  • Start with Rohingyalish

    Rohingya Zuban Loi Cru Gor




    A a B b C c D d E e F f

    ae bii shi rdi di ii eff

    at bD SD &D 'D tD atzf;

    G g H h I i J j K k L l M m

    ji eish ai jae kae el Em

    *Ds tdyfcsf; tdkif a*s u,f atvf atrf

    N n O o P p Q q R r S s

    en an ou pii kyu ar ess

    atef tmf tdk yD cd,l tm&f atpf;

    T t U u V v W w X x Y y Z z

    ti yu vyi Dblyu eks wai Zedh

    wD ,l bGD 'AvsKd atcfpf; 0dkif aZ'f;



    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

    sifr ek dui tin sair fas s ht actho no

    ' ' '

    pDzd&f; atcf 'l,f wdef pdkif&f zmfpf apmh [mfhwf tmf&Sfaxmf aem


  • oi


    Rohingya Zuban or Kaanun (Rohingyalish language rules)

    1. Hrof kkol Rohingyalish Alphabets

    a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

    2. Noiya hrof kkol New characters

    c = Sh = camic, calic

    = Rd = caa, naa

    = Anh = fas, fias

    3. Zer-zobor kkol (6) straight vowels

    a e i o u ou u

    Ou Qurane Korim Alemi Bodd Bouli

    4. Fakk-riya (4) Circular Vowels

    ai ei oi ui i i i i

    Sai Beil Loi Tui Si Kil Bin Si

    5. Gut Stressed

    Ful Fl

    Sal Sl

    Fan Fn

    Bura Bur Bra Fara Far Fra

    6. Thana Extending

    do doo no noo

    zo zoo nol nool dhor dhoor mana maana

    7. Thana & gut kkol Extending plus Stressing

    Gaa Ga Ga Neel Ken en Biili Zin in Fool Bol Sol Muu Muntu Sura

    8. Dui Hrof wala Dual Characters

    d = dadi, dn, dui dh = dhandha, dhail t = tui, tun, tli th = thala, thambu ts = tsani

    h = ham, holom h = hwa, hc kh = khalid, khn n = nani, nam, nun ng = ngapra ny = nyong cng


    ai ei ui

    E A



  • Rohingya Zuban or Foila Kitab


    Book One

  • Sura Al-Ftiha

    1. Allahr nam loi cru gorr zib bic boro mehrban, bic boro rahmot gorya.

    In the name of Allah the most Gracious, the most merciful.

    2. Tamm ckuria Allahr l [zib] tamm jhan r Rob.

    All the praises and thanks be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds.

    3. [Zib] bic boro mehrban, bic boro rahmot gorya. The most gracious the most merciful.

    4. [Zib] kiyamot or din or maalek.

    Master of the day of Judgment.

    5. Ara serf tur ebadot gorr, ar ara serf tur modot sair.

    You alone we worship, You alone we ask for help.

    6. Ara r uzu rasta dahi do. Guide us to the straight path.

    7. Ou maincr rasta zarr uore tui enab bokcc goijj, ou maincr rasta no zarr

    uore tu gozob diy ar no zar gumr iye [hdayot r rasta rai flaiye].

    The path of those on whom you have bestowed your favors, not the path

    of those who earn your wrath, and not of those who go astray.

  • Sbba i

    Learn Rohingyalish in 10 minutes Ruhingyalc re 10 Minth t Cko 7kd]if8smvdcsf;udk 10 rDepfESifH oif,lyg>

    1. Capital Letters (Dhor Hrof kkol)


    Ruhingyalc hrof r nam kkol or Borms arde Urudu loi lamat maz dahgiye.

    T&kd]if8smvdcsf; tuC7mpmvkh; rsm;/ tac:ta0:rsm;udk Arm ESifH tdk7kd'l bmomrsm;[zifH atmufwGifaz:[yxm;ygonf>

    A at

    B bD

    C 7SD


    D 'D

    E tD

    F atzf

    G 8sD

    H tdcsf

    I tgOf

    J a8s

    K au

    L atvf

    M atrf

    N atef


    O tdk

    P yD

    Q usL

    R tm7f

    S atpf

    T wD

    U ,l

    V AGD

    W 'AvsL

    X atcfpf

    Y 0gOf

    Z aZxf

    RohingyalishAlphabetsnaming.Ruhingyalc Hrof kkol r Nam. &kd]if8smvdcsf;tuC7mpmvkh; rsm;/ tac:ta0:rsm;.


  • Sbba ii

    2. Small Letters (Co Hrof kkol) Thepronunciationofeachalphabetwhenused inaword is shownbelow inBurmeseandUrdu.Eachofthevowelsisshowninshadedbackground.

    Hrof kkol r abas lekt maz hondila nelibu d yan, Borms arde Urdut dahgiye. Vawel kkol re hala zoubin loi dahgiye.

    T&kd]if8smvdcsf; tuC7mpmvkh;rsm;/ tohxGufudk atmufwGif Arm ESifH tkd7kd'l bmomwdkH[zifH az:[yxm;ygonf> Am0Jvfrsm;udk aemufchta7mif [zifH[yxm;onf>

    a tm )(

    b bm


    c 7Sm


    7Mm )(

    d 'g )(

    e at


    f zm

    )( g 8g


    h ]m )(

    i tD


    j 8sm


    k um


    l vm


    m rm )(

    n em )(



    o atmf


    p yg )(

    q cg )(

    r 7m


    s pm

    )( t wm

    ) (

    u tl ) (

    v Am )(

    w 0g


    x psm


    y ,m


    z Zm


    Pronunciations of Rohingyalish Alphabets. Ruhingyalc hrof kkol r abas. &kd]if8smvdcsf;tuC7mpmvkh;rsm;/ tohxGuf.

  • Sbba iii

    3. Examples for new Alphabets usage (Noya Hrof kkol or Mesl)

    Theusagesofthenewalphabetsareshownbelowwithexamples.Noya hrof kkol re hondila estemal gorbu nise mesl loi dahgiy.tuC7m topfrsm;/ tokh;tEkh;rsm;udk Oyrmrsm;ESifH az:[yxm;onf>

    C=sh 7S Bac, Cac, Fac, Lac, Nac = bg7Sf, 7Sm7Sf, zg7Sff, vm7Sf, em7Sff Camic, Calic, Nalic, Nikac = 7SmrD7Sf, 7SmvD7Sf, emvD7Sff, eDum7Sf

    =rda 7M Baa, Bai, Bea, Bei = bg7Mm, bg7DM, ab7Mm, ab7MD Caa, Cau, Faa, Fai = 7Sm7Mm, 7Sm7MdK, zg7Mm, zg7MD Fua, Fui, Lua, Lui = zl7Mm, zl7MD, vl7Mm, vl7MD Mei, Naa, Nai= ar7MD, em7Mm, em7DM

    =anh tmF Sua, Fua, Ac, Ara = pltmF, zltmF, tmF7Sf, tmF7m Siara, Thiara, Bac = pDtmF7m, xDtmF7m, btmF7Sf Bali, Kec, Fas, Cua =btmFvD, auatF7Sf, zgtmFpf, 7SktF7Mm

    4. Examples of stressed vowels (Dor Abas or Mesl)


    Ruhingyalc das bic mockil. Gut mar foill ekdhoilla mani neele, gut nomari foill ardhoilla mani neele. Lamar mesl kkolot maz dhen dhke gut vawel (), ban dhke normel vawel dahgiye.

    toh teuftaysmH ay:rlwnfI 7kd]if8smvdcsf;wGif pum;vkh; t}dy{g,fa[ymif;vJ oGm;onf> atmufwGif Oyrmrsm;ESifH az:[yxm;onf> toheuftwGuf rsOf;apmif; Am0Jrsm;()udk vuf,gzufwGif okh;xm;onf>

    Ful = whwm; bridgeorhole Fl = yef; flower Sal = acgifrdk; roof Sl = opfyiftcGh treebark Fan= uGrf;,g akindofleaves Fn = [udk;uGif; ropeloop Sul= qhyif hair Sl = tcGhuGm removeouterskin

  • Sbba iv


    Ekdhoilla wadh ott 3 dhoilla mani neele d yan, nisor mesl kkolot maz dahgiye. puvkh; wrsKd;wnf;wGif toh 3 rsKd;xGufonfudk atmufyg Oyrmrsm;[zifH [yxm;onf>

    ara = fence ar = command ra = lost bura = bad bur = old bra = stained caa = mat ca = deposit ca = kicked out fara = village far = cross fra = unfortunate gara = bury gar = pond gra = glue

    5. It takes 10 years to learn English. But it takes

    only 10 minutes to learn Rohingyalish. Why?



    Igglc t maz 5 sw vawel as. Lkin fott vawel ott abas bout dhikk neele. Wadh uggwm maz vawel or abas hondila neeledyn nocki yre hoi nofarbu. ttoll 10 hzar wadh zaniblla doc bosr ckafored.

    t8FvdyfpmwGif A0Jvf 5ckom7Sdonf. odkHaomf A0JvfwckpDwGif tohwGuftrsKd;rsKd; 7Sdonf. A0Jvfudk b,fpum;vkh;wGif okh;onfay:rlwnfI tohcGJ[cm; ae[cif; [zpfonf. odkHtwGufa[umif; b,fA0Jvfudkfb,fvdkzwf7rnf udk [udkwifroif,lbJ ra[ym Ekdifay. TodkHoif,l7ef 10000 pum;vkh;twGuf 10 ESpf[umae[cif; [zpfonf. atmufwGif A0JvfwckpD/ tohtrsKd;rsKd;udk avHvmxm;onf.

    a H as (itispronouncedases)7whya=e? all (itispronouncedasoll)7whya=o? ask (itispronouncedcorrectly)5 itisOK

    e H me (itispronouncedasmi)7whye=i? eye (itispronouncedasaye)7whye=a? men (itispronouncedcorrectly)5itisOK

  • Sbba v

    i H high (itispronouncedashaigh)7whyi=ai? crisis (itispronouncedascraises)7whyi=e? hit (itispronouncedcorrectly)5itisOK

    o H women (itispronouncedaswimen)7whyo=i? do (itispronouncedasdu)7whyo=u? go (itispronouncedasgo)7Englishusage. for (itispronouncedcorrectly)5OKforRohingyalish nothing (pronouncedasnathing)7whyo=a?

    u H but (itispronouncedasbat)7whyu=a? use (itispronouncedasyuse)7whyu=yu? put (itispronouncedcorrectly)5itisOK


    Zen uore dahgiy, vawel kkol r abas wadh uggw arde argwm maz fork izagi. Komaskom 3 dhoillatt 5 dhoilla foijjonto itfare, yto bic. Igglc t maz vawel kkol r abas or hon rul ni. Ruhingyalc fott uggw vawel or abas or serf ekdhoilla mokoror goijj, zinnoll buli Ruhingyalc bic asn igiyegi ar ckit y serf 10 minth laged. tay:rSm[rif7onf twdkif; A0JvfwckpD;/tohonf pum;vkh;wdkif;wGif toh worwfwnf; r7Sday. toh 3 rsKd;rS 5 rsKd; ESifHtxuf 7SdEkdifayonf. xdkHa[umif; t8FvdyfpmwGifrnfonfH Oya' rSr&Sday. odkHaomf 7kd]if8smvdcsf; wGif A0Jvf wckpDtwGuf (atmufvdkif;qGJ[yonfH) tohwckwnf;udkom owfrSwf xm; onf. odkHtwGufa[umifH 7kd]if8smvdcsf;onf tvGefw7m vG,f ul[yD; oif,l7ef 10 rdESpfom vdktyf[cif;[zpfygonf.

