Page 1: ROCKAWAY · ROCKAWAY RECORD Moms County's Newsiest Weekly • Our Aim "A better community in which to

ROCKAWAY RECORDMoms County's Newsiest Weekly • Our Aim "A better community in which to live"

m i l inlntlni Mtikllihmtx*opfMIrn itrlrtly In teroftf*«nif with Ihi Coat i f N>t>lahnl l lnorfrj lor TUBIMUNTklu ol Anutiia ••>«ulho nWrvpi alt Vnlon ret*ulnlioiM and ri-milr«n»nt».

XI.VII, No. 37 KOCKAWAY, N. J.,TIU)RSI>AY, MARCH H, 1935 $1.50 Pun YHAB

BeA Radio Artist?

Col. Stuart, Arsenal {Electrical DealersCommandant, to Move Offer Rare Plant'kntlnny Offleer To tin To Army l ' u b l l t ' *>"'"* Opportunity To Pur-

Pot On TheWar

U You Talent?[Hero's Your Chance

To Bejln Ktdlo

"('oii i i i i-HUrt In Dover

Muoh 10

AI,ulii yuti like to be one of„•„ idiiiiu Stage, or flrreenHere ni your opportunity touli uui> EtlwRi'dn—tho '81 iiv

VVhni he did for Eddielor. tiii'iiclin Mum, Ann Dvornk,

WinelU'll, Oooriie Jeuel.j ' Mriiki... Jnck Pearl, droneyin l,m>, Tho Dunottn BlKlei'K

m\'n uf ulhon, ho oitii da fur

Minium Hie week of Mmoli I I ,lli-iK will boifln the 'Qun

r(l,-\vun—Wnrner Bron. Rn->tiouior«d by the Finch-

Company of Newni'k, toivrr new pemonnllllon for ritdlo,

I Kireeii.Thln opportunity ofEltliine IN open lo nil yoiinu men(woniMi over nlxlson yeftm ot ttiie[tut mi employee of Warner Bron,

Winner Dion Trumlren, ofIth Tlir Milker In Dover In n pnrl,| in rliwitiml Into throe iiroupn;

mlnniien. *eml>!lnnla, Mill

Tlw pi'Cllmtimrleii Will

in in mi HientrM on M U I T I I I I .

Im mimnu I ho itppllcnnln,

nt Wnnl.linlon,ft, ('., In

cliaw Appliance WithLaw (Hint

Fire»Wanna Get In?Ptautiimy Worker > Tlll. Wlll. dr ~ n l h M u M „.

UNClipi'N INllI'lUC ItlUNt lit Col A. J, Btunrl, Coinmtilidniit nppllniippn renldlnu nluim Hie linen

— • • tit t'liuimny Aiwnnl tmnw June »,•«• l l l l > N ( > w Joney Pmver nnd UuhlLpitplnu In n nnlcly chute Miilulny II)J!I when lie micfeedvtl Cululiel Compnti.v. IMP offered n rmr oppor

Pn».pp('(ivPpurrimi.i>rMirpircirii<ni Kleelric Kitchen Show til Several Seek

Dover Ne*l Tuesday Sheriff Electioni' Dover Motor Company wil l jj

nltprmiun Hurry lltirnn of Wlmr- " ' " " ' l l ' " 1 I * W l l l l l ' l be Intiinfrrred tuulty in tlii> method nf miylim foiltuikl u Mmivm Kiuium Drmonntrn- No LCMI Th»n Btx Mrnllmwil to Run

'""• • *"lk'11' " f » A l w"" l ' . !n,! ! , ' , l ; .U lr 7 M . M S W ' U W hln .er ofHie Power Compnny .innotinc-entmped nerlmin injury when n mnnll t,.mistlM will be eflwllvr-dMl'Inn Aim- w l Twndivy to over 100 dPidern nl ii

qimnllly nl nltinlc exploded nml unl. nl which lime hln fnmily will ineetliilt held In Moone Hnll., Dover,

burned, He wim burned nboul llieinuve in Wnnhlimlon, D. C. Cnl.i The offer, which will be fur n llm •

n,,n «( Mo,* Hull M « TUHHIW, , ,, „ .

cvrulnw mid llm imblic IH mvtlcd ,OH'i' $1)0.00 wmlli dl IIIIMH wlll bo

N f

the Full

Prnin irpovU heard nround tlw

itlvrn nw«y nml an u nm-clul Imlucc.- rounly. llir'ic wlll br plenty of ran-

fitce mil l liumlft mid wim i m i i i ' d li.v Hiunci lu i i brt-n mmionetl nl the A i - »ed Hint*, pruvide* l lm I any niiike or m M n ( 0 men, H box ol l l n r

Dr. A. I, 1,. linker mill removed to

looking for the. Sheriff* .Inii

July 1. 11130. ""KM refrmeriilor. rnnncL,,, h,, K l v , , n ,„ ,,„, „ „ / w h o mo»l ' " l h r I"'"11"1'*' e l m l ° " " ' l l1<1 l a "iinvUn n inillvr-ol Mich- oi hoi witter neuter vnn be purrhnn-1 , .William N Bench In the pruwnt

nnd linn been mi officer In the "1 for u down pnyment uf 13 .(ft, I h t - 1 B r r u r i l " l | y <1""" lu l lv l l l " ' cm{ "< v]fc- Sheriff. He cannot run for the n i -

"""' '

Arniv »lnci' IIIOII when he WHU coin-! bnlmirp In be »|>ieiirl over n pcilud

niliMiiiiiPil II Hmilttl l.lciilcniinl. in «f four ycnr«. The flinuice clmriie

tric current lined diirlliu the demon-

»l ml lull

j Hobby Show

Dover CIWHMIII Honpilnl. whelp It l»nnld hln eoiuliiion i^uot witui

Jury DisagreesIn Harris Case

Juwph llnrrln A of llnehnwiiv

uml Natliinul IUlitit IIIUIH In-viilvrd In Money Mutter*

jury 111 the Morrin Coiin'ly Cii'iiiim.ii' n " ' k " r M * J ' " ' " ' " " ' 0)tll»i"<'<' t"1-1 U l l t 1 (»e R<1| ' ("' ( l l l l l N 'nornlnu. A] The rnnnnil'lw preMPiititm Ihe I" nuHe probnble Hint If he In. IhrPle'nn Courl Wrdiuviilny inornlnu'1""1"" '"1 " " * l " " I M a 0 ' m l On! »100 iipiillnncc enn be purchiined foil | , | W N t collection nl Hubble* nnd HePubllciin oi-anniziil Ion will Mippof.

flee Ihe neennd time In mjccomlonIt m the opinion of many thai thu

moil the urunnltntlon bnckn wlll ImIhe jiimi iio.nlniitecl nnd elected tn(he office. Thr otnnnlwtlon. nn yd .hnve nut derided lin In whom tllcvWlll MiDpcul nn no one him officially

.iioMiiiiii nn uiiuui-i •>. mm urn ,..,,H«"."... ... >....,.......,. • • • • . . . , . „ announced their Inlpnllonn The talkpmmotnl to the tvmptimy rttitk ot moment yet in iilvr the public the.' . " I " ' * ' 1 II»U, Itnekaway. |M | h | | | r i r , , j , ( ) i , | ,M . F l . n ( | Myern, nrlilellleluillt Colonel. Alter (he World' very Intent In Inboi- mivtiw nppllHiirrn! l v l ' l l " " " » l Unlrlrn Tn Be • i_>riivllli>. whose term expire* (.hi.-.Win he revelled lu hln periimi.enl | nl n very low conl, Mr. lluimbiruer NIIOVVII year, will be Ihe eniidldate. nnd i'

Ihe Connl Artillery Corpn. He wnn In lower Ihnn uny oilier In exlMei.celii'iiiwileil U. I'lrM Uetiteiinnl nhortly.m nlmllnr imrehftnen.Iheienller. In 1010 he wn« ndvnncpd' Any elm-lrlenl dpuler hundllim thln,lu Cuplnln nnd In Illlll lo Mnjor. He! incichnndlne In In u ponltlun lo muke IVf BFCh 2 0 flflO 2 1WIIN iriiiinferred lu Ihe ordiinnce De-Mhln offer. ]

imrlineiil on October 3. 10111 nnd Thin proponllon IH coimldprecl I lie

In Hie cine ol

Boll of Itoeknwnyllur-

nml llu

Ideiimlty Inmirniicp Co. ii«iun»i Hie n". l .k . '"1 ."'L*..'10.111?.1

Hpptpmber H, IIWI he w»n nitnln pro-.«" low nn ti tinelloii uver eluhl rrnlnIcntio« ever nhown In flnckiuvny wlnh 'Unj-moled In Lleuteniiitt Colonel, which," dny. includlim (he fltmuce chiir«e.:

The nuleNiniuiUKer further xlnlrd

Nnllonnl Union Dunk or DoverTho llnrrln firm nnd Ihe imiunuicc

foinpnny Miiiuhl to i-eeollecl tH.filH

Colonel Sluiirl l» n dl»tlnuul»hc<l l lw l there In no remain now why

(n ̂ ^ mUm,,n. ,im, ,,,,„ ,n.'cludCR every |»rwm. old or youiw. •

boy nr mil. mini or wumnn. to Imvc j

whlfh wnn clnlined IVDclieukn fumed by Vprmiii Puid. <itDenvllle it forniel bonk keeper 111 Ihe

Ilillirnire wlll nelei't it winner. The I Huiiin fli'iu, nml Hie minium t hn I]ult» of the firnl perfonnnnce will| | l l l ( | i,, |je imld buck lo HIIII IN by Hie

lie 3D Mitvlet or rut her, [inn which bunded lrord. lnnrd )-id .,

eumpete In the Mini-tin-' coimileled « term m .lull lor li.rnwy " U r o 1 1 " ' '^r"Mm nil

Dm Inn the week of Mnrch ilfi, in HIP enne.Inny iveek Ilicrrnfler, the neml-j It wnn clnlmcd Hint I'oril inuile

i will provide the. winner* mil Vi cheek* nnd nimied Hie nniiiegin Hi.' llrondcnMt ot the Brnml-.nt Uiuh llnrrln in Hiene 'I'hin il wan

i dtlier HoiiiccH, we henr thti1.i Rlyhtcr. hum unnoctiiled Ir,nffoll'N wlll be n I'limlldnle

of DIP Cuiiiiniintl nnd Oen- j every home eniuiol be equipped with. ehnii enU'len rettiniered by Mr am.' *h«e hi other It In nu««onl •Brhool m»l nl«i of Ih r ' th tw populni' elwMrlcnl Itemn. The ; H m | l l , „ „ , ,„,,,,. , , ,„„ wpclnendny Bf.! <*«• " H " H ( 1 | " ' V " I " 1 ' ' ' ! " " w l l ) wr* l n "

Cunnl Artillery Hi'huul Advtmccd' e«i™ low rnten rm clpcli-lelly by In- ( m m i m i M l , , r | , s o i i i . m thin wiiy i " " l n 'Conine. He (imdlinled Iroin IHP Ad- Mulliim u rnniie wlll bring th M ( l l , l y W | M V i m b,, amim\ n , „,„„.,, t u , II hn« nUn been Hioiwht by nomevnnceil of Ihe Ordnni.ce School II. 'l»*» '«' »"'•" " • ' enlenl lluil tlie1,,,.,,^,.,^ l h | | p | | i y y i | l | | . ,,,„,.,„_ No,"1" ! Mayor John Hnuch ol Doverlima inirchnne will pny for Kuril in i i | , .h l , | .B P ,„ , n i l ( | r , „ ,.x i , ib i i . No , ,d- ' Would try lor llic Hherlfln pout

Durum Colonel Htunrl'n llnir nl "hurl lime I mlnnlnii wlll be iiinde lo nllend Tniin.' hiivlnn been defenled. by n clo»'IMciitlnny he <HW Chief of the Twh- , __ ; however, me brlim ofteird by Ihe mnrmn [m Freeholder Innl

( I l i i Hi-iuiln ot Ti-iHip '1. nnd your Home

limit',i- \n Newnrk. Tlw (nnt j rliilmnl. Hie nlkninliire w««!••! will HO on from the nlltanj After he wnn convicted Ihe limit'-

|(hr Binmlfiird on April I, frominncp enmnnnv mnde unod to Ihe(-900 nml continue to for n pri'-ilumber firm the in.mum nl Hie !i».«

| of Ihlrleeii W'dORN. mill II aoimhl lo leeuver Hilt Iroin

wlnnlnu rontentnntn nt bolh the bunk. Die eomiiiniv elniinliiu Dimkwml-fi.uil nnd flnnl thenlre* wlll the bunk W.IR miilty «l m-tilliienie in

l.y n lyntern of'kluii the KIUIIIIIIIITKitulnlfil im In iBlodrnmn, letlern. The defeiiM' denleil liiiliilily nml

iniM ill the thontl'C, pllin mill- mild Ihul Hie II'IIIIRIICIIIIII limit uver|rr npiilimte. The wlnnlnil run- „ perlud uf eleven innnlli'. ilinlnutanlii «i the prellmlimry Ihenlren whlt*ti Ihe tlnrrtn coinimny |in»»eil nn'II be telei'led noley by npplllline. ^\xt. cnncelle<l elieekn II Ihere »««

(Iliii IKIwni'dn—WOll Wn-I- iniy low n wnn only nboul one-llilrilf Il.ii" linilio Content wlll be cini-. ,,f Hint ilnliiieil hy the iil iunill lr ll

'.iilit iiocol'diuicp with Ihe m B,-i [urtiinmlnni of dignity, honentyi •

Every * '» -17 (SrilduulvN AtrlintfA N 'I'l-iiiniiiM 11

11 ten I nnd orilimnce pioblemn nnd ̂ ' . JVlaTy 8 H O l y INfllTie j dt it iHf l»n. IniHe or nniullInle. Chief nf the Mnnulnclurlnii' H p o r c H n i l R r p n t i A I I iw-rntly nppi-pclnlrdOroup, which h.i.idlei. id) nmnutnc- H C O l O 1 I U I I . I J I C I I I I a l l j

(lire The Intlrr itwlHiiment IncUld-


ed the niipeivlnlon of Arneiuil Prnmlnent Judte Talka To Nt. Marv'n

Holy Name Bnelely

AI Ucnvllle

ndmliilnlnillve work mid for nlmnnltwo yenrn he linn been Cummnml-

I MM (Iff hi 1.rolum-l Hliinrt him mnde u hunt ol

f.lelidi lillinliu Hie cui|i!ii.veen of I'll'-,

i.llliliy Arnennl nml Ihe Miirtiiiiullim.wx County Ciiliimnii l1leu» Ctmrl ol

lu'luliiihnihiiiiil whu ieiiin nl hln com- ftnnex C'nunly Bitve nn Ililerentinu

HIM liniixli'i wilh n ui in I ilinl ol re- I II Ik lu nboul 100 inembern of the


||KTII I> fnir nnd equnl chnnce for,mini nu-nidn ulven by Gun ltd-,

nml Winner Dron.W liriwm. or Ml'OUP of pernoilKuiiu Miii'lv oi' loiiether. In unynf eiin-iiiiiiiinent In rlliilble fur

I ram I-, i except Wnrnei1 Brim.Jliiywn All contentivlitn- inny en-«ml i iiele IIN mnny llmen nn

I I «Wi All enirlm mum ImvcII own niiinlc 1111(1 imUerllll. billi unr tin- nlunlnt. n l the Wnrnei

The., inn.

li'imh i. 111IK rwiuhllill Ihe npnil-

(I »wl iinnl thontrpn, will IIPwiinllv iimclwrt irnrt HiKtrufled

ii" Kilv ii rilK. rSiich Olid pvrry1 wlll In- uivpi) pernonnl ntlen-

Jiuml In h>re they do on Ihe Mime|«w tin- Mir. ilipy will hnve been

Petly iiiniriH'lud 111 their l i d ."ii von nlniiern, rometlluiw,

iiiiliernoimtoi'B, niliNlrliuiN,nn. vncollntn, tii'ehenlrnn,la 'nler llllfl UI'Plll I'lUll"

