Download - Resume Writing

  1. 1. Resume Writing The Road to Success How to Prepare an Effective Resume Prepared By: Prof. Nishant Agrawal
  2. 2. Resume Essentials Before you write, take time to do a self- assessment on paper. Outline your skills and abilities as well as your work experience and extracurricular activities. This will make it easier to prepare a your resume.
  3. 3. Characteristics of A Successful Resume Focuses on skills. Uses action words to define the responsibilities of your job-related experience. Easy to read , understand & No spelling or grammar errors. Must always be 100% truthful. One page, or at most 2 pages long.
  4. 4. Stand out from the crowd Include interesting and unique information Attempt best effort to make a first impression First Impression is the Last Impression
  5. 5. The Content of Your Resume Name (Do not use Nick name) Address, telephone number, e-mail address Objective / Summary Education Experience Achievements and awards Skills
  6. 6. Objective or Summary Objective tells potential employers the sort of work you're hoping to do. Be specific about the job you want. For example: To obtain an entry-level position within a financial institution requiring strong analytical and organizational skills.
  7. 7. Continue Objective: To obtain a position that will allow me to advance my potential while seeking new challenges. Show what you will contribute: Objective: An entry-level position in mechanical engineering where strong leadership ability and good communication skills are needed. Objective: Vice-president of aerospace engineering in an agency where extensive knowledge of thermodynamics and heat transfer are needed.
  8. 8. Education Most recent educational information is listed first. Include special or interesting aspects of your program. Include Degree , College / University Name , percentage and year of passing
  9. 9. Work Experience Should be in Chronological order Include: Title of position, Name of organization Location of work (town, state) Duration of employment Describe your work responsibilities with emphasis on specific skills and achievements.
  10. 10. Achievements and awards Scholarships Extra Achievements Prizes Nominations Significant accomplishments / Online Courses Committees and leadership roles
  11. 11. Use the skills section Software programs and proficiency (Word, PowerPoint, Excel, FrontPage, AutoCad ) Programming languages (include Visual Basic, HTML, PHP, ) Abilities (based on experience) Languages and language ability
  12. 12. Create an effective layout Try to interest your reader visually A clean, professional format with a little style Extra white space makes it easy to read set margins Dont choose non-standard fonts like Comic Sans or Lucida Handwriting
  13. 13. Follow Rules Was responsible for staff of ten Present reports to consultants New reporting system was developed Leader of monthly staff meeting Coordinate monthly review Managed staff of ten Presented reports to consultants Developed new reporting system Led monthly staff meeting Coordinated monthly review
  14. 14. Final thoughts Choose the correct tense and use it consistently Do not ask for a particular salary Be accurate and honest Run a spell check on your computer before anyone sees your resume. Get a friend to do a grammar review. The more people who see your resume, the more likely that misspelled words and awkward phrases will be seen (and corrected).
  15. 15. Your time is limited, so dont waste it living someone elses life.

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