Page 1: Residents to meet with concerns for proposed tall · Residents to meet with concerns for proposed tall buildings

Chiswick Herald |Thursday 14th April, 2016 | [email protected] | @ChiswickandKew 1

Chiswick Curve: Public meeting announced

Residents to meet with concerns for proposed tall buildings development in W4.

Conservative candidate for Mayor of London, Zac Goldsmith, has pledged to crack down on burglaries in The London Borough of Hounslow as part of his action plan to keep London’s streets safe.

A Public Meeting will be held on Wednesday 27th April, to discuss topics relating to the proposed development at Chiswick roundabout known as the Chiswick Curve

The meeting is being organised by a consortium of residents groups including the Brentford Community Council, the Kew Society and the West Chiswick and Gunnersbury Society. Andrea Lee, a Healthy Air Campaigner with Client Earth will speak on Air Quality and Barbara Weiss, the architect and co-founder of the Skyline Campaign, will speak on Tall Buildings.

The meeting will be chaired by Rowan Moore, architecture critic of the Observer newspaper.

A spokesperson for the meeting said “Those behind the Chiswick Curve think that this small, constrained site at the Chiswick Roundabout - surrounded by major roads in a highly polluted locality - is the right place for 330 residential units in a 32-storey tower. Anyone who is ahead of the curve knows that poor air quality and the harm caused by inappropriate tall buildings are of great concern to many Londoners. They are both issues that we want the new Mayor to tackle.”

Chiswick Curve public meeting: 27th April, 7.30pm at St Michael and All Angels Church, Bedford Park, Chiswick, W4 1TT

The Chiswick HeraldThe locally focused independent Newspaper Thursday 14th April, 2016

Page 2: Residents to meet with concerns for proposed tall · Residents to meet with concerns for proposed tall buildings

Chiswick Herald |Thursday 14th April, 2016 | [email protected] | @ChiswickandKew Chiswick Herald |Thursday 14th April, 2016 | [email protected] | @ChiswickandKew2 3


ACM @ Chiswick Studio alumni sign to West4 Management

Murder in Isleworth

Vandals target Chiswick House

Local praise for Chiswick pop upA Chiswick pop up that has recently opened on Chiswick High Road is enjoying great success thanks to the support of locals. Chiswick resident Esther Gibb who runs, opened the pop up shop a few weeks back in W4.

Esther said “With the Chiswick High Road commercial rents being what they are, thanks to the

On the evening of Thursday 7th April, vandals targeted the Classic Bridge in the grounds of Chiswick House daubing the much loved crossing with graffiti.

The vandalism is in the process of being cleaned up by conservation experts.

Police continue their investigation.

existing landlord we had a great opportunity to use the space and sell our products. We have had great feedback and wonderful support from people in Chiswick. We hope it continues!”

Local resident Georgie Kean said “Its great to see an independent trader on the Chiswick High Road. We need more of them. Landlords have to make a profit, but

a vibrant independent high street it what I’d love to see here in Chiswick. After all, how many coffee shops does one street need!”

Selling children’s fashion and other items, the pop up shop is on the former site of NOA NOA on Chiswick High Road.

Production alumni Sleepwalkers have signed to West4 Management and have been in constant demand ever since…Roberto Manfredi and Ollie Mackenzie make up production duo Sleepwalkers. Having both graduated from the Production course run by ACM @ Metropolis in Chiswick in July 2015, they haven’t wasted any time in getting themselves stuck right into the exclusive music industry.

The duo performed in two end of year showcases put on by the Academy where Wendy from West4 Music Management was in attendance and at one

A murder investigation has been launched following the death of a man in Isleworth. Police were called at 16:05hrs on Sunday, 10 April to Summerwood Road in Isleworth following reports of man suffering from a stab injury. Officers, the London

event a judge. Wendy was so impressed with Roberto and Ollie that she ended up signing the pair to West4 in a management deal.

Since being signed to West4, Sleepwalkers have been in constant demand, and even spent a month in LA networking, writing and attending the Grammy’s.

Currently working on remixes with many well-known artists such as Skunk Anansie, BB Diamond and Will Simms to name a few, it looks like the future is very bright for the talented duo.

“It’s been a crazy whirlwind

Ambulance Service and London’s Air Ambulance attended.A 28-year-old man was pronounced dead at the scene at 17:18hrs.Next of kin have been informed. We await formal identification.A post-mortem examination

and we are pumped by the reaction we have had. ACM helped set us on our current path and all we can say is We are having a great deal of fun doing what we love”.

The Academy Of Contemporary Music has teamed up with Europe’s largest recording complex to create an immersive educational experience connected to heart of the music industry.

Fast track your career in the music industry just like Sleepwalkers - book on to an ACM campus tour now:

will be held in due course.A 22-year-old man has been arrested on suspicion of murder and is currently in custody at a south London police station. Detectives from the Homicide and Major Crime Command (HMCC) are investigating.Anyone with information that may assist the investigation should call the incident room on 020 8721 4005. To remain anonymous call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

New look Chiswick HeraldThis issue of The Chiswick Herald is limited to 24 pages as we work with our printers to develop a new lay out with a different font to marry up with

Page 3: Residents to meet with concerns for proposed tall · Residents to meet with concerns for proposed tall buildings

Chiswick Herald |Thursday 14th April, 2016 | [email protected] | @ChiswickandKew Chiswick Herald |Thursday 14th April, 2016 | [email protected] | @ChiswickandKew4 5


Most people think about the noise pollution when they think about Heathrow. However, even the noise-aware are largely oblivious to a much more insidious threat to their health and well-being: pollution caused by planes.

