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Restore Emotional Balance for Better Health, Love and Abundance

© Maria Gioia Atzori

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© Maria Gioia Atzori


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© Maria Gioia Atzori


It’s natural to feel negative emotions in the midst everyday life. If properly expressed,

these emotions don’t cause you any harm. However, negative emotions can become

trapped during a traumatic or emotionally difficult situation. When negative emotions are

kept inside, they cause difficulties that may result in self-sabotage, emotional and

physical issues. It’s often easier to suppress a strong emotion than to express it in a

healthy way. As a result, you keep emotions stuffed away somewhere in your body’s

energy field.

You know you carry this

burden because you feel

emotionally out of balance and

unable to feel inner peace and

contentment in close

relationships with other

people. When you have a

heavy emotional load

weighting on your spirit, you

feel stuck. This happens

because when you are

plugged with negative feelings, you don’t have access to your soul’s full potential.

You may have noticed that in order to achieve your goals, you need to work harder than

the average person. Things don’t come easily to you when you are tormented by

intense negative emotions of fear, insecurity, and unworthiness.

You don’t consciously choose to feel those emotions, but they seem to surface easily

and you don’t know how to process them because it’s painful to face them. In the end,

it’s easier to suppress them. Nevertheless, they may come out in the form of

nightmares, anxiety, phobias, restlessness, body pain, mood swings, poor mental focus,

learning difficulties, apprehension, hesitation, etc.

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Negative emotions are often the root cause of self-sabotage. If you are experiencing

difficulties in any area of your life: health, career, relationships, or finances, you are

probably using an unconscious form of self-sabotage.

Self-sabotage is any way of acting, thinking or feeling that prevents you from achieving

your goals in life. When you sabotage yourself, you take action based on negative

emotions like fear, guilt, shame, anger, or worry.

When this happens you unintentionally send out negative vibes. People unconsciously

pick this up and respond to you in the same way. This can be very frustrating for you

because you always get results that are not in alignment with your desires and find

yourself in situations that you don’t

like. The more emotional baggage

you carry, they more you feel out of


Go back and revisit your life. Did you

experience any traumas? What

emotions did you experience

frequently growing up? Where you

able to safely express those

emotions? If not, they can be still

stuck inside of your body, vibrating in a negative way and causing you to attract similar

negative experiences in your current reality.

You also absorb emotions from your environment and people close to you. If you are

highly empathic, you may be carrying an even heavier emotional load. Part of that load

isn’t even yours! How can you change so that the signal you send out matches what

you intend to create and manifest in your life? You do this by clearing trapped emotion

and align to positive vibration so you feel, think and act differently than you have done

so far.

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An empath is a person that is highly sensitive to the negative emotions of other people

and the environment. If you are an empath, you easily absorb negative energies from

other people and are deeply affected by their behavior. Without knowing you may even

pick up the energy that they are releasing into a space and absorb it as yours. It literally

becomes part of your energy field and you are going around carrying pieces of negative

energies that are not yours. Over time they accumulate and you feel overwhelmed,

anxious and stressed all the time.

If you are an empath, it is not uncommon for you to sit in a public place and absorbed

the negative emotions released into the environment by the person that was sitting

there before you. All of a sudden, you become inundated by negative feeling and have

no idea where they come from; your nervous system and energy system is now

responding to this invisible vibrational energy. You may feel anxiety, panicky or even

feeling physically sick, with headaches, nausea, body pain, etc.

The body reacts to these negative vibrations to let you know that you need to get

rid of them. If you don’t know how to release them, your body’s energy system

becomes weaker over time and imbalances set in as a result.

Most people in our society are told to suppress their emotions and pretend that life is all

right, even if inside they feel a lot of pain. Things don’t get better through suppression,

they only get worse. In some people this manifests as anxiety, panic attacks, in others

this manifests as physical pain,

lack of financial abundance,

unhappy careers, lack of love, and

difficult relationships.

If you are highly empathic you

seem to know what people are

thinking and feeling. Without

knowing you are actually picking

up their thoughts and emotions

though absorption.

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Your conscious mind tends to analyze this feeling as yours and makes you respond with

a behavior that is rooted in self-sabotage. You may feel responsible for what happens to

other people and end up participating in their sorrow. In your desire to help others, you

may frequently engage in codependent relationships with self-centered people, who

take advantage of you. You know you have these types of relationships because you

temporary put aside your needs to help another person. Over time, you forget to care

for your own needs.

As an empath you may be storing in your energy field and physical body, negative

emotions that are not necessarily the result of your personal experience. You absorb

them from helping others solve their problems. These people are those you care about

the most, like your parents, your spouse, your children, your siblings, your friends, your

coworkers, etc.

Your difficulties are often related to energy blocks created by holding on to these

negative emotions, no matter where they came from. When these blocks are active,

you cannot heal yourself, you cannot find a fulfilling career, you cannot achieve

financial freedom and your relationships are in turmoil.

No matter how much you try, you will not see long lasting results. This is because your

subconscious mind is running a different program from what you consciously have

decided to do, be and achieve in your life.

