  • Episcopal Ordinationof

    Msgr. Ivan Albert Pereira

    forService in the Church

    as Bishop of Jammu-Srinagar

    Presentation Convent School, JammuFebruary 21, 2015

  • Principal Ordaining Bishop

    Most Rev. Salvatore PennacchioPapal Nuncio to India & Nepal

    Assisted by

    Most Rev. Anil CoutoArch Bishop of Delhi


    Most Rev. Felix MachadoBishop of Vasai

    Celebrated by People of Godthrough, and with, and in Jesus Christ

    in the Power of Holy Spirit

  • Introduction

    Ivan Pereira dk tUe 1 twu 1964 esa eqEcbZ ds ut+nhd olbZ esa Jh vkycVZ ijsjk vkSj Jhefr lUrku ijsjk ds ifjokj esa gqvk FkkA mUgksaus viuh Ldwyh f'k{kk Carmelita School Sandor vkSj St. Thomas Baptista School ikiMh ls vftZr dhA

    lu~ 1980 esa uo;qod Ivan tc ^lqokZrk** uked /kkfeZd if=dk i


    Entrance Hymn

    vk;s ge rsjs }kj is Lokeh] vk;s rsjs }kj

    n'kZu ikus vkf'k"k ikus] vk;sa ge lc vkt

    ns ns ojnku] gesa rsjk Hkkxh cuk & 2

    vk;s ge rsjs }kj-------lc vktA vk

    1- thou ds gj lq[k&nq%[k esa

    rw lkaRouk nsrk lnk & 2

    rsjh dhsfrZ egku gS] rw gh rks gS lc ls egku

    ns ns ojnku] gesa rsjk Hkkxh cuk & 2 vk

    vk;s ge rsjs }kj-------ge lc vktA vk

    2- eu ls gVkrk lkjs xqukgk

    ge ls vks djrk I;kj & 2

    lnk ;gh le>krk gS

    fdruk lqanj gS lalkj

    ns ns ojnku] gesa rsjk Hkkxh cuk & 2 vk

    vk;s ge rsjs }kj-------ge lc vktA vk

    Celebrant: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. All: Amen

    Celebrant: Peace be with youAll: And with your spirit

    A brief introduction to the mass follows

    Then follows the Penitential Act, to which the Celebrant invites the faithful, saying:

    Brothers and sisters, let us acknowledge our sins, and so prepare ourselves to celebrate the sacred mysteries.

    A brief pause for silence follows. Then all recite together the formula of general confession:

    I confess to almighty God and to you, my brothers and sisters, that I have greatly sinned, in my thoughts and in my words, in what I have done and in what I have failed to do, through my fault, through my fault, through my most grievous fault; therefore I ask blessed Mary ever-Virgin, all the Angels and Saints, and you, my brothers and sisters, to pray for me to the Lord our God.

    The absolution of the Celebrant follows:

    May almighty God have mercy on us, forgive us our sins, and bring us to everlasting life.

    All: Amen

    Episcopal Ordination 6

  • Kyrie Eleison

    ,s [kqnkoUn jge dj] ,s [kqnk jge dj & 2

    ge xqukgxkj gSa vk;s ikl rsjsA & 2

    ,s elhgk jge dj] ,s elhgk jge djA

    ,s [kqnkoUn jge dj & 2


    LoxZ ns fop oMs;kbZ efgek gksos [kqnk nh

    /kjrh mRrs usd uh;r yksdka ns fop kkafrA

    LoxZ ns fop oMs;kbZ---------

    1 xq.k vlh rsjs xkmans gka rs ru ru rSuw dSans gka

    djns gka vkjk/kuk rs efgek rsjh xkmans gka

    rsjh oM+h kku ns [kkfrj kqdj rsjk vlh djns gka

    LoZx ns cknkkg [kqnkoUn cki dqnjr okys [kqnkA

    LoZx ns fop ofM;kbZ----------

    2 ;slw elhg bdykSrs csVs] cki ns csVs izHkq [kqnk

    cki nk csVk nqfu;ka ns gq.k ikika uwa pqd yS tkank

    feurka lqu yS lkfM;ka rw cki ns lTts cSBk gS

    n;k rw dj gq.k lkMs mRrs rw gh lqjx.k gS [kqnk

    LoZx ns fop ofM;kbZ-----------

    3 rw gh dYyk ijesoj gS ije apk gS ,s [kqnk ,s elhgk kku fop rw cki rs :g ikd uky LoxZ ns fop ofM;kbZ-----------Let us pray:

    O God, who out of the abundance of your untold grace alonechoose to set your servant and priest Ivan Pereiraover your Church on this day,grant that he may carry out worthily the office of Bishopand, under your governance in all things,he may direct by word and examplethe people entrusted to his care.Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spiritone God, forever and ever.

    All: Amen

    Episcopal Ordination 7


    First Reading: Isaiah 61: 1-3aA reading from the book of Prophet Isaiah

    The spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me;he has sent me to bring good news to the oppressed, to bind up the broken-hearted,to proclaim liberty to the captives, and release to the prisoners; to proclaim the year of the Lord's favour, and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all who mourn; to provide for those who mourn in Zion to give them a garland instead of ashes,the oil of gladness instead of mourning, the mantle of praise instead of a faint spirit.

    This is the word of Lord. All : Thanks be to God.

    Responsorial Hymn

    I, the Lord of sea and sky. I have heard my people cry.

    All who dwell in dark and sin, my hand will save.

    I who made the stars of night.

    I will make their darkness bright.

    Who will bear my light to them? Who shall I send?

    Here I am, Lord, is it I, Lord? I have heard you calling in the night, I will go, Lord, if you lead me, I will hold your people in my heart.

    I, the Lord of snow and rain. I have borne my people's pain.

    I have wept for love of them, they turn away.

    I will break their hearts of stone.

    Give them hearts For love alone.

    I will speak my word to them, whom shall I send?

    Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 12: 12-26

    dqfjfUFk;ksa ds uke lUr ikSyql dk igyk i=

    euq"; dk 'kjhj ,d gS] ;|fi mlds cgqr ls vax gksrs gSa vkSj lHkh vax] vusd gksrs gq, Hkh] ,d gh 'kjhj cu tkrs gSaA elhg ds fo"k; esa Hkh ;gh ckr gSA ge ;gwnh gksa ;k ;wukuh] nkl gksa ;k LorU=] ge lc&ds&lc ,d gh vkRek dk cifrLek xzg.k dj ,d gh 'kjhj cu x;s gSaA ge lcksa dks ,d gh vkRek dk iku djk;k x;k gSA

    'kjhj esa Hkh rks ,d ugha] cfYd cgqr&ls vax gSA ;fn iSj dgs] eSa gkFk ugha gwa] blfy, 'kjhj dk ugha gwa*] rks D;k og bl dkj.k 'kjhj dk vax ugha\ ;fn dku dgs] ^eSa vka[k ugha gwa] blfy, 'kjhj dk ugha gwa*] rks

    Episcopal Ordination 8

  • D;k og bl dkj.k 'kjhj dk vax ugha \ ;fn lkjk 'kjhj vka[k gh gksrk] rks og dSls lqu ldrk\ ;fn lkjk 'kjhj dku gh gksrk] rks og dSls lwa?k ldrk\

    okLro esa bZ'oj us vius bPNkuqlkj 'kjhj esa ,d&,d vax dks viuh&viuh txg jpkA ;fn lc&ds&lc ,d gh vax gksrs] rks 'kjhj dgka gksrk\ okLro esa cgqr&ls vax gksus ij Hkh 'kjhj ,d gh gksrk gSA vka[k gkFk ls ugha dg ldrh] ^eq>s rqEgkjh t:jr ugha*] vkSj flj iSjksa ls ugha dg ldrk] ^eq>s rqEgkjh t+:jr ugha*A

    mYVs] 'kjhj ds tks vax lc ls nqcZy le>s tkrs gSa] os vf/kd vko';d gSaA 'kjhj ds ftu vaxksa dks ge de; le>rs gSa] mudk vf/kd vknj djrs gSa vkSj vius v'kksHkuh; vaxksa dh yTtk dk vf/kd /;ku j[krs gSaA gekjs 'kksHkuh; vaxks dks bldh t+:jr ugha gksrhA rks] tks vax ge; gSa] bZ'oj us mUgsa vf/kd vknj fnykrs gq, 'kjhj dk laxBu fd;k gSA ;g bl fy, gqvk fd 'kjhj esa QwV mRiUu u gks] cfYd mlds lHkh vax ,d nwljs dk /;ku j[ksaA ;fn ,d vax dks ihM+k gksrh gS] rks mlds lkFk lHkh vaxksa dks ihM+k gksrh gS vkSj ;fn ,d vax dk lEeku fd;k tkrk gS] rks mlds lkFk lHkh vax vkuUn eukrs gSaA

    ;g izHkq dh gSA tek;r % bZ'oj dks /kU;oknA


    lkjh l`f"V ds ekfyd rqEgha gks] lkjh l`f"V ds j{kd rqEgha gks

    djrs gSa rq>dks lknj .kke] xkrs gSa rsjs gh xq.kxku

    vk vkYysyw;k 7 vkesuA

    Gospel: Luke 4: 14-21 Fr. Savio sfxPriest : The Lord be with you. All : And with your spirit.A reading from the Holy Gospel according to St. Luke

    Then Jesus, filled with the power of the Spirit, returned to Galilee, and a report about him spread through all the surrounding country. He began to teach in their synagogues and was praised by everyone.

    When he came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up, he went to the synagogue on the sabbath day, as was his custom. He stood up to read, and the scroll of the prophet Isaiah was given to him. He unrolled the scroll and found the place where it was written:

    'The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring good news to the poor.He has sent me to proclaim release to the captivesand recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free, to proclaim the year of the Lord's favour.'

    And he rolled up the scroll, gave it back to the attendant, and sat down. The eyes of all in the synagogue were fixed on him. Then he began to say to them, 'Today this scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing.'

    This is the Gospel of the LordAll : Praise to you Lord, Jesus Christ.

    Episcopal Ordination 9


    Now the Ordination of the Bishop begins . All rise for the hymn to the Holy Spirit.Afterwards, if necessary, the principal ordaining Bishop and the other ordaining Bishops approach the thrones set up for the Ordination.

    Hymn to the Holy Spirit

    vklekuh [kq'kh ls Hkjns eq>dks

    xhr u;k fny esa yk & 2

    mrj vk mrj vk mrj vk-----, :gs ikd mrj vk

    1- ve`r ty Hkq eq> dks fiyk ns

    fny esjs dh I;kl cq>k ns

    p'ek cu ds mNy vk & 2 mrj vk------------

    2- vklekuh jksVh eq>dks f[kyk ns

    det+ksj fny dks rxM+k cuk ns

    Hkjiwj djds jtk & 2 mrj vk------------

    3- ikd :g vk esjs fny ds vUnj

    cu tka eSa rsjk efUnj

    viuh jkg fn[kk & 2 mrj vk------------

    The Presentation of the Bishop-elect

    One of the assisting priests addresses the principal ordaining Bishop with these words:

    2-/kekZ/;{kh; yksdkiZ.k % kphu dky ls gh ;g fjokt+ pyk vk jgk gS fd ,d /kekZ/;{k iqjksfgrksa esa ls gh pquk tkrk gSA bl lR; dks Lrqr djus ds fy, Js); Qknj Varkey vkSj Mohinder uofu;qDr /kekZ/;{k Ivan dks eq[; ;ktd ds lkeus is'k djsaxsA

    Assisting Priest: Most Reverend Father, the Church of Jammu-Srinagar prays that you would ordain Ivan Periera, priest, to the office of the Episcopate.

