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Table of contents

1 Trademarks ............................................................................................................................................. 15

2 Basic operation of reports and symbols ................................................................................................... 17

2.1 Usage...........................................................................................................................................17

2.2 Copy/Move...................................................................................................................................17

2.3 Copying objects with the mouse ..................................................................................................17

2.4 Pasting an object and retaining coordinates................................................................................18

2.5 Zooming with the mouse..............................................................................................................18

2.6 Fit to window ................................................................................................................................19

2.7 Zoom all .......................................................................................................................................19

2.8 Moving a working area detail .......................................................................................................20

2.9 Placing with drag&drop ................................................................................................................20

2.10 Placing templates.........................................................................................................................22

2.11 Standard toolbar ..........................................................................................................................22

2.12 Printing extracts from reports.......................................................................................................25

2.13 Identifier tool.................................................................................................................................25

2.14 The "Line" tool..............................................................................................................................26 2.14.1 Line parameters ...........................................................................................................................26 2.14.2 Modifying lines .............................................................................................................................27 2.14.3 Lines: Expanded design mode.....................................................................................................27 2.14.4 Rounding polylines.......................................................................................................................28

2.15 The Circle tool ..............................................................................................................................28

2.16 "Rectangle" tool............................................................................................................................30 2.16.1 Drawing a rectangle .....................................................................................................................30 2.16.2 Defining the size of a rectangle....................................................................................................30 2.16.3 Properties of the rectangle...........................................................................................................31

2.17 Placing texts.................................................................................................................................31 2.17.1 Text parameter: Defaults .............................................................................................................31 2.17.2 Text parameter: Properties ..........................................................................................................33

2.18 Transforming................................................................................................................................33

2.19 Status bar.....................................................................................................................................36

2.20 Layers in reports ..........................................................................................................................36 2.20.1 Setting up layers for reports.........................................................................................................37 2.20.2 Using layers .................................................................................................................................37

3 MultiCrp.exe ............................................................................................................................................ 39

3.1 Objective ......................................................................................................................................39

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3.2 Selecting reports ......................................................................................................................... 39

3.3 Manual search and replace......................................................................................................... 40

3.4 Re-establish uniqueness of names............................................................................................. 41

4 Symbol Designer ..................................................................................................................................... 43

4.1 General........................................................................................................................................ 43

4.2 Background: Drawing types ........................................................................................................ 43

4.3 General rules for designing symbols........................................................................................... 44

4.4 Text parameters .......................................................................................................................... 46 4.4.1 Text parameter: Defaults............................................................................................................. 46 4.4.2 Text parameter: Properties ......................................................................................................... 46 4.4.3 Pasting a text box into a symbol ................................................................................................. 46

4.5 Text functions.............................................................................................................................. 47 4.5.1 Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 47 4.5.2 AllMyReferences ......................................................................................................................... 49 4.5.3 Ansi1 ........................................................................................................................................... 49 4.5.4 Ansi2 ........................................................................................................................................... 50 4.5.5 ComosDevSpec .......................................................................................................................... 50 4.5.6 ComosElmSpec .......................................................................................................................... 50 4.5.7 ComosSpec................................................................................................................................. 51 4.5.8 ComosTextWrap ......................................................................................................................... 52 4.5.9 DetailReference .......................................................................................................................... 53 4.5.10 DevAllDescription........................................................................................................................ 53 4.5.11 DevContact ................................................................................................................................. 53 4.5.12 DevDescription............................................................................................................................ 54 4.5.13 DevFunction ................................................................................................................................ 54 4.5.14 DevGUnit..................................................................................................................................... 54 4.5.15 Device ......................................................................................................................................... 55 4.5.16 Device.FullName......................................................................................................................... 55 4.5.17 DevLocation ................................................................................................................................ 55 4.5.18 DevLocation1L ............................................................................................................................ 56 4.5.19 DevName .................................................................................................................................... 56 4.5.20 DevPosition ................................................................................................................................. 56 4.5.21 DevSignalDescription.................................................................................................................. 57 4.5.22 DevType...................................................................................................................................... 57 4.5.23 DevTypeL.................................................................................................................................... 58 4.5.24 DevTypeW................................................................................................................................... 58 4.5.25 DevUnit........................................................................................................................................ 59 4.5.26 DevUnit1L.................................................................................................................................... 59 4.5.27 DevUnitPosition........................................................................................................................... 59 4.5.28 DrwTypeReference ..................................................................................................................... 60 4.5.29 Element ....................................................................................................................................... 60 4.5.30 Elements ..................................................................................................................................... 61 4.5.31 ELM..ADR ................................................................................................................................... 61 4.5.32 Elm..CO....................................................................................................................................... 61 4.5.33 Elm..CP ....................................................................................................................................... 62 4.5.34 Elm..DS ....................................................................................................................................... 62 4.5.35 Elm..Label ................................................................................................................................... 63 4.5.36 ELM..SADR................................................................................................................................. 63

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4.5.37 Elm..VW .......................................................................................................................................64 4.5.38 FromDoc ......................................................................................................................................65 4.5.39 FromDocObj.................................................................................................................................65 4.5.40 Function .......................................................................................................................................65 4.5.41 MainDevice ..................................................................................................................................66 4.5.42 Position ........................................................................................................................................66 4.5.43 PotAllDescription..........................................................................................................................67 4.5.44 PotDescription..............................................................................................................................67 4.5.45 PotLocation ..................................................................................................................................67 4.5.46 PotName ......................................................................................................................................67 4.5.47 PotUnit .........................................................................................................................................68 4.5.48 Rack .............................................................................................................................................68 4.5.49 RefChain ......................................................................................................................................68 4.5.50 Reference.....................................................................................................................................69 4.5.51 RefHierarchical(x) ........................................................................................................................69 4.5.52 RefMaster.....................................................................................................................................69 4.5.53 RefSimple.....................................................................................................................................70 4.5.54 ReportScript .................................................................................................................................70 4.5.55 Requirement.................................................................................................................................70 4.5.56 Rqmt.............................................................................................................................................70 4.5.57 Rqmts...........................................................................................................................................71 4.5.58 Slot ...............................................................................................................................................71 4.5.59 ToDoc...........................................................................................................................................71 4.5.60 ToDocObj .....................................................................................................................................71 4.5.61 ULLabel........................................................................................................................................72 4.5.62 UserFunction................................................................................................................................72

4.6 Subsymbols..................................................................................................................................73 4.6.1 Text symbol..................................................................................................................................73 4.6.2 Element ........................................................................................................................................74 4.6.3 Attribute........................................................................................................................................75 4.6.4 Base object ..................................................................................................................................75

4.7 Connection points ........................................................................................................................76

4.8 Set point of origin .........................................................................................................................78

4.9 Symbol script................................................................................................................................78 4.9.1 Header commands.......................................................................................................................78 4.9.2 DrawText......................................................................................................................................79 4.9.3 Tips and tricks..............................................................................................................................80 Container: ComosDocument........................................................................................................81 CurrentTrans................................................................................................................................81 Demo script for fill areas ..............................................................................................................81 User-defined grab points..............................................................................................................84 GetAllPropertiesAndMethodsByObject........................................................................................84 Deactivating the scaling and rotation grab points ........................................................................85 Implementing a symbol ................................................................................................................86

4.10 Conversion Tables .......................................................................................................................87

5 Basic Operation Report Designer ............................................................................................................ 95

5.1 General ........................................................................................................................................95

5.2 Background: Drawing types .........................................................................................................95

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5.3 Page display................................................................................................................................ 96

5.4 Context menu.............................................................................................................................. 96 5.4.1 Insert object................................................................................................................................. 96 5.4.2 Exporting / Importing scripts........................................................................................................ 98 5.4.3 Correction function ...................................................................................................................... 98 5.4.4 Aligning objects on the grid ......................................................................................................... 98 5.4.5 Evaluating the text language....................................................................................................... 98 5.4.6 Converting text elements into text box elements ........................................................................ 99 5.4.7 Selecting overlapping text boxes ................................................................................................ 99 5.4.8 Connecting collinear lines ........................................................................................................... 99 5.4.9 Extend text point ......................................................................................................................... 99 5.4.10 Other editing functions .............................................................................................................. 100

5.5 Options: worksheet parameters and script ............................................................................... 101

5.6 Placing texts.............................................................................................................................. 102 5.6.1 Text parameter: Defaults........................................................................................................... 102 5.6.2 Text parameter: Properties ....................................................................................................... 102 5.6.3 "Text parameters" window ........................................................................................................ 104 5.6.4 Type "ReportObject-Property"................................................................................................... 106 5.6.5 Type "Expression"..................................................................................................................... 107 5.6.6 Type "Script".............................................................................................................................. 107 5.6.7 Type "Item-Property"................................................................................................................. 109 5.6.8 Type "Fixed".............................................................................................................................. 109 5.6.9 Type "Attribute" ......................................................................................................................... 110

5.7 Buttons ...................................................................................................................................... 112 5.7.1 Design elements ....................................................................................................................... 112 5.7.2 "General" tab............................................................................................................................. 112 5.7.3 "Properties" tab ......................................................................................................................... 112 5.7.4 Type "ReportObject-Property"................................................................................................... 113

5.8 Determining the working area / setting the origin ..................................................................... 113

5.9 Place Windows metafile ............................................................................................................ 114 5.9.1 "General" tab............................................................................................................................. 115 5.9.2 "Script" tab................................................................................................................................. 116 5.9.3 "AutoCAD" tab........................................................................................................................... 116

5.10 Place picture frame ................................................................................................................... 117

5.11 Place subreport ......................................................................................................................... 117

5.12 Properties of the subreport........................................................................................................ 118

5.13 Graphical objects ...................................................................................................................... 119

5.14 Properties of graphical objects.................................................................................................. 120

5.15 Placing attributes....................................................................................................................... 122 5.15.1 Control elements in the "Select attribute" window .................................................................... 123

5.16 ComosROUtilities.GlobalUtilities function ................................................................................. 123

6 Script options in Reports........................................................................................................................ 125

6.1 AllowPreload ............................................................................................................................. 125

6.2 AnsiWiringRadius (Double) ....................................................................................................... 125

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6.3 Application (String).....................................................................................................................125

6.4 AutoConnectExternObjects (Boolean).......................................................................................125

6.5 AutoConnectX (Boolean) ...........................................................................................................125

6.6 AutoDistributeTerminals (Boolean)............................................................................................126

6.7 AutoLoop (Boolean) ...................................................................................................................126

6.8 AutoLoopCables (Boolean)........................................................................................................126

6.9 AutoLoopConnectorLayers (Long).............................................................................................126

6.10 AutoLoopDebug (Boolean) ........................................................................................................126

6.11 AutoLoopFactor (Long) ..............................................................................................................126

6.12 AutoLoopFilter (String)...............................................................................................................126

6.13 AutoLoopTerminalMultiPlacing (Boolean) .................................................................................126

6.14 AutoLoopTerminalStrip ..............................................................................................................127

6.15 AutoMarkAsChanged (Boolean) ................................................................................................127

6.16 AutoRouting ...............................................................................................................................127

6.17 AutoSaveDocument (Boolean) ..................................................................................................127

6.18 AutoStartLoop (Boolean) ...........................................................................................................127

6.19 AutoWatchRevisions (Boolean) .................................................................................................127

6.20 BlackBackground (Boolean) ......................................................................................................128

6.21 BlackBoxVersion........................................................................................................................128

6.22 BOMCompressionKeys (String).................................................................................................128

6.23 CableObjectVersion (Long)........................................................................................................128

6.24 CheckDocObjects (Boolean)......................................................................................................128

6.25 CheckInAllImportSpecifications .................................................................................................128

6.26 CheckIOConsistency (Boolean).................................................................................................129

6.27 ConcessionRI (Boolean) ............................................................................................................129

6.28 ConnectionHook (Double)..........................................................................................................129

6.29 ConnectionHookMode ...............................................................................................................129

6.30 ConnectionLineMode (String) ....................................................................................................129

6.31 ContactMirror_X (Double) ..........................................................................................................130

6.32 ContactMirror_Y (Double) ..........................................................................................................130

6.33 CopyConnectionDependentObjects (Boolean)..........................................................................130

6.34 CreateOleItemdoublex1doubley1doublex2doubley2IDispatch**retVal .....................................130

6.35 CutHorizontal .............................................................................................................................131

6.36 CutLineConnectorOffset ............................................................................................................131

6.37 CutLineWidth (Double)...............................................................................................................131

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6.38 CutLineConnectorOffset (Double)............................................................................................. 131

6.39 D3ToIsoAutoOn ........................................................................................................................ 131

6.40 DefaultIdRectsForSymbols (Boolean)....................................................................................... 132

6.41 DefaultLine ................................................................................................................................ 132

6.42 DefaultText................................................................................................................................ 132

6.43 DeleteModePFD (Boolean) ....................................................................................................... 132

6.44 DimensionPosttext .................................................................................................................... 132

6.45 DimensionPretext...................................................................................................................... 132

6.46 DimensionDigitsForDistance (Long) ......................................................................................... 133

6.47 DimensionSymbol (String) ........................................................................................................ 133

6.48 DimensionTextHeight (Double)................................................................................................. 133

6.49 DimensionUnit (String) .............................................................................................................. 133

6.50 DimIsoHeight (Long) ................................................................................................................. 134

6.51 DimLevels (String)..................................................................................................................... 134

6.52 DisableScaleChange (Boolean)................................................................................................ 134

6.53 DrawIntersectionArc (Boolean) ................................................................................................. 134

6.54 DrawPipeConnectorSymbol (Boolean) ..................................................................................... 135

6.55 DrawScriptConnectorColor (Boolean)....................................................................................... 135

6.56 DrawTerminalSideMark (Long) ................................................................................................. 135

6.57 EnableButtonANSICable (Boolean) .......................................................................................... 135

6.58 EnableButtonOblique (Boolean) ............................................................................................... 135

6.59 EnableButtonSpline (Boolean).................................................................................................. 136

6.60 EnableCrossHair (Boolean) ...................................................................................................... 136

6.61 EnableInteractiveEditableTexts ................................................................................................ 136

6.62 EnablePaging (Boolean) ........................................................................................................... 136

6.63 EnableProcessConnection (Boolean) ....................................................................................... 137

6.64 EnableProcessConnectionActor (Boolean)............................................................................... 137

6.65 EnableProcessConnectionSensor (Boolean)............................................................................ 137

6.66 EnableSynchronizeNavigator (Boolean) ................................................................................... 138

6.67 EnableVSUI2 (Boolean) ............................................................................................................ 138

6.68 ExecuteEBlocks ........................................................................................................................ 138

6.69 EXFConformable (Boolean) ...................................................................................................... 138

6.70 GeneralScaleFactor (Double) ................................................................................................... 138

6.71 GraficalTexts (String) ................................................................................................................ 139

6.72 GroupingByDragDropAutoOff ................................................................................................... 139

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6.73 GroupTemplate ..........................................................................................................................139

6.74 GetOptionsFromMaster (Boolean).............................................................................................139

6.75 IMPORT3DSCANDATA.............................................................................................................139

6.76 InvisibleObjectsSelectable (Boolean) ........................................................................................140

6.77 IsoEnabled (Boolean) ................................................................................................................140

6.78 ISOLengthOffset ........................................................................................................................140

6.79 ListMaster (Boolean)..................................................................................................................140

6.80 LocalImportSymbolByLinkobject................................................................................................140

6.81 LogocadBridgeMode..................................................................................................................140

6.82 MainDimensionAutoOff (Boolean) .............................................................................................141

6.83 MainRaster (Double)..................................................................................................................141

6.84 MultiConnect ..............................................................................................................................141

6.85 MultiPaging ................................................................................................................................141

6.86 OLECreationModelongnewVal (Integer)....................................................................................141

6.87 ParallelLineMode .......................................................................................................................141

6.88 PasteAlignMode.........................................................................................................................142

6.89 PinOpenEndConnections...........................................................................................................142

6.90 PinPipeEndConnections ............................................................................................................142

6.91 PositionNrAutoOn (Boolean)......................................................................................................142

6.92 PositionDefaultStartNr (Long) ....................................................................................................142

6.93 PositionDefaultStep (Long) ........................................................................................................143

6.94 PositionIsMissingAliasNr (Long) ................................................................................................143

6.95 PotentialHook.............................................................................................................................143

6.96 PotentialProlongation (Double) ..................................................................................................143

6.97 PreferredConnectionDirection (String).......................................................................................143

6.98 PreferredDirection (String) .........................................................................................................143

6.99 PrintInBlackAndWhite (Boolean)................................................................................................143

6.100 PrintRevisionRectangles (Boolean) ...........................................................................................144

6.101 PrintTextBackColor ....................................................................................................................144

6.102 QuadrantLineX...........................................................................................................................144

6.103 QuadrantLineY...........................................................................................................................144

6.104 QuadrantOffsetLeft (Double)......................................................................................................144

6.105 QuadrantOffsetTop (Double) .....................................................................................................145

6.106 QuadrantSizeX (Double)............................................................................................................145

6.107 QuadrantSizeY (Double)............................................................................................................145

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6.108 QuadrantStartChrX (String)....................................................................................................... 146

6.109 QuadrantStartChrY (String)....................................................................................................... 146

6.110 QuadrantStepX (Integer)........................................................................................................... 146

6.111 QuadrantStepY (Integer)........................................................................................................... 147

6.112 ReadOnly (Boolean).................................................................................................................. 147

6.113 RestoreReferencesAfterCopy (Boolean) .................................................................................. 147

6.114 RotationOfPlacedSymbolAutoOff.............................................................................................. 147

6.115 ReportDocument.OwnUnit ........................................................................................................ 147

6.116 ReportList.ShowChangedRowsOnly......................................................................................... 148

6.117 ScaleForObjects (Boolean) ....................................................................................................... 148

6.118 SectorOffset (Integer)................................................................................................................ 148

6.119 SectorSize (Integer) .................................................................................................................. 148

6.120 SegmentULMode ...................................................................................................................... 148

6.121 SetImplementationByConcessionRI) ........................................................................................ 148

6.122 SetPipeFlagOnCreate).............................................................................................................. 149

6.123 ShowConnectedWith (Boolean)................................................................................................ 149

6.124 ShowConnectionInfo (Boolean) ................................................................................................ 149

6.125 ShowConnectorCircle ............................................................................................................... 149

6.126 ShowDimensionUnit)................................................................................................................. 149

6.127 ShowDocumentInconsistency (Boolean) .................................................................................. 149

6.128 ShowLineModeControl (Boolean) ............................................................................................. 150

6.129 ShowMaxRevisionIndexOfErrors (Boolean) ............................................................................. 150

6.130 SideView_X (Double) ................................................................................................................ 150

6.131 SignalLeftX (Double) ................................................................................................................. 150

6.132 SignalRightX (Double)............................................................................................................... 150

6.133 SignalSlotCount (Double).......................................................................................................... 150

6.134 SignalSlotHeight (Double)......................................................................................................... 151

6.135 SignalTopY (Double)................................................................................................................. 151

6.136 SignalWidth (Double) ................................................................................................................ 151

6.137 SignalWidth1 (Double) .............................................................................................................. 151

6.138 SignalWidthGraphic (Double).................................................................................................... 151

6.139 SignByEmptyReference (Boolean) ........................................................................................... 151

6.140 SnapPrecision (Double) ............................................................................................................ 152

6.141 SuppressReference (Boolean).................................................................................................. 152

6.142 SymbolRotationByDimension (Boolean)................................................................................... 152

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6.143 SymbolType (String) ..................................................................................................................152

6.144 SynchronizePipeConSymbol .....................................................................................................152

6.145 SynchronizeStdPipeFlag............................................................................................................152

6.146 TextRotationMode......................................................................................................................153

6.147 TrimSymbolText (Boolean) ........................................................................................................153

6.148 VGBConnectionLength (Double) ...............................................................................................153

6.149 WorkingBackupTime (Double) ...................................................................................................153

6.150 XXDocProgID (String)................................................................................................................153

6.151 Unit.............................................................................................................................................154

6.152 Script error handling...................................................................................................................154

6.153 ZOrderByZeroPoint....................................................................................................................154

6.154 P&ID...........................................................................................................................................155 6.154.1 AllowPrintingForDirectionArrow (Boolean) ................................................................................155 6.154.2 CheckAllOpenFunctionConns (Boolean) ...................................................................................155 6.154.3 CObjectFullNameForPipe (String) .............................................................................................155 6.154.4 ConnectorRadius (Double) ........................................................................................................155 6.154.5 CopyMainBranch (Boolean).......................................................................................................156 6.154.6 CreateDefaultPipeSegment (Boolean) ......................................................................................156 6.154.7 DrawPFDConnsUnderDocumentInBlue (Boolean)....................................................................156 6.154.8 DrawPFDDevicesUnderDocumentInBlue (Boolean) .................................................................157 6.154.9 DrawPipeEndSymbol (Boolean) ................................................................................................157 6.154.10 DrawPipeEndSymbolForSegment (Boolean) ............................................................................157 6.154.11 DrawPipeEndSymbolForVertices (Boolean)..............................................................................158 6.154.12 EnableContinueDrawingConnection..........................................................................................158 6.154.13 IntersectionRadius (Double) ......................................................................................................159 6.154.14 SetImplementationByConcessionRI (Boolean)..........................................................................159 6.154.15 SetPipeFlagOnCreate (Boolean) ...............................................................................................159 6.154.16 SortNewBranchUnderNewPipe (Boolean).................................................................................160 6.154.17 SortNewObjectsInCategories (Boolean)....................................................................................160 6.154.18 StdPipeFlagNoColor (Boolean)..................................................................................................161 6.154.19 StdPipeNoReflect (Boolean) ......................................................................................................161 6.154.20 SynchronizePipeConSymbol (Boolean).....................................................................................161 6.154.21 SynchronizeStdPipeFlag (Boolean)...........................................................................................161

7 Functions in Reports.............................................................................................................................. 163

7.1 Functions for text and list scripts................................................................................................163 7.1.1 Property AutoMarkAsChanged ..................................................................................................163 7.1.2 Property ComosDocument.........................................................................................................163 7.1.3 Property EvalForEveryPage ......................................................................................................164 7.1.4 Property EvalSequence .............................................................................................................164 7.1.5 Property ItemObject ...................................................................................................................164 7.1.6 Property KeepScriptRunning .....................................................................................................165 7.1.7 Property Layer............................................................................................................................165 7.1.8 Property LineType......................................................................................................................165 7.1.9 Function MainComosDocument.................................................................................................165 7.1.10 Function MainReportDocument .................................................................................................165 7.1.11 Function MasterReportDocument..............................................................................................166

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7.1.12 Property Name .......................................................................................................................... 166 7.1.13 Function ParentReportDocument ............................................................................................. 166 7.1.14 Property Report......................................................................................................................... 166 7.1.15 Function ReportDocument ........................................................................................................ 166 7.1.16 Property Script .......................................................................................................................... 166 7.1.17 Property SystemTypeName...................................................................................................... 167 7.1.18 Sub ToBack............................................................................................................................... 167 7.1.19 Sub ToFront .............................................................................................................................. 167 7.1.20 Property Visible ......................................................................................................................... 167 7.1.21 Property X1 ............................................................................................................................... 167 7.1.22 Property X2 ............................................................................................................................... 168 7.1.23 Property Y1 ............................................................................................................................... 168 7.1.24 Property Y2 ............................................................................................................................... 168

7.2 Only functions for sripts in lists ................................................................................................. 168 7.2.1 Direction .................................................................................................................................... 168 7.2.2 Function EvalOneRow .............................................................................................................. 169 7.2.3 Function EvalOneRowDocument.............................................................................................. 169 7.2.4 Function EvalOneRowObject .................................................................................................... 169 7.2.5 Function EvaluatedRowCount .................................................................................................. 169 7.2.6 Function EvaluatedRowDocument............................................................................................ 170 7.2.7 FileName................................................................................................................................... 170 7.2.8 Function NewPage.................................................................................................................... 170 7.2.9 RowDocument........................................................................................................................... 170 7.2.10 Sub SetLineWrap ...................................................................................................................... 170

7.3 Functions for text scripts only.................................................................................................... 171 7.3.1 Align .......................................................................................................................................... 171 7.3.2 Angle ......................................................................................................................................... 171 7.3.3 BackColor.................................................................................................................................. 171 7.3.4 Clip ............................................................................................................................................ 171 7.3.5 FIT ............................................................................................................................................. 172 7.3.6 ForeColor .................................................................................................................................. 172 7.3.7 MarkAsDeleted.......................................................................................................................... 172 7.3.8 MaxPageNr ............................................................................................................................... 172 7.3.9 MaxRevisionIndexOf ................................................................................................................. 173 7.3.10 ScriptObject............................................................................................................................... 173 7.3.11 SoftAlign.................................................................................................................................... 173 7.3.12 Text ........................................................................................................................................... 173 7.3.13 Transparent............................................................................................................................... 174

7.4 General functions ...................................................................................................................... 174 7.4.1 Sub OutPutDebugString............................................................................................................ 174 7.4.2 Function CallScriptLib ............................................................................................................... 174 7.4.3 Function DocHdr ....................................................................................................................... 175 7.4.4 Property Document ................................................................................................................... 175 7.4.5 Function DSpec......................................................................................................................... 176 7.4.6 Property FirstPageNr ................................................................................................................ 176 7.4.7 GlobalPageNr............................................................................................................................ 176 7.4.8 Function OSpec ........................................................................................................................ 176 7.4.9 Sub Output ................................................................................................................................ 176 7.4.10 PageNr ...................................................................................................................................... 177 7.4.11 Property Project ........................................................................................................................ 177 7.4.12 Property Report......................................................................................................................... 177

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7.4.13 Property ReportObject ...............................................................................................................177 7.4.14 Function RevisionIndex..............................................................................................................177 7.4.15 Function RevisionLabel..............................................................................................................177 7.4.16 Function RevisionTableDate......................................................................................................178 7.4.17 Function RevisionTableIndex.....................................................................................................178 7.4.18 Property RevisionTableLength...................................................................................................178 7.4.19 Function RevisionTableUser......................................................................................................178 7.4.20 Property Specs ..........................................................................................................................179

8 Sketch Reports (@Sketch) .................................................................................................................... 181

8.1 Overview and objective..............................................................................................................181

8.2 Using interactive reports as sketch reports................................................................................181

8.3 "Remarks" Tool ..........................................................................................................................182

8.4 Evaluation reports with sketches ...............................................................................................184 8.4.1 Using sketches in the report ......................................................................................................184 8.4.2 Using sketches in a list ..............................................................................................................185

9 Basic operation of the interactive report................................................................................................. 187

9.1 General ......................................................................................................................................187

9.2 Toolbar .......................................................................................................................................187 9.2.1 The Connection tool...................................................................................................................187 9.2.2 The Assign object tool (Identifier tool) .......................................................................................189 9.2.3 Assigning objects .......................................................................................................................191 9.2.4 The Text tool ..............................................................................................................................192 9.2.5 Creating path text.......................................................................................................................193 9.2.6 Interactive Text ..........................................................................................................................193

9.3 Editing the symbol bar ...............................................................................................................193

9.4 Copying and inserting on a report..............................................................................................194

9.5 Placing a template .....................................................................................................................195

9.6 Placing a report on a report .......................................................................................................195

9.7 Setting options for the placed report..........................................................................................196

9.8 Opening a placed report ............................................................................................................197

9.9 Editing properties .......................................................................................................................197

9.10 Rotating a symbol ......................................................................................................................198

9.11 Placing a template at a rotation of 90 degrees ..........................................................................198

9.12 Grab points.................................................................................................................................199

9.13 Document scheme .....................................................................................................................199

10 Line types .............................................................................................................................................. 201

10.1 User-defined line types ..............................................................................................................201 10.1.1 Basic principle ............................................................................................................................201 10.1.2 Structure of standard table USERLNTYPE ...............................................................................202 10.1.3 Digression: Symbol construction................................................................................................203

10.2 Drawing type-specific line types (LINETYPES) .........................................................................205

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10.3 Creating a standard table value ................................................................................................ 206

10.4 Connector-specific line types .................................................................................................... 207

10.5 Line types in P&ID..................................................................................................................... 208 10.5.1 Overall systemology.................................................................................................................. 208 10.5.2 Structure of @1RI|1|J and @1RI|1|K........................................................................................ 210 10.5.3 Connector-specific line types .................................................................................................... 211 10.5.4 Old versions .............................................................................................................................. 212

10.6 Lines in electrical engineering reports ...................................................................................... 212 10.6.1 Connector-specific line types .................................................................................................... 213

11 Editing attributes on the report bar......................................................................................................... 215

11.1 Application................................................................................................................................. 215

11.2 Administration ........................................................................................................................... 217

11.3 Shared Attributes ...................................................................................................................... 218

11.4 Examples................................................................................................................................... 219

12 Context menu in reports ........................................................................................................................ 223

12.1 "New" context menu.................................................................................................................. 223

12.2 Settings ..................................................................................................................................... 223

12.3 Grouping.................................................................................................................................... 225

12.4 Context menu for a multiple selection....................................................................................... 225

12.5 Copying and pasting objects placed on the report.................................................................... 225

12.6 Context menus for interactive reports ....................................................................................... 226

12.7 Coupling copied documents...................................................................................................... 226

12.8 Deleting objects outside............................................................................................................ 226

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Basic operation of reports and symbols 22.1 Usage

The Designer is primarily used within COMOS at the following points:

● In base objects, see also Symbol Designer (Page 43).

● For report templates, see also Basic Operation Report Designer (Page 95).

● In interactive reports, see also Basic operation of the interactive report (Page 187).

2.2 Copy/Move

Copying objects via keyboard commands Command Keyboard command Alternative keyboard command Copying <Ctrl + Ins> <Ctrl + C> Paste <Shift + Ins> <Ctrl + V> Cut <Shift + Del> <Ctrl + X>

When you copy an object, it sticks to the mouse pointer. To complete the copy operation, position the object.

See also Copying objects with the mouse (Page 17)

2.3 Copying objects with the mouse

Procedure To copy objects with the mouse, proceed as follows:

1. Select an object in the Navigator.

2. Press the <Ctrl> key.

3. Drag a copy to the desired location with the left mouse button.

Result The selected object is copied.

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Basic operation of reports and symbols 2.4 Pasting an object and retaining coordinates

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Copying across reports When you copy an object on a report and paste it onto another, you can also select the "Paste at original position" command from the context menu.

Result: The object is pasted at the same coordinates as those of the original report.

2.4 Pasting an object and retaining coordinates

Requirement A component has been placed on an interactive report. The "PasteAlignMode" script is activated in the report template options.

Procedure 1. Copy the desired component.

See also chapter Copy/Move (Page 17) and chapter Copying objects with the mouse (Page 17).

The object "sticks" to the mouse pointer.

2. Hold down the <Ctrl> key and move the mouse pointer.

Depending on the setting in the "PasteAlignMode" script, the object can either only be moved in the x-coordinate direction or in the y-coordinate direction.

3. Place the object on the report.

See also PasteAlignMode (Page 142)

2.5 Zooming with the mouse The Zoom function can enlarge any area of the working area up to a factor of 800%.

Procedure To zoom objects with the mouse, proceed as follows:

1. Press the <Alt Gr> key and the left mouse button.

2. Drag a frame around the to be enlarged area by using the mouse.

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Result An enlarged view of the area is displayed.

No marking frame is displayed when moving if the magnification is more than 200%.

