
The History of St. Petersburg


Peter the Great’s Cottage1. When was it built?

2.When did Peter the Great live in the cottage? What do these words mean?

brick - кирпич

flue - log - pine - preserve - stove - tile - width - length -

дымоход бревно сосна сохранять печь черепица ширина длина


in summer

What is this?

The Peter and Paul Fortress1. What is the day of St. Petersburg foundation?

27th of May in 1703

2. Where did Peter I decide to build a new fortress?

Zayachy island

3.Where did the fortress take its name from?

4. Who was one of he the first prisoner?

Small wooden church, dedicated to the Apostles Peter and Paul

Alexei, Peter’s son

5. What was the Fortress tuned into?

Horrible prison

Historical museum

In 1724

6. What is situated in the fortress now? 7. When was the Mint founded?

Cathedral of St. Peter and St. Paul

1. Who is the architect of the Cathedral?

Domenico Tresini

2. Tresini came in Russia at the invitation of Paul I….

Peter I

In 1725

Of gold, wood

122 m

Yes. And it is open as a museum

3. Peter I was buried in the Cathedral in 1825….4. The iconostasis is made of silver….

5. The Cathedral is 322 m high….

6. Are services held in the cathedral now?

The St. Peter Gate

1. in stone, reconstructed, Domenico Tresini, in 1718, the gates.

In 1718 Domenico Tresini reconstructed the gates in stone.

2. in Russia, before the end, no, state, there was, coat of arms, single, of the 15th century.

Before the end of the 15th century there was no singlestate coat of arms in Russia.

3. by the architect, the wooden gates, in 1708, were, Domenico Tresini, erected.

Before the end of the 15th century there was no singlestate coat of arms in Russia.

4. the Roman Empire, were, Rome, the two capitals, Constantinople, and, of.

Rome and Constantinople were the two capitals of the Roman Empire.

5. overthrown, Simon, was, by Apostle Peter’s prayers, to the earth. Simon was overthrown to the earth by Apostle Peter’s prayers.

5. of the 18th century, the St. Peter Gate, a great architectural monument, is.

The St. Peter Gate is a great architectural monument of the 18th century.

The Summer Garden

The Summer Palace of Peter I

1. Peter I didn’t like…

2. Peter I ordered saplings of trees…

3. The fountains were damaged…

4. This group was created by…

5. This railing is one of the finest examples…

6. The palace was designed by…

7. The railing of the Summer Garden was designed…

…by floods in 1777

…the architect Yuri Felten

…luxurious halls with high ceilings

…of artistic wrought-iron work in the world

…and flowers from everywhere for his “paradise”

…the sculptor Pietro Baratta

…the architect Domenico Tresini in 1710-1714

Palace Square

Alexander Column

Choose the correct verb:

is, was executed, presents, house, was built, was formed, rolled, lowered

1. More than 2,000 soldiers and 400 workmen …………………. the monolith onto a high platform.


2. The ensemble of Palace Square .. .………………….. in the middle of the 19th century. 3. The Winter Palace ………………………. as the residence of the Russian monarchs.

4. Then they ………………………….. the monolith onto its pedestal.

5. The figure of an angel ……………………………. by sculptor Boris Orlovsky.

6. Today the rooms in the Winter Palace ……………………………. the collections of the Hermitage. 7. The Western bas-relief facing the Admiralty ……………………… Justice and Mercy. 8. The face of the angel ………………. a portrait likeness of Alexander I in whose reign the victory over Napoleon was won.

was formed

was built


was executed




The Hermitage

Translate from Russian into English:

1. Предметы искусства и культуры, принадлежащие различным эпохам, странам, и нациям.

Objects of arts and culture belonging to different epochs, countries and nations.2. Официальная резиденция российских императоров.

The official residence of Russian emperors.

3. Самое большое и элегантное здание.The biggest and most elegant building.

Was designed.

The fire destroyed everything.

The restoration was done.

Huge statues of atlantes.

The name dates back to.

4. Было спроектировано.

5. Пожар разрушил все.

6. Реставрация была сделана.

7. Огромные статуи атлантов.

8. Название берет начало.

9. Слово Эрмитаж означает «уголок отшельника».

The word Hermitage means “the dwelling of a hermit”.

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