Page 1: Rise Of The Black Messiah | Know Your Enemy...Rise Of The Black Messiah | Know Your Enemy Welcome ladies and gentleman friends and enemies I am your host Dawid Yacob Maccabeus and

Rise Of The Black Messiah | Know Your Enemy

Welcome ladies and gentleman friends and enemies I am your host Dawid Yacob Maccabeus and your are listing to Signs and Wonders the broadcast that came right on time. Today’s date is October 8th 2011. Happy Sabbath day of rest and may AHYAH our Father bless and keep you.

Before I begin I will like to send a message to our father AHAYH and give credit to where credit is do. Father AHAYH....

This broadcast is titled “Rise Of The Black Messiah ”. To bring your memory back to the working of the FBI Counter Intelligence Program of 1956 called COINTELPEO. So what is COINTELPRO?“COINTELPRO (an acronym for Counter Intelligence Program) was a series of covert, and often illegal,[2] projects conducted by the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) aimed at surveilling, infiltrating, discrediting, and disrupting domestic political organizations. COINTELPRO tactics included discrediting targets through psychological warfare, planting false reports in the media, smearing through forged letters, harassment, wrongful imprisonment, extralegal violence and assassination.” Covert operations under COINTELPRO took place between 1956 and 1971; however, the FBI has used covert operations against domestic political groups since its inception. The FBI's stated motivation at the time was "protecting national security, preventing violence, and maintaining the existing social and political order” Now as I read this from wicked-pedia website. I want you to bring your attention to a subtle confession. And it reads: “however, the FBI has used covert operations against domestic political groups since its inception” Now keep this in mind because it is important. And it reads: “The FBI was established in 1908 as the Bureau of Investigation (BOI). Its name was changed to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in 1935. The FBI's main goal is to protect and defend the United States, to uphold and enforce the criminal laws of the United States, and to provide leadership and criminal justice services to federal, state, municipal, and (international agencies and partners).”

Now how many of you heard of Marcus Garvey? How many of you heard of J Edgar Hoover? How many of you heard of the J Edgar Hoover Building in Washington DC?

I ask these question, because wicked-pedia seems to want to distance the connection

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between Marcus Garvey and the FBI. Because it is a Fact that Hoover was hired specific to deal with Marcus Garvey way back in 1919.And it reads from wicked-pedia: “In a memorandum dated 11 October 1919, J. Edgar Hoover, special assistant to the Attorney General and head of the General Intelligence Division wrote a memorandum to Special Agent Ridgely regarding Marcus Garvey. In the memo, Hoover wrote that:“Unfortunately, however, he [Garvey] has not as yet violated any federal law whereby he could be proceeded against on the grounds of being an undesirable alien, from the point of view of deportation.” And here is another article from And it Reads:“After Hoover graduated in 1917, Hoover's uncle, a judge, helped him obtain a job in the U. S. Justice Department. Within two years, he was selected to be U.S. Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer's special assistant. At a time of increasing popular radicalism, Hoover quickly made his mark. He was given the responsibility of heading a new section of the Justice Department which was established to gather evidence on radical groups. As head of the new division, he was responsible for organizing the arrest and deportation of suspected Communists and radicals in the United States. Marcus Garvey soon rose to the top of Hoover's list. Federal agents, in collaboration with the New York City police, ...NOW (Dose this sound familiar)had begun to report on Garvey's speeches as early as 1917. But as Universal Negro Improvement Association membership and the circulation of The Negro World newspaper ballooned in 1919, Hoover himself targeted Garvey. Referring to Garvey as a "notorious negro agitator,"

Now I am not going to get into Marcus Garvey yet this is for latter in these broadcasts. I just want to expose the deception of COINTELPRO and the real reason and date it was created. It was not 1956, but much earlier. The moment men like Marcus Garvey started to wake up. Hoover was hired and put in charge of his own department of suppression and deportation. Now listen to what the FBI says it's program was for ...AFTER it was exposed in 1971.And it Reads: “It was created to “Prevent the coalition of militant Black nationalists groups, Prevent the rise of a (Black) messiah who could unify and electrify the militant Black nationalist movement. Prevent Black nationalist groups and leaders from gaining respectability by discrediting them to the community; a final goal should be to prevent the long-range growth of militant Black nationalists organizations especially among youth.” Notice how many times they use the word Black Nationalist in this confession. Now keep this in mind. This comes from the words of the FBI COINTELPRO.

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So what is a black nationalist? And it Reads:“Black nationalism (BN) advocates a racial definition (or redefinition) of indigenous national identity, as opposed to multiculturalism. There are different indigenous nationalist philosophies but the principles of all African nationalist ideologies are unity, and self-determination or independence from European society.”

Okay now now pay attention to these dates: Here are a list of Black Nationalist that are listed in this article.“Martin Delany(1812-1885) is considered to be the grandfather of African nationalism. Inspired by the apparent success of the Haitian Revolution, the origins of African indigenous nationalism in political thought lie in the 19th century with people like Marcus Garvey(1887-1940), Henry McNeal Turner(1834-1915), Martin Delany(1812-1885), Henry Highland Garnet(1815-1882 ), Edward Wilmot Blyden(1832-1912 ), Paul Cuffe(1759 -1817 ), etc.

The repatriation of African American slaves to Liberia or Sierra Leone was a common African nationalist theme in the 19th century. Marcus Garvey's Universal Negro Improvement Association of the 1910s and 1920s was the most powerful black nationalist movement to date, claiming 11 million members.”

Okay now the COINTELPRO document was written in the 60's but Black Nationalism goes why back to the 18th and 19th century. Ever since the Haitian Revolution of 1791-1804 the European ruling class had a policy of suppression and genocide. Think about it if this program was not exposed in 1971 they would still be killing us by stealth instead of out in the open. Think about the exposure of the drugs being pushed on black communities. Which was reported by Gary Webb whom was killed in 2004 for exposing it. Have you ever heard of Rick Rose? He explains how they created the Crack epidemic thru the CIA, or the exposure of Planned Parent Hood's Eugenics project as seen in the film Maafa 21, or the incarceration of over a million black men and women in the United Snakes prison system, or the destruction of and starvation of the Haitian people. The starvation of Ethiopia people and Yemen people, the Somalia people and the people of Rwanda or the oppression of South Africa and the latest booming of black Africans and usurpation of Libya. You see the exposure of COINTELPRO is just the tip of the iceberg. The problem with the Hebrews and other people of color is we fail to realize that we have an enemy. An enemy that is driven by the total destruction of every last one of us. If this statement sound harsh then hang on. After this broadcast you will know 100% whom this enemy is and why they FEAR THE RISE OF THE BLACK MESSIAH.