When you see a small aircraft spraying crops the insecticide is often visible against the light. However with passenger jets passing overhead one’s focus is on the abominable noise. You just don’t see the pollution. Yet pollution there is, and every flight is like a poisonous crop spray with invisible nitrous oxides falling upon us.

They say “what you don’t see doesn’t hurt you” and for decades airport operators, jet engine manufacturers, Governments, regulators and commercial interests have glossed over the progressive poisoning of the communities which lie under current and proposed flight paths. Happily the tide of public opinion has turned and forced the Government to reassess the options for increased airport capacity in the South East. The ‘decision not to decide’ just before last Christmas marked the high tide in Heathrow’s hubristic certainty that they had won the right to future profits, whilst polluting the people beneath.Parliament’s Environmental Audit Committee report, published on 1st December 2015, confirmed officially what many campaigners had long believed, which was that the Airports Commission report of July 2015 had not taken full account of the pollution issues, and had used too much wishful thinking and speculative assumptions in arguing that Heathrow could overcome the pollution hurdle.

In their report MPs said the airport must demonstrate that: “it can reconcile Heathrow expansion with legal air pollution limits; commit to covering the costs of surface transport improvements; commit to introducing a night flight ban; and show that an expanded Heathrow would be less noisy than a two runway Heathrow”. Huw Irranca-Davies MP said: “The Government has a duty to reduce illegal levels of air pollution in London to protect the health and well-being of its population. The Communities living near to the roads around Heathrow already put up with noise and extra traffic, it would be quite unacceptable to subject them to a potentially significant deterioration in air quality as well. Increased pollution should certainly not be permitted on the grounds that other areas of London are even more polluted.”

So where does this pollution come from and how bad is it for us? There are two main sources: planes landing and taking off at Heathrow, and motor vehicles transporting passengers and freight to and from the airport.

Planes landing and taking offLet’s take the planes first. The average passenger jet drops 25kilograms of NOx (oxides of nitrogen) during each landing and take-off cycle. An average diesel engine car would have to drive 200,000 miles to deliver the same amount of poisonous gases into the environment. Under current rules the number of flights at Heathrow is capped at 480,000 and the actual number averages about 476,000. This means that 11,900,000 kilograms, or 1,100 ten-ton lorries’ worth of NOx, is being dropped on our heads every year. If Heathrow gets its way their third runway will increase the annual number of flights to over 700,000 spraying 17,000 tons of pollutants.Since Heathrow accounts for 28% of all the people affected by noise we can assume these same 725,000 citizens bear the brunt of the NOx sprayed on them. This means each person receives 16 kilograms of NOx per year. Is it any wonder that it’s estimated over 9,000 people a year die prematurely in London due to our polluted environment, and unquantified numbers suffer from exacerbated respiratory illnesses?



Nor is it any surprise that London breached its pollution target for the whole year in January. According to The Guardian on 8th January “London has already breached annual pollution limits just one week into 2016, and only weeks after the government published its plans to clean up the UK’s air. At 7am on Friday, Putney High Street in West London breached annual limits for nitrogen dioxide (NO2), a toxic gas produced by diesel vehicles that has been linked to respiratory and heart problems. Under EU rules, sites are only allowed to breach hourly limits of 200 micrograms of NO2 per cubic metre of air 18 times in a year, but this morning Putney broke that limit for the 19th time.”

Car crashHeathrow has tried to separate and mitigate the sources of pollution at the airport by saying that it’s not responsible for the problems caused by the vehicular traffic that goes to and fro. This is a typical evasion. If Heathrow isn’t responsible, then why do its proposals for a third runway include provision for a £799,000,000 investment to provide car parking spaces?

freight frightAnother key source of vehicular pollution which is little discussed is the huge quantity of freight lorries which serve Heathrow airport. As the Airports Commission noted: “Heathrow is also the country’s largest air freight hub, carrying more freight by value than all the other UK airports combined.” If there were to be a third runway this diesel-heavy lorry traffic would increase by perhaps 30% with pollution to match.A large proportion of this international air freight is carried in the bellies of passenger aircraft which makes a significant contribution to the profitability of these flights, hence Heathrow’s lobbying to increase the number of long haul slots they can sell. But of course the cargo doesn’t travel by magic carpet to its end-destination. Thus a major redistribution infrastructure has accreted around Heathrow, despite it not being as near the centre of the country as Luton airport. This self-fulfilling prophesy has become a key argument for expanding Heathrow while little has been said of the potential for segmentation of aircraft traffic between the six airports which serve London.

Transport for London carried out a rigorous examination of the Airports Commission (AC) report and here’s what they had to say about pollution; “The AC has shown that, without mitigation, Heathrow expansion will lead to the Bath Road having the worst NO2 concentrations in Greater London. The AC quantifies potential mitigations to show that the Bath Road might avoid being the worst location for NO2 concentrations in Greater London – however, this approach is legally doubtful and in practice flawed…”

ConclusionI made my first airplane flight in 1958 and became a proud member of the Junior Jet Club amassing hundreds of thousands of miles. In those days “Leaving on a Jet Plane” was the song I most associated with air travel, with its lyrics fitting the romance of departures and arrivals so well. Nowadays it’s “Killing Me Softly With His Song”, which comes to mind whenever I see a passenger jet heading towards Heathrow. For each of these flights is killing us softly.

