Page 1: Retroesophageal Brachiocephalic Artery Assessed by Magnetic Resonance Imaging: A Case Report and Literature Review

Accepted Manuscript

Retro-Esophageal Brachiocephalic Artery Assessed by MRI: A Case Report andLiterature Review

Sharmila Udupa, MD, CM John F. Smythe, MD, FRCPC Derek T. Wong, MD. FRCPC

PII: S0828-282X(14)01400-7

DOI: 10.1016/j.cjca.2014.09.016

Reference: CJCA 1406

To appear in: Canadian Journal of Cardiology

Received Date: 4 August 2014

Revised Date: 4 September 2014

Accepted Date: 5 September 2014

Please cite this article as: Udupa S, Smythe JF, Wong DT, Retro-Esophageal Brachiocephalic ArteryAssessed by MRI: A Case Report and Literature Review, Canadian Journal of Cardiology (2014), doi:10.1016/j.cjca.2014.09.016.

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Page 2: Retroesophageal Brachiocephalic Artery Assessed by Magnetic Resonance Imaging: A Case Report and Literature Review





Retro-Esophageal Brachiocephalic Artery Assessed by MRI: A Case Report and Literature Review

Short Title: Retro-Esophageal Brachiocephalic Artery – Literature Review

Sharmila Udupa MD,CM1, John F Smythe MD, FRCPC2, Derek T Wong MD. FRCPC1

1Division of Cardiology, Department of Pediatrics, University of Ottawa, Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario, Ottawa, Canada. 2Divison of Cardiology, Department of Pediatrics, Queen’s University, Kingston General Hospital, Kingston, Canada. Word Count: 1686 Corresponding Author: Sharmila Udupa, MD,CM Division of Cardiology, Department of Pediatrics Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario 401 Smyth Road Ottawa, Ontario Canada K1H 8L1 E-mail: [email protected] Telephone: (613) 737-7600 ext 2390 Fax: (613) 738-4835

Page 3: Retroesophageal Brachiocephalic Artery Assessed by Magnetic Resonance Imaging: A Case Report and Literature Review





Brief Summary

A right aortic arch with a retro-esophageal brachiocephalic artery is a very rare type of

vascular ring. We present a case of one such vascular anomaly diagnosed by cardiac

magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), with a review of all cases to date. Cardiac MRI can

be used as a primary diagnostic modality for anatomic assessment of the vascular ring,

as well as the hemodynamics of associated cardiac malformations in the pre-operative


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A right aortic arch with a retro-esophageal brachiocephalic artery is a very rare type of

vascular ring. A case report with a review of published cases to date are presented.

Twelve publications from 1968 to 2014 describe a retro-esophageal brachiocephalic

artery in a total of thirteen patients. The mean age at diagnosis was 8.7 ± 16 years.

Four of the thirteen patients were male. Nearly half of the patients were symptomatic,

with dysphagia or respiratory difficulties. Ten patients (77%) had associated congenital

heart defects. Of the thirteen patients with a retro-esophageal brachiocephalic artery,

twelve had a right aortic arch, and only one patient had a left aortic arch associated with

complex congenital heart disease.

Investigations used in the diagnosis of the vascular ring include angiography,

esophagram, echocardiogram, and computed tomography. Only two cases confirmed

the diagnosis with magnetic resonance imaging but this was in the setting of complex

congenital heart disease.

In conclusion, a right aortic arch with a retro-esophageal left brachiocephalic artery is an

extremely rare form of vascular ring, often seen in association with other forms of

congenital heart disease. Cardiac MRI can be used as a primary diagnostic modality for

both the assessment of the vascular ring anatomy and the hemodynamics of associated

cardiac malformations in the pre-operative setting.

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In general, vascular rings are a rare cardiac anomaly, however a right aortic arch with a

left retro-esophageal brachiocephalic artery is one of the rarest subtypes. Only a few

cases have been described in the literature, with minimal documentation of their age,

mode of presentation and association with other forms of congenital heart disease. We

present a case of one such vascular anomaly diagnosed by cardiac magnetic

resonance imaging, with a review of all cases to date.