2.6 Fit to window

Procedure To fit the report to the window size, proceed as follows:

1. Press the <Alt Gr> key.

2. Click the sheet once with the mouse.

Result The report is fitted to the window size.

The combination of the <Alt Gr> key and the left mouse button functions regardless of which tool is currently activated.

2.7 Zoom all

Procedure To zoom all, proceed as follows:

1. Press the <Ctrl +Alt> keys.

2. Click once in the document.

Result This functions zooms the entire document or an imaginary rectangle drawn all they way around all elements.

The second option, an imaginary rectangle drawn all the way around all elements, also includes report elements that are located outside the document area.

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Basic operation of reports and symbols 2.8 Moving a working area detail

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2.8 Moving a working area detail

Procedure To move the working area, proceed as follows:

1. Press the<Alt> key and the left mouse button,

2. and grab the working area at one point.

3. Move the working area in any direction.

Result The working area moves.

This combination of the <Alt> key and the left mouse button functions regardless of which tool is currently activated.

2.9 Placing with drag&drop

Placing objects To use an object, drag&drop it onto the report.

Preview with drag&drop When you drag an object onto a report, a preview is displayed. This preview is not exactly how the object will ultimately look on the report. The %N texts might not appear in the preview, for example. However, it does give you an idea of what the object will look like on the report.

Attributes with drag&drop You can use drag&drop to place attributes as well as objects.

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Interactive report The attribute can only be dragged onto the report if the owner has already been placed. A symbol is generated, into which an %N text is placed.

Report template A text of type "Item property" is created when an attribute is dragged onto a report template. You can specify which property is displayed. You can also define whether or not the attribute should be editable subsequently on the interactive report.

Symbol Designer Each attribute is displayed as a fixed %N text.

Base objects via drag&drop You can place base objects in the report from the Navigator or from the base objects bar:

Engineering objects are created automatically when base objects are dragged onto an interactive report with drag&drop:

● The engineering objects are created in specific applications for particular technical fields underneath the document, for example FUP, to some extent also P&ID.

● In all other cases the engineering objects are created parallel to the document.

● The new engineering objects can also appear in an entirely different branch if you are working with links. If there are documents in the document view which are linked to a unit, the new planning objects are created underneath the unit. As a result, the objects can be found on the "Units" tab in the Navigator, and not on the "Documents" tab.

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2.10 Placing templates You can find additional information on this topic in the "COMOS Administration" manual, keyword "Templates".

Procedure 1. Open an interactive report.

2. Right-click the working area of the report.

3. Select the "Place template" command from the context menu.

You are given a Navigator that also includes a preview window.

The respective selected template is displayed in the preview window.

4. Click the "OK" button to start the copy process.

The template sticks to the mouse pointer.

Depending on the preselections made, you will either be able to position the template freely or its position will have been been partially or completely stipulated in advance.

Result Depending on the previous settings, the engineering objects are also created in the Navigator after the template has been placed.

Base objects that have a template with a report can also be placed directly on an engineering report using drag&drop.

2.11 Standard toolbar

Functions The following table describes the buttons on the standard toolbar:

Button Function Description

"Reevaluate document" Updates the document, whereby document can also mean symbol.

"Refresh screen" The screen is generated again.

"Print" Prints the current template file with all pages at the Windows default printer. The page alignment is automatically adapted to suit the format of the template file.

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Button Function Description

"Save" If you input a name that is the same as that of an existing template file, this existing template file is overwritten without any prompts. The "Save As" function is only available in the Report Designer. This function saves the report as a CRP file in the desired folder.

"Cut" "Copy" "Paste"

"Cut": Cuts selected objects. "Copy": Copies selected objects. "Paste": Pastes copied or cut objects.

"Undo" "Restore"

This function can undo actions by one step or repeat the step in question respectively.

Zoom and move: "Zoom" "Move sheet" "ZoomInOut" "Complete view"

"Zoom": Drag a frame with the mouse. The frame is enlarged to fit the available space. The entire area is displayed again if you click the working area once with the mouse.

"Move sheet": You can move the worksheet.

Variable zoom: Click on the desired point in the working area and hold the mouse button down. To zoom in, drag the mouse down. To zoom out, drag the mouse up.

"Complete view": The working area is enlarged until all objects that have been placed on the working area are visible. The entire area is displayed again if with another mouse-click.

"Layers" You can show and hide layers here. See also Layers in reports (Page 36).

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Button Function Description

"Construction" Simplifies the construction of solid bodies. Lines and dimensional objects not

only snap to the grid but also to the grab points of the objects. The grab points are displayed in the form of a gray dot.

The "Line" tool also supports the "Extended construction" option.

Construction mode can be switched on and off either from the popup menu or using the toolbar. Start mode for the Report Designer:

switched off. Start mode for the Report Designer:

switched on.

"Bird view" Opens a window in which the entire

report is displayed. A white color shows which part of the overall area is visible within the report window. This colored area can be moved with the mouse in the bird view and thus the visible area of the report can be moved as well.

"Navigate to predecessor" "Navigate to successor"

You can use these two buttons to navigate to the previous or next report.

"Grid" Defines the snap-to grid. All symbols,

lines, and texts are always placed on the points of the grid, even if the grid is not visible. The symbols have a "placement point" that only very seldom coincides with the top left-hand corner of the symbol. New drawings usually have a base grid of 4 mm; a base grid of 2.5 mm is also used in some old drawings. The grid is ignored if the Shift key is pressed.

"Zoom" Changing the zoom factor in fixed steps.

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Basic operation of reports and symbols 2.12 Printing extracts from reports

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2.12 Printing extracts from reports

Procedure To print extracts from reports, proceed as follows:

1. Select the document zoom as appropriate.

2. Select a set of objects in the visible area.

3. Click the "Print" button.

4. Select the "Marking" option on the bottom left of the next window.

Result Only the objects marked are printed are printed to fill the page in the selected zoom ratio. In other words, they are not to scale. The page ratio is retained.

2.13 Identifier tool You can use the "Identifier" tool to select, move, and copy objects.

You can drag a frame around objects with the tool. All objects that are located within or on the frame are marked. Marked objects are displayed in a different color, usually in pink.

Individual objects can be selected using the <Ctrl> key and the left mouse button. You can use the same combination to unmark individual objects in a marked group.

If you select only a single object , second mouse click activates the grab points. If several objects overlap, click a second time in the same place to address an object on the next level down.

Main object and subobjects on selection Objects can have subobjects in an interactive report. This is often the case in P&IDs. Example: If a vessel has a nozzle, the vessel is the main object and the nozzle is the associated subobject.

Another example is the grouping of report objects. The currently selected object of a group is automatically the main object, the remaining objects of the group are subobjects. Selecting a main object also selects its subobjects.

If you click the group a second time, the subobject is selected.

The "Properties" and "Navigate" commands are available for a selection involving main objects and subobjects. These commands are only carried out for the main objects. All other commands in the popup menu, e.g. "Delete" and "Move", affect all objects in the selection.

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Basic operation of reports and symbols 2.14 The "Line" tool

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2.14 The "Line" tool The lines are aligned to the grid points.

The lines are not aligned to the grid if you hold down the <Shift> key while drawing.

2.14.1 Line parameters The "Line parameters" button opens the window for preselecting the line parameters.

Overview The following table describes the control elements of the "Line parameters" window:

Control element Description "P1" fields X-coordinate and Y-coordinate of the starting point "P2" fields X-coordinate and Y-coordinate of the end point "Width" lists Line width and unit, e.g. "mm" "Line type" list Select a line style from this list. The standard lines have round

ends. "Layer" list If layers have been set up for the document, you can select a layer

here and allocate it to the drawing element. Layers are usually already available within symbols. The associated button, "Layers", appears on the toolbar. See also Layers in reports (Page 36).

"Label" field You can enter a label here to use as required. "Color" field You can select a color for the line here. "No cell delimiter" option If you select the "No cell delimiter" option, "GR" will appear in the

"Label" field. Changes of the values are visible right away. "Apply immediately" option Activate this option to have all changes applied immediately.

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2.14.2 Modifying lines

Procedure To modify a line, proceed as follows:

1. Select the line with the "Identifier" tool.

2. Click the line a second time.

The line gets grab points at its ends, and these can be shifted individually with the mouse.

3. To draw polylines, click to define the starting point and then again to define each of the remaining points.

4. To complete the operation, right-click with the mouse.

Result The line is modified accordingly.

2.14.3 Lines: Expanded design mode

Overview The effects of using the "Line" tool are as follows:

● Lines are aligned with other objects, e.g. vertically or in parallel. The objects used for alignment are displayed in yellow.

● If you start a new line at an existing line, the "Chamfer" option is additionally displayed. At the same time, two construction lines are beveled with the chamfer line.

● Lines remain within an angle of 10° of the point of origin. They thus do not diverge from the vertical or horizontal until after reaching an angle of 10°. This function only applies to graphic lines and not to connecting lines.

● The following fields are active for the second and subsequent points of the line:

Location of the last point in the X-direction

Location of the last point in the Y-direction

Absolute angle, can be edited after placing the second point

Object length, can be edited after placing the second point

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Changes the starting point of the line

Terminates the action

2.14.4 Rounding polylines If lines consist of a closed lineament, you can use the rounding tool to convert the contact points into arches.

See also The Circle tool (Page 28)

2.15 The Circle tool

Circle and circle segment design The following table describes the functions of the rounding tool:

Button Description

Opens the "draw circle" extended tool palette

2-point circle design, mid-point, radius

3-point circle design. Circle design in the mathematical positive sense: The first two mouse clicks determine at which imaginary tangents the circle lies, the third mouse-click determines the distance of the mid-point from the imaginary tangents.

3-point arc, mid-point, arc point 1, 2. Circle design in the mathematical positive sense.

3-point arc, arc point 1, 2, 3. Circle design in the mathematical positive sense.

Rounding tool, see also Rounding polylines (Page 28).

Radius input. You can enter a radius here prior to the first mouse click. The corresponding circle then attaches itself to the mouse and all that remains is to specify the center by clicking again with the mouse. Also serves as a stamping function.

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Label You can enter a label manually to be used as required.

If the "No cell limit" option is activated, the label "GR" is entered.

Changes of the values are visible right away.

Editing circles Double-click the circle to open the properties.

Grab points are highlighted by means of two separate mouse clicks. You can use these grab points not only to change the center and the radius but also to split the circle and draw segments instead. Each circle includes an input point for splitting and an additional splitting point for each tangential or intersection point with another graphic object.

Rounding tool (rounding polylines) If lines consist of a closed lineament, you can use the rounding tool to convert the contact points into arches. Use the "Circle" tool, "Rounding tool" function.

The "Rounding tool" automatically switches into the the construction mode in order to identify the lines more easily.

As soon as you move over a line with your mouse it is marked yellow. Proceed by clicking on the part where the rounding should start. If you then move the mouse to the other line you get a preview of how the rounding arch would look like:

If you now confirm with another mouse click, the rounding is drawn. The two lines ends do not exactly have to touch each other. COMOS tries to fill the gaps meaningfully.

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Basic operation of reports and symbols 2.16 "Rectangle" tool

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2.16 "Rectangle" tool

2.16.1 Drawing a rectangle

Procedure To draw a rectangle, proceed as follows:

1. Open an interactive report.

2. Click the "Rectangle" button on the toolbar.

The "Width" and "Height" fields are displayed on the toolbar.

3. Click in the interactive report and hold the mouse button down.

4. To define the size of the rectangle, drag the mouse pointer to the desired position.

Result The rectangle is placed on the report. The dimensions of the rectangle are displayed in the "Width" and "Height" fields.

See also Defining the size of a rectangle (Page 30)

2.16.2 Defining the size of a rectangle

Procedure To define the size of a rectangle, select one of the following methods:

● Enter the required dimensions in the "Width" and "Height" fields.

● Move the grab points to change the size of the rectangle.

See also Grab points (Page 199)

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2.16.3 Properties of the rectangle

Control elements When you open the properties of the rectangle, the "Rectangle parameters" window is displayed.

Control element Description "Name" field Displays the name of the selected rectangle. "P1" fields X-coordinates and Y-coordinates of the top left-hand point of the

rectangle "P2" fields X-coordinates and Y-coordinates of the bottom right-hand point of

the rectangle "Width" lists Displays the width of the rectangle in the selected measurement

unit. If you change the measurement unit, the width is converted automatically.

"Line type" list Displays the line used to represent the rectangle. See also Line types (Page 201).

"Layer" list Displays a layer for the drawing element. See also Layers in reports (Page 36).

"Label" field You can enter a label here to be used as required. "Color" field Displays the color of the rectangle. When you click on this field,

you are given an option to change the color. "Fill out" option When you activate this option, the rectangle is displayed filled out. "Apply immediately" option Activate this option to have all changes applied immediately.

2.17 Placing texts

2.17.1 Text parameter: Defaults

Use the "Text" button to add text to the report. The "Default values for text parameters" button is also displayed.

The default values are set before placing the text parameter. To do this, activate the "Text" tool. A text field and a "..." button control appear in the menu bar. Click the "Text parameters" button to open the "Text parameters" window in which you enter the default values.

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Overview The following table describes the control elements of the "Text parameters" window:

Control element Description "Font" field Click the "Font" field or the "..." button. The "Font" window is displayed.

Here you can input values for the font, font style, size and display. "Color" field Field inside: The field controls the text color. The color settings that

are made here apply to the text itself. Field outside: The field controls the background color. The settings

that are made here apply to the background of the text frame. The background color is only visible if a text frame is dragged out when generating a text. If you generate the text by clicking the report once with the mouse, no text frame is generated.

"Soft" option Activated: The text is placed at a short distance from the text frame. Deactivated: The text is placed without a distance.

"Alignment" options Click one of these options to specify the position of the text in the text frame. If there is no text frame, the text is aligned according to the placing point.

"Layer" list Reports can have layers, see also Setting up layers for reports (Page 37). This list is used to assign a layer to a text. In the interactive report, you can show and hide the layers, thereby controlling what is visible. See also Using layers (Page 37).

Setting a report object This function is available in the Report Designer and in the Symbol Editor.

It is used to specify an object which will be used as the basis for calculating text functions. This is especially important for testing.

This option is not available for interactive reports. In the engineering data, the report object is defined by means of the properties (owner or reference).

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Basic operation of reports and symbols 2.18 Transforming

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2.17.2 Text parameter: Properties

Text parameters window As soon as a text has been placed, you can open the "Text parameters" window by selecting the "Properties" command from the popup menu. This window comprises more functions than the "Text parameters" window in which the defaults were set before placing the text parameter.

The properties of a text differ in the Report Designer, the interactive report, and the Symbol Editor.

References ● Text properties in the Report Designer, see Text parameter: Properties (Page 102).

● Text properties in the interactive report, see also Text parameters: Properties (Page 187).

● Text properties in the Symbol Editor, see also Text parameter: Properties (Page 46).

2.18 Transforming

This button opens the expanded transformation mode.


1. The move vector is set with the first and second mouse-clicks.

2. The objects to be moved are selected with the third and subsequent mouse clicks.

3. The operation is carried out by clicking on the tick button on the far right.

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Alternative The following table describes the fields you can use as an alternative to the Move options.

Field Description

Input of the X-coordinates to determine the shift vector

Input of the Y-coordinates to determine the shift vector

Number of copies of the selected object, either selected from the list or by inputting whole positive numbers (integers)


1. Input a rotation angle.

2. The first mouse-click on the report determines the point on which the rotation is made.

3. The next and subsequent mouse-clicks determine which objects are to be rotated.

4. The operation is carried out by clicking on the tick button on the far right.


Select the number of copies of the selected object. Alternatively, you can also enter an integer number.


1. The first two mouse-clicks determine the mirroring axis.

2. The next and subsequent mouse-clicks determine which objects are to be mirrored.

3. After clicking the "Mirror" button, a list is displayed from which you can select the entries "0" and "1".

4. The operation is carried out by clicking on the tick button on the far right.


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Click once with the mouse to set the reference point.

Field Description

Scaling factor in the X-direction

Scaling factor in the Y-direction

Input the number of copies

Executing the selected action


● All objects on the report that have connectors are only moved if all the connectors lie

within the selection polygon.

● Objects that have no connectors are only moved if the framed rectangle lies completely within the selection polygon.

● Texts that can be moved on their own are not taken into consideration.

Example: if a motor has a text containing the name of the motor, and if this text can be moved freely, then it makes no difference whether or not the text is located within the selection polygon.

● In the case of report objects that are genuinely going to be stretched (such as connections and potentials), the grab points are still determined nonetheless and are moved as required (if not all grab points are located within the polygon). In the case of these objects, the portion located within the selection polygon is determined and distorted.

● If you are only distorting an object in one direction, you can execute the function immediately once you have set the distortion vector. This distorts all lines and text boxes located underneath or to the right of the first point entered. Hence this technique is highly qualified for bulk adjustments on report templates.


1. Click once with the mouse to select an object for alignment.

2. Click a second time with the mouse to draw a frame encompassing the objects to be aligned.

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Basic operation of reports and symbols 2.19 Status bar

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3. Once you have created a frame, you can select the following action options from the "Align" list:

Entry Description "At point of origin horizontal" Aligns the objects in the frame horizontally according to the point of

origin "At point of origin vertical" Aligns the objects in the frame vertically according to the point of

origin "Left" Left-aligns the objects in the frame "Right" Right-aligns the objects in the frame "Top" Aligns the objects in the frame from the top "Bottom" Aligns the objects in the frame from the bottom "Adjust width" Adjusts the width of the objects to the frame "Adjust height" Adjusts the height of the objects to the frame "Adjust size" Adjusts the size of the objects to the frame

The "Align" function cannot be executed on mixed selections including both graphical objects and report objects.

2.19 Status bar

Coordinates display When you open the Report Designer, an interactive report, or the Symbol Editor, the coordinates of the mouse pointer are displayed in the COMOS status bar.

When a tool is used that snaps to the grid, the coordinates of the grid point currently being used are displayed, not the current position of the mouse. The coordinates display is primarily useful for carrying out design work if you are using a slightly larger grid.

2.20 Layers in reports

The term "layer" From a technical point of view, levels are also known as layers. For historical reasons, the technical term layer is also used for working areas.

If you come across the term layer, check whether it is referring to the working area or a level. You find additional information on this topic in the "COMOS Administration" manual, keyword "Layer".

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2.20.1 Setting up layers for reports

Default layers in reports ● Layer 1: Pipes

● Layer 2: Engineering objects

● Layer 3: Graphical elements

● Layer 4: Subdocuments, i.e. reports placed on other reports by means of drag&drop

The commands "To foreground" and "To background" sort the relevant report object only within its layer by bringing it to the foreground or sending to the background respectively.

Setting up additional layers The layer definitions for interactive reports are made in the base project on the "Base objects" tab under "@System > @D data > @GRAPHICS > @Layers".


"@Graphics > @Layers > <Drawing type> > <Layer number>"

Layer numbers can be selected from within the range from 1 to 999, whereby the range 251 to 255 is used internally by the system and cannot be used or changed.

The "Visible" option, name: "VISIBLE" is located on the "General" tab of the base objects layer.This option controls the default setting determining whether or not the objects of a layer are to be visible initially. You can toggle specific layers on or off during a work session. However, these user-defined settings are not saved.

2.20.2 Using layers

Procedure To use layers proceed as follows:

1. Click the "Layers" button on the report's toolbar.

2. In the "Layers" window, specify which layers you want to be visible. To do this, activate the "Visible" option.

3. Activate the "Frozen" option for layers which you do not want to selectable and editable.

4. To apply your settings immediately, activate the "Apply immediately" option.

5. Click "OK".

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Your settings are valid throughout the current session. To save the settings permanently, click the button.

The settings can be saved as user-specific settings or as group-specific settings. They are saved in the base data.

Reference You find additional information on this topic in the "COMOS Administration" manual, keyword "Personal settings".

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MultiCrp.exe 33.1 Objective

Overview "MultiCRP.exe" is a utility program for the bulk processing of evaluating reports. The program is located in the "Bin" subdirectory of the COMOS installation directory.

The program searches and replaces text expressions. Two methods of operation are possible here:

● Manual search for specified texts

This search or search and replace works in the options script and/or in the report items script. Report items are objects placed on a report.

● Automatic search for duplicate names

This search only includes the name fields of the report items.

3.2 Selecting reports

Procedure To select an evaluating report, proceed as follows:

1. Open the "MultiCrp.exe" program.

2. Start by selecting a folder on the top left.

Please make sure that you include only evaluating reports. This is important in particular if the "Recursive" option is active and/or the "Selected only" option is not active. In that case, a huge number of files can be accessed.

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MultiCrp.exe 3.3 Manual search and replace

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Result All subfolders are included in the search as well. In the "Folder" column, the subfolder in which the report was found is displayed.

If the "Recursive" option is enabled, the search can take a very long time. Press the <Esc> key to terminate the current search.

On the "Layout" tab, a preview of the report appears. The "Layout" tab is not updated until you click the "Source code" tab and then go back to the "Layout" tab.

So, if you select a report in the result list, thereby displaying it on the "Layout" tab, this report will initially remain visible even if another report is selected in the result list. You need to toggle between the tabs to make the new report visible.

3.3 Manual search and replace

Prerequisite The "MultiCrp.exe" is running.

Procedure To perform a manual search and replace operation, proceed as follows:

1. Select one or a number of reports.

2. Enter a text in the "Search" field.

3. Click the "Search" button.

In the event of a hit, the corresponding text block appears on the "Source code" tab and details of the report and item in which the text was found are displayed:

While the search is in progress, no text can be entered in the "Search" field. You must first cancel the search. You can then enter a new search text and restart the search.

One of the entries on the "Source code" a location is marked.

4. Select one of the following options:

– To replace each instance of the text individually, click "Replace".

The text is replaced and you automatically jump to the next entry.

At this moment, the reports have not been saved yet. You can undo your changes by closing "Multicrp.exe".

– To replace all hits in all selected reports, click "Replace all".

5. To save your settings, click the "Save" button.

Result All until now changed reports are saved.

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MultiCrp.exe 3.4 Re-establish uniqueness of names

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3.4 Re-establish uniqueness of names When items such as texts or lists are created in evaluating reports, the names of the items are not checked initially to see if they are identical.

A potential problem caused by identical names is that scripts can no longer address the items clearly (as the items are identified exclusively by name and not by a UID, for example).

Recommendation Give unique names to all items in a report.

Items that are not named uniquely are displayed in red in the Report Designer:

Evaluating reports are also displayed accordingly in the "MultiCrp.exe" program.

Re-establishing uniqueness The "Re-establish uniqueness" button corrects these items. As part of this process, the highest name of all items on the report is determined. All items with duplicate names get a new name, based on the following name scheme: <highest name +1> ... <highest name +n>.

All items with duplicate names are renamed. Thus, the "Re-establish uniqueness" function in the "Multicrp.exe" program is different from the same function in the Report Designer.

You can also see which items have duplicate names in the Report Designer. Right-click a selected object and select the "Re-establish uniqueness of names" command from the popup menu.

However, this command does not modify the current object. All other items with duplicate names get new names, but this one item remains unchanged. As a result, every item has a unique name.

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Symbol Designer 44.1 General

This section contains supplemental information regarding the Symbol Editor. Knowledge of the following section is a prerequisite: Basic operation of reports and symbols (Page 17).

4.2 Background: Drawing types

Symbols Symbols are "drawing type" specific. A symbol is exclusively displayed for the drawing type for which it has been created.

A row appears on the "Symbols" tab of the base objects for each drawing type that has been created. The drawing types are listed on the "Base objects" tab in the system project.

"Standard tables > @SYSTEM system tables > @DRW_TYPE drawing type"

Workflow The entire workflow comprises the following steps:

1. First, the administrator creates a drawing type in the system project.

2. The administrator creates interactive report templates for this drawing type. There is a corresponding call in the report's options script: SymbolType = "<DrawingType>"

3. The administrator creates a symbol in the base objects in the corresponding row of the "Symbols" tab.

Result Users who create an interactive report based on the report template created above can use drag&drop to move the base object to the interactive report. The symbol is displayed.

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Symbol Designer 4.3 General rules for designing symbols

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4.3 General rules for designing symbols

Defaults Symbols must have the following properties:

● Line thickness

● Point of origin

● Grid

● Font size, if text is used

● The following minimum sizes are recommended: 0.35 for the line thickness and 9 pt for the font size.

● Recommendation: The font size for item designations and descriptions is 9, with 7 being used for contact points.

There should be very few or no deviations in the line thickness and font size of the various symbols, since any such deviations may impair print quality. This is not a COMOS problem; it is due to the technical limitations of printers (e.g. printer resolution, conversion of lines whose line thickness cannot be displayed, etc.).

Do not use too many colors. Many printers do not support color printing.

The "italic" text attribute should not be used, since COMOS automatically italicizes text items in certain cases, and as such unexpected errors may occur if italics are used within symbols.

The grid spacing as well as the point of origin must be adjusted to the connectors on the symbol, otherwise it will be difficult to connect the symbol automatically. Example: if the connectors are not positioned accurately on the grid and diagonal connections are not permitted. The point of origin should then be located on the first connector.

Advantage of layers and labels Although not mandatory from a technical point of view, the integral parts of a symbol should have a layer and a label. In Comos, many functions require a layer and a label, e.g.:

● Hide in report

● Group selection in report

If you do not currently use any functions involving layers and labels, you can create a unique layer and label to be put in reserve for subsequent use. Use a name that is sufficiently specific and is unlikely to be needed for another purpose subsequently.

If you already know the purpose for which the layer and the label will be used, use meaningful names accordingly.

The label is entered as "Header.Class". See also Header commands (Page 78).

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Required space As regards the space required for a symbol, pay special attention to text variables. The length of the text output by a text variable depends on the planning data and can vary considerably.

In this regard, you need to give particular consideration to multilingual texts. since the length of a text items varies depending on the language being used.

Hierarchy Usually, symbols become more detailed the further down the hierarchy they are located.

In this case, a basic symbol is often created further up in the hierarchy. This is then called and defined in detail further down. As a result of that, the symbol gets checked in and the inheritance chain breaks off. If the basic symbol is changed afterwards, these changes are not applied to objects that defined the symbol in more detail.

Therefore, you can try to break down the symbols into separate units in some cases: This means that you have the option to load additional symbols using text script or symbol components.

In this case you should not modify the text script lower down the hierarchy, otherwise the inheritance links will be broken.

Loading symbols from a standard table Symbols can also be placed in standard tables. The base objects no longer have a symbol preview. To find out which symbols belong to which base objects, you have to open the standard tables and compare them with the corresponding base objects.

Drawing symbols with a preference Even a symbol that was created by means of the drawing tools in the Symbol Editor is later (i.e. behind the scenes) translated into a script. Nevertheless, there is a difference between symbols that are created using the Symbol Editor and those created with a symbol script. See also Symbol script (Page 78).

If you write a symbol script, you will not be able to change a symbol graphically subsequently, not even in the report. This is so that the inheritance links remain intact.

We recommend the use of dedicated COMOS links in this regard in preference to variable texts generated in scripts.

See also Text functions (Page 47)

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Symbol Designer 4.4 Text parameters

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4.4 Text parameters

To place a text parameter, go to the toolbar in the Symbol Editor and activate the "Place text" tool.

4.4.1 Text parameter: Defaults

As soon as you activate the "Place text" tool, an additional field called "Text parameter" appears in the toolbar. Use this field to make the default settings for all new texts.

See also Text parameter: Defaults (Page 31)

4.4.2 Text parameter: Properties

Properties Right-click a text to open the text parameters properties window. The following table describes the control elements of the "Text parameters" window:

Control element Description "Font" field See also Font (Page 31). "Color" field See also Color (Page 31). "Alignment" options See also Alignment (Page 31). "Soft" option See also Soft (Page 31). "Layer" list See also Layer (Page 31).

4.4.3 Pasting a text box into a symbol

Procedure 1. Activate the "Place text" tool.

A placeholder is displayed for the new text and crosshairs indicate the position of the mouse pointer.

2. Move the mouse pointer to the desired position.

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Symbol Designer 4.5 Text functions

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3. Hold down the left mouse button and draw a text box.

The placeholder text appears inside the text box.

4. Save the changes in the Symbol Editor.

Result The changes are applied to the symbol script and written to the DrawTextBox method. You also have the option of creating the text box directly in the symbol script.

See also Text parameter: Properties (Page 46)

4.5 Text functions

4.5.1 Overview Text functions are drawing type specific.

The standard tables of the base project define which interface functions are supported for the relevant drawing type.

The functions can be used independently from the standard table. However, if you delete the standard table, the functions in the input help for the text function are no longer displayed.

The text functions require that the exact names of tabs, attributes, properties, etc. are entered.

Take great care with the spelling.

Legend ● x/x: This function has been implemented and is supported by the interface for this

drawing type.

● x/: This function has been implemented but is not offered for selection by the interface for this drawing type (although it can still be used manually by inputting the correct syntax).

Text functions/list @IRF_DETAIL @IRF_RI @IRF_SLINE AllMyReferences (Page 49) x/- x/- x/- Ansi1 (Page 49) x/- x/- x/- Ansi2 (Page 50) x/- x/- x/- ComosDevSpec (Page 50) x/x x/x x/x ComosElmSpec (Page 50) x/x x/x x/x ComosSpec (Page 51) x/x x/- x/x

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Text functions/list @IRF_DETAIL @IRF_RI @IRF_SLINE ComosTextWrap (Page 52) x/- x/- x/- DetailReference (Page 53) x/- x/- x/- DevAllDescription (Page 53) x/- x/- x/- DevContact (Page 53) x/- x/- x/- DevDescription (Page 54) x/x x/x x/x DevFunction (Page 54) x/x x/x x/x DevGUnit (Page 54) x/- x/- x/- Device (Page 55) x/- x/- x/- Device.FullName (Page 55) x/- x/x x/- DevLocation (Page 55) x/x x/- x/x DevLocation1L (Page 56) x/- x/- x/- DevName (Page 56) x/x x/x x/x DevPosition (Page 56) x/x x/- x/x DevSignalDescription (Page 57) x/- x/- x/- DevType (Page 57) x/x x/- x/x DevTypeL (Page 58) x/x x/- x/x DevTypeW (Page 58) x/x x/- x/x DevUnit (Page 59) x/x x/- x/x DevUnit1L (Page 59) x/- x/- x/- DevUnitPosition (Page 59) x/x x/- x/x Element (Page 60) x/- x/- x/- Elements (Page 61) x/- x/- x/- ELM..ADR (Page 61) Elm..CO (Page 61) x/x x/- x/- Elm..CP (Page 62) x/x x/- x/x Elm..DS (Page 62) x/x x/- x/- Elm..Label (Page 63) x/x x/- x/x ELM..SADR (Page 63) Elm..VW (Page 64) x/x x/- x/x FromDoc (Page 65) x/- x/- x/- FromDocObj (Page 65) x/- x/- x/- Function (Page 65) x/- x/- x/- MainDevice (Page 66) x/- x/- x/- Position (Page 66) x/- x/- x/- PotAllDescription (Page 67) only for potential links PotDescription (Page 67) only for potential links PotLocation (Page 67) only for potential links PotName (Page 67) only for potential links PotUnit (Page 68) only for potential links Rack (Page 68) x/- x/- x/- RefChain (Page 68) x/- x/- x/- Reference (Page 69) x/x x/- x/x

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Text functions/list @IRF_DETAIL @IRF_RI @IRF_SLINE RefHierarchical(x) (Page 69) RefMaster (Page 69) x/- x/- x/- RefSimple (Page 70) x/- x/- x/- ReportScript (Page 70) x/- x/- x/- Requirement (Page 70) x/- x/- x/- Rqmt (Page 70) x/- x/- x/- Rqmts (Page 71) x/- x/- x/- Slot (Page 71) x/- x/- x/- ToDoc (Page 71) x/- x/- x/- ToDocObj (Page 71) x/- x/- x/- UserFunction (Page 72) x/x x/x x/-

4.5.2 AllMyReferences

AllMyReferences Example / Syntax: %N AllMyReferences%

This text function states all placement locations of the object in the form of a text block (across drawing types):

4.5.3 Ansi1

Ansi1 Example / Syntax: %N Ansi1%

The Ansi1 text function triggers a search for the next object of the "Function" class within the hierarchical object structure. The first letter of the "Label" of the hierarchically superordinate function is output and prefixed to the object name. If no label has been allocated, the name is used as an alternative:

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4.5.4 Ansi2

Ansi2 Example / Syntax: %N Ansi2%

Text function "Ansi2" initiates a search for the next object of the "Function" class within the hierarchical object structure. The "Label" of the hierarchically superordinate function is output from the second letter onwards. If no label has been allocated, the name is used as an alternative.