    The principal ordaining Bishop questions him, saying:

    Principal Consecrator: Have you the Apostolic mandate?



    Episcopal Ordination 10

    1-/kekZ?;{kh; vfHk"ksd % vc uofu;qDr /kekZ/;{k Msgr. Ivan Albert Pereira ds vfHk"ksd dh /keZfof/k 'kq: gksrh gSSA dsFkksfyd dyhfl;k ds bfrgkl ls ge tkurs gSa fd tc :g ikd isUrsdksLr ds fnu jlwyksa ij mrjh Fkh rc mUgsa ikd dyke dks QSykus esa vkSj ikd dyke ds jkLrs ij pyus ds fy, [kqnkbZ rkdr feyh FkhA

  • Assisting Priest: We have.

    Principal Consecrator: Let it be read.

    Then, with everyone seated, the mandate is read. Once it has been read in full, all assent to the Bishop's election,

    3-fu;qfDr i= ?kks"k.k % d`i;k cSB tkb;sA vc lar ikik kafll }kjk fn;k x;k /kekZ/;{kh; fu;qfDr i= igys yrhuh Hkk"kk esa J)s; Msgr. Marco i

  • Principal Consecrator: Are you resolved to build up the Church as the body of Christ and to remain united to it within the order of bishops under the authority of the successor of the apostle Peter?

    Bishop-elect: I am.

    Principal Consecrator: Are you resolved to be faithful in your obedience to the successor of the apostle Peter?

    Bishop-elect: I am.

    Principal Consecrator: Are you resolved as a devoted father to sustain the people of God and to guide them in the way of salvation in cooperation with the priests and deacons who share your ministry?

    Bishop-elect: I am.

    Principal Consecrator: Are you resolved to show kindness and compassion in the name of the Lord to the poor and to strangers and to all who are in need?

    Bishop-elect: I am.

    Principal Consecrator: Are you resolved as a good shepherd to seek out the sheep who stray and to gather them into the fold of the Lord?

    Bishop-elect: I am.

    Principal Consecrator: Are you resolved to pray for the people of God without ceasing, and to carry out the duties of one who has the fullness of the priesthood so as to afford no grounds for reproach?

    Bishop-elect:I am, with the help of God.

    Principal Consecrator: May God who has begun the good work in you bring it to fulfillment.

    Litany of the Saints

    Then the Bishops remove their mitres, and all rise. The principal ordaining Bishop -- standing, with hands joined, and facing the people -- recites the Invitatory:

    Episcopal Ordination 12

    5-kFkZUkk vkSj larksa dh fourh % vc ge bl /keZfof/k ds eq[; ;ktd egk/kekZ/;{k Most Rev. Salvatore Pennacchio ls fuosnu djsaxs fd og fu;qDr /kekZ/;{k Ivan ij larksa ds laj{k.k ds fy, kFkZuk djsaA larksa dh Lrqfr fourh ds nkSjku vki lHkksa ls fuosnu gS fd vki lc ?kqVus Vsd dj gekjs /kekZ/;{k ij [kqnk dh [kkl cjdrksa ds fy, nqvk djsaA


  • My dear people, let us pray that almighty God in his Principal Consecrator:goodness will pour out his grace upon this man whom he has chosen to provide for the needs of the Church.

    Deacon: Let us kneel.

    The elect then prostrates himself, and the Litany is chanted with all responding.

    vuqokD; 1 % 'kj.kkxr ij n;k djksA

    loZ'kfDreku firk Hkxoku~A

    [kzhLr firk ds lqr Hkxoku~A

    vkRek izHkq ds ikoudkjhA

    vuqokD; 2 % Hktks gekjs fy, izHkq lsA

    gs lUr efj;e izHkq dh eka

    gs lcls egku~ dqaokjh rw

    gs lUr fe[kk,y izHkq ds nwr

    gs lUr xkfcz,y] jQk,y

    gs izHkq ds /kkfeZd lUr ;kslQ

    gs lUr ;ksgu cifrLek

    gs lUr is=ql vkSj ikSyl

    gs lUr ;ksgu izHkq ds f'k";

    ls lUr efj;e ekXnyksu

    gs lUr LrsQku vkSj ykSjsUl

    gs lUr vkXusl vkSj csfty

    gs lUr vxLrhu vkSj csusfnDr

    gs lUr kfUll vkSj nksfefud

    gs lUr Dykjk vkSj dSrjhu

    gs ds fi;z lUr ;ksguwl

    gs lUr ;ksgu fo;Uuh

    gs lUr vYQksUlk

    gs lUr ;wQzsfl;k

    gs lUr dqfj;kdksl pkojk

    gs lUr tkslQ okl

    gs lUr xksUt+kyks xklhZ;k

    gs lc /kehZ uj&ukfj;ksa

    vuqokD; 3 % izHkq vius yksxksa dks cpk

    izHkq n;kyq gksds

    tx dh gj cqjkbZ lsEpiscopal Ordination 13

  • ge lcds lc iki ls

    vuUr nq%[ke; e`R;q ls

    vius nsg/kkj.k }kjk

    e`R;q vkSj iqu:RFkku }kjk

    vius ifo= vkRek }kjk

    ikih ge ij n;kyq gksds

    vuqokD; 4 % izHkq gekjh fourh lqu

    d vius lsod lar QzkfUll rFkk lHkh /kekZ{kdksa esa ifo=kRek ds d`iknkuksa dh o`f) gksA

    [k lc /keZ&la/kh vius dk;Z vkSj thou }kjk ekuo dqy dk dY;k.k djsaA

    x lc /keZ&la/kh ifjokj bZ'k izse esa thou fcrk dj la?k&laLFkkidksa ds y{; dks iwjk djsaA

    ?k ftUgksaus lqlekpkj ds vkn'khZ dks xzg.k fd;k gS os iw.kZr;k Lo;a dks eqfDr ds dk;ksZa esa

    U;ksNkoj djsaA

    M- bl lsod ds ekrk&firk ds R;kx dk izfrQy iznku djA

    p bl lsod dks ifo= djds vius gh fy, bUgsa vfiZr djus dh d`ik djA

    [kzhLr gekjh fourh lqu--------- [kzhLr gekjh fourh lquA

    ;slq gekjh fourh lqu------------ ;slq gekjh fourh lquA

    After the litany, the principal consecrator alone stands and, with hands joined, sings or says;

    Principal Consecrator: Lord, be moved by our prayers. Anoint your servant with the fullness of priestly grace, and bless him with spiritual power in all its richness. We ask this through Christ our Lord.