JiN imw1 Thin In your r lmnrr•iini' cmi you mitkp tlw

' new-, uiniiren nf contenlniiln,' I ' l ' thin newnpnper, nndI Winner Ilron, Thonlre. lhr

RockawayWoman Dies

Mrn Pill. Mm.ton I'IIHU'. Anny nl Hie

llntiie of Her «l»l<-i-. Nnli.rdiiv (iiiniilleiilhiiiii

MfVcnliTii'." nt Mnnlrliili

Mlnle TeiU'hern t'ollene ni-e nrlhii' n-.

lllllllllIM ll'lllllrlH In MVrnl' i l i liii'ln

llClft lit Ihl* ftl'llllll l'll|i:ii Will) III'' '.III.

i lrnl leiichliiu In lilcli Mlnmlu

tlllnllullDlil I lie Mull- II V ,r. nn

InMllieeil liy l)r .Inlin (I lrln«ii« ])'

ll'l'llil III l l l l l ' l l l l l l l i l l l III til l ' rnlkri

Kiliierul wrvico f-u Mrn Kiln Mnn-inn. nueil Illl. '-niil In he inn nl tin-oldeot Itoeknwnv icMdi'iiK who diedinily MIIMIIIIV miII-IIIlur nl III'- hiniienf her nlKicr. Ml'. Mm Innl II Hlnill.17 Miilll xlieel. 1111« linruiiKh. frnmI'li.tipll.-iitUII.H hit 1th hi In hi-! ml-vmieed yeuiH Mhc hint been III Inr

Hie 111 /1 III link lirllil! In

yrmliln ctuinii'K would Ijc b«t-

l, r ler for Ihe Hherlfl thin yeur nnaI hen inn lor P'reeholder whrn hUt

nn Ille m.ccew. of thin Hobby Hh.iw term rxpl iw. However, with thei-pnln ini'Kely Ihe dechlon nn tn number expected I D be In Ihr rue.)whether or no! (hem- mrlii will enjoy,'•« Bherll l. It is wild Ihul he wouldII Miinmer nullnu. Every cpnt collect- " " I hnve n elmnre.

jedln Ihr Inn mile incnnn Junt Hint! l"™» »ne """" -V i.fflelnl. II H IM

, 'much more nnniirnnrc of n riunplim "<M thlii l h l ' r i ' m l i y b ( ' " n entirely• ir lp Inr Il ir elm. Kocknwn.v linn nev- >»'* "»>» I ' W " 1 ' " ' l i r ' I " 1 I""1 ' r o m

.Indue Dniili'l V. Brenniin. ol B n - , n l U ) 1 | 1 | n ) i m , , r l | ) ( h v , , m m , „ ,„„ ] , . In ( l " ' " « " " M '<' (l"». l ( ' ''veil up (hnIliell rlltn-lj, lo help Ihenwelvcn b i - repriwii lnl lni i Ic. county offices. Oncome belter ellizrnn. It |Meiiinei.ily 'he nlher hnml lhr I.IKiiril/.nlIon .Imped lluil Ihr lr drrnnin of l l " ) l " ' m l « h l n i n " ' l l o l n l h l > B o 0 " '

Holy Nnrne Hot'lely of HI. Mnry'n „ ,.pni , .B ,m , | , ,B n'lp Ihln n.iinmri-nmy '"H H'lrllory.C'liuich. nl Wnynlde Inn, Uenvlllr () |, )vn^/n\ Oftlclnl niinniiiirrinenln me ex-Riinilny mnrnln«. I , f y ( l U ' | , U V ( , l i n , . x h | b l | „,,, ,„ , n , , , . h m-clrd within Iwo inunlhn.

Judlie Ureimnn dlncunned crime • w l | | | N1J|)|I, l m , m u r | . „ , ,|,(, ( . n m i n | M , , , . ' Three of Ihe urobnblr enmlldnlmcii.idltlonn nnd Juvenile delimiiieiicy I . j . | ) ( 1 B| )1 |W w , | | |JC, ,,,,,||,,,| |,v M I B Intel viewed iny Ihnl reidirille.mi whi>lie plncr-d HIP blnntr tor much o l ' A ] f | T | ) H | | | , , „ ] (, | | (|,, |. ,„ ,,,,,' n | | . | the IIIKIIIIIZII I Ion IHIPIJOIIH they wouldIhe I'I-III I Ihe prenelil dny upon | „ , , , „ „ movc , , i i n l l , ,„ ,)„, , , ,m , iv . M rn ' " ' 1|» U l l ' n ' ( l « l l U l l « " | | I V I | M ' m ) l " -IHIKI pxplollnlion of emliirnnlM nndJH U u- K l l M ( l l l t[vmm\ m t.,,i,,i,itti l l ( . hint Ion.liPKI-opn by Ihe Illincilipillolin. Tlione ( | |.,, w | | | H | n u ^m[,r w m , , , „ . Olhern mentioned nn punnlbli'

I'oplcn. he mplmnrd, hiive been mrc- , . , „ „„ M , | , , . ( | l l l l B i i,,,,,,,,,,,,,,!,,, hy <"ticlld..I.-- nre »-l Nclnmi Dnvld

eil lu live hi i-Dimented nrrnn wllh yin., Kilini I'lchlrr Youiiii. .1. . II he IH unnurcrnnMll Ir.

llmlled ineniin uml rendlly becniue The'Thiimrii iy iinmiinii will hr l l | 1 ( H l l l U ' l l m h w y CommlwiUm Job

Ili i ' lool uf I hone In power In Ihe i,,,,!,,,-,.,! |,v n ciilicrrl l.y tin- l j Mile

iiehi'Mni nml n "ii luH Ai l l i iu

-• wlll ul\c t. milui'r i slnlnt

1 1 1 ' • ' < '


l)r Kim-em i> In I eil I in he! !'• Hie, , . . ,, , . . . Niiveinbrr of ii'il yeurl i n l i n e nil ' « inniiv M>nii< nn . . . , , , ,

' . I I M | 1 : Mnxloii. who lint bi-i-ii IK HIMtliuUiUeu hnve inn el IIKI-II n Inuii ,. . , , , , , , , , . ,

«Hh her Blnlri Mine lhr i l in lh " I lie.'"'• * ' ' " ' " " " liinbiiud in HUM. I'- ' i i ivlved i.v i i i i-

MIIII-I ''i M n .hiM'iih 'I i i l l l i-. nf

i 'Inni h '.licet. Km kim-iiv

llm n lu llm-kiitt-.i.v. Mi '1 Mimion.

A,e. Il l l ' il l l l lelllel ni Hit- ]n1e Ml mill


*" Tlie.iii

wlll be ntnrlPil nt Ihe. , . i rn ihni l ' ' f l i i i l1 ' ! '1 '

Wddnewlny, M«H4I „.,„„. „ „ „ , . „it i» I,|,',I i i , nmn, women, boy* MI i^imiii-iitn

leuclie.-nlluil M'llllclnll .! lilllunlei! Fil||ii-l \ i-eilHie i-lllili'Ml li-in hliii> nf mull i r i .nlHill)i Iheie wen- ntilv l lw Mmiii lniiiililhihl wliu W M ' l iul i i ini ' n-in hi i-

III I'lnHI'IM inlill'll Hint lhr ||.-l.tii Inu-iif ill l i i l i I-I ill inn rnii'.iili i nlII nil nfh lllllili'l- In he llhle In |<!,n <-Ihe Mnilcnl leiiehi-m muli-i ilii- >-uprrvlnliiii ul IIIH'J ivlm luive hull lluMillir eiliiinllinnil IHUnliie »•. H I MIl inr .nml svhn uml' i •»In111) nml 'vm.linlhl/e with Hi,- ui'-iliml'i nml h-ilihlfliii'ti iiv - l i te ^luil'-ni

leliclll'1 ii 'I lnll l l. it ' leiu Ill-Ill. Ill l.illll

HI'e iielerleil i.n i-iilnil' IIi.y in t I I I . . mill nil li>-Illlll Iliell ithlllU iI.II! pll ' l l HBlliMlll

Mr- I hml i in I uorl.l l l . miirh llic Mime '[| IM,mnmier. he went on, children nr ihr n

I 7111 )l

linnii-i eliiMnen an Into live^ ul o lmr't'he rhlt.lieii me tin nil Itilo enviriinmehl nnd them-liven lo II li'iullly he (leclnicd.

.fiulfcte llrenmin ulnn nlliu-leil IheInili.iilry hn hr )i"i|inn»ll)le Inrnnl tlvlim Miftlclriil iipporlunlly (oIhe lower cliiineH, whom he mild, meInreed Ihln crime Ihrnin/h l̂u-f»rlirernnlly.

Thr eommliiee In rlmmc nf nr-rnimlnu llic nftulr. wnn hriidril hy.loh.i )( f.'Cnnnur. John Mr>MI.M.ThoimiK Heolleii. fh i i l l i ' i

In linllllinl el.'i'li'li we lira I tin.I.C'nlvlii Lnwri'iice ol Urnvillc wlll In-

Ilkelv iii.idldiite Inl rieellnliler.

"KvcryMember (

l.iulwli! llniiwlilelll ii»Rl«leilI'I-IIII'.VIVIIIIIII nml Wei V11 MII il it

K-h' umi II IMnilinili- nf IU.nllii ('"I-

'">' OKI l"HHliil)IK'll III11.I

,,„''_' Muilcni Dunce l'"riJnyl ' '

Toiiiurrow evpiiltit. nl II .10 n'cliprk.

(crV K(%«l

«fl».n.-, 10yn»rn. Thin In nn ' „ ,-„ . . .

•miiiiv in «m iwlio fume. Any-, ' ' , , l h iiitaremnt cm, Bf,t fun dtitiilln "V , ' ,., |ln,,,i,,..i (

»« Miiiiiin-I Itolh, mnimiier of " " ' I , , , , , , , , , , , , ! ,,,.,.,-..- nml

^ ,|ie.leiiiT In I'l-- f h j 1

J. T. Hacr/ilvrnittkct" nt Hliritwi ,\) I'or

' V'l'y Key V. J, Bllfld/Jor, O, t'-, i H i " " I " " ' " ' iM [',"' ' " " I 1 "I W, Vltl(!«nt'H I'r l i iry,, Hie l"m-hni'i w " 1 "

1 Vl l r |i C'M.y, former Pfofpunor »''"Him I,I Providence Oollene. l»' " i " mi'-st Hpmher nt Wonnry

''""'• MiiimiiM, M, J,, on HundKV,r ' U ' l l i f i i s u o p . r n , I I IN Mib jwl

' " i ' ' "ApuMtln of Iwlnt id,"

Him iilul

l,|., ,,i ,:ii..h

, ,,|, nii'l I"-

ivlc. In nndir

|i ,,i n i.edit I'-

, Ili i i l the i n n

l l llll'l.l 11» Wll '""l-

hi,lllll h'' l l l l l ' ' "

).-<• r-j v I l l l l in in.

lin-liil netvleen Viire held

nl Hit- Ktllill IiUlleiice will. Id v I1:

r Kiil/eii.ui. iinnlm nl llu I'ruh.v-

, mm Chlllrh offll'l.lllhl' lllll In I

»,i- In ll.r I'li'ilivlerlnn Chilli Ii cein-iin I'lil-riuhln.icit (Did mnilcin ililtlf'c

«, wlll be held hi HI Ct-i-llln'» Hull Kr-I'M \ I ' l i r t l i t i l 'n» l i r t in i H-knoirn Old •riliicm rircheslri. Irnm

• . . Diniv nml l,nkr llo|inlcom<. willflll'lllift lhr IIIUKU I'lril Jinn..,, nlKni-hllWnV. will I'llII oill the >,lil-rn I..

I'll A inni-il iin.ui'4 in lux delluhlful uml

( I t in l i i i t i cd t<> . l ime

l u n i k . N .1 The Hlnii-ininiiv finimi uintnim Inllln- w,. | | known it.vle The iiiimi liirc

Ni-uuik. N .1 WIIIii l i ic lur turn

Ki'hl In nil mill;I.v illleclnli. mill

Icl^ f I it it - Mi|n-rvlhiiri nl tl.'1 Hinh

Kuirr.'i'iii.'. Id'llrl Aih.iliil.^iiiiiiin

llmt the fM'lvler ul ll',KA muili-iiin-i

In In h'' Mlveh only nl fuii i l l i ' in. In

W1. 11 11 Ulr lii'lll'llll pullllr ll I l inn'-

led Irce nf rhlll'Kl' Mil!.!''!!! t " " -

Jii'l '. nl Ihe KHA UK' l.llllllliillli'il h\

public fiiiul!., Hien-lmi' i|u- I - I I I I I -

IIIIIIIIM-MIK 'il.nllhl be nvulllllll" In

Hie Ill-lie.1.1 iJlil.illr whirl. Ill ihnli-

|I'-1MIII'. IIII I r-llif hnvHie tin 'INil,. "

I'l |inY luhm-.'-luim I I I f n l ' 11 inn-

Ull'tll'-Till I I'lMllilt lulls |)l I M 1 ill'' I Illl I

milh. nt mil' ii IIIIIN' prnici I IIIIIv

Illllll u.llv fni nlfilllfi will! Il i l " nnl

lllVul\|. tlliv iiilllll'J.Inn nl I'1'" nl nn\

klliil ' l lu ' lulnie Il it-nhur nuik'•••

II lui|n"-.l,l, I I I I lllll.'.Id r r . Ill 11 ]: I'.

ill h' in f ;i- (Illilurii. I'll

KnlH Ili'tl'Hi nf -111'I M.llu linn

Ilimnpli Mn innln i i " ' i . II>,< n|i|i

nll/'<l ullh'.uell II i-'Mill lieu inn

HIIIMIKV Miul'lilnr nl i-lrvell n'l lni'k

III Ill l ' I'llsl Ml'l Inxlll I (.'hUM'll. Hi''

litiMin ^Ul IIIIVI- us hi:-, I'l-nnun Kiib-

Hi I. Wlml 1>, !»•-• t -•-- A .'.pcinil Ici l l -

0re nl I)ll'- M'I'Vli'i Wlll lie III'1 .ii'UIIIR

llpnll lll'1'.e wllu lire lu pill tli'lpilh

iii ilic Aiitiiin) I ; ;V I IVM ' I I I I ) I i CI I I I

Mi ' , whlih »ll l In- roliihlrleil Illlll.

fill \

III Ille i-vi'nlril>"ll wlll III- f-'llIlllfV

Nh'hi ni Ihe llnppv ll'iin " ' The

( I in-, Illlll III'- I lultir ' Wlll lie till

iilili-ri ill Hi'- jmi in) •». b i l i l iiii'mninT

'III'- ttlllll'.IIV III OlMMIi III llll.s plllMI •

In! • r l \ In \Mll III' Illli- ll'l II.' lllll Ilir;

•pni l i i l '.I-I-.II-I iii en' in I MIIIU by ilu-

"in'i ri:iiii',N uml.-i ihi- li'iuli'iHlnii

ul I l i i ' l l .IMIIII-UII 'I'll'- ll|i».ll'iil.iit

IIVIHII " I I I In- Wl I111 it-1 ' - Ill'llllllluf.

11'IM I,.ml I I I I I I l-'nllii'i ul Mini -

knnl 'I l ir. 'i-i in I- i'i pliiiincif lu

innl 'hi- ^ nl '.)ll|i li> i-'l • i,l the lulu

ilv Uii it i- • nun-1 linn: ul I i i l i t i - I Inr

ill II vn il UK' u.iUiuul II < )li II i l l

li'.nn i i v Hie ll,i|i|iv llnui "


.„,-.•« .fill

if nMiily.