Okay here is a quick Audio File exposing the Crack in Black Communities.

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The CIA and Crack Cocaine 3:17

No I am going to read you a quote from a European Novelist named Milan Kundera. This will give you a peek behind the veil into the mind of the usurper.

And It Reads:“The first step in liquidating a people is to erase its memory. Destroy its books, its culture Its history. Then have somebody write new books, manufacturer a new culture, invent a new history. Before long that nation will begin to forget what it is and what it was...The struggle of man against power is the struggle of MEMORY against forgetting.” Okay now dose this blueprint sound familiar?Quote from J Edgar Hoover:“The forces which are most anxious to weaken our internal security are not always easy to identify. Communists have been trained in deceit and secretly work toward the day when they hope to replace our American way of life with a Communist dictatorship. They utilize cleverly camouflaged movements, such as peace groups and civil rights groups to achieve their sinister purposes. While they as individuals are difficult to identify, the Communist party line is clear. Its first concern is the advancement of Soviet Russia and the godless Communist cause. It is important to learn to know the enemies of the American way of life.” Keep in mind Communism and Capitalism are cut from the same cloths. Tools of the ruling elite. Just as Hoover was a tool of the Elite. So here is the question, Who are the enemies of the American way of life?

Here is from a document entitled:

INTELLIGENCE ACTIVITIES AND THE RIGHTS OF AMERICANS – And it reads:“Since the re-establishment of federal domestic intelligence programs in 1936, there has been a steady increase in the government's capability and willingness to pry into, and even disrupt, the political activities and personal lives of the people. Ultimately, however, intelligence activity was directed against domestic groups advocating change in America, particularly those who most vigorously opposed the Vietnam war or sought to improve the conditions of racial minorities. Similarly, the targets of intelligence investigations were broadened from groups perceived to be violence prone to include groups of ordinary protesters.”Okay now notice the words Racial Minorities. Keep in mind this was re-establishment d back in 1936. This date 1936 is very important. Because they used this program to destroy Marcus Garvey starting in 1919...way before there was a threat of communism.Okay now what did J Edgar Hoover say in his quote? “It is important to learn to know

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the enemies of the American way of life.” Keep your mind on these words LEARN TO KNOW THE ENEMIES. You see they consider us the enemy. They know us completely. They know what we like to eat. What we like to watch on TV. What we like to listen to. What kind of soap we us. Hair products we use. Where we live. How many baby mammas we have. They know everything about us and we don't even know we have an enemy. We really need to wake up. Now I am going to read a quote out of a book called The Art Of War and the reason why I NEED to read this book, is because it is a book that is studied by the ENEMY. Quoted by the Enemy and Used by the Enemy. You will see this book in the possession of the controllers of Wall Street. Or in the possession of those that reach extremely high positions of power.

Okay now listen to this. It is taken out of the book The Art Of War:

• “So it is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you can win a hundred battles without a single loss.

• If you only know yourself, but not your opponent, you may win or may lose.• If you know neither yourself nor your enemy, you will always endanger


This has been interpreted and condensed into the modern proverb:• If you know both yourself and your enemy, you can win numerous

(literally, 'a hundred') battles without jeopardy. “

So what is this saying and how dose this relate to us? You see we as a people do not know who we are! And we don't even know WE HAVE an enemy! HOW CAN WE WIN IN THIS STATE. But if we wake up to who we are and understand that WE are The Seed Of Yacob. And learn that the ENEMY is the one that Gave us his religion, Created the laws of bondage, Gave us our leaders, Controls our wealth, Murderers our children, Enslaves our people, Stole our names and our heritage, Is sitting in the seat of Yacob. If we wake up to this. THEN we will KNOW OUR ENEMY and KNOW OURSELF. Then we will when hundreds of battles without jeopardy. (The Art Of WAR)

Okay now listen to this quote again from Milan Kundera:“The first step in liquidating a people is to erase its memory. Destroy its books, its culture Its history. Then have somebody write new books, manufacturer a new culture, invent a new history. Before long that nation will begin to forget what it is and what it was...The struggle of man against power is the struggle of MEMORY against forgetting.” Now ask yourself a question. Did this happen to someone you know? Did this scenario

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happen to the people of the Transatlantic Slave Trade?Okay now the Million Dollar Question is this. Who is the enemy? And it reads:Genesis 3:15:“And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.”

Lets take a look at the definition for the word ENMITY:

" enmity, hostility, antipathy, antagonism, animosity, rancor, animus mean deep-seated dislike or ill will. enmity suggests positive hatred which may be open or concealed <an unspoken enmity>. hostility suggests an enmity showing itself in attacks or aggression <hostility between the two nations>. antipathy and antagonism imply a natural or logical basis for one's hatred or dislike, antipathy suggesting repugnance, a desire to avoid or reject, and antagonism suggesting a clash of temperaments leading readily to hostility <a natural antipathy for self-seekers> <antagonism between the brothers>. animosity suggests intense ill will and vindictiveness that threaten to kindle hostility <animosity that led to revenge>. rancor is especially applied to bitter brooding over a wrong <rancor filled every line of his letters>. animus adds to animosity the implication of strong prejudice <objections devoid of personal animus> ”

So now once again. In whom dose this seed of ENIMTY reside? We are going to find this out TODAY. Also if you would like a deeper insight. I suggest you listen to The Seed Of The Serpent and the Amalekite deception. Use that broadcast with this one and began to put the pieces together. Okay the problem is that The Hebrews Of The Seed Of Yacob are at WAR and we don't even know it. We are blinded for a reason, because if we realize we are at WAR then the battle would be won.

Now I am going to read 2 Chronicles 7 : 14 listen to this like you never listen to it before. With new ears, Knowing who you are. “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” What is this word Humble?

