
Club contacts are listed inside

Rock and Roll Dance & Nostalgic Memorabilia Club Inc

Editor – Two Left Feet – [email protected]

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The past few months have been extremely busy for the new committee due to several key positions

remaining vacant, however the dance events and dates have been selected and are to be ratified at

the meeting on Thursday the 14th December. Once this has been completed the events will be

posted on our web page and face book page for general viewing.

The coordination of the club nights was left to Pauline Porch and Coral Williams to meet and develop

a format that would provide a suitable night for all genres of dance and to cater for the experienced

dancers as well as the learners. This will also be presented at the next meeting.

These two aspects form the basis of our club and without these tasks being completed then the club

ceases to exist. Thank you to the members who volunteered to get together and complete the

organisation of both tasks.

Our Christmas dance on the 9th December was well attended with 69 people enjoying themselves

to the beat of the band “The Zephyr Project”. A large number of people travelled from Bundaberg,

Rockhampton and Baffle Creek with past President Ross Tanner travelling from Brisbane. A huge

thank you to Geoff Peepall for organising this event and to all the volunteers who helped set up and

pack up. Without this support, the tireless few would develop burnout. I am a strong believer in one

person, one job. To this end, I ask that if any member has a particular skill set and would like to

volunteer to take on any task or aspect required to run the club without joining the committee,

please talk to me and we will try and accommodate you. Your contribution will be greatly


The Spring Dance was a good night, however numbers were down. While we have run with this

dance again next year, we may have to review holding a dance at this time of year if support of the

event does not improve. Again, thank you to the volunteers who stepped up in the absence of a

Dance Coordinator to get this event off the ground.

Our club numbers are extremely low and a recruitment drive needs to occur if the future of the club

is to be guaranteed. I have some ideas to present to the next meeting that may help to improve our


In closing, I take this opportunity to thank the previous Committee for their hard work and

commitment to the club. I wish all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. If you are travelling,

please do take care on our roads, rest often and arrive safely. I look forward to continuing our

friendship when we resume on the 31st January.

Keep on rocking.

Keep Dancing



Just Rock Gladstone

Presidents Report December 2017

Club contacts are listed inside

Rockers, g’day once again and farewell to the 2017 rockin’ year. Strewth, where did the time go?

Old man time needs to apply the brakes and ease off on that making us age accelerator pedal. When

one approaches that ripe old age of 70, one certainly becomes more acutely aware of his mortality.

So, it demonstrates and emphasises that we all need to be up and doing and rockin’ whenever and

wherever we can. Still, aging isn’t all that bad, because if you are not, then you are already dead

and that is not an acceptable alternative for any of us that enjoys this rock ‘n’ roll lifestyle.

The 2017 year was ushered in, and what only seems like 5 minutes ago, and has now rocked on by

at a blinding rate of knots. In October, the AGM saw a new committee elected and those now

holding the reins are listed herein. As stated in the September edition, it is extremely doubtful

whether I can keep churning out the club magazine and this may very well, almost certainly be the

last. It covers the Ambrose dance and the Christmas dance, the last two events for finalising the

year. And just confirming that I have also elected to remove myself from the Events Coordinators

role as the club soldiers on into the 2018 year.

Thanks to all those who have thrown their hat into the ring and elected to serve on the committee

for the 2018 year, particularly those who have again elected to serve for another year and continue

to contribute to the wellbeing of the membership. These are special people so give them your

support, as they deliver and put in place some good things over the next 12 months.

Once more, may I express my thanks to the club for many years of enjoyment and for all the

friendships that have been forged within these magical confines. Margaret and I are still financial

members and will still participate in club events, but will intermittently be absentees from time to

time, as we try to squeeze in some travel, plus attend to other matters. Man it has been a great and

sometimes crazy ride and we have thoroughly enjoyed ourselves, and for my part, being on the

committee in various roles over many years has been a real buzz. Immensely satisfying.