To solve this issue, you need to clear the negative emotional charge you carry inside

and reprogram your thoughts and feelings by re-aligning to positive vibrations.

If you have trapped emotions of unworthiness, betrayal, insecurity, sadness,

overwhelm, discouragement, anxiety, rejection, or resentment, how can you freely

follow your heart and achieve your dreams?

Your heart is the seat of your soul. Anything that comes from your heart is coming from

your true essence. But when your heart is surrounded by negativity, it is not free to feel

love, receive love and give love.

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You can choose to live your life and experience your reality from the heart or from the

ego. It’s that simple! But what is the difference? The difference between these two ways

of experiencing reality is in the range of positive energy you have at your disposal to

work with. When you operate from the heart centered program you can access a

wider range of positive vibrational energy in the form of positive emotions like

love, compassion, contentment, joy, presence, acceptance, understanding,

integration, completeness, allowing, and gratitude.

When you operated from the ego centered program you can access a narrow range of

emotions and most of them are in the negative frequency, like fear, insecurity,

confusion, discouragement, sadness, dread, unworthy, longing, etc.

You are running the heart center program when you are living in the moment. You

are in the here and now and you are content to be. Your desires are met and your spirit

is fully integrated into your body. You feel protected, loved, validated and heard. All is

well in your human experience because your sense of self is whole and complete. Sure,

you may have little bumps now and there, but you have the ability to go back into

alignment. This is the state that you were meant to have here on earth.

Most people may start out that way but over the years they find themselves into a

different state which is called the ego mind state. The ego mind is a mental

construct, which has many facets. It has a very basic operating system, which is not as

refined as the heart centered state of being. In the ego mind state you operate from a

life-preservation program. The job of your ego is to protect you from trauma, hurt and

danger. Basically it keeps you alive! Your ego sees you as a limited life form in need to

protection and preservation.

Its job is to create the filters that allow you to survive in your reality. So, if at age 3 you

fell down a broke a wrist, now at age 30 you may still have a certain fear of falling

because that experience created a self-limiting belief that says: “I am vulnerable to

injury”. The problem is that this limiting belief is still resonating in your energy field

causing you to attract more of the same kind of energy, in which you experience your

vulnerability and feel hurt, either mentally, emotionally or physically.

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So, if you want to know what types of beliefs and limitation programs you have running

in your subconscious mind, look at your life. Whatever you don’t like about your life you

have a limiting belief or program based on lack and limitation.

When you are running the ego mind program, you don’t have access to the heart

centered program. You need to choose which program you want to run.

When you run the ego mind program, you are filled with negative emotions. These

negative emotions are called negative because they make you feel in a certain way that

is not in alignment with your true nature, which is to be heart centered.

Negative emotions are messages from your ego saying: “Don’t go there! Danger!


Negative emotions are the most valuable feelings you can ever have because they are

warnings, telling you that you are not safe, that a part of you is not in alignment with

your environment, that your life is out of balance and you need to take action.

When this is occurring, your spirit is in grave danger of losing a piece. Trauma,

prolonged stress, and life difficulties, create the conditions for your soul parts to get lost.

That is way this program is so valuable!

On the contrary, positive emotions are telling you that you are moving in the right

direction, that your choices in life are in alignment with your highest path and

purpose and that it is safe to proceed in that direction.

Do you listen to the messages of your emotions? Do you stop every day and check into

your emotional state? I hope you do!

Most people in this world have no idea that their emotions play a very important role in

their life. They think that if they are negative, they need to suppress them and make

them go away. Your emotions when negative are not “BAD”, they simply negate your

true state of being, which is to live in your heart. You cannot be heart-centered when

you feel sad, depressed and worried.

Your emotions are designed to guide you in your life making sure that your whole

self is aligned to divine source.

You were born in a heart centered state, for the most part, then life started to run its

course and you began to feel negative emotions, like sadness, abandonment,

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insecurity, etc. As a consequence your overall energy went down to a lower vibration.

This activated the emergency programs of the ego mind that are designed to keep you

safe and alive. When things went back to normal, balance was restored once more and

you went back running the heart centered program.

Can you get stuck running the ego mind program and stay stuck? Yes, you can. In fact,

most people are doing just that.

Most people on this planet have developed very sophisticated emotional programs

designed to suppress negative emotions and keep them stuffed away in a very safe

place so you don’t have to face them again. If you choose to continuously run the ego

mind program based on limitation and self-preservation, you never have to process a

negative emotion, ever again. All you have to do is to suppress it. This is the program

we all learn as children at a very early age. Our parents, friends, educators and

authority figures teach us that this is the way to having a successful like experience.

You are told: Suck it up! Don’t cry! Be strong. Forget about it. Don’t think about it.

Don’t be so sensitive. Don’t fuzz about it. You also learn to further keep this

program in place by developing limiting beliefs that say: “I am not enough”, “I am

unlovable”, “I am small”, “I am unsupported”, “I am rejected”, etc.

When you do this, you completely disable your heart center program. Consequently,

you don’t have access to the loving energy that you can experience to heal yourself

from the trauma, stress and difficulty.