To not be proud or arrogant; to be modest: to be humble although successful.

H3665A primitive root; properly to bend the knee; hence to humiliate, vanquish: - bring down (low), into subjection, under, humble (self), subdue.

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You see the battle is won. All we have to do is know WHO WE ARE and once we know who we are we will know what to do.

Now the other side of the coin is to know Who this Enemy is. I am going to do this by giving a little insight into the systematic destruction of The Seed of Yacob in a land that is not there's. Okay now I am going to read Genesis 15 and after I am going to show you where and how in History this was fulfilled.

And It Reads:“And when the sun was going down, a deep sleep fell upon Abram; and, lo, an horror of great darkness fell upon him. And he said unto Abram, Know of a surety that thy seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs, and shall serve them; and they shall afflict them four hundred years”

By now we should know that the Hebrews did not SERVE the Egyptians for 400 years. They served the Egyptians for only 130 years. They served the Hyksos for 80 years under Yoseph, so we have a total of 210 years not 400 years. Now if this is the case then which people on the earth where enslaved for 400 years? And It Reads: “ And also that nation, whom they shall serve, will I judge: and afterward shall they come out with great substance. And thou shalt go to thy fathers in peace; thou shalt be buried in a good old age. But in the fourth generation they shall come hither again: for the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet full.”Now this inequity of the Amorites is speaking about the Hyksos that made Yoseph the ruler of Egypt. How do I know this? Because we have to count the fourth generation of Abram. Who was of the fourth Generation? Lets see Issac One, Yacob Two, Yoseph Three, Yahushua Four. Yahushua(Joshua) meant the Hyksos aka Amorites aka Amalekites to clear them out of the land of Canaan which was the land of Shem. Okay now listen to this prophecy: “But in the fourth generation they shall come hither again: for the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet full.” Okay now listen to this: Deuteronomy 25:17 “Remember what Amalek did unto thee by the way, when ye were come forth out of Egypt” Okay now what this is referencing to is when Moses and the Seed Of Yacob left Egypt during the Exodus. Keep this in mind. The Hyksos where forced out of Egypt under the the knew Pharaoh that came from the South. When YAHUWAH destroyed Pharaoh and his army at the Read Sea they where easy pickings ready for another round of usurpation. So as the Hebrews where coming out they Amalekites where going back in. Now when did this happen? In the fourth Generation of Abraham. Joshua which should be pronounced YAHUSHUA and Moses represented this Fourth Generation. If you read the book of Jasher everything will become clear.Okay I will continue to read:

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“And it came to pass, that, when the sun went down, and it was dark, behold a smoking furnace, and a burning lamp that passed between those pieces. In the same day the Most High made a covenant with Abram, saying, Unto thy seed have I given this land, from the river of Egypt unto the great river, the river Euphrates” Okay now those of you that listened to my previous broadcast we read in the book of Jubilees that Cannann took his uncle Shems land by sedition, so Shem did not have land after this. But then Amalek came and Usurped the Seed Of Ham. This is very important to understand. Now I am going to read the closing of this Chapter. And It Reads: “And he said unto Abram, Know of a surety that thy seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs, and shall serve them; and they shall afflict them four hundred years” Like I said before what nation on this earth has been enslaved for the past 400 years? You see in order for you to understand this prophecy you have to know who the people are. If you think they are the state of Israel calling them selves Jews then you are looking in the wrong direction.The power of the Enemy is the art of deception. He becomes his victim, takes there history culture resources and becomes filthy rich. Now look around who fits this description. Know Your Enemy. Now listen to the blueprint one more time:“The first step in liquidating a people is to erase its memory. Destroy its books, its culture Its history. Then have somebody write new books, manufacturer a new culture, invent a new history. Before long that nation will begin to forget what it is and what it was...The struggle of man against power is the struggle of MEMORY against forgetting.”

Okay now I advice you to read: The Invention Of the Jewish people by Solomon Sand.From Babylon to Timbuktu by Rudolph WindsorStolen Legacy by George M JamesThe secret relationships between Blacks and Jews. By J and LT LevinThe Jewish onslaught by Tony MartinChosen people from the Caucasus by Michael BradleyReturn to Glory The Powerful Stirring of the Black Race - Joel Freeman, Don GriffinBlack Wall Street by Hannibal B Johnson Start with these book to regain your memory and get back your POWER!Okay now I want to take you to the time of the 400 year captivity spoken of in Genesis 15. The purpose of this broadcast is to show who The Seed Of Yacob are and to expose who the Enemy of Yacob Is. You see the Seed Of the serpent keeps his enemy close. Real close so close that he wants to become HIM, but he can't be HIM while Yacob still exists, So the serpent will do whatever it takes to eliminate HIM. Now I am going to

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give a few examples in history where we can see the serpent at work, and there is no better place to start then with a man by the name of Prince Hall. So Who Is Prince Hall?Audio File Prince Hall_Masonry 2:42“Prince Hall (c.1735[1] – December 7, 1807),[2] was a tireless abolitionist and a leader of the free black community in Boston. Hall tried to gain New England’s enslaved and free blacks a place in some of the most crucial spheres of society, Freemasonry, education and the military. He is considered the founder of “Black Freemasonry” in the United States, known today as Prince Hall Freemasonry. Hall formed the African Grand Lodge of North America. Prince Hall was unanimously elected its Grand Master and served until his death in 1807. He also lobbied tirelessly for education rights for black children and a back-to-Africa movement. Many historians regard Prince Hall as one of the more prominent African American leaders throughout the early national-period of the United States.”

Okay now I would like you to place your mind on a statement that was read: “Prince Hall was unanimously elected its Grand Master and served until his death in 1807. He also lobbied tirelessly for education rights for black children and a back-to-Africa movement.” Now keep in mind Black Freemasonry at this time was subservient to White Freemasonry. What power did Prince Hall have to lobby for a Back To Africa Movement? Okay now here are a few historical account pertaining to Prince Hall:The Civil War Of 1776“Prince Hall urged the enlistment of both enslaved and freed blacks for the attempt to free the American colonies from British control. Hall was concerned with the development of the colonies if they gained independence. He was certain that involvement of blacks in the construction of the new nation would be the first step toward the complete freedom for all blacks. The Massachusetts Committee of Safety declined Hall’s proposal to allow blacks the opportunity to fight for the colonies. Prince Hall and supporters of his cause petitioned the Committee by comparing Britain’s ruling of the colonies with the enslavement of blacks. A proclamation from England guaranteed blacks that if they enlisted in the British army instead of the Continental they would be freed at the end of the war. Only after the British Army began to use blacks in their troops did the Colonial Army change its decision to block admission of blacks into the military.”Okay now please do not let this pass you by, because it is important.“A proclamation from England guaranteed blacks that if they enlisted in the British army instead of the Continental they would be freed at the end of the war.”