4.5.5 ComosDevSpec

ComosDevSpec Example / Syntax: %N ComosDevSpec(‘Section', 'Attribute', 'Property')%

"Section" Name of the tab at the object "Attribute" Name of the attribute on the tab "Property" Property of the attribute

Value DisplayValue PhysUnit (physical unit)

This text function can be used to output the Value, DisplayValue, and PhysUnit parameters of the associated main device ("MainDevice") at the symbol.

● Text function "ComosDevSpec" is obsolete and will not be supported in future.

See also ComosSpec (Page 51).

4.5.6 ComosElmSpec

ComosElmSpec Example / Syntax: %N ComosElmSpec(‘Section', 'Attribute', 'Property')%

"Section" Name of the tab at the object "Attribute" Name of the attribute on the tab "Property" Property of the attribute:

Value DisplayValue PhysUnit (physical unit)

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This text function can be used to output the Value, DisplayValue, and PhysUnit parameters of the object itself. Alternative: ComosSpec extended text function

See also ComosSpec (Page 51).

4.5.7 ComosSpec

ComosSpec Example / Syntax: %N ComosSpec(‘Section', 'Attribute', 'Property', 'Unit', 'Class', ['Description'])%

The ComosSpec function offers more comprehensive output options than the ComosDevSpec or ComosElmSpec functions and should, therefore, be preferred. Differing from the selection mask, it supports the Value, DisplayValue, Range2, Range3 properties parameters, the PhysUnit units parameter and, as an option, the Description description parameter.

"Section" Name of the tab at the object "Property" Selection of the attribute property to be displayed:

Value DisplayValue Range2 (output upper and lower limiting value) Range3 (output upper and lower limiting value and current limiting value)

"Unit" Selection as to whether a physical unit is to be output: PhysUnit (physical unit) None

"Class" Selection of the object from which the data is to be taken: Own MainDevice (associated main device)

"Description" Optional parameter D, prefixes the object description of the output if this has been specified

Possible forms of output with the ComosSpec text function:

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ComosSpec: Outputs on the report

4.5.8 ComosTextWrap

ComosTextWrap Example / Syntax: %N ComosTextWrap('Parameter1',Parameter2)%

The function has two parameters:

● Parameter 1:

Property to be evaluated:

– "NAME"





Or "<Tab name>.<Attribute name>", then the 'DisplayValue' is output.

● Parameter 2: Characters per line Example: DrawText p1, "%N ComosTextWrap(""NAME"",3)%", 0, 2

If e.g. the name is „AAABBBCCC“, then following is put out:




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4.5.9 DetailReference

DetailReference Example / Syntax: %N DetailReference%

The DetailReference text function supplies the information about the placing of the object on detail drawings. This function is used in design diagrams, for example, to retain a reference to the location of the depiction in the circuit diagram at the object:

4.5.10 DevAllDescription

DevAllDescription Example / Syntax: %N DevAllDescription%

This text function supplies the description of the Maindevice (main device). It also supplies inherited descriptions.

4.5.11 DevContact

DevContact Example / Syntax: %N DevContact%

Outputs the label of the connected COMOS connector. This function is only called in the symbol script in the "@Connection" standard table.

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4.5.12 DevDescription

DevDescription Example / Syntax: %N DevDescription%

This function outputs the objects own description of the MainDevice (and has thus been checked in, for example), while the display of the inherited description is suppressed. Here is an example for the output of DevDescription before and after checking in:

DevDescription: Outputs on the report

4.5.13 DevFunction

DevFunction Example / Syntax: %N DevFunction%

This function triggers a search for the first attribute on the object's "TD technical data" tab that has both a value and a unit. Sorting is alphabetical.

Output only follows if an attribute that meets the conditions is found.

Open the "Technical data" tab of the engineering object and assign values to the created attributes.

4.5.14 DevGUnit

DevGUnit Example / Syntax: %N DevGUnit%

This function utilizes the AliasFullLabelWithoutFolder and GUnit functions in order to provide the complete label for the object, taking into account the segment and document. For more information on this topic, see the manual "Class documentation COMOS_dll".

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4.5.15 Device

Device Example / Syntax: %N Device.<Property>%

This text function provides experienced users with direct access to a wide variety of different types of information concerning the current object and also on all objects that are connected to it structurally.

To make best use of the wide variety of options offered here, in-depth programming knowledge of VB script and the COMOS "Device" object class is required. For more information on this topic, see the manual "Class documentation COMOS_dll".

4.5.16 Device.FullName

Device.FullName Example / Syntax: %N Device.FullName%

The Device.FullName text function supplies the full name of the object, including the complete object superstructure. Folder objects are excluded.

4.5.17 DevLocation

DevLocation Example / Syntax: %N DevLocation%

This function enables the automated output of the current mounting position of objects at the symbol in the specific form set by the project parameters. The AliasFullLabelWithoutFolder function is used for this purpose. For more information on this topic, see the manual "Class documentation COMOS_dll".

The "Location" field is created in the engineering object properties using drag&drop and the location object is entered with its full name. At the same time, a reference to the unit and the location is input in the unit and location branches respectively.

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4.5.18 DevLocation1L

DevLocation1L Example / Syntax: %N DevLocation1L(X)%

This function is the counterpart to DevUnit1L (Page 59) locations and allows the automated output of a specific portion of the name of the mounting position of the reference object at the symbol. Parameter "X", either in integer or string form, determines the hierarchy level whose name is to be output, starting from the top (project layer = level 0). Folder objects are not included in this calculation.

4.5.19 DevName

DevName Example / Syntax: %N DevName%

This function outputs the current designation of the engineering object with regard to any alias structures that may exist in the way that had been set beforehand at the selected point by the project parameters.

Text function DevName in the Symbol Editor and on the plan:

4.5.20 DevPosition

DevPosition Example / Syntax: %N DevPosition%

The DevPosition text function supplies the full description of the first position in the hierarchical superstructure of the current object by making use of the MainDevice function. Alias structures, segments, and documents are taken into consideration during this operation.

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Text function DevPosition in the Symbol Editor and on the plan:

4.5.21 DevSignalDescription

DevSignalDescription Example / Syntax: %N DevSignalDescription(Index)%

The DevSignalDescription text function supplies the description of the signal that is located on the connector specified by the index. If no index has been stipulated, the first signal that is found is taken into consideration.

4.5.22 DevType

DevType Example / Syntax: %N DevType%

This text function determines the value of attribute HSD.M001 (article number from the manufacturer data) and outputs this at the specified location.

Text function DevType in the Symbol Editor and on the plan:

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4.5.23 DevTypeL

DevTypeL Example / Syntax: %N DevTypL%

This function uses the MainDevice function to evaluate the conductor cross-section "LQ" created on the "Attributes > SYS" tab, and displays the result.

Text function DevTypeL in the Symbol Editor and on the plan:

4.5.24 DevTypeW

DevTypeW Example / Syntax: %N DevTypW%

This function uses the MainDevice function to evaluate the cable type LT created on the "Attributes > SYS" tab, and displays the result.

Text function DevTypeW in the Symbol Editor and on the plan:

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4.5.25 DevUnit

DevUnit Example / Syntax: %N DevUnit%

The DevUnit text function stipulates the current unit superstructure of the object, incorporating a comparison of the object structure between the object and the plan on which it is placed. Placement objects and folder objects are not considered here.

Unit superstructure of example DevUnit:

Text function DevUnit in the Symbol Editor and on the plan:

4.5.26 DevUnit1L

DevUnit1L Example / Syntax: %N DevUnit1L(X)%

This function is the counterpart to DevLocation1L (Page 56) units and allows the automated output of a specific portion of the unit name of the reference object at the symbol. Parameter "X", either in integer or string form, determines the hierarchy level whose name is to be output, starting from the top (project layer = level 0). Folder objects are not included in this reckoning.

4.5.27 DevUnitPosition

DevUnitPosition Example / Syntax: %N DevUnitPosition%

The DevUnitPosition text function stipulates the current object superstructure in the same way as DevUnit but considers placement objects.

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Unit superstructure of example DevUnitPosition:

Text function DevUnitPosition in the Symbol Editor and on the plan:

4.5.28 DrwTypeReference

Generating drawing type specific links Example / Syntax: %N DrwTypeReference("<DrwType>")%This function returns a link to the component on a drawing type located higher up in the hierarchy.

Example A component that possesses the new text function with the parameter "DETAIL2" is placed. A link to the "DETAIL2" drawing type is returned on the report for the placed component.

4.5.29 Element

Element Example / Syntax: %N Element.<Property>%

This text function provides experienced users with direct access to a wide variety of different types of information concerning the current object and also on all objects that are connected to it structurally.

To make best use of the wide variety of options offered here, in-depth programming knowledge and knowledge of the COMOS "Device" object class are required. For more information on this topic, see the manual "Class documentation COMOS_dll".

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4.5.30 Elements

Elements Example / Syntax: %N Elements(Index)%

This text function uses the EnObs COMOS function to evaluate the Elements Collection of the reference object. In this case the Index parameter can be an integer (position in the collection) or a string ("name").

To make best use of the wide variety of options offered here, in-depth programming knowledge of VB script and the COMOS "Device" object class is required. For more information on this topic, see the manual "Class documentation COMOS_dll".

4.5.31 ELM..ADR

ELM..ADR Example / Syntax: The text returns the address of an element.

Example ELM..ADR2 the address of the second channel of a SPS card.

4.5.32 Elm..CO

Elm..CO Example / Syntax: %N Elm..CO<n><X>%

The Elm..COnX text function outputs the FullLabel of the connected device of the Xth contact point of the nth element. Valid values for n {1..999}, X {a(A)...z(Z)}

At this point, the capitalization (a/A) of the contact parameters is irrelevant.

Text function Elm..COnX in the Symbol Editor:

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Output of FullLabel of the connected device:

4.5.33 Elm..CP

Elm..CP Example / Syntax: %N Elm..CP<n><X>%

The Elm..CPnX text function outputs the label of the Xth contact point of the nth element.

Valid values for n {1..999}, X {a(A)...z(Z)}

At this point, the capitalization (a/A) of the contact parameters is irrelevant.

Text function Elm..CP in the Symbol Editor and on the plan:

4.5.34 Elm..DS

Elm..DS Example / Syntax: %N Elm..DS<n><X>%

The Elm..DSnX text function outputs the description of the Xth contact point of the nth element.

Valid values for n {1..999}, X {a(A)...z(Z)}

At this point, the capitalization (a/A) of the contact parameters is irrelevant.

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Text function Elm..DS in the Symbol Editor and the results on the plan:

4.5.35 Elm..Label

Elm..Label Example / Syntax: %N Elm..Label<n>%

The Elm..Labeln text function outputs the label of the nth element. Valid values for n {1..999}.

Text function Elm..Label in the Symbol Editor and on the plan:

4.5.36 ELM..SADR

ELM..SADR Example / Syntax: %N Elm..SADR(?)%

The question mark stands for the element number from which you read the attribute, i.e. the position in the element collection of the main component "Card". SYS.MA11 is read from the channel. This attribute contains the symbolic address. The %N text symbol is called at the symbol of the main component, i.e. the card (channel is an element of card). The DisplayValue is output.

Example %N ELM..SADR2 returns the symbolic address of the second channel of a PLC card.

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4.5.37 Elm..VW

Elm..VW Example / Syntax: %N Elm..VW<n>%

The Elm..VWn text function stipulates the placement position of the element of the object itself or one of its accessory parts specified by the parameter. The to be entered values can either be integers (n {1..999}), or the corresponding label in the form of a string.

Numeric parameter limits the search for the element to the "Element" object class. The variant in string form is class-independent.

This function serves as a cross-reference to elements that are not placed directly on the object. These can be displayed at the other point on the same diagram or on other ones.

Text function Elm..VW in the Symbol Editor:

Text function Elm..VW before and after positioning of the element:

Search Elm..VW("1") = Elm..VW(1)

Elm..VW("/1") Only search for an element with a corresponding name, first in the elements, then in accessories

Elm..VW("1") Search for an element with a corresponding name, first in the elements, then in accessories, if necessary at the appropriate location, if text can be interpreted as a number

Elm..VW[1] Search for element at location 1

Elm..VW1 1 can be interpreted as a number, therefore search for element at location 1

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4.5.38 FromDoc

FromDoc Example / Syntax: %N FromDoc.<>%

This function is used to implement references between different plans. FromDoc returns the start document of the reference. You can find additional information on this topic in the "Class Documentation COMOS_dll" manual, keyword "IComosDDocument".

4.5.39 FromDocObj

FromDocObj Example / Syntax: %N FromDocObj.<>%

This function is used to implement references between objects placed on documents. FromDocObj returns the start object of the reference. You can find additional information on this topic in the "Class Documentation COMOS_dll" manual, keyword "IComosDDocObj".

4.5.40 Function

Function Example / Syntax: %N Funktion%

This function checks whether an RO_funktion (Dev) function has been defined in the options block of the report template.

If so, the return value of this function is used and displayed.

Example function in the options block: function RO_Funktion (Dev) RO_Funktion = Dev.Fullname End function

If this function is not available, the reference object's attributes tab is evaluated and the string located in attribute "FD.F100" is output at the symbol. If this attribute does not exist, or if the string is empty, the name of the reference object is output at the end without numerical components. (Is used as a designatory text for measurement function symbols.)

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4.5.41 MainDevice

MainDevice Example / Syntax: %N MainDevice%

Please stop using this function. Use the Device text function instead. This function is no longer supported for reasons of compatibility.

See also Device (Page 55)

4.5.42 Position

Position Example / Syntax: %N Position%

This function checks whether an RO_position (Dev) function has been defined in the options block of the report template.

If so, the return value of this function is used and displayed.

Example function in the options block function RO_Position (Dev)

RO_Position = Dev.Fullname

End function

If this function does not exist, a search is made within the hierarchical superstructure for the first function object or placement object, and in this case only the owner structure is taken into consideration. If a corresponding object was found, then a check is made to see if the owner of the object that has been found is a document. In this case the AliasLabel of the object is output at the symbol. If this has not been set, the label or the name is used as appropriate. If the owner of the object that has been found is not a document, the AliasFullLabel is output in the same way as for the previous item. In this case the type of display that can be set at the current object using the RI.TXTMOD attribute is taken into consideration.

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4.5.43 PotAllDescription

PotAllDescription Example / Syntax: %N PotAllDescription%

This text function operates solely on potential links and supplies the full description of the associated potential.

4.5.44 PotDescription

PotDescription Example / Syntax: %N PotDescription%

This text function operates solely on potential links and supplies the description of the associated potential.

4.5.45 PotLocation

PotLocation Example / Syntax: %N PotLocation

This text function operates solely on potential links and supplies the location of the associated potential.

4.5.46 PotName

PotName Example / Syntax: %N PotName%:

This text function operates solely on potential links and supplies the name of the associated potential.

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4.5.47 PotUnit

PotUnit Example / Syntax: %N PotUnit%

This text function operates solely on potential links and supplies the unit of the associated potential.

4.5.48 Rack

Rack Example / Syntax: %N Rack(‘Parameter’)%

The Rack text function calculates the slot that has been assigned to the reference object and outputs the data at the symbol. Possible optional parameters to control the output are:

● L (AliasLabel)

● D (Description)

● N (Name).

Outputs at the symbol and on the plan:

4.5.49 RefChain

RefChain Example / Syntax: %N RefChain(Page)%

The %N RefChain(Page)% text function offers the option of chain references to objects that are located within the same OwnerCollection. The Page parameter can have the values 1(left) or 2 (right).

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4.5.50 Reference

Reference Example / Syntax: %N Reference%

The %N Reference% text function supports links from elements to their main objects (MainObject). The placement location of the MainObjects of the element is output in the form stipulated by the project parameters. This MainObject can be displayed at another point on the same plan or on other plans.

The Reference text function must be created at the symbol of the element of the MainObjects.

4.5.51 RefHierarchical(x)

RefHierarchical(x) Example / Syntax: %N RefHierarchical(x)

The function controls the reference brackets in the ELO drawing type. X = number of levels searched upwards if the object to be referenced is not placed. Example: A component has been placed, but the connectors are from an unplaced element.

Text function Reference in the Symbol Editor and on the plan:

4.5.52 RefMaster

RefMaster Example / Syntax: %N RefMaster(Art)%

The %N RefMaster(Art)% text function offers the option of a master link to all objects in the OwnerCollection (Art =‘O’) or to all own elements (type=‘E’).

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4.5.53 RefSimple

RefSimple Example / Syntax: %N RefSimple%

This text function evaluates COMOS data from connections and creates a reference string to the target of the reference. This function is used in the connection symbols for broken connections and for open connections.

4.5.54 ReportScript

ReportScript Example / Syntax: %N ReportScript.Funktionsname%

This text function evaluates the options script of the report template. The functions stored there can be called and evaluated using ReportScript.Funktionsname.

4.5.55 Requirement

Requirement Example / Syntax: %N Requirement[Index]%

This text function has the option of an optional index, either as an integer or in string form, to access the elements of the reference object and to output their implementation. If the index is missing, the text function supplies the reference object with the associated implementation.

4.5.56 Rqmt

Rqmt Example / Syntax: %N RQMT%

This text function supplies the device request of the reference object in the same way as for Requirement (Page 70).

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4.5.57 Rqmts

Rqmts Example / Syntax: %N RQMTS<Index>%

A short form for Requirement (Page 70), but in this case with mandatory input for the index.

4.5.58 Slot

Slot Example / Syntax: %N Slot (‘Parameter’)%

The Slot text function calculates the current location at which the reference object can be found and outputs this information. See also Rack (Page 68). Possible optional parameters to control the output are:

● L (AliasLabel)

● D (Description)

● N (Name)

4.5.59 ToDoc

ToDoc Example / Syntax: %N ToDoc.<>%

This function is used to implement references between different plans. ToDoc returns the target document of the reference. You can find additional information on this topic in the "Class Documentation COMOS_dll" manual, keyword "IComosDDocument".

4.5.60 ToDocObj

ToDocObj Example / Syntax: %N ToDocObj.<>%

This function is used to implement references between objects placed on documents. ToDocObj returns the target object of the reference. You can find additional information on this topic in the "Class Documentation COMOS_dll" manual, keyword "IComosDDocObj".

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4.5.61 ULLabel Example / Syntax %N ULLabel%

The "ULLabel" text function allows you to output the unit, location, and device label for the reference object relating to the report.

If the object inside the segment on the report appears under the same location or under the same unit in the Navigator as the report itself, the segment does not display any text.

"Shared amount" If you activate the "Shared amount" option in the segment properties, the segment displays those texts that represent the minimum amount that all the objects have in common. You can find additional information on this topic in the "E&IC" manual, keyword "Controlling label segments".

4.5.62 UserFunction

UserFunction Example / Syntax: %N TextScript.UserFunction1%

For free use. Up to three different user-specific script functions can be stored per object in the "Text" column of the "Symbols" tab under the designations UserFunction1-3. An object is sent to the function as a parameter. It provides access to all methods and properties of the COMOS "Device" and "Document" classes (read-only access for "BMKVisible").

To make best use of all available options, in-depth programming knowledge of VB script and the COMOS object classes is required. You can find additional information on this topic in the "Class Documentation COMOS_dll" manual, keywords "IComosDDevice" and "IComosDDocument".

Example for UserFunction1 Function UserFunction1 (P) Set d = P.Device s = d.Owner.Name s1 = d.Name s = s + "\n" s = s + s1 UserFunction1 = s End Function

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The user-specific %N texts are not restricted solely to UserFunction1-3; %N TextScript.<Function name>%" can be used to execute any function by means of a script. The <Function name> must then exist in the script.

4.6 Subsymbols Subsymbols DETAIL RI SLINE Text symbol x/- x/x x/- Element x/x x/x x/x Attribute x/x x/x x/x Base object x/- x/x x/-

See also Text symbol (Page 73)

Element (Page 74)

Attribute (Page 75)

Base object (Page 75)

4.6.1 Text symbol

Case 1: *V*P TEXTPKT1* Used in P&ID type plans.

Case 2: *V*P TXTPOINT* Used in diagrams of type DETAIL.

This function is used to create a formatted block with extended output texts and graphics at the selected insertion point. This block is stored in script form at the object, in the "Text" column of the "Symbols" tab. The main advantage of this functionality is how easy it is to reuse the block. Once it has been created and parameterized accordingly, the block can be saved to any desired location as a file, from where it can be inserted into other objects for other purposes.

You can use these text symbol capabilities to introduce nesting on multiple levels into the symbol architecture. As a result it could take considerably longer to set up the symbols and could there also be a risk of a memory overflow.

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4.6.2 Element

Case 1: *V*P E:<ElementName>* This function can be used to output an element symbol graphic. ElementName is the name of the element. System-generated dedicated element texts do not return any results here, since the current reference object is always the owner of the element.

The symbol of the element does not have a DocObj of its own. It shares the DocObj with the main symbol. Therefore, you must select the two symbols together.

If you drag&drop the element manually from the Navigator onto the report, a separate DocObj is generated. Now the element can be selected without its main symbol.

Example A motor is created as an element of a pump.

Case 2: *V*P E:Symbol(<ElementLabel>) Enter the text function in the text field on the right or make a selection from the "Elements| Element" list on the left-hand side.

Differences to "*V*P E":

● The subsymbol receives an own DocObj, and thus can be selected independently from its main symbol.

● The label of the element also has to be transferred as a parameter.

The element search is recursive and covers a maximum of ten hierarchy levels. The levels are separated by a pipe symbol ("|").

Example "*V*P E:Symbol("A1|B1|C1")*"

The subsymbol and the main symbol are grouped.

Case 3: *V*P E:Symbol(<ElementIndex>) This text function has to be input manually in the right text field and cannot be selected from the left example list.

As "*V*P*E:Symbol(<ElementLabel>)", but the collection of elements is retrieved from the owner of the symbol and the first (or nth) element is used.

Example: "*V*P E:Symbol("A1|B1|C1")*

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4.6.3 Attribute

*V*P S: <Section>.<Attribute>* This text function supports the output of an attribute-dependent additional graphic at the selected location. The additional graphic is located in a standard table at the object and is addressed by means of the function parameters:

"Section" Name of the tab on which the attribute is located "Attribute" Name of the to be displayed attributes

If the attribute value is empty or has been set to a value that has no symbol, no symbol is output.

If the attribute is reset, the symbol will be deleted.

Special case: Type "Link" If the attribute is of the "Reference" type, the symbol of the referenced object is used as an additional symbol, even if a standard table containing a list of symbols has been assigned to the attribute.

Interaction with object script AddToGraficalParameter You have the option of showing or hiding additional symbols directly in the interactive report by using the context menu. Use the "Graphical settings" command from the context menu to do this.

If the AddToGraficalParameter<Planart> script has been set at the base object, the user can set the attributes specified there directly in the interactive report and thus has a means of showing or hiding additional symbols.

You find more information on this topic in the "Properties" manual, keyword "AddToGraficalParamater<drawing type>(Num)".

4.6.4 Base object

*V*P CD: <BaseObject>|<DrawingType>* SystemFullName of the base object; where the individual hierarchy levels are separated by a period. Then enter the name of the drawing type as it appears in the "@System > @DRW_Type" standard table.

Example: @[email protected]|RI1.

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Application The placeholder text *V*P CD: <Stammobjekt>* is added to the currently processed symbol. The placeholder text references a base object in which a symbol with a suitable drawing type is searched for.

Usually a symbol equivalent to the drawing type is used, but it is also possible, as an option, to use a form of display from a different drawing type, and append "|" and the drawing type to the SystemFullName. Example: @[email protected]|RI1

If the main symbol is placed on a report, the placeholder text is replaced by the subsymbol.

Here, the project option "Include rotation of *V* variables" is evaluated. The option decides whether the location of the placeholder text is evaluated. You can rotate the text in the Symbol editor in the same way as any other object.

● Option "Include rotation of *V* variables" is activated: The rotation of the *V*P CD: <Stammobjekt>* text is evaluated. The subsymbol is rotated in such a way when it is placed that its base line is once again parallel to the rotated base line of the placeholder text.

● Option "Include rotation of *V* variables" deactivated: Subsymbols always appear as they were drawn in the Symbol editor, thus with a horizontal base line.

4.7 Connection points

Introduction Connection points DETAIL RI SLINE "CONNECTION POINT" x/x x/x x/x

%N <Connection point name>%

This function makes it possible to create connection points with the following properties in the first step:

● Can be connected, label visible (Con1)

● Can be connected, label not visible (Con2)

In the VB script these connectors have the labels ekP (visible) and ek0 (invisible).

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Symbol Designer 4.7 Connection points

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Display in the Symbol Editor:

If descriptive or label texts that can be moved freely are to be created, the required texts can be assigned to existing connectors (as shown at CP1 and C2 in the figure below) by selecting "cannot be connected, label visible (Con2)" and "cannot be connected, description visible (Con2)". In the VB script, these texts have the labels ek1 (label) and ek2(description).

Display on the plan:

If two connectors have been incorrectly programmed with the same name in the symbol script, the error will be intercepted by COMOS. The duplicate connection is ignored.

The texts for connection points can also be input in symbols without the %N syntax. If a text has the label eK, it does not matter whether you write CP1or %N CP1%. However, for reasons of clarity and consistency, it is recommended that you make a decision to use one or another spelling throughout a project.

Please note that programming errors (connectors with the same name, for example) can also cause problems in other places which cannot be intercepted by COMOS.

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Symbol Designer 4.8 Set point of origin

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4.8 Set point of origin The point of origin of a symbol decides how the symbol is placed on the grid of a report. The point of origin should therefore be aligned with the connectors of the symbols.

4.9 Symbol script


The creation of user-specific scripts requires in-depth knowledge and experience of script programming and the COMOS object classes. Erroneous scripts can lead to a loss of data and system crashes.

To write a symbol script, select the "Symbols" tab and click the "Show symbol script" button.

4.9.1 Header commands

Header.Class Header.Class is used as a label. See also Text parameter: Properties (Page 46). Texts of the same Header.class can only be moved together.

Header command Description Header.Class = "eKP" Connector, label visible, can be used Header.Class = "eK0" Connector, label not visible, can be used. Header.Class = "eK1" Connector, cannot be connected, only text output of the

connector label Header.Class = "eK2" Connector, cannot be connected, only text output of the

connector description Header.Class = "NOE" Can only be used in the P&ID module. Prevents users from

changing the color, line thickness and line type of the symbol. Not for connections.

Header.Class = "nv" Cannot be moved Header.Class = "eSB" Used in the EE module

You find more information on this topic in the "Electrical Engineering" manual, keyword "Shield".

Header.Class = "eBC" Header.Class = "eBT" Used in the EE module.

You find more information on this topic in the "Electrical Engineering" manual, keyword "Electronic component Cable".

Header.Class = "eGr" Used in the EE module. You find more information on this topic in the "Electrical Engineering" manual, keyword "electrical graphic".

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Symbol Designer 4.9 Symbol script

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Other header commands Header command Description Function Geometrie (Param) Call of the drawing function and transfer of the reference object. ResetToDefaults Restoring the default settings. Header.Layer = " " Stipulates the drawing layer, layers > 200 are only displayed on

the monitor. Header.Color = RGB(r,g,b) Stipulates the display color in RGB mode, numeric values

between 0-255 for the colors (r): Red (g): Green (b): Blue

Header.LineTyp = " " Stipulates the line type: 1: Continuous 2: Dashed 3: Dash-dotted

Header.Width = " " Stipulates the line width in millimeters. Set Pm = Coord ( X,Y) Specifies the X- and Y-coordinates of point Pm . DrawArc Pm, Pn, Po Draws an arc in the mathematically positive sense (ccw)

through three points: center point, starting point, and end point. DrawCircle Pm, Pn Draws a circle with Pm at its center and Pn as a point on the

circumference. The radius is the distance between Pm and Pn. DrawLine Pm, Pn Draws a line between Pm and Pn. DrawText Pm, "String", x, y Draws "String" as text with Pm as anchor point, x, y as

justification. x, y {0,1,2} "String" can contain text or text functions for the generation subsymbols. See also Subsymbols (Page 73).

4.9.2 DrawText

Parameter The DrawText command has four parameters.

Example: DrawText p5, *V*P TXTPOINT*, 2, 1.

The third parameter defines the graphical behavior:

● 0: Left-aligned

● 1: Centered

● 2: Right-aligned

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Symbol Designer 4.9 Symbol script

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You can use the following parameters to control other graphical characteristics:

● Addition of 10: Disable the "Soft" option (Soft align). The "Soft" option is enabled by default.

● Addition of 100: Consider local transformation.. In the interactive report this relates to the "Transform tool", in the "Scale" mode. This mode only covers graphical elements completely. In the case of texts, this mode only affects the position but not the form. If you also activate local transformation for a text by means of Addition of 100, then texts are redrawn in exactly the same way as graphical elements.

● Addition of 200: The scale and scaling of the report is considered. In this mode, the font size is adjusted to suit the scale of the report. This mode also includes the "Addition of 100" mode.

Combinations are permitted:

● "Addition of 110" activates the "Addition of 10" and "Addition of 100" modes.

● "Addition of 210" activates the "Addition of 10" and "Addition of 200" modes.

Example DrawText p5, *V*P TXTPOINT*, 112, 1.

● 112: Right-aligned, hard position, local transformation

● Availability: *V*P TXTPOINT* is used for details. *V*P TXTPKT1* is available for P&IDs. The meaning and functionality is the same.

4.9.3 Tips and tricks Calling Function Geometrie(PARAM) can transfer either an object of the "Device" "CDevice" class or nothing, depending upon the point of entry into the programming layer. If no object of the "Device" or "CDevice" class is transferred, queries to objects and their properties that require an object of the "Device" or "CDevice" class can cause program crashes. These can easily be avoided if you use the following script routine (example Device) by default: Function Geometrie (PARAM) ResetToDefaults 'Header declarations If Not Param Is Nothing If Param.SystemTypename = "Device" ' 'Here is the desired code ' End If End If End Function

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Symbol Designer 4.9 Symbol script

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Container: ComosDocument Direct access to Reportlib-class Object and its methods can be obtained via the Container variable. The following lines of script code can be used to output the following information, for example:

The name of the document object for the report on which the object was placed.

