

1Bali New Year: A Balinese man kicks up fire during the Perang Api (Fire War) ritual ahead of Nyepi day, in Gianyar on the Indonesian island of Bali, March 11. Nyepi is a day of silence for self-reflection to celebrate new yearReuters : The Most Astonishing Pictures of 2013 Hand Play1

2Love: Donald Smitherman, 98, kisses his wife Marlene at the end of a dance in Sun City, Arizona, January 5. Sun City was built in 1959 by entrepreneur Del Webb as America's first active retirement community for the over-55s2

3NYC subway: People watch as participants in the No Pants Subway Ride take the 6 train downtown in New York January 13, 2013. The event is an annual flash mob and occurs in different cities around the world3

4California fire: Fire-fighters spray water near a burning house in the Twin Pines Road area where the Silver Fire raged, near Banning, California August 7, 2013. The fire blackened more than 5,000 acres4

5Sandy Hook: Nelba Greene (R), husband Jimmy and her mother Elba Marquez (L), grieve over the loss of daughter Ana Grace at the launch of the Sandy Hook Promise in Newtown, Connecticut5

6Washington Ball: President Barack Obama bows to first lady Michelle Obama, as singer Jennifer Hudson (R) performs behind them, at the Inaugural Ball in Washington, January 21, 20136

7Washington Ball: President Barack Obama bows to first lady Michelle Obama, as singer Jennifer Hudson (R) performs behind them, at the Inaugural Ball in Washington, January 21, 20137

8Blast off! Sixth grade students from the Park Maitland School in Maitland, Florida, watch as Marine One carrying U.S. President Barack Obama to Las Vegas takes off from the South Lawn at the White House8

9Gun violence: Ronnie Chambers Jr. looks at his mother Tahitah Myles (obscured) as she collapses during the funeral for his father Ronnie Chambers, 33, a victim of gun violence, in Chicago February 49

10Fly on the president: A fly lands between the eyes of Barack Obama while he speaks in the State Dining Room of the White House in Washington, January 2410

11Mars: A mapping researcher of Crew 125 EuroMoonMars B mission collects geologic samples for study at the Mars Desert Research Station in Hanksville, Utah, March 2. The MDRS aims to investigate human exploration of Mars11

12Former U.S. Representative Gabrielle Giffords delivers her opening remarks next to her husband, former U.S. Navy Captain Mark Kelly, at a hearing held Jan 30 by the Senate Judiciary committee about guns and violence12

13Army: Lesleigh Coyer, 25, of Saginaw, Michigan, lies down in front of the grave of her brother, Ryan, who served with the U.S. Army in both Iraq and Afghanistan, at Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia March 1113

14Batter up! The barrel of New York Yankees Brennan Boesch's broken bat smacks his face during the first inning of a MLB spring training baseball game against the Pittsburgh Pirates in Bradenton, Florida, March 1714

15Killer: TJ Lane takes off his shirt to show 'Killer' spelled out on his shirt at his sentencing hearing in Cleveland, Ohio, March 19. Lane was sentenced to life without parole for killing three students in a shooting rampage15

16Media summit: Olympic skeleton racer Noelle Pikus-Pace poses for a portrait during the 2013 U.S. Olympic Team Media Summit in Park City, Utah September 3016

17Colorado fire: A house sits undamaged in the aftermath of the Black Forest Fire in Black Forest, Colorado June 13. Hundreds of fire-fighters made a determined stand to stop the wildfire17

18Capitol Hill shooting: Rescue personnel stand around a smashed police car following a shooting near Capitol Hill in Washington, October 3. The Capitol was in lockdown after gunshots were fired outside the building18

19Myanmar clashes: A man stands in front of a mosque as it burns in Meikhtila March 21, 2013. The central Myanmar town declared a curfew after clashes killed 10 people, including a Buddhist monk, and injured at least 2019

20Kenya shopping mall: An injured woman cries for help after gunmen stormed the Westgate shopping mall in Nairobi September 2120

21Westgate attack: A child runs to safety as armed police hunt gunmen who went on a shooting spree at Westgate shopping centre in Nairobi September 2121

22Banksy: A dog urinates on a new work by British graffiti artist Banksy on West 24th street in New York City, October 3, 201322

23Sopranos death: People congregate at the bar of Satin Dolls, which stood in for the Bada Bing Club filmed in the television show The Sopranos, in Lodi, New Jersey, after actor James Gandolfini died23

