


(760) 745-3738 FAX (760) 745-4769

Rev. Dr. Daren Erisman



Sundays 9:00 AM & 10:30 AM

Sunday School for all ages 10:30am

Wednesdays 10:00 AM Bible Study

Thursdays 9:30 AM 1st Thursday of the month - Esther Circle

February 2017

Glad Tidings Of Jesus’ Redemption and Release

A Monthly Publication


I remember when I was first trying to figure out what it means to be Christian. I was in my early twenties and going to church regularly. I put money in little envelopes. I greeted people at the door—that was my favorite! I stayed awake for most of the sermons, I sung in the choir, and I drove some of the elderly folks to and from Sunday worship services.

Yet, that’s what I did before I was a Christian. I liked helping people and enjoyed experiencing people and communities that made me think and made me reflect on how to live a good life. I had followed a friend to church and had dug into the strange cultic soil of Lutheran Christianity: lefse, lutefisk, jello salad, Garrison Keillor and a bunch of “you betchas.”

But, did this make me Christian? When I first started attending services, I spoke only the parts that I could believe in. Let me tell you that the Apostle’s Creed sounded pretty sparse coming from my lips in those early days. During communion, while everyone was going up to receive the bread and wine, I sat there by myself in the pews memorizing the Lord’s Prayer. For some reason I really liked it. The prayer spoke to me or perhaps more accurately, it spoke to my heart.

So, I learned to do the things that Christians usually do; I also learned the culture of an almost 500-year old Protestant denomination; and, I struggled to understand what Christians are suppose to believe—then I discovered one day that I had fallen in love. Something or someone had happened to me and I realized that I had fallen utterly in love with this God.

Now, to be honest, it took me a while to work my way convincingly through the Apostle’s Creed and I still have many questions for God—just ask those who attend my Wednesday morning Bible study! The more you dig into this faith, the more you discover just how much you don’t know. It is a relationship. It is to be caught in the source of all love. A love that in unfathomable in its depth, yet one that beckons with the ultimate valentine: “follow me.”

May you find yourselves caught anew in this valentine, this living love of God that transforms everything. May you rediscover God’s love for you even amidst struggle or sorrow or disbelief—for this is perhaps where we encounter God most profoundly.

Have a blessed Valentine’s Day and a blessed Valentine’s life in God.

In Christ, Pastor Daren


It is my privilege to share with you some joyous news! It is with great pleasure that I announce that we have a new

organist joining us! Henry Doktorski begins his journey with us on February 1. I’ll let him tell you about himself. (He

has included an ar"cle in this newsle#er.) Please join me in making him feel welcome at House of Prayer. He is

extremely qualified and a fantas"c addi"on to our music ministry! Welcome Henry! We are blessed to have you

joining us, and I look forward to working with you.

It is with hear+elt gra"tude that I say THANK YOU to Cha Cha for filling in as our organist in January. It was fun to

have her back in our fold!

Last week’s “Bring a Bell” Sunday was a success. It was so fun to hear the variety of bells ringing throughout the

service. I heard a cow bell, jingle bells, sleigh bells, ceramic bells, metal bells, a goat bell, and even a kitchen "mer

bell! Hearing the bells ring along with our voices brought smiles to my face. Thank you for par"cipa"ng!

Last month, I a#ended a choral reading session in San Diego with about 70 other church choir directors. The

clinicians were two men whose music we use very o<en with our choir. It was a fabulous day of music! One of the

moments that struck me most, was at the end when Joseph Mar"n talked about our voices coming together in

worship. He gave the mechanics of how our voices work and what a true miracle they are. Beyond that, it struck me

that especially during these days of poli"cal divide, where at every turn it seems we might find reasons to be pulled

apart, that instead we come TOGETHER each week to this place called House of Prayer as ONE voice to worship and

praise our God. That is something to celebrate! May you feel the power of the music we share together every week.

