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  • 8/2/2019 Ripple Jan Mar 2009

    1/12re Janary-March 2009

    ripple s oducd by th igatd rc rsach Consotum (irrC) wth suot fom th Swss Agncy fo DvomnCooaton (SDC). Th irrC omots ntnatona nks among scntsts, manags, communcatos, and fams n owgatd c nvonmnts.

    April 2006, Vl. 1, N. 2

    Irrigated Rice Research Consortium Rice Research forIntensied Production and Prosperity in Lowland Ecosystems

    January-March 2009, Vol. 4, No. 1

    International Rice Research Institute

    SDC funds Phase 4

    of the IRRC

    In this issue

    Ripples of change ..........3Intensifying rice and maize

    production in BangladeshDriving the vehicle of

    changeIRRC produces video

    on mongaWaves of action..................6IRRI-ACIAR Sulawesi

    project moves aheadSnapshots of 2008Water saving benefts An

    Giang and beyond

    Profiles .......................................9Dr. Savarys prescription for

    crop healthSri Lankas champion in

    overcoming weedy rice

    Publications & upcomingevents ...................................11

    More generations of rice consumers have more reasons to smile as the IRRCs fourth phase begins thisJanuary 2009. (Photo by T. Mendoza)

    The Swiss Agency for Development

    and Cooperation (SDC) approved a

    credit proposal in October 2008 for

    funding Phase 4 of the Irrigated Rice Re-

    search Consortium (IRRC). Phase 4 be-

    gins in January and will end in December

    2012. The SDC will provide US$3.9 mil-

    lion for the IRRC to act as an innovation

    > continued on page 2

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    2re Janary-March 2009

    platform for improved pro-

    ductivity of lowland irrigated

    rice. Complementary funding

    of specic work groups will

    be provided by the Asian

    Development Bank; a con-sortium of the International

    Fertilizer Industry Associa-

    tion, the Internat ional Plant

    Nutrition Institute, and the

    International Potash Institute;

    and the UK Department for

    International Development.

    The coordination unit of the

    IRRC also has funding from

    the Australian Centre for

    International Agricultural Re-

    search for adaptive research

    on integrating IRRC tech-nologies in eastern Indonesia.

    The vision of the IRRC

    Phase 4 is to provide a plat-

    form of technologies readily

    available to a regional com-

    munity of users in Asia to en-

    able them to access options to

    improve their livelihoods and

    obtain the increases in rice

    production required to main-

    tain food security in Asia.

    A key priority in Phase

    4 will be the development

    of a series of innovation

    platforms that each cover

    at least 10,000 hectares and

    will be linked to national

    priorities. These platforms

    will facilitate the diffusion of

    technologies at the district,

    provincial, and national levels

    and will be structured around

    action research. The aim is

    to stimulate the engagement

    of policy advisers, farmersand farmer groups, non-

    government organizations

    (NGOs), the private sector,

    and teaching institutions.

    In line with the recom-

    mendations of the external

    review panel of Phase 3, the

    IRRC Phase 4 will con-

    solidate its activities at fewer

    sites. The emphasis will be

    in Southeast Asia. However,

    activities in South Asia and

    the Peoples Republic of

    China that are at an exciting

    stage will continue, such as

    direct-seeded rice and alter-

    nate wetting and drying in

    Bangladesh. We will have an

    increased emphasis on scaling

    up (inuencing policy) and

    scaling out (wider dissemina-

    tion of technologies to end

    users). We will also place

    strong emphasis on strength-

    ening the capacity of national

    extension systems, NGOs, and

    public-private sector partner-

    ships that are pro-poor.

    Five work groupsin Phase 4Five work groups

    (WG) will constitute

    Phase 4 of the IRRC:

    (i) Productivity and

    Sustainability WG: with a

    focus on improved nutri-

    ent and crop management

    practices at the eld and farm

    level for increased prot-

    ability in rice farming.

    (ii) Water-Saving

    WG: with a focus on in-

    creased productivity under

    water-scarce conditions.

    (iii) Labor Productivity

    and Community Ecology WG:

    with a focus on improving la-

    bor productivity, including ef-

    fective community action for

    managing weeds and rodents.

    (iv) Postproduction WG:

    with a focus on improving

    postproduction techniques

    and access of farmers to

    market information on rice.

    (v) Crop Health WG:

    with a focus on crop pro-

    duction management (e.g.,

    crop rotation and fallowmanagement) and host-plant

    resistance for managing

    insect pests and diseases.

    Phase 4 of the IRRC will

    hit the road running with

    planning and implementa-

    tion workshops in Thailand

    and Myanmar in January and

    in Vietnam in February. We

    look forward to an excit-

    ing 4 years ahead that will

    build on the strong partner-

    SDC funds Phase 4...from page 1

    ships and advances obtained

    over the past 4 years.

    I take this opportunity

    to thank the members of the

    IRRC Steering Committee

    for their excellent support

    and contributions during

    Phase 3. I also express my

    deepest appreciation for the

    efforts and commitment of

    the many national mem-

    bers of the IRRC who have

    made the consortium such

    a success over the past 4

    years. It is youthe scien-

    tists, extension staff, private

    sector partners, and policy

    specialistswho make thissuch a dynamic consortium

    across 11 countries in Asia.

    We look forward to your

    continued and strengthened

    participation dur ing 2009-12!