',,1 " I , I . I I), irmlin by Ihr Klnlc I) ' - , rnwil Hint nllends nil rvenln In HI,1 Kduculloi. in rooprin- C'rcilln'ii Hull l.« rxpi'i'ttd nnd II vi-ry

ol.llli- rvllllie In .lllllcl|inlrd.


| "Illl ttlliiill' nn IM. nanailnll. fton thli occmlun..« Hie Third OMtor of Ht.

*l l | \ follow tho devotion/*,

iilihniiiii'i-'i He- iii'|i"liiliin Hi' ul Ihe i,.-,,

1>IVI-I Mnini I'nmlnuiv nl ('III, | , i . , , |

lint hlr'-et. t lu iei . Ihe new lim-nl Im |,-|

l l l l i Uellill.v 'Cl.i new (I.

hnvf* i. ill^lihiv "I the >>r\vhm In ml oiiiriviMtt. He

•'•'i'h upon

KMII foi

el<: imwI'neklMll

n'mlI l l l l l .In r.-iiicM-iiliitive 'il

I'liiihi-hll|,,n V 1111 tir I'llA IK I.I hr

' i " l niiHI lhr end nf MIIV iiiulei' Ihe

' li|" i vl^lntl ul Ihe K)(A'f Irlnu.e

'inn- h-I':I in. iici-niiltm) In tin mi-

.niiiliii'Uielll IlllUle III Hllllc irllrf

11, i,-l iniii I,-in line 11Hn weK.

Ilii- |il.Ml ll.ll In dmluneil In pro.

in-,"- ii.uiiii': lultlllt pi.bile [11 tl-l.H-

r.i nl iini'lill illlll eciiiiumlc |i.iili-

n luellhK nf IIIfIT.-KII.IM l.llili-

III nlflllK uf tu'/l'lrillll'lll

, , - . , A 'Pionit;s It-. (II.i-i-lI.m Hie

imh in n ip ' in l inn with Mi l Mill -

i-lr (I Wtmhii'k. Btllle limenvei Hie nf'

V i l l l l l l l

111-11'. in-, n

| , | , H I , III I l l l - l l l l l i l

i,III I I l l l l l lul i l . uf f l u

' • I i l l I 1 ( 1 i l l 1 1 . 1 \ < X


\ KimCnsl to

(l111"" "• '"v ""''T^Zr'^X ix ̂ "••i p"'li' <""r:^":1

nutkr f»re OM«* . " t "" i r "' nf I he pi(ij('..'l, .nuclei'

: . ' ' i iiienl »l Etli'lCHlkili.


The dentil of Mri< Mury lliillr.v.IHI. mild lo be the ulileil llmkiiwiiyn-Mili'lil. died nl II.c liuiiie ul linenephew. Wllllnm Kelly, uf WnllLtrecl. rtulillilny, fiillnwhiii n lli.H-erllil! lllneRR, due lu old live. Ailnlei In Chflon, HIII-VIVCI

rilliPinl wi'Vleei were In-Ill nlihe Whllhnn. funernl 1'iirli.i-n nndnl HI. .Ceclllii'.ii Church. WctlncH-ilny inornlnu. Buriut wu» in HtCe.lljn'B CfiilelVr.v,

Al l .nr l"i• piny Iliu I i i"l

ini-liilier "t niII.m

A nri,>^ -,iiiii.idi' v I'll itIIUII IH|lll".||n

; nivJii'Mtu ia i


tuniuhl'" ' ' I . h'.'i I.III • I Ihr ' I , •

I C l l l l l 1 *

HIl,-I inlln

eum.l.v lii'iiiii'

•eliuih' priij<-i-t

kill ll 1-;HA nun i<

In ...Milt . i l l I "

r. i'inil|i " i inciil

i< t mi itl ' hn',1'1

• I ' I 'O I I | I III r .1 I ' l l I

' I l i e l . i r v i ' i " . n f

, I , | | c i w l l l i l ' I l l ' " '

I In

i il .,-, hv IMi'-ll.e Inliil IIIVillv.

I I " ,-l|l I I,nl ml,v Ai'.' li

ul in ' - I ; :i',l. ,n 'Ihi )' ' .ml mi in

1 <,) 1 ' , , ' .

I l l U n i t 1 I I I • -."«- I ' l < '> i l l c l l i i l l ,

M l l ' l l l l - I U I . ' l l C I ' 'A' ' p i ' l I l l l l l M l l l l U ' <,,|0IMil

lien ole-. en-.'.'I' I I'1' Will.llll.fl'ill,

l l ' l MlM'd A iii v.l'.HIIHD

llnl lv IJIlnh'l I n HI ink im'' Wlisll-

UU-lnli l.lll.iljci. tf.VllllO

' l . l l i l l Me.Ill Ml, f'u .'.

I'II Hi II'.H Kuri'iiii $i:'fi.nn

.'-'-ovlll Miiniiliu In1 I'II- i:o Wul-

Ihc Htnlc lousl- ir lnirv. (.'mm llmiir.i $<MK<7.ill.

i lii|ihuiil/.ed by Cii'iirnil Cheiininl t.'n New Ym:b

|t1ll.v,-Kiil|Jhiiric Acid.' *l.07ii.OU..

\ | I I ..'•••< l-luil.lil In-

Un nl | / l . l l l / l l l l " l l li--

.'. ol 'IK' .11111-.-

, Hie in Ihe inlet, byul

Page 2: ROCKAWAY · ROCKAWAY RECORD Moms County's Newsiest Weekly • Our Aim "A better community in which to


Housing Plans toEnlarge Activities

Banken From 10 States ConferWith Federal Housing


Washington. D C. B.uikersfrom 10 states imd the District atColumbia conferred recently withFederal Huusinis Administrator.""times A. Mofteit on the enlarge-ment of activities and operations ol


Do You EnjoyYour Spare Time

Circumstances force us to doihmes We must earn a living forourselves and our loved ones. Butthe daily routine ends, more or less,with the evening whistle. Thenconies the golden minutes of the dayWe are tree to do as we pleasenil Inn limits. We can en.loy ourfavorite hobby

What is yours"Do you make dimes 'Arc you a eiaftsmar."1 Vndt-i1

yvuir tundinu hand do simple toolshammer, saw. paini brush

of that organization to house somefifty different exhibitions of localhobby enthusiasts.

You are cordially invited to ex-hibit your models, your needle work,your quilts, laces curios, paintings,carvings or what have you. Simplyget in touch with any member ofthe committee listed below and letthem know what you have and howmuch space it will t(ike. They willcooprralp in every wuy possible tosee rhut you have a real opportunHy to let the public know the thingsthat you enjoy most.

Tables for larger exhibits-, glasscases for Ihe more delicate articles

all will be provided if you makeyour entry on time. There is no

In fact

Relief Cash WithdrawnFor Cooperation Refusal

Newark. N. J.--Orders lo with-draw cash relief privileges from re-cipients who refuse to cooperatewith the work-relief plan were Is-sued from State ERA headquartershere recently. Malingners will beprovided for under the food ordersystem. This means that they will

• lose the 20 Oner cent additional re-lief they received in cash when thechange was made Irom the food or-

der plan to the cash system withits greater liberality and freedomfor clients.

The "no work-no cash" rule isnot new. It was announced whenthe cash relief plan went Into ef-fect last August. Leniency hasbeen countenanced in some casesup to the present time so that theprinciples of the plan might befully understood by the clients andtolerance was allowed for lack ofacquaintance with procedure.

The older went lo all county re-

lief directors,and works m a ^ , ^ 8 .Col Joseph H. Bigle/ r S > *•Direptor said: •""» «H

"I do not believe it is „for u s u, hwtete ftnJ l0 ° ^allow any mow \in, ' "therefore, lah the wagainst those w , ,0 l l a f ly

Good taste isit is a definite 1licity.—Roberts.

Ihe modernization program, bywhich bulletin*!.--, ir.du.s-tnal plants. hotels. IwspiUil-Hpanment houses mid oilier largestructures niny obtitm the bcnefit.--of insured loans which at the pres-ent time aio limited to S-000. Arth-ur D1U. Local chairman announcedyesterday.

Those atfl lulmii the i'ncecame in response to ;m invitationIrom Administrator Moffcii ItKUS the cunseiiMi.1- of upnm>n at ihefonierence> hold that expan^iun L̂fthe loan for modernisation ot >-.ichproperties mentioned would aidtremendously m revuini: ihe dur-iiblc goods industries and other al-iled line* ol business

George J. Janurio. Vive-Presidcnt,n charge of real esltue loans.Bank ol Amenta National Trust &Savings Asortntion. San Francisco.Calif., .--aid folloivinc the ronler-«nce

•Our bank, with its 500 or morebranches on the PPucific Coastrealized early what the National;Housinp Act meant to national re- 'rovery mid prosperity, to the dur-able Rood;. industries and lo gener-al business. We pot behind the pur-;pobei. und plans" of the Housinp Ad-ministration with all our great re-sources whole-heartedly and with-out stint. We devoted our entire ad-vertising to this subject. It W;LS ,both selfish interest and our part to do so. i

"Let me tell you what we have •accomplished. We have made morethan 6.800 modernization loan.s.These loan.s total, for our install- (

lion alone, more than S2.720.000. all:c! them in California.

Summer Sessionof Teachers College]

From June 28 to AUKUS* 2 IheState Teachers Colleee at Mi it-Ualr will offer its annual summer-session. The covirse1* will run Msdays per week during five weeks.

As in the past two years the Pat-frson, Newark and Jersey City Nor- 'mal Schools will hold ilnir summercourses on the Montektir rumpusThis will yive students seekmp de-crees in elementary education andmanual arts the opportunity to cr-n-tinue their work during tin1, period.Such studi nts should address inquir-':<".<• conceniinc such certificates andtiewrees to Duclur ErniM Ttmusend.•Stale Normal School. Newaik

The college will ulfti i nurses :nm o n d education leadmc to the B.A. ami M. A dewrris. to limited andpermiimnl JI hoyl f ntificutes. and toMip'Tvismii certificates

Bulletins nvina iiiformation Yun-cerniny the sunim'-i" session .vill beissued Libnut ihe middle !•[ MayAnyone interested m the rlrmentaryor secondary division.- ut '.he Mim-mi'i- ..e.,sioii '.hniild vriu- lo : : ivEli/.abilh I-V.<.n. M-cn tary ••( • :' -mer and Ex'.enunti Division-. '.'Teacher'. C'nlH i- Mcnti !.•.:•

bnnp. to life .1 made) 01 some noble sh ip 'Have you ever built a pood bird l t a w l 0 m m " " e x h i b " "house ' Made u rush bottom c h a i r ' " l s >0 O T s n c n v "Carved a piece ol rough wood intoa I lung of brain \ ' Or . . .

L)u yen .-I'Mecl ihuiu- 'Is there a shelf in me china

«t \ u th i.ue bric-a-brac, a vase, ora curio Ihe ownership of winchill]ills you with Uehphi '

An- >ou working on your stampcollection' Your coins ' Your a i -row heads ' Your guns ur

Do you ^nv.v Mimethn.i: 'Hu\e you ihe nealest lock ear-

•di-i. m vmir iii'ighbnrliond' Ha\eyo;i ia i te dahl ias ' More uuie iy nfnnnia.- ' Oladiolias ' Art- your ;n-matocs 1 ipt- ta.-icr or is >oi:r comtaller than ;u erag.-'

All !hi.-e things tend lo make lifea i;ihi"r and fuller experienceThey make you mteresicd tv kno\v

yThe proceeds of the small admis-

MOII to be charced will MO to theGirl Scout Troop. No. 3. sponsoredby ihe Presbyterian Church. And •we know of no more worthy orciese'rvmg cause.

The committeeMrs Arthur Dill. Mrs. S. T.

Moore. Mrs. Thomas Himiion. Mrs.William Dyer. Mrs. Gu.-lavc Stober.Mrs Hul'cl Peim. Mrs. James A.1


youi neighbours They give you apoint of contact with your fellowman. And the great joy is nthe sharing your hobby with thosewho appreciate it.

Let vis all en.ioy your hobby'On the c\filing of March 28th

and the afternoon and even:ns ofthe 2Pth there will be an uniqueHobby Show held m Rockaway. TheOdd Fellows Hull has been securedthrough the generous cooperation


The Annual Meeting of the Share-holder? of the Rockaway Building &Loan Association of Rockaway. NewJersey, will be held in their office,No. 31 Wall Street. Rockaway. N. J..on March 28th. 1935. for the pur-pose of the election of Three Direc-tors and such other business as maybe necessary as provided by the Con-stitution. Polls open from 8 to 9P. M.

Daied. March 4. 1935.ROCKAWAY BUILDING & •

LOAN ASSOCIATION .3812 George E. Fisher. Sec.


NOTICE is hereby given that the following Ordinance was reg-ularly, duly and finally passed at u meeting of the Township Com-mittee of the Township of Rockaway m Ihe County of Morns. Stateof New Jersey, held on the Sixth day of March. 1935. and approvedby the Chairman of said Township Committee on said date.



This Budget shall also consume the Tax Ordinance.An Ordinance relating to uses for Ih'j year 1935."The said Ordinance hnvinp been advrrhsed for a public hearing

a', a meeting of the Township Committee held March 6th. 1835.Dated: February 6th. 1935.

FRANK J. HOWELL.Clerk of Ihe Township of Rockaway.

in the County of Morris, Slate ofNew Jersey.

sn't there someonein town or even many miles awaywho would be pleased lo hear you r voice?

It's so easy to telephone.Go 18 mi. for 15 / • 42 mi. for 35^ -100

mi. for 60^ (Station-to-Station rates)


(UMMtKl tATt l )

Members of ihr srnior cUis>. P,fj< k-sway High School, elect thi?;l who . in unr. appoint^ a secre-tary, but Uv treasurer, n is said, ishelf-appointed.

Why can't they fleet or appointtheir own treasurer. a ' *'''" •''• "therolflrers?

Why should a::y certain pr-on be-self-HPpolnted treasurer, year alter-year?

The pupil* and the public are en- 'titled to. and should know theamount of the class fund", how thesame is spent, and an accounting,made each year. I

This may be only a minor matter,;but It is one that should be of inter- \est to all who have a part In creat-ing such. i


tadi lV4-Ton Pon.l Truck (131" Wh.elboi«l

MEN who Btudy haulage costs knowthat Chevrolet trucks arc as out-

standing in economy and durability asthey arc in price. Chevrolet trucks handletough hauling jobs (lay after day at smalloperating cost, because they are built loChevrolet's own high Blandardsof qualityin ever) .part. The powerful six-cylindervalve-in-hcad engines are truck motors,especially designed togive sustained pull-ing potter. Features that assure Btaminaand long life are evident in every detailof the precision-engineered chassis. Chev-rolet truck* offer maximum capacity,economy and quality—because ChevToletis the world's lar^nl builder of trucks.

CHEVROLET MUTUH aiMI'ANV.DETBOIT.'MICII.Onp Ckro-rJrf, IwrMiimtf prim ani mV CM.AC.

trrmi. A Cmrral Mott.n I'alut

•I'j.TONCtlAS!ANHCAB ..*mhl

(157' Vbrrllunr)

SEDAN tf-ltfDELIVERY. f 5 l 5

(107' ITholbiK)nALF.TON

EXI'RF.SB..,.'5o5(112" ffllMlb.K.)