Hamish Pringle is Head of Creative Strategy for CHATR, and has developed recently the ‘Heathrow Hurdles’ campaign for HACAN.

Following evidence that over 9,500 Londoners die from pollution each year, Hamish Pringle, Head of Creative Strategy for CHATR, examines the implications of expanding Heathrow on West London’s pollution.


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Chiswick Herald |Thursday 14th April, 2016 | [email protected] | @ChiswickandKew Chiswick Herald |Thursday 14th April, 2016 | [email protected] | @ChiswickandKew6 7

Money Matters with Dr P Singh. Dr Singh is an experienced corporate treasurer and teaches international finance. He may be contacted on 07800 862499

The perils of debt for cyclical companies

Active funds exposed as actually being tracker funds

UK is the top orchestrator of secretive tax havens

In the last edition of the Chiswick Herald I highlight-ed that the opaque world of UK property purchase made it ideal for laundering dirty money. The Panama Papers expose the UK as a leading player in providing secrecy through offshore tax havens. Whilst those people uncovered claim they have a right to secrecy they seem to ignore the fact that it is not a right for them to keep their wealth secret from the tax authorities or others who have a right to know. Nor do these people have a right to stash their wealth when they are the pro-ceeds of crime. Financial Secrecy in a damning report said “We regard the UK as one of the biggest, if not the biggest, single player in the global offshore system of tax havens (or secrecy jurisdictions) to-day.”It adds: “..the UK is intri-cately connected to a large network of British secrecy ju-risdictions around the world, notably the three Crown De-pendencies (Jersey, Guern-sey and the Isle of Man) and the 14 Overseas Territories, which include such offshore giants as Cayman, the British Virgin Islands and Bermuda. Though these jurisdictions have a measure of indepen-dence on internal political matters, Britain supports and controls them.” The UK monarch appoints many of their top officials. Whilst the UK promotes it-self as squeaky clean and upholding the rule of law and best practice, it coordinates its secretive dealing through offshore tax havens it con-trols. Overall, the City of London and the offshore satellites it controls constitute by far the most important part of the global offshore world of se-

With the rout in commodi-ty markets, companies in the sector are buckling under the weight of excessive debt, and they, the economy and banks are suffering.

Australian banks that lent $750m to a steel producer are likely to recover under 50% of their loans. That recov-ery rate has not been helped by the loans being unsecured. What were the loan officers thinking of at the time? The

The European Union’s securi-ties watchdog ESMA is look-ing at what action to take after finding that up to 15 percent of actively managed funds may be misleading investors by co-vertly tracking an index.

“We found that three active-

crecy jurisdictions. Had they been aggregated the British network of offshore tax ha-vens would be at the top of the Financial Secrecy Index, above Switzerland. Britain controls these places: all their secrecy-related (and other) legislation has to be approved in London, and Britain can step in and impose direct rule when it wants to. In fact, the British network is even bigger than this ‘official’ net-work, and includes 54 Com-monwealth countries.The UK oversees various responsibilities of these off-shore satellites such as for-eign relations, defence and what is termed ‘good gover-nance’ (which, again, the UK could easily interpret as a tool for striking down secrecy leg-islation, but chooses not to). In his book Treasure Islands, Nicholas Shaxson compares the British offshore system to a ‘spider’s web’.Whilst the double-standards of the UK is shocking , it is a further shock to see that the USA is one of the top three global tax havens, after Swit-zerland and Hong Kong, and that Germany is in the top 10. One might not be so shocked at the revelations in the Pan-ama Papers had the perpetra-tors been the usual low-lifes, but the papers reveal that those involved in secrecy are the political and financial elite from many countries – the people who are supposed to lead by example and follow the moral high ground. The BBC says the papers “ how the company [whose documents were leaked] has helped clients launder money, dodge sanctions and evade tax.”Also embarrassing is the revelation that among those exposed is the president of the Chilean branch of Trans-parency International, an organisation that works for transparency. The president

directors were probably think-ing of the boost to return on equity that then boosted their bonus and salary. Had they in-stead thought of the long term and their shareholders and the other stakeholders, they would have gone for more equity funding to stay in business during downturns by avoiding crippling interest and debt re-payments. Bloomberg report-ed sound advice by an analyst:

“The lesson here is, if you are

ly managed equity funds in our sample were following enhanced index strategies without adequately disclosing this,” the FCA said.