As sad as it sounds, there are people on this planet that from a very early age

never activated the heart centered program because they lack the love and

compassion needed on a vibrational level to activate it. This was your parent’s

job. Most parents never receive those loving feelings themselves, so they don’t

know how to vibrate with higher frequencies either.

Your ego mind program has no idea that you can run the heart centered program. In

fact, you don’t have to deal with the pain. You can transmute the emotional pain into

positive energy once you deal with it. Once you process a negative emotion in a healthy

way, you never have to deal with it ever again. If you suppress it. It is still there,

resonating in your energy field making you experience more of the same type of

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vibrational energy in the form of indecisiveness, doubt, insecurity, discouragement, fear,

worry, frustration, and ultimately self-sabotage. Self-sabotage is a program that creates

a sense of limitation in your life experience in order to keep you safe.

Transmuting the negative into positive is the job of your heart. This is what the heart

centered program does for you. But if you do not have access to it, you cannot repair

the damage caused by the negative experiences.

What’s the solution?

The solution is simple: you need to learn how to run the heart centered program

and shift your energy from survival mode into thriving mode.

In my life, I have always had a great connection with angels and anything angelic. Also,

people tell me how they too have the same connection. This is because the healing

angels are everywhere, very much present and willing to help you raise your heart

vibration and live your life from your heart.

The main job of the healing angels is to teach humanity how to run the heart centered

program daily no matter what’s going on around them. The only way to feel better

mentally, emotionally and physically is to stay in the vibration of the heart.

The healing angels are masters of vibrational energies of light, color, and sound and

operate from a dimension of love, light and joy. They do understand how you are

feeling, but they do not feel negative emotions. Because of this, they can help you stay

positive and uplifted when you start to go down in energy.

Ultimately the choice is yours. You can choose to align with positive vibrations or not.

The healing angels do not judge you for choosing to be sad or depressed, but they are

here to tell you that you can make a shift in your overall vibration by listening to your

heart. They can help you transmute the negative emotions and limiting beliefs into


To connect with the healing angels, all you have to do is to connect to the energy of you

heart and listen to the soft whisper of their loving guidance. As you do this work, you

can release negative emotions from your heart and feel better and better.

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Unless you consciously release it, a negative emotion will stay stuck inside of your body

and vibrate negatively causing you to attract more of the same negative energy.

Since childhood, your mind has been trained through the habit of thinking, feeling and

acting, to work in a certain way. In reality, you are the byproduct of your family and

social conditioning. When a learned self-sabotaging behavior becomes a habit, you do it

over and over, without even noticing. It’s a mental program that constantly runs beyond

your conscious awareness.

Trapped negative emotions are

always the root cause of any self-

sabotaging behavior. Releasing a

trapped emotion can be the most

liberating experience you can have.

When negativity is hindering your

life, you can rest assured that you

are unknowingly holding on to

negative emotions or that you have

set a pattern in which you constantly

absorb them from others (empath).

Children are especially prone to absorbing negative emotions from their parents and

caregivers. They do so because they want their parents to love them or they want to

feel accepted. Empathically, they want to make the parent feel better and create a

stable environment in which grow and thrive.

Memorized emotions in childhood stay with you creating limitation forever, unless you

release them. Think about yourself as a child. Did you experience any emotional

trauma, or did you live in a negatively emotionally charged environment? Even if you

are an adult now, there is a part of you that has been exposed to negative emotions as

a child and your inner suffering is telling you that you are in need of deep inner healing.

You consciously or intellectually reason that you want to experience health, happiness,

and abundance, but subconsciously, you are operating from a program of struggle,

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sadness and failure. Your mind wants something positive, but the body has been

programmed to feel otherwise for years.

If you have trained your body to harbor negative feelings for years, those feeling have

created an automatic state of being. Your body has been conditioned by negative

thoughts, emotions and mental programs. It knows how to be sad better than it knows

how to be happy. It knows failure more than it knows success. It feels unworthy more

than deserving.

When the mind and body are in opposition, change never happens until you change the

way you feel by removing the negative interfering energy created by the trapped

emotions. You have spent most of your life accumulating negative emotions

through stress and struggle. It’s time to ask for help and invest in your own

happiness! If you are willing to go on a journey of transformation, the path that can take

you there is easy, supportive and rewarding.

In order for true change to occur, it is essential that you de-story an emotional event that

has become part of your personality. For example, if you experienced a very traumatic

event in life, you have created a story about that event. This is the story you tell yourself

and others about what happened to you that creates emotional resonance. This is often

a story that defines you and tells people why you are who you are. It runs your

subconscious programming and makes you experience life from that point of you.

Negative emotions keep the story in place since it has become your identity. They

give the story emotional charge.

Whatever story you tell yourself, you can rest assure that there are a few negative

emotions supporting that story. If you dig deeper, you will feel unworthy, failure, fear,

betrayal, heartache, vulnerability, jealousy, shame, or insecurity.

The story is not true, because other people, who went through something similar to

what you went through, might have a different outcome. It’s the emotions that makes

the story true for you. The story keeps you in the ego and not in your heart.

Let the emotions go and your life will change!

