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ASPCABy:Kacee Selvig

Page 2: Rhetorical Analysis Assignment


Cruelty among animals

Keith Grant-Davie states that the exigence should answer three questions: "What is the discourse about, why is it needed, and what should it accomplish”. (Grant-Davie, p.106)

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Michael Vick Scandal

• The high profiled NFL quarterback was charged in 2007 with dog fighting along with a few of his associates

• Dogs were methodically tested and poor performers were executed, it is reported that Vick and an associate executed 8 dogs

• Most of the dogs involved in the dogfighting were pitbulls• He pled guilty and spent 18 months in prison• His involvement in the cruelty of animals further emphasizes

the exigence which is the cruelty of animals in the world and how not only are normal people involved but also people who we see as role models.

• Vick now speaks on ending dog fighting

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Other Ads

“Advertisements are prime examples of rhetorical communication” (Grant-Davie, p. 101)

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• Put a image to the abuse

• Inform the nation of the increase in animal abuse and cruelty and stop it

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• Some may not be able to view the ad• Some can not fathom to look at the ads because

of how graphic they are or how graphic they can be

Negative Constraints:

“Persons, events ,objects, and relations which are parts of the situation because they have the power to constrain decision and action needed to modify the exigence” (Blitzer,p117)

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Primary:• Animal lovers• Animal rights activist• Anyone who views

the ad

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Context Details:• Color and Font: most of the

ad is done in black and white besides the 60 cents a day and Make a Monthly Gift which are orange to grab your attention

• “Don’t Let More Animals Fall Victim to Cruelty”- a sentimental plea to save an animals life and its written sort of to make it your mission and it’s bold to enforce what its saying.

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• The dog in this ad has sad eyes which emphasizes the emotion in this advertisement

• Adding the 60 cents makes you feel bad because a pack of gum is more than 60 cents so it emphasizes how cheap it is

Logos• ASPCA strategically placed 60

cents a day in color to make it stand out

Ethos• ASPCA is a well known and

recognized organization making the ad more credible

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Works Cited

• "Mahatma Gandhi." World Farm Animals Day. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Jan. 2013.

• Wardle, Elizabeth, and Doug Downs. "Rhetorical Situations and Their Constituents." Writing about Writing: A College Reader. Boston: Bedford/St. Martins, 2011. 101-11. Print.

• "Animal Legal Defense Fund : Animal Fighting Case Study: Michael Vick." Animal Legal Defense Fund. N.p., Jan. 2011. Web. 30 Jan. 2013.

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