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ROMDAS User’s Guide

June 2014

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Prepared by:

P.K. Hunter

Report Name:

ROMDAS User’s Guide

Reviewed by:

Raj Mallela

Document Version:


Software Version:

Approved for issue by:

P.K. Hunter

Date of Issue:

June 2014

Project manager:

P.K. Hunter

File Name: Z:\Files\E - ROMDAS Documentation\001 - ROMDAS Data Collection Manual\Rom-

win\In Progress\14-02-03 ROMDAS Windows version manual.docx

Data Collection Ltd.

P.O. Box 348

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Revision Date Section/Page Description

1.2 28/01/04 File Formats, GPS Pathfinder XRS, Sony TRV70, Video Logging,

1.3 14/03/04 Laser Profilometer

1.4 19/04/04 General updates to ROMWIN

1.5 14/06/04 Change Chap 16 to relevant chapters. General Update

1.6 14/8/04 Fixes from Proof reading

1.7 1/12/04 More detail in Laser Annex and change from Trimble Quickplan

to Planning Software

1.8 1/12/05 TPL Mounting, GEO XT setup, VX2000 Setup, PIC Video v3 setup

1.9 15/08/06 New Postcode, Pathfinder Tools Update,

PathFinder Pro GPS, Laser Profilometer,

RGR Camera

2.0 28/03/07 RGR Camera, Laser Bounce and Elevation test updates

2.1 10/04/07 Add GARMIN MAP60, take out obsolete GPS products setup

from Appendix

2.11 16/05/07 Section 7 Added Keyboard rating features- Text Comments, Predefined

Comments, Group Distance Trigger

2.2 15/10/07

Appendix Appendix B Appendix D

Rating Keyboards setup with new MacroWorks II software

BI Hook and Spring

TPL v2

2.3 ROMDAS CD screenshots, Interface Versions, GPS 18

2.4 5/05/08 10 Video

Surveys, Appendix E

Video Logging update

Annual Maintenance Subscription, EULA update

Pro XRT and GPS setup changes (Pro XRS removed)

Trimble Planning Software update

2.5 12/12/08 Updated menu system.

05/06/09 TPL Processing Changes

2.6 29/09/09 Added LRMS and Geometry chapters

2.7 Active Hard drive Protection, GLONASS, Real-time Correction Datums, MERLIN update, Glossary and Index

2.8 LCMS, SPS461 GPS, Multiple Camera System, Fly2, Macroworks III, File Structures updated, Appendix G Laser Safety

2.9 30/10/12 Appendix E

Appendix F

GigE Camera Update - remove Firewire cameras to “Previously

Used Video”

Remove TSIP GPS to “Previously Used GPS Receivers”

Change IP address of TPL

Warnings for HR-DMI is for sealed roads only

2.10 LCMS Crack Depth, Curb and Drop Off, LCMS Processing Check,

LCMS Sensor angle

Updated for Geometry unit changes.

3.0 New Interface, Laser TPL, ROMDAS Laser Profiler, F2/F3 to start Odometer Function

3.1 LCMS Ravelling, Concrete joints, Lane Width

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COPYRIGHT ............................................................................................................................ I

REVISIONS .............................................................................................................................. I

CONTENTS .............................................................................................................................. I

1. INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................... 2

Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 2 Overview ....................................................................................................................................... 2 Components................................................................................................................................... 3 Vehicles ......................................................................................................................................... 3

Types of Data Collected ................................................................................................................ 4 Overview ....................................................................................................................................... 4 Roughness – Response Meter ........................................................................................................ 4 Roughness – Laser Profilometer ................................................................................................... 4 Visual Condition and Inventory .................................................................................................... 4 Rut Depth ...................................................................................................................................... 4 Video Recording ............................................................................................................................ 5 GPS Positions ............................................................................................................................... 5 Travel Time ................................................................................................................................... 5 Traffic Volume .............................................................................................................................. 5 Digital Photographs ...................................................................................................................... 5

ROMDAS Versions ...................................................................................................................... 6 Software Platforms ........................................................................................................................ 6 Hardware Interfaces ..................................................................................................................... 6

What Needs to be Done to Start Surveying? ................................................................................. 6 Read the Warranty and Software Licence ..................................................................................... 6 Overview of Process...................................................................................................................... 6 Install the Software ....................................................................................................................... 7 Install and Test the Hardware....................................................................................................... 7 Calibrate the Instruments .............................................................................................................. 7 Plan and Prepare for the Survey ................................................................................................... 7 Do the Survey ................................................................................................................................ 8 Data Processing ............................................................................................................................ 8

2. INSTALLING AND RUNNING ROMDAS .................................................................... 10

Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 10 Protection .................................................................................................................................... 10

Annual Maintenance Subscription .............................................................................................. 10