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Your conscious mind uses only about 10% of your brain; the other 90% of your brain

function is utilized by your subconscious processes. Your subconscious is that part of

the mind that controls all your unconscious bodily functions like breathing, temperature

control, digestion, metabolism, etc. It keeps homeostasis within the body.

It also contains all the memories of everything that has happened to you in your life,

even events that you have forgotten or suppressed as a result of trauma.

When you experience the consequences of limitation in your life, its origins are

hidden in the realm of your subconscious mind. These inner programs operate

outside the awareness of your conscious mind, so you don’t experience yourself playing

out these programs. Your subconscious mind keeps you thinking and acting in a

manner that is consistent with how you have felt in the past.

Therefore, you don’t see yourself sabotaging your life, but you do experience the

consequences. Because of this, you often don’t understand why things happen to you

the way they do. You see yourself as a victim of outside circumstances.

Connecting to your subconscious mind is a way to discover which trapped emotions you

are still holding inside and at what age you created them. Once you are able to bring

these negative emotions to the surface, they can be released using the power of


Your subconscious mind is like a supercomputer that has stored all the information

about your life that you have accumulated until today. It knows why you are not feeling

well. It knows why you are failing in your career. It knows what’s blocking you from

getting a better job. It knows what’s preventing you from attracting the right person.

To get the answers, you have to believe that you can receive guidance. You can

change the subconscious programming through the power of your intentions. That’s

how you can heal your body, your relationships, your career, and your life.

Intentions are the most overlooked aspect of the human mind. Harnessing your own

intentions is the most effective way to activate your own healing and generate change in

your life. Intention is the number one ingredient that brings forth miraculous results.

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Intention is when you know what you really want to achieve in life and see yourself

doing it already. Every action you take in life needs to be powered by strong intentions.

If not, your ability to manifest anything diminished. Without intention you allow your

internal programming based on negative emotions to affect your life choices.

Your intentions affect the choices you

make every minute of your life. Making

positive choices always creates positive

outcomes. Negative choices always

creates difficulties.

Stating your intentions clearly and in a

positive way is vital in making choices that

are in alignment with your highest good.

My advice is to write down what you intend

to achieve every day. Simply write down what you choose to created and achieve

each and every day. You can do this moment by moment by paying attention to

how you feel.

If you feel any negative emotions or blocks coming to the surface, intend to release

them and let them go. It’s your body simply showing or reminding you of what’s familiar.

Intention is the starting point of every goal. It’s the creative power that fulfills all your

needs, whether for money, healing, relationships, or love. Your destiny is ultimately

shaped by your deepest intentions and desires. An intention is a direct impulse of

consciousness that contains the seed to form what you want to create. Like real

seeds, intentions will sprout if you plant them in fertile soil and will grow if you

nourish them by giving them positive energy.

Once you free yourself from your emotional baggage, these seeds of intention will grow

and flourish. That’s when more opportunities to manifest your goals become available to

you as you make positive choices. Over time, your life shifts to a higher vibrational level

of happiness and success.

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We all live very stressful lives in which making “right choices” is more important than

making “positive choices”. Right choices are based on fact and logic. They are what

other people would do or what others would expect you to do.

Positive choices are based on your intuition and are in alignment with you soul’s

path. They may not make sense in the present moment, but always turn out to be the

best choice for you in the long run. They align you with the Divine.

Making positive choices is difficult

when you allow external influences to

sway you. You feel vulnerable to the

powerful suggestion of media

advertisers that tell you that to be

happy in life you need to be, have or

behave in a certain way.

When you give into that, you lose

your power. When this happens,

negative emotions of unworthiness,

fear, insecurity, confusion, low self-esteem, and overwhelm come to the surface,

making you chose something you ultimately don’t really need.

To make positive choices, you must make a deliberate intention to live your life

from a different level of awareness. This is when you choose to live your life based

on your vision and not your circumstances. You can rise above what is and choose to

focus your conscious awareness on what it could be. This is the heart centered program

operating in you.

Effort is required to create a different reality. When you think and feel the same way

most of your life, it’s hard to change without effort. The first step in making positive

choices is to choose the way you feel in each moment. Emotions are the end product

of your past experiences, if you don’t change the way you feel, you will continue

to re-create your past, attracting into your life similar situations that will

ultimately trigger the same feelings.

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If your subconscious programs are based on positive self-image, self-love, self-worth,

and self-determination, you will think, feel and act in accordance to positive choices.

Accomplishing your goals is going to be easy.

If your subconscious programs are rooted in unworthiness, self-loathing, shame,

self-reproach, and self-blame, you will inevitable make negative choices that

create self-sabotage. When you want to accomplish a goal, you feel as if your

hard work is not producing the expected results.

To overcome negative choices and self-sabotage, you need to reclaim your power of

intention and take full responsibility of your thoughts, feelings and actions. If you are

struggling in life right now, you can rest assure that some form of self-sabotage,

unknown to your conscious mind, is at play in the background.

Here is how self-sabotage based on external programming may sound like in your mind:

1. You believe that the world is a

limited place or a dangerous


2. You act based on the opinion that

others have about you or your


3. You say what others expect, not

what you really think.