In His Service,


Distinctly Bronze West (DBW) 2017 is February 23 - 26. What is DBW? DBW is an annual handbell

event which is thrilling and challenging, fun and intense, exhausting and invigorating. This massed

ringing event for advanced handbell musicians offers the unique opportunity to perform this year

under the direction of Kathy Ebling Shaw on one of the largest sets of handbells available in the

world. Four days of rehearsals lead up to the Sunday afternoon concert which is open to the public

for $5.00 at The Resort at the Mountain in Welches, Oregon. This is the fifth time Cheri Kendall has

been accepted to ring at DBW and will be participating with about 100 other ringers from around the

country. They are all expected to rehearse and learn the 14 pieces of music before arriving at the

event - time together at Distinctly Bronze is for making music, not learning notes!! Congratulations

to Cheri on this honor!! We are so excited for you!!

A Note from Our New Organist

Dear Parishioners of House of Prayer Lutheran Church:

I am thrilled that Pastor Dr. Daren Erisman, Music Director Carol Gross, and the House of Prayer Search Committee asked me to be your new organist/accompanist! I thoroughly enjoyed my Interview/Audition on January 16, especially for two important reasons:

(1) Your 1989 Schlicker two-manual and pedal organ is GORGEOUS! and so well-maintained! It was a real treat for me to play such a beautiful instrument which (A) is a REAL PIPE ORGAN (no electronic speakers),

(2) (B) has no out-of-tune pipes, (C) no dead notes, and (D) such a varied palate of timbres and tone colors. Wow! I had so much fun. And I got to play a funeral last week (January 20) and enjoyed not only providing music for the service, but also hearing Pastor Daren speak.

(2) The second reason I had so much fun at my Interview/Audition was because everybody was SO NICE! I found your Staff and Search Committee members to be extremely friendly and supportive. Such civilized human beings! It will be a treat for me to work together with and serve such exemplary clergy and staff.

Darla asked me to write something about myself for Tidings, so here goes! I’ve been making music professionally since 1968 when I was twelve years old. That was when I got my first paying gig, playing accordion at a birthday party in Middlesex County, New Jersey, where I grew up. (Yes, my family and I liked to watch the Lawrence Welk TV show on Sunday nights!) I played accordion/cordavox in a wedding band, and also played in a Rock Band with my High School buddies.

In High School I discovered classical music and my life’s direction. I began studying piano and within a few years got a scholarship as a Piano Major at a small Liberal Arts college near Kansas City, Missouri. I got my Master of Music degree in Music Composition at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. I began playing organ in 1987 and since then have served mostly at Roman Catholic and Lutheran churches in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, where I lived for 22 years. The past ten years I served as Director of Music (organist and choirmaster) for Grace Lutheran Church in Rochester, Pennsylvania.

Last year I moved to California to be closer to my family. (My octogenarian parents recently moved from New Jersey to Temecula where my sister Eileen lives. She is Chairperson of the Art Department at Mount San Jacinto College In Hemet.) Since moving here, I’ve played at a dozen churches in California (Roman Catholic, Lutheran, Baptist, Presbyterian, Episcopal, Methodist and Christ Scientist churches), including twelve Sundays at Our Saviour’s Lutheran in Orange. I’m currently a Board Member of the Palomar Chapter of the American Guild of Organists and I also serve as organist at Saturday evening Masses at St. Martha Roman Catholic Church in Murrieta.


I must say, however (although I thoroughly enjoyed playing organ and piano for those churches), I feel a very strong connection with the staff of House of Prayer Lutheran. I think it just might be a perfect fit! I hope you will be pleased with my humble attempt to provide music to help support the messages of the Sunday Readings, the Pastor’s Sermons, and the choir anthems and hymn selections chosen by your Director of Music, and in my small way, to help provide a moving and spiritual experience for everyone. In all humility, I thank you for accepting me into your family, and I pray to serve you to the best of my abilities. For more information about me, please visit my personal website at

Sincerely your servant,




Already the first council meeting of the new year has come and gone. There is a great group of dedicated folks who have stepped up to do the never-ending business of ushering House of Prayer along. I’m happy to report a few important observations: first is that we now actually have a full council for the first time in about a year; second is that HOP has offered employment to and which has been accepted by Mr. Henry Doktorski to be our new accompanist; and third is that we managed to come to agreement on the budget for 2017 after some heated discussion which, by the time you read this should have been adopted by the whole congregation at the semi-annual meeting. The budget highlights include a 2% pay raise for existing staff, an overall budget about $2K lower than 2016, and projected $58K dipping into the endowment fund to cover expenses vice $60K. We will be offsetting the loss of revenue from the Cricket cell tower lease with donations for the use of our facilities by a small congregation which is in the process of building their own sanctuary.

