

Respiratory system


• Gas exchange with environment

• Exchange CO2 for O2 depends on:

Diffusion ~ SA x gradient


Encouraging diffusion

• surface area - gill lamellae, infolding

lamprey X-section

Encouraging diffusion

• gradient - counter-current exchange of gills, tetrapod ventilation

Encouraging diffusion

• distance across - thin walls of capillaries, thin skin for cutaneous respiration.

Cell thickness at aveoli


Fish respiratory systems Development of internal gills

• Ectoderm meets endoderm

Fish respiratory anatomy

• Lamprey, Chondrichthyes, Osteoichthyes

Countercurrent exchange

80-95 of O2 taken up

Osmotic issues may cause fish to not ventilate or exchange


Ventilation mechanics –Water flows over gills via suction and

force pump, using branchial muscles

Fig. 18-6

Fish respiratory systems

• Low oxygen-content environments

–Solubility of O2 is better in cold water

(at OoC ~10 ml O2 at 30oC ~5 ml O2)

Accessory respiratory surfaces: cloaca, mouth, esophagus, intestine, skin, lungs

Modified gill arches poke into air chamber in mouth

Dissolved O2 in water is only 3% of O2 in the same volume of air

Lungs evolved early in Gnathostomata from an outpocketing of the gut

Fish lungs


During the “age of fishes”

• Early freshwater bony fish would have low O2 environments

Lungs and swim bladders

• Even in fish, there is surfactant, glottis

• Pulse pump of most fish w/lungs, amphibians • Lungs later

developed a hydrostatic fxn

• (swim bladder)

• Swim bladders became dorsally located

Lungs vs. swim bladders


Physostomous vs. Physoclistous Physoclistous swim bladder

• Gas still secreted against strong gradient

• Countercurrent multiplier w/rete mirabile

• Incoming O2

• Gas gland

Result of exchange

Tetrapod respiration • Need moist surfaces, but little water loss

when ventilating

• Septas provide SA

– Frog lung 1 cm3, 20 cm2 surface area

– Mouse lung 1 cm3, 800 cm2 surface area

Amphibian respiration, vocalization

• Cutaneous respiration usually dominates

Vibrations here get resonated here


Reptile respiration • Because of longer neck, larynx and

trachea are found in reptiles

• Lungs primary gas exchange site

• Aspiration pump in amniotes

Crocodilian ventilation

• Muscle extends from liver to pelvis, liver movement is similar to mammal diaphragm


Evolutionary constraint: running and breathing

• Tetrapods w/ sprawled limbs depend on lateral bending in locomotion.

– Flexion of trunk interferes with lung expansion on that side

Solutions to the constraint

• Erect stance – movement in vertical plane

• Bounding encourages breathing w/each gait


Solutions to the constraint

• Aquatic air breathers:

– Use dorsal ventral flexion

– Use limbs simultaneously

Bird respiration • Most efficient respiration bc of flying and

endothermy constraints

• Lungs small, non expanding

• Air sacs hold great volumes, allow for unidirectional flow

• Inhalation

• Exhalation

• Lungs - parabronchi – exchange at air capillaries

Air through parabronchi

Bird respiration


Bird ventilation • Uncinate processes

increase lever arm for rib cage ventral expansion

Bird syrinx

• Syrinx - similar to larynx, but after split into bronchi.

Mammal respiration

• Larynx has vocal cords, epiglottis

Breathing Talking

Nasal and oral cavities

• In mammals, the soft palate touches the epiglottis, allowing constant separation of food and air



Humans are an exception

• Humans - Epiglottis does not contact soft palate. Modification for speech

– Young babies have


soft palate


Mammal respiration • Bidirectional ventilation – dead air (20%)

• Greatest SA of tetrapods

• Pleural cavity, diaphragm

Costal ventilation





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