Good luck to you all. We will see you around the traps, of that you can be assured. Also to our fellow

rockers at clubs in Rockhampton, Bundaberg, Hervey Bay, The Gippsland, Geelong and other places

in-between, and to the great bands that have performed for this club over many years, keep on

rockin’ and hang loose like a long necked goose. Cram as much music and dancing as you can into

your available time and what can only be described as a short life span on this neat blue marble we

call home. The rock ‘n’ roll activity that we enjoy and the company we keep in these circles truly

makes for an enjoyable life. It enriches us all, and in my view, will help one stay a little younger as

old man time chips away at plotting our demise. Rock ‘n’ roll can help stave off this inevitability.

Club contacts are listed inside

Rockers, since the AGM, a dedicated person for this role has not yet been appointed. So,

the committee, collectively, will be handling this aspect of the clubs activities and will be

planning events for the membership for the 2018 year. Plus, perhaps some person with a

creative flair may like to have a go at knocking out a club magazine, seeing that I will no

longer be able to manage that. So, please see Barry, Bruce, Pauline or Robyn if you would

be interested in pursuing this opportunity. Below is a consolidated calendar of the events

proposed for the Gladstone club, as well as those already in place for our sister CQ clubs.

The above listed events in grey as far as the dates, venues and any bands are

concerned are as yet to be ratified by your hard working committee.



Club contacts are listed inside

President Barry


Gladstone 0439780818 [email protected]

Vice Prezz Pauline


Gladstone 49790488 [email protected]

[email protected]

Treasurer Bruce




49737463 [email protected]

Secretary Robyn


Gladstone 0406755337 [email protected]

[email protected]



Currently Vacant

(Collectively-The Committee)

Magazine Currently Vacant



Currently Vacant

(Collective committee members)


Quality Gig

The Committee

(Currently no incumbent)

Committee Bev


Calliope Email only [email protected]

Committee Wayne

Brewis Gladstone 0428236777 [email protected]

Committee Karen


Gladstone 0408189320 [email protected]

Since resigned (Now vacant)

Committee Coral




49737463 [email protected]


Committee Muriel


Gladstone 0409476923 [email protected]

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Club contacts are listed inside

Club contacts are listed inside

Rockers, google up THE ACE CAFÉ to get all the gen on the world’s coolest café.

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Jack Bruce (John Symon Asher Bruce) - Died 25-10-2014 in Suffolk,

England - Liver disease ( Rock - Jazz - Blues ) Born 14-05-1943 in

Bishopbriggs, Lanarkshire, Scotland - Played bass, keyboards,

harmonica and cello and was a singer - (He did, "I'm Gettin Tired") -

Was a member of Cream (They did, "Sunshine Of Your Love" and

"Tales Of Brave Ulysses") and West, Bruce& Laing - Worked with Jim

McHarg's Scotsville Jazzband, The Murray Campbell Big Band, Blues

Incorporated, The Graham Bond Quartet, John Mayall & The

Bluesbreakers, Robin Trower, Manfred Mann and Powerhouse - Rock

and Roll Hall Of Fame Inductee.





Club contacts are listed inside

Tel: 0411 408-931

Email: [email protected]

Some of our good mates from Rocky Rockers enjoyed the night at Ambrose on the 11th of

November and are pictured above in action to music churned out by Laurel Woodward.

Full report on that dance and more pictures follow on further into this edition. What a

pity we couldn’t entice some more of the locals to come along for a neat night in the sticks.

