  • Hindawi Publishing CorporationInternational Journal of ElectrochemistryVolume 2013, Article ID 970835, 7 pages

    Research ArticleCorrosion Behavior of the Stressed Sensitized AusteniticStainless Steels of High Nitrogen Content in Seawater

    A. Almubarak,1 W. Abuhaimed,1 and A. Almazrouee2

    1 Deptartment of Chemical Engineering, College of Technological Studies, P.O. Box 42325, 70654 Shuwaikh, Kuwait2 Deptartment of Mechanical Production Technology, College of Technological Studies, P.O. Box 42325, 70654 Shuwaikh, Kuwait

    Correspondence should be addressed to A. Almubarak; fort [email protected]

    Received 28 March 2013; Accepted 22 April 2013

    Academic Editor: Sheng S. Zhang

    Copyright © 2013 A. Almubarak et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

    Thepurpose of this paper is to study the effect of high nitrogen content on corrosion behavior of austenitic stainless steels in seawaterunder severe conditions such as tensile stresses and existence of sensitization in the structure. A constant tensile stress has beenapplied to sensitized specimens types 304, 316L, 304LN, 304NH, and 316NH stainless steels. Microstructure investigation revealedvarious degrees of stress corrosion cracking. SCC was severe in type 304, moderate in types 316L and 304LN, and very slight intypes 304NH and 316NH.The electrochemical polarization curves showed an obvious second current peak for the sensitized alloyswhich indicated the existence of second phase in the structure and the presence of intergranular stress corrosion cracking. EPR testprovided a rapid and efficient nondestructive testing method for showing passivity, degree of sensitization and determining IGSCCfor stainless steels in seawater. A significant conclusion was obtained that austenitic stainless steels of high nitrogen content corrodeat a much slower rate increase pitting resistance and offer an excellent resistance to stress corrosion cracking in seawater.

    1. Introduction

    Austenitic stainless steels have beenused successfully inmanyapplications in marine environment. Types 304 and 316Lare the most likely candidates for marine applications dueto their excellent corrosion resistance especially for pittingand crevice. Therefore, they are found in excess in work-boat propellers, pump components, valves, shaft components,hull fittings, fasteners, and oceanographic instruments [1].Type 316L stainless steels are considered to be the maincomponents in hydraulic control systems for the operationof subsea oil recovery system. These alloys also are usedin instrument and chemical injection tubing in offshore oilplatform [2–4].

    In many marine applications, the corrosion resistanceof the traditional types 304/316L stainless steels may not besufficient, particularly for more demanding applications suchas continuous immersion or exposure at elevated tempera-tures. It has been shown by the Welding Research Council[5] that 300 series stainless steels, heavily sensitized byfurnace heat treatment, displayed intergranular corrosion in

    ambient seawater exposures. Austenitic stainless steels aregenerally susceptible to stress corrosion cracking (SCC) inchloride containing environments at high temperature. Thistype of cracking, defined as chloride stress corrosion cracking(CSCC), is mostly transgranular in nature and is not affectedby the change in metallurgical structure of alloys [6].

    High nitrogen stainless steels (HNSS) are becoming animportant class of engineering materials and have receivedmuch attention in recent years. The effects of nitrogenon the properties of steels have long been a subject ofstudy. Nitrogen-alloyed steels are considered HNSS, whenthe nitrogen content exceeds 0.4 wt% in austenite matrixand 0.08wt% in the case of ferritic structure [7]. Nitrogenalloying in stainless steels is known to have many beneficialeffects, including improvements in phase stability, strength-ening, and corrosion resistance. Austenitic HNSS find wideapplications today in chemical equipment, power generationindustry, petroleum and nuclear industries, marine sectors,and ship building [8–10].

    The role of nitrogen in the passivity of stainless steels hasbeen explained through several mechanisms. Baykal et al. [11]

  • 2 International Journal of Electrochemistry

    Table 1: Major ion composition of Arabian Gulf Seawater (Kuwait).

    Ion Concentration (mg/L)Chloride (Cl−) 23,650Sodium (Na+) 15,560Sulfate (SO4

    2−) 3,220Magnesium (Mg2+) 1,665Calcium (Ca2+) 510Potassium (K+) 465Bicarbonate (HCO3

    −) 140Others 190Total dissolved solids 45,400

    stated that nitrogen addition in stainless steels improves theirpitting and crevice corrosion resistance, and this improve-ment is directly correlated to the nature of the passivefilm formed on the steels. It has been attributed that thebeneficial effect of nitrogen on localized corrosion is dueto the enrichment of nitrogen in the oxide/metal interfaceduring passivation.