In essence the budget is funded by offerings, outside revenue and the endowment fund when needed. Offerings are about equal to the staff cost, and the outside revenue and endowment monies fund the utilities, maintenance and programs of our church. We are blessed with three facts: the generosity of you, our congregants; the church has no mortgage and thanks to some benefactors of older days we have a substantial endowment fund. Unfortunately we will be tapping it each year for a while until we either get a lot more congregants, a windfall of sorts happens or we cut expenses in a big way. None of these are likely to occur. We are working to attract more congregants but there is no sure-fire method to do this. I like to observe that this is still the friendliest congregation I’ve ever been associated with which helps. The endowment fund is large enough so that at this point we basically tap the interest only, but who knows besides the Lord what the future brings regarding market performance. I ask you to prayerfully consider legacy giving to the endowment.

Your council for 2017: Adam Wiebe – Worship and Music

Dan Engelbrecht – Stewardship

Danny Lowenberg – Property

Ramiro Acosta – Fellowship and Evangelism Maria Alvarado – Youth and Christian Education Mike Smith – Lay and Social ministries

Your executive committee for 2107: Mike Erno – vice-president, Harlan Gruenstern – treasurer, Sandy Erno - secretary

Lastly, it is my honor to be your HOP president for 2017. God’s blessings to you all,

Mike Kendall




P.O. BOX 115 - Sierra Madre, CA 91025 Phone (626) 359-5075 Fax: (626) 359-8075

E-mail: [email protected]


Thank you for hosting the craft display at your church. We are pleased to send you information on projects being helped by your support.

1. Water changes lives

What does having clean, abundant water mean to a rural community in the arid area of Kenya?

It means they can grow enough food for both people and animals so that cattle don’t look like living skeletons and so people don’t sicken and die as they are weakened by malnutrition. It means they have enough water for cattle dips so their livestock can be protected by tick-borne diseases. It means the reduction and even elimination of water related diseases. These include diseases such as typhoid, cholera, dysentery, diarrhea and infectious hepatitis. They result from germs ingested through drinking contaminated water or by washing food, utensils, hands or face with it. Although so many lack water, it is the most common substance on earth. In America, we often take this most common substance for granted. It’s always there, plentiful and clean at the turn of a faucet when we are thirsty or want to wash—clean fresh water! In Kenya, the job of finding and carrying water falls to women and children. Journeying to and from the water hole can be debilitating, often burning 90% of food consumed each day as they trek four to six hours to collect supplies. In response to the drought and as a follow up to providing food for families in the drought and famine areas, African Team Ministries is helping to solve the long term problem of a clean and reliable water supply by providing pumps to communities to pump clean water.

Solar Powered pump Newly drilled bore hole Giving water

2. Drip Irrigation systems

Kenya is recovering from the worst drought and famine in 60 years. This resulted in a massive crop failure and the death of the animals which are the community’s major source of income. Many thousands of people died. In response to the drought and the famine African Team Ministries provided 250,000 meals distributed by the churches to the families in the drought and famine areas.

A simple, inexpensive drip irrigation system can bring relief and hope to the thousands of people who are suffering from drought in Kenya. It can also provide a long term solution to the on- going problem of hunger in

East Africa.

This drip irrigation system, known as the “Bucket system”, employs the use of a filter and drip lines to provide much needed relief to the water-starved crops. The kit contains 100 feet of drip tape that is connected to a bucket suspended three feet above the vegetable bed. A family needs only to fetch an additional two buckets of water a day to care for their crops with this system. The water passes from the bucket through a filter and is then

distributed evenly through 100 watering points throughout the drip tape.

It costs only $15 to provide a Drip Irrigation Kit for a family

3. 250,000 meals distributed to families in drought and famine areas.

