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Page 3: Reptiles

Reptiles live on land and in water. The giant crocodiles and snakes can grow as large as 9 metres. The smallest reptiles are lizards. Some common characteristics:

• They are vertebrates.• They are “cold-blooded” animals.• They have scales and dry skin.• They have four legs or no legs.• They usually lay eggs, sometimes live young.• They have ear holes, not ears.


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REPRODUCTIONReptiles are oviparus animals. The mothers lay eggs. Then the babies grow inside the eggs. Later , the eggs break open and the babies come out.

Crocodiles lay eggs. Mothers make a nest. It may be a hole in the sand or a small mountain of dirt and dry leaves, grass and other parts of the vegetation.

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BODY COVERINGReptiles, and birds or mammals have scales to protect their bodies against the cold . Snakes shed their skin every year to get rid of parasites wounds ...

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COLD BLOODReptils are cold blooded..

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Most of the reptiles are carnivores. They have a simple and short tract. Some reptiles eat vegetables.

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• The lungs of reptiles are spongy and have more surface area for gas exchanging that amphibians.

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• Let’s watch an interesting video to know more about reptiles.

We do not want to end this power point as it’s so original. We had lots of fun!.

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By Alba Gordillo, Carla Patiño and Elena Marco:

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