Script If Not Container Is Nothing Then DrawText p16, container.ComosDocument.Fullname , 1, 1 End If CurrentTrans

Variable The CurrentTrans variable, part of GeoEngine, enables you to access the current symbol transformation; meaning that you can define the following properties:

● Rotation

● Mirroring

● X/Y scaling

● Moving

CurrentTrans returns an object of the Reporlib.NTrans class. The Assign3 method is the most efficient one: Sub GetTrans(Trans, Angle , ScleX, ScleY, Reflect ,x, y) rf = IIf(Reflect, -1, 1) a11 = rf * (Cos(Angle) * ScleX) a12 = -Sin(Angle) * ScleY a21 = rf * (Sin(Angle) * ScleX) a22 = Cos(Angle) * ScleY Trans.Assign3 a11, a12, a21, a22, x, y End Sub

Example call for double scaling in both x and y and also mirroring: GetTrans CurrentTrans, 0, 2, 2, True, 0, 0 Demo script for fill areas The example script below demonstrates the complete or partial filling of areas in the Symbol Editor.

The symbol script starts with the Function Geometrie (PARAM) standard function call, the restoration of the default settings, and the assignment of the settings for the drawing layer, the line width, and the line color.

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Symbol Designer 4.9 Symbol script

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Script Function Geometrie (PARAM) ResetToDefaults Header.Layer = "2" Header.Width = 2 'Set line color to black Header.color = RGB(0,0,0) 'Coordinates for rectangle Set p1 = Coord(10,-15) Set p2 = Coord(10,0) Set p3 = Coord(25,0) Set p4 = Coord(25,-15) 'Coordinates for red triangle Set p5 = Coord(15,20) Set p6 = Coord(-15,20) Set p7 = Coord(0,0) 'Additional coordinates for line Set p8 = Coord(0,-20) 'Draw line DrawLine p7,p8

Fill color The fill color (e.g. blue) of the polygon to be filled must be stipulated here, since the CreatePath function will otherwise use the currently applied color setting as the fill color. Header.color = RGB(0,0,255)

Set p = CreatePath

Boundary lines If you want to use a different color for the boundary lines of the object, enter the color (e.g. green) here.

Header.color = RGB(0,255,0)

DrawLine If you wish to use the AddElement function subsequently, you need to assign the line drawing command DrawLine( ) variables. 'Draw green rectangle Set ln1 = DrawLine(p1,p2) Set ln2 = DrawLine(p2,p3) Set ln3 = DrawLine(p3,p4) Set ln4 = DrawLine(p4,p1)

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Symbol Designer 4.9 Symbol script

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AddElement The AddElement function is used to specify the fill polygon. If the object (a rectangle in the example) is only to be partially filled, select the number of polygon elements accordingly. Please make sure that a polygon area is defined by at least three points connected by lines. CreatPath fills polygons that are not enclosed up to the imaginary connection line of the first and last polygon point. The graphical effects can be tested by hiding individual AddElement instructions in this sample script. 'Specify fill polygon 'p.AddElement ln1 'p.AddElement ln2 p.AddElement ln3 p.AddElement ln4

A new fill color, e.g. light gray, is designated here and a new polygon is defined: 'Stipulate fill color for triangle Header.color = RGB(230,230,230) Set p1 = CreatePath

The color for the boundary lines is now defined (e.g. red), the line drawing command variables are assigned again, and the AddElement function to create the polygon is used multiple times. Furthermore, the Function Geometrie (PARAM) is terminated correctly by the End Function instruction. Header.color = RGB(255,0,0) 'Draw red triangle Set ln5 = DrawLine(p7,p5) Set ln6 = DrawLine(p5,p6) Set ln7 = DrawLine(p6,p7) 'Specify fill polygon p1.AddElement ln5 p1.AddElement ln6 p1.AddElement ln7 End Function


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Symbol Designer 4.9 Symbol script

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User-defined grab points User-defined grab points can be generated in the following way if you follow the general syntax:

Set Variable = Grab(Name,x,y,persistent,[Type],[Raster])

Variable Any desired variable (such as g1) Name Designation of the grab point (string) x X-coordinate (double) y Y-coordinate (double) Persistent Stipulates whether the system stores the new position (Boolean) Type 0 = normal (default)

1 = point of origin 2 = rotate 3 = scale

Raster Specifies the snap precision of the grab points in millimeters.

Examples ● Set g1 = Grab("Lu", 0, -2.5,true)

Use this to generate a new, moveable grab point at the coordinates (0, -2.5).

● If g1.x <> 0 or If g1.y <> -2.5 ...

Query as to whether the coordinates of the grab point have changed. GetAllPropertiesAndMethodsByObject

Function The Workset.Lib.GetAllPropertiesAndMethodesByObject (ComosObj) function provides a collection containing all names of the properties and methods for the referenced COMOS object.

These keywords are also passed to the Script editor. Consequently, the script editor is able to recognize the COMOS variables and marks them in color. In this way it is possible to avoid potential problems caused by the unintended or incorrect use of COMOS variables by the user.

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Symbol Designer 4.9 Symbol script

Reports - Basic Operation Operating Manual, 08/2011, A5E03638220-01 85 Deactivating the scaling and rotation grab points

Introduction Scaling and rotation grab points can be influenced by defining a global variable, outside the Geometry function, in the symbol script:

● DisableScaleGrab = true

No scaling is possible via grab points.

● DisableRotationGrab = true

No rotation is possible via grab points.

This option is also available in the EE report.

● DisableXYScaleGrab = true

It is not possible to have different scaling for the X- and Y-axes.

These options are only available in the P&ID report.

Example 'DisableScaleGrab = true DisableRotationGrab = true DisableXYScaleGrab = true Function Geometrie (PARAM) ResetToDefaults Header.Layer = "2" Header.Width = 0.1 Header.LineTyp = 1

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Symbol Designer 4.9 Symbol script

Reports - Basic Operation 86 Operating Manual, 08/2011, A5E03638220-01 Implementing a symbol

Function Geometrie (PARAM) Function Geometrie (PARAM) ResetToDefaults Header.Layer = "2" Header.Width = 0.1 Header.LineTyp = 1 Header.Class = " " Set GA = Grab("G", 150, -100, TRUE) Set p1 = Coord( 0, 0) Set p2 = Coord(GA.X, 0) Set p3 = Coord( 0, GA.Y) Set p4 = Coord(GA.X, GA.Y) DrawLine p1, p2 DrawLine p1, p3 DrawLine p3, p4 DrawLine p2, p4 If Param.SystemType = "8" Then If Param.Project.Type = "S" Then FileName = Param.Project.GetDocumentDirectory Else FileName = Param.Project.CDeviceSystem.GetDocumentDirectory End If FileName = FileName + "\Reports\Pictures\IntrepidClass.JPG" DrawPicture p1, p4, FileName End If End Function

Possible file formats:









The size is defined in the script in the Set GA = Grab("G", 150, -100, TRUE) line. The picture is scaled without taking the page proportions into account. It can, therefore, be stretched or compressed.

This function uses a VisualBasic routine. The compatibility of picture files is, therefore, not part of the core scope of COMOS.

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Symbol Designer 4.10 Conversion Tables

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4.10 Conversion Tables Conversion tables for the color settings of the symbols in reports appear below.

P&ID code conversion table (1..255) to RGB values

COMOS P&ID color code

R value G value B value

1 0 0 0 2 0 0 51 3 0 0 102 4 0 0 153 5 0 0 204 6 0 0 255 7 0 51 0 8 0 51 51 9 0 51 102

10 0 51 153 11 0 51 204 12 0 51 255 13 0 102 0 14 0 102 51 15 0 102 102 16 0 102 153 17 0 102 204 18 0 102 255 19 0 153 0 20 0 153 51 21 0 153 102 22 0 153 153 23 0 153 204 24 0 153 255 25 0 204 0 26 0 204 51 27 0 204 102 28 0 204 153 29 0 204 204 30 0 204 255 31 0 255 0 32 0 255 51 33 0 255 102 34 0 255 153 35 0 255 204

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Symbol Designer 4.10 Conversion Tables

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COMOS P&ID color code

R value G value B value

36 0 255 255 37 51 0 0 38 51 0 51 39 51 0 102 40 51 0 153 41 51 0 204 42 51 0 255 43 51 51 0 44 51 51 51 45 51 51 102 46 51 51 153 47 51 51 204 48 51 51 255 49 51 102 0 50 51 102 51 51 51 102 102 52 51 102 153 53 51 102 204 54 51 102 255 55 51 153 0 56 51 153 51 57 51 153 102 58 51 153 153 59 51 153 204 60 51 153 255 61 51 204 0 62 51 204 51 63 51 204 102 64 51 204 153 65 51 204 204 66 51 204 255 67 51 255 0 68 51 255 51 69 51 255 102 70 51 255 153 71 51 255 204 72 51 255 255 73 102 0 0 74 102 0 51 75 102 0 102 76 102 0 153

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Symbol Designer 4.10 Conversion Tables

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COMOS P&ID color code

R value G value B value

77 102 0 204 78 102 0 255 79 102 51 0 80 102 51 51 81 102 51 102 82 102 51 153 83 102 51 204 84 102 51 255 85 102 102 0 86 102 102 51 87 102 102 102 88 102 102 153 89 102 102 204 90 102 102 255 91 102 153 0 92 102 153 51 93 102 153 102 94 102 153 153 95 102 153 204 96 102 153 255 97 102 204 0 98 102 204 51 99 102 204 102 100 102 204 153 101 102 204 204 102 102 204 255 103 102 255 0 104 102 255 51 105 102 255 102 106 102 255 153 107 102 255 204 108 102 255 255 109 153 0 0 110 153 0 51 111 153 0 102 112 153 0 153 113 153 0 204 114 153 0 255 115 153 51 0 116 153 51 51 117 153 51 102

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Symbol Designer 4.10 Conversion Tables

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COMOS P&ID color code

R value G value B value

118 153 51 153 119 153 51 204 120 153 51 255 121 153 102 0 122 153 102 51 123 153 102 102 124 153 102 153 125 153 102 204 126 153 102 255 127 153 153 0 128 153 153 51 129 153 153 102 130 153 153 153 131 153 153 204 132 153 153 255 133 153 204 0 134 153 204 51 135 153 204 102 136 153 204 153 137 153 204 204 138 153 204 255 139 153 255 0 140 153 255 51 141 153 255 102 142 153 255 153 143 153 255 204 144 153 255 255 145 204 0 0 146 204 0 51 147 204 0 102 148 204 0 153 149 204 0 204 150 204 0 255 151 204 51 0 152 204 51 51 153 204 51 102 154 204 51 153 155 204 51 204 156 204 51 255 157 204 102 0 158 204 102 51

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COMOS P&ID color code

R value G value B value

159 204 102 102 160 204 102 153 161 204 102 204 162 204 102 255 163 204 153 0 164 204 153 51 165 204 153 102 166 204 153 153 167 204 153 204 168 204 153 255 169 204 204 0 170 204 204 51 171 204 204 102 172 204 204 153 173 204 204 204 174 204 204 255 175 204 255 0 176 204 255 51 177 204 255 102 178 204 255 153 179 204 255 204 180 204 255 255 181 255 0 0 182 255 0 51 183 255 0 102 184 255 0 153 185 255 0 204 186 255 0 255 187 255 51 0 188 255 51 51 189 255 51 102 190 255 51 153 191 255 51 204 192 255 51 255 193 255 102 0 194 255 102 51 195 255 102 102 196 255 102 153 197 255 102 204 198 255 102 255 199 255 153 0

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Symbol Designer 4.10 Conversion Tables

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COMOS P&ID color code

R value G value B value

200 255 153 51 201 255 153 102 202 255 153 153 203 255 153 204 204 255 153 255 205 255 204 0 206 255 204 51 207 255 204 102 208 255 204 153 209 255 204 204 210 255 204 255 211 255 255 0 212 255 255 51 213 255 255 102 214 255 255 153 215 255 255 204 216 255 255 255 217 26 0 0 218 77 0 0 219 128 0 0 220 179 0 0 221 230 0 0 222 0 26 0 223 0 77 0 224 0 128 0 225 0 179 0 226 0 230 0 227 0 0 26 228 0 0 77 229 0 0 128 230 0 0 179 231 0 0 230 232 0 26 26 233 0 77 77 234 0 128 128 235 0 179 179 236 0 230 230 237 26 0 26 238 77 0 77 239 128 0 128 240 179 0 179

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COMOS P&ID color code

R value G value B value

241 230 0 230 242 26 26 0 243 77 77 0 244 128 128 0 245 179 179 0 246 230 230 0 247 33 33 33 248 69 69 69 249 84 84 84 250 120 120 120 251 135 135 135 252 171 171 171 253 186 186 186 254 222 222 222 255 237 237 237

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Symbol Designer 4.10 Conversion Tables

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Basic Operation Report Designer 55.1 General

This section contains additional information on the Report designer. Knowledge of the following section is a prerequisite: Basic operation of reports and symbols (Page 17).

Options for opening the Report designer ● "Extra" menu > "Report designer"

● "Open" command in the context menu of report templates

● "Open document template" command in the context menu of reports

5.2 Background: Drawing types Reports are drawing type specific. A report is typically created for one specific drawing type.

Display depends on the drawing type When you place an object on a report, only one symbol can be displayed in this position. The report must decide on one symbol from all symbols that have been created with the various drawing types.

Principally, a report can of course also display symbols from different drawing types. You could place a list on a report and output the various symbols of one object in this list one after the other. However, when working with interactive reports in the actual engineering process, objects are placed and the symbols of one drawing type only must be displayed in the context of such placing operations.

Creating and controlling a new drawing type A standard table controls which drawing types are recognized in COMOS:

You can find additional information on this topic in the "COMOS Administration" manual, keyword "Drawing type".

In the options script of a report you specify the drawing type for which the symbols are to be displayed. See also chapter SymbolType (String) (Page 152).

Functionalities that are specific to the drawing type can be used in the symbols, for example, text functions. A standard table must be created for this purpose:

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Basic Operation Report Designer 5.3 Page display

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You can find additional information on this topic in the "COMOS Administration" manual, keyword "@IRF_<drawing type> e.g.: @IRF_DETAIL".

You can create separate report layers for each drawing type. To do this, create a new base object in the base project on the "Base objects" tab under the following object:

"@System > @D Data > @GRAFICS > @LAYERS".

5.3 Page display

Controlling the page display

Elements that are created on page 0, known as the master page, appear on all pages.

If you select a page and place elements on this page of the report template, these elements will also only be output on this page when the report is run.

5.4 Context menu

5.4.1 Insert object

"Edit > Paste object" command This command in the context menu of the Report designer opens a dialog which can be used to insert OLE objects.

The following table describes the control elements of this window:

Control element Description "Create new" option This list offers all programs that are registered in the Windows

Registry. "Create from file" option You can select a file here. This enables you to integrate programs

not included in the registry. "Symbol" option Activated:

The program is started in the background and you can work in the report as if the report had the capabilities of the started program. The results are also displayed directly in the report.

Deactivated: The program is started. You cannot see the result in the report, you only see the program icon.

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Recommendation Deactivate the "Symbol" option. When you confirm with the "OK" button, the external program is first started in the background. Once you have completed your entries, click outside the editing frame on the report. The external program is terminated and your inputs are displayed.

To post-edit the object you inserted, double-click it.

Properties The "Properties" command becomes available when you select the inserted object. It opens the "OLE document parameters" window.

The following table describes the control elements of the "OLE document parameters" window:

Control element Description "Name" field Each object can also be addressed by a script via the name. For

this reason the names must be unique. "P1" and "P2" fields The X- and Y-coordinates of the top left and bottom right point. If a

coordinate is changed, the object is stretched or jolted accordingly."Eval Sequence" list Stipulates the sequence in which the objects are evaluated.

Through this you stipulate in which sequence the individual report items are calculated. Since it does not matter for most objects in which order they are calculated, you only stipulate an approximate rule for the sequence with the Eval Sequence: All objects with EvalSequence 0 are calculated prior to all report items with EvalSequence 1, and so on. No calculation sequence is applied to objects with the same EvalSequence.

"Scale" field Specifies the scale of the OLE object. "Edit in Comos" option If this option is deactivated, the object cannot be opened and post-

edited in COMOS. "Fixed content" option Fixes the OLE object. "Show always in original size, ignore frame" option

The object protrudes over the edge of the frame if necessary. With this option the frame cannot be changed in size, since the frame is simply ignored.

"Reduce, if document does not fit in frame" option

The frame determines the maximum size and the object is reduced to fit as required.

"Zoom in and Zoom out" option The frame determines the maximum size and the size of the object is always optimized to fit within the frame when the frame is changed.

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5.4.2 Exporting / Importing scripts

"Edit > Copy all scripts to clipboard" command The scripts from all objects are collected and are transferred to the Windows clipboard. You can load and edit the clipboard in any text editor. When you copy the edited version to the clipboard, the script can be transferred back to the correct objects with the help of the following command.

"Edit > Paste scripts from clipboard" command Only appears once the scripts have been transferred. The command transfers the edited script back to the objects.

5.4.3 Correction function

"Edit > Correct old texts with EDIT-OCX" command If the "Correct old texts with Edit-OCX" command is executed, the edit property is deleted in the case of texts for which it is not relevant. The "Script" or "Item,Property" text types are not changed.

5.4.4 Aligning objects on the grid

"Edit > Align all objects at raster" command This function aligns the objects on the report grid. You can call this command for individual objects, a selection batch or the complete report template.

5.4.5 Evaluating the text language

"Edit > Check text language" command This function transfers all texts in the currently set project language for which exactly only one entry exists in a language.

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5.4.6 Converting text elements into text box elements

"Edit > Convert all text items to text box items" command Texts can be generated by means of a mouse click. In this context we also refer to a placing point for the text. Texts can be generated by drawing a frame. In this case we also refer to a placing frame for the text. This function converts all texts with a placing point into texts with placing frames, whereas you stipulate the width of the frame yourself.

5.4.7 Selecting overlapping text boxes

"Edit > Select all overlapping text boxes" command This command selects all texts with placing frames where placing frames overlap.

5.4.8 Connecting collinear lines

"Edit > Merge collinear lines" command This function combines multiple lines to a single line if there is a vanishing line or lines touch each other or lines partially overlap.

5.4.9 Extend text point

"Edit > Extend text point" Via this function all texts with a placing point are converted in text with a placing frame, whereas the placing frame covers the complete working area of the report template.

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Basic Operation Report Designer 5.4 Context menu

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5.4.10 Other editing functions

"Edit > Convert OLE object to report element" command You can drag an Excel file directly from the Explorer in the Report designer onto the report template. Hence an OLE group is created. The first table sheet is placed as visible, the other sheets are still available in the OLE object. You can open them with a double-click.

You can use the "Convert OLE object to report element" function to convert the Excel file into COMOS objects, e.g. into individual lines, text boxes, etc. The original Excel file is retained. You can delete it manually.

Procedure To execute the function, proceed as follows:

1. Select the Excel file on the report template.

2. Open the context menu and select the "Edit > Convert OLE object to report element" command.

To make it easier to process the Excel file on the report template, once you have completed the conversion to report objects, use the "Align all objects at raster" function to fit the individual objects to the grid.

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Basic Operation Report Designer 5.5 Options: worksheet parameters and script

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5.5 Options: worksheet parameters and script You can make settings via the "Options" that effect the entire worksheet.

"Grid" control group ● "Display" option

– Activated: The grid is displayed on the report.

– Deactivated: The grid is not displayed, but is still used.

● "Distance" list

Select a size for the grid spacing from the list or enter a value via the keyboard. To enable a more accurate conversion to other units, you can specify the grid with up to four decimal places.

"Document size" control group Entries in the document size area "X" for the width" and "Y" the height are possible when no Master report was stipulated. If a Master report is used, the Master report determines the size and no user-defined settings can be entered.

● "Unit" list

Select the required unit from this list.

"Master report" field Selects the template file of a Master report. The Master report is a template file that is used in many ways. Example: A template file is created with a company-specific header and footer. This template file is saved.

You can use "..\" for the relative integration of master reports.

A new template file is created and the previously created file is inserted as the Master report.

The Master report can thus be incorporated into multiple template files. Typically a "child frame" is created within the Master report, this being the space that is left as a working area for the dependent template file. This is done by moving the upper left-hand point of the "dependent" template file onto the upper left-hand point of the child frame in the Master report. All elements of the current report are correspondingly moved as well.

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The script area Enter the script that is to apply to the entire report template in this field. This includes, for example, global variables or the system calls for the user interfaces of interactive reports.

These variables can be accessed in a report script with the prefix Report.. Example: Report.RpVar accesses the RpVar variable in the options.

The "Document size" and "Master report" fields have a logical relation: When a Master report is selected, a template file becomes a subordinate report. In the Master report there is often a specified area that applies to the subordinate report. The size stipulated for the template file within the "Document size" field should match the size of the area to be used in the Master report.

5.6 Placing texts

Toolbar of the Designer, tool: "Text"

Application To place a text, use the "Text" tool to draw a text frame from the top left to the bottom right. A placeholder text becomes visible as a result. The text frame is not displayed initially. If no text frame is drawn, but the text is placed by means of a mouse click, the text gets an invisible "placement point". The text can be selected by clicking the invisible text frame or the the placement point once.

5.6.1 Text parameter: Defaults

If you activate the "Text" tool, you can set default values for all new texts in the "Text parameters" window.

See also Text parameter: Defaults (Page 31)

5.6.2 Text parameter: Properties In the Report designer, text is a generic term for all options associated with the input or output of text. In addition to static text such as the address of a company, it also covers script text for programming.

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Text types If you right-click on a text, you can open the "Text parameters" window via the "Properties" command:

The following text types are offered:

● "ReportObject property"

See also Type "ReportObject-Property" (Page 106).

● "Expression"

See also Type "Expression" (Page 107).

● "Script"

See also Type "Script" (Page 107).

● "Item property"

See also Type "Item-Property" (Page 109).

● "Fix"

See also Type "Fixed" (Page 109).

● "Attribute"

See also Type "Attribute" (Page 110).

Tabs The "General" and "Properties" tabs in the "Text parameters" window apply for all types. Other tabs are displayed, depending on the text type you selected.

With the exception of the "Fix" type, the ultimate text of the text variable is determined by both the variable type and the report object.

In many cases the desired result can be accomplished in a number of different ways. The "Name" property of the report object can be addressed directly via ReportObject-Property. However, it works in exactly the same way as entering the expression ReportObject.Name.

With the help of the options you can specify which text type is offered as a template when a text is placed.

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5.6.3 "Text parameters" window

General window area The following table describes the control elements of the general window area:

Control element Description "Type" list See also:

Type "ReportObject-Property" (Page 106) Type "Expression" (Page 107) Type "Script" (Page 107) Type "Item-Property" (Page 109) Type "Fixed" (Page 109) Type "Attribute" (Page 110)

"Apply immediately" option Transfers the following settings to the text without having to confirm with the "OK" button. You can continue to use the "Cancel" button.

"General" tab The following table describes the control elements on the "General" tab:

Control element Description "Name" field Each object can also be addressed by a script via the name. For this

reason the names must be unique. "P1" and "P2" fields The X- and Y-coordinates of the top left and bottom right point. If a

coordinate is changed, the object is stretched or jolted accordingly. "Eval Sequence" list Stipulates the sequence in which the objects are evaluated.

This stipulates the sequence in which the individual report items are calculated. Since it does not matter for the majority of the objects in which order they are calculated, you only specify an approximate rule for the order: All objects with EvalSequence 0 are calculated prior to all report items with EvalSequence 1, and so on. No calculation order is guaranteed for objects with the same EvalSequence.

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Control element Description "Edit OCX" list Whether or not this option can be set depends on the text type.

The following values are possible: "Edit (general)": Selection field with editing option "Attribute value": During subsequent editing the value of the

attribute is edited in each case, regardless of which property is specified. The "Property" field can remain empty for the Edit OCX "attribute value". The input property is displayed when the report is evaluated. During editing, after the evaluation of the report, the entry changes into the attribute value.

"Edit (query)" "Not editable": Selection field for the value, without editing option

"Reevaluate per page" option If a text variable is placed on the "All pages" "Master page", the value appears on each page of a multi-page report. However, the value is only generated once and the output is the same on all pages. If the text value is to be recalculated on each page, the "Reevaluate per page" option must be selected. The most frequent use for this option is for the output of the current page number: place the text in the template file on "All pages". Select "Expression" as the "Type" and enter the expression "PageNr" into the field. The "Reevaluate per page" option is marked on the "General" tab. The current page number is now displayed on each page.

"Properties" tab This tab is identical for all text types. The following table describes the control elements on the "Properties" tab:

Control element Description "Font" field Click the "Font" field or the "..." button. The "Font" window is

displayed. Here you can input values for the font, font style, size and display.

"Color" field Field inside: Controls the text color. The settings that are made here apply to the text itself.

Field outside: Controls the background color. The settings that are made here apply to the background of the text frame.

Note: The background color is only visible if a text frame is dragged out when generating a text. If you generate the text by clicking the report once with the mouse, no text frame is generated.

"Angle" list Rotates the text around its placing position. If the text is rotated with the mouse, the current angle is also entered here.

"Alignment" options When you click on one of these options, the position of the text in the text frame is specified. If there is no text frame, the text is aligned according to the placing point.

"Show texts unchanged" option

The complete text is displayed as it was entered in the Text parameters window.

"Cut oversized texts" option Text that protrudes from the text frame is cut.

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Control element Description "Fit oversized texts" option The font size is adjusted in such a way that the text fits into the

specified text frame. "Wrap too long texts" option Line breaks are inserted so that the entire text can be displayed. "Adjust height automatically" option

In addition, the text frame is scaled in such a way that it include the complete text.

"Soft" option Activated: The text is placed closer to the text frame. Deactivated: The text is placed without a distance.

"Layer" list Reports can have layers, see also Layers in reports (Page 36). This list is used to assign a layer to a text. In the interactive report, you have the option to show and hide the layers, thereby controlling what is visible.

The switch tab The rear tab changes according to the selected "Type".

See also Text parameter: Defaults (Page 31)

5.6.4 Type "ReportObject-Property"

Overview Every report must have a report object. The ReportObject has, depending on the object type, various properties that can be addressed. A number of the most frequently used properties are offered via the "Property" list:

Apart from these properties, which exist for virtually all object types, any other ones can also be input. When entering their own properties, users must make sure that the addressed property does exist in the ReportObject. It must be known to which object type the ReportObject belongs to. For example, if a unit is set as a report object, the property "CDeviceFullName" that outputs the path to the base object of the ReportObject can be addressed.

The result is output as text in the report.

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5.6.5 Type "Expression"

Overview This text type is frequently used to call key objects that are not linked with the "report object", for example:

● Date

● PageNr As Variant

● MaxPageNr() As Long

● GlobalPageNr() As Long

A number of properties of the ReportObject object are listed by way of an example. In day-to-day operations, however, these properties can be called more quickly as the ReportObject-Property text type:

● "ReportObject.Name"

● "ReportObject.Description"

● "ReportObject.Value"

● "ReportObject.DisplayValue"

● "ReportObject.PhysUnitLabel"

5.6.6 Type "Script" With this setting it is possible to write code for more complex instructions. Therefore, there must be a syntactically correct instruction here, such as Text = ReportObject.Name).

The code can also have several lines.

Example 1: Dim User Set User = ReportObject.Workset.GetCurrentUser() Text = User.Name

Text does not represent a variable here, but is actually the output function for text.

Example 2: Dim Uservar Set Uservar = ReportObject.Workset.GetCurrentUser() if Not Uservar is Nothing Then Text = Uservar.Name else Text = "Undefined!" endif

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Example 3: Text allocations A function that is often used in a script is the allocation of properties to the predefined text output function Text. Here are a number of examples:

● Text = ReportObject.Unit

Returns the unit of the object.

● Text = ReportObject.CDevice.Manufacturer.Description

Returns the description of the manufacturer.

● Text = ReportObject.Ordertext

Returns the order text of the object.

● Text = ReportObject.Fullname()

Returns the name of the superordinate object and of the object itself.

● Text = ReportObject.CDevice.BackPointerDevices.Item(1). Name

Returns the first device of the same device class within the entire project, or more precisely the last device. The list is scanned starting from the end.

● Text = ReportObject.Owner.Name

Returns the name of the superordinate object.

● Text = ReportObject.Owner.Owner.Name

Returns the name of the object that is superordinate by two hierarchical levels.

Example 4: Change static texts You can use a script to assign a value directly to static texts of the "Fixed" text type.

The report is accessed with the ReportDocument expression. A text that has been placed on a report has a name such as Text5. The text can be addressed with this name. The following syntax applies:

ReportDocument.Item("Text5").Text = "Example text"

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5.6.7 Type "Item-Property" It is possible to access and change the properties of objects via the report with the help of these text types. Text types "ReportObject-Property" or "Expression" only allow read access.

The following table describes the fields on the "Item" tab:

Field Description "Item" An object must be input as an item, this being, for example, an attribute, an

engineering object, etc. "Property" The property which is to be editable is entered or selected as the property.

Example: Name Description Value DisplayValue.

Example A simple example makes the principle clearer:

"Item" "ReportObject" "Property" "Description " "Edit-Ocx" "Edit (general)"

Colored marking of the text frame The frame is displayed in green in the template file if it involves types of text that can be edited within the engineering project.

If the report is opened in the engineering project, or if the template file is evaluated, the description of the report object is displayed. The description can be overwritten via a keyboard input; the new description that has been input is saved in COMOS. A new description is allocated to the object within the engineering project.

5.6.8 Type "Fixed" A "Fix" text type is entirely static. Examples of such texts are headers or company names. The content of the text window is shown in the report in the form in which it was entered.

You can edit this text on the "Text" tab based on the various languages.

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5.6.9 Type "Attribute"

Dialog-controlled output of attributes Here, an attribute that has already been defined within the project is accessed. This function presupposes that the report template is already connected with an object by means of the "RObject" menu.

In the case of an access to an attribute of the "Text" type, the window only shows the "Format max. length" field, in which you can specify the maximum string length. If the text is longer, it is cut and labeled with "...".

In the case of an access to an attribute of the "Number" type, the following control elements are displayed:

Control element Description "Object" field Opens the "Define object path" window. "Attribute" field Opens the "Select attribute" Explorer window, in which you

select the attribute. "Current unit" option Uses the current unit of the physical unit group. "Default unit" option Uses the unit that had been defined in the units group as the

default setting. "SI unit" option Selects the international conversion unit from a unit group

(e.g. temperature). Example: Kelvin is selected in the case of the temperature.

"Other unit" option Makes it possible to select one of the other units from the units group.

"Unit of attribute:" option When this option is activated, the attribute value on the report is converted into the unit of another attribute. In the field, enter the nested name of another attribute with the same physical unit group so that the value can be converted into the unit of this attribute.

"Round off decimal places" option Activate this option to round off decimal places. Enter where decimal places should be rounded off in the adjacent field.

"Decimal delimiter" list The entries in the list have the following meaning: "Windows standard": Uses the as the Windows standard

defined delimiter. The Windows standard differs according to the used language.

",": Uses the comma (German default) ".": Uses the period (full stop) (American default)

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Control element Description "Exponential format" list The entries in the list have the following meaning:

"Do not use": Does not transform the value into an exponential function.

"For value range": Transforms the value into an exponential function if the value lies within the range of values defined by the user (e.g. > exp5).

"For max. string length": Transforms the value into an exponential function if the display of the value exceeds the maximum string length. This option is useful if only a fixed number of characters is available for the display of lists.

"Always use" Always transforms the value into an exponential function.