The worst drought in 60 years has caused a severe food crisis in Kenya and left more than 3 million Kenyans facing malnutrition and starvation. The worst hit areas are mainly in Northern Kenya. This has resulted in massive crop failure, drying up of the few water sources, and death of animals which are the community’s major source of income

In response to the news African Team Ministries shipped a 40’ container with 250,000 meals. It arrived fully intact with taxes and duty waived.


Food distribution exercise started on Monday the 16th of July 2012, with the Secretary for relief and Development inspecting the packed food ready for distribution. He acknowledged the good work done by Keith Jesson and African Team Ministries USA for their love and kindness to the needy. Rev. Mutahi said, “If Christ himself was present physically on earth today, He would do the same thing the church and our friends in America are doing. We therefore thank our friends who have generously given their contributions towards helping the needy.”

Residents of Mutha location assist in offloading food

After the distribution residents were interviewed. They were very grateful for what the church is doing for them. “We are very happy with what the church is doing. In fact, were it not for the assistance, our situation could be much worse.”.

4. Appreciation from Archbishop Livingstone Nkoyoyo.

On behalf of Chain Foundation Board, Staff and my own behalf, I would like to extend my appreciation and gratitude to you for the generous support you extend to Chain Foundation Ministry. Than you for all the arrangements you made during my visit last year. The integrated school for the blind opened in February. This is an inclusive school for both blind children and those with sight. All the children attending this school are vulnerable children who come from very poor families, others are orphans. Most of them come from the community and others from the Chain Foundation. We have registered 200 children. We started with four classes (Primary 1-Primary 4). We shall add on more classes with time. At the moment, we have got a total of 8 teachers in the school, two teachers specialized in teaching blind children, and others are teaching formal subjects such as mathematics, English, science, physical education among others.

Archbishop Livingstone Nkoyoyo will visit the US in March 2017 to preach and share what God is doing in the ministry.

We appreciate your help,

Keith Jesson

African Team Ministries

P.S. African Team Ministries is sometimes asked to provide displays for Women’s Meetings or another church in your area and if you would ever like to help please let me know. Thank you.


Congratulations !!!

PLEASE PRAY FOR... Members of House of Prayer: For healing: Thelma Reich, Opal Wieck, Tom Kristensen, Wilma Smith, Lucille Kolb, Ruth Shimansky, Rosalind Mattern, Fred Lowder, Anne Engelbrecht, Viola Kelley, Connie McVay, Kathy Hayden, Roz Siek, Inge Frerse, Harry Wichert, Clementina Lopez, Mollie Sacco, Ken Moore, Jane Van Dyke

For comfort: Relatives and Friends of HOP: For Healing : Robert Prentice, Melissa Leach, Alma Hernandez, Laci Richards, Carter Jordan, Monica McLernan, Ron Snow, Ron & Donna Perry, Erica Harris, Barbara Slusser, Monica Anderson, Gaile Hayden, Steve Hughes, Carol Cervantes, Vince Marrone, Keith Mattern, Lorenda Ingersoll, Patricia Kidder,Barbara Walker, John Vermilya, James & Liz Allen, Callen Michael Mullins Annette Greetis, Mary Turner, Kathleen Turner, Alfonso Rubio, Kiley Jackson-Portocollo, Sarneas Ornelas, Santiago Omelas, Julie Walsh, Mark Walsh, David Spahm Criag Eck, Al Ball, David McLernan, Marianne Doherty, Jason Zdunich,Von Lindsey, Bente Johansen, Scott Spillane, Raye Desplanc, Maria Barraza, Vern Latham, Teresa Staton For protection and safety in the military: Vince Erno, David Jones, Darren Embry, Jazmin Alfaro, Kenn Matthews, Devin Teeter, Justin Wilson, Daniel Weitz, Jacob Lange, Zachary Polzin

Happy February Birthdays




Trudie Rice

Laura Cano

Rick Baker Jason Engelbrecht Marilyn Mukomela

Rosalind Mattern

Liz Runnels

Jane Van Dyke

Dan Engelbrecht Carol Gross

Norma Recendiz

Kyle Holtz

Damon Runnels

Amelie Beaudette

Leanne Glassett Gudron Lowder Carole Curtis-Haire

Sergio Flores

Patti Engelbrecht Sebastian Mahan

Jo Ellen Maus

Milt Niederhaus

Luke Engelbrecht




















Lawson & Shelli Ellison

Bacilides & Clementina Lopez

Carl & Rosalind Siek

38 Years

30 Years

76 Years

If we are missing you, please call the church office

If you have a celebration to share with

your HOP family, please call or email the church office and it will be in the

Heavenly Happenings and/or Tidings.