    On behalf of the IRRC

    management team here at

    IRRI, I wish everyone a

    successful and joyous 2009.

    Grant [email protected]

    DRY AND PAINLESS. Innovative farmersprevent backache by sitting in basinswhile pulling seedlings for transplant-ing in Bone, South Sulawesi, Indonesia.(Photo by D. Casimero)

  • 8/2/2019 Ripple Jan Mar 2009

    3/12re Janary-March 2009


    hile getting maize

    and rice to the

    dining table has

    never been easy, it is muchharder nowadays as farm-

    ers face more challenges to

    produce these basic commodi-

    ties. Prices of fertilizer have

    reached an all-time high, wa-

    ter supply is dwindling, and

    soil has become less and less

    fertile from decades of use.

    These are some of the

    reasons for holding the

    workshop titled Sustainable

    intensication of rice-maize

    systems in Bangladesh, jointlyorganized by the International

    Rice Research Institute

    (IRRI), the International

    Maize and Wheat Improve-

    ment Center (CIMMYT), and

    the Bangladesh Rice Research

    Institute (BRRI) on 9-10

    November 2008 at BRRI in


    The joint project, led by

    IRRI-CIMMYT scientist Dr.

    Jagadish Timsina, will be

    supported by the Australian

    Centre for International Ag-

    ricultural Research (ACIAR)

    for 5 years. Multiple partner-

    ships will be built for stra-

    tegic and adaptive research

    and technology transfer on

    rice-maize systems in four

    districts in Bangladesh.

    The national partners in

    the project include govern-

    ment organizations (GOs)

    such as BRRI, the Bangla-desh Agricultural Research

    Institute (BARI), and the

    Bangladesh Academy for

    Rural Development and

    nongovernment organiza-

    tions (NGOs) such as the

    Bangladesh Rural Advance-

    ment Committee (BRAC)

    and the Rangpur-Dinajpur

    Rural Services (RDRS).

    The workshop was

    ofcially launched by Mr.

    M. Abdul Aziz, secretary

    of the Ministry of Agri-

    culture. He highlighted the

    relevance of the project in

    Bangladesh, and thanked

    ACIAR for funding support

    and all international and

    national partners for team-

    ing up to achieve the food

    security goal of the country.

    Dr. Zainul Abedin, IRRI

    representative for Bangla-

    desh, welcomed the par-

    ticipants in the workshop.

    Dr. Achim Dobermann,IRRI deputy director general

    for research, and Dr. John

    Dixon, director of the Impact

    Assessment and Targeting

    Unit of CIMMYT, delivered

    their messages by video.

    Other key speakers dur-

    ing the opening session were

    Mr. M. Harun-ur-Rashid,

    chairman of the Bangla-

    desh Agricultural Research

    Council and director general

    of BARI; Dr. M. Nur-E-Elahi,

    BRRI director general; Dr.

    M. Hossain, BRAC execu-

    tive director; Dr. Ken Sayre,

    CIMMYT agronomist for

    South and Central Asia;

    and Dr. Paul Fox, research

    program manager of the Crop

    Improvement and Manage-

    ment Program of ACIAR. Dr.

    Hamid Miah, IRRI liaison

    scientist for Bangladesh, of-

    fered thanks to all concerned.

    The technical sessions

    covered various papers relatedto project objectives on con-

    servation agriculture, site-

    specic nutrient management,

    development and evaluation

    of excess-moisture-tolerant

    maize hybrids, and methods

    of socioeconomic studies.

    Later, project participants

    discussed the objectives and

    activities of the project and

    the expected outputs, rened

    the milestones, and prepared

    a detailed work plan for

    each objective. The project,

    emphasizing both research

    and technology delivery and

    impact, is considered unique

    as it is jointly managed by

    IRRI and CIMMYT with di-

    verse partnerships from GOs

    and NGOs in Bangladesh.

    Given the problems

    that modern agriculture

    faces, intensifying rice and

    maize production is one

    way to keep up with the

    ever-growing demand in theworld market. Intensifying

    production means imple-

    menting sustainable ways

    of growing more rice and

    maize using less inputs such

    as fertilizer and pesticides.

    With the right people

    and organizations, Bangla-

    deshi farmers and consum-

    ers are in for better times.

    Carlito [email protected]

    and Lorelei de la Cruz

    Intensifying rice and maize productionin Bangladesh

    Ripples of Change

    NO MORE HUNGER. Food security in tight times can be achieved by integrated efforts to intensifyproduction. (Photo by G. Singleton)

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    4re Janary-March 2009

    Driving the vehicle of changeposthavst tanng n lao pDr


    he main crop of

    the Lao Peoples

    Democratic Republic(PDR) is rice, grown on

    the fertile oodplain of

    the Mekong River. About

    80% of the countrys arable

    land is devoted to rice

    farming. But, despite this

    dependence on rice, the level

    of mechanization in rice

    farming and postharvest

    activities in Lao PDR is

    still low, and manual power

    dominates farm operations.

    Furthermore, tractors,harvesters, and mechanical

    dryers are not efciently used

    and maintained by research

    centers and farmer groups.

    Training for progressThus, postharvest train-

    ing was held at the Thasano

    Crop Multiplication Research

    Center, Savannakhet Prov-

    ince, on 27-31 October 2008,

    to create awareness on the

    effective use of agricultural

    machinery and improved

    postharvest management

    options. Organized by the

    countrys National Rice

    Research Program, the train-

    ing also brought together

    farmer groups, research-

    ers, and private sector

    staff to discuss postharvest

    issues and how they can

    improve rice productivity.