    All: Amen.Deacon: Let us stand.

    The imposition of hands and Prayer of Ordination

    Episcopal Ordination 14

    6-gLrkjksi.k dh /keZfof/k % /kekZ/;{kh; vfHk"ksd esa gLrkjksi.k vkSj vfHk"ksd dh kFkZuk lcls [kkl egRoiw.kZ gSA ;g ,d kphu ijEijk dk fgLlk gS ftlds eqrkfcd Msgr. Ivan dks f'k{kk nsus dk] 'kq)hdj.k vkSj /keZkUr ds lapkyu dk vf/kdkj kIr gksrk gSA lkFk gh lkFk ;g /keZfof/k ,syku djrh gS fd Msgr. Ivan /kekZ/;{kksa ds lewg ds ,d vax cu x;s gSaA

    bl lekjksgh kFkZuk ds nkSjku egkefge J)s; Salvatore Pennacchio ikd ckbfcy tks fd [kqnk dk ikd dyke gS Msgr. Ivan ds flj ij j[krs gSa tks ;g n'kkZrk gS fd ikd dyke gh gj elhgh ftUnxh dh uhao gSA


  • The elect rises and approaches the principal ordaining Bishop, who stands before his throne wearing his mitre; and the elect genuflects before him.

    The Principal Cosecrator lays hands upon the head of the elect, saying nothing. Then, approaching in succession, all of the Bishops impose hands upon the elect, saying nothing. Now after the imposition of hands, the Bishops remain round about the principal ordaining Bishop until the Prayer of Ordination is finished, yet in such a way that the faithful may easily follow the proceedings

    Then the Principal Cosecrator receives the book of the Gospels from one of the deacons; and he places it, open, above the head of the elect. Two deacons, standing at the elect's right and left, hold the book of the Gospels above his head until the Prayer of Ordination is finished.

    With the elect kneeling before him, the Principal Cosecrator puts off his mitre; and standing with the other ordaining Bishops, who have likewise removed their mitres, he extends his hands and offers the Prayer of Ordination:

    God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,

    Father of mercies and God of all consolation,

    you dwell in heaven, yet look with compassion, on all that is humble.

    You know all things before they come to be;

    by your gracious word you have established the plan of your Church.

    From the beginning you chose the descendants of Abraham

    to be your holy nation. You established rulers and priests,

    and did not leave your sanctuary without ministries to serve you.

    From the creation of the world you have been pleased

    to be glorified by those whom you have chosen.

    All the consecrating bishops recite the following part of the prayer, with hands joined:

    So now pour out upon this chosen one that power, which is from you,

    the governing Spirit whom you gave to your beloved Son, Jesus Christ,

    the Spirit given by him to the holy apostles,

    who founded the Church in every place to be your temple

    for the unceasing glory and praise of your name.Then the principal consecrator continues alone:

    Father, you know all hearts.

    You have chosen your servant for the office of bishop.

    May he be a shepherd to your holy flock,

    and a high priest blameless in your sight,

    Episcopal Ordination 15

  • ministering to you night and day;

    may he always gain the blessing of your favour

    and offer the gifts of your holy Church.

    Through the Spirit who gives the grace of high priesthood

    grant him the power to forgive sins as you have commanded,

    to assign ministries as you have decreed,

    and to loose every bond by the authority,

    which you gave to your apostles.

    May he be pleasing to you

    by his gentleness and purity of heart,

    presenting a fragrant offering to you,

    through Jesus Christ, your Son,

    through whom glory and power and honour are yours

    with the Holy Spirit in your holy Church, now and for ever.ll :Amen

    After the prayer of consecration, the deacons remove the book of the Gospels, which they have been holding above the head of the new bishops. One of them holds the book until it is given to the bishop. The principal consecrator and the consecrating bishops, wearing their miters, sit.

    Anointing of the Bishop's Head

    The Principal Consecrator assumes the linen apron, receives the cruet of sacred chrism from a deacon, and anoints the head of the Ordained [who is] kneeling before him, [while] saying:

    God has brought you to share the high priesthood of Christ. May he pour out on you the oil of mystical anointing and enrich you with spiritual blessings.

    The Principal Consecrator washes his hands.

    Presentation of the Book of the GospelsThe Principal Consecrator, receiving the book of Gospels from the deacon. delivers it to the Ordained, saying:

    Receive the Gospel and preach the word of God

    with unfailing patience and sound teaching.


    Episcopal Ordination 16

    7-ikd fle ls vfHk"ksd % /kekZ/;{k Ivan iqjksfgrkbZ dh iw.kZrk kIr dj jlwyksa dh tekr ds okfjl cu pqds gSa vc mUgsa ikd fle ls vfHkf"kDr fd;k tk;sxk tks fd ges'kk ls [kqnkoUn ;slq elhg dh iqjkfgrkbZ dk ikd fu'kku gSA

  • The deacon takes the Book of the Gospels and returns it to its place.

    Investiture with ring, miter, and pastoral staff

    The Principal Consecrator places the ring on the ring finger of the right hand of the Ordained, saying:

    Take this ring, the seal of your fidelity.

    With faith and love protect the bride of God,

    his holy Church.

