Page 1: Respiration (basic biology) unm


Complete report of Basic Biology practicum with title ’’Respiration’’ that

arranged by :

Name : Jeny ayu hardiah ningrum

Registrasion Number : 1114040162

Group : III (Three)

Class : ICP A

After checked by Assistant and Assistant Coordinator so this report was


Makassar, December 6th 2011

Assistant Coordinator, Assistant,

Djumarirmanto,S.Pd Firdaus ID.091404183

Page 2: Respiration (basic biology) unm


A. Background

Every day we always respiration, issuing carbon dioxid and breathes in

oxygen, Air very important for life in the world. Without the air organism can

not life. Life organism need oxygen for their respiration process. In

multicelular organisms and unicellular do gas exchange easily through cell

membranes, because of the gases dissolved in the liquid, then the availability

of the damp membrane has an important meaning for the movement of gases

into and out of cell or organisms.

We have studied about the process of repiration when I senior high

school but only studied , I never observe respiration process with my eyes but

only heard or read, and know, I have seen how animal`s respiration and plant,

before that,i can not believe about plant do respiration but difficult for believe

about that. I always think there are many human which say that ”plant can

exchange gases” and many theories more, I am still hard to believe that thing,

but I think living thing can do respiration, because it can not grow or amends

if not photosynthesis and respiration constitute one of the part photosynthesis.

photosynthesis utilizes carbon dioxid as material as to result oxygen that at

needs by human.

So that, to know about respiration its main respiration about plant

(Flos of Ixora coccinea) and animal (Periplaneta Sp and Dissosteria

carolina), we must done this experiment to know the respiration and the

respiration process, and know about plant`s respiration, that afters prakticum

can know clearer, not only read to book or only at heard, we can not say

theory before unknowingly, and also we can compare organism need oxygen

follow the type and weight.

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B. Purpose

1. To prove that life organism need oxygen for their respiration.

2. To Compare the organism need oxygen severally according to type and

measurement of their body.

C. Benefit

The benefit of the practicum are known prove that life organism need

oxygen for their respiration and can compare the organism need oxygen

severally according to type and measurement of their body.

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Respiration is the process of oxidation of food organic material that occurs

within cells that can be either aerobic or anaerobic. In aerobic conditions, respiration

requires free oxygen and relase carbon dioxide and energy. If the sugar is oxidized,

the reaction occurring is C6H12O6 + 6H2O => 6CO2 + 6H2O + Energy. Amount of

carbon dioxide produced and the amount of oxygen used in aerobic respiration is not

always the same. This depends on the type of materials used. Comparison between

theamount of carbon dioxide that is relased and the amount of oxygen required is

called respiratory quotient (RQ) (Tim Pengajar, 2011).

The term respiration is applied to one particular phase of metabolism. It refers

to the integrated series of chemical reactions by which the living cell particular foods

nutriens. In many organisms including man, the respiratory process consists the

oxidative breakdown of carbohydrates and fats as the principal energy sources for the

many activities of the cell. Respiration is easily distinguished from digestion (another

particular phase of metabolism), although both involve the degradation of larger

molecules to smaller ones. Any energy relased in the rupturing of chemical bonds by

hydrolysis during the course of digestion is wasted as heat. In respiration, larger

molecules are split into smaller molecules, in part as a result of oxidation-reduction

reactionswhich constitute several of the key steps in the process, its most significant

aspect is that an appreciable portion of the chemical energy relased during respiration

in trapped as useful energy to be utilized ultimately for the various activities of the

cell (Nason, 1965).

Plants do not require specialized ventilatory mechanisms of active

multicelular animals. Much of a plant`s bulk consist of supportive tissues, which are

frequently inert metabolically. As a result, the plant`s overall rate of cellular

respiration is low. Photosynthesis take in carbon dioxide and gives off oxygen,

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complementing cellular respiration and providing for the recycling of gases withinthe

plant it self. Under certain conditions, there is no gas exchange between the plant and

the environment. Basically, the stoma is an opening between two higly specialized

epidermal cell known as guard cells.the action of the guard cells regulates the size of

the stoma, opening or closing it as the plant`s needs and activities dictate. The guard

cells respond to changes in turgor. Most terrestrial animals respire at rates 100 or

more times higher than those of the plants, and their gas-exchange needs are

correspondingly greater. Direct diffusion through the surface fulfills the ventilatory

requirements of a few land dwellers, among them the common earthworm. Terrestrial

insect flying insects have the highest weigt-specific metabolic rates known in the

animal kingdom, sometimes using more than 200 mililiters of oxygen per gram of

muscle tissue per hour in flight. However, 99 percent of this metabolic activity occurs

in the flight muscles of the thorax, the portion of the insect`s body between head and

abdomen, where the wings are attached. The organs are the tracheae, a system

offinely branched air tubes, the smallest of these branches, the tracheoles, terminate at

or inside the individual cell, where oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged, the

trachea are connected to outside by small openings called spiracles (Jensen, 1979).

