Download - Revs January 2015

Page 1: Revs January 2015

Editor for this

newsletter want-

ed. See page 2.

New classics news

page 2.

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us know what

your email is by

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Owen Motoring Club

Inside this issue:

Slithering Santa cont. 2

Classics News 2

AGBO Rally 3




We’re on the web 4

Revs The newsletter of Owen Motoring Club

February 2015

front wheel drive cars. The only oth-er class, class B, RWD, saw new member David Maynard on 438s leading the class. This was David’s

first event. It was quite evident from the times that the RWD cars were at a disadvantage being about 100s slower than the FWD cars.

The end of round two saw Tom Bish-op and Nick Pollitt on 651s and Steve Griffin, Streetly CC, on 666. Phil Law-son had dropped to 4th. David Maynard held his first place in class B on 847s.

A number of cars continued to strug-gle with the slippery conditions. At one point Dan Lister couldn’t get the Fiesta up the camber on the paddock test and Michal Kulpaka struggled with the BMW 323i most of the day.

The third and final round of the day saw Nick Pollitt secure his lead fin-

ishing with 906s and FTD. Phil Law-son made a big improvement with

It’s always difficult organising an event so soon after Christmas but it all comes togeth-er and everyone has a great event.

The Slithering Santa, this time, took the form of an all forwards production car au-totest. So there are no tricky spin turns or reversing into boxes etc.

With a potential full entry of 30 the night before we were set for a great event. Only problem was that it was snowing, although not much. We had the possibility of a very Slithering Santa. And it was!!

I’ve always tried to set up early in the morn-ing of the day of event. It’s too far to drive to Curborough and back the day before to

set up. Luckily we have some super volun-teers who met me at 7.30 in the morning to help set up. Many thanks to this years vol-unteers, Barri Wilmott, Will Barnes and Ra-chel Faulkner. I just had to give them the test diagrams and they set out the cones for two of the test while I set up the third. This year I only had to make a few minor adjust-ments. I reckon we were set up by about 9.00 ish and Will had to go to do scrutineer-ing at 8.30.

The event eventually saw 26 starters. Com-petitors had to do a round of all three tests then do the same again for a second and a third round , giving a total of nine tests.

At the end of the first round Tom Bishop was leading on 324s followed by Phil Lawson (Loughborough CC) on 331s and Nick Pollitt on 333s. All three were running in class A,

Slither ing Santa PCA—2 7th December 2 014, Curborough

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Your club

needs you

each stand; you and your passenger will get free admission to this popular and well attend-ed show. The only proviso is that your car must be pre 1996.

So if you would like to display your car and help man our stand for the day so we can pro-mote the club and hopefully get some new members then please get back in touch with me asap, as the organisers must have details of all those attending with the application.

A full list of shows etc will be in the next edi-tion.

Simon Whittick has secured us a stand at the Practical Classics Show on 28/29th March at the NEC and is need of another car to show, prefer-ably something that has had a recent rebuild/restoration. If you can help then please contact Simon direct.

Martin Parkes

Welcome to what I hope will be a regular section throughout the coming year. If you have accessed our website recently at you will have seen that I’ve volunteered to be the club classic section co-ordinator (something to do with my age I suspect!) Helping me along the way will be Roger Tristram, Abe Shenker, Anton Bird and Elaine.

If you do not know me I’m a longstanding club member, I sprinted in a Red Westfield for over 20 years and now have a green 1965 Hillman Imp. Also Elaine has a red 1971 Austin Healey Sprite Mk 4, so as you can see we both have a strong interest in classic cars.

With the introduction over I’m applying to have our 1st club stand of 2015 at The Transport Show at Weston Park on Sunday 5th April. This is a very popular show that gets filled very quickly so I need to get an entry in soon.

There is a maximum of 12 cars allowed on

Class ic Car News

Editor wanted

Unfortunately Clare Bird has had to give up being the club newsletter/magazine editor. Being a primary school teacher takes a great deal of time and Clare has found that being the editor needs the time that she doesn’t have.

We really need someone who can put together this publication every six to eight weeks.

Can you help? You do need some IT skills. Word processing at least. This publication is produced using Microsoft Publisher but I’m sure that it can be done in Word.

If you feel you can help please contact Simon Whittick or any other committee member.

We are pleased to let you know that Martin Parkes has taken the role of club classic section co-ordinator. See his article on this page to find out more.

Both Tom Bishop and James Nichols were competing on the Brean Stages Rally. Don’t forget to send in your results for championship points lads.

Anton Bird will be out on the North Wales Stages, first round of the HRCR gravel champs, with Clive King in a Mini.



We have display space at

the Practical Classics Res-

toration Show at the NEC,

28/29th March. We have

three cars confirmed but

need another three. If

you have a car just re-

stored, needing restora-

tion or being restored and

it might be of interest we

would like to display it.

You can event work on

the car!

Contact Simon Whittick

for more info.

times quicker than Tom Bishop with Phil on 954s and Tom on 967s. David Maynard fin-ished on 1173s giving him first in class B.

Again a big thank you to all the marshals who stood out in the cold and to the competitors for coming along for the day’s fun.

Final Results

Nick Pollitt, FTD

Phil Lawson, 1st class A

Tom Bishop, 2nd class A

Kevin Hardwick, 3rd Class A

David Maynard, 1st class B

Tom Whittick, best Novice

Rachel Faulkner, best Lady

Brodie Holland, best Junior

Simon Whittick, clerk of the course

Slithering Santa continued

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Page 3

Next issue, March 2015

Up date on up and coming

AGBO Rally and Practical

Classics Restoration show.

