

Request for Proposals El Dorado County Air Quality Management District

Motor Vehicle Emission Reduction Projects 2016 & 2017 Background In 1990, Assembly Bill 2766 (AB 2766) was adopted into the California Health and Safety Code. AB 2766 authorized the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to collect a motor vehicle registration clean air surcharge of $4 per vehicle. Revenues generated from the surcharge are utilized by the Air Quality Management District (AQMD) for grant programs that reduce air pollution from motor vehicles in order to implement the California Clean Air Act and internal operations. Grant programs include alternative fueled vehicles, electric vehicle infrastructure, shuttles, park and ride facilities, bike trails, dirt road paving and others. Internal operations include planning, monitoring, enforcement and technical studies. Purpose This is a competitive grant program with the sole purpose of improving air quality. The AQMD’s goal is to identify projects that reduce motor vehicle emissions at the lowest cost per ton of emissions reduced. Project information and cost-effectiveness rankings are then presented to the El Dorado County Air Quality Management District Board of Directors for award consideration. Grants funds are to subsidize emission reduction projects, not supplant existing normal operating expenses. Grant Funding Approximately $600,000 will be available for the grant term, contingent upon Board of Directors approval. The Board of Directors reserves the right to approve proposals, reject proposals, or fund an amount less than the amount requested. Matching Funds Match must be at least 20% of requested and awarded funding or at least 16.66% of total project budget identified in the application. Example: $50,000 requested/awarded will require at least $10,000 in match. $50,000 x 20% = $10,000 $10,000/$60,000 = 16.66% All applicants must contribute minimum matching funds equal to or greater than 20% of the grant amount requested. The Match Share requirement must be fulfilled after receiving the Notice to Proceed and throughout the grant term. The Match Share may be monetary and/or in-kind (non-dollar) contributions. Volunteer services are acceptable in-kind contributions and will be valued as the number of volunteer hours at the current State of California minimum hourly wage rate, or other appropriate rate if identified in the subsequent agreement. Other non-dollar contributions will be considered. The Match Share must be actual cost to the grant applicant of matching services. Applicant Eligibility El Dorado County jurisdictions including: cities, special districts, other political subdivisions and jurisdictions joined together by JPAs or MOUs, private companies, private individuals and


non-profit organizations are eligible to apply for these grants. Applicants may jointly submit regional project applications. Eligible Project Examples (Other projects that reduce motor vehicle emissions are also encouraged) Alternative Fuel Vehicle Infrastructure 1. Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) installation and upgrade. 2. Alternative gas or liquid fuel equipment installation and upgrade. Fugitive PM10 Emission Reduction Projects to reduce vehicle fugitive dust (PM10) emissions. Project examples include: 1. Paving unpaved public access road(s) that have an average of at least 100 one-way vehicle

trips per day or serve a minimum of ten occupied residences. 2. Treatment of unpaved public access road(s) with a long-term (lasting at least one year) dust

palliative (excluding oil and water). Eligible roads must have an average of at least 100 one-way vehicle trips per day or serve a minimum of ten occupied residences.

3. Signage to reduce speed on unpaved pubic access roads 4. Incremental cost of PM10 efficient street sweepers used on paved public roads Public Education The California Clean Air Act requires districts include a public education element in their attainment plans. Public education programs should deliver a focused message encouraging behavioral changes that reduce motor vehicle emissions. Project examples include: 1. Development/distribution of educational materials on how residents can improve air quality. 2. Development and distribution of educational materials to at-risk populations on the health

impacts of poor air quality and how to avoid them. 3. Air quality curriculum development and implementation in school districts. Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Reduction Projects to reduce motor vehicle trips by providing alternative methods of travel. Examples of these projects include: 1. Videoconferencing systems that reduce the vehicle trips of the public to public facilities 2. Construction of public park and ride facilities 3. Subsidies for new commuter vanpools 4. Construction of bike paths that serve schools or employment centers 5. Shuttle services Vehicle Retrofit and Replacement Projects that reduce mobile source tail pipe emissions by retrofit or replacement of vehicles and engines with eligible, new (2016 model or later) vehicles and engines, and related fueling infrastructure. Replaced vehicles and engines must be scrapped. Examples of these projects include: 1. Replacement of old light-duty motor vehicles (8500 lbs. or less) with a new light-duty

electric, hybrid, alternative fuel or other low emitting vehicle that meets the zero emission vehicle (ZEV), alternative technology partial zero emission vehicle (ATPZEV), or partial zero emission vehicles (PZEV) standard.