Our web designer is Jane Mitchell – She ROCKS

Club contacts are listed inside

Well, it has come and gone, another gathering at the Ambrose Hall on 11/11/2017. Yes,

after 8 years, rockers from both the Gladstone club and Rockhampton, along with a

smattering of Mt Larcom’ites and only two Ambrosians, gathered for a ripper night on

the tiles. What a terrific little hall and around 50 bodies crammed into this confine that

echoes with history. Framed and date stamped photographs on the walls of our club

verified the days when we last rocked there. Hard to believe it was that long ago. My my,

time, where did you go. Sincere thanks is expressed to those from the Rocky Rockers club

who made the trek to one sweet venue in the bush. Thanks for the company on the night

and helping make the night a success, and also to the Gladstone Club, who once again

provided a delectable light supper that was enjoyed by all. And to Laurel for the music

and Ray for his expertise in helping overcome some technical hitches earlier on in the

night. In case you didn’t know, we have had 3 gigs at Ambrose prior to the one this year,

namely 20/09/2008, 25/10/2008 and 19/09/2009. These were in the days when numbers and

the enthusiasm was high. To reflect on these humongous happy days, some of the photos

of those times are reproduced here. Hopefully they resurrect some happy memories for

you. You will also see faces that you have not seen for yonks. Good mates that have moved

on and who no longer frequent the local club. Pictures to recall the sweet halcyon days.

Club contacts are listed inside

Club contacts are listed inside

Club contacts are listed inside

The above financial members of the club celebrate birthdays in December, January and

February. Just Rock wishes them all the best and hope they manage to ROCK ON for many

more years to come. Rock ‘n’ roll – It’s the pure elixir of youth, it’s sweeter than a sardine

and treacle milkshake. It’s the perfect vehicle for a very happy and contented life. It’s one

of the more enduring contributions towards human progress. Another year older, another

furrow in the brow, another year wiser. Keep dancing like no one is watching. Dance the

moment and live life. We don’t need no pills, rock ‘n’ roll will cure all our ills. It’s

sweeter than candy and will never die .You ain’t nothin’ but a hound dog .ROCK ON.

Club contacts are listed inside

Also rockers, if you want to find out what’s on in the Brisbane, Sunny and Gold Coast regions, then

google Pauline Schafers website. What a fantastic site to find out what is going on around the traps

in the rock ‘n’ roll circles. Pauline is also a dance teacher and offers private lessons in Rock ‘n’ Roll,

Partner Dancing and basic Waltz and Cha Cha. Thanks to Pauline for creating and managing this very

informative and worthwhile site. She certainly is one of those magic people that deserves gratitude

from all who are into and follow the rock ‘n’ roll lifestyle. A real gem of a lady. – The Editor-----

Club contacts are listed inside

Club contacts are listed inside


Club contacts are listed inside

As you travel through Central Queensland and look for somewhere to rock ‘n’ roll, then

you can’t go past the Hervey Bay Boat Club or the fabulous Maryborough Sports Club.

These two fine establishments have great dance floors and have live entertainment every

Friday and Saturday as a minimum. The Boat Club has entertainment all week long

and these two clubs are great places to wine, dine and dance if you are ever in the area.

Also check out Billys Pub in Gympie, Joes Waterhole Eumundi and the SLSC Noosa.

SONGS OF THE MOMENT – G’day once again fellow rockers. Well this will almost

certainly be the last you hear from me through the pages of this magazine, a magazine it

has been a pleasure to produce over many years and where, through this column, I have

given you information on music that I consider to be true gems. Rock and roll certainly

has a power and can infect your blood, and I must say, has enriched me over the years.

And as old man time chips away at my life, what I consider to be an essential element in

the equation of my life force and well being, will still keep on bringing me enjoyment and

put a hold on the grim reapers advances. Here are a couple of gems that I hope you find

as magically appealing as I do, as I now finish my last column for this clubs magazines

pages. Play them loud and enjoy the ride that they will provide you. Truly superb

offerings. “Gonna get myself a woman” by the Texabilly Rockets and “What’s the matter

with you” by the same band will have you firing up ready for liftoff. Now for a right

pearler have a listen to “Tush” by Axel Rudi Pell. If this doesn’t get the torso trembling,

then I suggest you are dead from the waist down. This will drive you into a rockin’ frenzy.