24Plane crash: Asiana Airlines Boeing 777 plane after it crashed while landing at San Francisco International Airport in California July 6, killing two people24

25Man's best friend: Dan McManus and his service dog Shadow hang glide together outside Salt Lake City, Utah, July 22. McManus suffers from anxiety and Shadow's presence and companionship help him to manage25

26Mayor race: New York mayoral candidate Anthony Weiner and his wife Huma Abedin at a news conference in New York, July 2326

27Olympic joy: Members of the Tokyo bid committee celebrate as Jacques Rogge President of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) announces Tokyo as the city to host the 2020 Summer Olympic Games27

28Marriage: Palestinian groom Ahmed Soboh, 15 and his bride Tala, 14, stand inside Tala's house during their wedding party in the town of Beit Lahiya, near the border between Israeli and Gaza Strip September 2428

29Autumn time: A passenger aircraft, with the full Harvest Moon seen behind, makes its final approach to landing at Heathrow Airport in west London, September 1929

30Camping in China: Numerous tents are seen during the 2013 International I Camping Festival in Mount Wugongshan of Pingxiang, Jiangxi province, September 1430

31Mexico independence: Troops hold coloured cards during a military parade celebrating Independence Day at the Zocalo square in downtown Mexico City September 1631

32New developments: A female migrant construction worker walks into her dormitory near newly-built residential apartments in Shanghai, China, August 1232

33Miss America: Miss New York Nina Davuluri (L) reacts with 2013 Miss America Mallory Hagan after being chosen winner of the 2014 Miss America Pageant in Atlantic City, New Jersey, September 1533

34Syria: A member of the 'Ansar Dimachk' Brigade, part of the 'Asood Allah' Brigade which operates under the Free Syrian Army, uses an iPad to fire a homemade mortar at one of the battlefronts in Damascus Sept 1534

35Row to safety: Evacuees displaced from their homes due to fighting between government soldiers and Muslim rebels are seen in boats during sunset at a wharf in Zamboanga city, southern Philippines September 1435

36Cruise ship disaster: The Costa Concordia lies on its side next to Giglio Island August 26, has lain partly submerged in shallow waters off the Tuscan island of Giglio since the accident in January 201236

379/11: A man walks through the 9/11 Empty Sky memorial at sunrise across from New York's Lower Manhattan and One World Trade Center in Liberty State Park in Jersey City, New Jersey, September 1137

38San Diego Chargers Eddie Royal (11) is hit hard by Houston Texans cornerback Brice McCain (21) and defensive back Shiloh Keo (31) to force an incomplete pass during an NFL football game in San Diego, Sept 938

39Morgan fire: Residents flee as winds whip flames from the Morgan fire along Morgan Territory Road near Clayton, California, September 939

40Syrian weapons: Issa, 10, carries a mortar shell in a weapons factory of the Free Syrian Army in Aleppo, September 740

41Rodman in N Korea: Former basketball star Dennis Rodman's arrival at Beijing Capital International Airport September 7. Rodman returned from his second visit to North Korea this year where he again met Kim Jong-un41

42Hunger games: Nuns sit at a fast food restaurant downtown of Guatemala City August 2842

43Climber: A man climbs outside a window with a knife, after holding his mother captive in the home, as his mother and a plain clothes policeman look on, in Anshan, Liaoning province, China, August 2643

44Sailing: The Team Emirates New Zealand sails before the third race of their Louis Vuitton Cup challenger series yacht race against Luna Rossa Challenge in San Francisco, California August 1844

45Fake wedding: A couple waits to participate in a staged mass wedding, organised as part of a matchmaking event to inspire singles to get married, in a suburban area of Shanghai May 1845

46Miley Cyrus twerks on stage with Robin Thicke as they perform Blurred Lines during the 2013 MTV Video Music Awards in New York August 2546

47Greasy tradition: A man runs up the 'gostra', a pole covered in grease, during the religious feast of St Julian, patron of the town of St Julian's, outside Valletta, Malta, August 2547

48Raped journalist: The abandoned textile mill where a photo journalist was raped by five men in Mumbai, India, August 2348

49No hands: Angelica Murillo, 37, at her home in Tegucigalpa August 21. Angelica's husband attacked her in 2008, accusing her of having an affair, and cut off her two hands with a machete while trying to kill her49

50Soccer: France's Mathieu Valbuena (R) is challenged by Belgium's Marouane Fellaini (L) and Vincent Kompany (C) during their international friendly soccer match at the King Baudouin stadium in Brussels August 1450