ROMDAS CD ............................................................................................................................. 10 Starting the ROMDAS CD .......................................................................................................... 10 ROMDAS Software ..................................................................................................................... 11

Installing ROMDAS.................................................................................................................... 11 Default Folder ............................................................................................................................. 11

Updating ROMDAS .................................................................................................................... 12

Windows Settings ....................................................................................................................... 12 Power Saving Options and Screen Savers .................................................................................. 12 Windows Performance Options ................................................................................................... 13 Disk Defragmentation ................................................................................................................. 13

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Anti Virus Software ..................................................................................................................... 13 Active hard drive Protection ....................................................................................................... 13

Evaluating and Registering ROMDAS ....................................................................................... 14 Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 14 Evaluation Version ..................................................................................................................... 14 ROMDAS Office Version ............................................................................................................ 14 ROMDAS Registered Version ..................................................................................................... 15 Changing the Registration Key ................................................................................................... 16

Running ROMDAS .................................................................................................................... 17 Menu Options .............................................................................................................................. 17 Navigation ................................................................................................................................... 17 Passwords ................................................................................................................................... 17 Test Mode .................................................................................................................................... 18

3. INSTALLING AND TESTING THE SURVEY HARDWARE ........................................ 20

Introduction................................................................................................................................. 20 Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 20

Installing the Odometer Sensor................................................................................................... 20 Types of Sensors .......................................................................................................................... 20 Installation Instructions .............................................................................................................. 21

Connecting the Power ................................................................................................................. 21 Options ........................................................................................................................................ 21 Power Cable ............................................................................................................................... 22 Power Distribution Box .............................................................................................................. 22

Installing the Hardware Interface ............................................................................................... 23 Components ................................................................................................................................ 23 Positioning the Interface ............................................................................................................. 23 Connecting the Cables ................................................................................................................ 24

Installing the Transverse Profile Logger .................................................................................... 24 Instructions ................................................................................................................................. 24 Components ................................................................................................................................ 24

Installing the Video System ........................................................................................................ 24 Instructions ................................................................................................................................. 24 Components ................................................................................................................................ 24

Installing GPS Receivers ............................................................................................................ 25 Instructions ................................................................................................................................. 25 Components ................................................................................................................................ 25 Positioning the GPS Unit ............................................................................................................ 25 Activating GPS Measurements.................................................................................................... 25

Installing the Laser Profilometer ................................................................................................ 25 Instructions ................................................................................................................................. 25 Components ................................................................................................................................ 25 Positioning the Laser .................................................................................................................. 25 Installing the Laser ..................................................................................................................... 25

Digital Cameras .......................................................................................................................... 26 Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 26 Activating Digital Camera Photos .............................................................................................. 26 Using Digital Cameras in Surveys .............................................................................................. 27

Installing Additional Communication Ports ............................................................................... 27 Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 27

Setting Communication Parameters............................................................................................ 28 Assigning COM Ports ................................................................................................................. 28

Testing the Instruments ............................................................................................................... 29 Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 29 Test Hardware Interface ............................................................................................................. 29 Test GPS ..................................................................................................................................... 29

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Test TPL ...................................................................................................................................... 30 Test Laser Surveyor .................................................................................................................... 31 Test Geometry ............................................................................................................................. 31 Test TPL-LRMS ........................................................................................................................... 32 Test Laser Profilometer .............................................................................................................. 32

4. PRINCIPLES OF ROAD MEASUREMENT ................................................................. 33

Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 33 Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 33 Terminology ................................................................................................................................ 33

Location Reference Points .......................................................................................................... 33 Using LRPs ................................................................................................................................. 33 Implications of Odometer Error .................................................................................................. 34 Importance of LRP Resets ........................................................................................................... 35

Distance Measurement Accuracy ................................................................................................ 35 Measurements ............................................................................................................................. 35

Visual Keyboard Rating .............................................................................................................. 36 Principles .................................................................................................................................... 36 Types of Events ........................................................................................................................... 36 Assigning Events ......................................................................................................................... 36 Rating Keyboards ........................................................................................................................ 37

Surveying Adjacent Sections ...................................................................................................... 37 The Problem ................................................................................................................................ 37

Programming a Survey ................................................................................................................ 38 Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 38

5. CALIBRATING THE INSTRUMENTS ......................................................................... 39

Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 39 Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 39

Odometer Calibration .................................................................................................................. 39 Frequency ................................................................................................................................... 39 Equipment Required .................................................................................................................... 39 Locating and Marking the Calibration Section ........................................................................... 39 Calibration .................................................................................................................................. 40 Analysis ....................................................................................................................................... 41 For a discussion of the statistical basis for the above calculations please see Appendix B

(Installing and Calibrating Roughness Meters). ......................................................................... 41 Entering Results to Software ....................................................................................................... 41