    Hänninen et al. [12] concluded that nitrogen-alloyedaustenitic stainless steels improve the resistance to localizedcorrosion, in general, and in some environments resistanceto general corrosion. Nitrogen alloying has been observedto retard localized corrosion initiation and to suppress thegrowth of the localized corrosion attack effectively by animmediate repassivation. This was suggested to be due toformation ofNH


    + in initiated pits/crevices increasing locallythe pH value and enhancing repassivation.

    It is well known that alloying of nitrogen in stainlesssteels improves a number of corrosion properties. However,the mechanistic role of nitrogen in improving the corrosionresistance is still under intensive investigation and needsmore study.Nitrogen alloying improves the cavitation erosionresistance of austenitic stainless steels in ocean. The mainreason for the increase in cavitation erosion resistance ofaustenitic stainless steels is the effect of nitrogen on theirhardness [13].

    In this research an attempt was made to investigatecorrosion behavior for different grades of stressed sensitizedaustenitic stainless steel in seawater. Types 304 and 316Lstainless steels are traditional types and commonly used inmarine environment applications. Type 304LN representsaustenitic stainless steel with low nitrogen content. Thesetypes have been compared with types 304NH and 316NHaustenitic stainless steels to study the effect of high nitrogencontent on the corrosion resistance.

    Immersed specimens in seawater were subjected to a con-stant tensile stress. Experimental work that included corro-sion rate, microstructure investigation, and electrochemicaltest has been carried out for the stressed sensitized austeniticstainless steel specimens. Seawater was taken from the deepsea of Arabian Gulf (Kuwait: N 28∘ 54 00; E 48∘ 44 00) to beused for this research. Table 1 shows ion composition of theused seawater sample.






    Figure 1: Geometry of the stainless steel specimen in mm.

    2. Experimental Program

    2.1. Materials. A series of tests was carried out to evaluate fivetypes of austenitic stainless steels in seawater. The materialsstudied were commercial austenitic stainless steels types 304,316L, 304LN, 304NH, and 316NH. Types 304NH and 316NHalloys, which have high nitrogen content, have been selectedto study the effect of nitrogen on the corrosion behavior.Chemical compositions (wt%) for the steels are shown inTable 2. Yield strength and ultimate tensile strength for thestainless steel specimens at room temperature are shown inTable 3. The specimens have been prepared with geometryand dimensions shown in Figure 1.

    2.2. Heat Treatment. Most stainless steel alloys used inmarine application equipment are solution annealed in theas-received condition. In certain cases, the austenitic stainlesssteels are subjected to welding or high temperature exposurewhere temperature reaches up to 550∘C such as that in heatertubes. This temperature, with long time exposure, is enoughto create sensitization inside the grain boundaries.Therefore,the specimens had been heat treated to simulate the effect ofwelding and high temperature exposure. The sensitizationrange is 450∘C–850∘C and the most critical temperature is650∘C [14].

    The austenitic stainless steel specimens were prepared bydifferent heat treatment conditions. First, all the specimenswere solution annealed at 1080∘C for 1/2 hour and then waterwas quenched before testing, since this is the normal as-received condition. Second, the specimens were sensitized at650∘C for 2 hours and then allowing air cooled.

    2.3. Apparatus Structure. An Apparatus has been designedand installed especially for this research. The apparatus hasa beam of rectangular shape supported by two horizontalbeams as shown in Figure 2. A pull cylinder (Enerpac BRP-106C) has been hung from the upper horizontal beam by ahook. A tube was connected between the pull cylinder anda hydraulic hand pump (Enerpac P-392) to exert a pressureinside the cylinder. The immersed specimen in seawater wassubjected to a constant tensile stress of 240MPa.

    A stainless steels bucket was fixed and held by two ben-ding steel bars from both sides. This situation allowed thebucket to bear the high tensile stress by the pull cylinder.The stainless steel specimen was tightened from one end, bya strong stainless steel chain, to the bottom of the bucket.Thetop-side end of specimenwas connected, by a longer chain, to

  • International Journal of Electrochemistry 3

    Table 2: Chemical composition of stainless steel specimens.

    C Mn Si Cr Ni Mo S P N304 0.06 1.61 0.30 18.22 8.40 0.20 0.01 0.03 0.01316L 0.03 1.50 0.47 16.90 11.00 2.35 0.01 0.03 0.01304LN 0.03 1.62 0.40 18.40 8.45 0.00 0.02 0.03 0.16304NH 0.04 1.62 0.40 18.41 8.44 0.24 0.02 0.03 0.52316NH 0.04 1.50 0.48 16.94 12.01 1.40 0.02 0.04 0.64

    Table 3: Yield strength and ultimate tensile strength in MPa of thestainless steel specimens at room temperature.

