Page 1: ROI Volunteer Training

What’s your ROI?Return on Interviews: Mock Interview ForumFriday, February 1, 2013

Volunteer Training

Kellstadt Career Management CenterWinter 2013

Page 2: ROI Volunteer Training

Thank you for making this event happen!Goals of ROI

Your role as a volunteerLogistics


Kellstadt Career Management Center

Page 3: ROI Volunteer Training

Goals:Provide first-year day program MBA students with

opportunity to improve interview skills by:

1. Performing a mock interview with professional and receiving feedback

2. Experiencing a function-specific mock interview demonstration

3. Learning preparation tactics and advice from an alumni panel

What is ROI?

Kellstadt Career Management Center

Page 4: ROI Volunteer Training

Volunteer Responsibilities

Kellstadt Career Management Center

Mock Interviewer Demo Volunteer/Interviewer

Debrief Panelist

Conduct 30 min. mock/student (2 students in room at a time; not function-specific)

Perform 60 min. function-specific mock in front of group of students

Provide advice & respond to inquiries

30 minute breakdown:15 min. mock, 15 min. feedback

60 minute breakdown:25 min. mock, 20 min. feedback, 15 min. q&a

Prepare questions prior to mock (do not contact student prior)

Speak with student demo volunteer prior to event

Provide verbal feedback to students

Provide verbal feedback to student and process with group (what went well, improvements, etc)

Complete brief written evaluation form for students

NO written evaluation necessary for volunteer student

Page 5: ROI Volunteer Training

Friday, February 1st: 2pm-6:30pmCheck-in: 2:00-2:15pm

1st Mock or Demo begins at 2:30pm

Day of Logistics

Kellstadt Career Management Center

Page 6: ROI Volunteer Training

Sample Student Agenda

Kellstadt Career Management Center

Student 1 Agenda Student 2 Agenda2:00-2:15pm Check-in (32) 2:00-2:15pm Check-in (32)2:30-3:30pm Mock Interview (16) 2:30-3:30pm Fxn. Demo. (16)3:40-4:40pm Fxn. Demo. (16) 3:40-4:40pm Mock Interview (16)5:00-5:30pm Debrief Panel 5:00-5:30pm Debrief Panel5:30-6:00pm Networking Reception 5:30-6:00pm Networking Reception

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Recommended questions to ask:1. Walk me through your resume (Tell me about yourself)2. At least one behavioral question (Tell me about a time….)

The rest of the time/questions are to your discretion

You will be receiving student’s resume prior to mock interview

Mock Interviewers

Kellstadt Career Management Center

Page 8: ROI Volunteer Training

Will be completing an evaluation form which includes:

Feedback on WMTYRFeedback on behavioral question(s)Delivery (non-verbals, etc.)Overall commentsNext steps

• Provide verbal feedback to student

• Hold feedback form and provide to CMC staff member who will scan and email to student

Mock Interviewers

Kellstadt Career Management Center

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