4. Your allow people’s opinions to

hinder your progress.

5. You make choices based on negative emotions, like fear, guilt, shame, etc...

6. You allow external events, like the economy, socio-political issues, family issues,

even the weather, dictate your state of mind.

7. You re-live the past and worry about the future.

8. You rarely do something spontaneous just for the fun of it.

9. You fear taking your initiative and do something new and different.

10. People seem to make you feel down when they are down.

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You have the power to heal your way of life. You can overcome self-sabotage, release

trapped negative emotions and bypass the self-limiting patterns of your subconscious

mind. There is so much power stored inside of your heart. You were created to achieve

any goal you desire. When you are clear on what you choose to have, be and do, the

universe always delivers.

Negative emotions are the energetic blocks that prevent you from seeing clearly

and accessing your inner potential. Once these blocks are removed, making positive

choices in alignment with your life purpose becomes easier. As you begin to make

choices in life from this state of mind, real transformation can happen within your body,

mind and soul.

By itself, conscious positive thinking cannot overcome subconscious negative feelings,

especially if trapped emotions and limiting beliefs are present. Releasing trapped

emotions and doing any energy clearing work is always necessary. The easy way to do

energy clearing is to release negative thoughts and emotions as soon as you notice

them. For example, you get a sense of anxiety about going to a new event and meet

new people. Even if this is a normal feeling, it can trigger feelings that are stuck in you

from past experiences.

You may start to remember times in the past during which you felt very uncomfortable in

a similar situation. This triggers your body to feel anxious. Feelings of any kind start

activating within you: fear, anguish, unworthy, failure, insecurity, panic, indecisiveness,

low self-esteem, etc.

This is the time to intentionally notice how you feel and powerfully declare that all this is

simply feedback from past experiences, but it does not have to dictate the way you live

in the present moment. This is the time to choose to think, feel and act differently.

Here is what I would say to myself in a similar situation:

“What would it be like for me to go to this event and have a great time? Anything limiting

me to achieve this, I release and let go now and forever.”

This is a very powerful clearing statement that can really begin to shift your thinking.

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When you hold on to negative emotions, your life becomes filled with choices you don’t

want to make. Ultimately, you feel like you have no choice at all. You feel stuck, unable

to move in the direction of your

goals. The solution to this problem

is to let go of trapped negative

emotions once and for all. They are

the real reason why you cannot

experience the positive side of life.

You know you have trapped

negative emotions when:

1. You are overwhelmed by

negative emotions of sadness,

fear and anger.

2. You get antsy or tired around people and need alone time.

3. You carry everybody’s emotional pain as if it were your own.

4. You have physical pain, especially neck, shoulder and back pain.

5. You have allergies and food intolerances.

6. You experience self-sabotage in your career, relationships, and health.

7. You pretend that everything is fine, but inside you feel unhappy.

8. You feel vulnerable and exposed all the time.

9. You are always tired and low in energy.

10. You are not connected to your inner needs.

Having trapped emotions causes you to feel, act and think in a way that is not really

who you are at soul level. When you are constantly inundated by negative feelings of

fear, insecurity, unworthy, shame, sadness, etc., you cannot fully express who you are

and who you want to be. Trapped emotions disrupt your potential. If you are struggling

in life, you can rest assure that you are carrying the burden of negative trapped

emotions. How much is this costing you? How much longer can you continue?

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The heart wall was discovered by Dr. Nelson. It can be described as a protective shield

that your subconscious mind builds around your heart during times of intense heartache

or heartbreak. This protective heart wall is made of trapped emotions. Your

subconscious mind does this to protect your heart from further hurt. The problem is that

the Heart Wall keeps you isolated from the love of others. Also, when you send love, it

becomes tainted by the negative energies

of the Heart Wall. Signs that you have a

Heart Wall are:

• Unable to find love.

• Feeling distanced from others.

• Feeling misunderstood.

• Emotional numbness.

• You feel as if outside looking in.

• Separated from your feelings.

• Feeling trapped for no reason.

• Unable to manifest your goals.

• Lack of financial flow in your life.

• Difficult relationships or attracting people with whom you cannot establish a

happy relationship.

• Always feeling like you need to protect yourself, your family and your


• Not feeling connected to the rest of the world.

The Heart Wall is created by your subconscious mind to keep you safe, but the cost of

keeping your Heart Wall is your inability to manifest your dreams and fully enjoying your

life. It also prevents you from running the heart centered program. If you feel that

something is missing in your life and you know that going out there and achieve your

dreams is scary, you might have a Heart Wall keeping you locked down, preventing you

from moving forward and making decisions that bring you positive results.

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When I connect with the healing angels they always tell me that the power of humanity

is the heart. The healing angels teach you that when you live your life with an open

heart, the healing frequency of unconditional love that you emanate will keep you

connected to source energy, which is where you receive your vital force energy.

The more connected you are with source energy, the more vital force energy you will

receive to do what you are here to do in your life.

In 1924, Willem Eindhoven, won the Nobel Prize for discovering that the heart

generates its own electromagnetic field. The heart has by far the strongest magnetic

field of any organ in the body. Did you know that the magnetic field of the heart is five

thousand times stronger than that of the brain?