Cellular respiration is the set of the metabolic reactions and processes that

take place in the cells of organisms to convert biochemical energy from nutrients into

adenosine triphosphate (ATP), and then release waste products. The reactions

involved in respiration are catabolic reactions that involve the redox reaction

(oxidation of one molecule and the reduction of another). Respiration is one of the

key ways a cell gains useful energy to fuel cellular changes. Nutrients that are

commonly used by animal and plant cells in respiration include sugar, amino acids

and fatty acids, and a common oxidizing agent (electron acceptor) is molecular

oxygen (O2). Bacteria and archaea can also be lithotrophs and these organisms may

respire using a broad range of inorganic molecules as electron donors and acceptors,

such as sulfur, metal ions, methane or hydrogen. Organisms that use oxygen as a final

electron acceptor in respiration are described as aerobic, while those that do not are

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referred to as anaerobic. The energy released in respiration is used to synthesize ATP

to store this energy. The energy stored in ATP can then be used to drive processes

requiring energy, including biosynthesis, locomotion or transportation of molecules

across cell membranes. Aerobic respiration requires oxygen in order to generate

energy (ATP). Although carbohydrates, fats, and proteins can all be processed and

consumed as reactant, it is the preferred method of pyruvate breakdown in glycolysis

and requires that pyruvate enter the mitochondrion in order to be fully oxidized by the

Krebs cycle. The product of this process is energy in the form of ATP (Adenosine

triphosphate), by substrate-level phosphorylation, NADH and FADH2. The reducing

potential of NADH and FADH2 is converted to more ATP through an electron

transport chain with oxygen as the "terminal electron acceptor". Most of the ATP

produced by aerobic cellular respiration is made by oxidative phosphorylation. This

works by the energy released in the consumption of pyruvate being used to create a

chemiosmotic potential by pumping protons across a membrane. This potential is then

used to drive ATP synthase and produce ATP from ADP and a phosphate group.

Biology textbooks often state that 38 ATP molecules can be made per oxidised

glucose molecule during cellular respiration 2 from glycolysis, 2 from the Krebs

cycle, and about 34 from the electron transport system (anonymous, 2011).

The word respiration expresses the manifestations of oneprocess on the least

three different levels. First, at the level of the whole animal, respiration means the

process of breathing, that is, the inspiration and expiration of air. The term artificial

respiration is used in the context. Second, at the tissue level, respiration refers to

the osmotic and chemical processes involved in the exchange of oxygen and carbon

dioxide. By breathing, the oxygen concentration in the alveoli of the lungs is kept

high and the carbon dioxide concentration is kept low. To be transported to the

body cells by the blood, the oxygen must difuse into the blood through the

alveolar membrane and the capillary wall, carbon dioxide moves into and out of the

blood in the same manner but by processes more complex than simple diffusion

(Whaley, 1954).

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A. Time and Place

Day / Date : Monday/November 28th 2011

Time : 10.50 A.M until 12.30 P.M

Place : Biology laboratory 3rd flour at FMIPA UNM

B. Tool and Material

1. Tools

a. Respirometer

b. Pipette

c. Stopwatch

d. Spoit

2. Materials

a. Vaseline

b. Crystal KOH

c. Cotton

d. Eosin solution

e. Big and small Periplaneta sp

f. Big and small Dissosteria carolina

g. Open and close sheat Ixora coccinea

C. Work Procedure

1. First experiment

a. Thin cotton wrap two crystal KOH, then enter or place it on the neck

respirometer tube.

b. Took one Periplaneta sp and put into respirometer tube.

c. Closed respirometer with the lid and associated with glass pipe scale

then put on the back.

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d. Dab Vaseline on thread respirometer tube with lid for prevent leakage

e. Used eosin as as drop condentation on tip, of glass tube until into the


f. Observed eosin shift along chanell and notes severally distancebegin

from 0,0 scale.

g. Done observated watch each one minute until five minutes.

h. With same procedure used smaller Periplaneta sp.

2. Second Experiment

a. Thin cotton wrap two crystal KOH, then enter or place it on the neck

respirometer tube.

b. Took one Dissosteria carolina and put into respirometer tube.

c. Closed respirometer with the lid and associated with glass pipe scale

then put on the back.

d. Dab Vaseline on thread respirometer tube with lid for prevent leakage.

e. Used eosin as as drop condentation on tip, of glass tube until into the


f. Observed eosin shift along chanell and notes severally distance begin

from 0,0 scale.

g. Done observated watch each one minute until five minutes.

h. With same procedure used smaller Dissosteria carolina.

3. Third experiment

a. Thin cotton wrap two crystal KOH, then enter or place it on the neck

respirometer tube.

b. Took one open sheat Ixora coccinea and put into respirometer tube.

c. Closed respirometer with the lid and associated with glass pipe scale

then put on the back.

d. Dab Vaseline on thread respirometer tube with lid for prevent leakage.

e. Used eosin as as drop condentation on tip, of glass tube until into the


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f. Observed eosin shift along chanell and notes severally distance begin

from 0,0 scale.

g. Done observed watch each one minute until five minutes.

h. With same procedure used close sheat Ixora coccinea.