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Okay now did this happen? Did Great Britain or the Newly Formed United States Of America of 1776 free the slaves? NO! But notice how they both used us in their Wars. So is this telling us that if Prince Hall did not inspire the slaves to fight in the War. Then the Unites Snakes Of America would not exist?So what did the slave do after they where lied to? Did they lobby congress and the United States senate? NO! They went back to work as slaves. As America was free from Great Britain. The deceived slaves remained slaves. And it was not until the 13 year Haitian Uprising of 1791–1804 that freedom became an option. Okay now I am going to go over a little history because it is important for this broadcast. Now remember this is called The Rise Of The Black Messiah. The FBI created COINTELPRO to keep the black man under the thumb of White-supremacy. Now here is a little history on how we became partially free.

Okay so how did we get to the Slave Trade Act 1807?

Slave Trade Act 1807And it Reads:“The Slave Trade Act (citation 47 Geo III Sess. 1 c. 36) was an Act of Parliament of the United Kingdom passed on 25 March 1807, with the long title "An Act for the Abolition of the Slave Trade". The original act is in the Parliamentary Archives. The act abolished the slave trade in the British Empire, but not slavery itself; slavery on English soil was unsupported in English law and that position was confirmed in Somersett's Case in 1772, but it remained legal in most of the British Empire until the Slavery Abolition Act 1833. Okay now I know you caught that.”“The act abolished the slave trade in the British Empire, but not slavery itself; slavery on English soil was unsupported in English law”

Okay now here is a little Back Ground. And it Reads:“The Committee for the Abolition of the Slave Trade formed in 1787 was formed by a group of Evangelical English Protestants allied with Quakers to unite in their shared opposition to slavery and the slave trade. The Quakers had long viewed slavery as immoral, a blight upon humanity.”

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Now this is important. If you read the history of the Religious Society of Friends AKA Quaker you will read that they where hated in The American Colonies and Great Britain. But the Quakers got into the British Parliament and pushed for the Abolishment. They had a cause because Great Britain told the slaves if you fight in the WAR then you will be free. Now this is how the first Freed slaves from America and Great Britain came back to the Mother Land of Africa, but there was a problem. Like Egypt Pharaoh did not want to let the people go. Sierra Leone was pushed by the Christian coalition at the time called the Church Mission Society. They setup the Sierra Leone Company which became the African Institution, Which of course became over run by usurpers that eventually used Sierra Leona's free Africans to extract it's titanium, diamonds, cocoa, rubber, coffee, ginger, bauxite and of course exploit the free labor. So I wounder if Britain and America lied to the soldiers of the War of Independence?

Now what dose it say in John 8:44?John 8:44: “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.” Genesis 3:15: “And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.”

Now remember the Million Dollar Question? Who is the enemy? Okay as we continue with the Slave Trade Act Of 1807

“By 1807 the abolitionist groups had a very sizable faction of like-minded members in the British Parliament. At their height they controlled 35–40 seats. Known as the "Saints", the alliance was led by William Wilberforce. They often saw their personal battle against slavery as a divinely ordained crusade. In addition, many who were formerly neutral on the slavery question were swayed to the abolitionist side from security concerns after the successful slave revolt leading to the Haitian Revolution in 1804.” Okay now lets read that part again.“In addition, many who were formerly neutral on the slavery question were swayed to the abolitionist side from security concerns after the successful slave revolt leading to the Haitian Revolution in 1804. “ Okay Now Lets Now Over Look This!Civil War 1776 no freedom. Free Slave Committee of 1787 no freedom Haitian Revolution in 1804 freedom in 1807. So the only reason why the slaves where

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free not because of some mural wake-up call. It was (FEAR) “They were swayed to the abolitionist side from security concerns after the successful slave revolt leading to the Haitian Revolution in 1804”So all of use are free because of the Haitians. Now take a look at Haiti. Look at how the Western Nations thru the UN and IMF are destroying that country. Look at the famine and earthquake that killed over 200000 people. Do you think your looking at pay back By the enemy?

Okay what about the so called freedom? Now remember that line from the “Act for the Abolition of the Slave Trade of 1807” that said:“The act abolished the slave trade in the British Empire, but not slavery itself; slavery on English soil was unsupported in English law”And It Read:“Slavery was officially abolished in most of the British Empire on 1 August 1834.[9] In practical terms, however, only slaves below the age of six were freed, as all slaves over the age of six were redesignated as "apprentices". The Act also included the right of compensation for slave-owners who would be losing their property. The amount of money to be spent on the compensation claims was set at "the Sum of Twenty Millions Pounds Sterling".[10] Under the terms of the Act the British government raised £20 million to pay out in compensation for the loss of the slaves as business assets to the registered owners of the freed slaves.”Okay noticed how we where called PROPERTY and if you where over six year old in 1834. Your ass was still a slave. That means that when the 6 year old child was old enough to remember that he was a slave he was already brainwashed. Think about it. Now as we proceed. We are going to learn the methods used to brainwash The Seed Of Yacob so that they would never Rise Up As A people.Okay now I want to make one more point about the so called abolishment of slavery. I am going to read something to you. Now see if you can hear the deception taken from Wicked Pedia.

And It Reads: “Between 1808 and 1860, the West Africa Squadron seized approximately 1,600 slave ships and freed 150,000 Africans who were aboard.[3] Action was also taken against African leaders who refused to agree to British treaties to outlaw the trade, for example against "the usurping King of Lagos", deposed in 1851. Anti-slavery treaties were signed with over 50 African rulers.”