When you have a Heart Wall, the electromagnetic frequency of the heart is disrupted.

Your heart and brain do not communicate effectively with each other. Not only the

functioning of the heart as an organ is impaired, but also the way you experience love.

How this manifests, we don’t know. Every person, who has a Heart Wall, has his own

set of life difficulties.

Releasing your Heart Wall is a simple and easy process with the emotion code. When

you release the negative energetic frequencies around your heart, you feel more

relaxed, happier and more confident. The result of these changes encourages you to

make different choices, which ultimately leads to a better life experience, where your

goals are achieved with ease and a positive outlook. This is so because you are

operating from the heart centered program.

The Heart-Wall is made of layers of energies that come from negative trapped

emotions, which you accumulated over a life time. If you have a Heart-Wall you may

have created it as a child and kept on adding trapped emotion on top of trapped

emotion over the years.

There are many types of trapped emotions that create these negative layers and they

can be released once uncovered.

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While working in his chiropractic practice, Dr. Nelson discovered that physical problems

were often related to emotional issues never dealt with. A trapped negative emotion is a

form of negative energy that becomes trapped in the body during an intense emotional


Trapped emotions are very common in people, including children. You may develop

trapped emotions at any age in your life. Your pets can also have trapped emotions if

they have been mistreated in the past. Animals are very empathic and can also absorb

negative energies from people and the environment.

Trapped emotions are detected and removed one at the time. They are formed when

you are unable to process certain emotional experiences. You create a trapped emotion

when you feel an intense negative emotion and keep it inside. When this happens, the

negative emotion gets stuck in your

energy field at the level of an organ, a

gland or body part. It is not uncommon for

people to have a weakness or pain in that

area of the body.

Trapped emotions can also get stuck in

your energy field at the level of your

chakras, energy meridians, etc.

Some emotions are inherited and you

carry them energetically in your DNA since conception. One of your ancestors

experienced that trapped emotions and passed it on to you. Determining the genealogy

is always very helpful in releasing the trapped emotion. It is not uncommon to go back

ten or even twenty generations.

Epigenetic studies now explain how anxiety and depression can be passed on from

generation to generation. In one study, scientists trained mice to feel fearful when

exposed to the scent of cherry blossom. Their offspring also feared the scent, even if

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they were never exposed to it. Also, the next generation after that kept the same trait!

The investigators discovered how a specific gene in the sperm of the mice had been

epigenetically changed by the induced fear, causing the fear to stay in place and be

passed on from one generation to next, even if the initial cause was no longer there.

The scientists also discovered that the negative experience produced changes in the

brains of the affected mice.

The conclusion of this study was that the experience of a parent, even before

conceiving a child, markedly influences both structure and function in the nervous

system of subsequent generations. In other words, how your grandparents felt, is

affecting how you feel.

Most people have several inherited trapped emotions. In general, one in ten is an

inherited trapped emotion. Once removed however, the entire lineage is released from

this negative energetic influence. If you inherited a negative emotion from one of your

parents, your children or siblings could have inherited them as well. By releasing them

in yourself, you can also release them. Imagine the level of freedom that this can create

within an entire family.

Psychic trauma forms as a result of an intense emotional event, during which more than

one negative emotion became trapped together. This is possible when people

experience intense trauma like war, environmental disasters, accidents, abuse, mental

anguish, high stress events, loss of business, loss of a loved one, etc. This type of

emotions can also be experienced by watching a traumatic event happening to

somebody else, including watching television, playing violent video games or doing

extreme sports.

Psychic trauma is often present in people who experience fears or phobias. In children,

nightmares can be the result of a psychic trauma. Most of your traumatic events

experienced as children are forgotten and removed form conscious awareness, but if

nor released, you still vibrate in resonance with them.

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These are negative emotions felt by your mother during gestation when you were still in

the womb. It is not uncommon for pregnant women to feel negative emotions of fear,

abandonment, betrayal, insecurity, helplessness, overwhelm, etc. When this happens,

the negative emotion can be passed from

the mother to the developing baby. The

baby’s body is one with that of the

mother, so the trapped emotion can

easily get trapped in the child’s body.

Dr. Bruce Lipton, a cell biologist and

medical professor is a pioneer in the field

of epigenetics. He talks about how the

blood supplied by the mother to the child

during gestation “contains information about emotions and regulatory hormones and the

growth factors that control the mother’s life in the world in which she’s living. All this

information passes into the placenta along with nutrition. If the mother is happy, the

fetus is happy because the same chemistry of emotions that affect the mother’s system

are crossing into the fetus. If the mother is scared or stressed, the same stress

hormones cross and adjust the fetus. What we’re recognizing is that, through a concept

called epigenetics, the environmental information is used to select and modify the

genetic program of the fetus so it will conform to the environment in which it’s going to

grow, thus enhancing the survival of the child. If parents are totally unaware, this

creates a great problem—they don’t know that their attitudes and responses to their

experiences are being passed on to their child.”

