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The "Almost Lost" Secrets of SUPER Binary Options Profits:

Rescued from the Deathbed of a 1-Minute Profit Master!

PLUS the 4 Magic Reasons Why This Beats the CRAP out of Forex and

ANYTHING Else You've Tried Before I'm so happy you're watching this video right now. Because this is literally a one-of-a-kind money-making secret. Something that could have died after creating 2 very happy millionaires ... [treasure chest graphic, maybe a desert island or a shipwreck too?] ... only to be lost to the world FOREVER. Yes -- it COULD have been lost. Just like a gold-filled pirate's treasure chest buried on an island ... ... or one of those famous Spanish shipwrecks you may have heard about. Except this is better. MUCH better, and there are 4 VERY important reasons why. I'll get to those in a moment ... But first I want to make it crystal clear that THIS secret is much less risky and time-consuming than a lost treasure hunt. And it should make you huge amounts of money too! In fact, I'm going to show you that you'd be absolutely CRAZY not to use this ... ... to make an INCREDIBLE new life for yourself and your family starting today! So let me introduce myself ...

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I'm Joe Smith, and what you're about to learn in the next few minutes is very same system that's made ME a huge fortune from working online! [bank account shot, piles of money, money floating through the air, etc] And that means today is the spark that's going to light a HUGE fire inside you. Because once you learn this "almost lost" secret ... It's like starting a new life all over again. A much freer and RICHER new life. One where making effortless profits worth $100's (or $1,000's) of dollars one after another will be totally natural to you. [clock with the hands set to 25 minutes] One where you're working just 20-25 'push button' minutes a day to make a fortune. (All with NO thinking or interpretation required) One where you're profiting from anywhere you have an Internet connection! And that's no exaggeration. Because my mentor successfully made money online while visiting 14 different countries. Yes -- 14 of them! [picture of a globe and some money going around it or something like that] He was living the life of a wealthy international playboy with a simple Internet connection ... ... and making money hand over fist like a tycoon! And that's why I can't exaggerate how important this knowledge is. You'll be one of a very select few when you 'get it' too! You see, it all started when I needed a job ... and stumbled into the luckiest thing that ever happened to me ... [picture of a mansion] Because there was an older, very wealthy guy who lived in a huge mansion up the hill from me.

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(I'll call him Bill to protect his privacy AND the promise I made to him 5 years ago.) I'd always wondered how Bill made his money because he had a LOT of it. He went overseas a lot. And there were rumors he owned houses all over the world. Maybe even a private yacht and plane too! So I was hoping I could get a summer job from him to help me finish my computer science degree. After I introduced myself and we got to know each other, I'll never forget his first serious question: [2 people sitting across from each other - young guy and an older guy] "You know computers Joe. So you must want to make a lot of money in your life ... right?" "Of course, sir!" (I was super-respectful because this guy was already talking MY language!) "Then I've got one heck of a proposition for you. But you have to promise not to tell ANYONE what you know for 5 years. Five years! After that, it's up to you." "Of course, sir!" "Great! Now what do you know about forex and binary options?" Whoops! I didn't have a clue what he was talking about. (And if you don't either, don't worry because Bill made it so simple even a monkey could do this!) Because this is what he told me:

Secret #1: Why Binary Options Trading Beats The Pants Off Forex Trading

[montage of different currency symbols, numbers growing fast, graphs showing gains, etc] "You see Joe, I've made a lot of money in forex trading. That's when you bet on the direction of one currency against another. There was a lot to learn, and it was hard. But I eventually became very good at it and made my fortune."