To Out Wonderful HOP Family:

Thank you for ALL the prayers while Aiden was in the hospital these past few weeks!! It is very comforting to know the love of such a great church family.

Thank you to Pr Daren & Pr Bill for coming down to SD to pray with Aiden and our family!!

Aiden is getting better every day and we will see you all in church in a few weeks.


Catalina Marquez

Attention Women of HOP

Esther Circle is about to go to war! Yes, that’s right WAR! We are about to launch a new study that is designed to

prepare us for fighting the greatest enemy to our Faith Life. We know he is at work right here, right now and we intend to be armed to fight the fight. Starting February 2nd we are putting on the Armor of God.

We invite you to join us in February and the first Thursday of every month at 9:30am.


Thursday, February 16 , 12:00pm.

We will be having

Swedish Meatballs

Come early for coffee and fellowship. Please bring a dish, salad or dessert to share.

Don’t forget your own place setting.

If you’ve never been, be sure to join us. If you are a regular and know

of someone who has never been, be sure to invite them!

We will be playing Bongo this month

Lots of great food and fun!!


House of Prayer’s

Wednesday 10:00am morning Bible Study continues to grow.

We are studying the book of Genesis. Please consider attending. If you’ve never

been or if you are a regular, invite someone new!!

Thank you to our youngest children of

God sharing their music offering with

us during the service on January 29th.

Please let them know how much you

appreciate their offering.


Directing Choice Dollars Grant Funds

This a reminder for those House of Prayer members that have qualifying Thrivent Financial products to direct

your Choice Dollars.

Please access the Thrivent website or call Thrivent at 1-800-847-4836 or contact your Thrivent representative

so any accumulated choice do\lars may be directed to our church organization. This gift helps support our

important work at the church.

Thank You


Church Treasurer


ICS is asking for canned goods this month.

These are just some suggestions. Anything canned goods will help

Fruit Vegetables Spaghetti O’s Soups Stews Tuna


High School Youth Group


11:45am - 1:00pm

House of Prayer Youth


Second Sunday of every month

11:45am - 2:00pm

We will be studying Martin Luther, playing games and other activities. Lunch will be provided.



Sunday, February 5th Collecting money and canned goods for Interfaith Community Services.

Between Worship Services


“The Secret Life of Pets”

Sunday, February 19th

11:45am - 1:30pm

Any Questions??? Call Kitty Wiebe, Youth Director. 760-715-4457


Sunday, February 26th

11:45 - 1:30

Bring your favorite game to share with your church family. Everyone is invited!!

Here we are in the 2nd month of the New Year, the month of love and heart health. This is the month when we think of other and show love to those around us. On the first Sunday, we have Souper Bowl Sunday. On a day when most Americans will be over eating, we show love to our neighbors by sharing with those who do not have enough to eat. Please place your donated money or canned food into our soup pots.

Our Confirmation Class will be held on the 2nd Sunday, Feb.12 starting at 11:45 A.M.

Our 3rd Sunday movie day, we will share the love of pets in the movie “The Secret Life of Pets” an animated movie about what our pets do when we are not home. Come join us in the social hall for popcorn and snacks.

The last Sunday will be family game day. Everyone is welcome. If you love playing games, come share in

the fun and fellowship. Bring your favorite game to share or learn a new game. We will meet in the social

hall starting at 11:45.


