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Selecting, refining and Defining

Research Problems

Dr. Nazik Zakari Dr. Hanan A. Ezzat

Dr. Olfat Salem Nursing Administration & Education Dept.Nursing Administration & Education Dept.


Research Topic: The broad general area expected to investigate. It is a broad idea or concept from which many problems may be delineated.

Research Problem: A situation or circumstance that requires a solution to be described, explained, or predicted. It is an unsatisfactory situation that wants you to confront.


If there is a knowledge gap in an area that need to be investigated, the research problem identif ies this gap. Where as the research topic is simply a broad area of interest, the research problem identif ies what is problematic about that topic.

Research Statement: A statement specifies exactly what is being studied.


The research statement should include six elements:

Information about the research topic that provoked the studyThe scope of the problem (e.g.. how many people are affected by it).Why it is important to study the problem


The research statement should include six elements:

• How nursing science would be influenced by the study

• General characteristics of the population of interest

• The overall goal or aim of the study or the question to be answered.


Hazardous noise is an important occupational health problem because it leads to hearing loss and may lead to increased stress and other deleterious physiological effects… More than 30 mill ion workers are exposed to hazardous noise on the job…Use of hearing protection devices, specif ically ear plugs is known to reduce noise exposure and prevent noise – induced hearing loss… there are, however, relat ively few investigators who have examined factors related to the low use of hearing protection by workers.

Example of a problem statement


It is the specif ic aim or goal hope to be accomplished. It reflects “ why the problem is being studied”

Example of a purpose statement:

The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between nurse ’s job satisfaction and tendency to leave.

Research Purpose


It is a direct rewording of the statement of the purpose phrased interrogatively rather than declaratively

Questions that are simple and direct invite an answer and help to focus attention on the kinds of data needed to provide that answer.

Research Question


Example of a research question:

What is the relationship between the nurses’ job satisfaction and their tendency to leave the work sett ing?

Research Question


Where do ideas for research problems come from?

Social issues Ideas from external sources Research priorit ies Clinical experience Nursing l i terature

Sources of research problems


Step 1: Selection of the research topic:

write down general areas of interestAt this stage, it doesn’t matter if the terms

used are broad or specific, abstract or concrete., The important point is to put ideas on papers.


Step 1: Selection of the research topic:

Then a list of ideas can be classified into Interesting topics.

Familiar topics.Perplexing topicsFeasible/not feasible topics

And then, choose the most suitable one to work in


Step 2: Contemplating the ideas : then explore the phenomena by examining the following eight areas

1. The topic’s, situation’s problem’s precipitating factors.

2. How it is exactly viewed or perceived by the researcher.

3. What are the responses of others who are involved in the situation?

4. The personal involvement in the situation.


Step 2: Contemplating the ideas :

5. Emotions felt.6. Values and biases inherent in or related to the

topic/situation.7. Risk factors associated with searching this

topic/situation/problem.8. What contribution the research would offer.


Step 3: Narrowing the topic Once a research topic has been specified and

contemplate, the researcher must then narrow it down in order to develop a research problem.

This is done through generating questions from the research topic.

List of questions can be developed from the research topic, and then investigated in relation to its feasibility to research.


Reviewing the related literature at this stage may throw light on:

Theoretical framework.Methodology.Data collection methods.Data collection tools


Data collection techniques. Sampling method…etc.

Review of literature will also help to identify what is known and what is not known about the research problem. Therefore, the research problem could be specified and stated at this point.


Step 5: Writ ing the statement of the research problem :

Expressed in a statement

This statement serves as a guide to the researcher in the course of designing the study.


Step 5: Writ ing the statement :The problem statement should have the

following characteristics: Identify the key variables in the study. Express a relationship between two or more

variables. (If not descriptive). Specify the study population. Imply the type of the research. Identify the study setting.


The problem statement could be done in two forms:

Declarative: “The relationship between the nurses’ job satisfaction and tendency to leave work”

Interrogative: “ Is there a relationship between the nurses’ job satisfaction and tendency to leave work?”


Time: enough time will be available for the various steps of the research.

Timing :When the timing requirement of a task do not match

Money : the researcher should ask the following questions:

Will I have enough money to complete this research?

Will be any sources for funding the research? Does the anticipated cost outweigh the value of

the expected findings?

Evaluation of the research problem


Availabil i ty of research participants: Ethical consideration Facil i t ies and equipment Co operation of the others Researchabil i ty Qualif ications and experience of the

researcher Signif icance of the problem


It is the research’s prediction of the outcome of the research study. That is the expected relationship between the study variables.

Thus, RESEARCH HYPOTHESIS translates the research purpose into a clear prediction of the expected results or outcome of the study


Importance of R.H.: It provides direction for the type of

research (i.e. design, sampling, data collection .. etc.).

Suggests the type of statistical analysis to be used in the study.

Identif ies the variables to be manipulated and/or measured


How to state a R.H.: Research hypothesis should be stated

clearly, concisely, measurably, and in the present tense.

For a hypothesis to be stated clearly, concisely, and measurably, three criteria should be considered:


Three criteria should be considered:

1. A relationship should be addressed in each hypothesis.

2. The variable/condition/relationship must be testable or measurable.

3. The aim of the research guides what is included in the research hypothesis.


When the research aim is to describe, the R.H. will include the target population and study variables.

When the research aim is to explore, the R.H. makes prediction about population and the relationship among study variables.

When the research aim is to predict, the R.H. concentrates on the population and independent variables.


Simple It predicts the relationship o\between one independent

variable and one dependent variable.

Example: Newborns of smoking mothers (I .V) have lower

birth weight (D.V.) than those of non-smoking mothers.

Lower levels of exercise postpartum (I.V) will be associated with greater weight retention (D.V )

Types of hypothesis


Complex It predicts the relationship between 2 or more I.V. and 2 or

more D.V.Example: Structured preoperative support (IV) .is more

effective in reducing surgical patient’s perception of pain (D.V) and request of analgesics (D.V) than structured post operative support (i.v.)

Types of hypothesis


Associative It predicts an association between the I.V. and

the D.V. without specifying either a directional or causal relation.

Example: Maternal age (I.V.) is associated with

pregnancy complications (D.V)


Causal It predicts a cause-and effect relationship between the

I.V. and D.V.

Example: Older mothers (I.V.) give birth to newborns with

lover age (D.V.) than those of younger mother (I.V)


Null It predicts no relationship between I.V. and D.V. It is used when statistical testing procedures

are applied to the data.Example: There is no relationship between maternal

smoking and newborn’s birth weight.


Alternative It is the opposite of the null hypothesis. So, it predicts

a relationship between the I.V. and D.V.

Example: All the previous examples are alternative hypotheses.

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