2. Replacement of old medium-duty (8501 lbs – 14,000 lbs.) vehicles with new low emitting medium-duty vehicle that meets the ZEV or super low emission vehicles (SULEV) standard.


3. Replacement of an old heavy-duty vehicle (14,001 lbs or greater) with a low emission alternative fuel vehicle (AFV) of the same class.

4. Replacement of an old high emitting engine in a heavy-duty vehicle with a new alternative fueled low emitting engine.

5. Liquefied and compressed natural gas or electric vehicle infrastructure projects Eligible Costs Eligible costs are direct costs associated with implementing the project, which are incurred after receiving the Notice to Proceed and by the end of the grant term. AQMD reserves the right to make final determinations regarding cost eligibility for each project. Ineligible Costs Any costs not directly related to the project are ineligible for grant or matching funds. Ineligible costs using grant or matching funds including, but are not limited to: • Costs not specifically identified in the Proposal, unless approved in writing by the Air

Pollution Control Officer (APCO) prior to costs being incurred; • Costs covered by another government grant, contract or loan; • Expenses incurred for meetings, workshops, training not associated with the project; • Personnel travel or per diem costs, unless approved in writing by the APCO prior to the

costs being incurred; • Food or beverages; • Overhead expenses such as costs for utilities, office supplies, and other miscellaneous costs

incurred during the project; • Overtime costs (except for local government staffing during evening or weekend events

when law or labor contract requires overtime compensation), unless approved in writing by the APCO prior to the costs being incurred.

• Any personnel costs not directly related to salaries and/or benefits; • Any personnel costs incurred as a result of any employee assigned to the project funded by

the grant while not actually working on the project (i.e., working on other tasks, use of accrued sick leave, vacation, etc.)

• Any costs not consistent with local, state, and federal guidelines and regulations; • Interest charges or payments on bonds or indebtedness required to finance project costs; • Fines or penalties due to violation of federal, state or local laws, ordinances or regulations; • Cameras, cell phones, electronic personal data devices and/or pagers; • Costs connected with contractor claims against the grantee; and • Any costs not deemed appropriate by the APCO. Audit Requirements All grantees are required to comply with the following: 1. Audit/Records Access: Grantees agree that AQMD, El Dorado County Auditor, California

Air Resources Board, Bureau of State Audits, or their designated representative(s) shall have the right to review and copy any records and supporting documentation pertaining to contract performance. Grantees agree to maintain such records for a minimum of three years after final payment, unless a longer period of records retention is stipulated, or until completion of any action and resolution of all issues which may arise as a result of any litigation, dispute or audit, whichever is later. Grantees agree to allow designated representative(s) access to such records during normal business hours and allow interviews of any employees who might reasonably have information related to such records. Further,


grantees agree to include a similar right to audit records and interview staff in any contract or subcontract related to contract performance.

2. Personal Jurisdiction Waiver: If as a result of an audit finding, AQMD seeks reimbursement

of costs paid to a grantee, the grantee hereby waives any jurisdictional defenses as a defense to any action in any court of the State of California for recovery of such funds.

Payment of Grant Funds Grant funds are paid on a reimbursement basis for the actual eligible costs directly related to the implementation of the project as approved in the Contract. All payment requests must include an itemization with documentation of claimed expenses (e.g., itemized receipts, proof of payment invoices, billable personnel hours, etc.). A minimum of ten percent (10%) of documented expenses on each payment request must be applied to the match requirement. The AQMD shall not under any circumstances reimburse Contractor for commitments made by Contractor for services not performed or materials not received. Reporting Requirements The AB 2766 grant is performance based. Periodic performance reports are required to ensure projects are on schedule and within parameters approved by AQMD. A final report summarizing all grant activities is due February 28, 2018. Grant Term The grant term is from the Notice to Proceed date through December 31, 2017. Term may be shortened if all project activities will be completed well in advance of December 31, 2017. All costs must be incurred during this term. The final payment request is due February 28, 2018. Failure to submit final payment request and final report with appropriate documentation by the due date will result in Payment Request rejection and forfeiture of claims for costs incurred.