    A team from Vietnams

    Nong Lam University (NLU)

    and the Center for Agricul-

    tural Energy and Machinery

    conducted the 5-day training

    course for 19 participants

    from Vientiane, Savannakhet,

    and Champasak provinces.

    Day 1On the rst day, Dr.

    Tran Van Khanh from NLU

    introduced the principleson operating and maintain-

    ing the tractor and agri-

    cultural machinery such

    as moldboard plows, disk

    plows, disk harrows, rotary

    tillers, seeders, and spray-

    ers. Participants were also

    taught how to operate and

    adjust some components of a

    Chinese tractor, rotary tiller,

    and 3- and 7-disk plows.

    Day 2Harvesting methods and

    operation and maintenance of

    mini combine harvesters were

    introduced on the second day.

    Participants practiced driving

    the harvester around the yard.

    Day 3It was an all-day

    hands-on training on the

    third day, with participants

    driving the mini combineharvester in the eld and

    practicing on harvesting

    and measuring losses.

    Day 4The fourth day mostly

    focused on drying, introduc-

    ing the main components of,

    and showing how to adjust

    and operate a at-bed dryer.

    Participants were also intro-

    duced to the advantages of

    the laser-controlled levelingmachine, calculating earth-

    work quantity, estimating

    operating time, and operat-

    ing the machine itself.

    Day 5Participants continued

    testing the at-bed dryer and

    tried using the laser-leveling

    machine on the last day. The

    day ended with a wrap-up

    of the training course.

    Participants found the

    training useful since most

    of them were dealing with

    postharvest issues for the

    rst time. They expressed

    their gratitude to the National

    Agriculture and Forestry

    Research Institute for

    providing training on rice

    postharvest management

    systems. The farmers

    group specically wantedto buy some parts of the

    dryer because they would

    like to modify the dryer

    and replace some parts with

    materials they can nd in

    their own communities.

    They saw the benets tha

    can be derived from using a

    combine harvester, which,

    at a capital cost of US$5,000

    (including shipping cost

    from Vietnam), can greatlyreduce the need for farm

    labor. A combine harvester

    can harvest 1 hectare in

    1 day, while it takes 15

    people to do the same job

    manually. The farmers said

    that competition for labor has

    been stiff, with neighboring

    country Thailand offering a

    higher rate of $56 per day

    during harvesting. This has

    made Lao PDRs postharvest

    operations more expensive,

    with the current daily rate for

    farm labor pegged at $34.

    An evaluation revealed

    that the participants improved

    their postharvest capacities

    as compared with their

    background knowledge

    LEFT TO RIGHT: Trainees get hands-on training on the operation and maintenance of the Chinese tractor JINMA-404; learn how to adjust a 3-diskplow; listen to a lecture on the mini combine harvester; and practice driving the harvester in the yard.

    > continued on page 5

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    at the start of the training

    course. Follow-up activities

    include setting up an

    initially informal national

    postharvest network.

    By Trina Mendoza with reportsand photos from Khamouane

    Khamphoukeo, Tran Van Khanh,Nguyen Thanh Nghi, Nguyen

    Duc Canh, and Martin Gummert LEFT TO RIGHT: The trainees practice driving the mini combine harvester in the eld, familiarize themselveswith the valve for adjusting the hydraulic oil pressure of the harvester; and practice operating and adjustingthe at-bed dryer.

    In Bangladesh, lifefor the rural poor is

    hard enough at any

    time. Thirty million

    people suffer from hunger

    each year. But life gets

    harder in the north from

    September to November,

    when the hunger

    months ormonga occur.

    Monga affects many poor

    people in ve districts

    in the north, most of

    whom rely on farm work.

    Although there is food in

    the market, many cannot

    afford to buy because

    they do not have enough

    money. Many are jobless,

    waiting for the harvest

    of their transplanted

    rice crop in December.

    The Irrigated Rice Re-

    search Consortium (IRRC)

    aimed to capture the hard-

    ships of people during mongaand the actions being taken by

    partners to help alleviate the

    seasonal food crisis through

    a short video documentary.

    Farmers were inter-

    viewed, revealing the tri-

    als they face and the many

    ways they try to cope with

    monga by pulling rick-

    shaws; selling livestock,

    poultry, logs and bananas;

    and sewing garments.

    The video highlights the

    initiatives of a local alliance

    called the Northwest Area

    Focal Forum, comprising

    government institutions andnongovernment organiza-

    tions, including, among

    others, RDRS, Intercoopera-

    tion, GAUS, and Solidarity.

    Together with the IRRC based

    at the International Rice

    Research Institute and the

    Bangladesh Rice Research

    Institute (BRRI), they are

    promoting earlier harvests

    through the use of shorter

    duration rice varieties com-

    bined with direct seeding

    and weed control options.

    In direct seeding, rice

    seeds are sown directly

    into an unooded eld. Theseeds can be sown dry or as

    wet pregerminated seeds.

    Sowing dry seeds using a

    hand-drawn tool called a

    lithao is becoming popular

    with farmers in areas where

    it is being tested. Another

    option presented to farm-

    ers is to sow wet germinated

    seeds using a drum seeder,

    which needs 5060% less

    rice seed than broadcasting.