And for a nice smooth bluesy number “It gets me blue” by Frankie Miller is very sweet.


Ricks Diner in Palmwoods – Magic little haunt

The Thunderbird Café Jones Street Mooloolah

Victoria Point R’n’R Café 7 Masters Ave

Happy Days Café 11 Bulcock St Caloundra – Beaut

And if you are in Hawaii check out the Irish Rose

Saloon 478 Ena Road Waikiki. Live rock and roll

music almost every night of the week. Grouse.

Club contacts are listed inside

Club contacts are listed inside

To any member of this club, in fact in any rock ‘n’ roll club elsewhere, who may be

suffering health problems, Just Rock Gladstone wishes you all the best . To any local

rocker in this boat here and elsewhere in CQ we wish you well and a speedy recovery..

Above: Taken on the 10/08/2010 at the Bowls Club Rockabilly lessons. Remember



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Club contacts are listed inside

Club contacts are listed inside

Club contacts are listed inside

Now hear this all you cool rockin’ cats with a travelling bug in your rock ‘n’

roll sneakers, head on over to France in April 2018. Oui oiu est groovy. The

Nite Howlers and Twisted Rod are right ripper musicians. Oh yeah baby.


Club contacts are listed inside

One of the most talented families on the planet will welcome in the new year. Jimmy and

the girls have entertained us here in Gladstone for 7 years and as Jim Hermel & The Hot

Chix rocked our socks off. Ilford, you lucky devils, this family will give you a top night.

Club contacts are listed inside

Well local rockers and those far and wide that receive this magazine, as Bryan Ferry and

Dion crooned “It’s all over now baby blue” and this will be the last magazine that I churn

out for the Just Rock Gladstone Club. Some old photographic memorabilia is contained

herein and I am sorry that a lot of members don’t feature in these pages, but it would end

up being a couple of terabytes in size, such is the breadth of that which I have accumulated

over the years. I am sure someone can come to the fore and kick out a magazine to

represent this club in some shape or form. It has been a real buzz for me writing this

magazine which, from what I understand, has been pretty well received. To all those who

gave me permission to use content within these pages and those of the last several years,

many thanks. To the friends both myself and Margaret have made, thanks for the real

friendship and the dancing. And as the Christmas season approaches, let’s pause and

reflect on how lucky we are to live in what is still the lucky country, enjoy great rock ‘n’

roll music and the lifestyle and pastimes that surround it. Plus, give a thought to those

less fortunate than ourselves and who are our fellow Australians, and those elsewhere,

that find themselves on struggle street, have little, and suffer from depression and the

like. The kids and others that are riddled with cancer and other dreadful maladies. Reach

out to them whenever you can and support them. Support can be extended to them via

the beauty and activity that is rock ‘n’ roll and that this club has been actively involved

in over many years, and that has seen us raise valuable dollars for several local causes

and people within our community. I am proud to have been a part of that and hope that

it continues as we walk and drive down those highways, backroads and byways that take

us on the journey that is the remainder of our lives. This rock and roll highway really is

a sweet road and the wife and I have been enriched as we traversed it. To all those bands

and musicians that have performed for this club and who will be recipients of this final

edition, many thanks and keep on pumping out that great music that we all love and are

truly appreciative of. It really is a terrific tonic and a fabulous elixir for keeping our well

being in tact. And to all those RNR clubs and event organisers here in Australia and

around the globe that also receive these magazines, good luck for the future and may your

clubs grow and prosper, and if you are an event organiser, keep up the good work. You

may not always get the pat on the back you so rightly deserve, but let me deliver that to

you all through the pages of this magazine. Some of you and the bands I mention here are

listed on the following page. If anyone has been missed, apologies, it is not intentional.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all. You are exceptional people and

should all be on the register of Australian National Treasures. You all do truly ROCK.

The world, and in particular Australia, is a better place for it and your efforts. Sadly,

nothing is forever, but the memories are and they are something that can’t be taken away.