Activity Date

Request for Proposal Issued 10/30/15 Proposal Deadline (no extensions allowed) 12/18/15 at 5PM Review and Ranking of Applications January 2015* Board Receives Proposals, Rankings and Awards Grants February 2015* Contract Preparation March 2015* AQMD Board Hearing to Approve Contracts TBD 2015* Grant Performance Period Notice to Proceed – 12/31/17 Final Report and Payment Request Due 2/28/18

* Tentative Proposals Proposal submittal constitutes an agreement to all conditions set forth in the RFP. Proposals must include all required information, letters of support, and technical appendices as follows:


Project Summary (Attachment 1) - Provide basic information indicated, including a brief project overview. Contents Checklist (Attachment 2) - Use the checklist sheet to ensure that all required proposal contents are included. Authorization Letter/Resolution – For public agencies, provide governing body letter /resolution authorizing proposal submittal. Authorization must identify grant administrator. For joint proposals, the authorization must be signed by an authorized representative from each entity. Project Description - Identify objectives and describe project scope of work. Project Organization/Background - A description of your ability to implement project. Describe previous, similar, successful projects. If using sub-contractors, identify and state their qualifications. If sub-contractors have not been identified, state qualifications to be met. Emission Benefits/Cost Effectiveness - Estimate total lifetime NOx, ROG, and PM-10 emission reductions. You must use any historical data on ridership, vehicle miles traveled, participation or other metric in the calculations. Calculations, assumptions and data necessary for estimates must be included in proposal and will be verified by AQMD staff. Automated Methods to Calculate Cost-Effectiveness and other cost-effectiveness analysis information is at: Use May 2013 emission factors found on that same webpage. Work Statement - Describe work phases, tasks and deliverables in sequence. Include all relevant information regarding materials, equipment and personnel involved with the project. Acknowledgment - All recipients must provide public acknowledgment that project was funded by AQMD with AB2766 Funds. Acknowledgments include placards on equipment, acknowledgment in a public education address or pamphlets, etc. Describe acknowledgment. Funding Request/Breakdown of Cost - Include amount of money requested from AB2766 DMV Surcharge fund and total project cost. Estimate cost for each task. Identify source of funding for each task. Itemized any equipment to be purchased and the proportion of the cost of each piece of equipment to be paid with AB2766 DMV Surcharge funds. Grant funds may only be used to fund the portion of equipment’s cost related to the provision of air quality benefit. Matching Funds – State if matching funds are monetary or in-kind (non-dollar). AQMD staff will evaluate matching funds. Ineligible funds will not be used in cost-effectiveness determination. Provide proof (letter of commitment) that matching funds are available. Matching funds must be available when the grantee enters into contract with AQMD and must be used to fund project. If matching funds become unavailable, projects will be cancelled. Monitoring Program - A monitoring program is required for all projects. Describe how project objectives will be measured and reported to the AQMD. Evaluation Proposals will be evaluated as described in Attachment 3.


Respondents are advised that: • Responses will be accepted on a continuous basis after RFP is released up until the deadline. • Incomplete responses will not be accepted. • All components of the proposal are mandatory. • Failure to include all requested information may result in rejection. • Minor or inconsequential deviations may be waived by the Air Pollution Control Officer. • AQMD reserves the right to reject any and all of the responses to the RFP. Limitations: This RFP does not commit AQMD to award contracts, pay any proposal presentation costs, or procure or contract for services or supplies. Respondents are entirely responsible for proposal development costs. All proposals become AQMD property and will not be returned. Contacts: Technical Administrative Dave Johnston, Air Pollution Control Officer Michele Weimer Air Quality Management District Community Development Agency 330 Fair Lane 2850 Fairlane Court Placerville, CA 95667 Placerville, CA 95667 (530) 621-7578 (530) 621-5670 Submission of Proposals: Two copies of all responses to this RFP must be received in the Air Quality Management District office at 330 Fair Lane, Placerville, CA 95667. Responses must be marked Attn. Adam Baughman, Time Critical, Please hand deliver. Proposal Withdrawal and Modifications Applicants may withdraw their proposal by submitting a written request to the APCO, signed by the applicant or authorized agent at any time prior to the proposal submission deadline. The respondent may thereafter submit a new proposal prior to the deadline. Proposal modifications, oral or written, will not be considered after the deadline. Applicants are not to initiate contact with and lobby AQMD during the project evaluation phase about proposed projects. Notification: The AQMD will notify applicants within one week of AQMD Board of Directors decision. Contract: Projects chosen for funding will be required to enter into a contract with AQMD. Grantees must comply with County vendor and insurance requirements for service agreements. AQMD may require a proposal to be modified prior to being included as an attachment to a contract to help clarify the project commitment. S:\GRANTS\DMV-2766\2014-2015\AB 2766 Request for Proposal 2014-2015.doc