    6. The Six Vowels Map. (Suwa Vawel or Mep.)


  • Sbba vi


    Ar vawel or mep tull nise dahiyed ndila faiyoum. Fott vawel or abas serf ekdhoilla raikkd ttolla, bic zoruri abas uggw zi giygi. Abas ba das (o) arde (u) maz d ttolla noya vawel uggw nobanai, (ou) r argw vawl sabe rakle bla ibou. Tile aratt vawel beggne 6 w ibou, e (ou)r abas das Igglc (o) dhilla neelibu.

    A0Jvf 5 cktwGuf ykhqGJaomf atmufygykhtwdkif;[rif7rnf. A0Jvfwck twGuf tohwckpD,lrnf]k oabmwlcJHvSsif ykhwGifta7; [uD;aom tohwck aysmufaeonf udk awGH7rnf [zpfaynf. 4if;tohonf (atmf) ESifH (,l) [um;wGif 7Sdfrnf [zpfygonf. TtohtwGuf A0Jvfwck topfwGif 7rnfHtp (atmf) ESifH (,l) 2ckpvkh;udk aygif;[yD;(ou)]lIac:a0:ygrnf. (ou)onf t8Fvdyf pum;vkh; (go)wGif (o)/tohESif Hwlayonf. NowforRohingyalish,wehavegotsixbasicvowelsinsteadoffive.TheyarepronouncedasthevowelsfoundintheEnglishwordsask,get,it,for,put,tour.Forstressedpronunciationwehaveanothersetofvowelswithaccents.ThepronunciationsofthenormalandstressedvowelsareshowninUrduandBurmeseinthetablebelow.Aratt asl vawel 5 swr zagat maz yaa 6 w iye. In r abas das Iggilc wadh ask, get, it, for, put, tour or btore asde vawel kkolr abasor dhilla ibou. Dor abas oll gut vawel ek st as. Dor arde norom abas kkolre nise tbol ot maz Urdu arde Borms loi dahgiy. u`sEkyfwdkHrSm tckta[cch A0Jvf 6ck 77Sd[yD [zpfonf. wckpD/ tohxGufrSm t8Fvdyf pum;vkh; ask, get, it, for, put, tour txJ7SdA0Jvfrsm;/ tohxGufESifH twlwlyif [zpfayonf. aemuf A0Jvf 6ckrSm tohtrm xGuf7ef twGuf [zpfayonf. 7kd;7kd;A0Jvf ESifH trmtohxGuf A0Jvf wdkH/ tohxGuf rsm;udk atmufaz:[yyg Z,g;wGif tl7l'l ESifH Armvdk [yxm;ygonf>

    The Six basic vowels (in each of soft and hard sets)

    1 2 3 4 5 6

    a tm

    e at

    i tD

    o atmf

    u tl

    ou tdk






    u tdkH

  • Sbba vii

    The Six Vowels Map (representing the sound of each vowel) Vawel 6 wr abas kkol re dahiyde Mep . A0Jvf (6)ck / tohxGuf udk az:aqmifaom ykh


    Ask&gEt,It,fOr,pUtting,tOUrtohxGuf pum;vkh; rsm;> 7. Compound Vowel sounds. (Lagaya Vawel kkolr Abas)

    Therearesounds,whichcannotbeachievedbyabasicvowelalone.Thefollowingsixsetsareusedforverycommonlyusedsounds.The1stfourareformedbysimplyadding(i)nexttothevowel.ThepronunciationsfortheseareshowninBurmese. Endila hodn abas asd zinre vawel uggw loi lek nofar, vawel du fat lage. Nise dahiyed vawel 6 zur re bic estemal gor. Foila 4 zurat maz fistt (i) lagaidil izagi. Abas kkol re Borms t dahgiy. ta[cchA0Jvf wckwnf;ESifH tohr[ynfHpkhEkdifaom tohtwGuf A0JvfESpfckwGJH[yD; tohxGuf7ef vdkayonf. yxr 4 ck/tohudk aemufwGif (i)wGJ[yD;7,lEkdifonf. atmufay:[yygtwGJHrsm;/toh rsm;udk atmufwGifArmvdk [yxm;onf.

    a (ka) um

    i (ki) uD

    au (ke) e

    o (ko) aumf read as English (kau)

    (ku) ul

    u (kou) cdk read as English (ko)


  • Sbba viii

    1 2 3 4 5 6

    ai tmOf

    ei atOf

    oi tdkOf

    ui tlOf

    au atm

    wa 0g

    i tmOfH

    i atOfH

    i tdkOHf

    i tlOfH

    u atmH

    w 0Hg

    Examples for compound vowels: Mesl kkol A0JvfESpfckwGJH Oyrmrsm;. Lai Beil Soil Tui Saun Nuwa Si Kil Bin Si Soun Now

    Aijja Meill. Goiyom Tuill. illa Killeh. Hilla Sille.

    8. Twin-Vowel Sounds. (Zoikka Vawel or Abas)

    For fine tuning the pronunciation of certain words, we need to place twovowelsofsametype(bothnormal,bothaccentedoramixofboth)sidebyside.Whenweneed to lengthen the sound in the same levelweplace twonormalvowelssidebyside(i.e.aa).However,the2ndvowelneedstobeaccentedifthesecondpartneeds tobe stressed (i.e.a).Similarly the 1stvowelneeds tobeaccentedif1stpartofthesoundneedtobestressed(i.e.a).Usebothaccentedvowelsifbothpartsneedtobestressed(i.e.)

    Bazo wadh kkol r abas suyi neeliblla buli vawel du r fat bazi lekforibu. Abas or borabor thaniblla normel vawel du bazi lekfouribu, mesl (aa). Serf fisr abas or thli how foille fisr vawel ba gut vawel wforibu, mesl (a). Zodi mumr abas thli how foille mumr vawel gut vawel wforibu, mesl (a). Abas dunw thli how foille dunw gut vawel wforibu, mesl ().

    tohtwdtusvm7eftwGuf tohnddS7ef vdkaomtcg A0Jvf2ckudk ab;uyf xm; 7rnf [zpfonf. tu,fItohudkworwfwnf;qGJ7efvdkaomtcg A0Jvf 2ck pvkh;udk 7kd;7kdk; A0Jvfokh;7rnf(Oyrm aa)> worwfwnf;rqGJbJ'kwd,ydkif;wGiftoh[rifH[rifHvdk aomf 'kwd,pmvkh;udk A0Jvftrm (Oyrm a) okh;7rnf[zpfonf> xdkenf;4if; yxrydkif; wGif tohrmvdkvSsif yxrA0Jvfudk A0Jvfrm okh;7rnf[zpfonf(Oyrm a)> worwf wnf;tohrmvdkvSsif A0Jvf2ckpvkh; tohrmokh;7rnf[zpfonf(Oyrm )>

  • Sbba ix

    1 2 3 4

    1 aa a a 2 ee e e 3 ii i i 4 oo o o 5 uu u u

    Finetuningtwinvowelpairs Abas sfgore d zoikka vawel kkol

    tohnSd A0JvftwGJrsm;/ Z,g;

    Examples: Mesl Oyrm

    aa a a

    A gaa = udk,f body ga = ohcsif;qdk sing ga =tem infection maana = wefzdk;rJH free


    sani = pum seive

    ee e e

    E neel =xGuf go out

    fen =abmif;bDd trousers

    engor=tJ'DvdkrsKd; like this

    beentah=tvGeHftvGeff too much

    ken=b,fvdk how

    en =tJ'Dvdk like

    ii i i

    I biili = rD;zGm;[yD;aom woman after giving birth

    fil = uGifh; field

    sil = whqdwf seal

    in = 'D]m this one zi = orD; daughter oo o o

    O fool = t&l; mad bol = abmfvkh; ball sol = qdwf goat hoor = t0wf cloth

    hor=uyfqdkufonf curse

    hon =pm;[cif; eating

    uu u u

    U muu = rsufESm face

    Zuu = tide

    ful =t[ynfH full

    Muntu = in the front

    sura =tydkif; part

    cu gula = a kind of fruit ,

    Thc gor sabar maijj. ff e fc gor uithth. Slapped giving sound Tsh. Snake stand up giving sound F-n-sh

    Fc gor boiyar neligii. Dm gori meit foijj. Air blow out giving sound Fsh. Fell on the ground giving sound Dm.

  • Sbba x

    9. Compound Alphabets. (Zura Hrof kkol). ThereareothersoundsthatarenotavailablewithanysingleEnglishalphabet.However,we can achieve thisbyusing two consonant lettersused togethersidebysideasshownbelow.

    Endhila hodn abas as d zibnki uggw Igglc hrof loi an nofar. Abas in re, baziya du Igglc hrof loiyor an fare, zendila lamat maz dahgiy.

    t8Fvdyf tuC7mwGif ryg0ifaomtohrsm;vnf;7Sdonf> odkHaomftuC7m 2 vkh; aygif; aomtcg xdkvdkonfHtohrsm;udk 7,lEkdifonf> 4if;udkatmufwGif[yxm;onf>

    d = ' dh = } h = ] h = ]H /

    Kh = c (We use for writing Arabic names only)

    n = e ng or g = i ny or y = n

    s = p ts = o t = w th = x


    duwa = qkawmif; praying dhuwa = opfyifa[c7if;a[rykh soil pile at tree root andha = [uufO egg

    hva = av air ht = qif elephant hamis = tFusD shirt hiye = pm;cJHonf ate

    Khaled = emrnf cgav'f name Khaled

    norom = aysmHaom soft anggur = pyspfoD; grapes nyong cng = anmifacsmif; village name Nyaung Chaung

    sal = trdk; roof tsaltsa = okh;(3)t7Adpum; three(3) in Arabic tal = ohpOf music tl = yk8h plate

    thal = tykh pile (of) thala = carmuf farmer hat

  • 1

    Rohingya Language Rules 2

    Rohingya Language, also known as Rohingyalish, is a modern writing system that can exactly mimic the true spoken language of Rohingyas, the indigenous but most oppressed Muslim minority people of Arakan State in the western part of Burma (Myanmar). Rohingyalish uses English alphabets A-Z, and two Latin characters and along with the five accented vowels . is a variant of R, used for tongue-rolling sound and pronounced as rdi. is a variant or a silent N, used for nasal sound and pronounced as anh. While the normal vowels (aeiou) are used for soft sound, the accented vowels () are used for stressed sound. C, though originally used for K and S sound, is now used only for the Sh sound and thus it is named to shi. Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff New Alphabets:

    Cc =shi =rdi


    Numbers: 0123456789

    Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm

    Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss

    Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz Fig 1. Rohingyalish Character Set Table

    All the Rohingyalish alphabets (capital and small forms) with its proper arrangement are shown in Fig. 1 above followed by the rules 1 through 16 that explain in details how to write Rohingya words. For numbers, Rohingyalish uses Arabic numerals 0-9 as shown above and how to read and count them are shown at the end in rule number 16.

    1. The original English vowels (a, e, i, o, u) are used as soft


    In English, the vowels (a, e, i, o, u) are used as hard (emphasized) vowels. But the Rohingyalish uses these vowels as soft (and also as short) vowels. Whenever hard vowels are required, Rohingyalish uses another set of vowels (, , , , ), which are normally known as accented (gut) vowels.

    These accented vowels (, , , , ) can be typed in Computer by simply choosing the keyboard type as United States-International through the Windows control panel. To set in Windows 98 follow the steps as Start Settings - Control Panel Keyboard Language - English (United States) Properties --United States-International OK OK. After setting the keyboard, you can get () by first typing a single quote ( ' ) followed by (a). Similarly, to get () type ( ' ) followed by (c), and for () first type (~) followed by (n). For

  • 2

    Windows 2000, and Windows Xp, add and select the "United States-International" as the default keyboard.

    See below how Ba and Boo in English are written in Rohingyalish to get the same sound.