Please keep an eye on the

website for events and

dates. We’ll be sending you

reminders. If you would

rather not receive remind-

ers of events you can log in

to the website and unsub-

scribe . See back page

Weston Park 22nd March 2015

We have decided to stick with the later date in March as last year; it just gives the weather a little extra time to be kind to us. MSA event permit is now issued for the above date.

Simon Rogers & Leigh Webb the clerks of our event over the last few years, have both decid-ed to step down from their roles. OMC would like to take this opportunity to thank them both for the invaluable help and assistance over the rally week end for a number years, they will be missed I am sure. No decision has been made as to their replacement at the mo-ment. 2015 sees our event at round No.2 in the AWMMC Heart of England Stage Rally Champi-onship, Breen Stages being the first round, a two day event.

I am delighted to say we have seen considera-bly more interest in the event from within the membership of OMC – that’s just great lets have some more please. The 2014 event was the best ever in every way, televised by Motors TV and it had a new sponsor. The event re-ceived some great write ups and heaps of praise in every direction; this does at least give the organisational team great encouragement and proves we have a winning formula. Talking of organisational teams I would just like to say that it took a few years to build up the team and all are as enthusiastic about the event as I am, thank you all for your help and support.

If any one else would like to join the team & we definitely want you to, just let the rally committee know of your interest.

One really bad point re last year’s rally, we did not have anywhere near enough marshals – that’s ACTUAL marshals out on the stages.

AGBO 2015 we require help in the following areas, New Clerk of the course experience and

MSA licence required, any interested parties please get in touch with Anton Bird ASAP.

Other duties – enthusiasm required !!

Set Up Saturday: As many pairs of hands as possible please, free lunch courtesy of Pam Mayo and OMC – Start will be - 9.00 am. At Weston, this means an earlier finish. Some set up work may be done on Friday if anyone is available. This will only be spectator prevention measures not rally route set up.

PR – That’s delivering the letters to the locals telling them we are running a rally, three teams of two would make it so much easier. Done the weekend prior to the rally – just at the wrong time for the Entries Sec or Sec of the event, as things by that time are a bit hectic. The PR letters are written you just have to de-liver them. [3 defined sectors]

Marshals – Contact Chief Marshal Ruth Lang-ford. Please help us out if you can we are al-ways well under staffed in this department.

Early Marshals 1 or 2 if possible Service area control

Duties early on the morning of the event 4.30am or earlier, control noise, trailer parking, team service set ups etc etc. – Other marshals will have to be in place at allocated post on the stages by 7.15am latest. Sign on in court yard area access only through Blymhill gate on the A5

Advertising Guru. Linked to the above - We could, if anyone will take it on, sell pages or half pages in the regs £25 / £50 a go - any one like to do it - I don’t have time. If you wish to advertise in the regs / finals please send me your finished copy and I will include it. Rates are £35 for half page, £50 for full page.

Your offers of assistance are awaited; it is pos-sible to join the sectors that we have already got offers for, if that is your preference.

Lastly, A big Thank you to Phil Wright at “PAINTWORX” for agreeing to sponsor the event for a second year.

Thanks to the hard work of a few, this event in 2014 raised £2,500 for Midlands Air Ambu-lance. Can we beat this?

Anton Bird – AGBO Rally Secretary.

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25th February 2015—our annual Awards Evening. An informal event at Aldridge Social Club. Win-ners of the various championships will receive their awards as will various others who receive

recognition for their efforts over the pasr year.

22nd March 2015— AGBO Stages rally 2015, again held at Weston Park. This is the 2nd round of

the Heart of England Rally Championships.

28th & 29th March 2015—Practical Classics Restoration and Classic Car Show at the NEC. We

have a stand at the show. Display cars wanted.

5th April 2015—Transport Show, Weston Park

26th April 2015—Ernest Owen Car Trial, Catton Park

Events Coming Up

© Owen Motoring Club Ltd, 2014

Owen Motoring Club Ltd, A Company Limited by Guarantee Registration No. 1378393,

Registered office, PO Box 10, Darlaston, West Midlands WS10 8JD

Owen Motoring Club

Motoring in the Midlands

since 1959

We’re on the web


Have you looked at our website? Do you use it? Go to our website to see what events are coming up and the latest club news.

You can renew your membership, when the time comes, by logging on. To log on use the email address we have for you. If you’ve had an email from us then we have the email address. Your password is what you’ve used on our site before but if you don’t remember that then click on the for-got password link and you’ll be sent instruc-tions on how to change your password.

Did you know that we

are a member of all the

associations below?

Owen Motoring Club

Page 4

Patina is a website that you can keep details of your car. It’s a free digital record. Add pictures, documents, bills etc. Keeping all these details helps to prove the provenance of your vehicle and could increase it’s value.

You can choose what you keep and who can see it. We have teamed up with patina to have a club site. This will be developed as members sign up to Patina.

From their website

“Create & Capture

Create a permanent, rich and authenticated record throughpho-tos, v ideos, documents and invoices.

Backup your existing history, scan documents with your phone or cam-era, optimising and converting to PDF and preserving in your secure digital ar-chive.

Capture the whole story of your car, documenting restorations, builds and modifications in detail.

Have instant access to the full history of your vehicles at any time, from any de-vice.”

Get more info at


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