Attachment 1

PROJECT SUMMARY Applicant: Contact Person: Address: Telephone: FAX: Email: Project Description: Estimated Emission Reductions/Cost-Effectiveness

Useful Life of Project (years)

Total Lifetime Emissions Reduced (lbs. of ROG, NOx, PM-10)

Cost-Effectiveness (total project costs)*

Cost-Effectiveness (AQMD Funded project costs)*

* See Attachment 3 for instructions Budget Summary

AB 2766 Funds Matching Funds In-Kind Match Total Project Costs























Expand Table as necessary to itemize all expenditures

Line Item Title/Classification No. Of Hours Salary Rate Benefit % Total Total Costs


Contracts (removal, transportation, disposal)

Materials & Supplies

Equipment Rental

Other Costs

PROJECT GRAND TOTAL: $ _________________________


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Attachment 2


Applicant: _____________________________________________________________________________

Project Summary Sheet (Cover) – page _______________

Request for Proposal Contents Checklist (Second Page) – page __________________

Authorization Letter/Resolution page _________________

Project Description – page __________________________

Project Organization/Background – page _______________

Emission Benefits/Cost Effectiveness – page ______________ (Must utilize May 2013 Emission Factors)

Work Statement – page ________________

Funding Request/Cost Breakdown – page _________________

Matching Funds – page ____________________

Schedule of Deliveries/Self-Monitoring Program – page _____________

Local TRPA Review (If Applicable) – page ________________

2 Copies of Proposal – page __________________


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Attachment 3

PROPOSAL EVALUATION CRITERIA The following criteria are for reference only. AQMD staff will determine a score and make a recommendation to the AQMD Board of Directors. The Board of Directors will make the final award determinations. Applicants must provide sufficient, accurate data to allow AQMD staff to accurately evaluate cost effectiveness. Required data may include time of operation, ridership and vehicle miles traveled. Projects should be designed to achieve the maximum emission reduction at the lowest cost. Cost Effectiveness - 90 Points Cost effectiveness will be determined for total project costs (total of grant funds and matching funds):

Total Project Cost Effectiveness Points $/Pound of Motor Vehicle Pollutants 90 $0 - 10/lb. 80 $10 - 25/lb. 70 $25 - 50/lb. 60 $50 - 75/lb. 50 $75 - 125/lb. 40 $125 - 200/lb. 30 $200 - 400/lb.

20 $400 – 999/lb 10 >$1000/lb

Preferred Projects – 10 Points Points are awarded for projects having benefits in addition to motor vehicle emissions reduction. Additional benefits include reduction of non motor vehicle emissions, such as burning, and projects that improve quality of life for County residents. Projects with additional benefits are:

• Projects that include new technology demonstration and introduction • Enhanced Transit/Shuttle Service Projects • Biomass Transport Reduction

If two or more projects receive the same score, priority will be given to the lowest cost project.


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Attachment 4



This Agreement No. XXX-FXXX made and entered by and between the EL DORADO COUNTY

AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT, a county air pollution control district formed

pursuant to California Health and Safety Code section 40100, et seq. (hereinafter referred to as

“AQMD”); and XYZ, (hereinafter referred to as "CONTRACTOR");

W I T N E S S E T H:

WHEREAS, the California Clean Air Act requires local air pollution control districts to reduce

emissions from motor vehicles; and

WHEREAS, AB 2766, codified in California Health and Safety Code section 44220, et seq.,

authorizes districts to impose a fee of up to four dollars upon certain registered motor vehicles

within AQMD, and the Governing Board of the AQMD has imposed said fee; and

WHEREAS, said legislation requires AQMD to use said funds for activities related to reducing air

pollution from motor vehicles and for related planning, monitoring, enforcement, and technical

studies necessary for the implementation of the California Clean Air Act of 1988; and