(112' Wfaeiib«e)nAl.F.TON PICK-PPWITI1 finwCAIM1PY. ' 4 9 5


(I12'Tbalb.K)•m-TON ( I / I ;CHASSIS. . . . » 4 o 5

(121' Vbcclbuc)Abm* en litt prim c! vmmrrcial n n II '""•Miehltan. Specialijuipmmt mlra. *I)ual whrrl* witli/tt »20 aira. Prim IUWM U dims* wiikml »»""•


men HACK *((15? f WIIMIIIBW-J


(131' « l»655

-II , .Ar,


(157' WhetlbutJ

PLATI-1IRM * O i j U(131' Vbnllui'l


CHEVROLET TRUCKSWorld's Lowest Prices


Page 3: ROCKAWAY · ROCKAWAY RECORD Moms County's Newsiest Weekly • Our Aim "A better community in which to

•«IIMPAY. MABCH 14, 1935

"Chat With TheHousewife



With this to-do about St. Pat-nclt's Day. we feel that we oughto come out in green this week.

Sorrv. but we can't change the col-r of the paper.With St. Patrick's Day on March

; t n . and Spring just around thecorner, what could be more fittingttmll ;, party to celebrate theroaruu- uf t n e Oreen? There'si-.othum so heart-warming as

,e Irish merriment, andu color scheme can be ear-

ned out in both decorations and re-freshments-

Tho decorations may be as simpleor as elaborate as you like. You

all sorts of Inexpensive fa-uature shamrocks

Harp-, crepe paper napkins and IJnsh paper caps. Or. If you'd rath-er tiuie Die fun of making the fa-vors yourself, cut them out ot card-

ber Salad is another salad that goeswell with a St. Patricks Day Lira-cheon.

Pineapple and Cucumber Salad2 tbsp. gelatin1-4 cup cold water1 cup boUlnu water1-4 cup sugarJ-2 tap. soli1-4 cup vinegarJuice of 1-2 lemuii1 cup diced cucumber-,1 cup shredded pineapple1-2 cup mayiiniiui-ii-1-4 CUD cream. wlilpp.-JPaprikaSoak tselulm m colil ivaii-r 5

minutes, ihen di.v«ilvi- m ixnlutxwater Add suinu-. -all. uiiesar.und li'iiion juice Lei cuil Whenmixture beiiins u> iliukcii sin incucumber and pineapple and pourinlu molds, du l l Ihurouishly. un-mold on leltuec leuws anU garnish

I with u> whichaM I cream hus b(

with paprika.

| l'lckle fansPickle fans g» well \ulli a fisli


May Settle 60% Of |Closed Bank Claims

Purchase of Assets By Reconstruc-tion Finance Corporation

Set Up In BUI

S | " " l k l "

,aid and cover them with green sulad. Use sweet liherkms.paper The cardboard that often thin paralleled sect inns ulnusi thecomes uilh laundry will do nicely.[entire leiiiuh o! tin- pickle. ThenII you we a bit artistic, you may, carefully spread oul the SK-IK/I,iiant to draw a gilt harp in one | M»' » ' "" .con,er ihe Harp that once thruj t o o l i . s M a k t . . l p Kox

T a r a s Halls, that ancient music H e i P S H l m v VM> ,1)r a l l

played"If you don't think you'd be so

mod at cutting out and pasting.i can make place cards by mere-

ly tyine a few shamrock or oxalisleaves nun a bit of gold ribbonleft over from Christmas' and at- j f,~d"~ln Aev]1 "fil,

tach them to the uper left- [hand corner of a white card. I

Then with the guest's name on |itif card in green Ink,, if you •don't mind a little literary re-!search, you may hunt up some;

I hoseblotters Ihat arc continually beingleft on your doorstep by cleuncr.s.tailors, and assorted tradesmen.Use them instead of brown paperto drain things on. sardines, rro-quettes, codfish bulls, or imythmn

DOROTHY L HEALDNew Jemu Pineer A- Uolil Cn.

Anniversaries Kverv Dm;

Irish sonns and poetry, and copy a! Thursday. March 14. IMS Eli'se on the back of each place Whitney patented the roltini Kin. I

Wiishiimtun, D. C—Purchase bythe Reconstruction Finance Cor-poration of the remaining assets ofdosed National Bunks and payment

I lu depositors of 60 per cent of their! pruml clainiK. was provided fur miii bill joiiitly^nlrodiiced In the Sun-ale week by United Stall's Sc-n-

'ulurs W. Wurreii Barbour muJA Hurry Moore of New Jersey. Ov-er Kit).000 depositor!, would be uf-feeled in Neil Jersey by Ihe bill

1 Senators Barbour and Moore said.Depositors, who in the reortuiu-

/uUun ot nalionul banks rlosr.lsince January 1. 1030. uceciiU'd 'bunk slock In ivholc or in part tor

; thi-ir di'po.sils, would simllurly bereimbursed up lu 60 per mi l of tlie

1 value uf Ihe stock they accepted,ihe It .FC beiim authorized undci

, ilu- bill lu purchase such .stock fromi Ihem. Distribution of Ihe money': puul by Ihe 1! P. C. to bunk reeelv-; ers or conservators would bekin| iiiimi'iliately utter cunsunmuitlun.. uf the purchase of the variousI proved assets by the federal financei corporal ion.

Liquidation of the assets thus uc-, quired by the R. P. C. would takeplace within 10 years. The R. F. C.would be permitted, under the pro-

I visions uf Die lCKislutlun. to require, iiddiliunal security on notes, undslock holders wnuld not be relieved

' ol any assessment liability. Inli-r-j i'si to be paid Ihe R. F. C. by dob-tors is limited to four per cent.

i Wisdom Ilieth out ot the doorj when desire comes in the window.

card.Dress up your table with run-

ners of ureen crepe paper, and abrass bowl of ferns or other greensior a centerpiece. With whateverereen rhina or tinted green glass

1794Friday. March 15. 1935 Andrew

Jackson. Soldier and President,born 1767.

Saturday, March 16. 1935 JamrsMadison. American President., burn

ware you happen to own. you will '751.have a lovely and Inexpensive la-, Sunday, arch 17. 1935 • St Pal-ble decorations. rick's Day.

Now for our menu. It is all im-1 Monday, March 18, 1935 Groverporiam tor the food to tune in I Cleveland. American President.rah our color scheme; so here. too. j D o r n 1 8 3 7

« RO in for greens. This lunch-- Tuesday. March 19. 1935--Wil-ran n-ou't do too much damage to ' I'""1 J- Bryan. Ihrec limes candi-Tour poretbook. yet it has a g c n u - ; d l l l e fov P>'esici™'- bum 1880.".:ie air of elegance Wednesday. March 200. 1935 -

SI. Patrick's Luncheon 'Charles W. Eliot. Amr-rinm Ed urn-

. t-rly side of said Lut No. Twu, one'hundred and twenty-three 1123> feet' to the westerly side of Dover Road;j I hence • 4» alonn the same northerly'eighty '80' feel to the point or pluceof BEGINNING.

Approximate amount due on tIii>Executlon. $2,252.91 besides SheriffsExecution Fees.


Prin'ed 111 Morrlstuwn Dutty Rec-ord und Rockaway Record.

Dated: February 18lh, 193!i.P. F. -$20.46.

Here is a Woman who bought a RangeW i t h o u t OVEN HEAT CONTROL

This is what she accomplished . . .1. She guessed at the temperature; she guessed wrong.

2 . She smoked up the kitchen, she burned her fingers, she minedthe fuud und tier disposition til tho same time. She delayed,her husband's dinner and hud to upen some cans, till becauseshe wauled lo save n few dollars on the purchase price ol"tin' range.

Don't ever buy a range without an oven heat control

Sec us aboul the number lBHfl-2 Mauic Chef Gas Rimjir-, sprcml thismonth at $49.50, fully equipped, divided mlu easy monthly

Jerse,out your plumljtr

Shamrock CanopePuree of Split Pea Soup

Lamu Chops with Mint Jellyolatoes O'Brien. Buttered Broccoli

Watercress SaladPistachio Mousse


'• tor. born 1834.



Estate of Alice ,1. Pnrliman. u>-ceiised.

Pursuant to the order of the Sur-!„ , , roiiate of the County of Morris, inadi-'Canope is made by. o n l h o P1flh day of February. A. D...

piece of Holland Rusk t one thousand nine hundred undi; piece of Holland Rusk t one thousand nine hundred und

ith a Hub-shaped cookie cutter.- thirty-five, notice is hereby mven to

j ̂ T ^ " 1 tZ^"^ ol,The ace of clubs, of course, isn't j ,.-, , , . , j parliman lali1 orracily like a Shamrock, but it 's ! , ^ cOUnty of Morris., dewnswt. tolear enough to use In a pinch.'! present the same under oath or affir-ipread ivith cream cheese tinted mation. lo the subscriber on or bc-

uith vegetable coloring, or ^,'ijjj,'six month'* from the^d'uli1 olise plain .-ream cheese and garnish said order and any Creditor nculecl-nth chopped parsley or chopped inn to brine in and exhibit Ins. her or

;en pepper. If you like a bit tn<1 ' r c}?^" ih^'i'im"''*!) "inii'iedwiVire laim. f lavor t he cheese wllh b

1"1f0*, 'ver"barrwl ' " n i l s ' h.-r or llwiiichovy pas te , h o r s e r a d i s h or ac t ion therefor a u a m s t iln- Adniiii-ifly ihiuced on ion . T h e lam'p i s t r a lo r .

hops with m i n t Jelly, p o t a t o e s A D " " - d J '"1 F l f l 1 1 l h ' v '" F l l ) n l : " v


33t5 N. ,J

3'Brifn. und Buttered Broccoli*"* on. the Irish spirit and colorfhemn The lamb chops should be'toiled t); course, on your electric ^ _ _ _'"we iii.n the broccoli may be."iked in the cooker. • SHERIFF'S SAM-

Watemess will be fresh and I N C H A N C EHV OF NEW .IEIISKY"sp afic: being in the crlsper of BETWEEN William O. Huri/.ir[our refnuerator and of course you und Tlv Natmnal Iron Bank of Mm-

,k.' ^ e mousse ahead of time , rWown. ^ ' r s . . , » » - , J r ^ ; ^ ^ .trays of your electric refriK- H l l r U 1 K , d,-,-eaM-il. Complainants and

•'alor- . Ednu A. Mount . DefendantKstachu mousse Is c o n v e n i e n t - Fi . fa. fur ')><• sale of mi.rtu.iu.'ii

' i ab le May 131h. A. D.. li'35K I N O A VOCJT.

Mijl'n.stuwn. N, <1Solinliii.i

lime gelatin on a brick ofi iie cream or you may make

tae or mint sherberti. The lime»tin .v,, w o u I d Cut out with tlny : ^ ^ l ^ ' ^ ^ ' l ^ ^ ' l ^"amtock or club cutters and serve.' p X p a s t . for .siih- I'H Public Vcndue ii

"He ice cream with cook-; the Cdiirl House m Momstimii. Nits or c a


'o c.Jor t h e Icing a de l i ca te J^ ^ay lit 2 i x l - n k in tlie . . t i .-nimii.of said day .

I ' is tachlo Mousse

iv. ne ice c r e a m w n n C O O K - , m e c o u r t nous.- m I . I » ( I I . » U . .

t»l-- which has been iced in , J - on W " " 1 1 ^ ' , , ^ ' ' ^ ^ . ^ 5 ' , " ' . " ? , " "(jn-en vegetable coloring is ' nfXj^ jjj ,11']'(j Vn'rl'iirk P. M Him '•

| tbsp. confectioner's sugar1 'SP. vanilla; kP- almond extract**' dwps of green colorins

All the folluwnr.' i n n m par.-land and preiiu'-c^ lu-ri-inalii'i

. 'tiruliirly described. M'II.HI- lyiii1-1

' belni! in the Tnttiisliip '.: l>n ' . . . . .i iforiuerly Rockaway T«i) . . ' . n. |h-• County "I Morris and Stall nl ..•-.

Biiiindra anil iidscnbisi us

| i

.. — color Is desired. Pile•"«» in traya and freeze. Pills"" tray.

1-2Lime Ice

- lime Juice'•• cups water

whitesol salt

drops of green coloringand water for

M a i ) N o . 3411. C : w Ii- <"""' >'•""[arl.v d i w r i b i - i l us L. l l .nvs .

B E O I N N I N C i in ii P" in l nl l l i u i -. , j ( „ o f i h e s.ii l l l lCriv s i d e Inn1 o!

hi-s KennyMorris ^ . u n l y


w a few' P°ur into tray

^ 'ollowlng Pineapnlc-Cudum-

U'/lU "II 'Ml

The Packard Motor Car CompanyOF NEW YORK

a iJute tii crr-rnuaiutam'JTHE APPOINTMENT OF THE

Dover Motor Company24 EflST CLINTON STREET, DOVER

as a Packard Dealer••rrtnQ Dofir. Dtnrula, Jvlftifon, Rockawcnr, Hoxbury, Mounl Ollv*. D«DT1II«Townihlp north ot th* Dvlawar*. Lackawanna and W«il«rn Railroad: and all ofRandolph Township northsalt of Hi* Oov«r-Cb#ilar Hlqhwor.

In experience and buiinei* leputation, Ihe Dover Motor Company has beaniavorably known in Dover (or Ihe pait 11 years, and is anxious lo cooperate withyou In maldnq your ownership ol a Packard a continuously pleasani and satis-(actoiy experience.

They cue fully qualified in experience and tool equipment to provide efficientand satisiactory service ior Packard cars. The standard Packard Flat Hatocharges will prevail.

We are confident that the Dover Motor Company will oiler lo our patrons thohigh standards ol reputation and business practice which Packard dosires inthose merchants selected lo sell Packard products.

On behali oi this new dealer, we extend to all Packard owners and friends inthis vicinity, a cordial Invitation to visit their headquarters at 24 East ClintonStreet. Dover. Telephone Dover 1150.

The Dover Motor Company is now offering lor your inspection andconsideration, the new Packard 120, the car which is bringing ttnocar quality to the lower-price field. Ii is the first car of Its price to bobuilt in the fine car tradition-built of finer materials, lo higher pre-

cision standards. Don't miss seeing It!


Page 4: ROCKAWAY · ROCKAWAY RECORD Moms County's Newsiest Weekly • Our Aim "A better community in which to

"Y" Boys InviteYou to Conference

Page 5: ROCKAWAY · ROCKAWAY RECORD Moms County's Newsiest Weekly • Our Aim "A better community in which to


, Ervin McElroy la 111 at herin Muin street.

Po, ilmntas will hold a card,„ ,„,• Jr. O. V. A. M. Hall, on

March 26.

ll,Mll degree will be exemplt-., the meeting of the I. O, O. F.'u.iiulm i>'Kht l n t h e l o d g e

ton Hr.iih. ol Wall street whotuei, ill ior three weeks Irom atai brake-down Is able to be

lid UH'-l"1-

,nliiii Fox. o f Baldwin. L.s(.oiii'liidPd a visit to her par-

• ,,iul Mra. Morford Strait.

lS, Mill" street.

(UTi'irii were called out atUondi.v nlijht to extinguish a

m "" the home of JohnHeights.

f rcguLir meeting ot the W. C.rfl In lwld in the lecture room

t pji'si Presbyterian Church onh jo ,n :i o'clock.

j ci • E. Bertram Mott. ofI g. «. Tuscalooan. BrooklynYard »•»» a week-end visitor

is itilu-r Dr. Raymond Moll.