These negative emotions are experienced by your soul before your incarnation. They

are very rare. They relate to the fear of your impending life experience on earth. They

can also be related to the grief of leaving the beautiful place where you are one with

your creator. You are a spiritual being having a human experience and your soul comes

from a beautiful place of love, light and joy. When the decision to come into this life

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experience is made, the soul might feel the sadness of separation from this place.

People, who have had near death experiences, often speak of such a place.

Nested negative emotions get stuck together in the same location within the body. A

negative emotion forms an energy ball that disrupts the energy flow in correspondence

of a body part or organ. This creates a weakness in the body, in which more trapped

emotions can be stored. When they are released, pain and discomfort in that area of the

body diminishes or goes away.

Nested trapped emotions can be found anywhere in the body, but the lower back seems

to be a common place to find them. Metaphorically, you don’t want to deal with your

emotional pain, “you’ll carry a load on your back.”

Do you know what your body symptoms are telling you about yourself? Many

unresolved emotional issues can affect your physical health because feelings and

thoughts are connected to specific body parts.

According to Traditional Chines Medicine the main organs in the body vibrate at a

specific frequency and are connected to specific feelings and emotions. For example,

the liver is connected to anger, the gall bladder to resentment, the kidney to fear, while

the lungs harbor sadness and grief.

Trapped emotions get stuck somewhere in the body disrupting the energetic

communication between the differ organs in the body.

If you have a problem with your lungs, your body may be telling to release your

suppressed grief. Or if you have liver imbalance, you may need to work on letting go of

suppressed anger.

This is the mind-body connection and it is a very important aspect of healing. Your body

uses the language of emotions to send you messages. When you are not listening to

your body, the emotions get trapped and the organ or body part goes into an

unbalanced state.

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The best way to release negative emotions is through a process called the emotion

code. This process is easy and very effective.

In order for a trapped negative emotion to be released, it has to be brought to

consciousness first. This is done by establishing a connection with your subconscious

mind through muscle testing, a form of applied kinesiology. After that, you can ask

specific targeted questions regarding the quality of the trapped emotion.

Here is what you can discover:

1. What’s the feeling or emotion.

2. At what age it became trapped.

3. If your inherited or absorbed it from somebody else.

4. What the circumstances where like.

Once the emotion is brought to your consciousness, it can be easily released through

the power of intention

The emotion/body code session is carried out by asking specific question using muscle

testing techniques to retrieve the answers. Remember, your subconscious mind has

recorded all the events of your life and knows, like a supercomputer, what you have

experienced, even if you were too young to remember or if you have forgotten the


When two people are not in the same room, a proxy connection is used. The proxy is a

person that is tested and treated on your behalf. This is often called distance healing.

This is the reason why, the emotion/body code session can be done by email when the

practitioner and the client are far apart from each other.

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The following are a few examples of what releasing trapped emotions can do for people.

I am going to report some of the results I have witnessed working with people. Please

note that each person is unique, so results will be different for you. The information

reported here is for educational purpose only. The name of the client was omitted in

order to maintain privacy and confidentiality. Please understand that most people need

a minimum series of 3-6 sessions before noticing results.

A 56 year old man had been suffering from lower back pain since the age of 19 as a

result of an injury. During his energy clearing session, the subconscious mind revealed

12 trapped negative emotions all located in his lower back.

These negative trapped emotions became nested in the area of pain and had been

trapped there over the years. Since his original injury at age 19, the lower back became

a weak spot, so it was the location of preference in which the body decided to store all

the other negative emotions he experienced later in life.

At the beginning of the session the intensity of the pain was 8/10. Within 24 hours the

pain decreased to 5/10. The next morning the client was happy to report that he could

tie his shoes comfortably. Something he couldn’t always do without feeling pain.

A child of 8 had been suffering from nightmares since he was a baby. Every night he

would wake up screaming. All night he would toss and turn without receiving a good

night rest. He always woke up upset, tired and grumpy.

After testing for trapped emotions, we found a psychic trauma that he created as an

infant. This psychic trauma was composed of two separate emotions of panic and

shock, which got lodged in his body at the same time between age 1 and 2.

The mother remembered that at the age of 18 months the child fell down the stairs and

broke his leg. Once the emotions where released form his energy field, the nightmares

stopped and he was able to sleep without tossing and turning feeling rested upon


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A 46 year old woman developed anxiety and heightened nervousness when riding in a

car after a car accident that also caused neck injuries. The car accident happened at

age 29. The muscle testing revealed trapped emotions of panic, shock and frustration

related to that traumatic event. Upon releasing of the trapped emotions, she could ride a

car comfortably and her neck discomfort diminished from 8 to 2 in a scale of 0 to 10.

The mother of a 10 year old girl reported her daughter to be very shy and unable to

speak in front of strangers and unfamiliar situations. This girl had also difficulty

expressing her desires to her own parents. Every time she needed to talk to her mother,

she needed to go in another room so that nobody could hear. After connecting with her

via proxy, we discovered that she had and inherited trapped emotional of humiliation,

which she inherited from her paternal grand grandfather. The negative trapped emotion

was also inherited by the other siblings, who also had a similar behavior but to a lesser

degree. After releasing this inherited emotion, her level of confidence soared and her

ability to talk in front of strangers improved significantly.