    Then the Principal Consecrator confers the mitre upon the Ordained, saying:

    Take the miter, may shine on you the radiance of holiness, so that, when the prince of Shepherds will appear, you may be worthy of the incorruptible crown of glory.

    And finally, he gives the pastoral staff to the Ordained, saying:

    Take this staff as a sign of your pastoral office: Keep watch over the whole flock in which the Holy Spirit has appointed you to shepherd the Church of God.

    Seating of the Bishop

    The Principal Consecrator invites the newly ordained bishop to occupy the chair in the Church. The Principal Consecrator now sits at the right of the newly ordained bishop.

    Kiss of Peace

    The newly ordained then sets aside his staff and receives the kiss of peace from the principal consecrator and all the other bishops. The diocesan clergy including religious priests also greet the newly ordained at this time.




    Episcopal Ordination 17

    8-/kekZ/;{kh; fpUgksa dk ut+jkuk % vc gekjs /kekZ/;{k Ivan dks /kekZ/;{kh; vaxwBh] rkt vkSj /kekZf/kdkjh; n.M dk ut+jkuk is'k fd;k tk;sxkA vaxwBh bl ckr dh vksj b'kkjk djrh gS fd os /keZkUr dh dyhfl;k ds fy, iw.kZ :i ls lefiZr gks x;s gSaA /kekZ/;{kh; rkt gesa crkrk gS fd mUgsa f'k{kk nsus] jkg fn[kkus vkSj viuh tekr dks ikd djus dk vf/kdkj gSA /kekZf/kdkjh; n.M ;g crkrk gS fd ,d Hkys xMsfj, dh rjg mUgsa viuh jsoM+ dh ns[kHkky djuh gSA

    9-/kekZ/;{kh; r[r % vc fc"ki Ivan dks /kekZ/;{kh; r[r ij cSBk;k tk;sxk tgk ls os ,d /kekZ/;{k ds :i esa viuh ftEesnkfj;ksa dks fuHkk,saxsA

    10-veu dk pqEcu % vc lHkh egk/kekZ/;{k vkSj /kekZ/;{k uo vfHkf"kDr fc"ki Ivan dks veu dk pqEcu ns dj c/kkbZ nsaxsA blds ckn flQZ /keZkUr ds iqjksfgrx.k fc"ki Ivan dks fr viuh oQknkjh ds fu'kkuh ds :i esa veu dk pqEcu nsaxsA

  • Sing a new song unto the Lord; Let your song be sung from mountains high.

    Sing a new song unto the Lord,

    Singing Alleluia.

    1. Yahweh's people, dance for joy. O come before the Lord. And play for Him on glad tambourines, And let your trumpet sound.

    2. Rise, O Children, from your sleep; Your saviour now has come He has turned your sorrow to joy, And filled your soul with song.

    3. Glad my soul, for I have seen The glory of the Lord The trumpet sounds; the dead shall be raised. I know my Saviour lives.

    he Mass continues in the usual manner. The Creed is recited according to the rubrics; [however] the Prayer of the Faithful is omitted.

    The Apostle's Creed (jlwyksa dk vdhnk)

    eSa bZeku j[krk gwa] [kqnk dknjs&eqrfyd cki ijA tks vkleku vkSj t+ehu dk [kkfyd gS vkSj ;slq

    elhg ij tks mldk bdykSrk csVk vkSj gekjk [kqnkoUn gSA og :gqy&dql dh dqnjr ls isV esa iM+kA

    dqaokjh efj;e ls iSnk gqvkA mlus iSUrwl fiykrwl ds vgn esa nq%[k mBk;kA elywc gqvk] ej x;k vkSj

    nQu fd;k x;kA cjt+[k esa mrjkA rhljs fnu eqnksZa esa ls th mBkA vkleku ij p

  • 1- xsgwa ds nku rsjk ojnku yk;s]

    nk[kjl Hkh ysdj ge vk;s&2

    ikih ge fQj Hkh HksaV p

  • ge vkidh vt+he rkjhQ esa ;s 'kqdzxqt+kjh dk cfynku vkids ikd pj.kksa esa p
  • lqjxq.k lqjxq.k lqjxq.k gS] lSuka ns Hkq [kqnk

    1- vkdk'k rs /kjrh lkjh rsjh 'kku gS & 2

    gkslkUuk] gkslkUuk] gkslkUuk] gkslkUuk &2

    lqjxq.k lqjxq.k lqjxq.k gS] lSuka ns Hkq [kqnk

    2- /ku ftgM+k vkmank gS] jc ns uka ns mRrs

    gkslkUuk] gkslkUuk] gkslkUuk] gkslkUuk &2

    lqjxq.k lqjxq.k lqjxq.k gS] lSuka ns Hkq [kqnk & 2

    The Priest, with hands extended, says:

    C: You are indeed Holy and to be glorified, O God, who love the human race and who always walk with us on the journey of life. Blessed indeed is your Son, present in our midst when we are gathered by his love, and when, as once for the disciples, so now for us, he opens the Scriptures and breaks the bread.

    He joins his hands and, holding them extended over the offerings, says:

    CC:Therefore, Father most merciful

    we ask that you send forth your Holy Spirit

    to sanctify these gifts of bread and wine,

    He joins his hands and makes the Sign of the Cross once over the bread and chalice together, saying:

    that they may become for us

    the Body and Blood +

    of our Lord Jesus Christ.

    On the day before he was to suffer,

    on the night of the Last Supper,

    he took bread and said the blessing,

    broke the bread and gave it to his disciples, saying:

    He bows slightly.




    Episcopal Ordination 21

  • He shows the consecrated host to the people, places it again on the paten, and genuflects in adoration. After this, he continues:

    In a similar way, when supper was ended,he took the chalice, gave you thanksand gave the chalice to his disciples, saying:

    He bows slightly









    He shows the chalice to the people, places it on the corporal, and genuflects in adoration. Then he says:

    C: The mystery of faith.