    IRRC produces video on monga

    Farmersshared their suc-

    cess stories, telling

    how their families

    lives are slowly

    getting better

    because of direct

    seeding and shorter

    duration varieties.

    The video

    footage was shot

    in October 2007

    during the monga

    season and in

    July 2008 during

    the transplanting

    period. Voice nar-

    ration in Bengali

    and Hindi will be

    recorded early this

    year to reach wider

    Modern media such as video can potentially reach millions of people worldwide, andmake a difference in the lives of Bangladeshs rural poor. (Photo by T. Mendoza)

    audiences. It is hoped that,

    with this video, more people

    will be aware of this seasonal

    phenomenon, and more im-

    portantly, they will appreciatehow technologies are help-

    ing families overcome it.

    Watch out for the video soon on

    YouTube. For more on monga, read

    RIPPLE Vol. 2, No. 4 (October-

    December 2007), Vol. 3, No. 1 (Jan

    uary-March 2008), and Rice Today

    Vol. 7, No. 2 (April-June 2008).

    Story and photo by Trina [email protected]

    Driving the vehicle...from page 4

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    6re Janary-March 2009

    IRRC-ACIAR Sulawesi project moves ahead

    Barely a month after

    the project launch in

    October, Irrigated

    Rice Research Consortium

    (IRRC) researchers returned

    to South and SoutheastSulawesi on 10-22 November

    2008 to continue work on

    raising rice productivity in

    the two provinces. South

    Sulawesi is the fourth largest

    rice-producing province in

    Indonesia, while Southeast

    Sulawesi is seen as a

    province with signicant

    potential for expansion.

    The Indonesian government

    aims to improve rice

    productivity in these areasto help reach the countrys

    target increase of 5% per

    year from 2007 to 2010.

    To get an understanding

    of how technologies are

    communicated from

    research to farmers, IRRC

    communication specialist

    Trina Mendoza met with the

    directors, vice-directors,

    and extension staff of the

    Indonesian Center for

    Rice Research (ICRR) in

    Sukamandi, the Institute

    Center for Agriculture

    Technology Assessment and

    Development (ICATAD)

    in Bogor, and provincial

    Assessment Institutes for

    Agricultural Technology

    (AIATs) in South and

    Southeast Sulawesi. She

    conducted an audit of

    extension materials for

    improved natural resourcemanagement (NRM) of

    irrigated rice and looked at

    the communication methods

    and materials produced

    for national initiatives.

    These were made available

    to extension workers at

    the subdistrict level.

    Many farmers visit ICRR

    throughout the year to learn

    about new technologies.

    In 2008, more than 30,000

    visitors went to ICRR, a

    majority of whom attended

    the National Rice Week in

    October. Still, Dr. Hasil

    Sembiring, ICRR director,

    wants to further raise the

    prole of ICRR by producing

    a quarterly newsletter similar

    to RIPPLE. Dr. Priatna

    Sasmita, head of the Research

    Dissemination Subdivision,

    has been tasked to produce

    the newsletter in 2009, with

    inputs from Ms. Mendoza.

    ICATAD is also keen

    to boost its communication

    capabilities. ICATAD staff

    members Vyta Indrawan

    and Erythrina accompanied

    Ms. Mendoza to learn

    about different strategiesof communication. Dr.

    Erizal, ICATAD vice-

    director for collaboration

    and dissemination, happily

    announced that they are

    producing a newsletter called

    SMARTS for distribution

    to AIATs. They also started

    creating information kits

    similar to the extension kits

    produced by the Philippine

    Rice Research Institute. This

    proves that cross-country

    learning is working in

    these countries. Dr. Erizal

    added that they are also

    interested in making videos

    since most Indonesians

    enjoy watching television

    and see it as an important

    source of information.

    AIATs in South and

    Southeast Sulawesi are

    also actively disseminating

    technologies to farmers. In

    addition to leaets, videos,

    and technology bulletins,

    they organize meetings,

    demonstrations in farmers

    elds, training courses, and

    workshops. Most activities are

    linked with Prima Tani, an

    outreach program launched in2005 that aims to accelerate

    the transfer of agricultural

    technologies to farmers.

    In Southeast Sulawesi, the

    AIAT regularly contacts the

    local media, and its events

    have been covered by local

    newspapers, and radio and

    television programs.

    Meanwhile, project

    scientist Donna Casimero,

    who is now based in

    Makassar, South Sulawesi,

    traveled with IRRC

    anthropologist Rica Flor to

    the villages of Awolagading

    and Ujung Tanah of Bone

    District in South Sulawesi,

    and Karandu and Bendewuta

    of Wawotobi District in

    Southeast Sulawesi. Dr.

    Casimero followed up on

    eld-benchmarking activities

    in the village and guided

    AIAT staff in setting up traps

    for rodents and insects. She

    assessed the eld conditions

    in the villages and how they

    can be improved. Farmer-

    partners in the project

    villages are excited as they

    are currently trying out

    IRRC technologies in theirown elds such as alternate

    wetting and drying, the use

    of trap barrier systems for

    managing rats, and site-

    specic nutrient management.