    Ba (in English) = B (in Rohingyalish) Boo (in English) = B (in Rohingyalish)

    Rohingyalish words with soft vowels (a, e, i, o, u) and hard vowels (, , , , ) are shown below as examples along with the meaning. The last line in the example shows the 6th vowel (ou and u are explained later) of the Rohingyalish.

    Bak = tiger Bk = share Bet = cane stick Bt = intention Kil = punch Kl = wedge Zor = fever Zr = rain Ful = hole/bridge Fl = flower Zouloi = Nail Zuli = bamboo fence

    2. Rohingyalish has a total of ( 12 ) basic vowels where six are of the soft-sounds and the other six are of hard-sounds.

    For the purpose of easy understanding, the consonant K is used as a reference to show the sound of each vowel. English In English, the sound of each vowel is not fixed to a particular sound. The sound of a vowel varies from words to words causing enormous difficulties to know which sound is the correct one, particularly for whom English is the 2nd language. Moreover, there is no method to know when a vowel needs to be emphasized or not to be emphasized so that a word be pronounced correctly. The five basic English vowels are shown below along with K.

    Ka Ke Ki Ko Ku (vowels used as hard or soft sound)

    Rohingyalish In the other hand, the sound of each vowel in Rohingyalish is fixed to one particular sound only as explained in the next paragraph. In this process Rohingyalish came up with an additional vowel which is made up of two vowels o and u as shown in the table below. In addition, Rohingyalish uses accented vowels wherever stress or emphasizing is needed. Thus Rohingyalish has got 12 basic fixed sounds, where the first six are for the soft sounds and the other six are for the hard sounds as shown in the table below.

    Ka Ke Ki Ko Ku Kou (vowels used as soft sounds) K K K K K Ku (vowels used as hard sounds)

  • 3

    Ka is pronounced as Ca as in the word Calculator, but not to be pronounced as in the word Can. Ke is pronounced as Kay as e is pronounced in English words Let, Bet, Get, Net, and Wet but in soft sound. Ki is pronounced as it is pronounced in the word Kilo. Ko will be pronounced as Kaw (but in short) as o is pronounced in English words Dot, Not, God, Lot, Rod but in soft sound. Ku will be pronounced as Cu in the word Calculator. Kou will be pronounced exactly as English Ko. Here Rohingyalish ou is made equal to English o as it is used in English words Go, Old, Won, Own, Toll, Sold, Bold, Mold, Fold but in soft sound. The pronunciation of each soft sound can be represented with an English phrase On Februari Tour where Februari means the month February. Another similar phrase is Put America on Tour.

    3. Rohingyalish words should not be read the same way Eng-lish is read.

    In English, the words are read after analyzing the whole word and then pronounced correctly. This is not required in Rohingyalish. Simply read the consonant vowel pairs from left to right. Apply the following methods in the order shown to get the best possible results:

    (a) If the word follows the sequence of one consonant and one vowel

    then pronounce one consonant and one-vowel pairs individually and then combine the results. For example;

    Maz = Ma + Z = Ma Z (middle) Fala = Fa + La = Fa La (pillar) Salu = Sa + Lu = Sa Lu (moving) Thalasab = Tha+La+Sa+B = ThaLaSaB (lock & keys)

    (b) If the word follows the sequence of one consonant and one vowel

    followed by another consonant then pronounce the three combined together. Do the same for the rest. Finally combine the results. For example;

    Sultn = Sul + Tn = Sul Tn (the name Sultan) Tormus = Tor + Mus = Tor Mus (water melon) Bador = Ba + Dor = Ba Dor (monkey) Fandhk = = Fan + Dhk = Fan Dhk (pipe)

    (c) The word may follow both rules mentioned above. For example;

  • 4

    Burus = Bu + Rus (brush) Gorom = Go + Rom (hot) Had = Ha + D (shoulder) Fonn = Fon + N (education)

    (d) There may be two vowels together side by side as shown in the

    example below. How to pronounce them will be explained later.

    Sail = Sai + L (trick) Beil = Bei + L (sun) Soil = Soi + L (rice) Tui = Tui (you) Gouru = Gou + Ru (cow) Mouloi = Mou + Loi (Arabic Teacher)Maana = Maa + Na (free)

    4. New Alphabets ( ) and ( ) pronounced as anh and rda. These two new alphabets are taken from Latin Alphabets and are very important for Rohingyalish to produce the most two continental sounds; the variant of N sound (i.e. nasal sound) using (), and a variant of R sound (i.e. tongue rolling sound) using (). These two sounds are not used in English Language. A list of Rohingyalish words are shown below as examples:

    Nasal sound examples: normal without (left) and nasal with (right):

    Ara = Fence Ara = Coal Fas = Pass Fas = Five Tongue rolling sound examples: normal with r (left) and tongue rolling with (right):

    Bara = fishing fence Baa = exchange rate Bera = Visit Bea = Husband Fara = Village Faa = chili grinding flat rock Fra = Infectious spot Fa = Drop More nasal sound examples: normal without (left) and nasal with (right):

    Sda = White Sada = donation or tax Kur = chicken Kura = bring together/chicken food More nasal and tongue rolling sound examples:

    Kea = fish bone/ thorn Me = bottle cap Sua = bamboo pipe Mei = soil, ground Sa = Stick The = not straight

    5. The alphabet ( C ) has been used differently.

    Rohingyalish does not need the alphabet C because it has two different sounds which can be replaced with K and S. However, Rohingyalish words have a lot of sh sounds and it would be easier to use a single character C instead of two characters sh. Therefore, C is made equal to sh and named as shi. See Examples:

  • 5

    Cndor (Shndor) = beautiful Camic (Shamish) = spoon Cua (Shua) = cigars Doc (Dosh) = ten c (sh) = loose Fc (Fsh) = fertilizer Cccii mas (shshshiii mas) = a kind of fish Cccoar (shshshoar) = ducks looking food in shallow water

    6. The differences in ( T ), ( Th ) and ( D ), ( Dh )

    The T sound is taken as the sound of Th as used in the English word Think. Alternatively, the Th sound is taken as the sound of T that is used in the English word Total. See examples of Rohingyalish words with meaning in English:

    Taza = fresh Mutha = fat Talu = Bald Thambu = tent Tal = music Thal = pile Tuta = parrot Thaththi = toilet

    The normal D sound is taken exactly the same sound of the word The in English. The Dh sound is taken as the sound of the normal D in English, i.e. as in the word Donut. See examples of Rohingyalish words with meaning in English:

    Dndah = profession Dhandha = short rod for beating Duwa = prayer Dhuwa = soil container at the root of a plant Duadi = busy; quickly Dhandhari = tales

    7. Three kinds of ( H ) sounds

    The three kinds of H sounds are produced by a single quoted H', a single H, and Kh respectively as shown below in examples.

    H'a = sound produced at the beginning of the mouth by blowing air

    out, as in the word H'ava meaning air in Rohingyalish. There are a few words only with this sound. Because of very few words a single quote requirement is made optional unless necessary. In the case where there are two alternative saying for the same thing such as ti or hti (meaning elephant), c or hc (meaning duck), the single quote will be always omitted. Interestingly, the saying difference is based on either he/she is from north or south of Arakan. Examples: hva, how, hala, hc, htih, hrin, hciar, hff, hla, hl, hosu, hoi, hoinya, horoi, hmbah, hraf, hott.

  • 6

    Ha = Rohingyalish adopted this sound to work like Kha (below) which produces sound from the middle of the mouth, as in the words hna (Khna) and holom (Kholom) meaning food and Pen respectively. Since more than 90% of the all Ha sounds are in this category, Rohingyalish uses more simpler method which is hna and holom. Many Languages have only one variety of Ha sounds with the most exception being Arabic language having three distinct Ha(s). Examples: hala, holom, hiye, hosm, hbor.

    Kha = sound produced from the middle of the mouth as above. But

    this is to be used only for Arabic name such as Khaled instead of writing Haled.

    8. The most useful vowel ( o ) and its replacement with ( ou ) in Rohingyalish.

    Let us examine the sound of (o) in five different words; women, do, go, for, nothing. Obviously we have got five different sounds for the same (o). However, Rohingyalish select only one sound which is in the word for because this is the vowel sound the Rohingya lang-uage uses the most. Vowel O, (pronounced as au), usage is 40% of all the vowels used in Rohingyalish words. See examples below in the 1st part of the table. Most European and Asian languages use sounds either vertical (such as Bu) or horizontal (such as Ba). However, in Rohingyalish there are many sounds that are neither complete vertical nor complete horizontal and it is rather exactly in between which can be said, in other words, 45 degree sounds (0 degree means horizontal and 90 means vertical). Examples are Baw, Daw, Naw, Saw, etc.. These can be better spelled as Bau, Dau, Nau, Sau etc. by using both horizontal and vertical vowels together. Since 40% of the words in Rohingyalish will have these sounds in average, it is better if we can utilize only one vowel instead of two vowels (a and u) together, so that the word will be short and easier to read. Therefore o is adopted to pronounce as ( au ) as it is pronounced in the English word For. While doing that ou is adopted to pronounce as the true sound of the English o as found in the English words Go, No, Bother, Old, Won but in soft way. See examples in the 2nd part of the table below.

    Norom = soft Gorom = Hot Holom = pen Zonom = Birth Crom = shyness Nolor = not taking Gor = do it Hro = Sore Boro = big Dor = Hard

    Gourib = poor Gouru = Cow Mouloi = Arabic teacher Mouris = chilly

  • 7

    Fours = read Gours = do it; perform it, act on it Zouloi = nail Suloi = Matches Foouli = mad lady Tooul = in perfect mix or balance

    9. Extending sound using long vowel that is ( 2 ) vowels

    side by side.

    Like the soft and hard vowels change the meaning of the word, short vowels like (a) and long vowels like (aa) do change the meaning too such as Mana (=let accept) and Maana (=free) are not the same. We lengthen the sound by placing two vowels side by side. For example:

    Gaa = body Maana = free Neel = leave Biili = birth given (lady) Doo = knife Zoo = Prosperity Fool = mad Hoor = cloth Foona = ripen Moota = funeral Muu = face Zuu = tide

    10. Ascending ( a )and Descending ( a ) long vowels.

    Sometimes two soft-vowels used side-by-side as above is not enough to get exact sound and the meaning. In some places we need the 1st vowel as a soft and the second vowel as a hard vowel. For example, in Rohingyalish the word Sa, which means tea, requires two vowels but the 1st one soft and the 2nd one hard. This arrangement is known as ascending long vowels. Similarly, the two vowels when arranged the other way around such as in the word Sa (where the 1st vowel is hard and the second vowel is soft) is known as descending long vowels. See the examples below.

    Ba = climbing Ta = staying Ga = sing Ga = infection Sa = tea Sa = filter Wa = steep Fa = gap Mani = meaning Tani = next Ken = how Ther = stop , wait Mel = mill Fil = field Sil = seal Zin = (of) which Zi = daughter Bol = ball Sol = sheep Muntu = in front Sura = verses of Quran

    11. Using ( ai ) instead of y.

    Though y is a consonant, it is also used as a semi-vowel in words such as By, My etc. Since Rohingyalish understand y as a consonant only, the word By and My are invalid. Therefore ai is used instead of

  • 8

    y . Thus My and By should be written as Mai and Bai. When we need to stress only the 1st vowel needs to be accented as Mi and Bi.

    Bai = dizzy (head) Bi = Brother Sai = fish trap Si = Ashes Lai = Basket Ni = not there Flaid = throw it Hlaide = make the skin removed Solaifla = make it move Faiy = has been dried

    12. Using (oi ) and (i ) to get rolling sounds.

    In English the sound of oi is taken as oy, hence soil can be wri-tten as soyl. However Rohingya language uses the sound of oi is taken differently lik owi or oei, hence the pronunciation of soil will be like soeil . For stressed sound i is used as shown below right.