    304 316L 304LN 304NH 316NHYS 314 248 368 424 482UTS 612 524 690 746 840

    Figure 2: Apparatus structure composed of rectangular beam,hydraulic hand pump, pull cylinder, and stainless steel bucket.

    the pull cylinder as shown in Figure 3. A rubber tube, whichwas extended from a small air pump, was fixed at the bottomof the bucket to bubble oxygen inside the seawater sample. Airbubbling, though,makes the seawater sample in a continuousmotion (almost turbulent flow).

    2.4. Experimental Procedure. The sensitized specimen wasfixed inside the bucket in a manner as described before.The bucket was filled with seawater at ambient temperature(24∘C–27∘C). Seawater has been changed every 10 days toassure clean seawater present all time. After 120 days theexperiment has been stopped and the specimen was cleanedby distilled water carefully to remove any adhesive salts.The specimen was weighted by a digital balance to calculatecorrosion rate. The specimen was subjected to electrochem-ical potentiokinetic reactivation (EPR) test and an anodicpolarization curve was recorded.

    The specimen was then subjected to microstructureinvestigation to determine the type of corrosion. An elec-trolytic etching in oxalic acid (C




    ) has been used forgrain structure examination. The etched surface was rinsedwith deionized water and alcohol and then dried. The crosssection of the tested specimen was examined using an optical

    Pull cylinder

    SS chain

    Bending steel bar

    SS bucket


    SS specimen

    Air pump

    Figure 3:The figure Drawing shows the position of the specimen inthe steel bucket.

    microscopy to investigate the corrosion condition of grainboundaries.

    Every specimen was subjected, individually, to a constanttensile stress (240MPa) and immersed in seawater for 120days.Therefore, more than 20months were spent to completethe five different grades of stainless steels. The same proce-dures of electrochemical and metallographic tests have beenrepeated for all the test specimens.

    2.5. Electrochemical Test. Sensitization creates potential dif-ferences between grain boundaries and the matrix, whichmeans that an attack can be determined by availability ofanodic sites at grain boundaries. Some researchers devel-oped electrochemical potentiokinetic techniques as a rapid,quantitative, and nondestructive test method to evaluate thedegree of sensitization [15–18].

    In the current investigation, EPR tests have been appliedto establish anodic polarization curves for stainless steelspecimens. The electrochemical test equipment consisted ofa potentiostat (GAMRY 300), a stainless steel specimen asa working electrode, a platinum counter electrode 1.50 in2area, and a reference electrode (saturated calomel electrode,SCE). Each specimen was polished on successive finer gradesof emery papers from 120 grit to 600 grit. The polarizationtest was carried out in a solution of 0.5M sulfuric acid

  • 4 International Journal of Electrochemistry

    Table 4: Corrosion rate for specimens in seawater in (mpy) andpitting resistance equivalent (PRE).

    Type of SS 304 316L 304LN 304NH 316NHCorrosion rate 2.460 1.601 1.422 0.661 0.428PRE 19.18 24.96 23.20 34.80 40.76



    ) + 0.01Mpotassium thiocyanate (KSCN), deaeratedby passing argon for one hour before and during the exper-iment, at ambient temperature (26∘C). After immersion inthe solution for approximately one hour, the specimen waspolarized at ambient temperature using a scan rate of 0.6V/hrand a scan range from −0.8V to +1.2 V. Data were recordedusing a personal computer-based data logging system with acarrier frequency amplifier measuring unit.

    3. Discussion and Results

    3.1. Microstructure Investigations. Microstructure investiga-tions for the stressed sensitized type 304 in seawater areshown in Figure 4(a). A severe chloride stress corrosioncracking (CSCC) has been noticed in the specimen. Themicrostructure investigation showed the presence of branch-ing intergranular and transgranular cracks. The microstruc-ture of the specimen type 316L showed a classical branch-ing CSCC, where the transgranular nature was obvious(Figure 4(b)). However, intergranular stress corrosion crack-ing was also noticed in the specimen structure. Microstruc-ture results for type 304LN in the seawater (Figure 5) showedamount of cracks almost similar to that obtained for type316L. Multiple intergranular and transgranular cracks can beobserved clearly in this structure.