,lni C Brown, of Dover rond.;,»-ay Tnunshlp who is winter -i, iht. smith reports that he Is:m iii.s vacation Immensely.

nan M Hoegner. the only sen-

North Jersey ElectricMen Meet at Long Valley

Electric deulers from Norlli Jer-sey last week held u ineetlim ut theLoim Valley Inn. Lonn Valley. N JWith about 100 members presentEdward Wiiiu-. u ( Newurk. clcctri-cnl runt run or. spoke on cilupcru- '•tlon and coordination with ;ill theiLeuKUes in New Jersey u,ul wa» a 'very helpful tnlk j

The WestuiRhousi- Elirlru- mid iManufiirtunnK Comimny sh-iu-d ;•u movie iJlcture oi -Tin- Huiu of |Tomorrow' with Lowell Th.mi.i-, as1.the deinoiiMli'iitui jThe new officers uf Hi,- Leutiuc. uf •

Which Ray McCulllllli. ul ;-e;i|>ui'k Is jpresident is busily i'imu|ird in P IT- ,puruiK niori' uueri'st nm IIUMMIHH^ hi Ithe several moiillis In cuiiu Otherofficer* ill thr LCIIKIII1 mi'lucli'. Al'Frooni. of Moinstown. vice-un-si-ldi'iit: Ed Hubburd. ul Notiuim nee-presideul, anil Morns Kalvn-..-. olHuckeltstown. scui'luiy '


Uev. Theodore Andrews. Iterlori

Li'iili'ii services will be held m thi'Church tiimurrow. ul -i uml ul 8 p. m.'The afternoon servier i.s especiallyplanned lor I he Church School und


Don't Sell Your Old Cold to Strangers

We will pay you Cashfor your Old Cold

K I) \Y A R 1) 1) () t. A N I)

50 NV. Main Slreel Kockaway, N. J.

their liiemis. Tin- will

sludeni nl Montclalr 8tnte

the address ul the vvenuiR senia ' . '•On Smidiiy. Holy Conimunum will

be [-plebniti-d ill 8 ;i. in. Thr newlyconflrnu'd cluss is making this ncorporalr Communion. The ChurrlrSchool will meet ul (I :!0 u m.. At

| Ihr 11 n. in. service Hie topic of the .Rector's .sermon will be. • A TroubledSpirit." |

The YOUIIK People's Fellowship imeets Sunday evening ni 1 o'clock.1

in the Parisli House. jTile Church Srhool li-ni-hers will,

hold their monlhly nippilni! nexi |Monday emiinti. ul 8. in Hie Parish. I

Sapsuckeru Devour Ants,Bark of Trees and Sap

' •Mia i i . -« i m i I M | , I , , I , . , | | . . i i , , , r u p t u r e o f

i l l > u . I*. u l n l . . I ! i l , , . r w u D i i p i - c k e r s

l i J M r l ' i | l ^ l | t ' > \ \ i H i | , ; i l ' i»,- i | ]\\i-i W l l l r l l

I M I I ! » ' , ' \ l u u , l , . , | I , , > | , , . i r l i n l i l i - . - s l i . i r -

t r s HI- n i l ) , . , . i n » , . , . | ^ w h i ' s e l i i i i ' j ' i iw . i In

'• '"' » I l u l l , - I ll r e i l r l l e i l l i v t h e i r

I'utt ' i ' l ' l l l l | n : i U » . l U T . - i i l i t i u ttt m i » u i .

H i " i ' i l ) i:i t i n - , M i » M i r l K i i n n i - r . T i n ,

« . i | M h - l . , - r > . IM-III-I i.-.-itl.v i lu m , i f I m i

\v-» . . . | K,vi-,'rs o r , , j | , , . | f u r i - x l i -n i - i i i i e? - .

I'll' ir i lii.-f I1 1 is :mn. Alioill I." |ier••••HI Hi' Ili.-lr ,11,>I i-i.u-i.sH ,,r I'iiiiilihiuinii'l I lie iiiin-i' I mil, ,,f i i s ,iti,l ll,,-,v' I n n l ; :i t i ' . ' a l i le i i l ',r s » | i . T i n - p u r l s

"! " " ' I l l i j l l l e i l liy s n p s i i r k i - r s ; u e

, I H ' - I ' l l i . i t i ; n r v lln> l i r l i s: l | i u l i i i l i

i i ' - i l lw ln -v t i n - u n i w i n ; . ' ' .iii .nl uni t I m r k .

W'lien II M I I I I I I | i i ' i i | i i , r t in i i or l l i e h a i l ;

-•!'•• • : iml>imi• l i r e i' n i - i l . t in- \ i u i l -

l l y uf Hi.' i r e i - IIIII.V ulil.v In- l i i \ (e i - i - i l .

• •r l i ia i ir l i i - - ; lii-r,- u m l ( l n - r e i n i i y l i e

l>illi''l. Wli i ' i i tli,< i n l i i i v i.s i n u r e e x -

l i ' i i s n i - . I H It n i ' i r n i s . t h e l i v e m a y lip

••<>liipU'\.'ly « i i ' , l l , - , l , ; m , | . , , f c u u r s e . ilii'^.

l l" l i -< l l l . l i l e l iy Nl|i«ii,'|<i.|>!i K i i i - l e u r I

llu -Ii Hi'' liiirli innl ul 1,-n lulu iln' '>vi>,i,l. I ; i l l iT: l l l . v th i -y l i re I l l l l i le III !

n n a - . i-r i m r l i i i l r i i K s . ur i . i i i i i l t l i , -

i ru i i l i or I I I I I K h u t H i e y i i f l e n l u l l i n t o

i-i'i-iii-ni s i - r l , - s , a n i l l l ie .v IIIII.V h,< e l l l u - r

v e n i . - . i l l y in- h m i z " l i l i i l l y i-iiiiniM-twI.

H l i i l , - i l u - h l i - k o r y In t in- fUiimui'Uer'R

r i u u i ' l l e i r e c . II n l l i i . | i » nu f e w e r l l in i i

- ' ^ i ; i u i U . It n i i i - s t i p p i , . i r e e . s n n i l

n i n n y y u u i i B ( i r i ' l u i r i l i l u i v e l i i ' en ili>-

' OI.I.horn.I l l l l l l l i l ' »J«_Jlf l l l l ' ' l l t i l l- l'l||ll|||l l it

( I k l i i l i i u i i i i u t t I n - I ' l i l l l U - i i i i i . l i i>( H i e

t - l i n e • • i i ] > i l i i i i i u i i i l l I t iuT. i n I ' l - iua l i i

M l i l l l i l t l [ l | : ! ; h i l l ,-it n i l e l . - c l i i i n l u

I ' . l l l l . Ii l \ n » M i l i ' i i l l i . n H i e e i i i i l l i i l

K l m i l l i t li,- M ' i i i , i \ i ' ' l l u D U I I I I I U I I I I I I ' l t y .

' f i l l s , ' l i - r l l i i u u : i s ( l e e l u i v i l i l i v i l l l i l , l i n t

l l u - I i i i v . l l vv.-iN , - 1 1 , ' r l e i l n t a K p e i - l u l

nesHiuu ut tin- It'iil^luUiri-.—Literary

htis Colleite. from Bocknway, j House.presriil student-teachlnii at J O n Tuesday, ul 0.15. the amid

mil HIKII School. I will serve u covered dish supper in

Lndii". Aid Society of thedim Episcopal Church willi pasty sale on Wednesday.

:h 20 Anyone desiring pastiesorder siinw by calling Bocka-132-M

the Parish Hull. Admission will ue40 cents, or 25 cents with it disli.ilChildren, under 12. 29 cents. ' •

Holy Communion will be celebnit-ed nexl Wednesduy ul 10 a. in., inthe Parish House Chapel Ouildjlmembers will meet to sew and ciiult.'aflei the service.

The monthly pioKi'uin meeting ot |St. John's Quild will be held Tluus-.

stage ul Ihr Baker Theatre sev-1 day , the 21st. at 2:30 p. in.months uno will agnln appenr Choir rehenrsnls will be held on i


htmv Marvin, me well known.tprtiimer. who appeared on

lour olhi'i- acts of vaudeville Thursday: the Juniors nt 3:30. und,ISaiiininv liinht. the Seniors ul 8. in the Church

A spectul service [or purents isit- next t.'uinmunlty Night of | pinnned for Sunday morning of the

24th. with the Rev. A. Stewart HOKC-Hie. will be held In the HlKhol auditorium on March 22.Arthui Ulll. chairman of the

mittef. immmnced this monilnnERA Otiheslra will furnish the

ir for d.i t i i ' inK.

urstman «.• Krlnberg, Dover Furn-De»lei- nre offering »n ex-

tonal iiilno ut their store nt! West Illackwell street. n l a wIn tin- Hi-cord today indicates,

arc nfl'Tinx a special combln-puirliii-.!' n[ a floor lamp and. plfi'i' M-l nt glassware Ior theof sio :is.

i( member.-, of the 1934 football<1 of tin Kuckaway High Schoolmlrrt.lined by Dr. Ervln Mc-

1 last iiwhl. at a dinner atlehead Tavern. supervisingtipsl fhiirles Curtis acted tosiniutpi'. .speakers included Dr.Ifoy. VIII. Cleve Mott. vlce-pres-

ot Hi'- Board of Education:r? Uowder. referee of the Rock-•Roxbinv name: Harvey Hull,

ain of the team: LeRoy Beam,«'ly manager; Edward Hiler.•in; mid Clinton Schmidt andW ThmniMon. members ot the'• Freti c. Engleman. a meni-«' the B'mrd of Education wasml. Courli Bteve Horasco suoke

I ol , he squad members and»<lttw ii.flt [or the well enjoyed

nnuer as preocher. j


•SUBSTANCE" will be the sub-,tcet of the Lessun-Seruuiu HI A\1Churches of Christ. Scientist, onSunday. March 17

The Golden Text is- Whatso-ever Oiid doelli. it shiill be fur ever"

Ecclpsittstes H 14 i 'Aniiiiii! the minions which ciiin-

pllse tile Lcssoll-Srillinn is tile fol-lowiiiB from Iho Bible "Now faith's the .siibslance ni llntius not seen ]

Through finili we undevsiuiul Uralthe worlds wen' I rained by the word

f Oocl. so Unit lliiiiKs winch an-spidii nppPlir" ' Hebrews 11:1.1!.i

The Li'sson-Ri-inion «1«> includesthe follnwmu IKISSHKI- Inn" H"'Chrlstiiin Hcipnee textbook. ' Kei-ence mid HfiiMh willl Kl'V I" ihraciiplllies by Mar.v Biiki-r Kild>•Sllbsliinri' is Hi-'' which is eternaland Incapable «f discord and drcuyTruth. Life, iintl Love nre suuslaiice

use this word inThe substanci' ol thill":-the i-viiii'iiir nf thmx- :

,|i. 408.'

PRKKnYTERIAN CHURCHtt) C. Kul2enga. Minister

* Women s Missionary Society"wet on Friday afternoon ato'clock.E Fellowship Guild will give aw on Tuesday, March 19th. The"»arc 50c this includes the en-

nl There will be two servsi fix and one at seven. No

f* *ill he sold at the door.attendance at the Lenten

lre» have exceeded our fond-Every week the num-i'. What finer prepara

j<" Enstcrr and Good Pridny"e than to spend a tewnrnyer and meditation

"etlncsdny evening. The nt-ncxt week Is In charge of

Oulld and the adult'ney cunnot beat the attend-" 'us! week. The Scripturef l« Mntlhew 6:33-48.-'•T- u will meet ln the lecture

ne*t Wednesday a t 3 p. m.

J.*orld steps aside lor the man""'what he wants.

Payments as low as ̂ c a dayIt may sound craz,y, bul these arc the terms onwhich we can sell you a NKW

Electric RefrigeratorElectric Range



Leonard and Crosley RefrigeratorsWestinghouse Ranges and

Water Heaters

O. P. Dicker sonWall Street Rockaway




•en were mil iimde "f thinn.- which ~W?j!^J/:i

as the ScripuinHebrews :hoped fin-not seen '

i l l ' IIVl '

tr From AlUk";in,i lii'jn III r.i-m-ii

n u l l , ' i - n l l p i l " I ' l l , - .M.-nl

ull .1 i l l l l - l l l l l l l Wilt' IVillli ' l tuilly o n e liny, wlu-n

,,. ,| i | wl l l i relil l lves nnil iiMlll-•«, al -|ili :• |-I•••.!l-l-il i l l l lu

Never liinini; >eenliU imvi.v li w.-i.-Allllli. I


S. i lMll l i lMII .I . II ri

M11II11I1" UII ri'"1

Crnil Itnl.i.ii.ill

I " '.-l-y.t " l - l '

.nil, : kllli-.lni l I I M 1 I . M I I . TIK" M ' l l U l 1 ' ' - ' " " " '

l i^ i e - - . M i i . . l - ' r i - l ina I "


"l In-" ' ' • » • ' >


X i . l nii l . i ! ' • "

I K I I I I I I I l i i - l r u i i

U l l l l ' 1 III Hi'1 i l i P

u I-"'1 i ' 1" 1 " '

l^et. 'I l i " ' " ' "

2lh of Kitrl. i. i... rn,..-,l m.-l.i,l-....„!< i-itir 'llKl II l l ' i l l "

I -i-.v l u l l ' - i M l - r i e i l

, , , , , u l l . ' i u l l l Ml 1IHI.

, . , ,rn,l i i tleii.-e ».l- : i l„,... ,.•„•!, 1^ I.--I lii-jli, , . - i . i i i . i i i l e " f l i r i in i"


B«k<-<l But »• Modieinr, „ , , , ; , - l , . , | ll.-11'.l. -HI'' ' " " "

,',..,,l - r - ' u i u i - n : H i . - m i ' I ' 1 " 1 " " ' • • • l i -

NOTIONSCome in eorly, for quart-tititi are limited) Stotk

up on your needi!



' %s


By Popular Request, I\. B. ll. PresentsRKTIKN KN(JA(JHMKNT Ol-


—Zi'itll -




HKD.NKSDAY, TIIliRSDAY. FRIDAY, >lon-ll 2« - 31 - 22

fer Office,Moun



Spvviat Stage AttractionUi:i)\i;St)AV KVENINC. MARCH 2«. ut •) o'l-UH-k


VVAKNKU KKOS. RADIO CONTKSTIll-re is ti ijriintl oirpiirtunity for pver> talenleil person to becomeu RADIO STAK:

For ronipli'tc rirt;i]].s rend mi |);ti:r our

. Snook:The Ideal Market"


jirccn <ir yellow A # CROCKWOOI)'S COCOA. 2-lb. can 2()cClabber Cirl BAKINC2 POWDKR, Kl-.i/.. win IOeKALI. I.KAF MINCK MHAT, pM. l()cI.KCS OF CKNIINH LAMB. Ih. 27cFORKQl'ARTKR OF LAMB. Ih. 19c


Bob PintHair Nett

Safety PintBias Tape

Pearl Button!

Burtoni andSlides

6O-in TapeMeaiurtt

Pune MirrorlWomon i Beln

elllP- <-"' 'Jill I " " 'l i m e t v i i l " ' -


l-'ur liiuliI "

Friday and Saturday Only


Job Printing of the quality you expect is doneonly by experienced and capable workmen—

I these are the only kind in our employ.

42 Main Street — ROCKAVVAY

Page 6: ROCKAWAY · ROCKAWAY RECORD Moms County's Newsiest Weekly • Our Aim "A better community in which to


High SchoolNotes





will (w tpeet&lttw Uwtap dMielng. Th»

apoti&ortnt) I Ilia dance10 tie' mow* tor their yew book.

«n> bviiw mndo by the »«•rummijttw Mid will be put

in local sliiiv »'lndi»i\-». It In jilsoucinu «dvMim«l in Whttituii, Dover,.uiul Bftivllle. Tht> KMilor Pinna wuuld. with Hum

II wry inueli If moit> at tend t,, i,


D.ick antiin «iliei'Ml» llalli-y I"

.Hi opeivtt* elllllli'dHi,- inoveeUs ol ft hlch>i ue« inMruwwil* t*wnl oicbestni lioi'ti-li,,,il may soon haie a

I its own. liei'"'-lun i- only I mil inuneo-

Inmi ,

enlled for eiuuli-n-iiuiini!


