Download - Resume Xplaon

  • 7/31/2019 Resume Xplaon


    This document will give a clear cut explanation about

    1. How a resume should be.2. How resume adds a lot in interviews and many more intresting and useful stuffs about


    What is resume??

    Resume in one sentence according to me is " Representing urself in a sheet of paper". When someone reads it, he/ she

    should know about you. In fact gets impressed with ur resume. To do that, U have to add few intresting stuffs about


    Note one thing:

    Each and everyone will have a quality which will be unique only with them. Try to add that and try to give special

    importance on that.

    Becauseevery interviewer wants ur resume to be extra ordinary and unique because u have to be a special person

    among al so that u can attract them right awayl

    Let me explain you each and every topic of the contents which has to be in ur resume.

    1.Name, address, mail id: Every resume should have ur Name in the start. Just try to highlight it in bold with bigger

    font size.Followed by that u can have your address or u can include it at personal information column separately or at

    the last.

    Mail id: Please have a good mail id. Because its going to be ur official mail id.So i suggest you people to have ur full

    name as ur mail id.

    Esp to girls pls donot use mail id's like [email protected] or barbiedolletc stuffs..

    Please avoid so if u have put!!!!

    2. Career Objective:

    To be frank many still donot know what exactly a career objective means.More than 60% people what we do is we

    google it or take career objective from other friends and attach it in our resume!!!

    Please donot use that!!!!!

    Let me tell u why??

    The common career objective which many use is

    " To seek a challenging position................................"

    Consider me and Ram are attending TCS interview. Both have cleared aptitude.First i am going and next He is going.

    Remeber same interviewer.

    Interviewer sees me and Ram resume. Both are same.What he will think in next moment isThese guys donot even

    know how to write a resume.. What the hell he is going to do if i select him.So mostly both will be getting rejected

    because of this small mistake!!!

    Next case, U googled or stole it from some1 ana attached the career objective.

    Interviewer asks u to explain it.. 80% people will not give a clear answer!!So gain same result!!

    How to prep a career objective:

  • 7/31/2019 Resume Xplaon


    Here are few tips on it.1. Career objective should be categorised on domains like core/ software then further it must be

    drilled down to companies. So prep career objectives on basis of companies.2. Why i included is, some would have prep

    a career objective for some software company. Suddenly a core company is coming. U should not have that career

    objective.3. If for eg., TCS is coming. Go through the mission/ vission statements and prepare

    objective accordingly merging your character in it!!!!It will really score a lot and lot

    3. Educational Qualifications:

    few tips in this:1. Please give correct details in ur resume.

    2. Donot use abbrevations like CBSE, BE, HSC etc. Give full explanations to it!!!

    3. Very important. CGPA and Percentage is not the same!!!! If ur 7.9 CGPA, donot put 79%. Its wrong!!!!!!

    4. Put the column name as CGPA/ Percentage obtained.

    4. Area of interest:

    Very important column. Regarding area of interest, Please keep one subject. More than enough!! Donot give too many

    area of ineterst and fall in the trap

    5. Technical qualifcations:

    1. IPT:

    If u have gone for some Inplant training programmes do mention it here If u have not gone.. Just mention like this. U

    have to gone for IV to xx places. (Even if u have not gone please mention)

    The reason is, ur trying to tell interviewer that u have come accross work environment thro that point.

    2. Papers/ project:

    A very important sub topic as far i am concerned. The place where u can score in Technical.

    Just mention ur paper/ project in the format as ahown below:

    Title:_______________________________________Abstarct: ________________________________________ ( 2 line

    abstract in short)It should make the interviewer to know more about ur paper/project!!!

    3. Certifications and technical knowledge:

    1. With respect to certifications, I guess may would have done a course in NIIT and have certificates. if ur not sure or

    forgot about knowledge u learnt there, please donot mention it.One of my frd got rejected just because of this. He had

    C++ in NIIT. when interviewer asked quest he dint know 2. If u have any certifications like OCJP, CCNA please

    mention. But u must know everything abt it.

    6. Co curricular and extra curricular activities:

    Please know what co curricular and extra curricular means first!! If u donot know., Please mention as achievments and


    This is a very important column which will define your uniqueness.

    Some additional stuffs which many are missing is:

    1. Securing more than 90% throughout my school and college periods.2. Served as an event co ord in symposiums.3.

    Stuffs u achieved in ur schools.4. Served as a class pupil leader in some semester.

    and many stuffs like that.
  • 7/31/2019 Resume Xplaon


    Think and put.

    7. Personal Information:

    Its better if u include

    NameFathers nameMothers nameAgeHobbies

    Donot put extra stuffs just for filling sheets. It will not look good!!!

    You can also mention ur positive strengths too!!

    8. Declaration, Sign, date:

    I have seen many people having declaration. Its not wrong.But i prefer u people to remove that declaration part.

    Also Please put signature, correct Date and place before u go for interview.

    Just an additional information from my resume..

    As i said you, Ur resume should be unique.One place which made me unique from others was an heading called "Other

    Activities"Let me just share it with you.

    Other Activities:

    Member and head of an awareness organisation for cancer prevention James Ewing Cancer Association which is in

    collaboration with my friends of Sri Balaji Medical College.Active member of TEACH FOR INDIA to prevent

    illiteracy.Founder and head of NGO Mekthamaitri which deals with serving and supporting Orphanage home kids.

    I corrected MY HR Just through this column Huge plus point for me Noone had this thought Thanks to JP Gandhi

    Finally a short word of advice:

    1. Have a common font through out ur resume.

    2. Please Highlight important points in ur resume. It will showcase all ur strengths uniquely.

    3. Donot think its too much. Just a short word from me to make ur resume so special.

    4. I will attach my resume too. have a look at it!!!!

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