  • 8/14/2019 Revelation 5 v 1-7.doc


    He Is Worthy

    Scripture Reading: Revelation 5:1-14.

    IntroductionHere in Revelation chapter 5 we see a pattern that is frequently repeated in ourspiritual progress. It is the pattern of hope being raised then dashed and thenbeing restored again.

    I tell you the truth, unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground anddies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces manyseeds.


    !esus taught about this principle in very un"ista#eable ter"s in !ohn 1$:%&-%%:

    20 I tell you the truth, you will weep and mourn while the worldrejoices. ou will grie!e, "ut your grief will turn to joy.

    21# woman gi!ing "irth to a child has pain "ecause her time hascome$ "ut when her "a"y is "orn she forgets the anguish "ecauseof her joy that a child is "orn into the world.

    22%o with you: &ow is your time of grief, "ut I will see you againand you will rejoice, and no'one will ta(e away your joy.

    John 1):20'22

    Hope Raised

    *+hen I saw in the right hand of him who sat upon the throne ascroll with writing on "oth sides and sealed with se!en seals.

    -erse 1.

    'he scroll is significant for three reasons na"ely:

    1( )ecause of the person that held it*

    %( )ecause it was sealed with seven seals*

    +( )ecause it was written on both sides.

    The Person That Held the Scroll

    'he person that held the scroll was ,hi" who sat upon the throne. 'his is od the

    /ather. 0e can be absolutely sure about this as in the previous chapter the fourliving creatures around the throne never stop saying:

    *oly, holy, holy


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    is the /ord od #lmighty,

    who was, and is, and is to come.

    'he throne of od is a co""on ld 'esta"ent picture. 2icaiah the prophet saw,the 3ord sitting on his throne with all the hosts of heaven round hi" 1 ings%%:16( the 7sal"ist says ,od is seated on his holy throne 7s. 48:9( and Isaiah,saw the 3ord seated on a throne high and ealted Is. $:1(. In the boo# ofRevelation the throne of od is "entioned in every chapter ecept three %9 ;6(.0e can be absolutely certain that the person sat upon the throne was od the/ather.

    'he scroll was in the hand of the /ather and hence it belonged to the /ather. Itwas the /ather

  • 8/14/2019 Revelation 5 v 1-7.doc


    etre"ely detailed because it contains od 2oses surely you areworthy>

    ,Bo no I a" not worthy.

    ,=braha" as father of od

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    ,Bo no we couldn

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    life for us on ?alvary

  • 8/14/2019 Revelation 5 v 1-7.doc


    sy"bolise o"niscience being conscious of all things everywhere.

    Do in this picture of the 3a"b loo#ing as it were slain we see both ,ee!nessand a"esty. 'he "a@esty and power of the 3ion the "ee#ness and wea#ness ofthe la"b.

    'he word that !ohn used of the 3a"b was the ree# . 'his is distinct

    fro" the ree# which "eans a year old sacrificial la"b a la"b without

    ble"ish. 'he word "eans a young la"b a little la"b. It e"phasises the idea

    of wea#ness. is not used to describe ?hrist in any Bew 'esta"ent boo# eceptRevelation which uses the word %9 ti"es in this connection.

    raha" endric# has understood this picture and has written a chorus about it.

    2ee#ness and 2a@esty2anhood and deityIn perfect har"ony

    'he "an who is od:3ord of infinity

    Fwells in hu"anitynees in hu"ility

    =nd washes our feet.

    0isdo" unsearchableod the Invisible

    3ove indestructibleIn frailty appears.3ord of infinity

    Dtooping so tenderly3ifts our hu"anity

    'o the heights of His throne.

    h, what a mystery,;ee(ness and majesty:"ow down and worship,

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    19ut of his mouth comes a sharp sword with which to stri(e downthe nations. *e will rule them with an iron sceptre. e treads thewinepress of the fury of the wrath of od #lmighty. 1)n his ro"eand on his thigh he has this name written: >I& < >I&% #&7/?7 < /?7%.

    ?e!elation 1@:11'1)

    ur hope is not in our own ability* it

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