And a message to the grim reaper, rack off man, you can wait quite a while before you

ambush this old codger, so stick that in your pipe and smoke it. – The Editor -----

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Club contacts are listed inside

Club contacts are listed inside

You know, back in the 50’s, 60’s and to a lesser extent the 70’s, the youth were casting off the

shackles of conventional conservatism and were embracing rock ‘n’ roll. They were seen by some

as being too rebellious and were dancing to the tune of what was deemed to be the devils music.

They viewed the establishment as being too rigid, too focused on religion and out of touch. Rather

than being tied to this regime, they flocked to places where the music was played and danced,

much to the angst of their parents and the authorities that were in power, and who operated as

social police, and even arrested some of these juveniles for the crime of dancing on a Sunday and

banned movies such as rock around the clock. Ti’s true that there were groups that formed and

were viewed as gangs whose activities had to be curtailed for the social good EG: The Mods and

the Rockers. But eventually, they did break down these walls and thank god they did. What was

spawned back then evolved into a sweet culture and saw some of the most beautiful songs and

music ever written, created. The songs about love, anti-war chants, songs of peace and other

themes rent the airwaves. But again, the establishment couldn’t come to grips with it and some

religious bodies lobbied to have certain songs banned. “A 100 Pounds of Clay” by Gene McDaniels

was considered blasphemous and what I consider to be one of the greatest protest songs ever was

Barry McGuire’s “Eve of Destruction”, but it was banned by some American radio stations,

claiming it was an aid to the enemy in vietnam. Over time, perseverance mainly won the day and

those that tried to stop the airing and even censor the music of the day, finally got the message

that they needed to pull their heads in. Unfortunately, they don’t write songs or music like this

too much anymore, and that’s a pity. Some of the songs, the likes of “I will follow him” by Little

Peggy March, “You don’t own me” by Lesley Gore, “Be my baby” by the Ronettes and hundreds

of others that delivered and explained in sweet verse the human condition, are those that will live

forever. Driving down a highway with the MP3 player turned up loud, listening to these songs

and others by “The Beach Boys”(Hawaii), “The Royal Teens” (Short Shorts), The Troggs (Wild

Thing),Thunderclap Newman (Something in the air), The Jarmels (A little bit of soap), The

Walker Brothers(The sun ain’t gonna shine anymore) and others, is a great way to enjoy ripping

down that highway of life. The 50’s, 60’s and 70’s delivered a pathway to enjoyment and those

lyrics and music have no doubt enriched all our lives. These are the songs that will stand the test

of time. These are the timeless classics and the soundtracks of a very satisfying life.-The Editor-

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Club contacts are listed inside

Club contacts are listed inside

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Club contacts are listed inside





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Well gang, the last major event for the year has come and gone, and what a hoot. It went

off like a firecracker. The band “The Zephyr Project” was very good in my view and

provided all in attendance with a great night. Thank to the blokes for electing to perform

for the club for the 2nd time. Special thanks to those who made the trek from Rocky,

Bundaberg, Hervey Bay and Baffle Creek, for without your backsides on a seat, the night

would not have been as successful as it was. Once again, the local ladies put on a rather

delightful supper, a top offering that was eagerly devoured by all the music lovers in

attendance. Ross Tanner, past President, also made the journey from Brisbane and

thanks is also extended to him for manning the door for most of the night. The bar was

staffed by Treasurer Bruces daughter and granddaughter and thanks to them for slaking

the thirst of those who worked up a sweat on a rather hot night, as they cavorted on the

dance floor to the terrific music by the band. A total of 69 bodies enjoyed the grand finale

for the 2017 year here in Gladstone. To those who stayed back and helped tear the place

down and pack up the tables and the like, thanks, a great and much appreciated effort.

To the ladies who decorated the tables, well done, very nice and Christmassy. You rock.