WHEREAS, CONTRACTOR has proposed a Project that meets the eligibility criteria of AQMD

and that has been approved by AQMD and the Governing Board of AQMD for funding; and

WHEREAS, CONTRACTOR represents that it is willing and able to perform the activities set forth


NOW, THEREFORE, AQMD and CONTRACTOR mutually agree as follows:


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a) CONTRACTOR shall perform all activities and work necessary to complete the Project

Description (hereinafter referred to as "Project"); as set forth in the fully described

“Proposal” attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by this reference.

CONTRACTOR agrees to furnish all labor, materials, equipment, licenses, permits, fees,

and other incidentals necessary to perform and complete, per schedule, in a professional

manner, the services described herein. CONTRACTOR represents that CONTRACTOR

has the expertise necessary to adequately perform the Project specified in said Proposal.

b) In the event of any conflict between or among the terms and conditions of this

Agreement, the Proposal incorporated herein, and the documents referred to and

incorporated herein, such conflict shall be resolved by giving precedence in the

following order of priority:

i) To the text of this Agreement;

ii) To the "Motor Vehicle Emission Reduction Projects Request for Proposals" (RFP)

released by AQMD and dated October 30, 2015.


a) CONTRACTOR shall commence performance of work and produce all work products in

accordance with the Work Statement and deadlines for performance identified in Exhibit

A, unless this Agreement is terminated sooner as provided for elsewhere in this


b) CONTRACTOR shall submit quarterly performance reports and a comprehensive final

report. The quarterly reports shall detail the work performed during the previous

quarter; work planned for the next quarter; problems identified, solved, and/or


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unresolved; and the percentage of each task completed. Quarterly reports shall be due

30 days after the end of the previous calendar quarter. CONTRACTOR shall provide

AQMD with a comprehensive final written report by February 28, 2018. Said final

report shall be complete and shall document the work performed under this Agreement.


The term of this Agreement shall be for the period of March 1, 2016 through December 31,

2017 unless terminated earlier in accordance with Article 7, Termination. All eligible project

costs, except for final report preparation costs, must be incurred prior to December 31, 2015.


a) AQMD will pay CONTRACTOR for work completed in accordance with this

Agreement the sum of XXX DOLLARS AND NO CENTS ($XX) as follows:

i) CONTRACTOR shall obtain through other sources sufficient additional monies to

fund the total cost of the Project as outlined in the Proposal. Satisfactory written

evidence of such funding commitments shall be provided to AQMD prior to the

release by AQMD of any funds under this Agreement. In the event funding from

other sources for the total cost of the Project is not received by CONTRACTOR,

AQMD reserves the right to terminate or renegotiate this Agreement. In accordance

with Section 44233 of the California Health and Safety Code, CONTRACTOR

agrees to limit expenditure of funds for the purpose of administration to not more

than five percent of the monies distributed to CONTRACTOR.

ii) The total obligation of AQMD under this Agreement shall not exceed xxx



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iii) AQMD is not obligated to pay CONTRACTOR for administrative costs exceeding

five percent of the actual total cost of the Project.


i) Advance payments shall not be permitted. Payments will be permitted only at which

time an equivalent service has been completed. AQMD shall reimburse

CONTRACTOR quarterly, in arrears, after receipt and verification of submitted

invoices. Invoices shall be mailed to AQMD at the following address:

El Dorado County Air Quality Management District ATTN: Dave Johnston, Air Pollution Control Officer 330 Fair Lane, Bldg A Placerville, CA 95667

Payment shall be made to CONTRACTOR by AQMD upon submission and

evaluation of the CONTRACTOR’S invoice of claim. Said invoice of claim shall set

forth the work completed pursuant to this Agreement.

ii) Upon receipt of proper documentation, and verification that CONTRACTOR has

satisfactorily completed the work for which compensation is sought and that the

work is in accordance with the Proposal (Exhibit A) attached hereto, AQMD will

issue payment to CONTRACTOR within forty five (45) calendar days of


iii) The amount to be paid to CONTRACTOR under this Agreement includes all sales

and use taxes incurred pursuant to this Agreement, if any, including any such taxes

due on equipment purchased by the CONTRACTOR. CONTRACTOR shall not

receive additional compensation for reimbursement of such taxes and shall not

decrease work to compensate therefore.