"Allow value input" option If this option is not activated, you will also not be able to input any values if an attribute of type "Edit" or "Edit/Combo" is selected.

Any attribute within the project can be selected. When the Explorer window is opened the first time, the "report object" can be seen as the initial starting basis. You can now maneuver to any point within the project from this initial starting point.

To move one of the objects in the "Go to" window to the left-hand window, double-click the object. The superordinate objects and the subordinate objects of this object are displayed.

You can undo any inputs by selecting an entry from the list in the right-hand window and selecting a new subordinate object from there.

Normally the "Script" tab should not be used with the "Attribute" text type.

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Basic Operation Report Designer 5.7 Buttons

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For advanced users You can modify the GetSpecOwner function manually in the automatically generated script. This means that you can set the owner of the attribute and all other parameters as you wish, in order to generate editable XValue lists, for example.

5.7 Buttons

5.7.1 Design elements

These design elements are primarily used in evaluating reports and serve as a display form of an attribute.

5.7.2 "General" tab The control elements are the same as those on the "General" tab in the "Text parameters" window.

See also "Text parameters" window (Page 104)

5.7.3 "Properties" tab

Control elements The following table describes the control elements on the "Properties" tab:

Control element Description "Color" field Calls the color selection. "Editable" option This option allows the element to be changed in the report. "RadioButton" option You use this option to specify that the option is a radio button. "CheckBox" option You use this option to specify that the option is a checkbox.

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Basic Operation Report Designer 5.8 Determining the working area / setting the origin

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5.7.4 Type "ReportObject-Property"

Types You can select the following types from the "Type" list in the "Checkbox / Radio button parameter" window:

● "ReportObject property": See also Type "ReportObject-Property" (Page 106).

● "Expression": See also Type "Expression" (Page 107).

● "Script": See also Type "Script" (Page 107).

● "Item property": Unlike the same setting for text fields, only read access is possible here. For that reason no Edit-OCX is input either here. The following table describes the control elements on the "Item" tab:

Control element Description "Item" field Enter an object as the item here, e.g. an attribute, an engineering object, etc. "Property" list Enter a property which is to be editable here. Example: Name, Description,

Value, DisplayValue See also Type "Item-Property" (Page 109).

5.8 Determining the working area / setting the origin


This function is used when a Master report is created. An area that is reserved for the subordinate report can be drawn in within the Master report. The placement point is used if no area is stipulated for the subordinate report. The placement point can be recognized by the two green concentric circles.

The for the subordinate report designated area should be retained. If you work outside this area in the subordinate report, there may be graphical overlaps between elements on the Master report and those on the child report.

Each Master report can only have one area for child reports.

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Basic Operation Report Designer 5.9 Place Windows metafile

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Procedure To define the area for a subordinate report, proceed as follows:

1. Click the "Define working area / Set point of origin" button.

2. Click on a point in the report.

3. Press and hold down the mouse button and draw an invisible rectangle.

The upper left-hand point of the placement area is also the placement point.

4. In the Master report, the area for the subordinate report is displayed with a green cross-hatched frame. In the subordinate report, the area reserved for the Master report is displayed with red cross-hatching, as a mirror image.

Alternative If only the placement point is to be moved, click once on the working area.

Subordinate report and Master report ● The placement point has special meaning. It determines the new point of origin of the

subordinate report. The point on the top left of the working area of the subordinate report is moved to the placement point.

● The remaining area for the child report only has a visual function. The area cannot be moved with the mouse. Repeat the procedure if you are not satisfied with the results.

● The subordinate report and the master report have to be aligned. If the placement point is moved, the entire child report is moved. Take care not to move any of the elements on the subordinate report beyond the boundary. Recommendation: Check the subordinate report whenever the placement point is moved.

5.9 Place Windows metafile


The import function for Windows metafiles is especially useful for the import of AutoCAD files. The AutoCAD files must be exported beforehand in WMF format within AutoCAD.

Procedure To place a Windows metafile, proceed as follows:

1. Click the "Place WMF picture" button.

2. drag out the placement frame,

3. Switch to the "Identify" tool.

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4. and right-click on the placement frame.

5. Select "Properties" from the context menu.

6. Enter the file name on the "General" tab.

Result You find three tabs in the "Windows Metafile Parameters" window.

● "General",

● "Script"

● "AutoCAD"

See also "General" tab (Page 115)

"Script" tab (Page 116)

"AutoCAD" tab (Page 116)

5.9.1 "General" tab

Overview The following table describes the control elements on the "General" tab:

Control element Description "Name" field Each object can be addressed by a script via the name. For this

reason the names must be unique. "P1" fields X-coordinate and Y-coordinate of the top left-hand point of the

placement frame "P2" fields X-coordinate and Y-coordinate of the bottom right-hand point of the

placement frame "Eval Sequence" list Determines the sequence in which the objects are evaluated.

This field determines in which order the individual report items are calculated. Since it does not matter for most objects in which order they are calculated, you only stipulate an approximate rule for the sequence with the Eval Sequence: All objects with EvalSequence 0 are calculated before all report items with EvalSequence 1, and so on. No calculation order is guaranteed for objects with the same EvalSequence.

"WMF-Filename" field Opens an Explorer window with which a WMF file can be selected. "Show always in original size, ignore frame" option

The picture protrudes beyond the placement frame, possibly on two sides.

"Enlarge or reduce with distortion" option

The picture is stretched to fit the frame.

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Control element Description "Enlarge or reduce without distortion" option

The picture is not stretched or distorted and protrudes beyond the placement frame, possibly on one side. The zoom factor of the picture is determined on the basis of the height or width of the frame.

"Reduce, if picture does not fit in frame" option

The picture is automatically zoomed without stretching until it fits in the frame.

5.9.2 "Script" tab

Overview This tab is not required for WMF files as a rule.

5.9.3 "AutoCAD" tab

Overview The following table describes the control elements on the "AutoCAD" tab:

Control element Description "No figure" option This option causes figures to not be displayed.. "Standard figure" option Uses the in the "PCP file for standard figure" field specified file. The

setting applies to the entire report, i.e. for all placed metafiles. "Current figure" option Uses the file specified in the "PCP file for current figure" field. Each

placed metafile can have its own current file. "PCP file for standard figure" field

Select the to be used PCP file as the default file for the entire report by clicking the "Select row report" button. This field becomes active when you select the "Standard figure" option.

"PCP file for current figure" field

Select the to be used PCP file for the placed metafile by clicking the "Select row report" button. This field becomes active when you select the "Current figure" option.

"Show colors" If you deactivate this option, the drawing will simply be drawn in black and white.

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5.10 Place picture frame


This tool is used to incorporate bitmaps. This makes it possible to output symbols and bitmaps in reports that are loaded with LoadPicture ("Name") or made available via COMOS.

Users who are familiar with the syntax can use the "Place text" function directly and do not require the "Place attributes" function. However, the latter has the advantage that syntax errors are automatically excluded.

5.11 Place subreport

A subreport contains default parts of reports that are used again and again in this particular context. This avoids having to enter the information again from scratch every time.

The difference between Master reports and subreports lies in the logical hierarchy of the linked template files:

A Master report is thus the subordinate "clip" for template files; a template file is the superordinate "clip" for subreports.

The subreport must be called at least once to turn active for the content to be displayed. The easiest way to do this is if at least the following entry is made on the "Script" tab: Sub OnCreate () " SetItemObject = ReportObject " End Sub

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Basic Operation Report Designer 5.12 Properties of the subreport

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Place subreport To place a subreport, proceed as follows:

1. Click the "Place subreport" button.

2. Click a point in the report.

3. Hold down the mouse button and drag out a rectangle from the top left to the bottom right. Make sure that the subreport is dragged out in this direction and not vice versa. In the template file, the subreport is displayed by means of a double frame.

4. Switch to the "Identify object" tool and mark the frame of the subreport.

5. Right-click the frame of the subreport.

6. Select the "Properties" command from the context menu.

Result The properties of the placed subreport are displayed.

See also Properties of the subreport (Page 118)

5.12 Properties of the subreport

"General" tab The following table describes the control elements on the "General" tab:

Control element Description "Name" field Enter a desired but unique name in this field. "P1" fields X-coordinate and Y-coordinate of the top left-hand point. "P2" fields X-coordinate and Y-coordinate of the bottom right-hand point. "Eval Sequence" list Stipulates the sequence in which the objects are evaluated.

This stipulates in which sequence the individual report items are calculated. Since it does not matter for most objects in which order they are calculated, you only stipulate an approximate rule for the sequence with the Eval Sequence: All objects with EvalSequence 0 are calculated before all report items with EvalSequence 1, and so on. No calculation order is guaranteed for objects with the same EvalSequence.

"Size variable" option As a rule this option is not required here.

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Basic Operation Report Designer 5.13 Graphical objects

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"SubReport" tab The following table describes the control elements on the "SubReport" tab:

Control element Description "File name" field Enter the file name of the subreport template file here. To do this, click the

"..." button. "Item" field Here you can specify which "item" is to be used for the subreport. An item is

a special object type. The "ReportObject" template value can be retained, even if an object is not called actively.

"Script" tab You can define variables to be used in the subreport here. Make sure that at least the following is entered, otherwise the subreport will not be displayed: Sub OnCreate () EvalOneRow End Sub

5.13 Graphical objects Graphical objects in reports are objects that have no counterpart in the database and only exist within the report. Lines or circles are examples of graphical objects.

Procedure To place a graphical object, proceed as follows:

1. Click the "Place graphical object" button.

2. Drag out a frame with the mouse.

Make sure that you drag out the frame from the top left to the bottom right. Otherwise errors can occur in relation to the placement point of the frame: The software always expects the placement point to be on the top left. If you made the frame in some other way, objects, for example, will be drawn outside of the frame on the basis of the starting point as the placement point.

3. Click the "Identify object" tool.

4. Right-click on the frame.

5. Select the "Properties" command from the context menu.

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Result The "Object parameters" window is displayed. This window contains the "General" and "Script" tabs.

See also Properties of graphical objects (Page 120)

5.14 Properties of graphical objects

"General" tab The following table describes the control elements on the "General" tab:

Control element Description "Name" field Enter a unique name of your choice here. "P1" fields X-coordinate and Y-coordinate of the top left-hand point. "P2" fields X-coordinate and Y-coordinate of the bottom right-hand point. "Eval Sequence" list

Stipulates the sequence in which the objects are evaluated. This stipulates in which sequence the individual report items are calculated. Since it does not matter for the majority of the objects in which order they are calculated, you only specify an approximate rule for the order with the Eval Sequence: All objects with EvalSequence 0 are calculated before all report items with EvalSequence 1, and so on. No calculation order is guaranteed for objects with the same EvalSequence.

Please note that all report objects can be addressed by name within scripts. You can use the self-allocated names in scripts.

"Script" tab On this tab you enter the script used to draw the graphic or access a symbol. There are two applications for this:

1. Script-oriented drawing

2. Script-oriented access to the symbols of the base devices

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Script-oriented drawing Example script for the "Script" tab:

Example script Function Dim g Although not strictly necessary from a technical point

of view, variables should always be declared outside the subroutine.

Sub OnCreate() set g = GeoEngine(True)

Assignment of the drawing object to the variable. g.Header.Layer = "2" g.Header.Width = 0.3 g.Header.Class = "@@@"

Line thickness

Set p1 = g.Coord(0,5) Set p2 = g.Coord(0,0) g.DrawLine p1, p2 Set p3 = g.Coord(5,5) Set p4 = g.Coord(15,5) g.DrawLine p3, p4

Start and end point for a line.

Set p5 = g.Coord(7,15.5) Set p6 = g.Coord(8,15.5) Set p7 = g.Coord(8,15.5) g.DrawArc p5, p6, p7 End Sub

Arc segment: 1. coordinate: mid-point (X,Y) 2. coordinate: 1st segment point 3. coordinate: 2nd segment point A circle is drawn if the 2nd and 3rd coordinates are the same.

The coordinates are based on the bottom left-hand point of the frame.

Script-oriented symbol access Example script for the "Script" tab:

Example script Function ' Public Variables Dim Sym Sub OnCreate() set sym = reportobject.devsymbols.item ("DETAIL") gengeometrie sym.script, nothing End sub

Assignment of the drawing type symbol Output of the variables. An object can be transferred with the second parameter.

This assignment assumes that the object of the report includes a symbol for drawing type "Detail". Any other object can be used in place of the reportobject . In this case the corresponding path has to be specified in the set command.

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Basic Operation Report Designer 5.15 Placing attributes

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5.15 Placing attributes

The "Place attributes" button opens an interface where you can select previously created attributes.

The attribute must be of the "List" type.

Normally the result is translated into an "Expression" type text field. Users who are familiar with the syntax can use the "Place text" function directly and do not require the "Place attributes" function. However, this has the advantage that syntax errors are automatically excluded.

If the "Editable" option is activated for a "DisplayValue", a text field of the "Item property" type is used.

Procedure To place an attribute, proceed as follows:

1. Click the "Place attributes" button.

2. Select the desired settings in the "Select attribute" window.

3. Click "OK".

4. Click on a point in the report.

5. Drag out a frame with the mouse with the button held down.

6. The area is displayed by means of a green area in the template file.

7. Click the "Identify object" tool.

8. Right-click on the green area.

Result You will see the usual tabs.

See also Control elements in the "Select attribute" window (Page 123)

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Basic Operation Report Designer 5.16 ComosROUtilities.GlobalUtilities function

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5.15.1 Control elements in the "Select attribute" window

Overview The following table describes the control elements on the "Select attribute" tab:

Control element Description "Object" option Accesses an attribute of an object. In the script syntax, this option is

equivalent to the "OSpec" key term. "Project" option Accesses an attribute of the project. In the script syntax this option is

of equal importance to key term "PSpec". "Document" option Accesses an attribute of a document. In the script syntax this option

is of equal importance to key term "DSpec". "All" option Three text fields are placed for "Value", "Description", and "Unit". "Value" option A text field for "DisplayValue" is placed. "Editable" option This option allows user input in interaction with the "Value" property. "Description" option A text field is placed for "Description". "Unit" option A text field is placed for "Unit". "Section" list The tabs that are available for the object are displayed. Table The attributes that are available on the tab are displayed here.

5.16 ComosROUtilities.GlobalUtilities function

Report templates The ComosROUtilities.GlobalUtilities function is used for report templates in the COMOSDB, in particular. This function determines the number of documents depending on the project setting for the document sequence:

Setting Definition Name Document in the owner collection Unit/Name All project documents on the "General" tab Location/Name All project documents on the "Locations" tab Unit/Location/Name; Location/Unit/Name

All project documents except reference documents

Reference documents; page numbers Documents in the owner collection of the reference document

Group/Name All reference documents in the project Standard Like reference documents, if referenced, otherwise like


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Script options in Reports 66.1 AllowPreload

BOOLEAN, Default = FALSE, turns ComosPreloading on or off .

6.2 AnsiWiringRadius (Double) Example/Syntax: AnsiWiringRadius = 5

Values > 0 state the curve radius in millimeters in the case of rounded corners for connections; linking points are not displayed. 0 means no ANSI display; linking points are displayed.

6.3 Application (String) Example / Syntax: Application = "FUP"

This assignment is used to specify the basic type of the report template. Possible types are:





6.4 AutoConnectExternObjects (Boolean) Default = False

Syntax: AutoConnectExternObjects = TRUE

Enables the creation of semi-open connections during automatic connection.

6.5 AutoConnectX (Boolean) You find more information on this topic in the "E&IC" manual, keyword "AutoConnectX".

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Script options in Reports 6.6 AutoDistributeTerminals (Boolean)

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6.6 AutoDistributeTerminals (Boolean) You find more information on this topic in the "E&IC" manual, keyword "AutoDistributeTerminals".

6.7 AutoLoop (Boolean) You find more information on this topic in the "E&IC" manual, keyword "AutoLoop".

6.8 AutoLoopCables (Boolean) You find more information on this topic in the "E&IC" manual, keyword "AutoLoopCables".

6.9 AutoLoopConnectorLayers (Long) You find more information on this topic in the "E&IC" manual, keyword "AutoLoopConnectorLayers".

6.10 AutoLoopDebug (Boolean) You find more information on this topic in the "E&IC" manual, keyword "AutoLoopDebug".

6.11 AutoLoopFactor (Long) You find more information on this topic in the "E&IC" manual, keyword "AutoLoopFactor".

6.12 AutoLoopFilter (String) You find more information on this topic in the "E&IC" manual, keyword "AutoLoopFilter".

6.13 AutoLoopTerminalMultiPlacing (Boolean) You find more information on this topic in the "E&IC" manual, keyword "AutoLoopTerminalMultiPlacing".

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Script options in Reports 6.14 AutoLoopTerminalStrip

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6.14 AutoLoopTerminalStrip For TRUE no terminals and plugs are generated in AutoLoop/AutoConnect ; instead, terminal strips and plug strips are generated and connected. Prerequisite: the terminal has a fitting symbol for the current drawing type.

6.15 AutoMarkAsChanged (Boolean) Example / Syntax: AutoMarkAsChanged = True

For more information about the enhanced function, see also AutoWatchRevisions (Boolean) (Page 127).

You find more information on this topic in the "Isometrics" manual, keyword "AutoMarkAsChanged".

6.16 AutoRouting Activate/Deactivate Automatic Routing, Syntax: AutoRouting = TRUE.

6.17 AutoSaveDocument (Boolean) AutoSaveDocument = True

Stipulates if upon closing the document it should be saved without a further prompt.

6.18 AutoStartLoop (Boolean) You find more information on this topic in the "E&IC" manual, keyword "AutoStartLoop".

6.19 AutoWatchRevisions (Boolean) AutoWatchRevisions = True

You find more information on this topic in the "Revisions" manual, keyword "Revision monitoring".

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Script options in Reports 6.20 BlackBackground (Boolean)

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6.20 BlackBackground (Boolean) Default = False

If the value is set to "True", the report background is black.

If the value is set to "False", the report background is white.

6.21 BlackBoxVersion = 2 (default) => Display with references and OwnDescription links = 1 => old display only centered with BMK.

6.22 BOMCompressionKeys (String) You find more information on this topic in the "Isometrics" manual, keyword "BOMCompressionKeys variable".

6.23 CableObjectVersion (Long) CableObjectVersion = 1

● = 1: Old RoCable objects are generated upon drag&drop

● = 2: Generates new RoCable objects

6.24 CheckDocObjects (Boolean) Example / Syntax: CheckDocObjects = True

True starts the automatic check of all the objects placed on a report when the report is opened and displays the results in the "Document analysis" message box. This functionality can be switched off with the False setting. This is desirable if there is a large number of objects on the report, as this will reduce the time needed for the report to load.

6.25 CheckInAllImportSpecifications BOOLEAN, Default = FALSE. If this value is TRUE, DXF attributes whose Displayvalue = "" are also checked in.

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Script options in Reports 6.26 CheckIOConsistency (Boolean)

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6.26 CheckIOConsistency (Boolean) Example / Syntax: CheckIOConsistency = True

Activates the input/output consistency check in FixDependencies in function diagrams to prevent incorrect allocations.

6.27 ConcessionRI (Boolean) Example / Syntax: ConcessionRI = True

The True setting prevents changes to the connection logic of COMOS connectors when objects are placed on this report. It is used if COMOS objects and their connections to one another have already been entered on other documents and in the database and these objects are to be displayed on other plans without having any effect on the information that is already stored in the database.

6.28 ConnectionHook (Double) Example / Syntax: ConnectionHook = 2

Stipulates the display type and the size of connection points. 0 generates a connection point. Numerical values > 0 generate connection hooks with the corresponding size in millimeters.

6.29 ConnectionHookMode Display of the VKPs at the connections:

● 0 (default) = mixed

● 1 = ConnectionHook only

● 2 = ConnectionPoint only

6.30 ConnectionLineMode (String) Example / Syntax: ConnectionLineMode = "RW"

Stipulates the type of connecting lines.


● RW: read/write (default value)

● R: read-only

● W: write-only

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Script options in Reports 6.31 ContactMirror_X (Double)

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6.31 ContactMirror_X (Double) Example / Syntax: ContactMirror_X = 0

Stipulates the X-position of the contact mirror. The value is specified in millimeters.

6.32 ContactMirror_Y (Double) Example / Syntax: ContactMirror_Y = 20

Stipulates the Y-position of the contact mirror. The value is specified in millimeters.

6.33 CopyConnectionDependentObjects (Boolean) Example / Syntax: CopyConnectionDependentObjects = True

Only for internal use.

6.34 CreateOleItemdoublex1doubley1doublex2doubley2IDispatch**retVal Creates an OLE item on the document

Sample script Set oleItem = createOleItem(10, 10, 10, 10) If Not oleItem Is Nothing Then

Output "OleItem created"

succes = oleItem.LinkToFile("D:\Documents\test.docx")

If succes Then

Output "Linked to file successfull"


Output "Linked to file not successfull. File not found."

End If

End If

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Script options in Reports 6.35 CutHorizontal

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6.35 CutHorizontal

Connection crossings Connection crossings are currently used in P&IDs and FDs.

Connection crossings: "CutHorizontal"

● False (default): The horizontal connection is cut visually at connection crossings.

● True: The vertical connection is cut visually at connection crossings. This case corresponds to the DIN standard.

6.36 CutLineConnectorOffset Defines the distance between a drawn CutLine from a connector or a pipe end point. The default value is 5. The value is specified in millimeters.

6.37 CutLineWidth (Double) Example / Syntax: CutLineWidth = <Parameter>

Stipulates the cutout width in millimeters when pipes cross over each other on diagrams of type PFD.

6.38 CutLineConnectorOffset (Double) Example / Syntax: CutLineConnectorOffset = <parameter>. The default value is 5.

Defines the distance between a CutLine and a connector or the end of a pipe.

If the user wants to draw the CutLine right up to the edge of a connector, for example, CutLineConnectorOffset must be equal to half the CutLineWidth + the radius of the connector. The value of the connector is usually 1.5.

Edge condition: Option DrawIntersectionArc has to be turned off.

6.39 D3ToIsoAutoOn If this value is TRUE, the corresponding ISO is automatically generated in 3D when an ISO plan is opened.

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Script options in Reports 6.40 DefaultIdRectsForSymbols (Boolean)

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6.40 DefaultIdRectsForSymbols (Boolean) Example / Syntax: DefaultIdRectsForSymbols = True

● True: Simply click with the mouse in the close proximity (boundary rectangle) of the object on the drawing to select it.

● False: The object has to be clicked on exactly. False is the default value.

6.41 DefaultLine Specifies the default line (line type, thickness, etc.) for the line tool.

Example DefaultText.Font.Size = 20

DefaultText.Text = "ABC"

6.42 DefaultText Specifies the default text (font, text, size, etc.) for the text tool.

Example DefaultLine.width = 1

6.43 DeleteModePFD (Boolean) Example / Syntax: DeleteModePFD = True

This option determines the deletion mode for PFD diagrams.

● False: Only objects on the drawing are deleted. The database entries are retained.

● True: Both, the graphical objects and the corresponding database entries are deleted.

6.44 DimensionPosttext String for dimension postfix

6.45 DimensionPretext String for dimension prefix

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Script options in Reports 6.46 DimensionDigitsForDistance (Long)

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6.46 DimensionDigitsForDistance (Long) You find more information on this topic in the "Isometrics" manual, keyword ""DimensionDigitsForDistance" variable".

6.47 DimensionSymbol (String) Example / Syntax: DimensionSymbol = "Arrow"

This instruction specifies the dimensioning for the to be displayed symbol.

Possible values:

● Arrow

● Circle

● Dot

● Slash

The default value is Arrow.

6.48 DimensionTextHeight (Double) Example / SyntaxDimensionTextHeight = <parameter>

Height of the dimension text in millimeters. The default value is 4. If a different unit has been entered in DimensionUnit, the unit entered here in DimensionTextHeight still applies in mm and is subsequently converted into the other unit. The parameter can be set to any decimal number in the Double variable value range. The decimal delimiter is set in accordance with the country setting.

6.49 DimensionUnit (String) Example / Syntax: DimensionUnit = <"Parameter">

This instruction stipulates the unit of the text size specified by DimensionTextHeight. The parameter can accept the following values:

● mm

● cm

● m

● inch

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Script options in Reports 6.50 DimIsoHeight (Long)

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6.50 DimIsoHeight (Long) You find more information on this topic in the "Isometrics" manual, keyword ""DimIsoHeight" variable".

6.51 DimLevels (String) You find more information on this topic in the "Isometrics" manual, keyword ""DimLevels" variable".

6.52 DisableScaleChange (Boolean) Default = False

If the value is set to "True", the scale on the reports can no longer be changed by selecting the "Options->Scale" command from the context menu. In this case, the edit field is grayed out.

6.53 DrawIntersectionArc (Boolean) Example / Syntax: DrawIntersectionArc = TRUE

In combination with IntersectionRadius: Controls how the connection intersections will look. See also IntersectionRadius (Double) (Page 159).

For the FD and PFD applications.

The default value is TRUE.

● DrawIntersectionArc is TRUE and IntersectionRadius > 0:

A semi-circle with the specified radius is drawn at the position of the intersection. It makes no difference whether the connecting line uses a default form of display or if you are working with user-defined lines.

● DrawIntersectionArc is FALSE and IntersectionRadius > 0:

An invisible semi-circle with the stated radius is drawn at the position of the intersection. As a result, the vertical connection line is interrupted where it intersects the horizontal line. It makes no difference whether the connecting line uses a default form of display or if you are working with user-defined lines.

Action lines are handled in a special way: If an action line intersects a pipe, then the interruption always appears at the action line.

See also CutLineWidth (Double) (Page 131)

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Script options in Reports 6.54 DrawPipeConnectorSymbol (Boolean)

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6.54 DrawPipeConnectorSymbol (Boolean) Example / Syntax: DrawPipeConnectorSymbol = True

The default value is True.

Default setting when creating new pipe segments

● TRUE: The page link symbol is output at the newly created pipe segment if the symbol exists (as PIPECONSYMBOL in the standard table) and if an additional segment of the same pipe branch has been placed on another document.

● FALSE: The page link symbol is never output at the newly created pipe segment. However, this only applies to the pipe segments until the user calls the "Page link symbol visible" command from the context menu to display the symbol again on the document.

6.55 DrawScriptConnectorColor (Boolean) TRUE: The script color of the symbol script is applied to the connector (Header.Color = RGB(r,g,b)).

FALSE (default): The connector remains black.

6.56 DrawTerminalSideMark (Long) Example / Syntax: DrawTerminalSideMark = <parameter>

Determines whether and on which output device the terminal page marking is to appear.

Possible parameter values:

● 0: Display on the screen, but is not printed

● 1: Display on the screen, and is printed

● 2: Neither screen nor print

6.57 EnableButtonANSICable (Boolean) Example / Syntax: EnableButtonANSICable = True

True adds the button for the ANSI cable display to the report toolbar.

6.58 EnableButtonOblique (Boolean) Example / Syntax: EnableButtonOblique = True

True adds the "Oblique" option to the report toolbar in extended connection mode. Activating the option enables you to draw non-rectangular connections.

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Script options in Reports 6.59 EnableButtonSpline (Boolean)

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6.59 EnableButtonSpline (Boolean) Example / Syntax: EnableButtonSpline = True

True adds the "Spline" option to the report toolbar in extended connection mode. Activating the option enables you to draw splines at will.

6.60 EnableCrossHair (Boolean) Default = True

If the value is set to "True", crosshairs intersect the mouse pointer whenever components are placed or moved, etc.

If it is set to "False", no crosshairs are displayed.

6.61 EnableInteractiveEditableTexts Default: True

● EnableInteractiveEditableTexts = True

You can edit editable texts on a P&ID.

● EnableInteractiveEditableTexts = False

The texts cannot be edited.

For additional information on this topic, refer to the "P&ID" manual, keyword "Lock editable texts for editing".

6.62 EnablePaging (Boolean)

EnablePaging (Boolean) Example / Syntax: EnablePaging = True

Prerequisite: Project properties > "Options" tab > "EE/I&C References" > Set "PagingMode" option to "Drawing type, option-specific".

Every other setting of the "PagingMode" option leads to the EnablePaging script option not being evaluated.

● EnablePaging = True:

The "Navigate to predecessor/successor" buttons appear on the report toolbar. COMOS document sorting is used.

● EnablePaging = False:

The "Navigate to predecessor/successor" buttons are hidden.

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Script options in Reports 6.63 EnableProcessConnection (Boolean)

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6.63 EnableProcessConnection (Boolean) Example / Syntax: EnableProcessConnection = True

Determines whether a process device can be created or changed.

The default value is False. A connection is automatically generated when a function, a measuring function, or an actuating function is docked on a pipe in COMOS. This connection can be equipped with additional objects. a nozzle can be inserted automatically in the case of a measurement function, and a valve in the case of an actuating function. These automatisms run if the option is set to True and the corresponding objects have been prepared in the functions.

This automatism can be controlled more precisely with the help of EnableProcessConnectionActor and EnableProcessConnectionSensor. However, if one of these two options is set, the general option EnableProcessConnection cannot be used.

6.64 EnableProcessConnectionActor (Boolean) Example / Syntax: EnableProcessConnectionActor = True

Determines whether a process device can be created or changed for an actuating function (e.g. in the case of measuring function connections).

(Default = False)

Background See also EnableProcessConnection (Boolean) (Page 137).

If this option is used, the general option EnableProcessConnection cannot be used.

6.65 EnableProcessConnectionSensor (Boolean) Example / Syntax: EnableProcessConnectionSensor = True

Determines whether a process device can be created or changed for a measuring function (e.g. in the case of measuring function connections).

(Default = False) See also EnableProcessConnection (Boolean) (Page 137).

If this option is used, the general option EnableProcessConnection cannot be used.

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Script options in Reports 6.66 EnableSynchronizeNavigator (Boolean)

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6.66 EnableSynchronizeNavigator (Boolean) Example / Syntax : EnableSynchronizeNavigator = True

If the script option EnableSynchronizeNavigator = True is in the options script of a report template, the object selected in the report is also selected in the Navigator, and vice versa. (Default = False)

6.67 EnableVSUI2 (Boolean) Default = False

If the value is set to "True", the properties tree is displayed automatically when you open the report.

See also chapter Editing attributes on the report bar (Page 215).

6.68 ExecuteEBlocks Default = FALSE sets goals for the eBlock actions on the layout; for TRUE , actions are executed directly.

6.69 EXFConformable (Boolean) Example / Syntax: EXFConformable = True

A number of special points should be noted concerning the export into the EXF format. You can use this script option to specify that reports must conform to the exf format. Among other things, this causes a change of behavior in the case of objects with associated texts. These can no longer be moved via the grab points but must get fixed defined positions .

The default value is False.

6.70 GeneralScaleFactor (Double) Example / Syntax: GeneralScaleFactor = 1

All on the report placed objects are automatically scaled with this factor. Main area of application: A symbol has been drawn for a grid (e.g. a 4 mm grid) and is now to be used on another grid as well (e.g. a 5 mm grid). In the above example you can increase all symbols in size with a scaling factor of 1.25 so that the placement points and connectors of the symbols also fit neatly on this new grid. The default value is 1.

See also ScaleForObjects (Boolean) (Page 148)

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Script options in Reports 6.71 GraficalTexts (String)

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6.71 GraficalTexts (String) You find more information on this topic in the "Isometrics" manual, keyword "GraficalTexts variable".

6.72 GroupingByDragDropAutoOff BOOLEAN, Default = FALSE. If this value is TRUE, there is no grouping of components that have been placed more than once.