House of Prayer Lutheran Church: Adult Study Series Winter Spring Schedule 2017; led by Rev. Dr. William Dopp February 5, Epiphany (Ministry) February 12 February 19 February 26 March 5, Lent (Discipleship) March 12 March 19 March 26 April 2, Lent (Discipleship) April 9. Palm Sunday, no class April 18 Easter, no class April 23 Weeks after Easter (the Great Commission) April 30 May 7 (the Great Commission) May 14 Mother’s Day, no class May 21 May 28 Final class for the season New format�The dialogue series will be a discussion of a presentation of the subject of the month

drawing some conclusions at the end. We will open with prayer, a short presentation by one in the group;

then a discussion with a final consensus or conclusion of the dialogue.

If you have an emergency or need Pr Daren while the office is closed, please leave a message on Darla’s voice mail. Calls are monitored

daily while the office is closed.

Thank you

Flower Donations for February 2/5 Christi Stinebiser In Celebration of Rick’s Birthday 2/12 HOP To the Glory of God 2/19 Darcy Rhoades In Celebration of Kassia & Baillif Birthdays 2/26 Dan & Patti Engelbrecht In Celebration of Family Birthdays



2/5 9:00 AM —Ushers: Char lie Kahle, Carol Kahle, Darrell Maus, Har lan Gruenstern

{ Every Sunday 10:30— Alfredo Alvarado & Laura Cano}

Greeters: Jan Estes & Lue Guthr ie

Reader: Shelli Ellison {10:30 Jose Puebla}

Communion Assistants: Lawson & Shelli Ellison {10:30 Laura Cano & Josue Puebla}

Acolyte: Emma Wiebe

2/12 9:00 AM—Ushers: Danny Lowenberg, Nancey Lowenberg, Natalia Marquez, Damien Escalera

Greeters: Rice Family

Reader: Jan Estes {10:30 Jeanette O’Hara}

Communion Assistants: Jan Estes & Laur ie Holtz {10:30 Lupe Alvarado & Clementina Lopez}

Acolyte: Sebastian Mahan

2/19 9:00 AM—Ushers: Dan Engelbrecht, Patti Engelbrecht, Jason Engelbrecht, Roy Rutherford

Greeters: Doris Badger & Marilyn Mukomela

Reader: Phillip Rice {10:30 Ramiro Acosta}

Communion Assistants: Dennis & Lisa Lutz {10:30 Carol Gross & Silveria Balderas}

Acolyte: Madelynn Rutherford

2/26 9:00 AM Ushers: Danny Lowenberg, Nancey Lowenberg, Lawson Ellison

Greeters: Connie McVay & Karen Hughes

Reader: Mike Erno {10:30 Deanna Concannon}

Communion Assistants: Sandy Erno & JoEllen Maus {10:30 Clementina & Daisy Lopez}

Acolyte: Gabriel Escalera

Altar Guild: Shelli Ellison & Lisa Lutz


February 2017February 2017February 2017February 2017 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


10:00am Bible Study 2:30pm YE 6:30pm Hand Bells 7:30pm Choir


9:30am Esther Circle 2:30pm YE




9:00 & 10:30am Worship Services 10:30 Sunday School For all ages


8:00am Scrip orders due


9:30am Quilting 2:00pm Staff Meeting 2:30pm YE


5:30am ICS 10:00am Bible Study 2:30pm YE 6:30pm Hand Bells 7:30pm Choir


2:30pm YE



9:30am Scroll Saw


9:00 & 10:30am Worship Services 10:30am Sunday School for all ages 11:45am Confirmation


8:00am Scrip orders due


9:30am Quilting 2:00pm Staff meeting 2:30pm YE


10:00am Bible Study 2:30pm YE 6:30pm Hand bells 7:30pm Choir


12:00pm Keenagers 2:30pm YE




9:00 & 10:30am Worship Services 10:30am Sunday School for all ages 11:45am Movie



8:00am Scrip orders due 9:30am Quilting 2:00pm Staff Meeting 2:30pm YE 7:00pm Council Meeting


10:00am Bible Study 2:30pm YE 6:30pm Hand Bells 7:30pm Choir


2:30pm YE

24 25


9:00 & 10:45am Worship Services 10:30am Sunday School for all ages 11:45am Game Day


8:00am Scrip orders due


9:30am Quilting 2:00pm Staff Meeting 2:30pm YE







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