    The beneficial effect of alloying nitrogen in austeniticstainless steels appeared clearly in the two types 304NHand 316NH. Only very slight SCC has been observed in themicrostructure examination (Figure 6) for the austenitic type304NH, whereas hair line cracks appeared in Figure 7 fortype 316NH. Microstructure investigation for the sensitizedspecimens led to a result that austenitic stainless steels ofhigh nitrogen content are excellent resisting stress corrosioncracking in seawater.

    Pitting has been noticed also through microstructureinvestigations for the stressed sensitized specimens in seawa-ter. Figure 4(a) showed several significant pits in type 304.Figure 4(b) showed some small size pits in type 316L. Also,some pits in type 304LN, which have small sizes, have beennoticed in Figure 5. Again, the effect of high nitrogen contenton stainless steels can be noticed clearly in types 304NHand 316NH. Figure 6 showed few small pits, whereas Figure 7showed almost no pits for the microstructures 304NH and316NH, respectively.

    The pitting resistance equivalent (PRE) of stainless steelscontaining nitrogen is defined as PRE = 1[Cr] + 3.3[Mo] +𝑥[N], with 𝑥 being between about 13 and 30 [19]. It has beenreported that using a coefficient of 30 for nitrogen allowedthe best fit to experimental data for a wide range of nitrogen-alloyed austenitic steels [20]. Table 4 showed high PRE values

    for types 304NH and 316NH due to their higher nitrogencontent.Microstructure investigation results agreedwell withthe correlation of PRE, which attributes that stainless steels ofhigh nitrogen content increase the resistance to pitting.

    The current work has been done in a short period (120days) for different grades of stainless steels where a severeSCC had occurred in certain sensitized specimens. In realmarine applications, however, it would be better to assumethat some sensitizationwill occur in the unsensitized stainlesssteels over extended periods of time, that is, 1-2 years ormore.This is particularly true for severe high temperature servicesuch as in welding process, electric power plant condensersand offshore oil production equipment.

    3.2. Polarization Curves. Anodic polarization curves havebeen established by the application of EPR test to the stressedsensitized specimens.The polarization test was carried out ina solution of 0.5M sulfuric acid (H



    ) + 0.01Mpotassiumthiocyanate (KSCN) at 26∘C. Figure 8 showed the anodicpolarization curves for the austenitic stainless steels types304, 316L, and 304LN.The anodic curves demonstrated clearactive-passive transitions. Passive regions were with a rangeof −10mV to +950mV in these curves. The sensitized types304NH and 316NH (Figure 9) gave a wider passivity regionthan those of types 304, 316L and 304 LN, which suggests thatthe passivation of steels of high nitrogen content is better thanthe other alloys.

    The anodic polarization curves in Figure 8 showed alsoan obvious second current peak, which indicates the exis-tence of a second phase in the alloy structure. The secondphase usually forms during sensitization process of stainlesssteels where chromium carbides (Fe,Cr)



    precipitate inthe regions adjacent to the grain boundaries, resulting indepletion of chromium as shown in Figure 10. In a previouspaper [21], a second current peak in the electrochemicaltesting of stressed sensitized types 304 and 316 stainless steelsin polythionic acid and chloride solution was also noticed.It was concluded that the second current peak was due to thedifference in concentration of chromium content between thegrain boundaries and the matrix. Sensitization, in general,makes a depletion of chromium in the adjacent area tograin boundaries. Applying tensile stresses on the sensitizedmaterial usually leads to an intergranular stress corrosioncracking (IGSCC).Therefore, the second anodic current peakin the anodic curvesmay also indicate the presence of IGSCC.

    Almost, similar polarization curves have been obtainedfor the types 304NH and 316NH specimens (Figure 9).However, smaller second anodic current peaks were observedwith these two types of steels, which means these alloys haveless degree of sensitization and may have slight IGSCC.

    The plots shown in Figures 8 and 9 indicated that the sec-ond anodic current peaks were at 884 𝜇A/cm2, 583𝜇A/cm2,402 𝜇A/cm2, 101 𝜇A/cm2, and 92𝜇A/cm2 for the types 304,316L, 304LN, 304NH, and 316NH, respectively. Obviously,the second current peaks values for types 304NH and 316NHwere smaller than the other austenitic types.

  • International Journal of Electrochemistry 5

    (a) (b)

    Figure 4: (a) Austenitic stainless steel type 304 (80 𝜇m) showing a severe chloride stress corrosion cracking and several large pits. (b)Austenitic stainless steel type 316L (80𝜇m) showing a classical chloride stress corrosion cracking and small size pits.