    ,s [kqnkoUn ge rsjh ekSr dk ,syku djrs gSa

    ge rsjh D;ker dk bdjkj djrs gSa

    tc rd fd rw uk vk, & 2

    Then the Celebrant, with hands extended, says:

    CC: Therefore, holy Father, as we celebrate the memorial of Christ your Son, our Saviour, whom you led through his Passion and Death on the Cross to the glory of the Resurrection, and whom you have seated at your right hand, we proclaim the work of your love until he comes again and we offer you the Bread of life and the Chalice of blessing.

    Look with favor on the oblation of your Church, in which we show forth the paschal Sacrifice of Christ

    that has been handed on to us,

    and grant that, by the power of the Spirit of your love,

    we may be counted now and until the day of eternity

    among the members of your Son,

    in whose Body and Blood we have communion.

    Episcopal Ordination 22

  • C1. Lord, renew your Church which is in Jammu & Kashmir

    by the light of the Gospel.

    Strengthen the bond of unity

    between the faithful and the pastors of your people,

    together with Francis our Pope, Ivan Pereira our Bishop,

    and the whole Order of Bishops,

    that in a world torn by strife

    your people may shine forth

    as a prophetic sign of unity and concord.

    C2. Remember our brothers and sisters (N. and N.),

    who have fallen asleep in the peace of your Christ,

    and all the dead, whose faith you alone have known.

    Admit them to rejoice in the light of your face,

    and in the resurrection give them the fullness of life.

    C3. Grant also to us, when our earthly pilgrimage is done,

    that we may come to an eternal dwelling place

    and live with you for ever;

    there, in communion with the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God,

    Blessed Joseph, her Spouse, with the Apostles and Martyrs,

    and with all the Saints, we shall praise and exalt you

    through Jesus Christ, your Son.

    He takes the chalice and the paten with the host and, raising both, he sings:

    mlh ds tfj,]

    mlh ds lkFk]

    vkSj mlh esa]

    rq> dknjs&eqrfyd [kqnk cki dks]

    :gqy&dql dh ognfu;r esa]

    dkfey bZTtr vkSj rkfte 'kk;ku~ gS

    ges'kk ls ges'kk rdA

    tek;r & vkehu~A

    Episcopal Ordination 23


    dkfgu & ge vius utkr nsus okys ls fgnk;r ikdj] iwjs Hkjksls ds lkFk mlh rjhds ls nqvk djsa] tks ml [kqnkoUn us gesa fl[kk;k gSA

    tek;r & ,s gekjs cki] rw tks vkleku ij gSA rsjk uke ikd ekuk tk,A rsjh ckn'kkgh vk,A rsjh

    ejt+h tSls vkleku ij iwjh gksrh gS] t+ehu ij Hkh gksA gekjs jksthus dh jksVh vkt gesa

    nsA vkSj ftl rjg ge vius dtZnkjksa dks c['krs gSa] rw gekjs dtZ gesa c['kA vkSj gesa

    vkt+ekb'k esa u iM+us nsA cfYd gesa cqjkbZ ls cpkA

    dkfgu & ,s [kqnk ge rq> ls feUur djrs gSa] gesa lc cfn;ksa ls cpkA bu fnuksa esa

    lykerh c[k] rkfd ge rsjh kQ+dr dh rkSQhd ls] viuh eqckjd mEehn ds

    iwjs gksus] vkSj elhg ds vkus dk bUrt+kj djrs gq,] gj oDr xqukgksa ls vkt+kn

    vkSj eqlhcr ls egQwt+ jgsaA

    tek;r & D;ksafd ckn'kkgr] dqnjr vkSj tyky] ges'kk rsjk gh gSA

    dkfgu & ,s [kqnkoUn ;slq elhg] rwus vius jlwyksa ls dgk fd] ^eSa rqEgkjs ikl lykerh NksM+s tkrk gwA eSa viuh gh lykerh rqEgsa nsrk gwA gekjs xqukgksa ij ugha] cfYd viuh

    dyhfl;k ds bZeku ij ut+j dj] vkSj mls og lykerh vkSj bfkgkn c['k tks rsjh

    ejt+h ds eqrkfcd gSA

    tek;r & vkehu~A

    dkfgu & [kqnkoUn dh lykerh gj oDr vki ij gksA

    tek;r & vki ij Hkh gksA

    dkfgu & ge ,d nwljs dh lykerh pkgsaA

    , ysys [kqnk ns rq nqfu;ka ns xqukg pqd ys tkank gS , ysys [kqnk ns] ,s ysys [kqnk ns lkMs mRrs n;k dj&2 , ysys [kqnk ns rq nqfu;ka ns xqukg pqd ys tkank gS , ysys [kqnk] , ysys [kqnk ns lkuq 'kkfUr nku djA

    dkfgu & gekjs [kqnkoUn ;slq elhg ds cnu vkSj [kwu dk feyk;k tkuk ikd f'kjkdr ysus okyksa dks

    ges'kk dh ftUnxh fnyk;sA

    dkfgu & ,s [kqnkoUn ;slq elhg] eSa rq>ls bfYrtk djrk gwa] rsjs ikd cnu vkSj [kwu dh f'kjkdr] esjs fy, Qrok ;k lt+k dk ckbl u gksA cfYd rsjh jger ds eqrkfcd esjs ftLe vkSj :g dh fgQkt+r djsA vkSj esjs fy, nk;eh bykt lkfcr gksA

    dkfgu & ;g gS [kqnk dk cjkZ tks tgku ds xqukgksa dks mBk ys tkrk gSA eqckjd gSa oks tks cjsZ ds ft+;kQr esa cqyk;s x;sA

    tek;r & ,s [kqnkoUn eSa bl yk;d ugha fd rw esjs ;gk vk,A ysfdu rw flQZ dg ns] rks esjh :g f'kQk ik;sxhA