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"That was then and this is now. "Lately there's been a new game I've been playing. A better and MUCH easier one. It's still about trading currencies. But now it's totally simplified ... all thanks to something called Binary Options." I wasn't sure how ANYTHING with currency trading could be "simple" ... ... but he proved me wrong. That's because you only have to be right about 1 thing with Binary Options. Just 1 thing. [charts going up and down] Get the DIRECTION right (up or down) in any currency pair you're trading ... ... and you're a winner. That's it! He made it sound so easy, but ... "How much money do you make?" I asked rather foolishly. Bill laughed. "How long is a piece of string, Joe? I make as much as I WANT to make, which is quite a lot. How does middle six figures sound?" I was impressed. "That's middle six figures a MONTH! Trading part-time. And only about 2, maybe 3 hours a day!" he added. (Side Note: I figured out how to cut this time commitment to just 25 minutes a day -- more details in a moment!) Now I was SUPER-impressed. That's pro athlete or Hollywood star money! How was that even possible? Here's how it all works:

Secret #2: How to Make Big Money from Tiny Movements ANYTIME

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With Binary Options you only need to decide if the price will be LOWER or HIGHER than it is right now. That's it! If you're right by even 1 pip -- that's a really, REALLY small price measurement -- you make 75% to 80% profit on the money you put up. This simple idea grants you HUGE wealth-building power. And you see, this was what Bill really liked about his new playground. Everything was super-simple. He could make money ANY time he wanted because he needed only tiny moves to make big money. And the results came in fast ... ... REALLY fast! [stopwatch ticking to 60 seconds]

Secret #3: Why 60 Seconds Is So Super Profitable!

Because Bill made every one of his endless mega-profits in just 60 seconds. Yes -- just 1 minute! That sounded strange to me. But the way Bill explained it, everything made sense. [cow in a field] Let's say you're watching a cow munching grass in a field. Can you predict how far that cow will move in just 1 minute? Definitely! [show an overhead view of a cow on a field with a small circle around it and then a much bigger and more fuzzy one] Because unless something REALLY unusual happens, you can draw a pretty small circle around the places the cow will be in 1 minute.

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Now try doing that for 1 hour instead. Where is the cow going to be in 1 hour? That's MUCH harder to predict. Because 1 hour is a LOT of time for the cow to do something you can't see coming. So the closer you are to NOW ... ... the easier a prediction gets. That means Bill taught me how to make LOTS of money on small, tiny movements that occur at every hour of every day. And to do it by "looking" just 1 minute ahead. That gives true 24 hour profit-making power with almost instant returns! Do you see how tremendously profitable this can be when you have the right tools?

Secret #4: Trade Just 25 Minutes a Day! How I Revolutionized Bill's System

Bill had a very successful system. In fact, he showed me how to get winners 85% - 95% of the time. (Yep -- about 9 times out of 10!) It sounds impossible, but I've watched him do it. And I've done it myself since! So I know it's real. But you see, Bill needed something that took LESS time and LESS work to make all that money. [picture of a spreadsheet or maybe a screenshot of the software in action] He needed help to make his proven ideas work as a software program. Then he could get the best signals AUTOMATICALLY. That would let him take the best profits ... ... as easily as clicking a mouse button!

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And with no hard work whatsoever. That's where I came in. That's why I programmed Bill's secret method to be super-simple. After all, getting things done faster means you make your money faster too! Then you can get out and enjoy the good life with all the cash you've made. Why slave away for hours at the computer unless you really want to? And then ... It worked so well, it was almost unbelievable! [skyrocketing graph of profit] I quickly started making $100, even $200 a day from just a tiny $200 account! Bill was of course making six figures a month with his monster-size account, but that didn't matter. Because ... ... I made a LOT of money anyway!

The 5-Year Promise I Made to Bill ... and What's Next

You see, even though I didn't make a million dollars with our software during my final year of university -- after all, I started with just $200 -- I was still "rich" by university levels. [picture of a young rich guy with cash to burn] I paid off EVERYTHING I owed including all my student loans. I also bought myself a great car. Plus I had one heck of a good time too! And since finishing school, I can safely say I began making "Bill-level" money. Yep -- six figures a month ... over and over again! It's fantastic! And that's when my life REALLY started.