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Okay this is speaking about the effect of the 1807 free trade act. People will read this and say see 50 African Rules still sold slaves until 1851, but noticed the example they gave us. “Action was also taken against African leaders who refused to agree to British treaties to outlaw the trade, for example against "the usurping King of Lagos"So what is a Usurper King? This is talking about when Portugal went into African and Usurped the Kings along with Spain. They usurped the Kingdoms of Africa. The true Africa Kings where not in control. If you where a Kingdom on the Coast of Africa and you had slaves do you think they could stop the Europeans from taking them? Now listen to this:“As a notable exception to the rest of the British Empire, the Act did not "extend to any of the Territories in the Possession of the East India Company, or to the Island of Ceylon, or to the Island of Saint Helena."So this is telling us that the Slave Trade did not end at all. This was a take-over. The Big Fish ate the little fish. Think about it The usurper kings which where the Europeans of SPAIN and PORTUGAL controlled the coastal Kingdoms of Africa. The East India Company which was The British Empires Opium drug dealing operation. Still traded with these usurper Kings. So the ones that where not apart of this inner circle where destroyed by what is call color of law. The Slave Trade turned into the Scramble for Africa. Now the East India Trading Company was exempt from the Act for the Abolition of the Slave Trade of 1807. If this is the case then who did THEY buy and sell slaves with?... THE USURPER KINGS. And who where the usurper kings?... The Europeans of Spain and Portugal. And who where they?... We will get into this later in this or the next broadcast, but first lets get back to Prince Hall.Okay before we continue with Prince Hall I would challenge you to do research on The India East Trading Company. The Company that was exempt from the Abolishment of the Slave Trade. You should research an event called The Bengal Famine Of 1770. If you do you will see the crimes of the East India Company and notice a pattern of Genocide. You will also notice the blueprint and see the Amalekites all over this company.

BACK TO PRINCE HALL:Okay now I wanted to go over this brief history for two reason. One to show the connection between Prince Hall, Slavery and the American Revolution. And Two to show the connections between the 400 years of slavery in Genesis 15:13 and the connection to the Enemy spoken of in Genesis 3 :15.

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Now I am going to read a little more about Prince Hall again - And it reads: “Prince Hall urged the enlistment of both enslaved and freed blacks for the attempt to free the American colonies from British control. Hall was concerned with the development of the colonies if they gained independence. He was certain that involvement of blacks in the construction of the new nation would be the first step toward the complete freedom for all blacks.” Now in away Hall was right, because there lie back fired on them. Back to Prince Hall. If you recall Hall was one of the first to express the desire for the Hebrews to go back to the mother Land. But we have to keep this in mind Prince Hall was under the control of the British branch of Freemasonry when he was inspired by the Back-to-Africa movement. When you read it explains how the American branch of Masonry did not allow him to create a lodge for Black people. It was the British Empire that granted Prince Hall permission to create a lodge. Now keep this in mind. If the Hebrews did not fight for America then Britain would have won the War and America would not be free. So the Empire LOST (so we are told)! Then why would they grant the enemy permission to create a Lodge under there house? Three words (ART OF WAR)

Now you should take note that the Seed of the Serpent travels from the Father. Just like the Seed Of Yacob travels from the Father. So if the Father is a Hebrew the Child is a Hebrew. Okay now Prince Hall was the son of a Slave Master and his mother was a daughter of a Slave Master, so here is the question was Prince Hall a Hebrew? Also has Freemasonry helped our people or harmed our people? Is Freemasonry of The Most High? Is Freemasonry considered Satanic? And what plans did the British Empire have for Prince Hall? Keep in mind we are dealing with THE BRITISH EMPIRE the core the root of Freemasonry. What was there plans for Prince Hall? At this time they where colonizing for hundreds of years. They knew slaves where going to be free because of the free-slave movements popping up in England. They still needed free labor. They needed to stay in power. The fact is that they never intended to stop the slave trade. So here is the question. Are the slaves truly free?

Okay now let me prove my point I am going to read you something:“The Slavery Abolition Act 1833 was repealed in its entirety under the Statute Law (Repeals) Act 1998. However, this repeal has not made slavery legal again, as sections of the Slave Trade Act 1824, Slave Trade Act 1843 and Slave Trade Act 1873 are still in force. In addition the Human Rights Act 1998 incorporates into British Law Article 4 of

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the European Convention on Human Rights which prohibits the holding of persons as slaves.”

Okay I would advice you to research this British Statute Law. Because the Acts Of 1824,1843 and 1873 only dealt with the suppression of Slavery. The Human Rights Act of 1998 is worthless. You know this by researching modern slavery all over the third world. So the question is this. Why did they repeal the Act in 1998, and if slavery is only suppressed threw out dated laws is slavery now legal again? Well lets see.

Okay now listen to this article on Child Slavery And It Reads:“The abolition of slavery in much of the world has greatly reduced child slavery, the phenomenon lives on, especially in Third World countries. According to the Anti-Slavery Society, "Although there is no longer any state which legally recognizes, or which will enforce, a claim by a person to a right of property over another, the abolition of slavery does not mean that it ceased to exist. There are millions of people throughout the world — mainly children — in conditions of virtual slavery, as well as in various forms of servitude which are in many respects similar to slavery." It further notes that slavery, particularly child slavery, was on the rise in 2003.”

Okay now if you think about it the Transatlantic Slave trade is still happening, I will speak on this later. For now I am going to play a quick audio file to let you listen to an example of modern day slavery. Play Audio File:

Ivory Coast Chocolate 4:18

Okay now after listening to this audio file the question is this. Is slavery still in existence? And what people where still in slaved? Have you heard of The Usurper Kings? Is Ivory Coast on the Coast of Africa? Did France colonialism and enslave Africans? Who owns 60% of the resources in Ivory Coast? Who made part of that 1 trillion dollar profit off of these slaves. And only paid 5 million to ease the suffering of the slaves? Have you ever heard of Guitard Chocolate, Nestle Chocolate, M&M Chocolate, or Bloomer Chocolate? How about the Archer Daniel Mifland Company? You see European and American cooperation still benefit from the Slave Trade. The IMF Of the United Nation holds billions in Dept. The resources are sold for pennies never paying the dept and the people are sold into Slaver as the beat goes on and on. So the question remains where we ever FREE or was it the illusion of freedom?