6.73 GroupTemplate When you place a template on a report, you get an object group in the basic state. The report object generated is not grouped if the following command has been entered in the options script of the report template of the template:

GroupTemplate = False

6.74 GetOptionsFromMaster (Boolean) Previously, Master reports were mainly used to define graphical defaults for a report, e.g. a document header. The options script was not evaluated.

You can use the GetOptionsFromMaster = True option to access the options script of the Master report. The function works recursively, which means that the Master report can in turn be placed on a Master report which is then evaluated if the GetOptionsFromMaster option is found again. Ten levels are permitted.

In all cases, just one options script is read in completely and then the options script of the Master report is accessed. This also means that the first found script option "wins". If a report A has a Master report B and both have the same script options, then the script option from report A wins.

The above mechanism works for all options that are managed in SOptions. Exception: Application is only evaluated in the main master.

6.75 IMPORT3DSCANDATA Boolean. If the value is TRUE, an entry which enables the start of the data import is added to the context menu.

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Script options in Reports 6.76 InvisibleObjectsSelectable (Boolean)

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6.76 InvisibleObjectsSelectable (Boolean) Default = True

If the value is set to "True", invisible objects can be selected.

If the value is set to "False", invisible objects cannot be selected.

This option does not apply to objects that have been hidden using layer technology.

6.77 IsoEnabled (Boolean) You find more information on this topic in the "Isometrics" manual, keyword "IsoEnabled variable".

6.78 ISOLengthOffset Double; if this value is greater than zero, it is added to the length of the placed object to check whether the object fits in the pipe on which it has been placed. Otherwise, the router is called in order to calculate the exact length of the objects.

6.79 ListMaster (Boolean) Example / Syntax: ListMaster = True

Only for internal only. The default value is False.

6.80 LocalImportSymbolByLinkobject BOOLEAN, Default = TRUE. If TRUE , a local DXF import symbol is stored with the report object for linked DXF import base objects.

6.81 LogocadBridgeMode If TRUE, the connections between the terminals of a bridge are regarded as consistent even if they are not directly connected with one another.


1>5 is consistent if the bridge 1>3>5 exists.

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Script options in Reports 6.82 MainDimensionAutoOff (Boolean)

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6.82 MainDimensionAutoOff (Boolean) You find more information on this topic in the "Isometrics" manual, keyword "MainDimensionAutoOff variable".

6.83 MainRaster (Double) Spacing of auxiliary crosses on the report. If the value is set to "0", no auxiliary crosses are displayed.

The report measurement unit is used (mm or inches).

6.84 MultiConnect Long. Number > 0 => automatic cascading, Number*Grid is the graphical height of the connections.

6.85 MultiPaging Boolean, turns on multi-paging.

6.86 OLECreationModelongnewVal (Integer) Default = 0

If the value is equal to "1", an OLE item is placed at the same time as a document with the extension ".dwg" or ".dxf". If the value is <> 1, the "normal" AutoCad drag&drop display is used.

6.87 ParallelLineMode VALUE, Default = 0, , no changes to the display used thus far (parallel line in flow direction right of the pipe). For 1, a different display of the parallel line (conforming to DIN) is generated.

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Script options in Reports 6.88 PasteAlignMode

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6.88 PasteAlignMode Depending on the value set for the "PasteAlignMode" script option, a copied object can only be moved in either the x direction or the y direction or it can be moved freely (while holding down the <Ctrl> key).

The following values are possible:

Value Description 0 Can be moved freely. Default value. 1 Can only be moved in the x-coordinate direction. 2 Can only be moved in the y-coordinate direction.

See also Pasting an object and retaining coordinates (Page 18)

6.89 PinOpenEndConnections BOOLEAN, Default = FALSE. Replaces and overwrites the PinPipeEndConnections option, since it is generally valid for all drawing types. If TRUE, the ends of half-open connections are not moved when the connected component is moved.

6.90 PinPipeEndConnections BOOLEAN, Default = FALSE. If TRUE, during graphical moving, e.g. of a valve on a pipe, any ends of the pipe which might be open remain in their old position.

6.91 PositionNrAutoOn (Boolean) You find more information on this topic in the "Isometrics" manual, keyword "PositionNrAutoOn variable".

6.92 PositionDefaultStartNr (Long) You find more information on this topic in the "Isometrics" manual, keyword "PositionDefaultStartNr variable".

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Script options in Reports 6.93 PositionDefaultStep (Long)

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6.93 PositionDefaultStep (Long) You find more information on this topic in the "Isometrics" manual, keyword "PositionDefaultStep variable".

6.94 PositionIsMissingAliasNr (Long) You find more information on this topic in the "Isometrics" manual, keyword "PositionIsMissingAliasNr variable".

6.95 PotentialHook Default = False. If TRUE, the auxiliary hook is drawn on logical RoPotential chains.

6.96 PotentialProlongation (Double) Example / Syntax: PotentialProlongation = 20

Used in the case of potentials to modify the potential line by the stipulated value in millimeters on the pages of the potential where the label has been switched off. Positive values extend the line and negative values reduce it.

6.97 PreferredConnectionDirection (String) You find more information on this topic in the "E&IC" manual, keyword "PreferredConnectionDirection".

6.98 PreferredDirection (String) Example / Syntax: PreferredDirection = "X"

If the direction of connection cannot be identified by the system without any ambiguity, this parameter stipulates the preferred direction of connection (X = X-direction, Y = Y-direction) in "Connect automatic" mode.

6.99 PrintInBlackAndWhite (Boolean) Default = False

If the value is set to "True", the report is printed in black/white (not in gray scales). Anything that is not white is printed in black.

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Script options in Reports 6.100 PrintRevisionRectangles (Boolean)

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6.100 PrintRevisionRectangles (Boolean) Default = True

If the value is set to "False", revision rectangles are printed as well.

If the value is set to "True", no revision rectangles are printed.

6.101 PrintTextBackColor Example / Syntax: PrintTextBackColor = True

● This option controls whether the text background is printed in color. The default value is False, i.e. the text background is printed in grayscale.

● This option changes the background color of the text field, but not the text color. The text does not have to be set to "Non transparent" for the option to take effect.

6.102 QuadrantLineX Quadrant description X, Syntax: "1;A;3;F;5;..".

6.103 QuadrantLineY Quadrant description X, Syntax: "1;A;3;F;5;..".

6.104 QuadrantOffsetLeft (Double) Example / Syntax: QuadrantOffsetLeft = 10

Stipulates the X coordinate for the start calculation. This functionality belongs to the group of path and zone variables for all diagrams of the following types:

● "ELO"

● "PFD"

● "FUP"

The parameter values are absolute values in millimeters.

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Script options in Reports 6.105 QuadrantOffsetTop (Double)

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6.105 QuadrantOffsetTop (Double) Example / Syntax: QuadrantOffsetTop = 10

Stipulates the Y-coordinates for the starting calculations. This functionality belongs to the group of path and zone variables for all diagrams of the following types:

● "ELO"

● "PFD"

● "FUP"

The parameter values are absolute values in millimeters.

6.106 QuadrantSizeX (Double) Example / Syntax: QuadrantSizeX = 50

Quadrant size in the X-direction. This functionality belongs to the group of path and zone variables for all diagrams of the following types:

● "ELO"

● "PFD"

● "FUP"

The parameter values are absolute values in millimeters.

6.107 QuadrantSizeY (Double) Example / Syntax: QuadrantSizeY = 50

Quadrant size in the Y-direction. This functionality belongs to the group of path and zone variables for all plans of the following applications:

● "ELO"

● "PFD"

● "FUP"

The parameter values are absolute values in millimeters.

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Script options in Reports 6.108 QuadrantStartChrX (String)

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6.108 QuadrantStartChrX (String) Example / Syntax: QuadrantStartChrX = "1"

Start value for the designation of the first quadrant (X-direction). Valid values are 0-9 and A-Z. This functionality belongs to the group of path and zone variables for all diagrams of the following types:

● "ELO"

● "PFD"

● "FUP"

The parameter values are absolute values in millimeters.

It is also possible to control the path numbers so that they are dependent on the label of the report: QuadrantStartChrX = "#"

If the labels are continuous, this means that continuous numbering can also be achieved. The label must be numeric.

6.109 QuadrantStartChrY (String) Example / Syntax: QuadrantStartChrY = "A"

Start value for the designation of the first quadrant (Y-direction). Valid values are 0-9 and A-Z. This functionality belongs to the group of path and zone variables for all diagrams of the following types:

● "ELO"

● "PFD"

● "FUP"

The parameter values are absolute values in millimeters.

It is also possible to control the zone numbers in such a way that they are depend on the label of the report: QuadrantStartChrY = "#"

If the labels are continuous, this means that continuous numbering can also be achieved. The label must be numeric.

6.110 QuadrantStepX (Integer) Example / Syntax: QuadrantStepX = 1

Specifies the step width for calculating the labels of paths and zones of type "ELO", "PFD" or "FUP" in the X-direction. The default value is 1.

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Script options in Reports 6.111 QuadrantStepY (Integer)

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6.111 QuadrantStepY (Integer) Example / Syntax: QuadrantStepY = 1

Specifies the step width for calculating the labels of paths and zones of type "ELO", "PFD" or "FUP" in the Y-direction. The default value is 1.

6.112 ReadOnly (Boolean) Default = False

Specifies whether or not the report is opened on a read-only basis.

6.113 RestoreReferencesAfterCopy (Boolean) Example / Syntax: RestoreReferencesAfterCopy = True

● True: When an interactive report is copied, then all objects that are placed on the document are checked and, if applicable, are newly created in the database. This option has no effect if "Copy structure" is used, because "Copy structure" copies all required engineering objects. True is the default value.

● False: No engineering objects are created. If engineering objects are missing, i.e. objects that are placed on the report for which no counterpart exists in the database, then the objects are drawn in red on the report. In this case, the "Connect copied document" context menu becomes available in the open interactive report. This command has the same effect as the RestoreReferencesAfterCopy function. In addition, the "Create" context menu is available for the objects marked in red on the report.

6.114 RotationOfPlacedSymbolAutoOff BOOLEAN, Default = FALSE.

● TRUE: In the P&ID, a placed symbol is further rotated through the multiple of the angle set manually.

● FALSE: The default value remains at 90 degrees.

6.115 ReportDocument.OwnUnit ReportDocument.OwnUnit determines the unit of a row report. ReportDocument.Unit returns the unit of the main document.

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Script options in Reports 6.116 ReportList.ShowChangedRowsOnly

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6.116 ReportList.ShowChangedRowsOnly ReportList.ShowChangedRowsOnly only outputs rows in which at least one text has changed since the last revision. This script option is available for row-based reports.

6.117 ScaleForObjects (Boolean) Example / Syntax: ScaleForObjects = False

● False: The symbols on the report always remain at 100% of the original size (original scale), if the "Options > Scale" context menu command is used in the report.

● True:True is the default value. This value also applies if the command is not available. In the preselection symbols are thus increased or reduced in size if the scale of the report changes.

This options script variable can be toggled off for individual symbols. This is done with the doScale = True command in the symbol script.

6.118 SectorOffset (Integer) Example / Syntax: SectorOffset = 0

Stipulates the offset when setting sectors. The setting of the PreferredDirection option determines whether zone sectors (X) or path sectors (Y) are calculated.

6.119 SectorSize (Integer) Example / Syntax: SectorSize = 0

Stipulates the width of the sector for standard sheets that have been split up.

6.120 SegmentULMode Report objects in WspRoSegment:

● 0: Behavior remains the same and is the default value.

● 1: RO COMOS object is moved to Unit/Location of the segment during generation.

● 2: An existing COMOS object is also moved.

6.121 SetImplementationByConcessionRI) You find more information on this topic in the "P&ID" manual, keyword "SetImplementationByConcessionRI".

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Script options in Reports 6.122 SetPipeFlagOnCreate)

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6.122 SetPipeFlagOnCreate) You find more information on this topic in the "P&ID" manual, keyword "SetPipeFlagOnCreate".

6.123 ShowConnectedWith (Boolean) Example / Syntax: ShowConnectedWith = True

● False: Stipulates whether information about the partner connection is displayed at the current connection of the link.

● True: A search is carried out separately for each drawing type in the @Connection table for a symbol that is to be displayed at the connection point.

6.124 ShowConnectionInfo (Boolean) Example / Syntax: ShowConnectionInfo = True

For the True setting, connection information can be displayed automatically at the cables. Prerequisite for this is the "INFO" entry in the "@System > @Connection" standard table. A script (which is called automatically) can be stored for this entry on the basis of drawing type. Application examples are wire numbers in circuit diagrams or cable designations in single line diagrams. The default value is False.

The command applies to the EE module and the P&ID module.

6.125 ShowConnectorCircle BOOLEAN, Default = TRUE. If this value is FALSE, the connector symbols are not drawn on the P&ID or displayed on the printed document.

6.126 ShowDimensionUnit) If TRUE, the dimension unit is displayed after the measured value.

6.127 ShowDocumentInconsistency (Boolean) ShowDocumentInconsistency = True: If this value is TRUE, a consistency check is run on all report objects that can be connected (IConnectedRo) and any errors detected are listed for the user. Warning messages are displayed upon opening or closing a document if inconsistencies occurred while working with the document.

The user can zoom to the inconsistent objects by selecting the "Next inconsistency" and "Previous inconsistency" command as appropriate from the context menu.

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Script options in Reports 6.128 ShowLineModeControl (Boolean)

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6.128 ShowLineModeControl (Boolean) Example / Syntax: ShowLineModeControl = True

Allows the display of the selection box with the connection types.

The default value is False.

6.129 ShowMaxRevisionIndexOfErrors (Boolean) Default = True

If the value is set to "True", message boxes are output if problems arise in relation to MaxRevisionIndexOf.

If the value is set to "False", no message boxes are output.

6.130 SideView_X (Double) Example / Syntax: SideView_X = 25

Specifies the distance in the X-direction between the symbol's point of origin and the overall view drawing in space assignment plans. This distance is millimeters. If the value is 0, nothing is displayed.

6.131 SignalLeftX (Double) Example / Syntax: SignalLeft_X = 8

Stipulates the left-hand boundary of the signal symbol on diagrams of type "FUP". The default value is 8.

6.132 SignalRightX (Double) Syntax: SignalRight_X = 8

Specifies the right-hand boundary of the signal symbol on plans of type "FUP".

The default value is 8.

6.133 SignalSlotCount (Double) Example / Syntax: SignalSlot_Count = 25

Determines the possible number of signal placeholders on diagrams of type "FUP". The default value is 22.

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Script options in Reports 6.134 SignalSlotHeight (Double)

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6.134 SignalSlotHeight (Double) Example / Syntax: SignalSlot_Height = 20

Determines the size of the signal placeholders and thus the signal symbol size in millimeters in the Y-direction on "FUP" type plans. The default value is 8.

6.135 SignalTopY (Double) Example / Syntax: SignalTop_Y = 15

Stipulates the upper starting position of the signal placeholders on diagrams of type "FUP". The default value is 12.

6.136 SignalWidth (Double) Example / Syntax: SignalWidth = 40

Determines the display size of all the signal symbols in the X-direction on diagrams of type "FUP". Default is 48.

6.137 SignalWidth1 (Double) Example / Syntax: SignalWidth1 = 15

Stipulates the display size of the front signal symbol part in the X-direction on diagrams of type "FUP". The default value is 16.

6.138 SignalWidthGraphic (Double) Example / Syntax: SignalWidthGraphic = 10

Stipulates the display size of the rear signal symbol part in the X-direction on diagrams of type "FUP". The default value is 8.

6.139 SignByEmptyReference (Boolean) Example / Syntax: SignByEmptyReference = False

If set to False, no texts are output if links are blank. The default value is True.

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Script options in Reports 6.140 SnapPrecision (Double)

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6.140 SnapPrecision (Double) Example / Syntax: SnapPrecision = 1

Determines the snap precision of objects on the diagram. The default value is 0.9. Documents imported from other programs can have very small terminal radii that are very close to each other and components that are densely packed together. Since SnapPrecision decides, among other things, when connectors are to be regarded as joined, it is advisable to reduce the factor in such cases, e.g. 0.5.

6.141 SuppressReference (Boolean) Example / Syntax: SuppressReference = True

True suppresses the output of links to connections in the "ELO" application.

The default value is False..

6.142 SymbolRotationByDimension (Boolean) You find more information on this topic in the "Isometrics" manual, keyword "SymbolRotationByDimension variable".

6.143 SymbolType (String) Example / Syntax: SymbolType = "Detail"

This setting determines which type of symbol display is to be used.

You find more information on this topic in the "COMOS Administration" manual, keyword "@SYSTEM > @DRW_TYPE/Drawing type".

6.144 SynchronizePipeConSymbol You find more information on this topic in the "P&ID" manual, keyword "SynchronizePipeConSymbol".

6.145 SynchronizeStdPipeFlag You find more information on this topic in the "P&ID" manual, keyword "SynchronizeStdPipeFlag".

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Script options in Reports 6.146 TextRotationMode

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6.146 TextRotationMode In the case of TextRotationMode= 1 , the texts are not rotated further in the read direction at an angle of between 90 and 270 degrees.

6.147 TrimSymbolText (Boolean) Default = True

If the value is set to "True", space characters are removed from the start and the end of symbol texts.

If the value is set to "False", the texts are left just as they are.

6.148 VGBConnectionLength (Double) Example / Syntax: VGBConnectionLength = 15

Used in function diagrams as per VGB to stipulate the length of the visible part of the first connection element of a signal. Value inpts result in the display length in mm. 0 designates the full length. If the input exceeds the maximum permissible display size, only the maximum possible size is displayed.

6.149 WorkingBackupTime (Double) Example / Syntax: WorkingBackupTime = 15

Controls the time interval (in minutes) in which the document is automatically saved. The default value is 5 minutes. 0 disables the auto-save function.

6.150 XXDocProgID (String) Example / Syntax: XXDocProgID = "ProjectName.ClassName"

As long as IReportXDoc.dll has been implemented, a user-defined DLL file can be called in this way.

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Script options in Reports 6.151 Unit

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6.151 Unit The setting Unit = 0 or Unit = 1 in the options script of a report template determines which measurement unit (mm or inch) is to be used when working in all derived reports. All decimal places to be taken into consideration were increased to four to improve the precision of conversion operations.

Please note that the Unit setting only applies to the report template itself and those reports based on it. It does not apply for to be loaded reports such as row reports, subordinate reports or subreports.

When converting to inch (Unit = 1), the entry for the page size, the grid, all coordinates, and heights and widths of graphical objects on the report is converted automatically. Angles are basically calculated on the basis of 360 degrees.

AutoCAD objects can also be imported if they have the "inch" unit. Vice versa, reports using "inch" the unit can also be exported as AutoCAD drawings.

Values can also be entered in points ("pt") for graphical report objects such as lines or circles. Nonetheless, the input is then converted into the current system of units for the report (mm or inches) and is also saved as such. If you make an entry in points and then close the properties window and open it again, the value will no longer be displayed in points but in the current unit.

6.152 Script error handling

Call Activate the option by selecting the "Administrator > Script error handling" menu.

Effect If you select this option, the error position is displayed in the script editor associated with the object that has the defective script.

Under certain circumstances a change of project also takes place within the base project.

You now have the option to immediately correct the script error or query the properties of the object. The global variables can also be queried.

6.153 ZOrderByZeroPoint Default = False. If this value is True, the old method (wrong but compatible) of work height detection via the position of the point of origin is activated.

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Script options in Reports 6.154 P&ID

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6.154 P&ID P&ID plans are assigned to the PFD application (options script, application = "PFD"). If you have selected this, specific script functions are available for you to use in the options script.

6.154.1 AllowPrintingForDirectionArrow (Boolean) TRUE: The blue direction arrow at the connecting lines is printed as well.

FALSE (default): The direction arrow does not appear on the printout.

6.154.2 CheckAllOpenFunctionConns (Boolean) TRUE: Each measurement function that does not have a partner is regarded as inconsistent; this also includes any connections that the user has created but has failed to connect.

FALSE: Measurement function connections are only regarded as inconsistent if they have not been explicitly disconnected on the report by the user.

6.154.3 CObjectFullNameForPipe (String) Example / Syntax: CObjectFullNameForPipe = "PI|EN|D|03|02|01"

Specifies which base object is used if the "Connection" tool is used on a P&ID or PFD. Overwrites the setting from the project properties on the "Module options > Process engineering" tab. The base object that is set in the script is then used in all reports based on the report template.


"CObjectFullNameForPipe = "Obj.SystemFullName""

Examples: ● For P&IDs:

CObjectFullNameForPipe = "PI|D|03|02|01" "

● For PFDs:

CObjectFullNameForPipe = "@1PE|PO|SO|PS""

You find more information on this topic in the "P&ID" manual, keywords "Start configurations" and "Document base objects".

6.154.4 ConnectorRadius (Double) Specifies the radius of the connectors.


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Script options in Reports 6.154 P&ID

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6.154.5 CopyMainBranch (Boolean)

Usage Use the CopyMainBranch report option to specify how COMOS should behave when a pipe branch is created. The following settings can be made:

● CopyMainBranch = Always

Specifies that the pipe substance data should always be applied to a pipe branch.

● CopyMainBranch = Never

Specifies that the pipe substance data should never be applied to a pipe branch. COMOS inserts a standard pipe for the pipe branch.

● CopyMainBranch = Ask

Specifies that the user is able to determine the desired behavior via a dialog when creating a pipe branch.

To display the dialog, you also need to activate the CopyPipeConnectionAutoOff report option.

You can find additional information on this topic in the "P&ID" manual, keyword "CopyPipeConnectionAutoOff".

6.154.6 CreateDefaultPipeSegment (Boolean) Default = False

Determines whether a newly created pipe segment should also be assigned a default pipe segment automatically.

6.154.7 DrawPFDConnsUnderDocumentInBlue (Boolean)

Usage In COMOS, you can make a setting so that the objects associated with a P&ID plan are placed directly underneath the document in the Navigator.

Use the DrawPFDConnsUnderDocumentInBlue report option to specify whether P&ID connections should be displayed in blue in the Navigator if these connections are located directly under the document.

The following settings can be made:

● DrawPFDConnsUnderDocumentInBlue = true

Specifies that the connections should be shown in blue in the Navigator.

● DrawPFDConnsUnderDocumentInBlue = false

Specifies that the connections should not be shown in blue in the Navigator.

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6.154.8 DrawPFDDevicesUnderDocumentInBlue (Boolean)

Usage In COMOS, you can make a setting so that the objects associated with a P&ID plan are placed directly underneath the document in the Navigator. By default, these P&ID objects are displayed in the Navigator in blue.

Use the DrawPFDDevicesUnderDocumentInBlue report option if you want to stop the objects being shown in blue.

The following settings can be made:

● DrawPFDDevicesUnderDocumentInBlue = true (standard assignment)

Specifies that the P&ID objects should be shown in blue in the Navigator.

● DrawPFDDevicesUnderDocumentInBlue = false

Specifies that the P&ID objects should not be shown in blue in the Navigator.

6.154.9 DrawPipeEndSymbol (Boolean) Example / Syntax: DrawPipeEndSymbol = True

The default value is FALSE.

Default setting when creating new pipe branches

● TRUE: The end symbols (e.g. a needle at the inlet or outlet connector) are output at the newly created pipe branch if the symbol exists as PIPEENDSYMBOL in the standard table.

● FALSE: The end symbols are never output at the newly created pipe branch. However, this only applies until the user calls the "Show start and end symbol" command from the context menu to display the symbols for the selected pipe branches again on the document. The option does not apply for pipe segments or rather it only applies if DrawPipeEndSymbolForSegment = TRUE has been set in addition.

6.154.10 DrawPipeEndSymbolForSegment (Boolean) Example / Syntax: DrawPipeEndSymbolForSegment = True

The default value is FALSE.

Default setting when creating new pipe segments. This is an extension of DrawPipeEndSymbol and only takes effect if DrawPipeEndSymbol = TRUE .

If the value is TRUE and DrawPipeEndSymbol = TRUE, the end symbols are also displayed at pipe segments.

Procedure for pipe segments, see also DrawPipeEndSymbol (Boolean) (Page 157).

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6.154.11 DrawPipeEndSymbolForVertices (Boolean) TRUE: The end symbol for the "corners" of the pipe is output on the entire report. The corresponding symbol script is taken from the following standard table:

Base project, "@SYSTEM > PIPEENDSYMBOL Pipe: End symbols";

Name: 3

Description: Any

Drawing type: RI_* (symbol script)

Value 1: 3

False = Default

6.154.12 EnableContinueDrawingConnection

Introduction If the EnableContinueDrawingConnection report option is activated, the user can use the "Connection" tool to extend a pipe or channel structure.

Procedure To activate EnableContinueDrawingConnection mode, proceed as follows:

1. Open the report template for the report for which you wish to activate the mode.

2. Right-click on the working area of the report template.

The context menu opens.

3. Select the "Options" command from the context menu.

The "Options" window opens.

4. Find the EnableContinueDrawingConnection entry.

5. Comment in the EnableContinueDrawingConnection report option.

If the value of the option is set to False, change it to True.

6. Click "OK" to save your input and close the "Options" window.

7. Click "Save" in the report template.

Result The EnableContinueDrawingConnection report option is activated for all reports which are based on the selected report template. The next time the user opens a corresponding report, the mode is available.

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6.154.13 IntersectionRadius (Double) Example / Syntax: IntersectionRadius = <parameter>

In combination with DrawIntersectionArc: Determines how the connection crossings are to be displayed. See also DrawIntersectionArc (Boolean) (Page 134).

Parameter is set in millimeters.

For performance reasons this script option is not updated constantly, but only after changes and new inputs. Ihis means that in existing reports the connections are not displayed with changes when the script option IntersectionRadius is introduced again.

The report can be initialized, for example, by selecting all report objects and moving them once after introducing the script option.

6.154.14 SetImplementationByConcessionRI (Boolean) TRUE (default): Automatic setting of the implementation pointer for streams, if required.

Requirement: The ConcessionRI = TRUE command has been set beforehand in the options script.

This method is used in the area of concession documents (acceptance documents). Background: In the P&ID, all objects are usually placed on exactly one report. If the objects are placed and connected on a second report, then new connections are generated which overwrite the connections in the database.

If the ConcessionRI = TRUE option is activated, no connection is made in the database as a result of the duplicate placement, and the original connection information is thus retained.

To display the relationship between the connectors correctly in the Navigator, an implementation reference that shows the original connection is generated. Use SetImplementationByConcessionRI to disable the process for generating this implementation reference so that nothing is displayed in the Navigator.

The master report is opened for multiplacements while the "ConcessionRI" script option is being checked.

Background: The "ConcessionRI" script option is no longer valid for databases in which the "SYS.ConcessionRI" attribute has been set at the base object of the documents. Therefore, no other documents need to be opened to determine the concession status.

6.154.15 SetPipeFlagOnCreate (Boolean) TRUE: The standard pipe flag is displayed automatically when a pipe is created. This means that the text script defined at the base object of the pipe segment on the "Symbols" tab for the current drawing type is evaluated and displayed.

FALSE = Default

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6.154.16 SortNewBranchUnderNewPipe (Boolean)

Usage Use the SortNewBranchUnderPipe report option to specify how COMOS should sort new pipe segments in the Navigator when these are drawn onto an existing pipe.

The following settings can be made:

● SortNewBranchUnderPipe = False (standard assignment)

COMOS sorts the new pipe segment under the existing pipe in the Navigator.

● SortNewBranchUnderPipe = True

COMOS creates a new pipe structure in the Navigator for the new pipe segment.

6.154.17 SortNewObjectsInCategories (Boolean) Example / Syntax: SortNewObjectsInCategories = True

Triggers the sorting of new COMOS objects into neighboring category folders. The objects are not only sorted in the event of direct placing but also after copying and pasting.

The function exists in two variants: one for E&IC in elolib and another for P&ID in RIlib.

Both versions have a common basic scope and differ only in details.

The default value is False.

P&ID variant ● True: When an object is placed or copied on a P&ID diagram and is then pasted, an

attempt is made automatically to sort the object underneath the owner of the P&ID diagram. Usually this is the owner of a unit.

If the object is not permitted there due to the settings (e.g. because the unit has the "Elements" creation mode and the object is not elemnt of the unit), all subordinate objects of the unit that have the "Unit class and the "Category" subclass are investigated recursively. As soon as a category is found under which the object is permissible, it is sorted in there.

If no category is found, a check is made to establish whether the object is connected to a pipe on the COMOS side. If that is the case, then an attempt is made to create the object parallel to the pipe. In the case of a pipe branch, a pipe is created if it did not exist already (three-level pipe structure). Last of all, the document groups are updated (UpdDocGrp.UpdateDocumentGroup).

● False: The objects that you create on the P&ID diagram are created in the Navigator underneath the document. Assignment to a unit must be done manually, for example by means of the "Object assignment" tool. To do this, select the "Define owner" entry in the list and define the new owner. This is usually a unit underneath which the P&ID is located. A check is made to determine whether the objects are permitted underneath the new owner. From here and for this one action, the process continues as in SortNewObjectsIntoCategories = TRUE.

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6.154.18 StdPipeFlagNoColor (Boolean) Example / Syntax: StdPipeFlagNoColor = True

Toggles on and off the color display for the default pipe flag.

Vorgabewert ist False.

6.154.19 StdPipeNoReflect (Boolean) Example / Syntax: StdPipeNoReflect = True

True switches off the mirroring (reflection) of pipe flags when the flow direction is reversed.

Vorgabewert ist False.

6.154.20 SynchronizePipeConSymbol (Boolean) TRUE: The page reference symbol is always aligned in the direction of the pipe (for oblique pipes, for example).

Changing the script option from FALSE to TRUE for objects that have already been placed can cause symbols or texts to move due to the resulting transformation.

FALSE = Default

6.154.21 SynchronizeStdPipeFlag (Boolean) TRUE: The standard flag is always aligned in the direction of the pipe (in particular for oblique pipes).

FALSE = Default

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Functions in Reports 77.1 Functions for text and list scripts

The functions below can be used in both text and list scripts.

7.1.1 Property AutoMarkAsChanged

Property AutoMarkAsChanged As Boolean Controls the appearance of a text in the report as a reaction to the revision administration:

● TRUE: The text is displayed in italics if it has changed since the last revision was concluded.

● FALSE: No reaction to the revision administration.

See also AutoMarkAsChanged (Boolean) (Page 127)

7.1.2 Property ComosDocument

Property ComosDocument As Object Returns the document object in the Navigator tree.

See also Container: ComosDocument (Page 81)

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7.1.3 Property EvalForEveryPage

Property EvalForEveryPage As Boolean Controls how a text is to be evaluated (updated). The settings are made in the "Text parameters" window.

● TRUE: The text is reevaluated on each page of the report.

● FALSE: The text is evaluated on the first page of the report and taken ovedr from the following pages.

Report items, such as texts or lists with the EvalforEveryPage setting are always evaluated at the end of a page. Example: page change from page 1 to page 2.

1. First, the OnEndPage procedure is still called on page 1.

2. Then report items (texts, lists) with the EvalforEveryPage setting are evaluated on page 1.

3. Then the page number PageNr is incremented on page 2.

4. Next, the OnNewPage procedure runs on page 2. (There is no OnNewPage for the first page.)

5. Then OnEndPage runs again on page 2, etc.

7.1.4 Property EvalSequence

Property EvalSequence As Long Controls the sequence in which the texts and lists are evaluated. All objects with EvalSequenz 0 are calculated before all report items with EvalSequenz 1, and so on. No calculation order is guaranteed for objects with the same EvalSequenz.