51Israeli clashes: An Israeli policeman drags an ultra-Orthodox man during clashes in the town of Beit Shemesh, near Jerusalem August 1251

52Mo Farah (R) of Britain sprints to the finish line to win the men's 10,000 metres final ahead of Ibrahim Jeilan of Ethiopia (L) and Timothy Toroitich of Uganda during IAAF World Athletics Championships in Moscow August 1052

53Cricket: England's captain Alastair Cook runs out to bat before the fourth Ashes test cricket match against Australia at the Riverside in Chester-le-Street near Durham August 953

54Italian PM: Former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi waves to supporters as his girlfriend Francesca Pascale looks on during a rally to protest his tax fraud conviction, outside his palace in Rome August 454

55Shower time: An Afghan man washes his horse in Kabul August 455

56Wild Wild West: Nick 'The Quick' Nica of Montreal, Quebec, draws and fires his single action revolver while competing in the Canadian Open Fast Draw Championships in Aldergrove, British Columbia July 2156

57Mass confessions: A woman draped in the Brazilian national flag gives her confession at confessional booths set up at Quinta da Boa Vista park for World Youth Day in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 2457

58China earthquake: Song Xuxia, 19, receives treatment at a hospital after a 6.6 magnitude earthquake hit Minxian county, Dingxi, Gansu province July 2358

59Quick snooze: Labourers who work nearby nap on a road as cars drive past in Chongqing Municipality, China, July 2359

60The pope visits Brazil: Pope Francis greets a crowd of the faithful from his Popemobile in downtown Rio de Janeiro, July 2260

61Belgian royals: Belgium's royal family Queen Fabiola, Queen Paola, King Albert II, Crown Prince Philippe and Crown Princess Mathilde (front row, L-R) attend a Te Deum mass celebrating the 20th anniversary of the reign of Belgium's King Albert II61

62Running of the bulls: A 31-year-old runner gets gored by a bull on Estafeta Street during the sixth running of the bulls at the San Fermin festival in Pamplona July 1262

63Floods in China: An excavator is used to move villagers away from a flooded area during heavy rainfall in Yingxiu, Wenchuan county, Sichuan province, China, July 1063

64Malta: A Somali would-be immigrant looks out of a window on a police bus after arriving at the Armed Forces of Malta (AFM) Maritime Squadron base in Valletta, Malta, July 1064

65Russia politics: Policemen detain Russian opposition leader and anti-corruption blogger Alexei Navalny after he visited the city's election commission office to be registered as a mayoral election candidate in Moscow July 1065

66Bullfighting: A fighting cow leaps over revellers into the bull ring after the fourth running of the bulls at the San Fermin festival in Pamplona July 1066

67Quebec train: A firefighter stands near the wreckage of a train derailment and explosion, in Lac-Megantic July 8. The driverless fuel train exploded in a deadly ball of flames in the centre of the small Quebec town67

68Wimbeldon: Andy Murray of Britain holds the winner's trophy up to spectators after defeating Novak Djokovic of Serbia in their men's singles final tennis match at the Wimbledon in London, July 768

69What a drag: A man relaxes in costume before a drag queen contest in Rome, Italy, July 569

70Snowden: An empty passenger seat believed to be reserved by former U.S. spy agency contractor Edward Snowden is seen on a plane to Cuba in Moscow's Sheremetyevo airport, June 2470

71Chinese dissident Chen Guangcheng prepares himself before an interview with Reuters in Taipei June 2471

72Caught: A family runs for cover as they come between law enforcement troops and protesters outside the stadium before the Confederations Cup soccer match between Nigeria and Uruguay in Salvador June 2072

73Dancing kids: Children dance at the quay of the Black Sea in the Crimean village of Beregove, Ukraine, June 2073

74Dressed for Ascot: A racegoer wearing a Union flag-inspired outfit arrives for Ladies' Day at the Royal Ascot horse-racing festival at Ascot, southern England June74

75Floods in India: A submerged statue of the Hindu Lord Shiva stands amid the floodwaters of the Ganges river at Rishikesh in the Himalayan state of Uttarakhand June 1775

76Not too happy: President Barack Obama (L) meets with Russian President Vladimir Putin during the G8 Summit at Lough Erne in Enniskillen, Northern Ireland June 1776

77Asylum: WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange waves from a window with Ecuador's Foreign Affairs Minister Ricardo Patino (R) at Ecuador's embassy in central London June 1677

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