Okay now back to Prince Hall.Buy now your eyes should being to see the Principalities at work here. Keep in mind all

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of this is working thru Freemasonry and inner circles called the Bourgeoisie. We will get into the Bourgeoisie later, but first lets close on Prince Hall.Now Hall was the first Black Grandmaster of Freemasonry he was 1 /4 black and still his white counter parts did not accept him. He had to wait until The British Empire allowed him to create a Masonry Lodge. Here is an article that explains how his masonic Caucasian brothers treated him. And it Reads:

“A problem quickly arose for black men wishing to become Masons in the newly formed United States: the members of a Lodge must agree unanimously in an anonymous vote to accept a petitioner to receive the degrees. As a consequence of the unanimity requirement, if just one member of a lodge did not want black men in his Lodge, his vote was enough to cause the petitioner's rejection. This sentiment can be seen in the letter of General Albert Pike to his brother in 1875 where he says, “ I am not inclined to mettle in the matter. I took my obligations to white men, not to niggers. When I have to accept niggers as brothers or leave Masonry, I shall leave it.” Thus, although exceptions did exist, Masonic Lodges and Grand Lodges in the United States generally excluded African Americans.” So Prince Hall fights in the Civil Wars helps the newly formed united snake push back The British Empire and his masonic brothers would not even let him join there lodge.” You know I Always wondered about this point. If Albert Pike suspected Grand Wizard and creator of Ku Klux Klan. And other KKK members fellow masonic racist, evil, rapist, murdering snakes threaten to leave Masonry if they had to accept niggers as brother. Then why would these Prince Hall Masons still honor this demon named Albert Pike? One Answer (SELL OUT)

Play Audio File if time: about prince hall masonry:Okay at the start of this broadcast I was speaking about COINTELPRO and how the FBI was spying, assassinating and destroying any black man that wanted to advance his people. And how in there own words quoted from J Edgar Hoover “Prevent the coalition of militant Black nationalists groups, Prevent the rise of a (Black) messiah who could unify and electrify the militant Black nationalist movement.” Okay I am coming to a part in the broadcast that is crucial to understand. Now remember Prince Hall was one of the first to speak about the Back to Africa movement in the 1700s. Now what if I told you that the Back To Africa movement was hijacked and used to Colonize and enslave the people of Africa. What if I told you that the 13000 African Americans sent to Liberia where used to suppress the indigenous people and the resources of that country would you believe it? Well before you answer yes lets do a little research.

This is from the History Of Liberia and It Reads:Americo-Liberian domination and suppression.

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“The Americo-Liberians had been cut off from their African cultural inheritance by the conditions of slavery, and were entirely acculturated to contemporary Euro-America society.” Okay now this word acculturated means as followed:“The process of adopting the cultural traits or social patterns of another group."the adoption and assimilation of an alien culture” Now keep this in mind the African American is a victim of Warfare. The purpose of this broadcast is for use to (Know Our Enemy) now do you recall the blueprint?

“The first step in liquidating a people is to erase its memory. Destroy its books, its culture Its history. Then have somebody write new books, manufacturer a new culture, invent a new history. Before long that nation will begin to forget what it is and what it was...The struggle of man against power is the struggle of MEMORY against forgetting.” Keep in mind the purpose of Signs and Wonders is to deprogram the lost sheep and destroy the effects of mind control.. Now back to the article.They were entirely acculturated to contemporary Euro-America society.They were of mixed African and European ancestry and therefore generally lighter-skinned than the indigenous blacks. Crucially, they had absorbed beliefs in the religious superiority of Protestant Christianity, the cultural superiority of European civilization, and the aesthetic superiority of European skin color and hair texture.Now think about these brain washed fools that where allowed to settle in Africa. Taking about light skin color and hair texture. (“aesthetic superiority of European skin color and hair texture”) Lets not over look at the use of this word aesthetic.aesthetic connected with aesthetics or its principlesa. relating to pure beauty rather than to other considerations.b. artistic or relating to good taste: an aesthetic consideration. Now dose this sound familiar? Is your hair kinky or straight? And it Reads: They created a social and material facsimile(An Exact Copy) of American society in Liberia, maintaining their English-speaking, Americanized way of life, and building churches and houses resembling those of the Southern U.S. Okay now notice what they are doing and how they are acting. They are acting like the oppressor. Dose this sound familiar? The Americo-Liberians never constituted more than five percent of the population of Liberia, yet they controlled key resources that allowed them to dominate the local native peoples: access to the ocean, modern technical skills, literacy and higher levels of education, and valuable relationships with many American institutions, including the American government.

Now I know you caught that one. Did you notice how they controlled the Ocean, Modern Technical Skills, Literacy and higher levels of education. Dose anyone

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recognize the blue print here? Has anyone heard of John Perkins confessions of an economic hit-man? This was the blue print for colonization of the indigenous people of Africa and the third world. And the creation of the new type of slave. Now do you still think that the slave trade ended after the so-called abolishment of the slave trade? Now how did they create this new type of slave? Former slaves of the transatlantic slave trade. Now here is a question. How long do you think they where planning this? And was this a plan of the Freemason. Now remember this is in the year 1821. Prince Hall died in 1807 when England freed the slaves. Prince Hall was speaking on a Back To Africa movement in the 1770s his audience where Masons. Now remember it was The Britain branch of Freemasonry that accept Prince Hall. WHY? Okay now listen to these scriptures.

Genesis 15:“Know of a surety that thy seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs, and shall serve them; and they shall afflict them four hundred years.”

Deuteronomy 28: “Because thou servedst not The Most High YAHUWAH with joyfulness, and with gladness of heart, for the abundance of all things; Therefore shalt thou serve thine enemies which YAHUWAH shall send against thee, in hunger, and in thirst, and in nakedness, and in want of all things: and he shall put a yoke of iron upon thy neck, until he have destroyed thee.” “He shall lend to thee, and thou shalt not lend to him: he shall be the head, and thou shalt be the tail. “ So who was really in control in Liberia?