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iv) Concurrently with the submission of any claim for payment, CONTRACTOR shall

certify (through copies of invoices issued, checks, receipts, and the like) that

complete payment has been made to any and all subcontractors as provided.

v) It is understood that all expenses incidental to CONTRACTOR’S performance of

services under this Agreement shall be borne exclusively by CONTRACTOR.

vi) In no event shall compensation paid by AQMD to CONTRACTOR for the

performance of all services and activities under this Agreement exceed the amount

set forth in section 4(a) above.


Any compensation under this Agreement, which is not expended by CONTRACTOR

pursuant to the terms and conditions of this Agreement by the Project completion date,

shall automatically revert to AQMD. Only expenditures incurred by the

CONTRACTOR in the direct performance of this Agreement will be reimbursed by

AQMD. Allowable expenditures under this Agreement are specifically established and

included in the Proposal (Exhibit A).


All final claims shall be submitted by CONTRACTOR within sixty (60) days following

the final month of activities for which payment is claimed. No action will be taken by

AQMD on claims submitted beyond the 60-day closeout period.


The terms of this Agreement and the services to be provided thereunder are contingent

on the approval of funds by the appropriating government agency. Should sufficient


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funds not be allocated, the services provided may be modified or this Agreement

terminated at any time by giving CONTRACTOR thirty (30) days prior written notice.


a) CONTRACTOR is, and shall be at all times, deemed as an independent contractor and

shall be wholly responsible for the acts of CONTRACTOR’S employees, associates, and

subcontractors, in connection with the implementation of the Project, and in performance

of the work, duties and obligations by CONTRACTOR under this Agreement.

b) CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for performing the work under this Agreement in a

safe, professional, skillful, and workmanlike manner and shall be liable for its own

negligence and negligent acts of its employees. AQMD shall have no right of control

over the manner in which work is to be done and shall, therefore, not be charged with

responsibility of preventing risk to CONTRACTOR or its employees. AQMD shall

retain the right to administer this Agreement so as to verify that CONTRACTOR is

performing its obligations in accordance with the terms and conditions thereof.

c) Section 6 shall survive any termination of this Agreement.



i) AQMD may immediately suspend or terminate this Agreement, in whole or in part,

where in the determination of AQMD there is:

(1) An illegal or improper use of funds;

(2) A failure to comply with any term of this Agreement;

(3) A substantially incorrect or incomplete report submitted to AQMD; or


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(4) Improperly performed services.

ii) In no event shall any payment by AQMD constitute a waiver by AQMD of any

breach of this Agreement or any default, which may then exist on the part of

CONTRACTOR. Neither shall such payment impair or prejudice any remedy

available to AQMD with respect to the breach or default. AQMD shall have the

right to demand of CONTRACTOR the repayment to AQMD of any funds disbursed

to CONTRACTOR under this Agreement which in the judgment of AQMD were not

expended in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. CONTRACTOR shall

promptly refund any such funds upon demand.

iii) In addition to immediate suspension or termination, AQMD may impose any other

remedies available at law, in equity, or otherwise specified in this Agreement.


i) Either party may terminate this Agreement at any time upon giving the other party at

least thirty (30) days advance, written notice of intention to terminate. In such case,

AQMD shall, subject to Section 4 Compensation, pay its pro rata share of the

reasonable value of all services satisfactorily rendered and actual, reasonable costs

incurred up to the time of the termination. Upon such termination, the entire work

product produced by CONTRACTOR shall be promptly delivered to AQMD.


This Agreement may be amended by mutual consent of the parties hereto. Said amendments

shall become effective only when in writing and fully executed by duly authorized officers

of the parties hereto.


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a) CONTRACTOR shall defend, indemnify, and hold AQMD, its Board, officers, agents,

and employees harmless against and from any and all claims, suits, losses, damages and

liability for damages of every name, kind and description, including attorneys fees and

costs incurred, brought for, or on account of, injuries to or death of any person, including

but not limited to workers, AQMD employees, and the public, or damage to property, or

any economic or consequential losses, which are claimed to or in any way arise out of or

are connected with the acts or omissions of CONTRACTOR, its officers, agents,

subcontractors or employees in their performance of this Agreement unless such claim,

loss, damage, injury or death is the result of the sole or active negligence of AQMD.