    Ms. Flor trained

    interviewers and guided them

    in conducting a baseline

    survey on the knowledge,

    attitudes, and practices

    Waves of Action

    ENOUGH FOR ALL. The government of Indonesia is determined to raise rice production to attain self-sufciency. (Photo by T. Mendoza)

    > continued on page

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    Water-Saving Work Group Updates

    of farmers with regard to

    NRM for rice production,

    and input-output costs offarmers. ICATAD staff

    Istriningsih, Saefudin, Siti

    Sehat Tan, and Ms. Indrawan

    also accompanied Ms. Flor

    to learn rst-hand how to

    develop and conduct eld

    surveys. Aside from AIAT

    extension staff, students

    from universities were also

    trained as interviewers, since

    the IRRC sees universities

    and colleges as partners in

    technology dissemination.

    While farmers are

    experimenting in their elds,

    scientists are collecting

    baseline data for use in

    monitoring adoption andevaluating the impact of

    the project. The audit of

    communication materials

    will also identify possible

    new materials to be produced

    to help farmers. A lot of

    work needs to be done,

    but with the energy and

    enthusiasm of local partners,

    the project poses an exciting

    challenge that the IRRC

    team is willing to take on.

    Trina Mendoza and

    Rica [email protected]

    A mini-workshop on water-saving technolo-

    gies for rice production was held at the Bulacan

    Agricultural State College last 28 November 2008.

    The workshop aimed to report the current status of

    farmer-participatory development of aerobic rice in

    the Philippine provinces of Palawan, Bataan, Bulacan,La Union, and Aurora. Work plans for the 2009 dry

    season were also drafted by participants from state

    universities and colleges, local government units, and

    nongovernment organizations involved in the project.

    Dr. Ruben Lampayan, Emma Quicho, and Lolit Adri-

    ano of IRRI visited the University of Southern Philip-

    pines in Davao City on 31 October 2008 to follow up and

    discuss with MiSpace company staff details of the devel -

    opment of an e-learning module on Water management

    in irrigated rice: coping with water scarcity. The module

    is expected to be completed in January for pretesting.

    The proposed Administrative Order (AO) on Guide-

    lines on mainstreaming water-saving technologies (WST)

    in irrigated rice production systems in the Philippines

    has now been endorsed to the Secretary of the Depart-

    ment of Agriculture for nal comments and approval.

    A planning meeting with Philippine Rice Re-

    search Institute (PhilRice) partners was held on 9

    December 2008 to nalize the 2009 work plan for

    water-saving activities in the Philippines. The group

    also gave updates on the alternate wetting and dry-

    ing dissemination activities in the different national

    irrigation systems in the country, and the future link-

    age with the Philippine Rice Self-Sufciency Plan.

    Dr. Ruben Lampayan gave lectures on water-

    saving technologies during the Provincial Training on

    Trainers (Philippine Rice Self-Sufciency Plan activity

    for Region IV-A) in November and December 2008.

    IRRI-ACIAR Sulawesi project ...from page 6

    College students and extension workers practice interviewing afarmer after a training on conducting a baseline survey.(Photo by T. Mendoza)

    Attention, young sci-

    entists, mid-career agricul-tural scientists, and decision-

    makers from developing

    countries! A training course

    will be held at the Interna-

    tional Rice Research Institute,

    Philippines, titledEcology

    and sociology of management

    of pests with emphasis on

    rodents and weeds. It will be

    held on 16-27 March 2009.

    The training fee for

    Training course on pestecology and management

    international delegates is

    US$2,200. This includes airfare, food, and accommoda-

    tions. For local delegates

    and inquiries on board and

    lodging, please contact Ms.

    Angie Maghuyop of the

    IRRI Training Center at

    +63(49)-536-2701 to 2705,

    local 2538, or email her at

    [email protected].

    There are 20 slots available. Managing pests in the rice eld does not mean having to causeharm to the environment. Learn from the experts how to controlthem the ecologically friendly way. (Photo by G. Singleton)

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    8re Janary-March 2009


    For some time now,

    An Giang has been

    Vietnams top province

    in terms of rice production.

    It helps that the provinces

    leaders are progressive and

    open-minded. They tookthe initiative of seeking

    the assistance of the

    International Rice Research

    Institute (IRRI) to stay in

    synch with the latest rice

    production technologies.

    On 17-21 November

    2008, 70 people from differ-

    ent districts and provinces

    underwent a training of train-

    ers in An Giang. One of the

    lecturers was Dr. To Phuc

    Tuong, an IRRI scientist. Dr.

    Tuong explained the pr in-

    ciples of water saving and

    how to use alternate wetting

    and drying (AWD) technol-

    ogy. AWD allows farmers to

    produce rice using less water,potentially saving money.

    Several issues were

    raised in relation to AWD.

    One major concern was

    that, in many cases, farmers

    do not own a water pump.

    Instead, they have to pay

    a pump owner for water.

    But, in those parts, instead

    of farmers paying for the

    gasoline needed to pump

    water, farmers are charged

    a at rate per hectare,

    regardless of how much water

    they actually use. In these

    cases, only the pump owner

    benets from water saving. To

    encourage farmers to adopt

    AWD, farmers must negotiatewith pump owners to share

    the benets of water saving.

    The participants also

    visited some farmers who

    have adopted AWD. The

    farmer-adopters expressed

    their satisfaction with AWD,

    citing the many kinds of

    savings they enjoyed because

    of the technology. AWD

    also decreases lodging in

    direct-seeded rice, further

    increasing the yield.