    Boroi = tablet (medicine) Bori = Palm Touloi = bamboo mat Mouloi = religious teacher Horoi = heated rice grain roi = grain for mustard oil Soil = Rice Boil = fruit in flower stage Moillo = Value Hoil = Quarrel Bin = Sister iye = Done

    13. Usages of ( ei ) and ( ui )

    Like ai and oi shown above, ei and ui are also the other two compound vowels in Rohingya language. The sounds of ei is taken as ai is used in English words mail and fail. The sound of ui is taken exactly as wui. The sounds of stressed counterpart are i and i. See below for the usages of ei, i, ui and i.

    Beil = Sun Dheil = upper level land area Plein = aero plane Teilla = cooking oil producer Kil = Game Thil = branch of trees Neill = has leaved Fill = has dropped Thilleh = has pushed Killeh = played Meill = Opened Neithth = has laid down

    Mui = I Tui = you Muic = jungle cow Tuic = rice skin Fic = needle Tu = you (used to call elders) Fille = swelled Kille = opened Sille = skinned Kuiththa = get things ready, in cut

  • 9

    14. ( g ), ( y ), and ( Ts ) sounds

    gapra, gapali, and yong-Cng are the area names in Myanmar (Burma). These names can be also written as Ngapra, Ngapali and Nyong-Cng because Ng and Ny are used as international standard. Ts is a variant of S producing sound with tongue out as in the word Tsmma meaning then in Arabic language. Ts is rarely used by Rohingyas.

    15. Ending the word with double consonants to get echo,

    vibrating or trailing effect

    There are words which pronunciations do not immediately stop at the end rather it carry trailing effects. This type of words need to end with two consonants as shown below.

    Amm = mango ff = snake Crr = sailing cloth Rell = rail

    16. The counting system.

    0 Sifr 11 egaro 22 ekkuri-dui 100 ek-ct (ct) 1 Ek 12 bar 23 ekkuri-tin 101 ekc-ek 2 Dui 13 ter 501 Fasc-ek 3 Tin 14 soidd 29 ekkuri-no 900 no-ct 4 Sair 15 fundroh 30 tirc 1.000 ek-zar 5 Fas 16 clloh 40 calic 10.000 doc-zar 6 S 17 htaroh 50 fonjaic 1.00.000 ek-lk 7 Ht 18 aroh 60 it 10.00.000 doc-lk 8 actho 19 unnic 70 ttoir ek-kurul 9 No 20 kuri 80 ac doc-kurul 10 Doc 21 ekkuri-ek 90 nobboi ek-kuth

    For more info please visit the links below: Email: [email protected]

  • 3 What is Rohingya Language?

    only. Since these alphabets are rea- dily available in almost all personal computers used today, we need only a few guide lines to write the Rohingya Language straight into the millions of computers at home, school, universities and work places. The use of Latin alphabets frees us from learning and writing new alphabets. Moreover, there is no need for the engineers to design new fonts and new keyboard layout plus and the alphabets sorting algorithm for the new character set.

    Imagine, if we create new alpha-bets, do you know how much effort do we need to place the new fonts into your computer systems? It is not just simply to design a font file and load into the Windows font directory. You need to make sure that your font works with thousands of application software out there today. Moreover, can you keep up with your new alphabets to work along with the rapid changes in new or updated operating systems coming out every now and then?

    In the other hand, if we choose right-to-left oriented scripts such as Arabic and Urdu, for example, the direction control and auto shaping algorithm software has to be developed making things very complicated and difficult for us.

    Ruingg Zuban hde ba ki?

    Rohingyalish is the modern written language of the Rohingya people of Arakan (Rakhine) State in Myanmar formerly known as Burma. The first Rohingya Language written was back to 300 years ago and used Arabic Scripts. Due to the long colonial period under the British rules, Urdu, Farsi and English were the main communication languages in that time. Since then many other scholars have tried to write the Rohingya Language using Arabic, Urdu, Hanifi, and Burmese Scripts. The Hanifi script was a new invented alphabets mostly derived from Arabic Scripts but a few from Latin and Burmese.

    However, to make Rohingya lang-uage easier in today's Computers and communications world, the latest Rohingya writing system (known as Rohingyalish) has been developed using Latin alphabets

    Web Site: or Group.: Email..: [email protected]

  • 2. Rohingyalish Character Set

    : Learn today how to write the modern Rohingya Language (Rohingyalish) within minutes. Look at the table right and see how easy the Rohingyalish characters are. Just add only two familiar Latin characters ( and ) to the existing English Alphabets A-Z, and we have Rohingyalish character set consisting a total of 28 characters.

    Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff

    Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm

    Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss

    Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz

    C: In this character set, the sound of the original English C has been changed to the sound of 'Sh' as adopted by countries such as Malaysia and Indonesia. It is because the original sound of the C can be substituted with K and S.

    Example: We can use Kar instead of Car and Sement instead of Cement. Therefore to say spoon in Rohingyalish writes as Camic instead of Shamish.

    : The 1st of the two new characters is and it is pronounced as rdh.

    Example: Caa (=sha-rda) meaning mat and Naa (=na-rda) meaning closed in Rohingyalish.

    : The other new character is and it is pronounced as silent 'N' sounding like anh. It is mostly used where nasal sound is required.

    Example: Fas (=Fa'nh-s) meaning 'five' and Sua (=Sua'nh) meaning 'short bamboo piece' used as a container.

  • 3. Rohingyalish Vowels

    6 Normal Vowels 6 Stress.. Vowels 6 Compound.. Vowels 6 Compound Stress Vowels

    a e i o u ou u ai ei oi ui (au wa) i i i i (u w)

    (a) Normal and Accented (stressed) vowels:

    AEIOU or To make Rohingyalish more easier in pronouncing accurately, accented European vowels (, , , , ) have been used in addition to the existing 5 normal vowels (a, e, i ,o, u). Accented vowels are used where stress is required whereas normal vowels are used to read in soft and short sound. For example, the word Bab meaning father, has the part Ba which is to pronounce soft and B which is to pronounce stressed like English Ba.

    (b) Only one sound for each vowel:

    FAther, FEllow, FIx, FOx, FUll, FOUr What makes Rohingyalish more easier? Unlike English, Rohingyalish adapts only one sound for each vowel. For example in English, o sounds four different ways in four different words, such as Love(=a), Lock(=aw), Loan(=o), and Loose(=u), showing the respective sound vowels in brackets. This causes English very difficult to learn. Therefore, for each vowel, Rohingyalish uses only one suitable sound, wherever and however the vowel many be used within a given word. The chosen sounds are as found in English words: Father, Fellow, Fix, Fox, Full. Unfortunately, the actual sound of the o (as used in the word Go) has gone disappeared in this simplification process. To reme-dy this problem Rohingyalish uses Ou (O and u combined together) to get the true o sound. Hence, Gu in Rohingyalish gives the same sound as Go in English. The diagram right shows the six basic vowels (a, e, i, o, u, ou) as placed in different appropriate positions. The corresponding stressed vowels are (, , , , , u) where the last vowel u has, only the first character accented. You can read the words representing the vowels in the diagram above as Father, Fix, Fellow, Full, Four, Fox clockwise.

  • (c) Compound Vowels: There are six other sounds which are very commonly used but can not be satisfactorily written by using only one vowel from any of these 6 vowels (a, e, i, o, u, ou) or (, , , , , u). However, the 1st four of these sounds can be written by simply adding "i" next to the four vowels like (ai, ei, oi, ui) or like (i, i, i, i). The other two are (au and wa) or (u and w). These vowels are shown in a table at the right followed by examples.

    1 2 3 4 5 6

    ai ei oi ui au wa

    i i i i u w Examples: 1. Bai, Gai, Lai, Sai, Sail, Sailla, Si, Bi Gail, Hailla, Zailla, Failla, Bailfata 2. Beil, Dheil, Teilla, Meill, Thil, 3. Boi, Loi, Boil, Foil, Soil, Bin, Hilla 4. Dui, Tui, Rui, Si, Muillo, Killeh 5. Suaun (ceremic plate) 6. Uggw, Duw, Tin nw, Sair gw, Fas sw, Swa, Ht tw, Doc cw

    (d) Long Vowels:

    There are four different long vowels, steady long(=aa), accelerated long(=a), decelerated long(=a) and raised long(=).

    For example: Gaa=body, Ga=sing, Ga=infection, Tcgori maijj = slapped in big sound

    aa ee ii oo uu a e i o u a e i o u

    More examples: 1. Maana, Barkule, Sani, Tc-gori 2. Neel, Mel, Ther, Fc-gori 3. Biili, Zin, Sil, Fc-gori 4. Hoor, For, Sol, Bt-gori 5. Zuu, Muntu, Sura, Dm-gori

    4. Rohingyalish Extended Characters

    There are six sounds which are commonly used but can not be represented by a single consonant from the Rohingyalish character set above. Therefore two conso-nants are combined together to form an extended character. These extended characters are H', Dh, Ng, Ny, Th, and Ts as

    Holom =pen H'wa =air Dar =beard Dhail =lentil

    Nam =nameNgapra =place name

    Nyongcng =place nameTl =plate Thala =lock Salu =fast Tsani =next

    shown in the table right. In this (H') is used for the light sound of Ha where (H) is used for the deep and tight sound of Ha. However (H) can equally be used for both light and deep Ha sounds where the distinction between thetwo is not necessarily important.

  • Rohingya language From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Rohingya is a language spoken by the Rohingya Muslim people of Arakan (Rakhine), Burma (Myanmar). It is linguistically similar to the Chittagonian dialect spoken in neighboring south-eastern Chittagong region of Bangladesh [1] ( It also has a large number of Urdu, Persian, Hindi, Bengali, Arabic, Burmese and English words.



    Rohingyalish is the modern writing system of Rohingya people. The word Rohingyalish is derived from the two words Rohingya and English due to the fact that it uses mainly Roman script which is completely different from that of the previously used scripts such as Arabic, Urdu, Hanifi-Script and Burmese.

    Written in Arabic script, the first Rohingya language texts are more than 300 years old. While Arakan was under British rule (18261948), Rohingya people used mainly English and Urdu languages as basic means of written

    RohingyaSpoken in: Burma, Bangladesh Region: Arakan region of Burma, south-eastern

    Chittagong region of Bangladesh

    Total speakers:Language family:

    Indo-European Indo-Iranian Indo-Aryan Eastern Zone Bengali-Assamese Rohingya

    Language codesISO 639-1: noneISO 639-2: incISO 639-3: rhg


    Contents 1 Script

    1.1 History 1.2 Alphabet 1.3 Usage of c, and 1.4 Keyboard

    2 Vowels 2.1 Normal vowels 2.2 Stressed vowels 2.3 Phonemic vowels 2.4 Rohingya vowel set 2.5 Examples

    3 Straight and Circular sounds 3.1 Straight sounds 3.2 Circular sounds 3.3 Examples

    4 Long sounds and variants 4.1 Long sounds 4.2 Variants 4.3 Examples

    5 Dual Characters 6 Rohingya Grammar

    6.1 Definite Articles 6.2 Indefinite Articles 6.3 Sentence Syntax 6.4 Tenses 6.5 Pronouns

    7 See also 8 External links

    8.1 Other related links

  • communication. Since the independence in 1948, the national language Burmese has been used in all official communications. Since early 1960s, Rohingya scholars have started to realize the need for a writing system for their own dialect which is different from that of Arabic, Urdu, Persian and Burmese.

    In 1975 Master Sultan and his colleagues had developed a writing system using Arabic script. Due to major shortcomings in Arabic script to represent the dialect, some other scholars have soon adopted Urdu script to narrow the gap. Since Rohingya dialect is one of the most difficult Asian languages, the Arabic and Urdu scripts cannot produce all needed sounds. Therefore, most of the Rohingyas still find it quite difficult to read either Arabic or Urdu script versions of the language.

