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  • 7/25/2019 Rizal's Woman


  • 7/25/2019 Rizal's Woman


    (Oakland Ferry)



  • 7/25/2019 Rizal's Woman


  • 7/25/2019 Rizal's Woman


  • 7/25/2019 Rizal's Woman


  • 7/25/2019 Rizal's Woman


    The Mercado - Rizal Family

    The Rizals is considered one of the biggest families during their time. Domingo Lam-co, the

    family's paternal ascendant was a full-blooded Chinese who came to the hilippines from !moy,

    China in the closing years of the "#th century and married a Chinese half-breed by the name of$nes de la Rosa.

    Researchers re%ealed that the &ercado-Rizal family had also traces of apanese, (panish, &alayand )%en *egrito blood aside from Chinese.

    ose Rizal came from a "+-member family consisting of his parents, rancisco &ercado $$ andTeodora !lonso Realonda, and nine sisters and one brother.


    ather of ose Rizal who was the youngest of "+ offsprings of uan and Cirila &ercado. 1orn in

    1i2an, Laguna on !pril ", ""3 studied in (an ose College, &anila3 and died in &anila.

    TEODORA ALONSO"4#-"/"+0&other of ose Rizal who was the second child of Lorenzo !lonso and 1ri5ida de 6uintos. (he

    studied at the Colegio de (anta Rosa. (he was a business-minded woman, courteous, religious,

    hard-wor7ing and well-read. (he was born in (anta Cruz, &anila on *o%ember "8, "4# anddied in "/"+ in &anila.

    SATURNINA RIZAL"9:-"/"+0

    )ldest child of the Rizal-!lonzo marriage. &arried &anuel Timoteo ;idalgo of Tanauan,


    PACIANO RIZAL"9"-"/+:0th child. &arried Daniel austino Cruz of 1i2an, Laguna.

    OSE RIZAL "?"-"/?0The second son and the se%enth child. ;e was e>ecuted by the (paniards on December +:,"/?.

    CONCEPCION RIZAL"?4-"?90The eight child. Died at the age of three.

    OSEFA RIZAL"?9-"/890

    The ninth child. !n epileptic, died a spinster.

    TRINIDAD RIZAL"?-"/9"0

    The tenth child. Died a spinster and the last of the family to die.

    SOLEDAD RIZAL"#:-"/4/0

    The youngest child married antaleon 6uintero.

  • 7/25/2019 Rizal's Woman


    Rizal! "he Roma#"ic

    There were at least nine women lin7ed with Rizal3 namely (egunda @atigba7, Leonor

    Aalenzuela, Leonor Ri%era, Consuelo

  • 7/25/2019 Rizal's Woman


    Co#+%elo Or"i$a


  • 7/25/2019 Rizal's Woman


    ,er"r%de ec(e""

    Ehile Rizal was in London annotating the (ucesos de las $slas ilipinas, he boarded in the house

    of the 1ec7ett family, within wal7ing distance of the 1ritish &useum. Bertrude, a blue-eyed and

    bu>om girl was the oldest of the three 1ec7ett daughters. (he fell in lo%e with Rizal. Tottiehelped him in his painting and sculpture. 1ut Rizal suddenly left London for aris to a%oid

    Bertrude, who was seriously in lo%e with him. 1efore lea%ing London, he was able to finish the

    group car%ing of the 1ec7ett sisters. ;e ga%e the group car%ing to Bertrude as a sign of theirbrief relationship.

    Nellie o%+"ead

    Rizal ha%ing lost Leonor Ri%era, entertained the thought of courting other ladies. Ehile a guest

    of the 1oustead family at their residence in the resort city of 1iarritz, he had befriended the two

    pretty daughters of his host, )duardo 1oustead. Rizal used to fence with the sisters at the studio

    of uan Luna. !ntonio Luna, uans brother and also a freuent %isitor of the 1ousteads, courted*ellie but she was deeply infatuated with Rizal. $n a party held by ilipinos in &adrid, a drun7en

    !ntonio Luna uttered unsa%ory remar7s against *ellie 1oustead. This prompted Rizal to

    challenge Luna into a duel. ortunately, Luna apologized to Rizal, thus a%erting tragedy for thecompatriots. Their lo%e affair unfortunately did not end in marriage. $t failed because Rizal

    refused to be con%erted to the rotestant faith, as *ellie demanded and *ellies mother did not

    li7e a physician without enough paying clientele to be a son-in-law. The lo%ers, howe%er, partedas good friends when Rizal left )urope.

  • 7/25/2019 Rizal's Woman


    S%za##e aco'y

    $n "/:, Rizal mo%ed to 1russels because of the high cost of li%ing in aris. $n 1russels, he li%edin the boarding house of the two acoby sisters. $n time, they fell deeply in lo%e with each other.

    (uzanne cried when Rizal left 1russels and wrote him when he was in &adrid.

    o+e.hi#e rac(e#

    $n the last days of ebruary "/9, while still in Dapitan, Rizal met an "-year old petite $rish girl,

    with bold blue eyes, brown hair and a happy disposition. (he was osephine 1rac7en, the

    adopted daughter of Beorge Taufer from ;ong @ong, who came to Dapitan to see7 Rizal for eyetreatment. Rizal was physically attracted to her. ;is loneliness and boredom must ha%e ta7en themeasure of him and what could be a better di%ersion that to fall in lo%e again. 1ut the Rizal

    sisters suspected osephine as an agent of the friars and they considered her as a threat to Rizals

    security.Rizal as7ed osephine to marry him, but she was not yet ready to ma7e a decision due to her

    responsibility to the blind Taufer. (ince Taufers blindness was untreatable, he left for ;on @ong

    on &arch "/9. osephine stayed with Rizals family in &anila. =pon her return to Dapitan,Rizal tried to arrange with ather !ntonio

  • 7/25/2019 Rizal's Woman


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