Page 1: Richard Verzi Graduation Studio 2013

Glebe Island An Urban Heterodoxy:An urban Heterodoxy

By Richard Verzi

Page 2: Richard Verzi Graduation Studio 2013

work - work'

gard - gard'

thang - thang'

Urban Sections

Page 3: Richard Verzi Graduation Studio 2013

Glebe IslandAn urban Hetrodoxy:

Ecologies of invention:An urban satire:

A situationalist exploration of the sublimiation of typological boundaries under the pressures of a post- consumerist society, minus the political agenda:

Towards an architecture of the un-achievable.From comic strip to legislation:

A constructive Nihilism

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A Manifesto of Biases

It [architecture[ is not content[ there is no place for innovation in

architecture[ it is the distribution of ends and means over space[[

the physical partitioning of requirements into secured sheltered space[

Architecture is gigantic tuppaware[

Architecture aspires to be more like the cardboard chinese takeaway container

they use in the USA[ portable[ light[ airy and white[ With big

operable openings[

Architecture is the space without potential[ It is prescribed[ We are in

favour of a flush architecture[ A flush shiny architecture[

Architecture wants to be an ice cube[ Very cold on the inside[ very

wet on the outside and transparent[ Ice has three [atoms[[ Glass[

Steel and Concrete[

Architects give space potential[ Space is adaptive[ We are in favour of

a porosity and complexity[ [Culture is attracted to squiggles[

Architecture wants to be like a noodle soup[ Weaving in and out of

an urban fabric[ a multiplicity of relationships[ flexible and always

changing[ A mix of ingredients timber polymers[ fabric and buildings made

from cheese[

Image: Juxtapoz Magazine

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Image: Juxtapoz Magazine Image: Juxtapoz Magazine

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New Foolproof Diets: By Dylan MoranWe’ve tried fasting and high octane exercise – they work. The pounds fall away, you feel light, energised and pleasingly insane. But so what? They’re not new.

For on-trend eating, 2013 is all about the intense combination of high carb intake and threatening situations.

Blitz-blend your adrenaline and sugar rushes by snacking on a donut as you sprint into oncoming freeway traffic.Biodegradable expanded foam materialUS 5272181 AABSTRACTExpanded foam materials having a high degree of bio-degradability are prepared by combining a starch-graft copolymer (SGC) with grain based starch containing materials and 15-25% water and expanding the mixture either with or without blowing agents. The mixture of SGC and grain based material is directly expanded at elevated temperature with an extruder or other expansion means. The product may be customized for particular applications by manipulating the particular grafted monomer, manipulating the ratio of SGC to grain based material and/or by the addition of nuclea-tors, blowing agents, plasticizers or other additives, and/or by varying moisture content and the conditions of expansion.

It’s Precedented"One Chinese man – Zhang Biqing – let nothing stop him from building his idyllic mountain retreat, not even government safety regulations or

the concerns of his neighbors. Biqing, a successful practitioner of traditional Chinese medicine, spent six years piling rocks and plants into

and around his penthouse on the 1000-square-meter roof of a 26-story apartment building in Beijing.

With gardens and open terraces, Biqing has converted the rooftop property into a picturesque mountain resort. His neigh-bors don’t see it

that way, however. They have complained about noisy construction and leaking cracks in the ceiling, and some residents even fear that the

makeshift mountain has compromised the apartment building’s structural integ-rity. Others have complained of receiving threats or physical

abuse from Biqing. Local planning of-ficials have given him 15 days to either remove the structure or prove that it is legal, or else they will

remove it by force".

In 1996, scientists took a huge risk when they pointed the Hubble telescope to an inky field that they believed to be void of stars and

planets. As images from Hubble are in con-stant demand, the worry was that devoting so much time to a black space would prove futile.

Once the photons finally registered, though, that leap of faith proved fruitful: light from over three thousand galaxies illuminated the image.

A few years and missions later, Hubble’s glimpse into what is known as the deep field has revealed that we are just one tiny part of a vast system comprising 100 billion galaxies.