    In other hand, Molana Hanif and his colleagues, have developed a new set of right-to-left oriented characters that are mainly based on Arabic script except a few from Latin and Burmese. This approach solved the reading problem in certain degrees and received appreciation from Rohingya Islamic scholars for whom media of study is purely in Arabic and Urdu. However, the new script got criticism for being very clumsy and the characters very similar to each other, requiring longer memorization time and careful writing to avoid confusion. More importantly, the major drawback is that it would require enormous work to standardize the new characters in today's computers and Internet media and the hassle to write in right-to-left direction.

    Soon afterwards, E.M. Siddique has taken a complete radical approach to develop the Rohingya language using Latin letters only so as to eliminate all possible difficulties to write in today's electronic media such as Computers, Internet and mobile phones. The result is a quick to learn excellent writing system known as Rohingyalish that comprises 26 English letters, five accented vowels, and two other Latin characters carefully selected to represent the two distinguished Asian sounds known as the tongue rolling and the nasal sounds.


    Fig-1. Rohingya Character Set Table

    The character set table of the Rohingya language writing system uses Latin letters A to Z along with the two other characters and shown above in green background. In addition to five normal English vowels (aeiou), the language also uses five accented vowels (). Rohingya is one of the most difficult Asian languages, therefore it was a very challenging job to write it using only Latin letters. However, the designer's intuitive concepts have made the writing not only perfect, but also, remarkably simple and easy to learn in minutes.

    Usage of c, and

    C sounds neither k nor s in Rohingya. It sounds equal to sh only. Therefore, Rohingya word shamish should be written as camic (=spoon).

    closely sounds like rd, that is, a retroflex r. So sha-Rda should be written as caa (=mat).

    closely sounds like an'h, that is the nasal sound which is widely used in Asia. So fan'h-s, should be written as fas (=five).


    A a B b C c D d E e F f

    G g H h I i J j K k L l M m

    N n O o P p Q q R r S s

    T t U u V v W w X x Y y Z z

  • To type Rohingyalish in computers with Microsoft Windows, add US International keyboard from control panel and then remove previous "US" keyboard. To type one of these characters ( ), first type the single quote( ' ) followed by the corresponding character in ( aeiouc ). To type ( ) first type ( ~ ) followed by ( n ). With US International keyboard setting, the characters ( ', ", ~ and ^ ) work as trigger characters only (do not display until you type another character), so to get them alone type spacebar after each one.

    Vowels A Rohingya word may give you two different meanings based on whether it is pronounced in normal (soft) mode or in stressed (hard) mode. For example if the word Ful is pronounced in normal mode, its meaning is Bridge/hole, but in stressed mode its meaning is Flower. To overcome this problem, two types of vowels are used namely normal vowels and stressed vowels.

    Normal vowels

    a, e, i, o, u are normal (unstressed) vowels that give soft sounds as in the word Ful which means bridge or hole.

    Stressed vowels

    , , , , are stressed (accented) vowels that give stressed sounds as in the word Fl which means flower.

    Examples Normal vowel usage Stressed vowel usage Sal = roof, Sl = tree bark Fan = betel leaf, Fn = trap Bet = cane (n.), Bt = intention Tel = oil, Thl= push Tir = arrow, Tr = up-right position Fir = person achieved Fr =turn religious light, Gor = do, Gr = home Zor = fever, Zr = rain Ful = bridge or hole, Fl = flower Sul = hair, Sl = skin (v.)

    Phonemic vowels

    1 2 3 4 5 Last Fall As - - Men Me Eye - - Hit First Ice Crisis - For Son Old Women Do Put But Use - -

    Unlike English language, Rohingya language has fixed the sound of each vowel to a particular sound only, and thus each vowel maintains the same sound in all Rohingya words. In the Phonemic vowels example shown above in tabular form, only words -Last, Men, Hit, For and Put- in the first column show the correct vowel sounds that Rohingyalish chooses to use, and all the other vowel sounds in other columns are not used at all.

    But, one disadvantage in doing so is that it lacks one important sound that is the sound of true (o) as used in English word old in the Phonemic vowels example above. Solution to this problem seems to create a new vowel character, but instead, joint-vowels (ou) is used for representing the true (o) sound, as the sound lies in the middle of the two Rohingya sounds (o) and (u).

    Rohingya vowel set

  • In all, Rohingya has a total of six vowels in each vowel category (normal and stressed) as below.

    Normal vowel set..: a e i o u ou Stressed vowel set: u

    "Amrica on full tour" is an easy to remember English phrase that shows the sound of each Rohingyalish vowel. Similarly, "Alemi mod houli" is an easy to remember Rohingya language phrase which means International Honey Center.


    Fata (Fa-tha) = leaves (n.) Mel (MayLy) = can be opened Ci (Sh-Rdi) = ladder (note: "" represents a retroflex "r" sound) For (fawru) = read Fut (Fu-th) = baby Gouru (Go-Ru) = cow Ci (Shi-Rd) = letter (note: "" represents a nasal sound)

    Straight and Circular sounds In Rohingya language, there are mainly two types of sound formations, the straight sound formations and the circular sound formations.

    Straight sounds

    Straight sounds are those that are formed by using a single vowel such as a, e, i, o, u and ou. Ou is treated in Rohingyalish as if it is a single character. As discussed earlier, Rohingyalish assigns mono-sound (a fixed sound) to each of these vowels.

    Circular sounds

    Circular sounds are those that are formed by using two vowels, the 2nd one being always (i) such as ai, ei, oi and ui. The sound of each vowel pair is explained below.

    Ai: pronounced as y, i, or i?e. For the sake of simplicity Rohingyalish considers the letter y as a consonant only. As a result My, By and etc. are not valid words any more, because y is used here as a vowel. To tackle this problem ai is used in place of y such as Mai and Bai. Similarly the English words Hi and Fi are phonetically equal to Hai and Fai in Rohingyalish. Likewise English words Mile, Fine, Rise can be phonetically expressed, in Rohingyalish, as Mil, Fin, Ris. These rules greatly reduce the ambiguity in vowel usages and make the language much easier.

    Ei: pronounced as i, aei, or a?e. Rohingyalish ei is almost equal to English ai. For example, English words main, fail, tailor, mail, nail, rail, sail, tail are phonetically equal to min, fil, tilar, mil, nil, ril, sil, thil in Rohingyalish. Similarly the words cane, sale, same, ate, plane can be phonetically written as kin, sil, sim, it, plin in Rohingyalish.

    Oi: pronounced as oui or oei (not wy, wai, oy, or y). This is one of the most frequently used circular sound in Rohingya Language. Unfortunately, the sound of oi here is different from that of English one. English oi sounds like wy or oy such as in English words soil, coin, noice, rollroyce. But Rohingyalish oi sounds like oui or oei such as in Rohingya words Loi (=take), Boi (=sit), i (=yes), Goijj (=done), Soil (=rice), Thoin (=tin), Moinna (=sharp) and so on. It is really hard to find an English word that can represent the Rohingya oi sound.

  • Ui: pronounced as wui. This sound is the same as it is used in English words such as Quik, Quit, Buik. Some examples of Rohingya words are Kuissa (=worm), Tui (=you), Muillo (=value), Gijja (=covered).


    (1)Straight-Sound Words: Fatol (Fa-thol) = thin Mei (May-Rdi) = soil Bla (Bha-la) = good Salu (Sa-lu) = fast Bouli (Bo-li) = fatty (2)Circular-Sound Words: Gail (Gy-il) = scolding Beil (Bay-il) = sun Soil (Sou-il) = rice Tui (Thui) = you, you are (3)Circular and Straight Sound together Words: Failla (Fy-illa) = dish Mouloi (Mo-loui) = teacher Balic (Ba-lish)= pillow (4)A Rohingya sentence that gives all circular sounds. Hailla Meills Tui ineh? (Hylla May-il-loss thui ui-nayy?) = Yesterday opened, you, yes?

    Long sounds and variants

    Long sounds

    In Rohingya language, the meaning of a word can change if you extend the sound of a vowel in a word. So to extend the sound Rohingyalish uses double vowels as illustrated below.

    Normal Sound(single vowel) Extended Sound(double vowels) do (Dau) = give, doo (Daw) = knife no (Nau) = nine(9) noo (Naw) = small boat zo (Zau) = go zoo (Zaw) = lucky period dhor (Dhau-r)= afraid dhoor (Dhaw-r) = heavy rain mana (Ma-na) = make agree maana (Ma-a-na)= free nek (nay-k) = husband neel (nay-el) = leave nil (nil) = bamboo-skin biili (be-e-li)= birth given lady mur (Mu-r) = deep muu (mu-wu) = face

    In the examples above, single o, a, e, i or u are used in the words (left side) for short sounds, while double oo, aa, ee, ii or uu are used in the words (right side) for long sounds.


    Rohingya language is very sensitive in extending the sound, as there are four ways of extending the sound. The first one, which is the simplest, uses double vowels as mentioned above such as aa, ee, ii, oo, uu. The other three variants differed on how double vowels are replaced with accented vowels. You can replace the first vowel, the second vowel, or both vowels with accented one such as (a), (a), or ().

    Four variants of long vowels Pronunciation Meaning

    gaa (Ga-a) bodyga (Gha-a) infectionga (Ga-ah) singg (Gha-ah) expressing animal or natural sound

  • Example:

    Gaat ga iye-d manic-cw gana gar. The man with infection in the body is singing.

    In the example above, the 1st word has double normal vowels aa that gives normal steady extension of sound. The 2nd word is started with normal sound (normal a) and ended with raised sound (accented ). Th 3rd word is started with raised sound() but ended with normal(a) sound. The 4th word is both started and ended with raised sounds() which is not actually used in normal Rohingya talks but rather embedded in the talks to simulate the animal or natural sounds such as Dm the falling sound.


    fool (Fawl) = mad, fol (Fau-auhl) = fault hoor (Hawr) = cloth, hor (Hau-auhr) = curse muu (Mu-u) = face, muntu(Mu-uhn-tu) = in front of neel (Ne-el) = out, mel (Me-ehl) = factory bol (Bo-ohl)= ball, sol (sauh-aul) = sheep

    Dual Characters There are some Rohingya sounds for which no direct character exists, and usually, the solution to that problem is to use two (or more) joint-characters as shown below. For the natural easiness of Rohingya language, Rohingyalish has in some cases, interchanged the sound of the original character with the sound of the joint-characters such as D with Dh, and T with Th. Therefore 'D' is pronounced as English 'The' and, 'Dh' is pronounced as English 'Di' (not Dy). Likewise, 'Ta' is pronounced as English 'Tha' and, 'Tha' is pronounced as English 'Ta' as seen below.

    Rohingya Grammar

    Definite Articles

    1. If a noun ends with a vowel then the article is either n or w if singular, or n if plural or uncountable. Usually w is used for round-fatty objects, and n for flat-thin objects.