This duty of CONTRACTOR to indemnify and save AQMD harmless includes the

duties to defend set forth in California Civil Code, Section 2778.

b) This indemnification obligation shall survive any termination of this Agreement.


a) CONTRACTOR shall provide proof of a policy of insurance satisfactory to the El

Dorado County Risk Manager and documentation evidencing that CONTRACTOR

maintains insurance that meets the following requirements:

i) Full Workers' Compensation and Employers' Liability Insurance covering all

employees of CONTRACTOR as required by law in the State of California.

ii) Commercial General Liability Insurance of not less than $1,000,000.00 combined

single limit per occurrence for bodily injury and property damage and a $2,000,000

aggregate limit.


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iii) Automobile Liability Insurance of not less than $1,000,000.00 is required in the

event motor vehicles are used by CONTRACTOR in the performance of the


iv) CONTRACTOR shall furnish a certificate of insurance satisfactory to the El Dorado

County Risk Manager as evidence that the insurance required above is being


v) The insurance will be issued by an insurance company acceptable to Risk

Management, or be provided through partial or total self-insurance likewise

acceptable to Risk Management.

vi) CONTRACTOR agrees that the insurance required above shall be in effect at all

times during the term of this Agreement. In the event said insurance coverage

expires at any time or times during the term of this Agreement, CONTRACTOR

agrees to provide at least thirty (30) days prior to said expiration date, a new

certificate of insurance evidencing insurance coverage as provided for herein for not

less than the remainder of the term of the Agreement, or for a period of not less than

one (1) year. New certificates of insurance are subject to the approval of Risk

Management and CONTRACTOR agrees that no work or services shall be

performed prior to the giving of such approval. In the event CONTRACTOR fails to

keep in effect at all times insurance coverage as herein provided, AQMD may, in

addition to any other remedies it may have, terminate this Agreement upon the

occurrence of such event.

vii) The certificate of insurance must include the following provisions stating that:

(1) The insurer will not cancel the insured's coverage without thirty (30) days prior

written notice to AQMD, and;


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(2) AQMD, its officers, officials, employees, and volunteers are included as

additional insured on an additional insured endorsement, but only insofar as the

operations under this Agreement are concerned. This provision shall apply to the

general liability policy.

viii) CONTRACTOR's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respects

AQMD, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers. Any insurance or self-

insurance maintained by AQMD, its officers, officials, employees or volunteers shall

be excess of CONTRACTOR's insurance and shall not contribute with it.

ix) Any deductibles or self-insured retentions must be declared to and approved by

AQMD, either: the insurer shall reduce or eliminate such deductibles or self-insured

retentions as respects AQMD, its officers, officials, employees, and volunteers; or

CONTRACTOR shall procure a bond guaranteeing payment of losses and related

investigations, claim administration and defense expenses.

x) Any failure to comply with the reporting provisions of the policies shall not affect

coverage provided to AQMD, its officers, officials, employees or volunteers.

xi) The insurance companies shall have no recourse against AQMD, its officers and

employees or any of them for payment of any premiums or assessments under any

policy issued by any insurance company.

xii) CONTRACTOR's obligations shall not be limited by the foregoing insurance

requirements and shall survive expiration of this Agreement.

xiii) In the event CONTRACTOR cannot provide an occurrence policy,

CONTRACTOR shall provide insurance covering claims made as a result of

performance of this Agreement for not less than three (3) years following completion

of performance of this Agreement.


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a) CONTRACTOR shall at any time during regular business hours, and as often as AQMD

may deem necessary, make available to AQMD for examination all of

CONTRACTOR’S records and data with respect to the matters covered by this

Agreement. CONTRACTOR shall, and upon request by AQMD, permit AQMD to audit

and inspect all of such records and data necessary to ensure CONTRACTOR’S

compliance with the terms of this Agreement. CONTRACTOR shall be subject to an

audit by AQMD or its authorized representative to determine if the revenues received by