    Several Vietnamese

    water management specialists

    also attended the training, so

    they can serve as resource

    persons when the need

    arises in the future.The participants made

    work plans to implement the

    technologies they learned

    in their own districts and

    provinces. They targeted

    so many hectares for these

    technologies per year. This

    way, the benets of An

    Giangs success should spread

    to other rice-producing areas.

    Lorelei de la Cruz

    Water saving benefits An Giang and beyond

    Rat trapping, Lao PDR, JanuaryDiscussions, Lao PDR, January

    Rat hunting, Vietnam, April

    Weeding, Myanmar, February

    Water workshop,Philippines, March

    Nutrient Manager training,Indonesia, April

    Village market boards,Cambodia, April

    Airtight cocoon storage,Cambodia, May

    Stakeholders meeting, Lao PDR, JuneResearch-to-impact workshop,

    Philippines, September

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    9/12re Janary-March 2009

    Dr. Savarys prescription for crop health

    Ever wondered what a

    scientists life is like?

    Dr. Serge Savary of

    the Irrigated Rice Research

    Consortium (IRRC) intimates:Its a lot of work. Its at least

    60 hours of work per week,

    and Im not counting, really.

    There is no break at all , ever.

    Yet, the 57-year-old

    French plant pathologist

    willingly devoted his life

    to his eld. Born in Addis

    Ababa, the capital city of

    Ethiopia, Dr. Savary grew

    up with the desire to work

    for the developing world. He

    explains, Everybody knowsthat the world is unequal,

    that there are poor people in

    the world. So, its a voca-

    tional thing for me, work-

    ing not only for myself.

    Learning the ropesAt 22, while working at

    ORSTOM and the Research

    Institute for Development

    (IRD) in Montpellier, France,

    Dr. Savary got his agricultur-

    al engineering degree in the

    Ecole Nationale Suprieure

    dAgronomie, also in Mont-

    pellier. Contrary to

    the popular notion

    that agricultural

    engineering is all

    about machinery,

    Dr. Savary explains, In

    France, it goes far beyond

    machinery. It covers econom-

    ics, agronomy, social sci-

    ences, plant health, molecularbiology, food processing,

    and microbiotechnology.

    Dr. Savary spent 9 years

    in Cte dIvoire, doing vari-

    ous research activities such

    as a systematic inventory

    of plant diseases, particu-

    larly those of vegetables and

    legumes. His work often

    took him to many countries

    in West Africa to work with

    colleagues he learned much

    from. At the end of his stay in

    Cte dIvoire, he was offered

    a fellowship at Wagenin-

    gen Agricultural University

    in the Netherlands, wherehe nished his doctorate

    in phytopathology. Plant

    pathology involves biology,

    mathematics, microclimatol-

    ogy, physics, social sci-

    ences, economics, chemistry,

    and plant physiology, he

    said. Again, theres a lot

    of integrated sciences and,

    therefore, that makes it an

    exciting eld of education.

    The specialistDr. Savary rst crossed

    paths with the International

    Rice Research Institute

    (IRRI) in 1991. His early

    analyses of rice diseases, in-

    sect pests, and weeds, as well

    as crop management, led to a

    joint research between IRRI

    and the IRD: My research at

    IRRI offered me the unique

    opportunity to work with

    outstanding support staff

    (from whom I learned what I

    know about rice) and excep-

    tional scientic personalities.

    Modeling careerEight years later, Dr.

    Savary was doing modeling

    halfway around the world, but

    not the glamorous kind. Thehardworking scientist was

    in Costa Rica from 1999 to

    2002 studying how to manage

    diseases on farms in the trop-

    ics using simulation modeling

    and experiments on planta-

    tions. His team worked on

    biocomplexity, which, simply

    put, refers to the complex pro-

    cesses, adaptations, and in-

    terplay of the many elements

    present on tropical farms.

    Blazing a trail forthe French

    Surprisingly, in France,

    plant disease epidemiology

    had neither been taught in the

    universities nor were there

    advanced-level books on the

    eld in French. So, Dr. Savary

    took up the challenge of de-

    veloping courses and course

    materials, as well as teaching

    both large and small classes.

    Although he found it difcult

    to teach students who had no

    background in crop protec-

    tion, Dr. Savary knew

    it had to be done.

    And, when some of

    his students became

    interested in plant

    protection, plant pathology,

    and plant disease epidemiol-

    ogy, he found this new experi-

    ence extremely rewarding.

    Making history withhealthy crops

    Today, Dr. Savary is back

    at IRRI. He heads the new

    Crop Health Work Group of

    the IRRC, formed as part of

    the Consortiums fourth phase,

    which started in January.

    In the rare times that

    Dr. Savary is not at work, he

    reads history books. So, its no

    surprise that he uses histori-

    cal events as an analogy to the

    issues on crop health today.

    Imagine being a doc-

    tor in the UK in the 1800s

    during the Industrial Revolu-tion, he said. Biology was

    just emerging. Many diseases

    were being discovered, many

    of them related to the way

    of life, the quality of nutri-

    tion or water, and working

    conditions. A medical doctor

    then faced dramatic, often

    widespread, public health

    situations. Today, doctors

    in the UK face completely

    different situations, but they

    have a better understanding ofsocial systems, of the health of

    elderly people, as well as the

    psychological effects of health.