A six-month old boy was referred to our center with a diagnosis of a perimembranous

ventricular septal defect (VSD) and unclear aortic arch anatomy. He had initially been

assessed for a murmur in a peripheral center while hospitalized for a respiratory tract


Upon presentation to our center, there was no history of chronic respiratory or

gastrointestinal difficulties such as stridor, dysphagia or gastroesophageal reflux.

Physical examination revealed a normal blood pressure in all four limbs with no

evidence of an arm-leg gradient. Auscultation demonstrated a grade 3/6 pansystolic

murmur. Electrocardiogram revealed sinus rhythm and biventricular hypertrophy.

Echocardiography confirmed a moderate perimembranous VSD with evidence of left-

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sided volume loading. There was evidence of right coronary cusp prolapse into the

VSD, without aortic insufficiency. Echocardiography at our institution failed to clearly

delineate the aortic arch anatomy, prompting further evaluation with cardiac magnetic

resonance imaging (MRI).

An outpatient cardiac MRI under general anesthetic revealed a right aortic arch with an

aberrant left retro-esophageal brachiocephalic artery (Figure 1). The first branch arising

from the right aortic arch was the right internal carotid artery, followed by the right

subclavian artery. The last branch off the descending aorta was the left brachiocephalic

artery which gave rise to the left internal carotid and subclavian arteries and had a retro-

esophageal course. In addition, the proximal base of the brachiocephalic artery

appeared prominent, reminiscent of a diverticulum of Kommerrell. This finding

supported the notion that the arterial duct originated from the brachiocephalic artery and

coursed towards the pulmonary trunk, thereby completing the vascular ring. There was

no evidence of tracheal compression. MRI also confirmed the hemodynamic

significance of the VSD, with a Qp:Qs ratio of 2.9:1 by phase contrast imaging.

Surgery was performed electively, and the aortic arch anatomy was confirmed at the

time of surgery – a right aortic arch with a retro-esophageal left brachiocephalic artery

and a left-sided arterial ligament connecting the left subclavian artery to the left

pulmonary artery, effectively completing the vascular ring. The VSD was closed and the

arterial ligament was divided without complications.

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Literature Survey

There have been a total of twelve publications from 1968 to 2014 describing a retro-

esophageal brachiocephalic artery in a total of thirteen patients (Table 1). The mean

age of diagnosis was 8.7 ± 16 years (median 1 year, range 0.002 – 61 years). Four of

the thirteen (30%) cases were male.

Nearly half of patients (46%) were symptomatic, with dysphagia or respiratory difficulties

attributable to the vascular ring. Symptomatic individuals had an average age of

presentation of 15.8 ± 20.7 years (median 9 years, range 0.1 – 61 years). Some of

these patients had associated congenital heart disease, however, it was felt that their

primary symptoms at presentation were due to the vascular ring.

Ten of the thirteen patients (77%) had associated congenital heart defects ranging from

isolated VSD in two (15%), common arterial trunk in two (15%), Tetralogy of Fallot in

one (7.5%), aortopulmonary window in one (7.5%), valvular aortic stenosis in one

(7.5%) and hypoplastic left heart complex in one (7.5%). The average age of

presentation for those with associated congenital heart disease was 3.5 ± 6.2 years

(median 0.375 years, range 0.002 – 19 years).

Of the thirteen patients with a retro-esophageal brachiocephalic artery, twelve had a

right aortic arch, and only one patient had a left aortic arch in the setting of complex

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congenital heart disease. The strong association of right aortic arch and a retro-

esophageal brachiocephalic artery gives credence to the belief that its pathogenesis

may be related to abnormalities in outflow tract formation. In addition, the incidence of

associated congenital conotruncal lesions (30% of patients with Tetralogy of Fallot,

common arterial trunk, or aortopulmonary window) with a retro-esophageal

brachiocephalic artery in our review helps to further support this hypothesis. Only four

of thirteen cases in the literature were isolated vascular rings, highlighting the

importance of a thorough cardiac assessment to rule out other congenital heart defects

when presented with such a lesion.