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Club contacts are listed inside

The first Australian rock 'n rollers

In these early days, performers like Johnny O'Keefe and The Easybeats were easy

to categorise as rockers, with songs such as Wild one, Shout and Friday on my mind

mimicking the heavy-guitar sound and strong beat produced by rock performers in

the USA and Britain.

Johnny O'Keefe went on to become the first Australian artist to appear in the

Australian Top 40 (Wild one), the first to be signed and record for an international

label (US Liberty) and was the first rock and roll artist to host his own radio

program (Rockville Junction on ABC Radio).

The Easybeats, who met as immigrants at Sydney's Villawood Migrant Hostel in

1964, became famous worldwide. Other Australian rock bands to hit the big time

during the 1960s and the 1970s included The Masters Apprentices, Billy Thorpe

and the Aztecs, Daddy Cool and Skyhooks


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Well rockers and recipients of this magazine, the last from this old stalwart, I hope you

enjoyed the read and those of previous editions. As the Zombies sang and what was one

of their biggest hits – “It’s The Time Of The Season” for me to sign off, get my motor

runnin’ and head out on the highway. Keep dancing, keep rock and roll alive and kickin’.

You are all the guardians of what is a wholesome and satisfying pastime. ROCK RULES.

Club contacts are listed inside

Well gang, there is a bit on around the traps on New Years Eve, but unfortunately most

of the venues aren’t suitable for the nights out on the tiles that we, as rockers, expect.

Carpet surfaces to dance on and bands plonked in a public bar for the patrons to enjoy

is probably a little daunting. I have compiled a list here of what is on that I am aware of

and suggested what are probably the best. If the Calliope Country Club gets something

off the ground then at least there is good infrastructure in place there for dancing. The

Harvey Road Tavern, while carpet, and the gig located in the main bar area, that carpet

is quite danceable if you have leather or resin soled shoes. Thanks to all the establishments

that do put on entertainment, but in Gladstone it is quite sad that the infrastructure is

not in place for those who dance, except for two in the Calliope Country Club and Yaralla.

But once again, for the 2nd year running, Yaralla has got it wrong. Karaoke, man that has

to take the cake for an event to celebrate New Years Eve and herald in 2018. ROCK ON.

Club contacts are listed inside

Club contacts are listed inside

This magazine is compiled by Two Left Feet. The entire photographic content is his,

except where provided by other club members, or via permission granted by outside

sources.The opinions herein are those of the author and not necessarily those of the club.

It is intended to convey information of interest about rock ‘n’ roll to club members and

will not entertain dance politics in any shape or form. In essence, it serves to capture the

history and the happenings of the Just Rock Gladstone club. It is the medium to convey

what’s what, what’s happening locally, interstate and world wide and act as a conduit

between other clubs to forge friendships and promote rock ‘n’ roll. Hope you enjoyed it.



Fellow club members and members from other clubs both in Australia and overseas,

again let me say, that it is my pleasure once again to bring you another edition of our local

Just Rock Gladstone magazine. Brimfull of pictures, I hope it is an interesting and

enjoyable read for you all. Every picture tells a story and that is one of the main attributes

of this magazine. Its one main aim is to tell your story, the general stories about rock and

roll and capture that story in pictures. If you receive them via email, save them to your

hard drive and keep them as precious mementos of your rock ‘n’ roll activities. Rock and

rollers are a close knit community here in Central Queensland, other parts of Australia

and overseas. I do view us as the guardians of a truly noble art form and its history and

happenings should be recorded. It is hoped that this magazine does just that and helps

preserve for future generations a fun record of what this top little rock ‘n’ roll club and

others has got up to over the years. At long last, we also now have a website and FB page

up and running, where these club magazines are now loaded. Sweet. Sincere thanks to

Jane Mitchell for the development of this cyber space address. Check it out via google

and view loaded pictures, plus keep abreast of what is happening on the rock scene here

in CQ and elsewhere. It’s where we are smack dab in the middle of rock ‘n’ roll. RIPPER


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