    Rohingya character

    English equivalent

    Examples of Rohingya words

    Examples of English words

    D the Dut (=milk), Dak (=mark) father, gatherDh d Dhao (=thick), Dhak (=call) dome, dogH' h Hva (=air), Ht (=hand) helloH kh Hiyi (=eaten), Hro (=soar) Khaled (name)Kh kh Khled (name), Khtu (name) Khaled (name), Khatu (name)N n Norom (=soft), Nun (=salt) north, noonNg ng Ngapra (village name) Ngapura (village name)Ny ny Nyong-Cng (village name) Nyaung Chaung (village name)T th Tua (=search) teeth, thinTh t Thambu (=tent) tent, tinTs ts Tsni (=next in Arabic) tsunami

  • ( singular ) ( plural ) Kti n (the farm) Kti n (the farms) Foth n (the picture) Foth n (the pictures) Fata w (the leave) Fata n (the leaves) boro w (the large) boro n (the large) Lou n (the blood)

    2. If a noun ends with a consonant then the article is the end-consonant plus n or w for singular or n for plural.

    Debal ln (the wall) Debal ln (the walls) Mes sn (the table) Mes sn (the tables) Kitap pw (the book) Kitap pn (the books) Manic cw (the man) Manic cn (the men)

    3. If a noun ends with r, then the article is g plus n or w for singular or n for plural.

    Tar gn (the wire) Tar gn (the wires) Duar gn (the door) Duar gn (the doors) Kuir gw (the dog) Kuir gn (the dogs) Far gw (the mountain) Far gn (the mountains)

    Indefinite Articles

    Indefinite articles can be used either before or after the noun. Uggw usually is used for roll/round/fatty shaped objects and ekkn is for thin/flat shaped objects.

    ( singular ) ( plural ) Uggw fata (a leave) Hodn fata (some leaves) Ekkn foth (a picture) Hodn Foth (some pictures) -or- -or- Fata uggw (a leave) Fata hodn (some leaves) Foth ekkn (a picture) Foth hodn (some pictures)

    Sentence Syntax

    Unlike English, Rohingya word order is Subject + Object + Verb.

    Subject Object Verb A(I) bt(rice) hi(eat). Ite(He) TV(TV) sa(watches). Ib(She) sairkl(bicycle) sor(rides). tara(They) hamot(to work) za(go).


    Rohingya Language can identify all 12 different forms of tenses as shown in the examples below. In these tenses, the helping verb flai shows perfect action like English "has/have" and flaat shows perfect continuous action like English "has/have been". The helping verb tki and tikki refer similar to that of English "be" and "been".

    Verb-form-suffix (basic and/or helping verb) changes in two ways; by degree of person as well as by tense. The suffix ~ir, ~yi, ~lm, ~youm are used for the first person, the suffix ~or, ~y, ~l, ~b for the 2nd person, and the suffix ~ar, ~ye, ~l, ~bou for the 3rd person. Similarly the suffix ~ir, ~or, ~ar refer present continuous tense, the suffix ~yi, ~y, ~ye, refer to present perfect tense, the suffix ~lm, ~l, ~l refer to past and the suffix ~youm, ~b, ~bou refers to the future tense.

  • For 1st person ( I ):

    1. Present (a)A hi. (I eat.) (b)A hir. (I am eating.) (c)A hi flaiyi. (I have eaten.) (d)A hi flair. (I have been eating.) 2. Past (a)A hiyi. (I ate.) Note: refer near past. A hailam. (I ate.) Note: refer far past. (b)A hat tikkilm. (I was eating.) (c)A hi flailm. (I had eaten.) (d)A hi flaat tikkilm. (I had been eating.) 3. Future (a)A hiyoum. (I will eat.) (b)A hat tkiyoum. (I will be eating.) (c)A hi flaiyoum. (I will have eaten.) (d)A hi flaat tkiyoum. (I will have been eating.)

    For 2nd person ( You ):

    1. Present (a)Tu/One ho. [Tui hs.] (You eat.) (b)Tu/One hor. [Tui hor.] (You are eating.) (c)Tu/One hi flaiy. [Tui hi flaiys]. (You have eaten.) (d)Tu/One hi floor. [Tui hi floor]. (You have been eating.) 2. Past (a)Tu/One hiyo. [Tui hiys.] (You ate.) Note: refer near past. Tu/One hail. [Tui hail.] (You ate.) Note: refer far past. (b)Tu/One hat tikkil. [Tui hat tikkil.] (You were eating.) (c)Tu/One hi flail. [Tui hi flail.] (You had eaten.) (d)Tu/One hi flaat tikkil.[Tui hi flaat tikkil.](You had been eating.) 3. Future (a)Tu/One hib. [Tui hib.] (You will eat.) (b)Tu/One hat tkib. [Tui hat tkib.] (You will be eating.) (c)Tu/One hi flaib. [Tui hi flaib.] (You will have eaten.) (d)Tu/One hi flaat tkib. [Tui hi flaat tkib.] (You will have been eating.)

    For 3rd persons ( He/She/They ):

    1. Present (a)Ite/Ib/Itar h. (He/She/They eats/eats/eat.) (b)Ite/Ib/Itar hr. (He/She/They is/is/are eating.) (c)Ite/Ib/Itar hi flaiye. (He/She/They has/has/have eaten.) (d)Ite/Ib/Itar hi flaar. (He/She/They has/has/have been eating.) 2. Past (a)Ite/Ib/Itar haiye. (He/She/They ate.) Note: refer near past. Ite/Ib/Itar hail. (He/She/They ate.) Note: refer far past. (b)Ite/Ib/Itar hat tikkil. (He/She/They was/was/were eating.) (c)Ite/Ib/Itar hi flail. (He/She/They had eaten.) (d)Ite/Ib/Itar hi flaat tikkil. (He/She/They had been eating.) 3. Future (a)Ite/Ib/Itar hibou. (He/She/They will eat.) (b)Ite/Ib/Itar hat tkibou. (He/She/They will be eating.) (c)Ite/Ib/Itar hi flaibou. (He/She/They will has/has/have eaten.) (d)Ite/Ib/Itar hi flaat tkibou. (He/She/They will has/has/have been eating.)


    Number Person GenderPronouns Possessive

    adjectivesSubject Object Possessive Reflexive

  • Gender: m=male, f=female, n=neuter., *=the person or object is near., **=the person or object is far.

    See also Chittagonian Bengali language Chittagong Rohingya people Rakhine State

    External links For further information on Rohingya Language please refer the following links.

    Rohingya Language Website ( or Rohingyalish (

    Rohingya Language Video Training (

    Other related links

    Free Rohingya Campaign ( Rohingya Website ( Arakan Rohingya co-operation Council in europe (


    1st m/f ( I ) a are ar anize ar

    2nd m/f ( you )tu tui one

    ture tor onor

    tur tor onor

    tunize tuinize onenize

    tur tor onor


    m ( he )ite * te * uite ** te **

    itar tar uitar tare

    itar tar uitar tar

    itenize tenize uitenize tenize

    itar tar uitar tar

    m/f ( he/she )ib * uib ** ba **

    ibre uibre bar

    ibr uibr bar

    ibnize uibnize banize

    ibr uibr bar

    n1 ( it )

    n2 ( it )yin ib


    yinr ibr

    yinnize ibnize

    yinr ibr


    1st m/f ( we ) ara arre arr arnize arr

    2nd m/f ( you ) tur turre turr turnize turr

    3rdm/f ( they )

    itar * tar * uitar **tara **

    itarre tarre uitarretarar

    itarr tarr uitarr tarar

    itarnize tarnize uitarnize taranize

    itarr tarr uitarr tarar

    n1 ( they )

    n2 ( they )in * uin **

    inre uinre

    inr uinr

    innize uinnize

    inr uinr

  • ***LETUSSPEAK*** To Say Well: All right. Tk as. OK. Tk as. Very well. Tk as t.

    To Say Cant Be: Its absurd. Yin hon mani sra. It is impossible. Yin ebbre i nofar. I dont believe it. A biccc nogor. Believe it or not. Biccc nozail noza. I dont care. A forba nogor.

    To Say Not Care: I dont care. A forba nogor. I dont care anybody. A honkk re forba nogor. I dont care anybody here. E a honkk re forba nogor. I dont care whoever you are. Tui honnw, a forba nogor. I dont care whatever you are. Tui ki, a forba nogor.

    To Say Life Is: Such is life. Zindigi endilari. Life is struggle. Zindigi mani dukgoron. Life is struggle for existence. Zindigi mani dukgoron basi tiblla. His life is great. Itar zindigi n bic cndor. Life is all right. Zindigi cntit as. Life is terrible. Zindigi bic ocntit.

    To Accept Others Saying: Thats right. Yan tk as. Youre right. Tur gn tk.

    To Say Possible: Its possible. Yin it fare. Its possible for you. Yin tur l buli it fare. Its likely. Yin cmbob as.

    To Say Come-in: Come here. Ikk aiyona. You come here. Tu ikk aiyona. Do come here. Ikk ai zogi. Just come here. Ekken gor ikk aiyona. Please come here. Merbani gor ikk ekken aiyona.

  • Saying Short to Come: Come on! Aiy. Come with me. Ar fati aiy. Please come out for a minute. Ekkengor bare nelona. Come in. Btore aiy. Come closer to me. Ar kka has aiy. Please come upstairs. Merbanigori uore aiy. Please come downstairs. Merbanigori nise aiy.

    Excuse Me: Excuse me. Maf gor do. Maf goijj. Ejajot do. Gucc noyo. Bezar noyo. Ekkengori. Zai yna Zai faijjom n. Ar t (att) zagi forer, maf goijj.

    Are you all right: OK? (with raised voice) Tk aso. (with raised voice) Are you all right? Tu tk aso n? Thats fine. Tk as. Thats OK. Tk as. Thats all right. Tk as.

    Perhaps So: Perhaps so. ndhilla ile it fare. Perhaps not. ndhilla noit fare. I think so. A t ndhilla thrir. I suppose so. A ndhilla bfir.

    Its up to you: Its up to you. Yin tur uore (ektiar). It depends on you. Yin tur uore darmodar. As you like. Tu zi (zendilla) fosn goro.

    This one: This one? Yin n? No, not that one. No, Yin no. I mean this one. A yin hoidde.

    Like this: Like this. Endhilla ya. Not like that. ndhilla no.

    Not Now: Not now. Ehn no. Not at once. Ehn r btore no. Only at 2 oclock. Serf du baze.

  • k-hosur Nam (Vegetable Name) 1. Ada 2. Alugula 3. Ar alu 4. Ayns 5. Badam 6. Bahr 7. Bac furoil 8. Bayon 9. Bra 10. Bren dana 11. Borfata 12. Bor alu 13. Bor hoi si 14. Bormarc 15. Cjena gula 16. Cmor dana 17. Dnnwa mouris 18. Di k 19. Dhail sin 20. Dhangwa k 21. Elasi 22. Enazi kela 23. Flu 24. Flud dana 25. Flur dhail 26. Fifl 27. Fias 28. Fias fata 29. Fl 30. Fu si 31. Furm tita 32. Gas alu 33. Girm tita 34. Gicca 35. Gorkh gula

    36. Gul mouris 37. Hicca si 38. Hailla zira 39. Hahorola 40. His k 41. Htir tng hosu 42. Hath hosu 43. Haththl 44. Haththl ot dana 45. Haththuc 46. Hod 47. Hod k 48. Hloit 49. Hoi 50. Hoiya 51. Holoi 52. Hosu 53. Hosu k 54. Hosu bo 55. Hosu fa 56. Hosur sra 57. Hormwa k 58. Hro bayon 59. Hro fata 60. Horola 61. Houra si 62. Isi k 63. Jafani k 64. Kela 65. Kela gas 66. Kelar bouli 67. Kelar tr 68. Kea marc k 69. Kesa hoiya 70. Kesa mouris 71. Kira gula 72. Kirmis 73. Kura 74. Ksa 75. Lalmarc k 76. Lalmula

    77. Long 78. Mac holoi 79. Maisur dhail 80. Man hosu 81. Marm 82. Marmoni k 83. Mi hod 84. Mi zira 85. Mouris 86. Mukholoi 87. Mukdhail 88. Mula 89. Mula k 90. Naric k 91. loid 92. oc k 93. ri 94. ri k 95. roi 96. Orol dhail 97. Roun 98. Sionzira 99. Sona buth 100. Sonar dhail 101. Si 102. Si ot dana 103. Sra alu 104. Sra hosu 105. Taara 106. Taaraic 107. Tesfata 108. Thndha alu 109. Thia thi 110. Tita horola 111. Touris 112. Ul 113. Ul hosu 114. Zaifl 115. Zaithod 116. Zaithod k 117. Zya