Edwards and MacKinnonSigned With Dover Team


Itm-kawm and Pomutoii PlainsYouths officially Sign With

Lean lie KepresrnUitlve*

H o o t s " N t i u ' K l l l U ' i t i t l u 1 K o e k u -

•AUV s m i t h w l m ' a n n i i t s i i M i r i i n u

s e c o n d Micki 'v 111 t i n 1 I n t e l - t - o u n l y

I e n s u e l a s t v e u r a n i l t i n s a h i t t e r

. n e r d i e :iOfl 111:11 K Mil- i i f l l e l i l l l v

Mi i i i ed l o |iln> n i d i t i n - D I . V C I I j i k c -

l u n d A A in t in- L i i c k a u u i i i i a

l . e . i u u e d i : * y e a r , i i i a n a u e i - C l u c k "

P e c l n e k a i m o l i n e i ' d v e s t c r d i i y

Y o u i m M . i c K i n n n i i b e m i n h i s bn . s e -

on l l c a r e e r p l a y m u l o i t h e R o c k i i w u y

I l m h S c h o o l t r u i t i w h e n 1 h e u t u d u -

i i i e d Irts-i y e a v . A l t e r u r m l i i i i t u m h e

p l u y e d w n l i i h e K o c k u w u y A C u i u l

i n u d e ,i u o n d i ' i n i l s h o w i m ; Hi .u )>iit

h i m al i l i i l i i ; t h o s e i i i l l s l i l e i i il w h e n

l l l l S si'MU-pl-ii t i ' l l l l l Was I l ln l iu l l l ol

in n o v e l l l . i r o l d I l ls i h n s i e i i e i l

n i l l l l c p ' i ve i l | | i M", e l ,ll | lu . i t l n l l s

U l l h ' h i - . l a k i : A A ill III.- I ) i i \ c r

t ' l i i i u n i u i l t v T u i l i n h t l e a g u e List

Mill- IIIHl . l l l lMi' l l UP I-Vi'i p l l i i l l . l l l v

wel l III ' . l i : i t l l l i u l-i'i ul tl l o l I h e .sen-

Mm u r n - - . l u h i l y .iviM ;iil(i i n i h e t n -

ll ' l -1-iUIUU- CUCIIU Ntl l lU Ml I l l e l>« IV s

n t i n wi l l t i p a i i m n i : t l i e h , - i ..I

I l i e i n Wllell H i ' ' nll l * » ' ; I M I | ; ( n i l s

n i o u n i l in M.i t - I l l s i i e l t h n u .ii-cruui.-

a l t h e k e y . I

lit- lct l r l i e

le i tKl ie

. 4 m i l h e r ii . i i i i .- " I •

D o i e e l e a l l l d i a l «'i

le i i sc i l a ' n i n i ' i ' l i n u

M i i l i l t i n R d w . i r d - . . \i

[ir- lr lci " I 1 ' o imi l ' i i i

l . a c k u w , i i i u - . i c u t - u i i

M i i n n l o n I h e l i n e i n

d e l t l p t i s i t i o n l o r t i n

- i l iv i ' s i n t h e l f i iu i i i

Vl l l l l lKSl r r Mill , l i l t s 1

m i l b y In-. I ' x c c p t lo in

wiih the Birch mid Birch Team ol Roekuiviiy A C. IN holrtlnnthe Tuilmlii Lt-autie and .showed up l l l l l r nii-ellims (o .sliape up u bust-bull

excellently belore it record crowd •*«»"'> " " 1 | »'»l »««'» l»" ""•'•> °»-when that team played the House ol

us n't-

fore Ihe footliithlx of the Intev-Coim-

UuiKI on die Utner Alhlrttc Fieldundei the timid Unfits

Like M.itKinnun. Mulilon tin.', hutlsou-nil uppnriunitles lo pla.v wllliulht-r tennis in the UickuiianniiLea^'iii' biP iiii'ned iht-iii dtmn loplav wiih Uoi i-r. ClHilhiini was altertin' lil.iyer (or Ihls .season. Edwiirdsis a ;IOO hilter IInd is kntmn t»r theMushy iriiirn nl a baited bull miditnariably imt.s runtiffs out itt secondmi short oiitiii'ltl hiis He is a nuhl

These me only iwu ol the playersiinniHinceil bmem a mlIlll'V l i r e

l e l en . se I h i

m a n n i - i ' i - . I V d l i e k u l l d Dil l C i i l l n l l n .

ol M e i i i l h i i n i l i i i r a lei i i i i l i n e d u p

d i a l m i l m a k e t h e n t h c i s v t e \ i l o

k e e n MP ft I ' l l t h r i l l It Is , i l su Maid

t h a t M i i i i i s i i i f t n n h t i w i l l In' v e p r e -

M-nii-a h \ i h i , p m n u n s w a n i s t n p l a y

D ' t l e l ,111 ni l h n l l l l a v s T i l l s lllllV-

'•U'l m i l , , , , 1 l,e , , | r n i l K e , |

i'iN<><mi: \NI> W H I T i,i:.\(ii'KS1. \M)I\( ,

bynextM i l e

Ihe Dineriveck or II


smnedII is

nuiniiue-s III'


*l a.swill


e s a c k | s I ' M - l i l . ' iO ii t i l l

• r n i u l b i l s i - i n e n o l t i l e .

- o l ln ia lU l i -lasl miihl'-

•II known uui-I'l-.inu m tin'

l.isi yeiiv Mho1-ilYel the eenti'l

new reprcseni-Mai1 is Ihe

. hit iluwn to uiiI .speed l ie was

. I t l l l lu

Ddl l Ke

i Hid Ki'lln






.•ill :n

ty Li-uuut'. (coin which thfv Inudi'don toil lust yt-dr tiowvvcv. t l vy npy-tiv ft-ft-lvt'il ihi- flau fui1 Vhtlv P!furlN.Andy Klusirk it Ihr tiianniirr ol itit*(nun lln.s yi'iii- niu| with Ills know-li'ilur o[ Hit' Mallonnl pnnlliix- ».i wt-llus II mind pliiycr. ihi1 It-am will tintilitct-i. II IM aiilU'lpiiK-d. Fur Ihi''tit III.' iutmt'» t)f Ilii' pliiyt'iit INkept diilt-l but will probably lif u n - 'nuiinci'd m Hit- biinqurt (hut will 1*1Ill-Id at I he United Cli'lU.i ncxl week ITlit-y h a w Uust nevevul plnyni'K HIIUTIH.NI yt'iir. due lo ndvuitt-cmvnt In'fiuter flubs uml truiiafrrit. but new \(unbiT uiul exehittim-M from olhi-i',thibs will mve llit'in I he iiM-i'wtury'Plinth Uiul they Had year

With die iiiiiiuuiii'enu'iil (it IwoUini-i iiliirers fur the l.uekuuiiiitui ILeauue. a slur! o( u ball flub thm IOIIII-I.N will look up In in iitii'iuly us-1MiM-tl Vouim Mui'KlimtiU nt Htitk-uwny. sirpiiiim uitu lhl» tuMei' i tmi .pany mil tu him tm » bnut'r Jobin .vein's In eome. A.t lur Mill Etl-wnitl:. u i»n'i hlx Iii'tl i-xpcTlence Insfim-inu busebiill. The fuel thillIn' IM II valuable player l.s borm- ouiii'. C'tlitlliuin •, <'(fnrl.s In seciirt. hiMMTvii-e Hut year, but prcii.rrt.d inPlay iiiidi'i- Chick Pi-clrirk, «ho hudhim play wldi the Birch <S; Birchii-iiin In Ilir Uiivei1 TwlllKht l.muui'Imi yi'iii's auu.

. Umli Seluwl rwoi'ded twol.isi r-'iidnv. l lw Bli'l's tins-

kctball beal the auswex iiirli"4J.?O .iiul die buyj bent the Sussexbovs :t,t..-H a SI Piili'lck'n Dntiee

n Ul lie held die Mint i>l Mttivh H>monev lor die Srluur Veur

Hunk A inoile which iviin lt> b<<,

s | umn Tuesd.iy wn.« piwtuoued until

next Tucsd.n-. Uie mill. i


r fc]i1uriiluin has re-ci'iidv pun h.ixed (or die lutih M-himlM-iaral b.uid uis lnuneuls . Thuse Iti-siiumeuts include u mbti, « iiwUti-lihone liiim mid it vltinnet, n l»un-tone hovu ii eornet nnd » tromboniv

Tay Uund Method" Inntructlonbook* h m e been piiivhitMHl for itiieliin.sinniieiii with ihe money minedby die piescniatlon nf the uianinuiiMIIOOI Opeiedu I hut was presenteda few nituilhs auo.

Apul l l - l l l . Ihe hliih wlui'ol willpri'.soiii a IIIIISICUI comedy entitled•Oh1 Durtur" It l» ii Cluck «!ti ClM'kpvodiietion The pi'oeeedfi will beu»eil lu buy more in.iiniineiu.i


The Itockawiiy Hlull Hcllonl willlin'e their aiiiiual St. Pal rick's DunceIhe Jilnd of Mari'h. II hu> been putoff until the Ullml beeiuiite u( Iheother duni-e.H bi'lnu held Hint eunfllctwith

1/US A U C E

• Sllv.ry piMvt i t r t lurd, thicki h t t t Aiuiinniim,PRICK MAY NOTBB RIPtATKD



DOUBLE BOILERS• •pttdttri v n tin l\irl. IHJInan mHr. Bttrt h*nj, iiutk


mI iTfl

T IN. JtllItmi


K U M Imnitl, Donu«Mvrn,pi'/ • . • • I " 8', 50ci9', (JOv, ID'.ftV

TUb IIIII, „ . . . «»llll»H-'« r i l l

t In. 11,80 » !"• 11.18 IOIn.H.M

I W i l l• M i l lMil


m i-tm tt*s Moldtddfairuinditlidt,lctboie*k«i,thor<-eiku, pound tndfruit cikM, riot ornoodl« nti|. 1100




I|8S• Mull, i ll'lU'lum ruffM.Omul Hiiiiit'lt»f|)lii|l Appd. HIM

ICtfl 4 Cu« I d II f., I K.» lC«lt*|• |60 11 |

Len llHiu'f nnd III-.I furuliih the munlc At Ihe,

S. H. Berry Hardware k\15 E. Blickwell St. TeL 947 Dow,

Slum Hie boss

I'll Wlllldial

himyou watu u

lh Uovi-r two years am) nlnylnu AIJVEHTIHINCI HAYH

.'«>•• Hinllli was al the. Uiivrr LiiKt'.In i nl A A meetiuu liwt nliihl am!showed utieri-M m ihe new club, ol

' iilueh he wn» tiuule n member ulthe uiiiUIHl.s eummltlpi'.

Joliiiny Kepler, who'd wldiHnekiiwiiy liifit yenr han »imied toPlus wilh Iroiidale HUN your, which• •••'in rimy bceomc a part uf the In-it'i-L'tiiiiiiy Lcauuc nectind division.'I'hiiniiis Itiiys. !hi- nuulhpnw twlrlerlur Ktickitway liml yeiir. will al«oiii'iu- an Inmdiile unifiinn Oils vein.

Hill llurner. I'rcuHlem of ihe In-it'i-t'iiunly Li'imue. of BrnokKldo, whuII. sporlN writer for Ihe Mnrrlx Colin-iv Daily Hemril. WIIH u vMtur al llu-Unver iiieetlim niuhi HP'H fol-luwiim my Nuininiiiiaii Ihut hi! iiltfndihe inin-tinu in know iifllciiilly whnt'Kuuliiu im InMi-iitl of tukliiK tlyerii i\n

he linn bw-n tliiinu the |iiiHt Hevernlweeks lo rill Ihe "HiiyiiiH mi HpurlH"column, lu u nice wny. IUHI iiluht,he was lold nut in luuitn rrlfiiHR iinytliliui ihul »-iiu|i| in. i, iiclilineiil Inthe )>i'(>uri'HH lit Ihe leiiHije.

Wurk In II tunic, whorniH limitIV-ily and worry r>iun inuiiy deiilh w»r.innt«.

"MURDEIt ON A HONEYMOON"with Jlmnlv (ilea»()n and Edna AIii.v Oliver. Huturdn.v, ulth .1 Arlnof Vaudeville al the Baker Theatre, Dover. , ,

\ "

; Luncliiu'HN in one fiirm o[ lovtiii-efrom which none

Ro»|)oiiNlblllty in put on theNhouldoni or thario who cun bom- It,

i. ModemElectric KitchDemonstration

D'TilnlislllllKiln of fund pi<e|urutuiii nnd rmiklnii are nwuil-l.v Im wiunrii, ThU lime, wepaiilcuhirly wiml the men ut

. you WIVHN mid mveel-hearli. are Invited. Uxi. billwere iirniliulliu Illlrt tthow froma nian'ii piilni of view.

lu fuel, l.nen have imkeil for;- ilt'llKiiislnilinn Hi'verul

liau. itlreinly iidnillli'd IhulI'vuii thoimh they don't "inici--tiM-e nrntniO Ihr kitchen" lhev'0like l > cmnpnrv the liilertl de-

l p in fnofi prepiiratloiiwllh Ihe teeliuUiue Uiul pre-pared Ihe itlNhim "thitllixed In make."

-Prizes-Over $50 worth


to the mini who mosttinmlvH the coNt of electric tliu cooUinjJ ilein»nstnili<>i>>

Alice Wooil.iiwn Home Ei-ono-

ininl. will cdiiduei ihe nhnwiroin bculiiiilnu In nnd, ilrm-tiiintmiinu inuiiy new kiii'linn

M in h p pHI » nieul Includlnu IUInn mi the. nnw O-E, Ainerlcii'N

r k


' • \ \ v •


Page 7: ROCKAWAY · ROCKAWAY RECORD Moms County's Newsiest Weekly • Our Aim "A better community in which to


DENVILLE AND VICINITY - NEWS Advertisements, ittrtc*lively displayed on this-page, will Urlng rtsultt.

NVILLE NOTES j To Place Advertising 'ZSZXJz— — . _ . . b o i M ^ — D »_ in .,.McDonald ot Franklin,

" revoked tor thirty Tomd.i iiinix >W Recorder]r K.riie. sr. after his eon-

Broad." Try to make nworship «l this soi-

Signs on Route 10 V T. Epworlh Leaiiilc nt seven Sunday

evenlliii. IPrayer meeiliw Saturday evenlnn

SlRita nn Rnuli- 10—A|>-im>ve nf Dtllrr Illuming


at eight.

, | , |Ml|.,,iii' of 'he MCldeiit.

Unllllllon 0 ' DlnmOIldV»«t U|ui!w> ml' WBs Bldr-to ill"' <h'ivMi by McDonaldUphiii' The accident hall-r «,,,„,u,> center.1

it '•\\f in


.worth, ftBMl S3. w>nllimiiworth, died nt

liiniond Spring RoadHI illness ot several

„, nuM-iM'th. who wentl'i",in orange, was 11

Yule University. Mei,.,i >ulh the Crucible

'J,', i|,niiMin. Funeral nor-,;,i Tuesday afternoon.,n \tt. Pleasant Ceme-

Taklim adwinlaiii' nf the newhlnhwii.v Jnsl npeniHl last -nnmier.Ihe Denvllle Business Men's A'-snri-ntlon nt Iheir rrimlnr meetiuii Mon-

' day nlfthl. acted lo uppoinl 11 spiv-tctI eomiultiee to i-mitii \\nh theChamber nt I'minni'ii'i' on pliiclniisltins mlvrvtlsiiiK DenullrMliu alolm Hunti' 111

Afler enlislileiahle tnlk bvman ,lohn OVnimoi nl tinHouslim Piuuiiiiii. Hi'Men volcd linn approi

-Stamp Collectors-New* That May Interest You



lhisiness<>t l l i r

>>llin M l - O'Connor MIIII Ilinl Hieui'iiiiaiii win a steppum .-tune tuib p " 1 ' 1 "liidltlnii.-. ami irpm-is mill-' '" ' ' ' l h M l ''"'K'1 tiiei-euse-i UI rvpmi'*'nl'11 " l u l lllHV «'»»«imeti«» (hixvmh-


iu'vetury wl the New .Jersey Slateloniil nf Aivhllrots. sahl ihe luniks

lYobVrl H. tmd two a m l olhri institutions were whole-bert D. Veghte ot hrnrlcrtly rnirilini Hie pinuruin» Oralit Thoriiburn' Lake iissuelulloiis requested llial

restrictions nualnsl tilviim mlvertis-Inn to other than newspapers be lift —

""" led and tile business men decided milto abide by the request Inusmuoli as

JUenvllle business men suwd $MQ.()n'In advertIKIIIU (UKI olher doiuillontv' The uritaulratlou derided to t'oli-I tribute to the biwball tuml to buy

Inml Mi" Fi'eaenek »«-' «uiirut-it\K mud other equlpim-m for„[ Riirk Uldfie were w k - | l h . ,„„,„en at ih r l | u" l l ! o t 'h* for

i». Mi. und Mm. Freder-|&unrs. S r at Hackcnuaek.

j \irs A. O. Robertson of J, ] Mr. nnd Mrs. W. L.'

fgt Miiirl» itveiuie, Denvllle.( ttrrk-niid al Asbur.V Pnrk.