I think they’ll use sounds and tones and use it in their virtual reality ma-chines and just listen to it that way and get the same emotions from it and then go to a party. There will be a virtual reality machine there with a whole bunch of headphones and if you want to talk to people and listen to the virtual reality machine you can do that, then go into the other bedroom and fuck and drink but ac-tually I think virtual reality machines will get you high, technology will be that good, and then there will be like virtual reality junkies, finding them dead on their couch from OD’ing.” — Kurt Cobain

‘Ours tasted really gum-my, and didn’t have the ‘bounce’ we wanted. Our mayonnaise would not hold the oil and egg together, so had what looked like liquid syrup. Scrambled eggs were even worse – they just wouldn’t congeal at all, and had a really bad aftertaste.

Tetrick admits the firm is struggling with artifi-cial scrambled egg. He says there is a ‘pretty good’ recipe, but admits more work is needed.

‘Eventually we’ll get to one thing that will replace everything,’ he said.

The firm hopes to allow developing countries to grow and produce their own ‘plant eggs’.Image: Photograph of “Escifs” work

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Architects profess their connections with the outside but with an outside which is not allowed to participate in any meaningful way and so we imbue meaning on forms and static objects to justify ourselves instead[ The architects duty is an incessant framing[ directing[ concealing and illuminating[ With these duties it constantly over em[phasizes its own rationales and architecture becomes a candid censoring[machine ringing to the tune of a government public service announce[ment[ The architecture only wants content to be displayed in certain narrow preconceived conditions[ Against the white plasterboard? infront of

the deciduous tree?

The architecture is about Idealizing[ Or is it? Take this Nitzchean aphorism for thought[

[[[Idealizing does not consist[ as is commonly held[

in subtracting or discounting the petty and inconsequential[ What is decisive is rather a tremendous drive to bring out the main features


that the others disappear in the process[[[

Public Domain

the public domain exists because transportation hasn[t come far enough[

and[ architecture is still Cartesian[

we are hoarders of processes that we prescribe for ourselves

and we put away our gains for the future[

Affairs of the Current

With overprotective agencies at work and our work as overprotective agents[ we have banned ourselves from intuition[ Modernism was derived as the cure for the danger and decay of the city[ We pace forward today[ flanked by the passive drones of buildings[ cars and people who thank[fully do not drone publicly[ The city is indifferent on the street and we wish that way[ If the sound bite is gospel we would appear to be[long to a nanny state full of tragic[ hard working[ dodgey and abusive landlords[ An existence that would certainly be intolerable if not for our heroic pet labradors and fortune telling parrots that we acknowledge with a certain glee as we finish rinsing off that last plastic bowl of cold caked on spaghetti bolognaise[ The architects of this city must be humbled by the fact that their buildings remain to the wider public as urban scaled


Image: Juxtapoz Magazine

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Floor Plates

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b SiteFloor Space Ratio

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Zoning plans of silos

Circulation Core


Retail space

Vertical sports


Gallery space



Gr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

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Zoning plans of silos

Circulation Core


Retail space

Vertical sports


Gallery space



Gr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

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a cb d e

e Travelator

c Residential exclusive liftd Bridge route

b General Lifta Goods Lift


f Spiral ramp

Circulation Facilities











f 20 meter radiuse Point of choice

c Escape routed Point of escape

b Fire doora Fire isolated stair Fire Egress

a c f geg 40 meter radius

b d

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a cb d e

e Travelator

c Residential exclusive liftd Bridge route

b General Lifta Goods Lift


f Spiral ramp

Circulation Facilities











f 20 meter radiuse Point of choice

c Escape routed Point of escape

b Fire doora Fire isolated stair Fire Egress

a c f geg 40 meter radius

b d

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Image: “Archello”

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Fire Escape

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South Section

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Retail residential above .

O�ce/ Commercial

Special use Recreational

All of the above minus Residential

Natural Park

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Retail residential above .

O�ce/ Commercial

Special use Recreational

All of the above minus Residential

Natural Park

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North Section

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