Fund managers often take 1-2% per annum as manage-ment fees, to cover their time

resigned after the Panama Papers showed he was linked to at least five offshore com-panies. Cameron has admitted he has bungled the public relations response into calls for his tax affairs to be revealed (his late father used the offshore tax haven at the centre of the scandal), and there have been calls for him to resign and for some, and he still has ques-tions to answer about his tax affairs. Not surprisingly the opposition are having a field day.According to Reuters,” La-bour leader Jeremy Cor-byn said: “There cannot be one set of tax rules for the wealthy elite and another for the rest of us. “The unfairness and abuse must stop.”Corbyn also added that Brit-ain had a huge responsibility since many tax havens, such as the British Virgin Islands and Cayman Islands, are British overseas territories, while others such as Jersey or the Isle of Man are British crown reports that “more than half of the 300,000 firms, believed to have used a sin-gle, secretive Panama-based law firm, are registered in British-administered tax ha-vens. 1,900 British firms, including banks, law firms, and company incorporators, feature as “intermediaries” [meaning they help people avoid disclosure]“ U.S. President Barack Obama passed the buck by saying (according to Reu-ters) that the Panama Papers showed tax avoidance was a major problem and urged the U.S. Congress to take action to stop U.S. companies from taking advantage of loop-holes allowing them to avoid paying taxes. He failed to add that his country was one of the biggest tax havens en-abling such scams to contin-ue.

in a cyclical commodity busi-ness and you grow using bank debt, you are going to come unstuck when the cycle chang-es,” said Matthew Hodge, an analyst at Morningstar Inc. in Sydney. “They had no com-petitive advantage whatsoever with their iron-ore operations. If they had raised equity and paid down some of that debt, we wouldn’t be having this conversation.”

to actively manage investors’ money. One wonders wheth-er these funds will refund the managers’ fees they charge investors for active manage-ment, when they are exposed to being inactive?

A senior Panamanian official said that no Panamanian com-pany had been found to have committed a crime. When governments legalise crimi-nal activity, will right-minded people regard the government as good guy or bad guy. The French government put Pan-ama back on its black list of uncooperative tax jurisdic-tions, according to Reuters. German Economy Minister Sigmar Gabriel said: “The greed of the super-rich is connected to the lack of con-science in the banking and financial sector. Both damage the trust in the rule of law,” On Reuters, the Tax Justice Network said too many off-shore lawyers, accountants and bankers saw it as their role to shield their clients from financial regulations designed to prevent money laundering, tax evasion and corruption.The BBC says more than 500 banks, including their sub-sidiaries and branches, reg-istered nearly 15,600 shell companies. That was through the one company whose files were leaked. How many thousands more shells did

banks register using the doz-ens of other companies that provide tax shelter services? Of course there will be the usual assurances by the au-thorities and politicians that they will investigate and prosecute wrongdoing and they might even set up a com-mittee or two to show their determination. For example, the Hong Kong government said, according to Reuters, in a statement that its Inland Revenue Department has taken note of the recent re-lease of the documents and will take “necessary actions” based on any information it gets. That’s very reassuring. The UK government has promised to investigate the leaked data. When and to what extent is open to ques-tion, though according to the NY Times, on Sunday 10 April, Cameron “announced plans to create a task force to examine the involvement of British companies and indi-viduals in funds and compa-nies registered by Mossack Fonseca [the hacked compa-ny]”.The Chinese have played the East-West conflict, de-

nouncing Western reporting on the leak as biased against non-Western leaders, an ex-cuse for it to limit local ac-cess to coverage of the matter with state media Banks and other intermediar-ies have quickly issued stock rebuttals to any suggestions of impropriety. Rebuttals from shamed money-laun-dering bank, HSBC, are es-pecially incredulous when it gave the green light to a customer the USA had sanc-tioned (the cousin of the Syri-an President).In the past there have been calls to coordinate efforts to discourage tax havens, but the Panama Papers show there is much to be done to clean up the mess of tax evasion and secrecy sold by tax havens. When the dust has settled and the media bandwagon moves on, the status quo will be re-stored. The elite will call in some favours, make some back-handers, use their con-nections and power, all to en-sure their criminal activities or wealth remain as they were before all the commotion - a secret.


Page 5: Residents to meet with concerns for proposed tall · Residents to meet with concerns for proposed tall buildings

Chiswick Herald |Thursday 14th April, 2016 | [email protected] | @ChiswickandKew Chiswick Herald |Thursday 14th April, 2016 | [email protected] | @ChiswickandKew8 9

everyone invited to Borough’s celebration of The Queen’s landmark birthday Chiswick-born WoLf Street food seeks investor

Proposal for a new permanent home for floreat Brentford Primary School

Hounslow Borough will be joining in with the celebrations taking place across the country by lighting a beacon in honour of Her Majesty The Queen’s 90th birthday on Thursday 21 April. All residents are invited to come along to Lampton Park, (behind the Civic Centre building) from 7pm to 8pm to see the beacon being lit and enjoy an hour of pomp and ceremony to mark the monarch’s landmark birthday. The honour of lighting the beacon will fall to Hounslow Cadet Sargeant Major Khalil Ahmad, from the Heston Army Cadet Force [ACF]. It is the latest accolade to be given to the 17-year-old, who was recently been made Lord Lieutenant’s Cadet by the HM Lord-Lieutenant of Greater London, Kenneth Olisa OBE. Mr Ahmad was appointed in recognition of his outstanding example and devotion to duty as a cadet and to the community. The Mayor of Hounslow, Councillor Nisar Malik will be in attendance and following the beacon being lit, there will be a parade with a brass band. There will be free parking on a first-come first-served basis at the multi-storey car park at the Civic Centre in Lampton Road for those attending the event.

Hounslow Council, Floreat Education Academies Trust, the Education Funding Authority (EFA) and Hodson Developments have agreed on a new permanent site for Floreat Brentford Primary School, a two form entry Free School.