    Episcopal Ordination 24

  • dkfgu & elhg dk cnu vkSj [kwu eq>s ges'kk dh ftUnxh ds fy;s egQwt+ j[ksA

    tek;r & elhg dk cnuA ;k elhg dk cnu vkSj [kwuA

    dkfgu & vkehu~A

    Communion -1

    jksVh rw ftUnxh nh ;slq [kqvky nsA vkcs g;kr uky rw lkuw I;ky nsA

    1- cqgs rsjs vku i;s eqjns oh ,s elhg ykt+j ns okax vksguk uwa vkds mBky nsA

    2- ikika ns uky gks x;s xans iyhr eu vksguk uwa vius [kwu ns fop ;slq ugky nsA

    3- lkjk tgku vku ds rsjs i, vksg osyk ekst nk elhgk o[kky nsA

    Communion -2

    ;k nklkps HkkX; mtj+ys

    Hkqoj ek;k n;h vkys

    1- vkG+uhr eh gksrks Hktuh 3- Hkqjk;kps :i euksgj uOgrs vkys ek;k lnuh Hkqjk;kps ukefg lqanj vkt eyk rs lkS[; ykHkys osM+ r;kps ftok ykxys Hkqoj ek;k n;h vkysA Hkqoj ek;k n;h vkysA

    2- O;Fkk eukfp vkrk ljyh 4- eh i.k ekts fol:fu xsyks rkuHkwd dsOgkp gjiyh f[kzLr f[kzLr loZkaxh cuyks n;h uanuou gs Qwyys eu ekks g"kkZus Ugkys Hkqoj ek;k n;h vkysA Hkqqoj ek;k n;h vkysACommunion - 3

    vkljk rsjk Hkq] rsjk gh lgkjk gS

    thou dh dfBu jkgksa is & 2

    rw gh rks gekjk gSA

    1- thou dh jksVh rw] thus dh 'kfDr rw & 2 lkfgy gj eqlkfQj dk] HkDrksa dh HkfDr rw rq> esa gh fo'okl gS] rw gh rks gekjk gSA

    2- /kks;s psyksa ds iSj] se fl[k;k gS lsok dk ;g ikB] lc dk iesa gh tqM+s jgsa ge] rsjk gh lgkjk gSA


    Episcopal Ordination 25

    13-ikd f'kjkdr % vc ikd f'kjkdr xzg.k djus dk oDr gSA d`i;k /;ku j[ksa fd ikd f'kjkdr flQZ dsFkksfyd fo'okfl;ksa ds fy, gSA iqjksfgrx.k ikd f'kjkdr ds lkFk vkids ut+nhd vk jgs gSa blfy, vki lHkh vius LFkku ij jgsasA Bishop Ivan vius ifjokj ds lnL;ksa dks ikd f'kjkdr nku djsaxsA


    Prayer after Communion

    Let us Pray:

    Complete within us, O Lord we pray, the healing work of your mercy and graciously perfect and sustain us so that in all things we may please you. Through Christ our Lord.

    All: Amen

    Hymn of Thanksgiving and BlessingAt the conclusion of the prayer after communion, the hymn TE DEUM is sung, or another hymn similar to it. Meanwhile, the newly ordained bishop isled by the consecrating bishops through the church, and he blesses the congregation.

    LoxhZ; vkf'k"k ns] LoxhZ; vkf'k"k ns

    LoxZ dks rw [kksy] gkFk viuk c

  • Solemn blessing by the new Bishop

    Assisting Priest : Bow your heads and pray for blessing.

    Bishop: O God, who care for your people with gentleness, and rule them in love, endow with the spirit of wisdom those to whom you have handed on authority to govern, that from the flourishing of a holy flock may come eternal joy for its shepherds.All: Amen

    Bishop: As in your majestic power you allot the number of our days and the measure of our years,

    look favorably upon our humble service and confer on our time the abundance of your peaceAll: AmenBishop: Lord God, now that you have raised me to the order of bishops, may I please you in the performance of my office. Unite the hearts of people and bishop; so that the shepherd may not be without the support of his flock, or the flock without the loving concern of its shepherd.All: Amen

    Bishop: May almighty God bless you, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.+ + +All: Amen

    Recessional Hymn

    /kU;okn ge dgrs Hkq dks ftlus fn;s lc ojnku ogh gekjk ikyu gkj mldks /kU; dgs gj ckj & 2 /kU;okn] /kU;okn] /kU;okn] Hkqth &2

    1- Hkq dk gS ;s 'kqHk fnu] [kq'kh euk;s ge lc rq::: rq:sa rue; vkt & 2 :: & 2 Hkq dk gS ;s 'kqHk fnu] [kq'kh euk;s ge lc tkdj ge muds lans'k lquk,a gks tk;sa Hkq e

    Episcopal Ordination 27

    15-lHkh tEew&Jhuxj /keZkUr ds iqjksfgrksa ,oa /kekZ/;{kksa ls fuosnu gS fd vki ;gk Stage ij Bishop Ivan ds lkFk ,d Group photo ds fy, vk tk;saA

    2- thou feyk gS rq>ls Hkq rsjh d`ik ls gedks & 2 rq::: rq::: & 2 rsjh d`ik dks ikdj ge Hkq rsjs vkHkkjh gksrs gSa /kU;okn] /kU;okn] /kU;okn] Hkqth &2


  • lar ikik kafll }kjk tkjh /kekZ/;{kh; fu;qfDr i=

    kafll] fc"ki] [kqnk ds lsodksa ds lsod vius csVs Ivan Pereira tEew&Jhuxj /keZkUr

    ds iqjksfgr rFkk pqus gq;s /kekZ/;{k] vkidks vPNk LoLFk vkSj sfjfrd vk'khZoknA

    loksZPp pjokgs ds :i esa tks xEHkhj ftEesnkjh gekjs vf/kdkj {ks= esa vk;h gS og tEew Jhuxj /keZkUr ds /kekZ/;{k dk [kkyh iM+k in gS tks fd gekjs J)s; csVs Peter Celestine Elampassery OFM Cap ds R;kxi= ls mRiUu gqbZ gSA

    pwadh esjs I;kjs iq= Ivan Pereira vki frHkk'kkyh loZxq.k lEiUu rFkk tEew&Jhuxj /keZkUr

    vkSj ;gk ds yksxksa dks utnhd ls tkurs gSa blfy, Congregation for Evangelization of