    Figure 5: Austenitic stainless steel type 304LN (80 𝜇m) showing aclassical chloride stress corrosion cracking and small size pits.

    Figure 6: Austenitic stainless steel type 304NH (80 𝜇m) showing avery slight stress corrosion cracking and few small pits.

    Figure 7: Austenitic stainless steel type 316NH (80𝜇m) showinghair line cracks and no pits.

    SS 304SS 316LSS 304LN

    Second current peak

    Current density (𝜇A/cm2)10 100 1000 10000













    l (Vo

    lt ve




    Figure 8: Anodic polarization curve for types 304, 316L, and304LN austenitic stainless steels in a solution of 0.5M sulfuric acid(H2


    ) + 0.01M potassium thiocyanate (KSCN) at 26∘C.

  • 6 International Journal of Electrochemistry

    SS 316NHSS 304NH

    Second current peak

    Current density (𝜇A/cm2)10 100 1000 10000













    l (Vo

    lt ve




    Figure 9: Anodic polarization curve for types 304NH and 316NHaustenitic stainless steels, in a solution of 0.5M sulfuric acid(H2


    ) + 0.01M potassium thiocyanate (KSCN) at 26∘C.

    Chromium depletionregion (anode)

    Chromium carbide precipitation


    Figure 10: Schematic representation of precipitation of chromiumcarbide (Fe,Cr)



    at the grain boundaries during sensitization instainless steel.

    This result with the result ofmicrostructure investigationsleads to a conclusion that austenitic stainless steels of highnitrogen content, in general, offer a significant resistanceto intergranular stress corrosion cracking when exposed toseawater.This conclusion agreed well with the result obtainedby Pozuelo et al. [22] on a clear beneficial effect of nitrogenalloying on intergranular stress corrosion cracking behaviorin chloride solutions.

    3.3. Corrosion Rate. The corrosion rate was calculated foreach specimen according to the following formula:

    Corrosion Rate (mpy) = 534 ×𝑊𝐷𝐴𝑇, (1)

    where 𝑊 is weight loss in mg, 𝐷 is density of specimen ing/cm3, 𝐴 is total area of specimen for both sides in in2 and𝑇 is time exposed in hr. Table 4 shows corrosion rate for thespecimens after 120 days in seawater.

    As it was expected, corrosion rate values were almost neg-ligible and limited between the different grades of austenitic

    stainless steels. However, the estimated values indicated toreasonable remarks. Corrosion rate was less in type 316Lthan that in type 304 due to its higher molybdenum content.However, the corrosion rate in type 304LN, which is freeof molybdenum, is almost equal to the corrosion rate valueof type 316L. This value meant that nitrogen content intype 304LN may provide a reasonable corrosion resistanceto the alloy. Obviously, the specimens 304NH and 316NHreported less corrosion rate values than the other grades.Thisbehavior assures that high nitrogen content assists in creatingresistance to the corrosion process in the alloy steel.

    Austenitic stainless steels of high nitrogen content offeredless corrosion rates and exhibited an excellent resistance tostress corrosion cracking and to pitting when exposed toseawater. The traditional types 304/316L stainless steels haveadequate corrosion resistance for many mildly corrosivemarine applications. In general, type 316L stainless steel ismore corrosion resistant in marine applications than type304 stainless steel due to its higher molybdenum content.The new austenitic stainless steels, called the super austeniticgrades, contain high levels of molybdenum (5%−7%) andare sometimes referred to as 6% molybdenum or 6 molystainless steels. These alloys are resistant to corrosion underhighly corrosive conditions, including seawater immersionat ambient and elevated temperature [23]. However froman economic standpoint molybdenum is very expensive andthe market for stainless steels is very competitive. Therefore,selection of stainless steels with higher content of nitrogen forsevere marine applications, such as power generation plants,heater tubes, and offshore oil production facilities, seemswiser.

    4. Conclusion

    It has been concluded that stressed sensitized austeniticstainless steels of high nitrogen content, corroded at a muchslower rate, increased the pitting resistance and exhibited anexcellent resistance to stress corrosion cracking in seawater.The electrochemical polarization curves showed an obvioussecond current peak for the sensitized alloys which indicatesthe existence of a second phase in the alloy structure and thepresence of an intergranular stress corrosion cracking. EPRtest provided a rapid and efficient non-destructive testingmethod for showing passivity, degree of sensitization anddetermining IGSCC for stainless steels in seawater.

    The general experience in marine environment withaustenitic stainless steel equipment has showed a success-ful operation in seawater at moderate’s temperatures (i.e.,

  • International Journal of Electrochemistry 7

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