A single member decision will be made on 26 April about the Layton Road car park in Brentford (currently occupied by the Suzuki dealership)

To celebrate The Queen’s 90th birthday, His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales will invite Her Majesty The Queen to light the Principal Beacon on 21 April at Windsor Castle. This will be followed by the lighting of a number of Beacons along the Long Walk, Windsor Great Park, including one at the Copper Horse, and then over 1,000 beacons will be lit throughout the United Kingdom, Channel Islands, Isle of Man, UK overseas Territories and a Commonwealth Country to celebrate this landmark birthday. Many different organisations are taking part from all areas of the local community by lighting Beacons. Beacons will be lit at churches, on farms, country parks, village greens and on country estates. Lighthouses, National Trust and English Heritage properties are also taking part. The Army Cadet Force are taking special gas fuelled Beacons to the top of the four highest peaks in the UK: . Ben Nevis – Scotland (1st Battalion Highlanders Army Cadet Force). Mount Snowdon – Wales (Clwyd and Gwynedd Army Cadet Force). Scafell Pike – England (Cumbria Army Cadet Force). Slieve Donard – Northern Ireland (2nd NI Battalion Army Cadet Force)

forming part of a mixed use scheme which will include the permanent site for Floreat Brentford Primary School. The report will be published on the council’s website a week before the decision on 19 April.

The site is located a short walk from the current temporary site for the school in the Great West Quarter development. The permanent school will be ready for the

2018/19 academic year, with the temporary site remaining at Trico House until then.

Councillor Tom Bruce, Cabinet Member for Education and Children’s Services, Hounslow Council said he was pleased a way forward appeared to have been found, he said:

“We’re determined to make sure every child in the borough receives the best

education possible, and like most London boroughs we have a rapidly growing school-age population and an ever increasing pressure on school places. I’m delighted that by working together we have been able to propose a viable new site.”

After opening no less than four stores in eight months, Chiswick-born Italian street food brand, WOLF, has grown quickly. But the team at WOLF is hungry for a greater share of the high street, and WOLF is now looking for investors to support its extensive expansion plans across the UK.

Born in April 2015 in Chiswick Business Park, WOLF delivers authentic Italian street food on the UK high street in the ever-growing ‘fast casual’ food market. Stores can operate from morning to night, providing breakfast, lunch

and dinner, as well as alcohol (subject to licensing).

Established by passionate ‘foodies’ Tim Entwistle and James Hoole, who have 20 years combined experience in the food and marketing sectors, the WOLF concept focuses on fresh, quality ingredients and speed of service.

Tim and James have set a goal to grow the business to 37 stores in three years: seven are company owned, and 30 franchised. Overall, WOLF Group Company (which is a debt free operation) is seeking £750,000 investment.

This money will be primarily used to invest in the acquisition and fit-out of more company owned stores. It will also be used to support the growing franchise business, and help promote brand awareness through a strong marketing campaign. Funds invested would be for an equity stake, with the intention of an exit and return in the fourth year.

Tim said: “This is an incredibly exciting time for WOLF. We have total confidence in the brand concept and the tried-and-tested store/menu/service blueprint, but what we need now is additional funds to

take the brand to the next level. It’s not hard to imagine WOLF on every British high street, given the demand for our offering, so now is the time to really make this happen.”

For further investor and franchisee i n f o r m a t i o n , visit

WOLF Street Chisiwck Park


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Chiswick Herald |Thursday 14th April, 2016 | [email protected] | @ChiswickandKew Chiswick Herald |Thursday 14th April, 2016 | [email protected] | @ChiswickandKew10 11

for those of you that live in the ealing Council area of Chiswick...for those of you that live in the Hounlsow Council area of Chiswick...Have you got your poll card? Clean for The Queen picking up across Hounslow! Borough’s roads receive £4.3million resurfacing boost

With under 3 weeks weeks until 5 May when Londoners will go to the polls to elect a Mayor of London and 25 London Assembly Members, residents registered to vote in Hounslow should by now have received their poll cards. If you haven’t received your poll card, please check that you’re registered to vote by contacting the council’s Electoral Services team by emailing [email protected] or calling 020 8583 2828. Your poll card tells you which polling station you should use to vote on 5 May but you do not need your poll card to vote. To vote in the Mayor of London and London Assembly elections you must be registered to vote by 18 April 2016. To register to vote, visit You can vote if you are: • Aged 18 or over on 5 May 2016• A British, qualifying Commonwealth or EU citizen• Living in London The Mayor and the London Assembly are responsible for issues that affect every Londoner – from transport and policing, to housing and the environment – with a budget of some £16bn per year. The Assembly keeps a check on the Mayor’s work and investigates issues that matter to Londoners. Videos on YouTube feature animated explanations of the work of the Mayor of London and the London Assembly. View the videos here. Candidates will be announced by 4 April and details will be