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[international playboy montage ... exotic villas, sleeping in a hammock on a tropical beach, expensive European architecture/hotels, etc etc] I began travelling a lot, just like Bill! Investing in international real estate. Buying any toy I wanted. Living a life with so much freedom I sometimes have to pinch myself to believe it's all real. And here's the best thing ... ... I can keep on making that kind of money from ANYWHERE as long as I have an Internet connection: the Caribbean, Europe, Asia, South America, Australia ... you name it! And yet it takes so little time out of my day. I just trade for a few minutes here and there with software so simple a baby could use it. Just 20-25 minutes is plenty. But there's one more thing about Bill. Five years ago, he made me promise that I wouldn't tell anyone about the software or how it worked. It was our special secret. But after that, he said I would be free to release it to the public ... ... if I wanted. And you know what?

I want to! Because even though Bill's no longer with us by now (he lived a long and happy life) ... ... I know he wouldn't want his super-charged wealth vehicle to go to waste. After all, it made HIM rich. And me too as his one -- and only -- student! Now I'm prepared to pass it on. Doing this lets Bill help you even after he's passed. Just like he helped me. It's called "NEW PRODUCT NAME" and it's EXACTLY what you need to make your financial dreams come true.

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How To Get Bill's Secrets Right Now

"NEW PRODUCT NAME" is the exact same software application I've been using for 5 years to make myself the kind of fortune most people can only dream of. [wealth montage again] Cars, houses, yachts, art, private jets! You name it, I've probably owned it. And now it's yours if you're one of the first 150 people to sign up and get it. The software issues signals 100% automatically. YOU are always in control of which recommended trades you decide to take. And because there are HUNDREDS of 60-second profit opportunities throughout the day ... ... you can "work" just 20-25 minutes a day pushing a few buttons to get what you want. Yes, that's all! Because when you're winning almost 9 times out of 10, that's the kind of performance that lets you ... ... double your account super-quick ... ... and double it again ... ... and AGAIN! [show a table with lots of double money scrolling to infinity or something] In fact, just 9 doubles takes $200 to a huge $102,400! And after that? Well, that's up to YOU!

Keep Your Credit Card in Your Wallet Please!

Normally "NEW PRODUCT NAME" costs $997 for a lifetime license. Not for you, though. You can get it on a 30 day no-money-up-front -- no credit card required -- trial right now.

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Why? Because if you're watching this, you're one of the first 150 people to get bragging rights to use it! This means ... 1. You can experience the incredible performance of "NEW PRODUCT NAME" for yourself without ANY obligation to pay up front AND 2. You can pay for it with your future profits. Yes -- you'll pay for it with "the market's" money! When your 30 days are up, you'll have made enough profit that ... ... you won't need to spend a dime of your own hard-earned cash to keep "NEW PRODUCT NAME" forever! So sign up in the box below this video RIGHT NOW. Do it right this minute! Because I want to PROVE to you that in less than one month ... ... you can EASILY grow your small $200 account into well over $2,000! Even if you're never "traded" anything in your life before! Even if you couldn't call yourself an "investor" if your life depended on it! Because it really is that easy. That's a promise. And "growing fast" with $100 and $200 days of profit is just the beginning of what you can achieve! All you have to do is take me up on it. And you will NOT even be asked for your credit card information when registering, either! So sign up right now at NO cost. The box is right there below this video! And remember ...

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You will NEVER get a chance to get Bill's millionaire-making Binary Options software on a trial basis again. This is it! The first 150 persons to sign up and start using "NEW PRODUCT NAME" are the ones who are going to follow in MY footsteps. Just the way I followed Bill's! So do you really want to make it big in just 20-25 minutes a day? Then grab your 30 day no-money-up-front -- no credit card required -- trial right now. You can thank me later for your great NEW life! After all, it's an easy choice to make. Because you don't want to continue as you are now ... ... do you? I know you've got bills to pay -- and lots of them. You're missing vacations. Your favorite hobbies are getting dusty and neglected. And your family would probably love a better life too. What kind of future is that? An awful one -- no two ways about it! That's why you have nothing to lose -- and everything to gain -- by taking me up on this very special offer that's about to make 150 more lucky millionaires ... ... if you're quick about it. Sign up right now!

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