  • Gular Nam (Fruit Name)

    1. Amm 2. Anar 3. Aggur 4. Ara-gula 5. rfa-gula 6. Asar-gula 7. At 8. Badam 9. Baki 10. Bkkum-gula 11. Bel-gula 12. Bet-gula 13. Bodh-gula 14. Bol-gula 15. Bori 16. Btta-gula 17. Cerii 18. Crboti 19. Crif 20. Crguta 21. Cu-gula 22. Dhalng 23. Dhuir-gula 24. Dhuri-amm

    25. Elna-gula 26. Enc 27. Fainn-gula 28. Fttara 29. Fl 30. Foc-gula 31. Futi zam (goyom) 32. Gag-gula 33. Goyom 34. Goyom zam 35. Gudhguiththa-gula 36. Haa-gula 37. Hjur 38. Haththl 39. Hoiya 40. Hlda-gula 41. Hola 42. Hosi 43. Houra 44. Houra-gula 45. Hro-gula 46. Kela 47. Kergw-gula 48. Kira-gula 49. Kira 50. Kiwi 51. Lemu 52. Lesu 53. Linc-gula

    54. Lyori-gula 55. Mijjam 56. Makkah-gula 57. Manggustn 58. Marm 59. Muic-gula 60. Naijjol 61. Noli zam(goyom) 62. Olomoti 63. Ora-gula 64. Sailla 65. Sjana-gula 66. Sp 67. Sin-gula 68. Sork-gula 69. Sul-gula 70. Tal-gula 71. Teti 72. Tham 73. Tppri 74. Tpprim 75. Tormus 76. Turunza 77. Wottn 78. Zaitun 79. Zang-gula 80. Zermni-gula 81. Zolfai

  • Mas r Nam (Fish Names) 1. Am ba 2. is sada mas 3. Asila mas 4. tirhan 5. Bca fua 6. Ba mas 7. Baila mas 8. Bala mas 9. Beng mas 10. Bistara mas 11. Bodali isa 12. Bola mas 13. Bor fu 14. Bual mas 15. Bl mas 16. Cccii mas 17. Cir mas 18. Daijja fu mas 19. Datina mas 20. Dhoir mas 21. Dhouk mas 22. Doijjar il mas 23. Dla isa 24. Dla soir 25. Dlbasa mas 26. Ficca mas 27. Fndha mas 28. Fata mas 29. Fna bac 30. Floi mas 31. Fu mas 32. Fudhka 33. Fiththa fua 34. Fl sring

    35. Fuya 36. Fuwa mas 37. Funi mas 38. Godal mas 39. Ggo mas 40. Gr mas 41. Gijja mas 42. Guill mas 43. Gul ba 44. Guri isa 45. Hala sirng 46. Hali isa 47. Haila mas 48. His sada mas 49. Hatal mas 50. Hoi mas 51. Hlim mas 52. Hoir mas 53. Houk 54. Hr mas 55. Horlla isa 56. Horitta mas 57. Hro saba mas 58. Hrul mas 59. Hossb 60. Hottal mas 61. Ilm mas 62. Isamas 63. Jafani mas 64. Kea sada 65. Kira 66. Kuissa 67. Kural mas 68. Lakkw mas 69. Lal mas 70. Leccw isa 71. Loilla isa 72. Loiththa mas

    73. Maithth mas 74. Mal mas 75. Mngri isa 76. Mod wala mas 77. Moilla mas 78. Mur baila mas 79. Mur guill mas 80. Mus guill 81. Naijjoilla mas 82. Nkkoro mas 83. Nuinna 84. Olwa mas 85. r mas 86. Plathu mas 87. Rasoir 88. Roicc mas 89. Rul mas 90. Russada mas 91. Saga isa 92. Slem mas 93. Seng mas 94. Sew 95. Sala mas 96. Sloin 97. Sirm mas 98. Soikk ficca 99. Sa isa 100. Sri mas 101. Ssum mas 102. Tailla mas 103. Tkkera mas 104. Teilla ficca 105. Thaimas 106. Thiththa mas 107. Thuir mas 108. Thia sada 109. Tin Kea 110. Tuta mas 111. ndura mas

  • Fir Nam 1. llwa 2. Andha fi 3. Andha forotha 4. Atkka fi 5. Badam bza 6. Bt fi 7. Bela biskuth 8. Binibt 9. Bol fi 10. Bumbai tus 11. Capathi 12. Cuthki fi 13. Czi fi 14. Dhail fi 15. Dppeic fi 16. Dui fi 17. Fais fi 18. Fakkon fi 19. Ftok fi 20. Fiaz 21. Forotha 22. Futhin 23. Fwa fi

    24. Giccar sakki 25. Gura fi 26. Haza 27. Hala binibt 28. Hlowa 29. Hod fi 30. Hoilla fi 31. Hi 32. Hoin soil fi 33. Houl 34. Hori fi 35. Isa fi 36. Kela fi 37. Kesswa fi 38. Kksw 39. Kukis biskuth 40. Kykky 41. Ldhdhu 42. Lalmon 43. Lui fi 44. Misthi 45. Mod bt 46. Moinarg 47. Mokkagula fi 48. Mndhi 49. Naijjol hop 50. Nan ruthi 51. Nimki

    52. Rocbri 53. Rocgula 54. Rus biskuth 55. Sinna fi 56. Smai 57. Sndi 58. Sitol fi 59. Smuza 60. Si fakkon 61. Sura 62. Thou-ce fi 63. ngn Kksw 64. rum 65. Zala fi 66. Zilafi 67. Zoou

  • 9 Bakkm Bakkm

    Bakkm bakkm kira Muic bingge thira

    Muic maittou gilm d Kea fi moillam d

    Buzi r buzi sura duf

    Surat kill dn, sul ot duri an

    Sul k hala Nak hai fla

    Nak ot k lou

    Borbi yr bou

    Borbi borbi gozzon tole Co bi co bi teti gasr tole

    Teti faitou gilm d ff e stor dijje d

    Elm fath delm fath

    Hai fla cnar t.

  • Focic(25) cw rocgula banaiblla lagedd sman kkol r lis.

    1. Moida 1 fiala 2. Ctha 1 camic (slon or camic loi) 3. Dut 3 fiala 4. Andha 3 nw

    Uore lis t asde sman beggn re blagori mak. Baade gura gura gor gula fagoo. Tarfore, bic tel ot maz fagoo. Lallal ile tel ot t tulyre barkule ekkengori rak. Fan 4 fialat maz nizott lagedd ndila mi fan sin dhlo. Sin 2 fiala ile niyomor ibou. Gi yore sulr ure gorom gor. 5 minith ile sinr rab bonizaibougi. e rocgula kkol re burai rak. 15 minith bade hi farib. Zoudi thndha fosn lail borffethir (frijot) maz hotkkn rak yre hi farib. Tark. Ipril 12, 2002

    Rocgula Kenggor Bana

  • Cnggo arde tar Ciardr kkol

    Bra-sol, Si-sol arde Gouru ye Cnggo loi miliyre hasharbar goijj. Fott kumpani ye zendila gor ndila, laf or fan gori borat gorblla ettefk goijj. Ettefakan, hrin uggw holot baijj. Borat gorblla ciardr kkol mthing boicc. Cnggo y fan gor borat gorblla bic drforr. Cnggo y hodde, Ar t foila borat luwa foribu, kiall bouli hoil ba ar hk de toll. Jonggol or bakc de tolla ar t dusra borat luwa foribu. Tesra borat luwa foribu kiall hoil, a beggn ott wro ctti wala de tolla. Zoudi honkk baki gn magi l y a tar hi flaiyum.

  • Uggw Co Cnar Mas Uggw gourif zaillat t ekdin tar zalot maz uggw co cnar-mas foijj. Mas gal arde fuir lari yre maf magefn gor dahiye r, zailla wtt bic feth fuijj. Mas ba re doijjar maz wapes mel maijj. Zoudi mas ba re besi tu bic thia faitou.

    Mas buth or hasar t ti hodde, "Tui dehbi, a hondila ckur guzar de." Mogr ken iyed yan honkkre hoi nofarbi. Zailla ye gr ot focc mottor, dehdde tar fdar bac n bic boro killa bonigiyegi. Ar dehdde tar bei ranir fuck find igiyegi.

    Bei ye deikk mottor kess no hoibr agor t fusr goijj de, "Edn tha hott aicc?" Bea ye hodde, "Ar t kess fusr nogors noile beggn abbar zi zaibougi". Lkin bei ye bea r ebbre cnti titou no der. Ahrott cnar mas r hot hoifeliye. Hoiy mottor killa n abbar bac igiyegi. Bei ba y age zendila aiccl ndila, nak thanoya ar monmozin noya bonigiyegi.

  • Cinderella In Rohingyalish

    But age, ar, bic durr zobanat maz, e uggw, dri(bei-sra) bea aiccl. tattu uggw, gura zi aiccl, bar nam das Ell. Ekdin, bea ba y, Ell r bei uggw loi sinno gori diy. Bei battu, duw zrfua as.

    Ellr bafe hodde, Bei ib arde a loi hailla biy ibou. ba, tor taima ibou. Ar Hilda arde Gilda, tor toitou bin ibou. Ar ekkn bic frecanir hot. Biy i mottor art hmak lamba musfer t zaa foribu.

    Ell bic taajub igiyoi. Lkin, ba endila bic cibbot ar gom d, ba ye noiya grr-gucc r mani loiflaiye. Ar Ell y baf or waada diyde, Bab, taratt zin lagibu lagouk, a tar r saiyum.

    Ell ye fottzon re kci rak blla, bic duk gor ham gorr. bar taima ye Ell r hmica, ekkn n ekkn, ham diyat tke. Lkin, Hlda arde Glda ye dinthya kla, noile aram gor, noile egoza mithi hattke.

    Ellr taima ye hodde, Ar ziyain kkol bic norom d tolla grr or thugthag ham gor nofarbou. tara bic bla, ar gura maiya fuain kkol, hmah handani maincr fuain loi biy ibou de.

  • Ell y bar toitou bin kkol lla zedn-gor-fare-din goill y, tara y ba r egaza bic zilloti gor, ar tcera.

    Ekdin Hlda ye Glda r hodde, "Sawa sult t hoila kkol dola gordde. Ara bare aijja loti Cinderella (Hoila!) hoi dhaikkuom".

    din zinn, bakcr hborgwa ye, bakcr fuar cbat maz zaibell, fott dorozat maz ai yre doot diy.

    Glda ye sikkarai yre hodde, "Aratt hondila fid foribu de?"

    Hlda, Glda arde tarar maa ye bla uttom hoor kkol find. Cinderella ye hodde, "Att hondila fid foribu de?" bar taima ye sikkarai hodde, "Tor t no dhake!"

    Siyigor hoil, Cinderella re y, doot diy, mogr bar taima ye yin zane d, Cinderella r cbat loizail, bakcr fua ye Hlda re arde Glda re ebbre no saibu. tara grot guzi tkoiya kkol, ar blayo to no.

    Cinderella y bar taimar hot biccc noza. ba ye doot diy d, ci kkol re cek goijj, mogr dehdde, ci yan re, ooin ot zolaiflaiye.

  • raitta, Cinderella y bar hamart maz boi yre cbar babote bic ferecani gor bfer. ba ye mone mone, "A ken arzu goittm, zai fari blla, hoi yre niyc flar.

    "Tile tui farib," hodde abas uggw fner. ba taajub iyore dekdde, fouri uggw asimbit hont aigiygi.