Residents and schools across Hounslow have come together to tackle crimes against the environment and do their bit for Queen and country. Hounslow Highways which manages the borough’s street services on behalf of Hounslow Council, has worked in partnership with the council’s enforcement team, schools in the borough and community groups to arrange clean ups as part of the national “Clean for The Queen” campaign to mark the monarch’s upcoming 90th birthday.In March, pupils from schools including Isleworth Town Primary School, Norwood Green Infant & Junior School, and Green Dragon Primary School, Brentford, took part in litter picking sessions across their school grounds and in local parks.Residents in Isleworth cleared private alleyways near their houses and took on a clean-up of a fenced off verge on the A4 in Heston, which had become a fly tipping hotspot.Councillor Amrit Mann, Deputy Leader of Hounslow Council, said: “It is great to hear that children and residents are doing their bit to keep the borough clean and tidy.“We want everyone to be proud of where they live and help make a difference to the look and feel of their neighbourhood. This can be as simple as not dropping litter or as ambitious as getting neighbours together to tackle areas which need some extra TLC.”To encourage everyone to help make the borough cleaner and tidier, Hounslow Highways hosted four litter awareness days across the borough’s schools with the message “love where you live” to educate pupils on the dos and don’ts of throwing away litter in the right places.Martin Clack, Hounslow Highways Service Director, said: “Our engagement with the community is essential to help educate residents on environmental awareness. In particular, the work with schools reinforces the message of “love where you live”, which is integral to increasing civic pride in the borough and ensuring everyone plays their part.”Residents and schools who would like to arrange their own community clean up or request a litter awareness session should visit

Almost £4.3million will be spent on improving roads and footpaths across Ealing borough.Each year independent, accredited surveyors walk the entire length of all of the borough’s roads checking them for defects such as potholes, cracking, and other signs of deterioration and damage. Each road is then given a condition rating on a scale of 1-100 and those with a high rating, which are in the poorest condition, are targeted for resurfacing.

This year, following the survey, the council’s cabinet has agreed to spend

published on the council’s website. The election itself will see nearly 4,000 polling stations set up across London on 5 May. The stations will be staffed by 11,400 people between 7am and 10pm. Another 2,000 staff will then be on hand to help with the count on 6 May. How to voteYour polling station will be open from 7am until 10pm on election day. Your polling card will include details of your named polling station. You can also vote by post. Hounslow residents must register with the council as a postal voter for the first time by 5pm on 19 April 2016. Your postal ballot papers will be sent to you about a week before Election Day. Mark your votes and return them to arrive before 10pm on 5 May 2016. You can also vote by proxy. This is when a person you trust votes for your chosen candidates on your behalf if you are unable to make it to the polling station. Hounslow residents wanting a proxy vote, must apply to the council by 5pm on 26 April 2016. Important dates: These dates apply to both the Mayor and the London Assembly. Pre-election period begins: 21 March 2016Candidate nominations: 21 – 31 March 2016Candidates announced: 4 April 2016Polling station voting: Thursday 5 May 2016 (polling stations open from 7am to 10pm)Count commences: Friday 6 May (8am)

£3.5million with £2.9million being invested in renewing roads and £570,000 on footpaths. In addition, Transport for London has contributed £766,000 to tackle defects on major roads in the borough.

The council works hard to co-ordinate resurfacing works with other work carried out by utilities companies, but on the rare occasions where there is a clash with major works, resurfacing works will be postponed until the first subsequent opportunity.

Keith Townsend, executive director of environment and

customer services, said: “We know that the condition of our roads and footpaths is something that really matters to our residents, whether they’re pedestrians, cyclists or motorists. That is why year after year we are continuing to invest substantial amounts of money to keep our roads and pavements in good condition.”The decision was made by the council’s cabinet on Tuesday, 22 March. All cabinet decisions are subject to call-in for a period of five working days from the date of publication of the minutes of the meeting.


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Chiswick Herald |Thursday 14th April, 2016 | [email protected] | @ChiswickandKew Chiswick Herald |Thursday 14th April, 2016 | [email protected] | @ChiswickandKew12 13

Taking Schools out of Local Management

MP slams government on homelessness

Zac goldsmith Launches Transport Manifesto

Rumours of Council u-Turn on smaller Wheelie Bins

Slipped into George Osborne’s budget was a passage that had little to do with the economy or public spending, and a lot to do with a fundamental shift in the way state schools are run in this country. This was the announcement that all state schools in England that are not already academies will become one, as part of Multi Academy Trusts.

If this move was to take schools away from local government ‘interference’, the Chancellor has failed to recognise that state schools have been more or less self-governing since 1988. Osborne’s proposal is more about handing control, and with it council-owned land and buildings, to private companies, and removing Governors including parent and community governors from school management.

Ruth Cadbury has highlighted the issue of homelessness which has doubled since 2010 which she argued was a direct result of government policy.

Labour MPs challenged the secretary of state for communities and local government, the Rt Hon. Greg Clark MP on the government record on homelessness. In addition to street homelessness doubling since 2010, the number of households with no permanent home has increased to a staggering 370,000.

Hounslow statutory homeless rate is nearly double the UK average at 4.44 households out of 1,000 being accepted as homeless and in priority need whereas the national average sits at 2.4 households per 1,000.

Ruth Cadbury says ‘Yet again, the government fails to recognise the impact that their cuts

Most of Hounslow borough’s secondary schools converted to stand-alone academy status after 2010, primarily as there was the incentive of additional income. However most primary schools in the UK including in Hounslow, decided the hassle of independence wasn’t worth it and remained as “maintained” schools.

Despite there being no evidence that non-academy schools perform worse than academies, or that governors are groaning under the yoke of unnecessary interference from their local Council, the government is enforcing academisation on every school in England. I believe these decisions were made with no regard to the hard work that parent governors do and with a purely ideological motive which seeks to remove local authority control in the public sector.