,,,„,„iLLIi TOMMI'NITV tilt'lK II

MKTIIOB1BT KPINl'UI'ALRubrrt Cii«|jni Llnlner, IMMur

Sunday will be Kveiy-Metnbei -unsass Day at Ihe rhureh. Slew-

aids iind their l\rl|iers will no mil. hntu the dlstriets lo which llwy have

Mrs ClwrlM Hoffman of'been iiRHumut and will millelt eonirt-•MIHI' «re enleftahilnn'bvitliinR tu the ehuii'li Imlheeiisiiiiin .

Snmurl Ennw of jyrnr whirl) bruins April 1- They will! same ir. llmse lur ('iimineivial workmid Alan O. Robertson of be Mhul In reeelve llir Ualaiit'e title und In the majority til ruses, are lint

tin unpaltl iileriuc.i lur this yenr andivlll lie t;nilnlul Inr eontrlbutltiiis

A ivunlni inn'iinii «l The StumpKxi'linnti' n u b . ol Wharton. N J..will Ue helil Kiiiurday nl 7 p. ill. atHie nmn Hail, wharton. Thankslor the imiiaiion lo alleiut.


in HI Im tifrf (nitii l«,v( nivs iIn lypom'iiMhy ihe UMIIII svny Is In

eu^rtive the tlesiun ii)>\>n nietixl orwood. HIUI then eleiliolype eoples.Oei'iisioiiiilly ilii' tlesiHiu beennie dls-armnueii A innuns rMuimle of thisis the ii iiiuav Mnltlo-Wullaehla.i802 Issui' In lilliimi'iiphy the stiimp

[ is drawn upon Mone in Ihe ordinary.way. Vri\ lew siieli are to be seen111 lale Issues Type-sel stamps areullen lulil-limklnw IhliiMs. espeelully j

' II the iirmliT Ims rim short of type.'Tlie best known HIT Ihe Issues ofI Ihe Sandwich islands. i\tut the Brit-ish Uuluiu ol IDEM. ')«. Hi, mid 'M. |

'.Somellmes n slilp hiul two masts,;I souietlines three. One tif the most :

.pilnilllM' lornis Is thai Issued ilurlllB'ihe OU1 War. al Olnve Hill. Ala-,bunm: il i\as simply rut In wood undMumped siiml.v.

Kiixluntl Hist used the perltirnliir, inil iiiieul Inn which enables t h e 'Minni).1* if be readily severed oneI nun atmiher The luilrs are made,by punches iintl «re ol widely dllter-,

• lun kiiuls. us full bv seen by com-,luirtnv Ihe \arloUK stwinps. ;

PH1NTINUThe niiohliies used in slump-

1 nrlnlinu. in mosl puinls. are the

& Compuuy hnve udupicil a sutinrovertuit lul the l.vnipiili ot the \n-e*tIn prelereniT to the usual iinieli*lllellt rovi'rlliM."

>n HI 11 nurd nrji wrck i

A pulpit I'C'IIM'N in be spniniul .maniMiinitiniiiil ulu'ii ii bi'ciuiii'.s nuU'i-I'HI ami Irv.'ili^tir


On Thursday ewnnui, Murrh 'JB »l HIS. Lowell I'lillon mill JohnJumeMil. well-known Nutmmil HiomleHMInti inllsls will ulve u eoneerlIn I he First Mrlluidlst Eplsviipul C'huivli. Koekiiwny. Mr. Palliiii 1»nn orimnlM while Mr, Juinesm Is u tenor soloist. The two nii'ii m-t-heard dally oil the radio. Moniluu devotion tit 8 o'eloek. W.IZ. Tues-iliiy evenhiK Hymn Slim m o in. WEAF Mum1 lovvrs of this VUMIUIVslimild avail theniselvrs of I his unusual musieul prunruin

leted es|ieelnlly with ft view.not possible, as the paper is KUinmrdtmp-pt'!ntlnii. An authority before prlntini: The siamp-pilnti'i's

"In Its main feature Ihe plate Is com posed nl many simill tle-m ot Ktnmps resembles Ihe siiiu.v cotnpnsi'd ol line lines. A veryn'. Irom blocks, but in praeilee'iliin layer ol Ink must be Iind on.are iiiaiiy delulls which have li's.senlnn tin- ri'-k ol liunpeniu; withtuken Into consideration . . . used sumps. 'Ihe nun linpiiili ex-

riniiy uf roloi. eiery detail and Ira hardness in ihe pnpt-r. mul toI llir design must hail 'Us rein-^'(Minlriait this luintni^s In nniklnunine: the damplmi nl paiicr is the iiii|ii*^slon. Mevsis Ue Ln Hue


inirr.i Inn

t\ III S . r n i . , | u n l , il, (. lourp-'piil.u t i ' l v prrlinlii'*, I An'1. l l n ^ . i n . I ' IVIIIV " i',ni m i H ii .liMini tut- l « i \ Twrlvt' ^kmn u t \1MIIIA to i l i u m c h u m

tiWfl>irW<*i("aft,.N>ll Y»ri, ItrU 1 V./ui ..«w/i/r< «l llxrr i/w./r. n/ tU **V I Mi

I lf"f>t4 UttiMfcA /KI- IN rff4i/l,4|hlMil.

Wwwto brlinHline o

TYPEWRITERSRented - HcpuircdH\cliunf(cd • Sold

A thnrouRh elranlnr, nlltnx andxUimtlns will improve thn worknf your t.vprwrltrr 100 prr rrnl

Slifer Tj'pcwrilcr Co.211 11A1.SI.Y STREET

Corner Urnnfnrd I'lnur, NewarklMilrlirll 2-00(10-51

on iii Hie juniors ot this!

Iiliy was slven by Mm. W.,jura ul Ualnbow Laken, us-!wittily (nod demonntratoritdwy Ueliet «l her hume

ntluimmi. A thlt'rt of a1

(t» iiven lust nlpht to n sen-.

Mrs Im M. Mitchell ol1 Trail rtiirrtnlned ovrr IheI the MiMWS Mivilon and |

nt Mort'lstown.

nf the Rainbowintimity club went to Ho-

Newark Bttltlt'tlnyvi'il 11 id i aniiuiil net-

r dliiiiri

f .liw Umieiy of St. Miirv'smil Tuesday niRht. Sew-tllo iiiii'iuuluyvtl *'«« von-

I Mr» Wnlliire Brain haveI Irani linn weddliiH trip loilm Benrli F\n. nhd arellir liuiiM- of I he Tormei'sMr nml Mr». llHiiy Beiiin,»»«y Hum I

n,,vii of Prmiklmnil « le« days |i\»t week

Mm ill VmiRluer otIkl.

I Mv» ueiirup O e n n y . whonii i .nu in Flor ldu i e -

t lw»i'-i,ii)|e i n die II i n n r -lllr-uil i ai lsi ' , t h a n 111 l i v e

| ' J l A Inl l n \ e .

I[loin llinse who have mil yet con t r l - Ibutetl lu r Ihls year . T h e c h u r c h jIncis a diri lcull task bei-ause of Us jiinciiinplclrd bmldluu pr i iunun u n d 'ihe uiloii'M i l ia iBes on Usluitis. a n d II needs t he loynlnl nil Us t r l r m l s

T h e pas lo r will l i m e for his serin-on Mib.lct'l al 11 S u n d a y inonilmt,

Wlicll We Cllvr " The re will be a

roiiM't't'tillon service for the r a n -lassei 's af the close tif Ihe service. -

Mr l l en rn f Hri ' l innrter. Holed .neui'n tennr . will slim IWo uruups of:neuru .HplrituiiK and wievod n u m b e r s ;tit thiit moui t i in sevvife mul wil l !»pcnk briefly on t h e snb.leet. "Whul 'II luciins In be ti Clii ' isilun mul 11 iN e u m ' " Ml" l l i ' i i inmle?. ivhu llii.idrllplll i 'd m a n y uudlrlirc:>. I.', n uiiid- iunit ' of Clenl'Bla S ln le Cnlleue nml nfR.viiinise t in l re r s l ty . aiul was Iriilnetl 'nt the Vlncelil Iliibliiinl Hluillns InBnsinii . wl i r r r Uoliinil l layes win(tuliu ' t t . Mr. UeiluiiHli'v Hlutltrtt ulsnat i he UlKlltulc til Micleal Art InNew York City, under Wnlii'V IIII I I I - Iniscli nml u l l e rwn id lie tniwlii I n .Kloiiiln in mi Indi is t i ia l .school be-fore (i11111M n i l " coiiei'i'l work In h lv 'stli»iliiM Miiliilny mornl iu ' will hi' Michslilrlliinls us 'Hloiil Aivnv In .li".iis " •1 CloliiM l loinr . ' nml 'Nubotly Kti"W'.Ihe Tlol lblr I've Hei'll." mill hi' willlihibalilv ii~i. O l l n i i i " ' T h e i i ' I1. Nn

Dentil " Tell ymu Illclul'. el Illl'ioplHirtiinltv uml cmiii' uiul hi'iir Mil'-f i i l tuict l ni'v.iii in m li'innii A ^.l•lllll •llir. olferlt ir will In. livilM'il Inl htm

. a l l r r 111r- iriiiiliii ininuilii ' nlti ' iltinM l l l l l l i l V ' . i 1 M M ) . i l ! l > ) ! I [ i l l N l M l l l i l V

• ninri i l iu, ' C H I M I ' u t i h vnin* ih i ld i iM)V l ' v | I I T • r I H ( I S l I l l l l l l V l i l t i ' l l l i l l l l l

j u i 4 ,in u i t l i Hi11 • • i innn M i l i l i i i



]/oyr Electric Service

Ha If the picture

IS NOTthe whole picture

Whlti-n KMtlv

luickly and •.cifoly with

C A L O X''"' l>»m>liatlnt) powdi'i

n. refrmhtag tMlf. Swcff-W» the IIKMIIII. I'rotMU ihe ||ilin».

I—taw* ytiu htdI.



YOU KNOWThai much IIIIN lu'en Miiil tonccrn-ihfl fillip for ileitriiiiy. AllinliunItu-i ilirrili'il In the iliflirindin tlic costs nf electric Rvrvice inYnriniii cottimunilie.i. ('iin>iiU'rnhk'juililiiily has IHCII given lo IIHM

ilinervnvcN; fur W\t> Ui t!ic numerousKV.ASONS for ilic vnriely of rairncliiJulej nnd tlic resultant chargesfor electric ncrvicc.

"I . i , i , ; •



T l n u ( I J C K I M \if * list n U u i i n ^ i ' l e r t i - i r-

i t y iliITIT•» ^ i i l f l y IM M v c c i i t l t 'HU' ly

p t i p t i l . t t t il i i u l n i p ( » l i i » ) ( i uri-,14 a n d

M.a((i r e d ( . ( i m n u m i i H s . M r t l m t l s »>(

^ i i u n n i o n f i n e r i n m e n s Is, T i n -

lo t ;i i ii >n of lit ( ^ i i n r . u i n ^ | i | j i n i " n l i

M % | u i i t o i lu p Ku'l Mt j ip ly tin*! i h v

t u t » t » hi M I M I I i i n - n i l i t T fiii'liH'S.


The cost of electricity has steadily decreased as compared with (he cost of other commodities.

For this area the percent of decrease in electric rates is BELOW 77//: NA 1'IONAL A VIMAGE.

Ont nitl iptnlfor tltclriclty provide* more tomferl, tunvenientr and tnlrrlaiammtfor Iht family group than If it wtrt spent for any tlhtr irrvitr or nmimuftly.

Page 8: ROCKAWAY · ROCKAWAY RECORD Moms County's Newsiest Weekly • Our Aim "A better community in which to


J)cty by DayH. M^R.

You "IT wronp. Tho HIT is the"•rime wrliihi. rrKiirclh'iW of howiiurh air you pul in 11 In fai l you

.oulti fill the lire with iron or any-thing but the weight of tilt- lire.tseli would remain th*' *:in>t'rurrert".'





Willium Liuhuap UIKI Ed Bn'e.»rr fiviiiB tip iht'ir luuil-mrriiTs'.ubs tu i;o mlo tile rut mnili busi-•icsn in Tuprku. Kansas, frcm where'hey received a cood proposition to(.•:vf their entire time to thf nils- S p r i n B , m l s l l,,,ve arrived. Mrs.nn of rats Tlie letter vh i ih E d w a l - d K r l l v , Ol the Dover rond.

prompted lhe two mailmen to take Wlls f e i .dlI l l , l o b m s ,„ her yard, yes-theii sudden Ri-tion is us follows tercluv

AMERICAN CAT RANCH CO 'Topekn. Kan.sus , W1S u s k e d A.,ly j d l d n ' , s h o v e i

March 11. IW35 rht, M u n v o f f o f mJ. s l d e W a lk after

OptometristROCKAWAV. N. J.


Turquoiie Regarded a*Protection to Its Owner

In Hi

1 Funeral services for Miss Mary E' MIUIRCT. who died nt her home in 54I Prospect street Saturday frompnucimmia. were held at St. Mnry'sOhuri'h. with requiem mass, Tues-day Burial was in St. Mary's Cem-et.iy. A sister. Miss Teresa Muu-Bei. in home, and a brother.-FrankMnutici. of Richards avenue, sur-vive. Miss Mniieer had only beenill u short time.

William B. Cook, four months oldson of Mr and Mrs. Clyde Cook ofPrinceton avenue, was found deadin bed Monday morning when hisparents went to wake him. Theehild hnd only been 111 one day.

.County Physician. H. Raymondbody said

om naturalcauses.

D l " r S l r s thr sturni Tuesday night. I toldy gKnowing you have some niter, st „„.„, t l u l t , s h o v e l o d s n o w s o m u c h

the fin irude. I lake tin1 libcny

In Hie Ka»i Hie iuri|unlw> is worn to 'Mutrhlrr. who viewed the

•T'und fS"'"' """ "?""•' '" "" <V<""" <»» M'U«w.t« died fronIT mid us a iiruteeiiou iigllllisl tin'evil IIIIHIBIII., ,,r oiliivg. In Tihei, for c"u s e s-iiismnie, says n writer In the Kansiis I ' ~~O<>- Star. « popular cliurin Is n small : T h e c - ! c - c l a s s o I t n e

P'ld or aiivi>r linx, intrusted with tur- Methodist Church were entertinecilimlse. mill ediitnlnliu: litile scrolls nt the home of Mrs. Richard Buch-n the fin trade. I lake the hbeity „ „ , w m l l , r t h n t , w n s g o m g t 0 l e t m n t k t i „.,„, M , v s t l c ( . | l o r n ( . l e r g i . . 9 4 M , a v e n u e Monda'

,f presenting you with a most »e i , - , h ( l , ( , U o v , % h o p u , 1( t h e r e u k e „ n n t o p d ,„ „ ,„ , , „ ,„„ „,„,„„„,„, ' ;

(ierful business prcpo.Mtion. I lake o f , . , „ , , . ( | m t , H p d l d .cheuie, of ovlHlwrs. H"e it U nlso J " ' : . . „ ' " ' h ' , J l °the liberty of asking you to wire me believed tlml a lurnimlw will turn wile | 6 ' n l u p v " e n o s l e s s e s -'.he amount ol stuck you wishlo subscubc towards the (ouiuLUuuief Ihis company.