    Peoples dh lykg ij vkidks tEew&Jhuxj /keZkUr ds /kekZ/;{k ds :i esa vfHkf"kDr gksus dk

    vf/kdkj nku fd;k tk jgk gSA lkFk gh lkFk ge vkidks ,d /kekZ/;{k ds lHkh vf/kdkjksa vkSj

    ftEenkfj;ksa ds lkFk jkse 'kgj ds ckgj ds fdlh Hkh /kekZ/;{k }kjk /keZfof/k ds vuqlkj

    vfHkf"kDr gksus dh Lohd`fr nku djrs gSaA

    blds vkxs ge ;g vkKk ikfjr djrs gSa fd bl vkf/kdkfjd ?kks"k.kk i= dks /keZkUr ds yksxksa

    dks i

  • ORDER OF THE LITURGYEpiscopal Ordination of Msgr. Ivan Pereira

    February 21, 2015

    General Introduction Welcome dance & procession Traditional welcome aarti to the chief celebrant Entrance Hymn

    The Eucharist begins Introduction to the Mass by Most Rev. Salvatore Pennacchio Kyrie sung in Hindi Gloria sung in Punjabi o I Reading: Isaiah 61: 1-3a (Ms Sunita Menezes) o Responsorial Hymn o II Reading: 1 Corinthians 12:12-26 (Ms Nisha) o Acclamation sung in Hindi o Gospel: Luke 4: 14-21 (Intonated by Fr. Savio SFX)

    Rites of Consecration begin Reading of the papal letter in Latin: Msgr. Marco Reading of the papal letter in Hindi: Fr Soosai Nathan Homily by Most Rev. Salvatore Pennacchio

    o Highlights of the homily in Hindi :Fr Dominic Thekkenath

    Rites of Consecration continue Installation of Bishop Ivan Pereira Kiss of peace (by the Principal Consecrator, bishops and clergy of the diocese)

    After the episcopal ordination Bishop Ivan Pereira will preside over the Eucharist

    The Creed Profession of faith in Urdu Offertory Procession - gifts& Offertory Preface (taken from Eucharistic Prayer for various needs I) Sanctus sung in Hindi Eucharistic Prayer (Church on the path of Unity - Eucharistic Prayer for various needs I) Doxology in Urdu aarti (floral tribute). Aarti will be performed at the time of doxology

    Communion rite (in Urdu) The Lord's Prayer recited in Urdu The rite of Peace Lamb of God sung in Punjabi Hymns during communion sung in Hindi, Punjabi and Marathi Message from Most. Rev. Peter Celestine Ofm Cap Prayer after communion Te Deum &Blessing of the people by Bishop Ivan Pereira Solemn blessing by Bishop Ivan Pereira Group photo with the diocesan clergy Recessional Hymn

  • Episcopal Ordination 30


    Chief Convenor: Fr Varkey Thengankunnel General Convenors: Fr. Suresh Britto, Fr. Aswin .Mitrious Information and Invitation: Fr. Suresh Britto, Fr. Mariadass, Fr. Biju Mathew Reception . .and Welcome: Fr. Shaiju Chacko, Fr. Dominic, Fr. Santosh Athical Master of Ceremonies: Fr. T.S. .Jacob, Fr Shaiju Chacko Liturgy & Music: Fr. Justin Thiraviam, Fr, Robin Cerejo, Fr. Santan, Fr. Savio .sfx Intrumentalists: Mr. Anish- Keyboard, Mr.Michael-Lead Guitar, Mr. Ayub-Base Guitar, Mr. .Akul-Autopad, Mr. Andrew-Violin, Mr. Ashish-Dholak, Fr. Savio-Rhythm Guitar Accommodation: .Fr. Jose Vadakkel, Fr. Stalin Raj, Fr. Antony Peppin, Fr. Tomy CMI, Fr. Soosai Rajan Food: Fr. .Kuriakose Thudianplackal, Fr. Johnson Mathalikunnel, Fr. Jose Neelamkavil, Fr. Bijo Mathew, Fr.

    Shaiju Thomas Felicitation and Cultural Programme: Fr. Sebastian Velankanni, Fr. Soosai Nathan . .Media : Fr. Aswin, Fr. Amala, Fr. Mathew Thomas Pandal : Fr. S. Joseph, Fr. Mohinder, Fr. Joby, Fr. .John Paul Law, Order and Volunteers : Fr. S. Joseph, Fr. Ranjeet Kujur, Fr. Victor Joseph Medical . .Assistance: Fr. Jose Vadakkel, Sr. Vandana SCJM Mementoes: Fr. Rudolf Rebello, Fr. Anand Tigga . .Stage and Sound System: Fr. Aswin Mitrious, Presentation Sisters, Adoration Sisters, Mr. Alex .Altar: Adoration Sisters Accompanying VIPs & Guests: Fr. Varkey Thenganakunnel, Fr. Soosai .Nathan, Fr. Sebastian Nagathungal, Fr. Charles Davis Emergency: Fr. Santosh, Fr. Senoj Thomas . .Public Reception: Fr. Thomas Niravathu,Fr. Soosai Nathan, Sr. Suzette, Fr. Mariadass, Mr. Robin Gill

    . . . Photography: Mr. Amarjeet Singh Recording: Swar Dhwani Studios Printers: Impressions, Delhi, St. Paul's Press, Jammu, KIPS Chandigarh Transportation: Fr Thomas Niravathu, Fr. Biju Mathew.

    Episcopal Ordination Liturgy Booklet

    Prepared by : Fr. Shaiju Chacko

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