    Fouri ye hodde "A tor Fourima". "A tor arzu fura gor blla aicc de".

    ba ye Cinderella r grr or fistt, barizar kka neelai loigiy. Fouri ye bar sa loi fakkrai loiy mottor, mi hod uggw, ekkn cnar falki-gar bonigiygoi. Ar sair gw undur cndoijja dla gra bonigiygoi. Duw asila cndoijja falkigar solouya bonigiyi.

    Cinderella y hodde Kaf taajup-pyan. Mogr Fourima, att t kess fid blla ni.

    Fourima ye ci yre, bar sa re abbar fakkrai loiy.

    Cinderella ye dehdde ba uggw cndoijja cbar gon fid. bar sul ot maz hra fid, thg ot maz co nasounir-ainar-zuta fid. Cinderella ye guzori hodd, Ckuria, Fourima!

    Fouri ye car gor diy d, Tott raitor nicr age, cbar t hmah neelizagi foribu. Mijk raitnic foijjonto taibou de.

    Cinderella y gorbou buli waada diyre cbar kka solaigiyi.

  • Cbat maz fottzone kyal goredd, bakcr fua ye cndoijja noiya maiyar uore dandri sai tikke. Ar, fura rait fn honkklloi no naser, serf balloi baade.

    Atkka, guit maz barwr gndhi foijj.

    Cinderella bakcr grr ott zendila toratori fare ndila duri neeligiyi. Fistt razar fua ye duri giy, lkin, te drifaribr agott Cinderella adr t luwaigiyi.

    Dwadit maz, Cinderellatt bar ainar-zuta ekkn forigiyi. Razar fua ye deikk mttor feailoi raikk. Co zuta n tt loiyor, razar fua ye hodde, Hmah zoudi att dect maz doc motta tuwa foileyu, a cndoijja maiya fua bar tuaiyum, zibtt zuta in fth o. A faile, bare biy goijjum, killa buli hoil, bar dhilla cndoijja maiya fua uggw a age hondin loot nofai.

    Tarfordn luti, razar fuar siyi muhbbot re tuaiblla toyari cru gordiye. Decr btore, fott grot zai sar.

  • Hlda, Glda arde fott maiya fuain kkolle, nizor thg or ainar zutar btore sibi sibi glai bell kucc goijj. Zuta w endila co d, honkkr thg or btore nogle.

    Razar fuar manic kkol Cinderellar grr ott neeli zargide tukkunt maz, Cinderella r baguwan ot maz ham gordde deikk.

    bar taima ye mis banai hodde, "Ki, ba to uggw cdoran hamgorni". "Hmak, turar motolob to, ba re fidi saiblla no to. ba ye cbat maz y no u".

    Razar fuar mainc Cinderella r zuta fidi saiblla zur goijj.

    Yin t ebbere fth iye.

    Zehn, Hlda arde Glda, ar bar taima ye crme guzorer, bic dur bakcr killar kka loizaiblla, Cinderella r grr ott neelai loigiyi.

    Cinderella arde razar fua cdi goijj. Yarbade abadulabad kci gori tikke.


    1. Doc or la, ek or fuz. (Like a stick if shared by ten, but heavy if carried by one)

    2. Zoudi fore hor(khor) tu no sijj cor. (Even fallen curse do not abandon the town)

    3. Zar boo r kur hiye di deile dhora. (Whose father was preyed by crocodile is even afraid of a log)

    4. Undoijjall undurni bla. (Male-mouse is suited only with female-mouse)

    5. Ht droni y fua mari fla. (Seven nurses are more likely to kill the baby than on nurse)

    6. Gror gouru ye gor kr noh. (Home cow does not eat local(door step) grass).

    7. Goriyr s(6) gun, dahi dooiyr no(9) gun. (6 merit for workers, but 9 merit for the one who manage).

    8. Agor l zikk fisr l kka. 9. Agor loot bag nofa. 10. goyar crom n soyar crom. 11. Aholbon kuir or si how nofore. 12. igge fn kci lager. 13. c or umm kurr andha. (Kurr umm c r andha.) 14. ti zurai fail has k zurai nofaitt. 15. tor alc dator sta, zamai ye hiy foona at. 16. Baiggr ek so, cor nir ht so. 17. Bla rasta beha iley bla. 18. Blai goill suar h. 19. B tng gatot forer. 20. Balor feot gi hzom ibou nek. 21. Bawru bt hi mowru muic sorar. (Booru bt hi moouru muic sorar.) 22. Beir biggo dn, furc biggo zon. 23. Beec lals goill aithar loot nofa. 24. Bic gaguwa d kuir re nohore. 25. Bilai ye mage bou wr suk hana iball, kuir e mage cmbtti iball. 26. Bilair biggo ye skka sjjye 27. Bsso maabaf or tng r tole. 28. Bol iy bol iy biaram foizzo n. 29. Boriya goill sraiya za. 30. Brar uore bredd ri. 31. Cailla buddi. 32. Caillar ht so baiggr ek so. 33. Cin nigg fua, ba(ban) d mijj ruwa. 34. Deikk gror badi adeikk gror bibi. 35. Di Makkah gilyo bar bad. 36. Duiddr kuidd bol, moris surar muw bol. 37. Ek dec r buli ar dec r gail. 38. Ek guliye dui car. 39. Ek zamai hram, ek bilai hram. 40. Ek zuk bar bosr. 41. Ekor keir kiyt loot nofa. 42. Elm notil hlom ni ne. 43. Ete bic bor kuailla.(Ete boro kuailla)

  • 44. Faraillat t dn uk urin ott fut uk. 45. Fois iye fois iye mootdima goijj n. 46. Fois y sn hor y sn. 47. Forll r zaga dil at(ad) hor ho, gror hot n bare ho. 48. Fador fa afador gua. 49. Gor kr gouru e nohr. 50. Hl hai kur glaiy fn iye. 51. Hisa feanir fua dhulot sorer hon gon dec fusr gorer. 52. Hda boro thuna dor. 53. Kuir e uzoor dil mosiyot aiy. 54. Kusso hile manco bar, mas hile fuk bar. 55. Luta kuir e guu bic ha. 56. Maa sa zi sa. 57. Maincr ador hon e fiyon e, gourur ador lehn fusn . 58. Mei dill cna izagoi, cna dille mei izagoi. 59. Melat zoo age hoillot zoo fis. 60. Nasi nozainl un beha. 61. Nim e daktor jan e htara, nim e elm iman ne htora. 62. No mani yall hon insb ni. 63. Obiggoittar jan or uott za, biggoitar mal or uott za. 64. i fut moillu bla, i dn forilu bla. 65. ile hith noile faith. 66. Omanic manic ibou ogth gth ibou. 67. o ott fori zur gusl gorer. 68. ouri y bngile hla, bou bgil gola. 69. Ourir fi bouw r cka. 70. Raitta nok hail gom no. 71. Rug r thia boruna fn. 72. Suk crom muk crom. 73. Suraiyar ht rait girssor ek rait. 74. Sure sur goill sair dhhor ber ile tke, borm cndhali lagil beggn cc. 75. Suror sur kual, girs sr bor kuwal. 76. Tirc birc. 77. Tuanggor gorif ile 72 bosr nozor dor tke, gorif tuanggor iley 72 bosr

    nozor co tke. 78. Uldha sure kutuwal ba. 79. Unduijjall undurni bla. 80. Uzr bgr boiddor grot nitti zor. 81. Zar hame tar cze oinno hame la cze. 82. Zinzirar fuain d grar s deikk fn. 83. Zoto foto doiyr ri fott bgi za, flai ered ba hazot laa.

  • ABC of Rohingya Language













    Allar (It is of Allah)

    Baitulla (house of Baitullah.)

    Cnar (It is of gold)

    Kah, (landmark.)

    Din (Religion)

    E (here is)

    Fakka (of complete pure)













    No (No,)

    A (I am)

    Obus no, (not of no understanding.)

    Poikambor (Prophet and)

    Quran (Quran, the Book of Allah and)

    Rosl (Messenger of Allah.)

    Sin n (Do you know?)















    Gudr (Of Dam)

    Hali (black)

    Isamas, (Shrimps.)

    Jafani (Of Japan-named)

    Kuwar (well)

    Lal (red)

    Mas (fish.)















    Tur (Your)

    Umra (Umra visit)

    Vza (visa)

    Waforibou, (must be ok.)

    Xr (Xray.) Yin

    (This one)

    Zani so (be checked.)

    Allar Baitulla cnar kah, Din E fakka. Gudr hali isamas, Jafani kuwar lal mas. No a obus no, Poikambor Quran Rosl sin n. Tur Umra vza waforibou, Xr yin zani so.

    Rohingyalish normal vowels are a, e, i, o, u, ou and the sound of each vowel is fixed as in the phrase Ou Qurane Korim. And its complementary stressed vowels are , , , , , u.

    And circular vowels are ai, ei, oi, ui, which complementary stressed vowels are i, i , i, , i.

    1-Book Cover2-Sura-Fateha-Quran3-ABC-table3(a)4-Language Rules Poster _Ver g_5-Learn Rohingyalish in 10 minutes6-Rohingyalish 16 Rules7-What-is-rohingyalish8- Rohingya_language on Wikipedia.org9-Let us speak Rohingyalish10-Separatorpage01rnpage02rnpage03rnpage04rnpage05rnpage06rnpage07rnpage08rnpage09rnpage10rnpage11rnpage12rnpage13rnpage14rnpage15rnpage16rnpage17rnpage18rnpage19rnpage20rnpage21rnpage22rnpage23rnpage24rnpage25rnpage26rnpage27rnpage28rnpage29rnpage30rnpage31rnpage32rnpage33rnpage34rnpage35rnpage36rnpage37rnpage38rnpage39rnpage40rnpage41rnpage42rnpage43rnpage44rnpage45rnpage46rnpage47rnpage48rnpage49rnpage50rnpage51rnpage52rnpage53rnpage54rnpage55rnpage56rnpage57rnpage58rnpage59rnpage60rnpage61rnpage62rnZ1-vegetableZ2-fruitZ3-fishZ4-fi-rdaZ5-Bakkum BakkumZ6-RocogulaZ7-Goat Sheep and LionZ8-The little goldfishZ9-cinderellaZ10-Boson okkolZ99-Abc of RohingyalishRohingyalish Book 1 (Jun 2011) [A-Z].pdf1-Book Cover2-Sura-Fateha-Quran3-ABC-table3(a)4-Language Rules Poster _Ver g_5-Learn Rohingyalish in 10 minutes6-Rohingyalish 16 Rules7-What-is-rohingyalish8- Rohingya_language on Wikipedia.org9-Let us speak Rohingyalish10-Separatorpage01rnpage02rnpage03rnpage04rnpage05rnpage06rnpage07rnpage08rnpage09rnpage10rnpage11rnpage12rnpage13rnpage14rnpage15rnpage16rnpage17rnpage18rnpage19rnpage20rnpage21rnpage22rnpage23rnpage24rnpage25rnpage26rnpage27rnpage28rnpage29rnpage30rnpage31rnpage32rnpage33rnpage34rnpage35rnpage36rnpage37rnpage38rnpage39rnpage40rnpage41rnpage42rnpage43rnpage44rnpage45rnpage46rnpage47rnpage48rnpage49rnpage50rnpage51rnpage52rnpage53rnpage54rnpage55rnpage56rnpage57rnpage58rnpage59rnpage60rnpage61rnpage62rnZ1-vegetableZ2-fruitZ3-fishZ4-fi-rdaZ5-Bakkum BakkumZ6-RocogulaZ7-Goat Sheep and LionZ8-The little goldfishZ9-cinderellaZ10-Boson okkolZ99-Abc of Rohingyalish

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