Page 1: Roll out a charged up Wireless Laptop with a Barcode Scanner. Installed with AnzioWin and with active Wireless Network Connection
Page 2: Roll out a charged up Wireless Laptop with a Barcode Scanner. Installed with AnzioWin and with active Wireless Network Connection

Roll out a charged up Wireless Laptop with a Barcode Scanner.

Installed with AnzioWin and with active Wireless Network Connection

Page 3: Roll out a charged up Wireless Laptop with a Barcode Scanner. Installed with AnzioWin and with active Wireless Network Connection

Modify the ANZIOWin program with ALT-M and create a Key assigned MACRO

Page 4: Roll out a charged up Wireless Laptop with a Barcode Scanner. Installed with AnzioWin and with active Wireless Network Connection

Here is an example of the Key Assignment :

Type in:

Define {hit the F10 key}ixHPD Inventory 4/10/08{hit Ctrl-P then the Enter Key}qm

Then hit the Enter Key to save the new Key Assignment

Page 5: Roll out a charged up Wireless Laptop with a Barcode Scanner. Installed with AnzioWin and with active Wireless Network Connection

Two Person Team

Person # 1

• Makes Note of the First 1st Call # where he begins

• Pulls a book from the shelf

• Places a File Folder (or other marker) in its place

• Gives the material a quick evaluation looking for obvious damage

• Presents the Barcode for to be scanned

Page 6: Roll out a charged up Wireless Laptop with a Barcode Scanner. Installed with AnzioWin and with active Wireless Network Connection

Barcode is scanned

Page 7: Roll out a charged up Wireless Laptop with a Barcode Scanner. Installed with AnzioWin and with active Wireless Network Connection

Two Person Team

Person # 2

• Confirms the identity of the material matching with the barcode that it scanned.

Any discrepancy can be placed on the cart for review later

• Runs the MACRO by pressing F10

• Gives a verbal cue that the process is complete “OK”

Page 8: Roll out a charged up Wireless Laptop with a Barcode Scanner. Installed with AnzioWin and with active Wireless Network Connection
Page 9: Roll out a charged up Wireless Laptop with a Barcode Scanner. Installed with AnzioWin and with active Wireless Network Connection

Two Person Team

Person # 1

• Replaces the material on the Left side of the marker File Folder

• Pulls the next item

• Repeats the steps

• Makes note of the last Call# that is scanned and inventoried

Page 10: Roll out a charged up Wireless Laptop with a Barcode Scanner. Installed with AnzioWin and with active Wireless Network Connection

The rest of this process is completed with the Create Lists and Statistics Functions in Millennium

The Lists and Statistics should be done ASAP after the Team returns to prevent changes due to current circulation of materials

Page 11: Roll out a charged up Wireless Laptop with a Barcode Scanner. Installed with AnzioWin and with active Wireless Network Connection

Create a List of the Call Number range that was Inventoried

It should include the Location & Call #s that were “expected” to be on the shelf in this range

Page 12: Roll out a charged up Wireless Laptop with a Barcode Scanner. Installed with AnzioWin and with active Wireless Network Connection

Sort this List in this order:

Page 13: Roll out a charged up Wireless Laptop with a Barcode Scanner. Installed with AnzioWin and with active Wireless Network Connection

A complete print out of this List can be created and send to a printer or e-mail

Here are some recommended fields & settings :

Page 14: Roll out a charged up Wireless Laptop with a Barcode Scanner. Installed with AnzioWin and with active Wireless Network Connection

Checked Out

Upon examination this List can be interpreted

Here are some examples :



This list can be marked and confirmed

The records can be marked either one-at-a-time or with Global Update as Missing

Page 15: Roll out a charged up Wireless Laptop with a Barcode Scanner. Installed with AnzioWin and with active Wireless Network Connection


Upon examination this List can be interpreted

Here are some examples :Inventoried


Page 16: Roll out a charged up Wireless Laptop with a Barcode Scanner. Installed with AnzioWin and with active Wireless Network Connection

Other Lists that are Sub-sets of this can be created – Here is a Subset that has the Items that do not have the “HPD Inventory Test 4/10/08” note

Page 17: Roll out a charged up Wireless Laptop with a Barcode Scanner. Installed with AnzioWin and with active Wireless Network Connection

Then a Statistical Query can be Run on the Items that do not have the “HPD Inventory Test 4/10/08” note

Page 18: Roll out a charged up Wireless Laptop with a Barcode Scanner. Installed with AnzioWin and with active Wireless Network Connection

The results of the Statistical Query can be examined

And exported to MS-Excel

Page 19: Roll out a charged up Wireless Laptop with a Barcode Scanner. Installed with AnzioWin and with active Wireless Network Connection

Once in MS-Excel various reports and statistics can be better formatted

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