Surgical intervention, consisting of ductal division, was linked to cases in which

symptoms were present or where complex cardiac disease co-existed. Only three out of

thirteen cases document no surgical intervention, likely due to the lack of associated



The development of various forms of vascular rings can be best understood through the

hypothetical pluripotent double aortic arch model proposed by Jesse Edwards in 1948

(Figure 2) (1). This hypothetical model consists of a double aortic arch with an arterial

duct on either side and the various head and neck vessels arising from their respective

arches. Embryologically, this model is based on the paired arteries seen within the five

pharyngeal arches that originate from the aortic sac and travel posteriorly to join with

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the dorsal aorta (2). The various configurations of aortic arch anatomy can be explained

through persistence or regression of the various portions of this primitive aortic arch

substrate. The reader is directed to excellent reviews of cardiac embryology for further

detailed explanations. (2-5).

The formation of a right aortic arch with an aberrant left retro-esophageal

brachiocephalic artery is postulated to occur due to an interruption in the anterior portion

of the left branch of the aortic sac, proximal to the origin of the left common carotid

artery (1). The right aortic arch is formed by persistence of the right branch of the aortic

sac, the right aortic arch, and the right dorsal aorta. The left dorsal aorta persists and

connects to the distal portion of the left aortic arch, forming the retro-esophageal

brachiocephalic artery. Completion of the vascular ring occurs when a left sided arterial

duct or arterial ligament connects the aberrant left retro-esophageal brachiocephalic

artery to a pulmonary artery. This type of vascular ring is a rare entity, with very few

other cases described in the literature. A recent review of vascular rings at a single

institution listed an incidence of 3% of patients with this specific type of vascular ring (6).

Past reports have documented the use of angiography to diagnose a right aortic arch

with aberrant left retro-esophageal brachiocephalic artery. Other diagnostic

investigations include esophagram, echocardiogram, and until recently, computed

tomography. Only two cases confirmed the diagnosis with MRI but this was in the

setting of complex congenital heart disease. Following the use of MRI in confirming their

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diagnosis, Moes et al concluded that MRI was their preferred tool for assessing vascular

rings (7).

Cardiac MRI has recently been described as the new gold standard for evaluation of

vascular rings (6), with significant benefit of vascular and extra-cardiac anatomical

delineation. Cardiac MRI allows for detailed anatomic imaging of the aortic arch with

high spatial resolution. In addition, it allows for multi-planar reconstruction and creation

of a 3-dimensional picture (Video 1) permitting clear visualization of the impact of the

vascular ring on adjacent structures. Furthermore, cardiac MRI does not use ionizing

radiation (unlike cardiac catheterization or CT) and is not limited by acoustic windows.

In our case, echocardiography was unable to resolve the aortic arch anatomy. All other

case reports have only utilized cardiac MRI for a purely anatomic diagnosis, thereby not

fully benefitting from its potential. Given that this anomaly is often associated with other

forms of congenital heart disease, MRI can also provide hemodynamic data and precise

anatomical assessment of associated lesions, imperative in surgical management of

these patients. In our case, cardiac MRI determined pulmonary-to-systemic blood flow

ratio, illustrating the hemodynamic significance of the VSD and necessity for its closure.


A retro-esophageal left brachiocephalic artery with right aortic arch is an extremely rare

form of vascular ring, with very few cases reported in the literature. This variant of a

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vascular ring is often seen in association with other forms of congenital heart disease,

specifically those related to abnormalities of the outflow tracts. Our case illustrates how

cardiac MRI can be used as a primary diagnostic modality for both the assessment of

vascular ring anatomy and the hemodynamics of associated cardiac malformations in

the pre-operative setting.



Funding Sources




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Reference List

(1) EDWARDS JE. Anomalies of the derivatives of the aortic arch system. Med Clin North Am

1948 July;32:925-49.

(2) Anderson RH, Webb S, Brown NA, Lamers W, Moorman A. Development of the heart: (3) formation of the ventricular outflow tracts, arterial valves, and intrapericardial arterial trunks. Heart 2003 September;89(9):1110-8.

(3) Anderson RH, Brown NA, Mohun TJ, Moorman AF. Insights from cardiac development relevant to congenital defects and adult clinical anatomy. J Cardiovasc Transl Res 2013 April;6(2):107-17.

