  • 1. The Road to Independence
    Who actually travelled this road?
    Meet some important friends who made freedom possible for America!

2. Benjamin Franklin
Best known for his great printing and writing skills.
Was elected to the Second Continental Congress.
One of five men to write the Declaration of Independence.
3. Benedict Arnold
Was nominated to the Continental Congress by George Washington.
Was a colonel in the army.
Bargained with the British.
Which side was he really on?
4. John Hancock
The first to sign the Declaration of Independence, in very large print.
Elected as President of the Continental Congress.
Was governor of the State of Massachusetts.
5. Samuel Adams
Was a tax collector and suspected spy of the British.
Member of the First Continental Congress.
Passionate advocate for independence from Britain.
6. Paul Revere
Known for the midnight ride.
Excellent silversmith.
Led patriots in the Boston Tea Party.
Was a mounted messenger for the Patriots.
7. Thomas Jefferson
Primary author of the Declaration of Independence.
Fluent in five languages and a negotiator.
Vice-president and President of the United States.
8. George Washington
Commander inchief of the Continental Army.
First president of the United States.
Freedom would not have been won without George Washington.
9. Significant Contributors
Ethan Allen
Nathanael Green
Patrick Henry
Thomas Paine
William Prescott
Crispus Attucks
Molly Pitcher
Betsy Ross
King George III
Nathan Hale
John Adams
John Andre
10. Assignment
There are a number of people that were instrumental in the Americans gaining independence from England. Choose someone who had a significant impact on the American Revolution.
Create a powerpoint presentation using the presentation rubric.

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