    What crop health is fac-

    ing today is relatively similar.

    We need to clearly understand

    this coevolution between crop

    health and production situa-

    tions. Change is on the way,

    and, inevitably, this will have

    consequences for crop health.

    But, we dont know what those

    consequences are likely to

    be. New technologies are also

    associated with new prob-

    lems. Im not saying that the

    problems are becoming worse.

    Im saying that the problems

    are becoming different.

    This is why work contin-

    ues for plant pathologists like

    Dr. Savary. In fact, his work

    at the IRRC has just begun.

    But, at a time when many

    scientists are busy trying tomake a big impact with their

    work, Dr. Savary prefers not

    to be obsessed with impact

    alone: One cannot imagine

    having impact if the science

    behind it is not good. Contrib-

    ute rst to the science, then

    you can expect impact.

    Lorelei de la Cruz


    For IRRCs new phase, Dr. Savary isset to conduct eld experiments andimprove the Rice Knowledge Bank.(Photo, IRRI archive)

    Everybody knows that the world is unequal,

    that there are poor people in the world. So, its a

    vocational thing for me, working not only for myself.

  • 8/2/2019 Ripple Jan Mar 2009


    10re Janary-March 2009

    Sri Lankas champion in overcoming weedy rice

    Aside from water short-

    age and oods, weeds

    have become a major

    problem in the rice elds of

    Sri Lanka. More than 90%of the farmers practice direct

    seeding in nonpuddled elds.

    With the shift from trans-

    planting to direct seeding, and

    without the protective layer

    of water, different hard-to-

    manage weed species have

    infested the elds. Weedy

    rice, in particular, has become

    a major threat to rice elds in

    different parts of the country.

    When rice becomes a weedWeedy rice is believed

    to be either a natural hybrid

    of cultivated (Oryza sativa)

    and wild (O. rupogon and

    O. nivara) rice species or a

    result of de-domestication

    of cultivated rice. It was rst

    detected in Sri Lanka in 1992,

    but there was no serious threat

    then, says Dr. Anuru Abey-

    sekera, senior weed scientist

    and head of the Plant Protec-

    tion Division at the Depart-

    ment of Agricultures

    Rice Research and

    Development Insti-

    tute (RRDI). In 2007,

    however, in Ampara

    and Puttalam dis-

    tricts, many farmers

    complained that they

    could not cultivate

    their elds because

    of weedy rice, and

    yield losses were es-timated at 30100%.

    Now, the longevity

    of seed viability of

    weedy rice seeds col-

    lected from different

    areas in Sri Lanka

    is being studied.

    Dr. Abeysekera

    rst came to the

    International Rice

    Research Institute

    (IRRI) in 1985 for

    a 2-month weed training

    course. A specialist in botany

    and biochemistry, she began

    collaborative research with

    IRRI in the late 1990s withweed scientist Martin Mor-

    timer. In 2004, she started

    working with Dr. David

    Johnson under the Irrigated

    Rice Research Consortiums

    (IRRC) Phase 2, then with the

    Weed Ecology Work Group

    (now called Labor Productiv-

    ity). The strong partnership

    with the IRRC has since

    then continued. From 2005

    to 2007, she conducted eld

    surveys and experiments atthe RRDI, studying weedy

    rice, and comparing crop

    establishment and weed

    control practices to reduce

    yield losses to weeds under

    different rice environments.

    As the national coordina-

    tor for the herbicide testing

    program in Sri Lanka since

    1990, Dr. Abeysekera has

    been instrumental in check-

    ing and approving which

    herbicides sent by chemical

    companies can be used in

    the countrys rice elds.

    Farmers friendShe nds fulllment

    in working with farmers,

    visiting them in the elds

    and asking them about yield

    constraints. When I go to

    the eld, I do not go as a big

    boss but as a friend, she

    says. Farmers like it when

    researchers visit them. They

    are very recept ive. They even

    call me at home to ask about

    their eld problems. Shebelieves that researchers must

    go to the elds with extension

    workers to further help share

    technologies with farmers.

    Her days are lled with

    visits to the eld and admin-

    istrative work in the ofce,

    leaving very little time for

    relaxation. This is why she

    values her weekends with

    family, cooking for her

    23-year-old son, Chamara,

    who goes home from theuniversity, and her husband,

    Shelton, who is also RRDIs

    Plant Breeding Division head.

    During the interview, she

    fondly remembers enrolling

    her son in kindergarten in

    an international school near

    IRRI at the University of

    the Philippines Los Baos,

    where she obtained her PhD.

    Now, she continues work-

    ing with Dr. Johnson and

    IRRI weed scientists Joel Jan-

    iya and Ofe Namuco,

    whom she considers

    her long-time friends.

    One upcoming project

    is a video on weedy

    rice management in Sri

    Lanka, which has been

    translated into English.

    When asked about

    her future goals for

    her career, she shakes

    her head and smiles.Her main priority is to

    help the farmers. If

    the farmer is happy,

    reduces his losses due

    to weeds, and gets

    a good yield, then I

    have done my duty.