(4) Anderson RH, Webb S, Brown NA, Lamers W, Moorman A. Development of the heart: (2) Septation of the atriums and ventricles. Heart 2003 August;89(8):949-58.

(5) Moorman A, Webb S, Brown NA, Lamers W, Anderson RH. Development of the heart: (1) formation of the cardiac chambers and arterial trunks. Heart 2003 July;89(7):806-14.

(6) Humphrey C, Duncan K, Fletcher S. Decade of experience with vascular rings at a single institution. Pediatrics 2006 May;117(5):e903-e908.

(7) Moes CA, Mawson JB, MacDonald C, Smallhorn J. Right aortic arch with retroesophageal left aberrant innominate artery. Pediatr Cardiol 1996 November;17(6):402-6.

(8) Grollman JH, Jr., Bedynek JL, Henderson HS, Hall RJ. Right aortic arch with an aberrant retroesophageal innominate artery: angiographic diagnosis. Radiology 1968 April;90(4):782-3.

(9) Garti IJ, Aygen MM. Right aortic arch with aberrant left innominate artery. Pediatr Radiol 1979 February 26;8(1):48-50.

(10) Rajaram PC, Hussain AT, Lakshmikanthan C, Vaidyanathan D, Subramanian N, Vasudevan S. Type D double aortic arch. Double aortic arch with interruption of its left component proximal to the site of origin of left common carotid artery. Angiology 1983 September;34(9):597-603.

(11) Schlesinger AE, Leiter BE, Connors SK. Computed tomography diagnosis of right aortic arch with an aberrant left innominate artery. J Comput Tomogr 1984 January;8(1):81-7.

(12) Maurus KE, Firmin RK, Leanage R. A rare anomaly of the aortic arch complex. Int J Cardiol 1988 July;20(1):149-51.

(13) Nakajima Y, Satomi G, Kawamura T, Nishibatake M, Nakazawa M, Takao A. Right aortic arch with aberrant retroesophageal innominate artery: a report of 2 cases and review of the literature. Int J Cardiol 1993 March;38(3):247-51.

(14) Ishizaka T, Allen SW, Strouse PJ, Ohye RG. Postductal origin of the left carotid, left subclavian, and aberrant retroesophageal right innominate arteries in truncus arteriosus with interrupted aortic arch. Pediatr Cardiol 2003 November;24(6):581-4.

(15) Sett SS, Mawson JB, Sandor GG. Repair in infancy of right aortic arch with aberrant left brachiocephalic artery in the setting of a variant of the hypoplastic left heart syndrome. Cardiol Young 2004 August;14(4):441-3.

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(16) Rios-Mendez RE, rauz-Martinez ME. [Chronic wheezing child and type "D" double aortic arch: case report]. Arch Argent Pediatr 2008 December;106(6):548-51.

(17) Fellmer PT, Bohner H, Wolf A, Roher HD, Goretzki PE. A left nonrecurrent inferior laryngeal nerve in a patient with right-sided aorta, truncus arteriosus communis, and an aberrant left innominate artery. Thyroid 2008 June;18(6):647-9.

(18) Kondrachuk O, Yalynska T, Yemets I. Right aortic arch with retroesophageal brachiocephalic artery. Cardiol Young 2009 June;19(3):292-3.

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Udupa 13 Table 1: Summary of literature involving patients with a retro-esophageal brachiocephalic artery

Authors Year n Age Symptoms Modality for Diagnosis

Aortic Arch Sidedness Associated CHD Intervention

Grollman et al.(8;8)

1968 1 19 yrs Dyspnea on exertion

Esophagram and Arteriogram

Right Valvular aortic stenosis None

Garti et al.(9) 1979 1 9 yrs Dysphagia and recurrent URTI

Esophagram and Arteriogram

Right None Arterial Ligament Division

Rajaram et al. (10)

1983 1 5 yrs Recurrent URTI Angiogram Right PDA and bilateral pulmonary artery stenosis

PDA ligation

Schlesinger et al (11)

1984 1 61 yrs None - incidental on CXR

CT Right None None

Maurus et al (12)

1988 1 6 mos Heart failure Angiogram Right VSD and PDA PDA Ligation, and VSD closure

