Page 1: Reproduction What’s the difference in these two forms of reproduction?


What’s the difference in What’s the difference in these two forms of these two forms of


Page 2: Reproduction What’s the difference in these two forms of reproduction?

Essential Question:Essential Question:How does sexual and How does sexual and asexual reproduction asexual reproduction

affect the passing of traits affect the passing of traits to offspring?to offspring?

Standard:Standard:S7L3b. Compare and contrast S7L3b. Compare and contrast that organisms reproduce that organisms reproduce asexually and sexually (bacteria, asexually and sexually (bacteria, protists, fungi, plants and protists, fungi, plants and animals)animals)

Page 3: Reproduction What’s the difference in these two forms of reproduction?

Previously, you learned that cells make more cells through the process of …

You learned that sex cells are created in a process called…

You learned that adults produce offspring with the help of which system…



Reproductive System


Page 4: Reproduction What’s the difference in these two forms of reproduction?

For this unit, we For this unit, we will look at will look at

reproduction with reproduction with a more specific a more specific

focus on the focus on the passing of traits.passing of traits.

Page 5: Reproduction What’s the difference in these two forms of reproduction?





Page 6: Reproduction What’s the difference in these two forms of reproduction?

Use the Types of Use the Types of Reproduction Chart to take Reproduction Chart to take


Page 7: Reproduction What’s the difference in these two forms of reproduction?


Page 8: Reproduction What’s the difference in these two forms of reproduction?

Most unicellular organisms, and a few multicellular organisms use cell division to reproduce in a process called asexual reproduction.

A parent organism produces one or more new organisms that are identical to the parent and live independently of the parent

Asexual Asexual ReproductionReproduction

Page 9: Reproduction What’s the difference in these two forms of reproduction?

Asexual Asexual ReproductionReproduction

The organism that produces the new organism or organism is the parent

Each new organism is an offspring

The offspring produced by asexual reproduction are genetically identical to the parent.

Page 10: Reproduction What’s the difference in these two forms of reproduction?

Asexual Asexual ReproductionReproduction

Page 11: Reproduction What’s the difference in these two forms of reproduction?

Binary Fission is a form of asexual reproduction that

occurs in cells that do not

contain a nucleus (Prokaryotes)

Asexual Asexual ReproductionReproduction

Page 12: Reproduction What’s the difference in these two forms of reproduction?

Asexual Asexual ReproductionReproduction

Page 13: Reproduction What’s the difference in these two forms of reproduction?

Other Examples of Other Examples of Asexual Asexual


Page 14: Reproduction What’s the difference in these two forms of reproduction?

Sexual Sexual ReproductionReproduction

Page 15: Reproduction What’s the difference in these two forms of reproduction?

Type of reproduction in which two parent cells

(male and female reproductive cells)

combine to form offspring with genetic material from

both cells.

Sexual Sexual ReproductionReproduction

Page 16: Reproduction What’s the difference in these two forms of reproduction?

Heredity is the passing of Genes from parents to offspring.

A Eukaryotic cell has a Nucleus that contains

genetic material.

A Chromosome is the structure that holds the genetic material


DNA is the genetic material that provides instructions for all the

body’s functions.

A Gene is a section of DNA that provides

instructions for specific traits.

Page 17: Reproduction What’s the difference in these two forms of reproduction?

Each species of living things has a characteristic number of chromosomes.

Humans have 23 pairs, for a total of 46 chromosomes.

Sexual ReproductionSexual Reproduction

Page 18: Reproduction What’s the difference in these two forms of reproduction?

Recall from our previous unit the cell process called Meiosis.

What was the purpose of Meiosis?

What was our general description of Meiosis?

Make Sex Cells

One Cell Makes Four Cells

Sexual Sexual ReproductionReproduction

Page 19: Reproduction What’s the difference in these two forms of reproduction?

The process of Meiosis creates sex cells (sperm and egg in humans) that contain half the genetic material (half the 46 chromosomes)

During sexual reproduction, sex cells are combined to form unique offspring.



Sexual Sexual ReproductionReproduction

Page 20: Reproduction What’s the difference in these two forms of reproduction?

Sexual Sexual ReproductionReproduction

Page 21: Reproduction What’s the difference in these two forms of reproduction?

Sexual Sexual ReproductionReproduction

Page 22: Reproduction What’s the difference in these two forms of reproduction?


Page 23: Reproduction What’s the difference in these two forms of reproduction?

Asexual & Asexual & Sexual Sexual

ReproductiReproduction Sorting on Sorting


Page 24: Reproduction What’s the difference in these two forms of reproduction?

Investigating Investigating Reproductive Reproductive

Strategies ActivityStrategies Activity

Page 25: Reproduction What’s the difference in these two forms of reproduction?

Comparing Comparing Asexual & Asexual &

Sexual Sexual ReproductioReproductio


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