A 42 year old entrepreneur wanted to know why she was not able to attract more

clients. She was wandering if there was a blocked emotional cause. I connected with

her via proxy as she lived in another country. The trapped emotions were

indecisiveness, unworthy, and taken for granted. The last one, she inherited from

paternal Grandfather. Upon releasing the emotions, she realized what she needed to

change in her business to create more exposure and attract more clients.

A woman in her mid-forties was having difficulty making more money. She felt as if a

ceiling had been put on her income, no matter how much she tried, she was making the

same amount of money. We discovered a trapped emotion of panic at age 17. She

observed her uncle having a tremendous business loss as a result of starting a

business venture. As a highly empathic person, she absorbed this emotion from him by

participating in his family financial difficulties.

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A man in his fifties had been struggling with weight loss for 20 years. We discovered the

following trapped emotions as contributing factors: frustration at age 6 stored in the

small intestine, frustration at age 32 trapped in the liver, hopelessness at age 47 located

in the spleen, shame at age 42 in the small intestine and helplessness age 42 in the

large intestine. Each age corresponded to an event the client could relate to has been

emotionally difficult for him. It was also interesting to notice how each trapped emotions

was located within the organs of the digestive tract.

A young girl around the age of ten had a Heart Wall that was made of negative trapped

emotions that she created as a result of trauma. She also has absorbed trapped

emotions form her mother during pregnancy and a couple of inherited trapped emotions

from her parents at conception. We asked her subconscious mind what was her Heart

Wall made of and the answer (using muscle testing and intuition) was that the Heart

Wall was made of flowers.

When the Heart Wall was released she reported feeling and seeing butterflies leaving

her heart area. Metaphorically, hear subconscious had created a wall of flowers to keep

her feelings inside. Once the wall was released her feelings were free to be expressed,

just like butterflies.

In some people the Heart Wall is made of wood, brick, cement, iron, steel, marble,

bubble gum, etc. There is always a metaphorical meaning behind the material used.

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My emotion code experience was very helpful. I felt better right away. A big weight was

lifted from my shoulders. The next day or two I felt lighter and lighter. I was signing and

laughing all day long. My happier disposition has helped me feel more relaxed and less

worried about little things. I would definitely recommend this experience to anyone who

is feeling emotionally down.

Joanne, MN, USA

I was amazed on how my skin condition improved in 24 hours after my emotion code

session. But what I was more amazed about was how this condition was related to so

many other aspects of my life that contained emotional baggage. Thanks for this


S.A. London, ON, Canada

The session helped me reflect on how I allow negative emotions to be stored in my

body. I am finally able to talk about my past without feeling resentment and hurt. Thank

you Maria for your help!

Valery, Toronto, Canada

Maria, thank you so much for my session. I am amazed at the accuracy of the issues

found, how they related to myself or my family, and the feelings around them. I highly

recommend this to anyone feeling out of touch, unbalanced, sad, stuck, etc. Is it

common to have so many blocks found in one session? I felt wiped out after. At first, I

felt warmth rushing up my spine- not the typical menopausal hot flash. I also felt muscle

pain in my upper arms. Then suddenly a migraine came on and my ears clogged up

quite a bit. And none of the normal triggers were going on. I am 100% sure the energy

clearing brought these feelings on. Thank you again for this experience, I look forward

to seeing how this affects my progress. Bless you!

Anne, FL, USA

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Are you ready to restore emotional balance?

Imagine what your life would be like without the burden on negative trapped emotions

and limiting beliefs?

The first step is to release your Heart Wall!

If you are like most people, you have these imbalances stored deep in your

subconscious mind outside your conscious awareness.

Let go of the energetic imbalances

that are blocking you from achieving

your goals.

Release your Heart Wall is the

recommended next step for those who want to live a stress-free life.

Book your session by distance via eMail and find out, today!

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Maria Gioia Atzori is a Certified Emotion Code/body Practitioner with over 16 years of

experience in the field of alternative medicine and energy medicine helping people

restore emotional, physical and mental balance by letting go of negative feelings from

stress and trauma. She works with clients all over the world by distance healing via


Maria holds an Honours Bachelor of Science Degree in Biology from The University of

Western Ontario, Canada and a Master of Science Degree in Natural Health.

She holds diplomas in Classical Homeopathic Medicine at Canadian College Of

Homeopathic Medicine, Bach Flowers and Women's Health & Homeopathy at the

British Institute of Homeopathy.

Over the years she practiced energy healing modalities, like Reiki and Reconnective

Healing. She also specializes in Angel Healing, Soul Realignment, Past Lives and

Akashic Readings.

She has an extensive background in supporting women with unexplained infertility and

those who suffer from stress and anxiety. In her sessions, she coaches clients through

a form of distance energy clearing to release energy imbalances to make conditions

right for the body to heal itself. She helps people understand the mind/body connection

related to stress and anxiety about abundance, career, health and relationship issues.

Maria Gioia Atzori

Certified Emotion/Body Code Practitioner

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