Nakajima et al (13)

1993 2 1 yr None - incidental on CXR

Angiogram Right Tetralogy of Fallot Tetralogy of Fallot repair

9 yr None - incidental on investigation for murmur

Angiogram and MRI

Right VSD None

Moes et al (7)

1996 1 5 wks Stridor and URTI

Angiogram Right ASD, PSD, aortopulmonary window and PDA

Complete repair

Ishizaka et al. (14)

2003 1 1 day Cyanosis Echocardiogram and MRI

Left Common Arterial Trunk (type II), single coronary artery, aortic arch interruption

Complete repair

Sett et al. (15) 2004 1 5 wks Cyanosis and failure to thrive

CT Right Severe mitral stenosis, large VSD, bicuspid aortic valve, arch hypoplasia, left superior vena cava

Norwood procedure

Rios-Mendez et al. (16)

2008 1 8 yrs Dyspnea and dysphagia

Esophagram and Arteriogram

Right None PDA ligation

Fellmer et al. (17)

2008 1 1 day Cyanosis Angiogram Right Common Arterial Trunk (Type I) Complete repair

Kondrachuk et al. (18)

2009 1 3 mo Dysphagia and dyspnea

CT Right PDA PDA ligation

Legend: CT: computer assisted tomography, CXR: chest radiograph, MRI: magnetic resonance imaging, VSD: ventricular septal defect, PDA: patent arterial duct, ASD: atrial septal defect, URTI: upper respiratory tract infection

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Figure 1 Legend 3D volume rendered magnetic resonance angiogram of a right aortic arch with an aberrant left retro-

esophageal brachiocephalic artery. Note the prominent base of the brachiocephalic artery,

reminiscent of a diverticulum of Kommerrell, indicating that the arterial duct originated from the

brachiocephalic artery to connect to the pulmonary trunk, thereby completing the vascular ring. The

dotted line represents the location of the arterial ligament.

AAO: Ascending aorta; REBA: retro-esophageal brachiocephalic artery; PT: pulmonary trunk; DOA:

descending aorta.

Figure 2 Legend A. The hypothetical model for the double aortic arch proposed by JE Edwards. LAA: left aortic arch;

LCCA: left common carotid artery; LPA: left pulmonary artery; LSA: left subclavian artery; PT:

pulmonary trunk; RAA: right aortic arch; RCCA: right common carotid; RPA: right pulmonary artery;

RSA: right subclavian artery.

B. Formation of a right aortic arch with an aberrant left retro-esophageal brachiocephalic artery is

postulated to occur due to an interruption in the anterior portion of the left branch of the aortic sac,

proximal to the origin of the left common carotid artery. The right aortic arch is formed by persistence

of the right branch of the aortic sac, the right aortic arch, and the right dorsal aorta. The left dorsal

aorta persists and connects to the distal portion of the left aortic arch, forming the brachiocephalic

artery. Completion of the vascular ring occurs when a left sided arterial duct or arterial ligament

connects the aberrant left retro-esophageal brachiocephalic artery to a pulmonary artery. The red

lines indicate areas of regression.

[Reprinted from Paediatric Cardiology, 3rd Edition, Anderson RH, Baker EJ, Penny DJ, Redington AN,

Rigby ML, Wernovsky G [eds], “Vascular Rings, Pulmonary Arterial Sling, and Related Conditions”,

Yoo S-J and Bradley TJ, pp967-989, with permission from Elsevier; originally modified from Edwards

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JE: Anomalies of the derivatives of the aortic arch system. Med Clin N Am 1948;32:925–948; and

Edwards JE: Vascular rings and slings. in Moller JH, Neal AN [eds]: Fetal, Neonatal, and Infant

Cardiac disease. Norwalk, CT: Appleton & Lange, 1990, pp 745–754.].



3D volume rendered magnetic resonance angiogram of a right aortic arch with an aberrant left retro-

esophageal brachiocephalic artery. The prominent base of the brachiocephalic artery, reminiscent of

a diverticulum of Kommerrell, indicates that the arterial duct originated from the brachiocephalic artery

to connect to the pulmonary trunk.

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