    Trina Mendoza

    Dr. Abeysekeras hands-on approachearns farmers trust as she shares

    her knowledge with them. (Photo byO. Namuco)

    LONG-TIME FRIENDS. Dr. Abeysekera with fellow weed scientist Ofe Namuco in their eld ofexpertise. (Photo by S. Panimbatan)

  • 8/2/2019 Ripple Jan Mar 2009

    11/12re Janary-March 2009

    Upcoming events(JanuaryMarch 2009)

    Training courseEcology and sociology of

    management of pests with empha-

    sis on rodents and weeds, Inter-

    national Rice Research Institute,Philippines, 16-27 March 2009.

    MeetingsPlanning meeting at the

    Rice Department, Bangkok,

    Thailand, 8-9 January 2009.

    Planning meeting and eld

    visit, MAS-DAR, Myanmar,

    12-16 January 2009.

    Planning meeting, Lao PDR,

    19-20 February 2009.

    Stakeholder meeting and learn-

    ing alliance for increasing rice

    productivity in An Giang, Viet-

    nam, 23-26 February 2009.

    PostproductionWork Group

    Stakeholder workshop at the Rice

    Department in Bangkok, Thailand, 8-9

    January 2009.

    Monitoring of ongoing activities

    and planning of IRRC Phase 4

    activities with national stakeholders in

    Myanmar, 11-22 January 2009.

    Postharvest stakeholder analysis

    in the Philippines, February-March


    Postharvest stakeholder analysis

    in Vietnam, March 2009.

    Participatory Impact Pathway

    Analysis workshop, Philippines, April

    2009; Vietnam, May 2009.

    Support to a PhilRice-Nong Lam

    University activity for the transfer of

    improved drying technology from

    Vietnam to the Philippines.

    Support to import mini combine

    harvester prototype into Myanmar.

    PublicationsBook chaptersBuresh RJ. 2008. Sustaining protable

    crop and nutrient management

    in paddy cultivation. In: Paddy

    soils, wetlands and healthy

    people. Proceedings of the12th International Symposium

    on Soil Revitalization, 31

    October 2008, Changwon,

    Korea. p. 72-87.

    Palis FG, Flor RJ, Singleton GR.

    2008. Agricultural extension:

    Institutional pluralism and

    innovations worldwide,

    Country: Philippines.

    In: Saravanan R, editor.

    Agricultural extension:

    worldwide innovations. New

    Delhi: New India Publishing

    Agency. p 333-370.

    International JournalsJacob J, Singleton GR, Hinds

    LA. 2008. Fertility control

    of rodent pests. Wildlife

    Research 2008. p 487-493.

    Chauhan BS, Johnson DE. 2008.

    Germination ecology

    of Chinese sprangletop

    (Leptochloa chinensis)

    in the Philippines. Weed

    Science. 56:820-825.

    Chauhan BS, Johnson DE. 2008.

    Seed germination and

    seedling emergence of nalta

    jute (Corchorus olitorius)

    and redweed (Melochia

    concatenata): important

    broadleaf weeds of the tropics.

    Weed Science. 56:814-819.

    Conference Proceedings

    Chauhan BS, Johnson DE. 2008.

    Inuence of tillage on patterns

    of weed seedling emergence in

    rice. In: Van Klinken RD, et al,

    editors. 16th Australian Weeds

    Conference Proceedings,

    Cairns, Queensland,

    Australia. Queensland

    Weeds Society. p 448-450.

    In Indonesia, the Assessment Institutes for

    Agricultural Technology continued disseminating the

    site-specic rice fertilization (SSRF) system in major

    rice-growing provinces during the fourth quarter of2008. SSRF is based on scientic principles developed

    through past collaborative research on site-specic nu-

    trient management (SSNM) for rice. It is being dissemi-

    nated to research and extension staff through a training

    module and an interactive computer-based decision tool

    namedPemupukan Padi Sawah Spesik Lokasi (PuPS).

    This tool provides farmers with specic fertilizer guide-

    lines designed for their own elds based on their own

    responses to a set of easy multiple-choice questions.

    In the Philippines, a computer-based decision tool

    calledNutrient Manager for Rice was released on CD in

    ve Philippine dialects in October 2008. TheNutrient

    Managerprovides farmers with fertilizer guidelines for

    their specic rice eld, variety, and growing condi-

    tions. An extension worker assists them in answering 10

    easy-to-answer multiple-choice questions, from which

    the fertilizer guidelines are derived. By March 2009,

    some 4,000 CDs should have been distributed across

    the country. The principles used inNutrient Manager

    are consistent with research ndings on SSNM for rice.

    Also in the Philippines, a computer-based teach-

    ing tool for undergraduate soil science and agronomy

    courses in agricultural colleges and universities was

    initially presented at a training workshop in Iloilo on

    22 October 2008. The tool was subsequently revised

    based on feedback from workshop participants. A beta

    version namedNutrient Optimizer for Rice, which

    helps identify the most protable integrated use of

    organic and manufactured sources of nutrient for

    rice, was released for evaluation in December 2008.

    Productivity and Sustainability

    Work Group Updates


    IRRC: Trina Leah Mendza, Grant Singletn,Lrelei de la Crz, Jennifer Hernandez

    CPS: Tess Rla, Bill HardyCoNTRIBuTING AuTHoRS: Martin Gmmert,

    Rland Bresh, Emma Qich,Khamouane Khamphoukeo,Tran Van Khanh, Nguyen Thanh Nghi,Nguyen Duc Canh, Carlito Balingbing,Rica Flor

    Editorial and production tEam

  • 8/2/2019 Ripple Jan Mar 2009


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