The ob.iei'i of the company is tocperali' a large cat ranch to be io-

There seems to be a lot of fuss re-

qimtae will turn pule |with the IIIhealth or Ill-fortune of Its Iwearer, a lw||,.( ti,«t ] l n s persistently

W|1(i' F n u l k a i b b o " s entertain*faidinp that eomplalnt of n Rocka- (.]„„,. ( o (ll(, t u r q l l 0 | 8 e ,|iroupb tlie i l l l e '"<-'inbors of the W. C. T, U.way taxpayer against a neighbor centuries. : a covered dish luncheon yestercwho is on the relief payroll. The In nmn.v popular beliefs na wide- nftcrnoon.

,aled m Central Kansas where land "mplamant U not on the roll, but s p r e a d „ , , , , , „ , „ , „„ ,„„ , g o m e

.an be purchased eheup for thispurpose

To st.m with we will culledabout one hundred thousand • 100-000 c.i:.» E.uh eat »;!! .ucvage;»el \e 1- kittens .i >car Theskins IUI; dom ten -10' centseach for the white onrs to ' lenty-five ••;;• 1'ist! for the pure black.This u:!l ̂ ive us twelve millionskins ,i y d ! to sell at the averageof thirty SO- rent? apiece, makingcur re\tm:e about ten thousanddollars '$10,000 ' a day gross.

A man e.\n skin fifty • 5(M cats aday for four •$•»' dollars. It willtake one hundred 1100 * men to op-erate the ranch, and. therefore, thenet profit will be nine thousand, sixhundred dollars $9 600 per day.

We will feed lhe cats on rats, and•.vlll start a rut mnrh on an adjoin-ing tract. The rats will multiplyfoul times as fast as the • Ifwe start with one million rats, wewill, therefore, have four rats perday for each eat which is plenty.Now then, we will feed the rats onthe ciuriisM'* of the cnts fromwhich the skins have been taken,giving each rat II fourth of a cat.

It will thus be seen thnt lhe bus-iness will br self-support niK andautomatic all the way through.The rats will eat the rats and the'rnt.s the rats ami we will get the •skins.

Stock subscriptions must be in by6 P M. Eastern standard TimeSaiurduy, Murch 30. 1835.

Awaiting your prompt reply luidtrusting thnl you appreciate lheopportunity lo get rich quick. I am'

Very truly yours.AMERICAN CAT RANCH CO.

O. u. Sklnnum. Pres.

as a taxpayer, he thinks It isn't fair eruln "' truili. and It Is ponsjlile Hiat ' Misa Dorothy Brlant entertainedthnt a man owning n house and hav-ing a comfortable bank accountshould dive into his pocket whllpothers need it so much. And sure

the iun,,,olse. which Is lhe least har.l


the Queen Estherhome in Myrtle inight.

Circle at he:Tuesda:

such Is the case. We'll let you knowmore about it when the case Is of-ficially brought into court.

'miff he's right, if he's able to prove of grenl value mlfrht be found nt Hie• • • ' eml of the rainbow. Another belief.

common among* North American In-(linns, nns that a turquoise nttnehedto gun or how would cnuse bullet orarrow to go straight to its mark, Intime It lieennii- syniholleal of strnlcht-ne«s anil fulniess In nil mnttersi, nmlIn Hie Seventeenth century nearlyevery -zenttPmnn In 'Rurope wore aturquoise as Indication of his highpense of honor.

-indent-. Mleve.1 n turquoise1 D | . J u l i n M u t c h ] e l . t a l k e d

' Thanks to the Relly ConstructionCo. tor repairing trie intersection atthe end of West Main street. It looksnow that the lob will last a littlewhile. [

' Well wonder what the Council 'meeting tonlghl will bring forth. '

We evidently got u reader who isapparently not satisfied with theway the officers are chosen for the Lower Cttllfornlii, Carapeche, CoaliuiKi!Rockaway High School Senior Class. Collnm. I'liiaiuir. Chihuahua, Duriingo,

« • tiunnajuaio. Cnerero, Illilnlsn, ,Tn]|s-oo. Mexico. Mlrlmncnn, Moreios, N«m-rlt. Nuevo Leon. Uninon. I'lirhln,(Jneretaro, (Jiilntnna Itoo. Snn I.mal'otnpl, Pinnlon, Snnorii, Tohnscn. Til-niaiillpns. Tlnirnla, Verj Cruz, Yuca-tan and Zncateeas.

"New phases of Public Welfare" aithe meeting of the Woman's Clulyesterday nfternoon.

The rescue squad ofFire Department was

I h« Word "Plantation 'The witnl plantation Is derived from

the I.utln plnniiiiln. niennlni; "u plnnt-Inp," und ivns enrly employed to desig-nate tin1 esinlitislimrnt of a churcli, the^titling nf iit'uplc In a new loi', thefounding nf II enluny, soys I.Hernry Dl-pest. In (lie sense, "the seltlement nf[lersnns in some l.viillty; espi-elaHy theidantlng "I a colony; cnhmliuillon." llie 'word diiles from loMt, with lhe nienD-Ing. "a settleinenl In n new or con-quered cm i.".v . 11 • •'. > •. i .> - . .1d l l t i ' B f r o n . l i M I i \ .• I . . . . - i ' i i ;1 1 1 I M S s e n - i ' I n ' I n ' i . 1 1 1 . . : i ! I ' . i r '•the s ta te , Kilo, ,• 1-d e n c e IMnn':itloN- " 'Ie s t a t e or f . inn . o-tor .suhtrojiii ill i-lire eult lvi iH'd."J TiKI. for It Is

the Dove:called to

Brownwood Pond Monday afternoon to rescue three small chlldrerwho had fallen through the ice,The children wore hauled out of thiwaters by ;i mother of one of thi

M ! children before the arrival of thiM i , ™, " , ' " , „ firemen. Not knowing this the squacMexico Is a federal repub c of SO I . , , , .,_, , , .^' >• " °» searched for some time thinking the

bodies were under the Ice., untilthey were Informed that the youngsters were safe In one of the children's homes. The children wereBilly Hairing and Donald Morgansons of William Harrlng and QrnnMorgan and the daughter of CarNeNwman. captain of the rescuesquad that was hunting the child-ren.

stales. There Is also n federal dis-trict. The Males are: Aguuscnllentei),

Two Ligkloil Wood.Tlie two llchtest woods, native to the

United Stall's lire w.iinw and luiss.

Arnold Northey. of Union streetvere treated at Dover General Hos-


woiul. They rank with the"eims'a'nd j p l t a l S u n d « y f o r injuries sustainedgums In toiiKlinesB or resistance to w h e n t h e c a r l n w n l ( ! n t h e y w e r e

splitting. Uwnuse they lire so llirht, I riding went over an embankment at• •••'• -:iil ihey nee vspe- the foot of Mine Hill. Northey, who

r II-H In Imxi's nnd was driving the car swerved to a-.vold hitting another machine, caus-ing the accident

• iiii.i

-I .ill\ in ii lr.iintr.v. nil w |]j,-]il.-ihw Inuk at lr:di'llni'il In Hi''

e.llll"ii of I'hillljiv- l'icil,.nary. "nof Crmind In AMIITII-II for the phof X'lhiieco. Snciinan'1.'). etc."

More Cold, in October |.An o n 11 lie in Hii' r u i u n l s of t h e pub. •

u- lii'nl Ii t-orvlcc iii-tre ron in iun eoldfi |re co in rut tcil diu'ltiu t h e mnQth o t l

irtoli iT tlijtn In nny o i l i e r innntl i . In-'lil i ' imilly. it Is Mfiii'i'd Unit t h e aver -i;i' w o r k e r loses six nnd a linlf dayy'IIr-h vi'lir from

Fox Hated in North, IiSaved in South Ireland

Tim linpiilniialllliiili. tmvnril the fos• lifl'ers radii-niij- in northern and south-'•ni lrdaii.l. siv< n Iietmlt Free l'ressnml (.-liU-iif.. Triui"['"Illll'llt.

In l h e . V o r l h t l , | . r,,x t : i n

n i i n . i i i i . l i n , , , - i , , . S | , , , t , , r

k i l l e d u i l h n i i t h l N . l r a n c . I to f v i r t u e m d , . - i r , v h i , , .

In t h e s m i t h i i i , T f l a , , n u n w r i t i e n

* " ' " " " - ' •••••ntr.v p....,,|,. , ! „ „"'"" '»• IT r v . ,1 .

••••«»• Xoni, „„,] S m | 1 | | , h p r i , | s

'" conn.,,,,, ••ril.v,,,K,, , , p , l n s t | h o f n

"" , '"' N " .v enemy of thet . . . , , r v , n r , | . Wherever „ ,,,,|r ,,f f n M ««... 1. M, ,l,,,,,s,,v,s „„,, ,„„,, „ f l im.

l l j . the n . | j . , i , , i , | . f , ,r,i ,h.

This New

Magnificent LampSpecial$|Q95


18-Pc. Sat of Glasswaret i l l

Thii magnificent (oldfinish lamp, with fullyequipped Smoker Tray,

_ extra Urge, beautifullyhand painted Shade of taf-tefa lilk, with 6-inch silkfringe. Together with thiipractical 18-Piece Set ofGolden Glow Glauwar*.



Never a Better Opportunity

Furstman & Feinberg, Inc.23-25 West Blackwell Street


imlilin corn--

!l ,,s v,,r.,,,h,,nvl80I, „,, uct

|,, ,o.-irry off nil Wilds

l<r must Ingenious.• tlit* hen .honfie^.;in> frequently tlie

iilMiiule of tho peopleNorth nnd Siniih Is

to tlie fnet thin In the Xi.nh tmwn. while Inand In the

liiint rornirnize theip i i o r i c,f the f i irniers.

at III" .Ml of e.'ir-h hunting seasonmoney l« r.ii-i.,1 uninni! tlie nienihcrs.,f 11,,. i...... •


Advance in Modern MusicCredited to the Greeks

I'fini ll.i- formal nilvnnrl* nfII did otlii-r Hi-Is, ohserves

writer In Hie K;I[\«UM City Times.le tetriH'Imrd. n Grille of four tnnen.

Imvllic rine Interval n linlf-torie andwho!,. tonn«. ivns used. To

the time "f TiTimnder. 11.71 Ii' C, tillsn nuiriy fonnR, «-u|le4l inode.x,

nnd further dfsl^n;iic.i In- the nanioa-•f their nrlirliminrs. The lyre, tho

def inuxlciil, had fmir, nnd conli! In- tuned to nny of

lhe muiles tn nrl.-ipt It to the sliiRor'9viilcr, and nlsn Has used to five thejdich.

Tprpandi'r mlili'd n .-••.nnii tiMniehnrdto the seiile, mnklni: the (irnt note1 ofthe KPcurid tin1 same iiH tlie lni»t note ofthe first, nnd fnrmeil a seven-nutepcalc. A century Inter I'.vthncoras In-trodnceil tlic m-tavp B.vsiein. which Isthe foundation of modern nuiHic. Alh-enn soon wnn xtirrml with rninllnn overthe music of Soplmi'leH "Antieoni!"and other drafliiis,' the forarunavr ufthe opera,


178 MAIN STREET, Comer Beach St.


PotatoesBest Creamery


These prices effective Friday and Saturday ONlv


SHAMROCK COFFEE, Sani-Freah Vacuum l i b canTEA BALLS, 20 bats to paekaceSLICED PINEAPPLE, largest can .YELLOW CLING PEACHES, siloed or halves, hireesl c uROYAL ANNE CHERRIES, larceat canPANCAKE SYRUP, IO-OI. Ju»MOLASSES. l!ii site canCLEANSER, 3 oansCLOUDY AMMONIA. Quart bottleTOILET TISSUE, t 1000-sheet rollsLAUNDRY SOAP, unwrapped. 5 barsFLOUR, for home baklnc, 24-lb, cotton batJersey Tomatoes, 2 No. 2 CansEARLY JUNE PEAS, 2 No. 2 CansSTRINGLESS BEANS, cut 2 No. 2 CansASPARAGUS TIPS. No. 1 square CanTUNA FISH, light meat, 2 >i* cansBONELESS CODFISH, 1-lb. BrickSALAD DRESSING, 8-or. Jar

16-oz. Jar l»r;WHITE LEGHORN EGGS, 12 to cartonSELECTED CLEARVIIEW EGGS, doienGOOD OLD FASHIONED STORE CHEESE. Ib.FAIRMONT'S BETTER CREAM CHEESE. 3-oz. pht. kCRUSTENE VEGETABLE SHORTENING, l i b . print IIICertified Smoked DRIED BEEF, cellophane urapprd. '.-Ib. pkf.lkEpeclal Fancy Sliced BACON, cellophane wrapped. ' j-lb. pk|. IllJELL-O. all flavors. 3 pkgs.GRAPENUT8, breakfast food, pkj.PILLSBURYS SNO SHEEN CAKE FLOUR. pkKP & G SOAP, white Naptha, 5 barsSELOX. speedy soap, 2 pkgsOAKITE, cleans a million things, 2 pkga.These prices in effect from Thurs.. Mar. 14 to Wed.. .Mar.


K - o i . Ju- UiIII!fc


Business DirectoryHEMSTITCHING8 Cents Per YardTHE BEVERLY SHOP

Tel. 511-J DenvtUe, N. J.franklin Road, 6-10 Mile off Highway

INDIAN SPRING WATERAnalyzed a» the Pureit Spring Water

K'oduced. Taken from a Boiling Spring,ore stimulating and telresbfng than

other waters.GEORGE F. TONKIN

Telephone 2T3 Rockawuj



Tel. fig-M


Gultav Stobrr, .IiLicensed Ats'tFuneral Momr16 KrlUl AM-

Rochaway. N. JTrl. RorkanuT 1

Absolutely m>w i t h t h e iiM

llcmul Ut!Embilnri

llrinrh OIK33 IllcitlttU

Drnilllt. »• *Tfl. RotMHII «

'•spenst coniitctrt

ni our Modem

Finn iul Home

W M . II. CRANE_ in II.I>I;R -


quollty Price ServiceCLEANING. DVEING, PBESS1NO

Tailoring In All Branches atNew Low Prices

Rockaway Reliable Shop27 iVALL ST. Tel. 420 RocKawa;

Shop & Residetue ^08 W. Msta*

Telephone . Bock«»«

We Repair All Makes OfRADIOS—WASHERS


O. P. DICKERSONTelephone Itockaway 307

J. H. BLANCHARD & Co.Manufacturers Ui

ROCKAWAY HAND MADE AXESWith or Without Handles

All Kind, of Edce Tools and LawnMourn sharpened

UNION STREET Phone RockjwaJ 1»

Brown's Storage Co.76 N. Sl'SSEX ST. DOVER, N.



1M< "I II.11EB— Joblnnt i ••iiiTiallJ -

ȣ';.I"1,,, mini*

Enamplr.' -J3J.10 lor our

Fisher Ins'.ininccT r , :,.i nornsmf."'*

r Office Hours: ' I9:»« a. m. to 12 m.1:30 p. m. to S p. m.Except Sundays and Mondays


17 Sast Blackwell Street DOM »'



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