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A. Result

The result of these experiment is explain into the table

1. Periplaneta Sp

No Type Time (Minute)

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th

1 Big 0,31 0,32 0,33 0,48 0,51

2 Small 0,12 0,22 0,29 0,35 0,44

2. Dissosteria carolina

No Type Time (Minute)

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th

1 Big 0,14 0,24 0,34 0,48 0,56

2 Small 0,08 0,19 0,28 0,38 0,41

3. Ixora coccinea

No Type Time (Minute)

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th

1 Open 0,04 0,07 0,11 0,14 0,16

2 Close 0,01 0,04 0,07 0,11 0,15

B. Data Analysis

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The graphic of the respiration result

a. Periplaneta sp

b. Dissosteria carolina

c. Ixora coccinea

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The analysis from result to find average from value the table, and use

formula v=s/t, than average use formula V=

Notes : V= Quick of respiration (ml/s)

S= Scale (ml)

T= Time (s)

1. Big Periplaneta sp

a. V= = = 0,005 ml/s

b. V= = = 0,002 ml/s

c. V= = = 0,001 ml/s

d. V= = = 0,002 ml/s

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e. V= = = 0,001 ml/s

The Average velocity:

V= =

2. Small Periplaneta sp

a. V= = = 0,002 ml/s

b. V= = = 0,001 ml/s

c. V= = = 0,001 ml/s

d. V= = = 0,001 ml/s

e. V= = = 0,001 ml/s

The average velocity:

V= =

3. Big Dissosteria carolina

a. V=

b. V=

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c. V=

d. V=

e. V=

The average velocity:

V= =

4. Small Dissosteria carolina

a. V=

b. V=

c. V=

d. V=

e. V=

The average velocity:

V= =

5. Open of sheat Ixora coccinea

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a. V= = = 0,0006 ml/s

b. V=

c. V=

d. V=

e. V=

The average velocity:



6. Close of sheat Ixora coccinea

a. V=

b. V=

c. V=

d. V=

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e. V=

The average velocity:



C. Discussion

1) Periplaneta sp

Periplaneta sp is one of animal, according to result which at gets deep

practicum, eosin's move on faster when big Periplaneta sp instead of

small Periplaneta sp low, average which at gets every minute for big

Periplaneta sp is 0,39 ml/s meanwhile small Periplaneta sp is 0,28 ml/s,

and appears difference so body weight influence oxygen requirement

living thing. but there is fault which happens while practicum, since in

practicum big Periplaneta sp, in the early front cotton which contains

KOH crystal becomes to behind the cotton, and it influence eosin's move


2) Dissosteria carolina

Dissosteria carolina is one insec, of result practicum we get eosin's

speed moves on big Dissosteria carolina compare small Dissosteria

carolina, and of average we get distinctive on big Dissosteria carolina

are 0,35 ml/s and small Dissosteria carolina are 0,26 ml/s, so big

organism need many oxygen meanwhile small organism and wight

influence oxygen needed.

3) Flos of Ixora coccinea

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Ixora coccinea are one of flower which often we find, of result that

we gets averagely from open of sheat Ixora coccinea are 0,14 ml/s and

close of sheat Ixora coccinea are 0,07 ml/s, and of observation result

concludes that eosin's speed from open of sheat Ixora coccinea faster

compare close of sheat Ixora coccinea and it is mean oxygen requirement

of openended flower and close that difference.


A. Conclusion

1. Life organism need oxygen for their respiration, organism can respiration

and need oxygen, with oxygen organism life in this world, without oxygen

organisms can die, like the result of practicum either one animal have die

may be it can not respiration in tube, and that denotes living thing need


2. Organism need oxygen severally according to type and measurement of

their body, any organism need oxygen for exchange gas or for life, But type

and size of its body make different, big organisms requires more oxygen so

its respiration even faster speeds and small organisms require less oxygen

so the speed of its respiration even slower the big organisms. Small

organisms or big organisms need many oxygen or speed of respiration if

done higher activity.

B. Suggestion

1. Suggestion for laboratory

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I hope for next practicum tools and materials that need for practicum must

complete and better in order practicum is success.

2. Suggestion for Assistant

I hope assistant could give attention for practican about part of animal for


3. Suggestion for the all friends

I hope all practicans could understand, and did not make noise in the

laboratory and do not scare with frog.


Anonymous, 2011. Celular respiration.

respiration. Accessed at December 2nd 2011.

Jensen, William A, 1979, Biology. America: Wadsworth

Nalson, Alvin, 1965. Text book of modern biology. New York: John Wiley and son,


Tim Pengajar, 2011. Penuntun praktikum biologi dasar. Makassar: UNM.

Whaley, W Gordon. 1954. Principles of biology. New York: Harper and Row


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