As part of his Action Plan for Greater London, Zac Goldsmith today pledged to improve the capacity and reliability of London’s transport network by protecting and increasing investment, warning Sadiq Khan’s £1.9 billion black hole in London’s transport budget would bring the capital to a standstill. Launching his transport manifesto today in Ilford, Zac pledged to protect and deliver upgrades to the District, Circle, Metropolitan, Hammersmith & City, Northern and Jubilee lines and to replace substandard suburban rail services with a Southern Overground. Zac also said he will work with the Government to secure funding for Crossrail 2 and extensions to the Sutton Tramlink, Bakerloo Line and London Overground to Barking Riverside. Figures reveal that delaying or cancelling these four projects alone could risk 270,000 new homes and 250,000 jobs. Zac also made major commitments to cleaning up London’s air and guaranteed to protect the Freedom Pass for the entire Mayoral term. Zac said: “Growing London’s transport network is a key part of my Action Plan for Greater London. It’s not just vital to keeping London moving, it’s also key to unlocking the land to build the homes London so badly needs.

Liberal Democrat Councillors have expressed disappointment that proposals to introduce a smaller wheelie bin are made to residents living in Conservation Areas and not to the wider population across the Borough.

“We acknowledge that Conservation Areas, such as Bedford Park in my ward, do have a particular legal status”, commented Councillor Gary Malcolm, “however we do not see why

That’s why I’ll protect investment in London’s transport system. And it’s why Sadiq Khan’s £1.9BN black hole in the transport budget would be such a dangerous experiment, bringing gridlock to our capital, fewer new homes and meaning council tax hikes for every family in Greater London. Zac’s transport manifesto today made pledges to: 1. Keep London moving by increasing capacity on key underground lines; delivering and expanding the Night Tube; taking over substandard suburban rail services; conducting an urgent review into the outer London bus network, standing up to the union bosses in order to prevent unjustified strikes, and… 2. Get London building by working with Government to secure the transport links needed to unlock more than 270,000 homes and 250,000 jobs for Londoners. 3. Clean up London’s air by cleaning up London’s taxi and bus fleet; lobbying Government for a new diesel scrappage scheme; and by improving the planned Ultra Low Emission Zone in tandem with rolling out clean car infrastructure right across London. 4. Protect the Freedom Pass for the entire Mayoral term.

only Conservation Areas should have the benefit of a smaller bin. Our objections to the 240 litre bin are not based purely on the aesthetics, but also on the practicality of these large containers. The elderly and infirm living across the Borough would be helped by smaller bins. In addition surely it would be cheaper if the Council was to purchase large quantities of a smaller bin, rather than the larger bins?”

Our schools are currently facing a number of significant challenges; including reduced budgets, a shortage of teachers and not enough good school places. The Government’s plans will not solve these serious problems but will constitute a costly and unnecessary reorganisation of the school system.

I want to hear from parents in Hounslow regarding the suggested plans. Do you agree with the Chancellors announcement on academisation of schools? Do you have alternative ideas for the future of education that you think I should be raising in parliament?

Get in touch by emailing me at [email protected] or by post at Ruth Cadbury MP, House of Commons, Houses of Parliament, London, SW1A 0AA.

have made on local communities. The removal of funding for new social rent housing, the housing benefit cap, the bedroom tax, the rise in sanctions and the sale of 100,000 council homes all contribute to the housing crisis which is leading to a widespread homelessness here in the UK.’


Page 8: Residents to meet with concerns for proposed tall · Residents to meet with concerns for proposed tall buildings

Chiswick Herald |Thursday 14th April, 2016 | [email protected] | @ChiswickandKew Chiswick Herald |Thursday 14th April, 2016 | [email protected] | @ChiswickandKew14 15

David Cameron’s offshore investment company, the Panama papers, the appeal for more and more public figures to disclose their tax returns – a storm of moral indignation has blown up in recent days and shows no sign of abating.

Nor should it.

If anyone, including the Prime Minister, is evading tax – then we need to know about this and call that person to account.

But there seems to be something else at the heart of the outcry. Something closer to simple resentment of those who are wealthier than we are – whether they pay their taxes or not.

And that, I believe, is neither right nor justifiable.

Of course, Cameron’s less than immediate and less than accurate responses to initial questions about the offshore investment company were shameful.

But we are all at liberty to order our financial affairs so that we don’t pay more tax than we are legally required to. And, as far as I’m aware as I write this, Cameron has not done anything more than this.

So what is really upsetting us?

Is it fundamentally wrong to be rich? Is having so much money that you need to ‘invest’ it wrong?

Although, of course, it is wrong that we live in a world where a tiny number of people have more wealth than everyone else put together and billions of people live in poverty. And we should all – not only through tax payments but also through charitable giving – be striving to put an end to this dreadful injustice.

It is also wrong to think that any of us can prosper – rich or poor - if there is no investment. We need investment so that companies can grow and develop, creating not only wealth for shareholders but also valuable jobs and goods and services.

So let’s stop being naïve about all this. And accept that most of us have the lives and jobs we enjoy – thanks to investment.

Let’s instead ask the really important questions about the tax returns of public figures.

Questions like how much are they giving? Not just in tax but in charitable donations.