7.1.5 Property ItemObject

Property ItemObject As Object For lists: Sets the ReportObject (the template file) of the row report. This call overwrites any details on the "Rows" tab.

This is also used to actively call a subreport so that the content is displayed: Sub OnCreate () Set ItemObject = ReportObject End Sub

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7.1.6 Property KeepScriptRunning

Property KeepScriptRunning As Boolean Controls whether the options script remains active.

TRUE: The options script remains active in interactive reports.

7.1.7 Property Layer

Property Layer As Long Sets the Layer (working area) of an object. The Layer can be activated and deactivated. For connectors, Layer corresponds to the type.

You can find additional information on this topic in the "Class Documentation COMOS_dll" manual, keyword "Layer", and in the "Rights" manual, keyword "Working areas".

7.1.8 Property LineType

Property LineType As Long Controls the line type, e.g. 2 for dotted lines.

See also Line types (Page 201)

7.1.9 Function MainComosDocument

Function MainComosDocument() As Object Returns the document object, that being the object which is displayed in the Navigator.

7.1.10 Function MainReportDocument

Function MainReportDocument() As Document If a report uses a list frame to call a row report and the row report in turn uses a list frame to call another row report (and so on), this command calls the "highest report in the chain", i.e. the (main) report.

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7.1.11 Function MasterReportDocument

Function MasterReportDocument() As Document Addresses the Master report specified in the options of the (main) report.

7.1.12 Property Name

Property Name As String Returns the name of a report element.

7.1.13 Function ParentReportDocument

Function ParentReportDocument() As Document Calls, based on the row report, the hierarchical one level higher located report.

7.1.14 Property Report

Property Report As Object Keyword. Allows access to the options script of a report.

7.1.15 Function ReportDocument

Function ReportDocument() As Document Keyword. Returns the report itself; from here you can use Item to access report elements, for example.

7.1.16 Property Script

Property Script As String Returns the script for report items such as texts or lists.

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7.1.17 Property SystemTypeName

Property SystemTypeName As String Returns the name of the system type of the report item Examples:

● "Text" for texts

● "List" for lists

Do not confuse this with SystemTypeName from the COMOS Kernel.

7.1.18 Sub ToBack

Sub ToBack() Sends the report item to the background.

7.1.19 Sub ToFront

Sub ToFront() Brings the report item to the foreground.

7.1.20 Property Visible

Property Visible As Boolean Conotrols the visibility of report items such as texts.

● TRUE: Text is visible. The default value is TRUE.

● FALSE: Text is invisible.

7.1.21 Property X1

Property X1 As Double Returns and sets the value of coordinate X1.

X1/Y1 and X2/Y2 are P1 and P2 respectively, i.e. the values of the top left and bottom right corners of the list or text box.

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7.1.22 Property X2

Property X2 As Double Returns and sets the value of the X2 coordinate.

7.1.23 Property Y1

Property Y1 As Double Returns and sets the value of the Y1 coordinate.

7.1.24 Property Y2

Property Y2 As Double Returns and sets the value of the Y2 coordinate.

7.2 Only functions for sripts in lists

7.2.1 Direction

Direction As Long Controls the direction of the list:

● 0: Normal (down)

● 1: Up

● 2: To the right

● 3: Down

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7.2.2 Function EvalOneRow

Function EvalOneRow() As Long Controls the execution (call and evaluation) of a row report.

This function is also used to initialize subreports. It must contain the following line of text, since otherwise the subreport is not displayed: Sub OnCreate () EvalOneRow End Sub

7.2.3 Function EvalOneRowDocument

Function EvalOneRowDocument(RowObject As Object, FileName As String, ComosDocument As Object) As Long

Controls the execution (call and evaluation) of a row report:

● RowObject is the ReportObject of the row report.

● FileName is the file name of the row report (....crp).

● ComosDocument is the document object, i.e. the object that you see in the Navigator tree.

7.2.4 Function EvalOneRowObject

Function EvalOneRowObject(Object As Object, RowDocName As String) As Long Controls the execution (call and evaluation) of a row report:

● Object is the ReportObject of the row report.

● RowDocName is the file name of the row report.

7.2.5 Function EvaluatedRowCount

Function EvaluatedRowCount() As Long Returns the number of how many times the row report was executed.

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7.2.6 Function EvaluatedRowDocument

Function EvaluatedRowDocument(Index As Long) As Document Returns the evaluated document with the specified index:

7.2.7 FileName

FileName As String Returns and sets the name of the file.

7.2.8 Function NewPage

Function NewPage() As Long Creates a new page and returns the corresponding page number.

7.2.9 RowDocument

RowDocument As String Returns and sets the file name of the document.

7.2.10 Sub SetLineWrap

Sub SetLineWrap() Enables lists to always return their positions, even in subordinate pages of subreports.

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7.3 Functions for text scripts only The following functions can only be used in text scripts.

7.3.1 Align

Align As String Controls the alignment of the text.

7.3.2 Angle

Angle As Double Returns the rotation angle of the textbox.

7.3.3 BackColor

BackColor As OLE_COLOR Returns and sets the value for the background color of the text.

See also Transparent (Page 174)

7.3.4 Clip

Clip As Long/Boolean Actually Long, but used as Boolean due to internal reasons.

TRUE: Edits texts that are too long.

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7.3.5 FIT

FIT As Long/Boolean Actually Long, but used as Boolean due to internal reasons.

TRUE: Reduces the length of texts to fit them in a field.

7.3.6 ForeColor

ForeColor As OLE_COLOR Returns and sets the color of the text.

7.3.7 MarkAsDeleted The MarkAsDeleted function displays deleted text struck through in a revision.

7.3.8 MaxPageNr

MaxPageNr() As Long Returns the page number of the report.

If MaxPageNr is used in a report, the evaluation sequence of the texts ("EvalSequence") should be adjusted. The text with MaxPageNr has to be evaluated later, in order for all pages to be created at the time of the evaluation. Therefore, the EvalSequence for this text should be set to a value higher than that for the other texts, e.g. changed from "0" to "1" if the EvalSequence for all other texts is "0". That way, the total number of pages displayed on the first page of a multipage report is output correctly.

See also Type "Expression" (Page 107)

GlobalPageNr (Page 176)

PageNr (Page 177)

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7.3.9 MaxRevisionIndexOf

MaxRevisionIndexOf(ItemsNames As String) As String Returns the highest revision index of a set of report items specified by name. "MaxRevisionIndexOf" revision starts with 0.

Example MaxRevisionIndexOf("Text1, Text2, Text3")

Text1, Text2 , and Text3 are the names of the text fields.

7.3.10 ScriptObject

ScriptObject() As Object Keyword. Allows access to the options script of a report.

Example MasterReportDocument.ScriptObject.RepVar1

Variable RepVar1 in the options script of the Master report.

7.3.11 SoftAlign

SoftAlign As Long Controls the distance between the text and the text frame boundary.

● "-1": Soft

● "0": Hard/transparent

7.3.12 Text

Text As String Returns and sets the text.

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7.3.13 Transparent

Transparent As Long/Boolean Controls the text transparency. To be used as Boolean .

● TRUE: Text is transparent, no background color is visible

● FALSE: Text is not transparent, the background color is visible.

See also BackColor (Page 171)

7.4 General functions

7.4.1 Sub OutPutDebugString

Sub OutPutDebugString(s As String) Displays the texts in an message window.

7.4.2 Function CallScriptLib

Function CallScriptLib Function CallScriptLib (CDevFullname As String, FuncName As String, [Param1], [Param2], [Param3], [Param4], [Param5], [Param6], [Param7], [Param8], [Param9], [Param10])

This function sets up access to a script function that was written in a user-defined script block at a base object.

● CDevFullname: SystemFullName of the base object in which the script function is located.

● FuncName: Name of the script function. It makes no difference at all in which user-defined script block the script function is located.

Up to ten parameters can be passed, and objects can also be passed. Parameters passed to CallScriptLib are automatically stored in an Arrayand can then also be called as an Array in the script function.

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Example A user-defined script block at the base object with the name "TEST4" features the MySub function.

In the script block OnChange of an attribute, CallScriptLib is used to access MySub. Sub OnChange() Set obj = ThisObj Workset.Lib.CallScriptLib "TEST4", "MySub", obj End Sub

CallScriptLib is used to pass the actual attribute object to the MySub function. You can pass up to ten objects. Workset.Lib.CallScriptLib "TEST4", "MySub", obj, obj2, ...

However, in the MySub function, the objects do not arrive one by one! Thus the following would be incorrect: Sub MySub(obj, obj2, ...).

Instead, CallScriptLib compresses the parameters (in this case the passed objects) in an Array and then passes just a single Array instead of ten individual objects.

Write the following in the user-defined script block in the MySub function at base object "TEST4": Sub MySub(Params) obj = Params(1) obj2 = Params(2) ... Msgbox End Sub

The Array starts at 1.

When evaluating the array, the upper and lower limits must be checked with UBound(upper limit) and LBound (lower limit) so that the program does not access an undefined index.

7.4.3 Function DocHdr

Function DocHdr() As Object Returns an object with direct access to the "DocumentHeader.dll" library. You do not need the Set DocHdr = CreateObject (DocHeader...) program line.

7.4.4 Property Document

Property Document As Object Returns the document object.

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7.4.5 Function DSpec

Function DSpec(Chapter As String, OrgName As String) As Object Returns a document attribute.

● Chapter: Tab name

● OrgName: Attribute name

7.4.6 Property FirstPageNr

Property FirstPageNr As Long Returns the value of the documents "First page" field.

7.4.7 GlobalPageNr

GlobalPageNr() As Long Function: Returns the current page number under consideration of the corresponding documents.

7.4.8 Function OSpec

Function OSpec(Chapter As String, OrgName As String) As Object Returns a report object attribute.

● Chapter: Tab name

● OrgName: Attribute name

7.4.9 Sub Output

Sub Output(s As String) Displays the text of a message window during the execution of a report.

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7.4.10 PageNr

PageNr As Variant Property: Returns the current page number.

7.4.11 Property Project

Property Project As Object Returns the current project.

7.4.12 Property Report

Property Report As Object Keyword. Allows access to the options script of a report.

7.4.13 Property ReportObject

Property ReportObject As Object Returns and sets the ReportObject. The ReportObject is the object to which a report relates to. Is usually set in the properties, on the "Report" tab.

7.4.14 Function RevisionIndex

Function RevisionIndex(PltObject As Object) As String Returns the current revision index of the passed object (PltObject) of the report.

7.4.15 Function RevisionLabel

Function RevisionLabel(PltObject As Object) As String Returns the description of the current revision of the passed object (PltObject) of the report.

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7.4.16 Function RevisionTableDate

Function RevisionTableDate(RevLineNr As Long, RevColumnNr As Long) As String Returns the revision date.

● RevLineNr: "Row number" of the revision, specifies the revision itself

● RevColumnNr: Column number in the revision:

– Created

– Checked

– Released

7.4.17 Function RevisionTableIndex

Function RevisionTableIndex(RevLineNr As Long) As String Returns the index of the revision.

RevLineNr: "Row number" of the revision, specifies the revision itself

7.4.18 Property RevisionTableLength

Property RevisionTableLength As Long Sets the start row for the evaluation of the revision.

You usually start with the last one, i.e. the most recent revision.

7.4.19 Function RevisionTableUser

Function RevisionTableUser(RevLineNr As Long, RevColumnNr As Long) As String Returns the user name of the revision.

● RevLineNr: "Row number" of the revision, specifies the revision itself

● RevColumnNr: Column number in the revision

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7.4.20 Property Specs

Property Specs As Object Returns an attribute

Syntax: Specs.K1.SP1

● K1: Tab name

● SP1: Name of the attribute

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Sketch Reports (@Sketch) 88.1 Overview and objective

Reports are usually either evaluating reports or interactive reports. However, there is also a mixed form, the sketch report.

Definition A sketch report provides a means of combining technical data such as lists or subreports with a sketch created by the user on a single page.

The sketch report supports limited drawing functions but otherwise behaves like an evaluating report.

8.2 Using interactive reports as sketch reports

Preparations You need to make the following preparations to create an interactive report as a sketch report:

1. Create a document of the "report template (interactive)" type .

The report template contains the following options script:

UIProgID = "ComosWspRUI1.WspRUI1"

Application = "<any standard application>"

ShowSymbolBar = false

SymbolType = "DATASHEET"

2. Create lists, subreports, etc. in the report template in the usual way.

Please note that the report object must be called "@SKETCH". Make sure that you spell the name exactly in this way.

1. Leave an empty area in which to user can draw.

2. You can also create a notes field.

Procedure To create an interactive report as a sketch report, proceed as follows:

1. Create a report that accesses the previously prepared report template.

2. Open the created report.

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Sketch Reports (@Sketch) 8.3 "Remarks" Tool

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Result The following simple graphical tools are available in the report:

● Line

● Circle

● Text

● Dimension

● Hatching

You cannot drag base objects or engineering objects on the sketch report.

8.3 "Remarks" Tool

Aim There is not normally enough space to write longer texts on a sketch. You can use the "Note" tool to set a reference text and place the corresponding text elsewhere. Remarks are, therefore, also known as footnotes.

Preparations 1. Base object of the report template

The base object has a "remarks object". This is an element of the "data set" class with special attributes:

– "System" attribute tab

Object class: "Remarks object".

– "Notes" attribute tab

See example in the COMOSDB.

2. Report template

A list with the following properties is created on the report template:

– "Name": Any

– "Row" tab: Access via the "Object query", "Report object", "Standard row" option.

– "Script" tab:

See following script.

The object query must be located underneath the report template.

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Script ' @@QUERY@@ Set RQ = CreateObject ("ComosRprtQuery.RprtQuery") ' ' Parameter Begin RQ.QueryName = "QRM" RQ.UseProjectAsReportObject = FALSE RQ.FontName = "Arial" RQ.FontHeight = 10 RQ.LineWidth = 0.35 RQ.RowHeight = 5 RQ.LayoutType = 0 RQ.Header = FALSE RQ.FitAllTexts = FALSE RQ.ClipAllTexts = FALSE RQ.RowFilenames(0) = "" RQ.RowFilenames(1) = "" RQ.RowFilenames(2) = "" RQ.RowFilenames(3) = "" 'Activate output of multiple row texts for standard subrows RQ.FitRowHeight = TRUE ' Parameter End Sub OnCreate () Set RQ.ListItem = ReportDocument.Item(Name) 'Set ComosDocument as query start object instead of the PackageDocument Set RQ.TopQuery.MainObject = Document RQ.TopQuery.Execute RQ.OnCreate Nothing End Sub

Application 1. Right-click the required position in the sketch report and select the "Note" command.

A reference text (similar to a footnote character) is inserted at this point and a note object is created underneath the report. You can move the reference text to the correct position.

2. Open the note object and enter a text.

3. If you want to see your entries immediately, select the "Reevaluate document" command from the toolbar of the report.

The remarks text is written to the remarks list.

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Sketch Reports (@Sketch) 8.4 Evaluation reports with sketches

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Deleting a note To delete the note, proceed as follows:

1. Right-click on a note in the report.

2. Select the "Delete note" command from the context menu.

Result The note is deleted. COMOS note objects are also deleted.

8.4 Evaluation reports with sketches

8.4.1 Using sketches in the report

Procedure To use a sketch on an evaluating report, proceed as follows:

1. Create an evaluating report.

2. Create a graphical object on one page of the report template.

See also Graphical objects (Page 119).

The graphical object must not be located on page 0.

3. Enter the following script for the graphical object:

Sub OnCreate()

Set Sp = Document.Spec("@SKETCH")

scr = Sp.GetXValue(0)

GenGeometrie scr, Nothing

End Sub

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4. The following attribute must exist for the base object of the report template:

– Type: Edit field

– Name: "@SKETCH"

Since the user interface does not permit names of attributes to start with a special character, this attribute must be created with the Object Debugger:

Set Doc = <Document>

Set SP = Doc.Specifications.Item("@SKETCH")

If SP Is Nothing Then

Set SP = Doc.OwnSpecifications.CreateNewWithName("@SKETCH")


End If

Result If these two conditions are met, a "Sketch designer" button is displayed in the menu bar of the evaluating report. This button opens the Symbol Editor.

Use the Symbol Editor to draw a symbol and make this drawing visible in the report in the area that was reserved via the graphical object.

Technical background An evaluating report has no permanent CRP file in which the drawing can be stored. For this reason, the sketch symbol is stored with the document in the "@SKETCH" attribute.

8.4.2 Using sketches in a list Report template, "Place list" button

You can use the sketch area in a report list.

Procedure To use a sketch in a list, proceed as follows:

1. Create the list in the report template.

2. Create a row report:

Name: "@SKETCH.CRp"

3. Create a graphical object with a sketch script on the row report. See also Using sketches in the report (Page 184).

4. Generate a sketch attribute in the base object of the row report.

5. Call the row report in the script of the list.

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Application example First call a different row report in the script of the list and edit this all the way to the end. Then call the sketch row report that now appears at the very end of the list. Working this way means that the sketch area is always at the end of the list.

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Basic operation of the interactive report 99.1 General

This section contains further information on the interactive report. Knowledge of the following section is a prerequisite: Basic operation of reports and symbols (Page 17)

9.2 Toolbar The following buttons are only available when editing an interactive report. These buttons do not exist either in the Report Designer or in the Symbol Designer.

9.2.1 The Connection tool The "Connection" tool automatically searches for connection points of the objects on the report.

The "Connection" tool draws a graphical and a logical connection between two points. These two points are not only connected on the diagram but also in the database. If you use the Line tool to draw a line between two points on the report, this line only exists as graphical information. The database does not recognize this connection.

The connection points of COMOS objects are magnetic. The "Connection" tool automatically snaps to the connector within a certain radius around the connection point. This automatic snapping of a cable to connection points can be deactivated by pressing the <Ctrl> key while moving the mouse.

Press the <Ctrl> key and the <Shift> key simultaneously to completely deactivate this automatic snapping.

There are the following basic types of connections:

● Connections without objects

● Connections based on objects

Connections without objects ● Electrical connections

● Electrical signal connections

● Logical connections on function diagrams

● Pneumatic connections

● Effect lines (data lines)

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Basic operation of the interactive report 9.2 Toolbar

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For this connection type the connection only exists as information an the connections of the object or as a connection on the report.

You can check the available connections on the "Connectors" tab, which is always displayed for base objects but only if needed in the case of engineering objects.

If nothing has been input either on the plan or on the "Connectors" tab, then the connection does not exist.

Connections always have one of the following states:

● "Input"

● "Output"

● "Neutral"

A connection cannot exist unless it does not have one of these three states.

You can also draw multiple connections simultaneously in parallel. When you click the "Connection" tool, a list containing the numbers one to five is displayed in the menu bar on the right-hand side. Select the desired number of parallel connections from the menu.

You find more information on this topic in the "Electrical Engineering" manual, keyword "Connections".

Functionality "Connections > Memorize" This command is also available for connectors for which no counterparts exist in the COMOS data. This has the advantage that the command can also be used with signals and blackboxes. You find more information on this topic in the "Electrical Engineering" manual, keyword "Connections".

Connections based on objects ● Pipes of all types

● Process streams

● Connections on installation diagrams

This connection type is used to create independent COMOS objects for the connection. Thus, the connection itself is an object. Information can be stored at the connection object.

You should, therefore, always use connections that are based on objects if the connection itself requires a great deal of information that cannot be stored otherwise.

This occurs regularly when substances are transported, since in this case information on the substance properties must be stored at the connection.

You find more information on this topic in the "P&ID" manual, keyword "Pipes" and keyword "Line types".

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Basic operation of the interactive report 9.2 Toolbar

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9.2.2 The Assign object tool (Identifier tool)

Overview of Assign object

This tool is used to modify one or a number of engineering objects after they have been placed on an interactive report. The tool provides a number of assignment modes for this purpose:

● You assign a new owner to the engineering object; in other words, the object is moved underneath another object in the Navigator.

("Automatic" mode and "Set owner" mode)

● You replace an object that is placed on the report with another engineering object that has not yet been placed on the report

("Automatic" mode or "Change object" mode)

● You assign a new base object to an engineering object.

("Automatic" mode)

● You assign a reference from an engineering object to another object.

(Modes "Set unit", "Set location" and "Set process stream")

The following sections provide information concerning the assignment modes which are relevant for administrators.

"Set owner" mode ● In the Navigator, the selected objects are only moved underneath the engineering object

that was selected in the Navigator if this is permitted.

This, for example, may be prevented by the create mode of the base object of the selected object. Or one of the objects selected on the plan is an object that is a purely graphical addition to the drawing and does not appear in the lists of objects. As such, it is always managed underneath the report and is not moved by the object assignment.

● When an object is moved, a copy of the owner structure is generated if necessary (if a pipe segment or a function was selected, for example). The pipe and the pipe branch or position are copied and pasted underneath the new owner.

● If all objects located underneath a unit are moved, the unit is deleted.

● If there are categories underneath the assigned owner, a check is made during object assignment as to which categories the objects are to be sorted into. If no categories are found, a check is made to establish whether the objects are connected by a pipe and can be created parallel to the pipe. At the same time, a check is made to find out whether the connectors of the objects are connected to a pipe.

The message "Wrong creation mode" only appears if this check also fails.

Categories are prepared in the COMOSDB for the part unit according to the EN standard.

See also chapter SortNewObjectsInCategories (Boolean) (Page 160).

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● After moving, the search strings are recalculated so that the display or non-display in the decision tables functions correctly.

If "Automatic" mode was selected and the usage parameters match those of the "Define owner" mode, then the "Define owner" is executed. The rules listed above apply analogously.

"Change object" mode The following prerequisites must be fulfilled to be able to apply the "Change object" mode:

● Only one object may be selected in the report.

● An engineering object must be dragged from the Navigator to this object. The engineering object must have a symbol for the current drawing type.

● Furthermore, the base objects of the two engineering objects have to have the same class: Properties of base objects > "System" tab > "Class" property

The "Change object" mode is also executed when the conditions above are met and the "Automatic" mode was selected.

"Assign unit", "Assign location", "Assign process stream" modes A unit or a location can also be assigned to groups when select groups on the report.

These modes assign a corresponding reference to the object selected on the report:

● Unit or location reference:

Is set in the general data of the engineering object, assuming that the base object allows such a reference (Base object properties > "System settings" tab > "Allowed links" options group) and the engineering object is not already located underneath a unit or a location.

● Writing to the attribute specified in the report script creates a reference to a process stream.

These modes are made available as follows in the COMOSDB:

Base object of the report, "SYS System" tab:

Attributes "PIA906" through "PIA906b"

● The names of the modes: The options script of the report template ensures that the values entered here are available as an assignment mode in the "Object assignment" tool and have a logic.

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● Options script of the report template:

The modes are activated via the following script: Dim AddAssignObjectMode(3) s1 = "#UNIT|"& Document.Spec("SYS.PIA906").DisplayValue s2 = "#LOCATION|"& Document.Spec("SYS.PIA906a").DisplayValue s3 = "#SPEC|PI010.PIA902|"& Document.Spec("SYS.PIA906b").DisplayValue AddAssignObjectMode(0) = s1 AddAssignObjectMode(1) = s2 AddAssignObjectMode(2) = s3

● To ensure that the system-internal unit reference is used, #UNIT must be assigned.

● To ensure that the system-internal location reference is used, #LOCATION must be assigned.

● The reference to the process stream is written to the engineering object in the attribute assigned with #SPEC|<tab.attribute>|.

Other modes that reference other objects can be incorporated in a similar way to the process stream reference.

Object assignment in the EE module In the "EE" module, connection breaks can also be set by using the object assignment.

Drag&drop the required connector or a potential from the Navigator onto the required placed object. The on the report placed object is connected to this connector or potential. This use of the object assignment is therefore the same as the "Connection > Memorize" and "Connection > Connect with" commands.

See also Assigning objects (Page 191)

9.2.3 Assigning objects

Procedure To assign objects, proceed as follows:

1. On the report, select the objects for which you want to apply the "Assign object" tool.

2. Select the "Assign object" tool and a mode.

3. Drag&drop an object from the Navigator onto the selected objects.

(A unit for the "Define owner" mode, for example.)

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Basic operation of the interactive report 9.2 Toolbar

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Result COMOS executes the selected assignment mode for the object and the selected objects.

Example: COMOS assigns the object to the selected objects as the new owner and moves them underneath this object in the Navigator.


By assigning objects you can partially change the properties of the objects. Only use this tool with great caution.

You find more information on this topic in the "Quickstart P&ID" manual, keyword "Object assignments".

9.2.4 The Text tool

Text parameters

If you activate the "Text" tool, you can set default values for all new texts in the "Text parameters" window.

See also Text parameter: Defaults (Page 31).

"Text parameters" window The following table describes the control elements of the "Text parameters" window:

Control element Description "Font" field To select a font, click the "..." button. In the "Font" window you can also select

values for the font size and display. "Color" field The set color settings apply to the text. "Soft" option The text is placed at a short distance from the text frame. "Alignment" options Activate an option to specify the position of the text within the text frame. If

there is no text frame, the text is aligned according to the placing point. "Layer" list The selected entry establishes a relation between the layer and the text. For

example, the text is only displayed in conjunction with the selected layer.

See also Text parameter: Properties (Page 46)

Creating path text (Page 193)

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Basic operation of the interactive report 9.3 Editing the symbol bar

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9.2.5 Creating path text You can find additional information on this topic in the "EI&C operation” manual, keyword "Creating and editing path texts".

9.2.6 Interactive Text You can find additional information on this topic in the "EI&C operation” manual, keyword "Editing object structures with interactive text".

9.3 Editing the symbol bar In interactive reports you can edit the symbol bar with the placeable objects.

Procedure To edit the symbol bar in an interactive report, proceed as follows:

1. Right-click in the gray area of the symbol bar.

2. Select the "Edit symbol bar" command from the context menu.

3. Select one of the following options:

– To delete the reference on the symbol bar, click on "Remove pointer".

– To select a symbol template, activate the "Set symbol template" option and select the desired entry from the lower list.

– To edit the symbol bar directly, activate the "Edit directly" option.

4. Click "OK" to save your changes.

Result The symbol bar for the interactive report is displayed accordingly.

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Basic operation of the interactive report 9.4 Copying and inserting on a report

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9.4 Copying and inserting on a report When you select the "Paste" command from the context menu of the interactive report, a submenu with various other options is displayed:

Command Description "Automatically" On P&ID reports: The copied objects are created underneath the

document. On all other report types, e.g. EE and FLUID: The new object is created

parallel to the original.

Exception: If the object is located next to the document and you copy across documents, the copy is not located parallel to the original but next to the new document.

FD: With this drawing type, the "MultipleUse" attribute is additionally evaluated: "SYS MultipleUse Object can be placed multiple times".

Attribute activated:

A second object is created in the Navigator parallel to the first engineering object.

Attribute deactivated:

The copy of the symbol generated in the report points to the same engineering object.

All drawing types: Elements

Ideally, elements are inserted underneath the old owner. If no more elements can be inserted underneath the old owner, then a new owner is created, for which all above rules apply again.

All drawing types: Functions

From a technical point of view, functions are perfectly normal objects that are handled in a similiar way to elements.

If you copy and paste all elements underneath a position, a new position is created as the owner.

If you only copy and paste a subset of the elements underneath a position, the copies are pasted underneath the previous position.

"At same position" A second object is created in the Navigator parallel to the first engineering object.

"Parallel to document"

A second engineering object is created in the Navigator parallel to the document.

"Below document" A second engineering object is created in the Navigator below the document. "Keep object" The copy of the symbol generated in the report references the same

engineering object. "Structure under the document"

A structure is created in the Navigator underneath the document. The copied engineering object is created underneath the structure. The order structure of the copied object is retained.

"Do not create object"

You can generate the symbol of the copied object on the document. No engineering object is created in the Navigator.

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Basic operation of the interactive report 9.5 Placing a template

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Interaction with other options for document storage All above commands only apply as described for the basic state. The commands determine where an object is initially copied to. However, after that, further mechanisms can take effect that move the object to another position.

Example categories If categories are used, the document is moved to a suitable subfolder. You can find additional information on this topic in the "COMOS Administration" manual, keyword "Categories".

9.5 Placing a template

Procedure To place a template, proceed as follows:

1. Right-click in the report.

Make sure that no object is selected.

2. Select the "Place template" command from the context menu.

3. Open the required template branch in the "Select document as template" window.

4. Select the desired template document. A preview of the selected document is displayed in the lower part of the "Select document as template" window.

5. Click the "OK" button to use the template.

Result The on the template placed objects are created parallel to the interactive report.

9.6 Placing a report on a report You can place reports on reports. You need to regard certain rules, such as the drawing type.

Procedure To place a report on a report, proceed as follows:

1. Open a report on which you wish to place another report.

2. Drag&drop the required report from the Navigator onto the open report.

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Basic operation of the interactive report 9.7 Setting options for the placed report

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Result The control triangle is displayed on the open report:

The connection to the placed report is retained. If you make any changes to the placed report, the positioning of this change will also be visible after the next update.

See also Setting options for the placed report (Page 196)

Opening a placed report (Page 197)

9.7 Setting options for the placed report

Prerequisite A report has been placed on another report.

Procedure To set the options for the placed report, proceed as follows:

1. Right-click the control triangle.

2. Click the "Options" command in the context menu.

The "Options" window is displayed.

3. To change the placed document, drag&drop a document from the Navigator onto the "Document" field.

4. To specify the exact coordinates for the placement, enter them in the "X" and "Y" fields.

5. Click "OK".

Result The options are applied for the placed document.

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Basic operation of the interactive report 9.8 Opening a placed report

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9.8 Opening a placed report

Prerequisite A report has been placed on another report.

Procedure To open a placed report, proceed as follows:

1. Right-click the control triangle.

2. Click the "Open" command in the context menu.

Result The placed report is opened.

9.9 Editing properties

Prerequisite The interactive report is open. You have placed an object on the report.

Procedure To edit the properties of an object on an interactive report, proceed as follows:

1. Select an engineering object in the interactive report.

Three fields appear in the toolbar of the report, for the name, the label and the description of the object.

2. Enter the required text in the fields.

3. To apply the entries, click the button.

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Basic operation of the interactive report 9.10 Rotating a symbol

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Result Your entries are applied for the selected object.

If you have not yet applied your entries by clicking the button, you can restore the original text. To do this, click in the required field and press the <Esc> key.

9.10 Rotating a symbol

Prerequisite The interactive report is open. You have placed an object on the interactive report.

Procedure To rotate a symbol, proceed as follows:

1. Select the required symbol on the interactive report.

2. Right-click the selected symbol.

3. Select one of the following options:

– To rotate the symbol around the X-axis, click the "Options > Flip symbol vertically" command in the context menu.

– To rotate the symbol around the Y-axis, click the "Options > Flip symbol horizontally" command in the context menu.

Result The symbol is rotated accordingly on the interactive report.

9.11 Placing a template at a rotation of 90 degrees

Requirement An interactive report is open.

Procedure 1. Click on an object in the symbol bar.

2. Hold down the mouse button and briefly press the space bar at the same time.

3. Release the space bar and place the symbol by clicking on the report with the mouse.

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Basic operation of the interactive report 9.12 Grab points

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Result The symbol is rotated by 90 degrees when it is placed on the report.

While the symbol is highlighted, you can press the space bar as many times as you like to keep on rotating the symbol by 90 degrees.