CONTRACTOR were spent for the reduction of air pollution as provided in AB 2766

and to determine whether said funds were utilized as provided by law and this

Agreement. If, after audit, AQMD makes a determination that funds provided

CONTRACTOR pursuant to this Agreement were not spent in conformance with this

Agreement, or AB 2766 or any other applicable provisions of law, CONTRACTOR

agrees to immediately reimburse AQMD all funds determined to have been expended

not in conformance with said provisions.

b) CONTRACTOR shall retain all records and data for activities performed under this

Agreement for at least three (3) years from the date of final payment under this

Agreement or until all state and federal audits are completed for that fiscal year,

whichever is later.

c) Because this Agreement exceeds Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000), this Agreement is

subject to examination and audit by the California State Auditor for a period of three (3)

years, or for any longer period required by law, after final payment under this

Agreement, pursuant to California Government Code §8546.7. In order to facilitate


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these potential examinations and audits, CONTRACTOR shall maintain, for a period of

at least three (3) years, or for any longer period required by law, after final payment

under the contract, all books, records and documentation necessary to demonstrate

performance under the Agreement.

d) The obligations set forth in this section shall survive any termination of this Agreement.


All notices to be given by the parties hereto shall be in writing and served by depositing

same in the United States Post Office, postage prepaid and return receipt requested. Notices

shall be in duplicate and addressed as follows:


El Dorado County Air Quality Management District 330 Fair Lane Placerville, CA 95667 Attn: Air Pollution Control Officer


In the event of a change in address for CONTRACTOR’s principal place of business,

CONTRACTOR’s Agent for Service of Process, or Notices to CONTRACTOR,

CONTRACTOR shall notify AQMD in writing as provided in Section 12 Notices to Parties,

Notice to Parties. Said notice shall become part of this Agreement upon acknowledgment in

writing by AQMD’s Contract Administrator, and no further amendment of the Agreement

shall be necessary provided that such change of address does not conflict with any other

provisions of this Agreement.


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It is understood that for CONTRACTOR’S performance under this Agreement, time is of

the essence. The parties reasonably anticipate that CONTRACTOR will, to the reasonable

satisfaction of AQMD, complete all activities provided herein within the time schedule

outlined in the Proposals to this Agreement.


CONTRACTOR will comply with all federal, State, and local laws and ordinances which

are or may be applicable to the PROJECT to be undertaken by CONTRACTOR including

but not limited to California Health and Safety Code sections 44220 et seq, all Air

Resources Board and AQMD criteria there under, prevailing wage and work day definitions

where applicable, Government Code Section 8546.7, contracting license requirements and



Except as otherwise set forth herein, nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to create

any rights of any kind or nature in any other party not a named party to this Agreement.


Any dispute resolution action arising out of this Agreement, including but not limited to

litigation, mediation, or arbitration, shall be brought in El Dorado County, California, and

shall be resolved in accordance with the laws of the State of California.


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This document and the documents referred to herein or exhibits hereto are the entire

Agreement between the parties and they incorporate or supersede all prior written or oral

Agreements or understandings.


The AQMD Officer or employee with responsibility for administration of this Agreement is

Dave Johnston, the Air Pollution Control Officer or his successor. The CONTRACTOR

Officer or employee with responsibility for administration of this Agreement is Name, or his



The parties to this Agreement represent that the undersigned individuals executing this

Agreement on their respective behalf are fully authorized to do so by law or other

appropriate instrument and to bind upon said parties to the obligations set forth herein.


If any provision of this Agreement is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid,

void, or unenforceable, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect

without being impaired or invalidated in any way.


It is unlawful for any person to furnish supplies or services, or transact any kind of business

in the unincorporated territory of El Dorado County without possessing a County or City of


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South Lake Tahoe or City of Placerville business license unless exempt under County Code

Section 5.08.070.


This Agreement, including all covenants and conditions contained therein, shall be binding

upon and inure to the benefit of the parties, including their respective successors-in-interest,

assigns, and legal representatives.


By: ___________________________________ Dated: ______________

Dave Johnston Air Pollution Control Officer El Dorado County Air Quality Management District

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed as of the

day and year first herein below written.

CONTRACTOR AQMD EL DORADO COUNTY AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT Date: _____________________________ Date: ____________________________

By: ______________________________ By: __________________________ Name Ron Briggs, Title Chair Board of Directors

Attest: Jim Mitrisin, Clerk of the Board Date: _________________________

By: _____________________________

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