Tax returns: are we asking the wrong questions?by Martine Oborne

As a Christian, I follow the Bible teaching that we should set aside the first tenth of all our income to give away. It’s an ancient practice called tithing. And it’s a great pity that it seems to have been forgotten or neglected.

It’s a wonderful exercise in humility. To see all that we receive as a blessing and immediately to offer a tenth of it back for those who are less fortunate than ourselves.

Although I hate doing my tax return each year and tend to leave it to the last minute to get it done, I do find it very pleasing at the end of the exercise to tot up my charitable giving and check that it really is at least 10% of my income.

So the thing I would like to ask Mr Cameron and others is to tell us is how much he gives to charity each year and what percentage that is of his income?

Paying our full and fair share of our taxes goes without saying as a necessary duty. But it’s what we do with our money, above and beyond that, that shows who we truly are and how much we really care about social justice.

I’m in mourning this evening,for this afternoon’s game.My team’s lost again,which is really a shame.I cheered them onas best I could,but the problem is,they’re really no good!

At one stage we missed an open goal,then mucked up a penalty,which all took its toll.Then a stroke of good luckwe went one in frontby our left back who pulled off a wonderful stunt.

Then up came the ref with hislittle red card for a kick on the shin,which was terribly hardSo off went our goalieto sit on the side,which gave our opponentsa real easy ride.

The score-line at half-time was six goals to oneand their fans went so wildto witness such fun.But our team were flaggingand needed the rest and the poor old manager had lost all his zest.

The second half then brought a reprieveThey scored an own goal – would you believe?So our chaps perked upand ran round like crazy,but after that it all got so hazy.

The final scoreshould never be told.It will probably haunt us until we grow old.But at least we got two,which should have been plenty.But our rotten opponentstotalled up twenty!!

© Tony Inwood.

The football Match


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Page 13: Residents to meet with concerns for proposed tall · Residents to meet with concerns for proposed tall buildings

Chiswick Herald |Thursday 14th April, 2016 | [email protected] | @ChiswickandKew24

Alan Judge has successful surgery on broken leg

Luke Hyam ‘distraught’ at Alan Judge’s leg break

gladwin: QPR is where I want to be

QPR goalkeeper: Why I’m being paid not to play football

Brentford midfielder Alan Judge has undergone surgery on the broken leg he suffered against Ipswich on Sat-urday.

Luke Hyam says he is “distraught” after Brentford winger Alan Judge suffered a broken leg in a tackle from the Ipswich midfielder.Hyam was booked for the challenge and later sent off after picking up a second yellow card for retaliating to a foul by Ryan Woods.

• Player says QPR is where he wants to be• Midfielder recently returned from his second loan of the season• Admits next season is a “big one” for him BEN Gladwin wants to use the remain-ing matches of the season to build mo-mentum for the 2016/17 campaign, one which he hopes is a big one for him with QPR. Gladwin joined the R’s last summer from Swindon Town. After making a solid start to his Rangers career, the 23 year-old midfielder found first-team chances limited after an injury curtailed his prog-ress. Loan spells back at the County Ground and with Bristol City followed, but Glad-win says his focus is purely on establish-

Goalkeeper Rob Green said that the reason he hasn’t played for the Queens Park Rangers since New Year’s Day is “purely financial”. The veteran goalkeeper, who has also played for England, is still on the Loftus road payroll but the Championship club has left him out of the team due to costs.Green told Ore Oduba on BBC Ra-dio 5 live that he was being positive about being ‘frozen out’ saying “It’s a difficult one to deal with but now it has given me a new lease of life”.

Alan Judge: Surgery a success, but no timescale on return

MAN ON A MISSION: Gladwin is keen to make his mark at Loftus Road

Luke Hyam has sent Alan Judge his best wishes and hopes the Brentford star is

back playing ‘as soon as possible’


The 27-year-old Republic of Ireland international saw his Euro 2016 dreams seemingly ended following a tackle from Town’s Luke Hyam in the second minute of Brentford’s 3-1

win at Portman Road.Brentford say the operation was a success but have yet to put a times-cale on his recovery.

Ben Gladwin is keen to finish the season strongly after a stop-start campaign …

ing himself at Loftus Road. “This is the club I signed for in the sum-mer, it’s the club I want to play for and it’s where I want to be.” “This season has been a bit unsettling. I have been here and there, but that’s be-cause I want to play football.” Gladwin came off the bench to help set-up Nasser El Khayati’s late winner in QPR’s 2-1 victory against Charlton at the weekend. The former Hayes & Yeading man picked up possession before finding Mass Luon-go, who swept the ball out to the left for El Khayati to do his magic. It was Gladwin’s first appearance in the blue and white hoops for three months, and he admitted: “It was great to be out there again in QPR

colours, and brilliant to get the three points in the end. It was a fantastic finish from Nasser. He does that sort of thing in training all the time so it was nice for the fans to see it for themselves. We made it hard for ourselves, but the result was the most important thing. It was scrappy in places and we are aware of that, we spoke about it after the game. It’s some-thing we will try to iron out in training.” With five games remaining, Gladwin is determined to end the campaign on a high and set a marker for the new season. “I want to try and build up some momen-tum to take into next year,” he explained. “I really want to finish the season strong-ly and get as many minutes as I can. Then I plan to look after myself over the summer so I go into pre-season strong. I think next season is a big one for me.”

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