Okay now listen to what wicked lying pedia says:

“Ironically, one aspect of American society that the Americo-Liberians recreated was a cultural and racial caste system—however, in this case with themselves at the top instead of the bottom. To them, their society must have seemed radically different from the United States, because it rejected the ubiquitous Western belief in immutable racial hierarchy, which had led the colonists to despair of life in the USA. They, on the other hand, believed in racial equality, and therefore in the potential of all people to become 'civilized' through evangelicalism and education. Like many white missionaries before and after them, they were frustrated by the natives' lack of interest in becoming 'civilized.'” Okay now first of all you know the mind of the racist usurper wrote this deception. Are we are suppose to believe that these useful tools are governing themselves and the slave-masters of America and Great Britain had nothing to do with it? Now keep in mind. What this same article says. “they valuable relationships with many American institutions, including the American government.”

Okay now let keep reading:

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Some local people assimilated into Americo-Liberian society, often by marriage. Some entire coastal tribes became Protestants and learned English. But most indigenous Africans kept to their traditional languages and religions. Before long, the Americo-Liberian ruling elite was living rather prosperously,sending their children to America for (often racially segregated) high school and college education, and keeping the indigenous peoples excluded from all political and economic leadership. Okay now keep this in mind between 1821-1865 it was still illegal for slaves to read. So we have to ask the question what type of universities where these Americanized usurper tools going to? We will hit on this later in the broadcast if we have time. This going to give in-site on who was really in control.

So whats really going on here? You see right before your eyes they are rewrite history. Africa Americans did not control Liberia, We did not control the politics of Liberia. This was the blueprint for colonization of Europe into the content of Africa. Think about it behind every Idol is a Demon, And behind every black face in a position of power IS white power. AKA white-supremacy. Case in point:

Now I am going to play an audio file of the Congo then I am going to make a few comments and read a few recent moments in history.

Play Audio File:

Congo Genocide_Leopard Dragon 4:48• 1880-1920 There was 10 Million that died not called a Genocide yet.• When you Trace his linage you find him related to Queen Victoria, you also find

Merovingian, then you find Charlemagne. You will notice there Top Deity is Wotan how is Mercury. Mercury is the god of TRADE carrying a Caduceus Symbol of the serpent and the staff. So who really was King Leopard II and were these Slaves Sacrifices? To there god Mercury? Something to think about. 10 Million souls, god of Trade. Wealth think Principalities.

Congo Genocide_Slave Museum 3:03• Now notice how they house us. The myths to Justify Belgium rule. So if they can

dehumanize you no one will ever believe you are the true seed of Yacob. The Principalities are telling man how to remain in power.

Congo Genocide__Racism German Style 1:41• Notice how the European was forced to mention the word Genocide, Holocaust

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and Racism after the Jews were killed by Hitler. • So now that they admit it was a Genocide Holocaust and Racism what did they

do? • One they gave the Jews reparation to the amount of 80 Billion dollars Land that

was not there and positions of power in nearly every movement on this earth.• What did the Slaves and the people of Africa? IMF, Stolen Resources, Apartheid,

Starvation, Discrimination, Murder, More Genocide and Forced Labor of our Children.

Okay now here is something from the not so distant past to show how the system of the serpent was used to suppress the Rise Of The Black Messiah. And It Read

“Patrice Émery Lumumba (2 July 1925 – 17 January 1961) was a Congolese independence leader and the first legally elected Prime Minister of the Republic of the Congo after he helped win its independence from Belgium in June 1960. Only ten weeks later, Lumumba's government was deposed in a coup during the Congo Crisis.He was subsequently imprisoned and executed by firing squad, an act that manybelieve was committed with the assistance of the government of the United States.”

So the Congolese tried to free them selves from the European rulers, they elect someone to lead them out of the dark-ages and what happens? Assassinated by the CIA. Now when we hear weak minded ignorant white folks saying black people cant govern ourselves. Ask them if they know there history? Also Patrice Émery Lumumba was an example of (The Rise Of The Black Messiah) He was murdered by the Principalities. The seed of the Serpent. Keep in mind if you have one powerful and free independent African nation to look towards as as example. Then ALL OF US WILL BE FREE. Therefore if some of us are still enslaved all of us are still enslaved.

Okay we have to acknowledge that not all white peole are clueless. Many of them stood by us and are fighting like hell for the cause of Freedom. John Perkins is one of them also a man by the name Dag Hammarskjold. Now many don’t know this man so I am going to give a brief introduction. He was the 2nd Secretary-general of the United Nation. I know about him because he is Swedish and they have parks and monuments honoring him. Okay I am going to read a brief article concerning Dag Hammarskjold.

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And it Reads:

“In September 1961, Hammarskjold learned about fighting between "non-combatant" UN forces and Katangese troops of Moise Tshombe. He was en route to negotiate a cease-fire on the night of 17–18 September when his Douglas DC-6 airliner SE-BDY crashed near Ndola, Northern Rhodesia (now Zambia). Hammarskjold and fifteen others perished in the crash. A special report issued by the United Nations following the crash stated that a bright flash in the sky was seen at approximately 1 am the previous night.[8] According to the UN special report, it was this information that resulted in the initiation of search and rescue operations. Initial indications that the crash might not have been an accident led to multiple official inquiries and persistent speculation that the Secretary-General was assassinated.[9]”

Okay so the question remain why did they kill him. We are told that Dag Hammarskjold and Patrice Lumumba did not like each other, yet both died for the same cause. This was during the cold war error. And it Reads:

“At the time of Hammarskjold death, Western intelligence agencies were actively involved in the political situation in the Congo, which culminated in Belgian and American support for the secession of Katanga and the assassination of former prime minister Patrice Lumumba. Belgium and the United Kingdom had a vested interest in maintaining their control over much of the country's copper industry during the Congolese transition from colonialism to independence. Concerns about the nationalization of the copper industry could have provided a financial incentive to remove either Lumumba or Hammarskjold. Belgium has since publiclyacknowledged and apologized for its negligence in the death of Lumumba.”

Here is a little info on the Katanga:Katanga's regional capital is Lubumbashi (formerly Elisabethville in French, Elisabethstad in Dutch). Its area is 518,000 km² (larger than California and 16 times larger than Belgium, its former colonial ruler). Katanga had a population estimated in 1998 at about 4,125,000. Farming and ranching are carried out on the Katanga Plateau. The eastern part of the province is a rich mining region, which supplies cobalt, copper, tin, radium, uranium, and diamonds. The capital city, Lubumbashi, is the second largest city in the Congo.

