
Retiree Activity\Appreciation Days(RAD)Plus Seminars, Veterans Town Hall Meetings, Stan Downs, Resource\!areer "airs an#t$er Military Retiree\Veterans Relate %vents&' August ()&*+#T,!%-RADs an ot$er events liste .elow may .e cancelle or resc$eule/0e1oretraveling long istances to atten an event, you s$oul contact t$e applica.le RA#, RS#, sponsor, etc/, to ensure t$e event will, in 1act, .e $el on t$e announce ate\time/To get more in1o a.out a particular event, clic2 on t$e event3s 4#!AT,#+ .elow or call t$e event3s sponsor/ +#T,!%-4in2s to veterans 5o. 1airs an ot$er use1ul resources are availa.le on t$e 4,+6S "#R M,4\R%T\V%TS at www/$ostmt./org/T$is list is pu.lis$e in multiple 1ormats (see .ottom o1 t$is page)/ 4in2s to TR,!AR%, T"4, veterans 5o. 1airs an ot$er use1ul resources are availa.le on t$e4,+6S "#R M,4\R%T\V%TS at www/$ostmt./org A..reviations 7se- (MAD) 8 Military Appreciation Day R" 8 Resource "air SD 8 Stan Down TH 8 Town Hall V+ 8 Vietnam 9 8 Tentative Date(s) : 8 Registration\RSVP Re;uire "or Some %vents/!$ec2

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