9.12 Grab points

Activating To activate the grab points of the symbols on reports, double-click a symbol which is not selected.

Texts The grab point for texts is displayed in green. You can only edit text once the grab points are activated.

Marking So that you can more easily recognize which symbol you are currently editing, the corresponding symbol is marked.

Overlapping grab points If grab points overlap, the lower grab points are shown enlarged. You can determine the order of the grab points. When you move the mouse over a grab point, the associated symbol is marked.

9.13 Document scheme

Only for the "Connectors", "Strip", and "Wires" tabs Use the button in the report toolbar to open a menu for controlling which scheme should be used to sort and filter tables. You can find additional information on this topic in the "Properties" manual, keyword "Toolbar".

Select the "Document scheme" command.

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Basic operation of the interactive report 9.13 Document scheme

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This command saves the current display scheme. This scheme is output in a report in the form of a list. In order for this to happen, you must send the scheme to the "ComosWiresListIR" DLL and retrieve it from there in an interactive report.

Insert a list frame and use the following commands:

Set InfoDll = CreateObject("ComosWiresListIR.ClassWiresListIR")

Set Cables = ReportObject.ScanDevices("D*")

Overwrite scheme Any user can overwrite a scheme. Particularly if you have adapted the layout of the report to a specific scheme, no users are allowed to save a document scheme subsequently. This prevents the matching of the layout and the scheme from being lost.

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Line types 1010.1 User-defined line types

10.1.1 Basic principle

Definition of line type A line type is made up of the following constituent parts:

● The symbol, also called the line pattern

● The pattern length consisting of a value and a unit

● The line thickness: The line thickness is not defined via the "@USERLNTYPE" standard table; but by the user on the report.

● The line color: The line color is not defined via the "@USERLNTYPE" standard table; it is specified by the user on the report.

● Description

"@USERLNTYPE" standard table COMOS provides a wide variety of predefined line types. These line types used in COMOS are distinguished by technical area, application, etc. However, the "@USERLNTYPE" standard table is available if you wish to define your own line types.

In COMOS, all user-defined line patterns are managed exclusively in the shared "@USERLNTYPE" standard table. Regardless of which drawing type or technical module you are working with, the "@USERLNTYPE" standard table is the collection from which the user-defined line patterns are taken. User-defined line patterns are created here.

You find the standard table on the "Base objects" tab underneath the following node: "Standard tables > @SYSTEM > @ USERLNTYPE".

No relation to drawing types This standard table works in complete isolation of the drawing types. The drawing types are only taken into consideration later. For that reason the column context menu does not offer the "Drawing type" item.

See also Structure of standard table USERLNTYPE (Page 202)

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Line types 10.1 User-defined line types

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10.1.2 Structure of standard table USERLNTYPE

Columns The following table describes the columns in the "@USERLNTYPE" standard table:

Column Description "Name" A unique number that is greater than 1000 (e.g. 1001). The numbers under

1000 are reserved for system use and may not be used. "Description" Description of the line type. The description is ignored. "Symbol" An entry without drawing type is required here. "Value 1" Any name "Value 2" Sample length in points related to a grid of 1. Example:

If the pattern length is set to "4" in the "Value 2" column and the grid is also set to 4, then a line pattern extends from precisely one grid point to the next.

If the pattern length is set to "4" in the "Value 2" column and the grid is only set to 1, then a line pattern extends over four grid points.

"Value 3" This column contains the following information regarding the unit: Entry "0" or no entry: Millimeter Entry "1": Inch If the unit of the standard table differs from the unit that is set in the options script of the report (via Unit = [0, 1]), then there is a conversion into the unit of the report. For the conversion to work correctly, the Header.Unit property must not be set in the script of the line symbol. Within the standard table itself, there is no conversion when changing the unit. If, therefore, a different unit is entered in the "Value 3" column, and if the pattern length is to remain the same, it is up to the user to convert the number entered in the "Value 2" column.

"Value 4" Indicates whether the line pattern is to be scaled if the pattern does not exactly fit in a to be drawn remnant. Entry "0": The remnant is filled with the standard line. Entry "1": The remnant is not filled with the standard line.

"Value 5" This column is only relevant if a pipe is connected to a jacket pipe. It displays the line distance and the line width.

"Value 6" This column is only relevant if a pipe is connected to a jacket pipe. This column displays the pattern height.

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Line types 10.1 User-defined line types

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10.1.3 Digression: Symbol construction

Specialties There must be one symbol per list row in the "@USERLNTYPE" standard table. Besides the already known rules regarding the construction of symbols, there are the following specialties:

Always align to a horizontal connection Proceed on the basis of a horizontal connecting line as the starting point.

Thus, if there is only a vertical line in the symbol, a horizontal connection only consists of a series of vertical lines one after the other.

This also applies to vertical connections. A vertical connection is nothing else than a rotated horizontal connection. If the horizontal connection was not continuous, the vertical connection also cannot be drawn as continuous.

Vertical lines in the symbol can never lead to a continuous line in the report, regardless of the direction in which the connection is drawn.

Consider the point of origin The point of origin of the symbol is likewise of importance. If a symbol is created for the line type, a virtual box consisting of all objects drawn in the symbol, and the point of origin, is generated. This virtual box is the area that is placed again when the line is drawn in the report.

It is not just the drawn elements themselves that make up the symbol. The point of origin is included automatically. If the point of origin is not located on one of the drawing elements, the symbol to be placed will be correspondingly larger and will contain more empty space.

When the connection is drawn, the symbol (that was designed as the line type) is placed with the origin at the start of the connection. The point of origin is thus as a rule located on the far left-hand edge of the symbol. If the point of origin is on the right in the Symbol Editor, the line protrudes out to the left beyond the connection point.

Consider sample length Ensure that the pattern length is as long or longer than the symbol is wide. You also need to consider the position of the point of origin when doing this, since it is automatically included with the entire symbol.

Deleting a script header No header may appear in the script of the user-defined line. Ensure that the following rows are not included, for example: ResetToDefaults Header.Layer = "2"

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The following table describes the script rows:

Row Description ResetToDefaults Thus all graphical settings are reset to the defaults. The default is:

Width: Windows standard, usually 0.1. Color: Black Style: Continuous Font: Arial 7 Remove this command, since restoring the defaults also overwrites any manual settings that may have been made by the user in the report.

Layer A Layer combines a number of graphical objects so that these objects can be edited together. The same applies here, namely, that the Layer should be set in the report and not in the symbol.

Line thickness One special feature from the header is the line thickness Header.Width. The line thickness can be selected later by the user regardless of the line type. This functions only when there is no fixed thickness assigned to the lines in the symbol.

When a line is drawn in the Symbol Editor, a thickness is assigned to it. This automatically assigned line thickness must be removed again.

The drawing is converted into a script when you close the Symbol Editor. Post-edit the symbol script. To do this, right-click the required row in the standard table and select the "Show symbol script" command from the context menu.

Width This is the line thickness. If this row appears, it is a fixed value that can no longer be changed manually by the user. Although the user can, for example, still call the "Graphical properties" window within the report and select a setting there, this setting has no effect.

If a line thickness is set in the script, it is automatically reset by COMOS.


If you have experience with symbol construction, you will find Header.Width very useful. For example, you can assign a fixed thickness to part of the symbol and leave other parts freely definable so that the user can make according settings in the report.

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Line types 10.2 Drawing type-specific line types (LINETYPES)

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Example A continuous line, a transverse line.

The aim is to allow the user to set the thickness of the continuous line via the "Graphical properties" window. The thickness of the transverse line is fixed. Function Geometrie (PARAM) Set p1 = Coord(0,0) Set p2 = Coord(4,0) DrawLine p1, p2 Set p3 = Coord(1,-1) Set p4 = Coord(3,1) Header.width = 0.5 DrawLine p3, p4 End Function

Line remnants Each symbol has a sample length. In many cases, the length of the connection is not exactly a multiple of this pattern length. A "remnant" is left over. This remnant is filled in with a continuous line at the left and right ends of the connection.

These remnant can always be modified via the graphical settings, since Header.Width and the like only affect the symbol explicitly and not parts which are generated automatically such as these remnants.

If, therefore, Header.Width = 0.5 is used in the symbol and the user selects a different thickness, the user entry will only effect the remnants.

10.2 Drawing type-specific line types (LINETYPES) All technical modules in COMOS support making the line patterns created in the "@USERLNTYPE" standard table available according to drawing type.

To make use of this option, create a separate standard table value in the base project for each required drawing type.

For example, the lists:

● Detail

● Detail_ANSI

● RI

● etc.

The name of the standard table values must exactly match the drawing type of the report. Check this by opening the report template and searching for the entry "SymbolType = "..."".

Example "Standard tables > @SYSTEM > @LINETYPES > RI1" belongs to "SymbolType = "RI1"".

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Line types 10.3 Creating a standard table value

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See also Creating a standard table value (Page 206)

10.3 Creating a standard table value

Procedure To create a standard table value, proceed as follows:

1. Open the base project.

2. Open the "@USERLNTYPE" standard table on the "Base objects" tab.

3. Right-click in the standard table.

4. Select the "Standard table value" command from the context menu.

A new standard table value is added to the standard table.

5. Enter the following information in the columns for the new standard table value:

– "Name" column: Enter a name of your choice.

– "Description" column: Enter a description. This text appears in the "Line types" list.

– "Symbol" column: A symbol script is entered automatically.

– "Value 1" column: The entry must match the name in the "Name" column.

Example of the effect To select the line type defined in the "@USERLNTYPE" standard table, proceed as follows:

1. Open an interactive report

2. Select a connection.

3. Right-click on the connection.

4. Select "Options > Graphical properties" from the context menu.

The "Graphical properties" window is displayed.

Result You can select the line types from the "Line type" list.

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Line types 10.4 Connector-specific line types

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10.4 Connector-specific line types A connecting line that begins or ends at a specific connector automatically has a specific line type allocated to it.

You can define the type in the properties of a connector:

You can see within COMOS which connector types are available.

The system project has a "ConnectionType<TYPE>" standard table for each connector type.

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Line types 10.5 Line types in P&ID

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Columns in the "ConnectionType<TYPE>" standard table The following table describes the columns in the "ConnectionType<TYPE>" standard table:

Column Description "Name" Any unique name. "Description" These texts are offered as the "Subtype" in the properties of the

connector. "Symbol" This column is not evaluated. The symbol is supplied by the line

type that is specified in the "Value 3" column. "Value 1" The actual name of the subtype. The connector types are handled

with this label. You also get this text if you query the subtype in the Object Debugger.

"Value 2" Line thickness Settings in the symbol (Header.Width) take priority. In addition, there can be specialties in specific areas.

"Value 3" Designation of the line type. The line type can originate from the "@USERLNTYPE" standard table or it can be called from the COMOS own line types. See also Structure of @1RI|1|J and @1RI|1|K (Page 210). The COMOS lines do not have to have been defined first in the "PI > Y > 0 > 1 > J Logocad line types" standard table or in other standard tables. Instead, if you know the code name, you can call the COMOS line types directly in the "Value 3" column.

"Value 4 - Value 6" RGB colors of the line. "Value 7" Layer of the lines (layer), if supported by the connector type.

10.5 Line types in P&ID

10.5.1 Overall systemology The following explanations apply to reports with the options script entry Application = "PFD". The display of connections is handled in the following order:

For a pipe 1. Inconsistent connections are always displayed in red.

2. Administrator default or user setting: Setting on the "PI Display" tab before placing the pipe.

3. Manual setting at the pipe or in the report at the connection.

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The following applies for the administrator default or user setting as per point 2 and point 3:

● Please note that the menus at the pipe are not the same as those in the report. The diagram type-specific line types are of course also available in the report.

● Please note that the available colors in the pipe properties are not the same as those in the report. In the pipe properties, selections are made in a standard table. Selection is done from the Windows colors in the report.

If you selected a color in the report, the note "Windows color" is displayed in the pipe properties.

If a color has been selected in the pipe properties, a gray color appears in the report in the graphical properties of the connection.

The following is available for user selection:

● Standard table "PI > Y > 0 > 1 > J Logocad line types"

● User-defined lines transferred from the "@USERLNTYPE" standard table to the "PI > Y > 0 > 1 > J Logocad line types" standard table.

● User-defined lines in the "@SYSTEM > @LINETYPES > <Drawing type list>" standard table

For an action line (P&ID connection without an object) ● Inconsistent connections are always displayed in red.

● Administrator default: See also Connector-specific line types (Page 211).

● Default value for connections without objects

● User selection of line type in the context menu of the report

The following is available for user selection:

– Standard table "@System >@LINETYPES > ACTLINE line types for action lines"

– User-defined lines taken from the "@USERLNTYPE" standard table to the "@System >@LINETYPES > ACTLINE line types for action lines" standard table

– User-defined lines in the "@SYSTEM > @LINETYPES > <Drawing type list>" standard table

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10.5.2 Structure of @1RI|1|J and @1RI|1|K

Columns The following table describes the columns in the standard tables:

Column Description "Name" Any name. The order of the list is controlled on the basis of the name. Through this

you also determine the order in which the line types are offered to the user. "Description" This text appears in the "Line types" list. "Symbol" The column is ignored. The pattern of the line type is solely determined from the

code in the "Value1" field. "Value 1" This code defines the line type pattern. "Value 2 - Value 10"

These columns are ignored.

Value of the "Value 1" column The following table describes the possible assignments in the "Value 1" column:

Code name Main purpose "1 - 10" Predefined Windows lines. Here, "1", "2", "3", "5", "8", and "9" are different lines;

the others are repetitions. It makes no difference whether you input "1" or "001". "11 - 99" LogoCAD lines "100 - 115" P&ID pipes "116 - 117" Action lines "118 - 120" P&ID pipes "121 - 127" Action lines "128 - 399" P&ID pipes "400 - 412" EE connections, currently not used "413 - 999" Reserved "1000 - " User-defined line types corresponding to the "@USERLNTYPE" standard table

if there is an invalid value in the "Value1" field, e.g. a text, under certain circumstances the entire line management will stop functioning and line types can no longer be allocated to the connections.

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Access to the "@USERLNTYPE" standard table The entries in the "@USERLNTYPE" standard table can be used in two different ways in P&ID:

● You can make the drawing-type-specific assignment via the line types. These line types are then available for both pipes and action lines.

● You can call an entry from the "@USERLNTYPE" standard table directly in the "PI > Y > 0 > 1 > J" and "@System >@LINETYPES > ACTLINE" standard tables. These line types are then only available either for pipes or for action lines.

You can use both options in parallel. Thus the same line type can be offered several times.

Since the "designation" of the line type is not taken from the "@USERLNTYPE" standard table but is defined in the standard table that accesses "@USERLNTYPE", the same line type can have different labels.

The user might not notice that two different entries ultimately refer to the same line type.

10.5.3 Connector-specific line types You can define a connector-specific line in P&ID if the following conditions are met:

● An action line, i.e. a P&ID connection without an object is available.

● At least one connected component has the "single line" connector type with one of the following subtypes:

– "Action lines"

– "Medium"

The system project has a "ConnectionType<TYPE>" standard table for each connector type. Since connector-specific lines are only possible in P&ID for the "single line" connector type, only the "ConnectionType" standard table is required.

Specialties The details are only used at the point in time when the connection is generated on the report. Therefore, all graphical settings of the connection can also be changed retrospectively.

● "Value 3" column: Labeling the line type, see also Structure of @1RI|1|J and @1RI|1|K (Page 210).

● "Value 8 - Value 10" columns: These columns are ignored.

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Line types 10.6 Lines in electrical engineering reports

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10.5.4 Old versions You can find the following standard tables on the "Documents" tab in the COMOSDB system project:



These lists are not used by the above described functions and only exist for compatibility reasons.

10.6 Lines in electrical engineering reports The following explanations apply to reports with the options script entry Application = "ELO".

Display The display of connections is handled in the following order:

1. Inconsistent connections are always displayed in red.

2. Line type of the bridge

3. Administrator default: Connector line type, see also Connector-specific line types (Page 207).

4. Default value of the continuous connection

5. User selection: Line type in the context menu of the report If you right-click on a connection in an electrical engineering report and call the "Graphical properties" window via the "Options" command in the context menu, you can select one of the following line types from the "Line type" list:

– "Continuous, round end caps"

– "Continuous, flat end caps"

– "Dashed line"

– "Dash-dotted line"

– "Chain-dotted-dotted line"

– "Long dashed line"

– "Short dashed line"

– "Bubble line"

This list uses Windows defaults. You cannot change it.

6. Drawing type specific lines

See also Drawing type-specific line types (LINETYPES) (Page 205).

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10.6.1 Connector-specific line types You can define connection specific line types on connector diagrams.

Specialties ● "Value 2" column: Line thickness You can no longer modify the line thickness manually. If

the information is missing, "0.35" is the default.

● "Value 3" column: Labeling the line type, see also Structure of @1RI|1|J and @1RI|1|K (Page 210).

● "Value 4 - Value 6" columns: RGB colors of the line.

● "Value 7" column: Layer of the lines.

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Editing attributes on the report bar 1111.1 Application

COMOS provides a technology that makes it easier for the user to set attribute values for engineering objects. The attribute values are set via the report bar of an interactive report or 3D space.

Two application methods are possible:

● The engineering object exists already.

● The required engineering objects have not yet been created.

The engineering object exists The engineering object exists already. It was placed on a diagram or in 3D space and is selected there.

If the base object was prepared accordingly, specific attributes of the object are displayed in the report bar and their values can be changed there:

If there is not enough space in the report bar to incorporate all attributes, click the ">>" button to show the hidden attributes.

To apply the values to the selected engineering object, click the button.

Only after confirming a script can be executed.

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Engineering objects have not been created yet. The desired engineering objects have not been created yet. Its base object has been selected on the "Base objects" tab in the Navigator and a report or a 3D view is open. If a button has been prepared in the symbol bar of the diagram for this base object, you can select the button instead.

If the base object was prepared accordingly, certain attributes of the object are displayed in the report bar. You can now enter attribute values in the fields of the report bar; these are passed to the engineering objects when the latter are generated. However, the attribute values of the base object are not changed.

The system memorizes the values that were defined via the report bar until the session ends or you switch projects. They are saved automatically. That is why the button is missing in the report bar whenever a base object is selected in the Navigator.

Since you do not confirm your entries, no event is triggered either and no script is executed.

Shared attributes If you set the attributes in the report bar via the base object, you can work with shared attributes. In the case of such an attribute, multiple base objects share the value of one attribute.

Effect: Engineering objects that are based on different base objects get the default value as value that was last entered in the attribute. Regardless of which base object was actually selected at that time. The in the base objects shared value does not change.

Attribute families Please note that the behavior is not the same when you change attributes via the report bar as it is when you change them in the object properties.

If you want to update an attribute family via the report bar, add the "GetConnectorSpec" script in the base objects.

If you want the attribute behavior to be consistent with the approach in the object properties, activate the "EnableVSUI2 = True" report option. If necessary, the object properties in the detail area of the Navigator are shown again.

You can find additional information on this topic in the "P&ID" manual, keyword "Attribute families".

See also Examples (Page 219)

Shared Attributes (Page 218)

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Editing attributes on the report bar 11.2 Administration

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11.2 Administration

"VSUI" attribute The technique for attributes in the report bar is linked to the "VSUI" attribute. You find the "VSUI" attribute at the respective engineering object, e.g. a device. Depending on the application, the attribute must be located on a specific tab:

Application Tab PFD "SYS system information" ISO "GD 3D geometry" D3Section "GD 3D geometry"

Properties of the "VSUI" attribute:

Property Description "Name" field The name of the attribute must be "VSUI". "Type of display" list

"Edit field" entry

"Type" list "Text" entry "Edit mode" list Recommended entry: "Editable- in base object tree only" "Value" field You here enter the attributes that are to be displayed in the report bar. The

attributes must have the "Editable - normal" edit mode and one of the following display types: "Edit field" "Check box" "List" If the attributes have a different display type, they are not displayed on the report bar.

Notation The following table describes the notation you need to consider when entering attributes in the "Edit option for drawing" field:

Entry Notation Description Attribute <NameTab>.

<NameAttribute> Attribute not on "SYS" tab Regard case sensitivity.

Attribute <NameAttribute> Attribute on "SYS" tab Regard case sensitivity.

Keyword "@N", "@n", "@Name" or "@NAME"

Display the name of the object

Keyword "@L", "@l", "@Label" or "@LABEL"

Display the label of the object

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Editing attributes on the report bar 11.3 Shared Attributes

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Entry Notation Description Keyword "@D", "@d",

"@Description", "@DESCRIPTION"

Display the description of the object

Parameter "-l" Do not display the description of the attribute Default value: is displayed

Parameter "+sN", "-sN" or "N" Set the length of the control to N x control height. If not specified: The control length is adjusted to the content length. Inputting "s" for better clarity is recommended.

Parameter "c" Shared attribute Not in the case of key terms. If an attribute is marked as "shared" and its value is input via the report bar, this value is also used by other base objects as the default value for their engineering objects. See also Shared Attributes (Page 218).

You can enter multiple attributes and keywords in the "Edit option for drawing" field. Separate the individual entries with ";".

The parameters are appended to the attribute or the keyword with a "/" character. If an attribute has multiple parameters, they are appended one after another without delimiters.

Recommendation If the attribute values are entered for the engineering objects, create the "VSUI" attribute in the Navigator of the base project and do not place it in the properties.

11.3 Shared Attributes If the attributes are set via the base object, you can work with the so-called shared attributes.

Principle Set the value of an attribute marked as "shared" in the report bar. The value is passed to the derived engineering objects as a default value. If this attribute is marked as "shared" at other base objects, the engineering objects derived from them will also take over this value.

The attribute value entered for the base objects is not changed by this.

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Editing attributes on the report bar 11.4 Examples

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Prerequisite The other base objects have an attribute with the same NestedName and this attribute is declared as "shared" in the "VSUI" attribute.

In some applications certain attributes are always shared attributes and no longer have to be marked as "shared". Isometry example: Nominal diameter and pipe spec.

Application examples See also Examples (Page 219).

11.4 Examples

Example 1: Setting the attribute value for an already created engineering object ● A valve is placed on a P&ID.

The base object of the valve has the "SYS.IsPipeFitting" attribute.

● Type of display: "Check box"

– Edit mode: "Editable – normal"

– Value: "1", i.e. the option has been activated. This value was inherited to the engineering object on creation.

● The following value has been input at the base object in the "SYS.VSUI" attribute: "@N;IsPipeFitting;"

The "IsPipeFitting" attribute is specified without specifying a tab, meaning that it must be located on the same tab as the "VSUI" attribute.

● Select the valve on the P&ID. The name of the engineering object and the option are displayed in the report bar.

● Deactivate the option and confirm with the button.

The changed attribute value is written to the engineering object. The option continues to be activated at the base object.

Advantage: The user is not required to open the properties but can change the value in the P&ID plan.

Example 2: Setting the attribute value before creating engineering objects ● Several valves with the same base object are to be placed on a P&ID diagram. All valves

should have the "EXAMPLE" pipe spec.

● The base object has the "PI030.PIA012 pipe spec" attribute.

– Type of display: "Combo box"

– Edit mode: "Editable – normal"

– Value: not set

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● The following value is input at the valve base object in the "SYS.VSUI" attribute: "PI030.PIA012;"

● Open the P&ID diagram and select the valve base object in the Navigator. The pipe spec attribute is shown in the report bar.

● Set the attribute to "EXAMPLE" in the report bar.

● Place the valves.

The valves all get the "EXAMPLE" pipe spec. The pipe spec attribute continues to be blank at the base object.


It is not necessary to set the attribute individually for each valve.

Example 3 and 4: Shared attributes Example 3: Correct usage

● A pump base object and a valve base object both have the attribute: "PI030.PIA013 connector"

– Type of display: "Combo box"

– Edit mode: "Editable – normal"

– Value: not set

● Enter the following value in "SYS.VSUI" for both base objects: "PI030.PIA013/c;"

This means that the attribute has been labeled as "shared" at both base objects.

● Open the P&ID diagram and select the valve base object in the Navigator. The "Connector" attribute is shown in the report bar.

● Select a connector type in the report bar, e.g. "Flanged".

● Place the valve. The engineering object takes over the value "Flanged." The value is still empty at the base object.

● Navigate to the pump base object in the Navigator and drag&drop a pump from the Navigator onto the diagram. The pump is created with connector type "Flanged".

Reason: The connector type attribute is labeled as "shared" and has the same NestedName as the attribute that has just been set at the valve. Hence both engineering objects are created with the same default value.

The attribute remains unset at the base object of the pump.

Example 4: Errors when using shared attributes

● The NestedName is not identical; in other words, although the attributes have the same name and are both labeled as "shared", they are located on different tabs.

● You forgot to enter the "c" parameter in the "VSUI" attribute at one of the base objects.

Consequence: The default value is not shared.

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Editing attributes on the report bar 11.4 Examples

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Example: Attribute families Several components connected via pipes have been placed on a P&ID. There are two ways to adapt those attributes that are common to all the placed objects:

● The "EnableVSUI2 = True" report option is commented in.

– Select a pipe segment.

The "Properties tree" tab appears in the detail area of the Navigator.

– Change the nominal diameter of the pipe segment.

All the objects whose nominal diameter needs to be adapted on the P&ID are highlighted in ocher. The "Update objects" window opens.

– To always adapt the nominal diameter of the selected objects to the changes for the current session, select the "Always" option.

– To only adapt specific attributes to the changes, select the "User-defined" option.

In the "Always accept the difference" column, select the options of the attributes that you never want to update. If the administrator makes the "Accept the difference" column available, select the options of the attributes that you do not want to update in the current update process.

The nominal diameter of the inputs and outputs is adapted.

● The "EnableVSUI2 = True" report option is commented out.

– Select a pipe segment.

The attributes appear on the report bar.

– Change the nominal diameter of the pipe segment.

A window opens.

– Click the "Yes" button to adapt the nominal diameter of the pipe to the new nominal diameter of the pipe segment.

The "Update objects" window opens.

– To always adapt the nominal diameter of the selected objects to the changes for the current session, select the "Always" option.

– To only adapt specific attributes to the changes, select the "User-defined" option.

– Click on the "OK" button.

The nominal diameter of the inputs is adapted.

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Editing attributes on the report bar 11.4 Examples

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Context menu in reports 1212.1 "New" context menu

Report object A report object is a placed symbol which is not a true graphic. It is more than a circle or a line. The counterpart in the Navigator is called an engineering object.

If you right-click on a report object in the report, other objects are displayed when you select "New" from the context menu. The same objects are also displayed in the Navigator when you open the context menu and select "New". The to be placed object has a symbol for the drawing type of this report.

Effect If multiple objects are created when the "New" command is executed, they are placed underneath one another. If the command only creates one object, you can place it with the mouse.

When you select an entry from the "New" menu at the report object, first of all the associated engineering object is searched for a matching subobject. If one already exists there, it is used and placed. If a subobject does not exist, then a new engineering object is created for the subobject.

Prepared assembly template Templates for assemblies can also be offered in the "New" context menu. A corresponding template must already have been prepared in the base object of the report object ("CObject"; this is not the report template).

When you select an entry from the "New" context menu for the object on the report, first of all the associated engineering object is searched for an engineering object matching the template. If one already already exists there, it is used and placed. If an object does not exist, then a new engineering object is created on the basis of the template.

12.2 Settings When you right-click on a placed object and select the "Settings" command, you see the following commands:

"Fixed" command This object cannot be changed, regardless of which connections exist to other objects. This option is the default setting for newly placed objects.

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Context menu in reports 12.2 Settings

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"Search text" command The "Search condition" window opens when you call the "Search text" setting:

If you assign this option to engineering objects, the objects only serve as placeholders. They are displayed in red on the interactive report.

The object changes depending on an engineering object in the COMOS tree.

Example An object that is to serve as a template for a motor is placed on an interactive report. "M1" is input for the search text, for example. As soon as the report is created in the engineering project, COMOS attempts to find a motor with the name "M1". The object that had been placed originally is replaced when a valid object is found.

Control elements in the "Search condition" window Control element Description "Base object" area The name of the placed object is entered in this text field. You can also set a

base object using drag&drop. If the search text does not produce any valid hits, the symbol of the base object displayed here is shown instead.

"Object" area This area is used to update the display area for the base object with drag&drop. Drag&drop an engineering object into this area. The "Number of hierarchical levels" and "Search text" fields are filled in automatically when a valid object is found.

"Document" option A valid object is searched, starting from the document. "Unit" option A document can have a reference to a unit. The "Unit" option jumps to the

referenced unit and attempts to reference a valid object relative to it. "Location" option A document can have a reference to a location. The "Location" option jumps

to the referenced location and attempts to link a valid object relative to it. "Task aim" option Taking the current document as a starting point, COMOS searches the

same hierarchical level first for a corresponding task. If it is not able to find any tasks, COMOS moves the search up a level. When it finds a task, COMOS accesses the "Target object" attribute of this task. You can store a different location or a different unit here underneath which search text is used exclusively to search for a matching object.

"Number of hierarchy levels" field

Indicates the number of levels to jump upwards, beginning from the start object.

"Search text" field This is where you enter the name of the object that is to replace the originally placed object.

"Label" option Activate this option if you want to search by label.

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Context menu in reports 12.3 Grouping

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12.3 Grouping If you select multiple objects, you can group them by selecting "Grouping > Create" from the context menu.

Purpose Groups created in this way support the following actions:

● Move together

● Copy together

● Delete together

When you move a group, the connections are retained. All properties that apply to all objects of the group (for example, the line thickness) can be set for all members of that group.

Alternatively, you can continue to edit the individual objects in the group separately. If you click on an object in the group, then first of all the entire group is selected. The next click selects an individual object of the group.

Select "Grouping > Remove from group" from the context menu to remove an individual object from the group. All other objects remain in the group. Use two single mouse clicks: You select the group with the first click. Click a second time to select the object in the group.

See also Identifier tool (Page 25)

12.4 Context menu for a multiple selection

Submenus If different objects on a report are selected at the same time, the commands in the context menu are divided into submenus: The following table describes the submenus:

Submenu Description "Graphic" Commands that are only valid for graphical objects. "Device" Commands that are valid for all report objects. "Potential" Commands that especially apply to potentials. "Connection" Commands that especially apply to connections.

12.5 Copying and pasting objects placed on the report See also Copying and inserting on a report (Page 194).

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Context menu in reports 12.6 Context menus for interactive reports

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12.6 Context menus for interactive reports If no objects are selected on the interactive report, there are several commands in the context menu that can be applied on the report.

Select the "Properties" item to open the report's properties.

12.7 Coupling copied documents When you copy an interactive report, all objects placed on the document are checked and created as new in the database if applicable.

"Copy structure" command "Copy structure" copies all required engineering objects.

If COMOS objects have to be created when you open the copied report for the first time, the "Define paste mode for Comos objects" window is displayed. This allows you to select all objects for the purpose of defining the associated creation mode.

Options script If the RestoreReferencesAfterCopy = False option has been set in the options script, no engineering objects are created. If engineering objects are missing (i.e. the objects placed on the report have no counterpart in the database), the objects are drawn in red on the report.

In this case the "Copy missing objects" command will be available in the context menu in the opened interactive report. This command has the same effect as the RestoreReferencesAfterCopy function. In addition, the "Create" command is available in the context menu for the objects marked in red on the report.

12.8 Deleting objects outside You find more information on this topic in the "Inheriting, Copying, Deleting" manual, keyword "Deleting documents".

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