(So I wonder if this is why these men where killed?)

Okay now how about this one:

“In his speech to the 64th session of the United Nations General Assembly on 23

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September 2009, Colonel Gaddafi called upon the Libyan president of UNGA, Ali Treki, to institute a UN investigation into the assassinations of Congolese prime minister, Patrice Lumumba, who was overthrown in 1960 and murdered the following year, and of UN Secretary-General Dag Hammarskjöld in 1961.”

Now we see Colonel Gaddafi being hunted down and his country being looted by the same western powers. And what was Gaddafi doing? He was investing in Africa. He was apologizing for the slave trade on behalf of the Arabs. He was calling for unity between the African nation to make Africa a power independent nation. And what happen to Gaddafi? He was attack by NATO and the United States. It's the same old story. White-supremacy prevails once again. So are we FREE? Now understand this fact. Whom they do not control they destroy. Brothers and sisters Liberia was nothing more then the first case of Black Face on Whit Power.

Okay now I am going to read something to you to bring it home. Now this is the political structure of the so called freed African Americans en-slaved in Liberia. And it reads:

“The True Whig Party, also known as Liberian Whig Party, is the oldest political party in Liberia. Founded in 1869, the party dominated Liberian politics from 1879 until 1980 to the extent that the country was virtually a one-party state, although opposition parties were never outlawed. Initially, its ideology was heavily influenced by that of the United States Whig Party.” Now keep this is mind the United States Whig Party is now called the Republican Party. (You know the party that just loves black folks)

“The political party was founded in the township of Clay-Ashland in 1869.[2][3] It presided over a society where only Black American settlers and their descendants were citizens able to vote, and so represented them, often working in tandem with the Masonic Order.” Okay so now do you still think Black African Former Slaves where in control of Liberia? Did you hear them say “working in tandem with the Masonic Order.” Now they just straight out tell you that the Serpent is in control.

The Masonic Order is working with the SLAVES in LIBERIA! Hello!

So what about this Masonic Order? And it Reads:“The Masonic Order of Liberia was formed based on principles of Freemasonry, which had been gleaned by former slaves from their masters in the United States prior to their

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being "returned" to Africa under the auspices of the American Colonization Society.

The former slaves' knowledge of Freemasonry had to have been gained covertly, as they were not eligible for admission to the organization, and its rituals were not open to outsiders; neither Black American Masons nor their Liberian counterparts would have been officially regarded as being Masons by members of the parent group.”

So now we see. So who really was control the Back-to-Africa movement of 1821.

Now what about this American Colonization Society? And it Reads:“Critics have said the ACS was a racist society, while others point to its benevolent origins and later takeover by men with visions of an American empire in Africa. The Society closely controlled the development of Liberia until its declaration of independence. By 1867, the ACS had assisted in the movement of more than 13,000 Americans to Liberia. From 1825-1919, it published a journal, the African Repository and Colonial Journal. After that, the society had essentially ended, but did not formally dissolve until 1964, when it transferred its papers to the Library of Congress.[6] “

So basically they controlled Liberia from the 1820s until 1964. So when wicked Pedia say and I quote “Ironically, one aspect of American society that the Americo-Liberians recreated was a cultural and racial caste system” Now what Wicked Pedia should have said was this. It was the American Colonization Society, the racist Whig Party and the Freemasons that recreated a cultural and racial cast system. Now lets Read:

Yahcanan 8:44: Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

Eph 6:11 Put on the whole armour of AHYAH, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the Serpent. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of AHYAH, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of

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Okay is wanted to read that to remind you that we have the victory. This broadcast is to deprogram the lost sheep and document the crimes of the serpent.

Okay I am going to read you a few details concerning the “True Whig Party” of Liberia. Now keep in mind this puppet government that is run by former Americanized educated slaves is controlled by the Masonic Order, The Racist Whig Party and the American Colonization Society. And it Reads:

The True Wig Party:“The party endorsed systems of forced labour. In 1930 they sold human labour to Spanish colonialists on Fernando Po (now Bioko in Equatorial Guinea), leading to a five-year U.S. and British boycott of Liberia. Despite this dispute, the West saw them as a stabilizing, unthreatening force and so invested heavily in the nation under William Tubman's leadership (1944–1971).” So they condemn with one hand and trade with the other. Kind of like the trillion dollar Chocolate industry of the Ivory Coast.

Now what about that name William Tubman? Who was he? Tubman was another installed puppet. He was a classic case of Black Face on white-supremacy. He ruled for almost 30 years as a dictator died in office and was succeed by his vice president until 1980. In 1980 he was overthrown by Samuel Kanyon Doe until Samuel Doe was assassinated in 1990. Now take note Samuel Kanyon Doe was the first indigenous head of state in Liberian history. He was elected by the people loved by the people created a new Constitution, and was killed by the CIA about 5 years later. After he was removed he was replaced by the Nigga of the moment Charles Taylor. (Black Face on white-supremacy). A victim of Rise Of The Black Messiah operation foot on niggas neck.

Now if you still believe the Back-to-Africa movement was nothing more then a Masonic Joke on Us let me read something to you.

Deuteronomy 28:43 The stranger that is within thee shall get up above thee very high; and thou shalt come down very low. So was the African Slave in Liberia in control or was it the demonic masonic Slave master?Deuteronomy 28:44 He shall lend to thee, and thou shalt not lend to him: he shall be the head, and thou shalt be the tail. You see the illusion was created for the Slave to be in control, But as you can

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see behind the scene in every case the system of Anglo Saxon white supremacy is controlling every move. It's the blueprint the oldest trick in the book still being used today.

Now for Part Two we are going to explore how the serpent controlled the education of the African Slave. And explore further whom the serpent truly is. And with that I will read to you Negro Act 1740

Negro Act of 1740The comprehensive Negro Act of 1740 passed in South Carolina made it illegal for slaves to move abroad, assemble in groups, raise food, earn money, and learn to read English. Additionally, owners were permitted to kill rebellious slaves if necessary.

And we worried about the Mark of the Beast. We been going thru hell for centuries. Wake Up Hebrews!


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