Roughness Meter Calibration ...................................................................................................... 42 Frequency ................................................................................................................................... 42 Equipment Required .................................................................................................................... 42 Calibration .................................................................................................................................. 42 Analysis ....................................................................................................................................... 43 Roughness Calibration Equations ............................................................................................... 44 Defining Coefficients in ROMDAS .............................................................................................. 44 Video Display Roughness Coefficients ........................................................................................ 45

Laser Profilometer Calibration .................................................................................................... 45 Frequency ................................................................................................................................... 45 Calibration .................................................................................................................................. 45

Transverse Profile Logger Calibration ........................................................................................ 46 Frequency ................................................................................................................................... 46 Equipment Required .................................................................................................................... 46 Calibration .................................................................................................................................. 46 Analysis ....................................................................................................................................... 47

6. PLANNING AND PREPARING FOR A SURVEY ........................................................ 48

Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 48 Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 48

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Default Survey Settings .............................................................................................................. 48 Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 48

Importing LRP Data ................................................................................................................... 48 Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 48

Reversing LRP Files ................................................................................................................... 48 Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 48 Procedure ................................................................................................................................... 49

Creating Survey Routes .............................................................................................................. 49 Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 49

Pre-Defining LRP Entries ........................................................................................................... 49 Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 49 Defining ...................................................................................................................................... 49 Customising ................................................................................................................................ 50

Define Survey ID’s ..................................................................................................................... 50 Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 50

Start the Survey........................................................................................................................... 51 Defining Survey Data .................................................................................................................. 51

End the Survey ............................................................................................................................ 52

7. VISUAL KEYBOARD RATING SURVEYS ................................................................. 54

Introduction................................................................................................................................. 54 Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 54 Operational Considerations ........................................................................................................ 54 Types of Events ........................................................................................................................... 55

Defining Keyboard Events ......................................................................................................... 56 Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 56 Key Options................................................................................................................................. 56 Point and Continuous Events ...................................................................................................... 57 Switch Events .............................................................................................................................. 57 Settings ........................................................................................................................................ 58 Moving Traffic Count Survey Events .......................................................................................... 58 Laser Distance Measurement...................................................................................................... 58 Laser Surveyor ............................................................................................................................ 59 Special Features ......................................................................................................................... 59

Keycode Setup Options .............................................................................................................. 60 Keycode Setup Options ............................................................................................................... 60

Executing the Survey .................................................................................................................. 61 Starting the Survey ...................................................................................................................... 61 Preliminary Keycodes ................................................................................................................. 61 Group Distance Trigger .............................................................................................................. 62 During the Survey ....................................................................................................................... 62 Ending the Survey ....................................................................................................................... 63 Example of Data ......................................................................................................................... 63

Digital Photographs .................................................................................................................... 63 Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 63 Setting Up the Camera ................................................................................................................ 63 Setting Up the Keyboard Event ................................................................................................... 64 During the Survey ....................................................................................................................... 64 Example of Output ...................................................................................................................... 64

Text Comments ........................................................................................................................... 65 Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 65 Setting Up for Text Comments Recording ................................................................................... 65 Setting Up Pre-Defined Keycodes ............................................................................................... 66 During the Survey ....................................................................................................................... 66 Setting Up the Keyboard Event ................................................................................................... 68

8. LOCATION REFERENCE POINT SURVEYS ............................................................ 70

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Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 70 Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 70 Establishing LRPs ....................................................................................................................... 70 LRP Records ............................................................................................................................... 70

LRP Setup Options ...................................................................................................................... 71 LRP Setup Options ...................................................................................................................... 71

Executing the Survey .................................................................................................................. 72 Starting the Survey ...................................................................................................................... 72 During the Survey ....................................................................................................................... 72 Using Predefined LRP’s .............................................................................................................. 73 Ending the Survey: ...................................................................................................................... 74 Example of Data: ........................................................................................................................ 74 Continuing Previous Surveys: ..................................................................................................... 74

Digital Photographs ..................................................................................................................... 74 Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 74 Setting Up the Camera ................................................................................................................ 74 Setup ............................................................................................................................................ 74 During the Survey ....................................................................................................................... 75 Example of Output ...................................................................................................................... 75

9. ROUGHNESS SURVEYS WITH BUMP INTEGRATORS ........................................... 76

Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 76 Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 76 Resolution of BI Measurements .................................................................................................. 76

Roughness Survey Setup Options ............................................................................................... 76 Roughness Survey Setup Options ................................................................................................ 76

Executing the Survey .................................................................................................................. 78 Starting the Survey ...................................................................................................................... 78 During the Survey ....................................................................................................................... 78 Ending the Survey ....................................................................................................................... 79 Example of Data ......................................................................................................................... 79

Roughness Exclusion .................................................................................................................. 79 Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 79 Roughness Exclude Processing Options ..................................................................................... 79

10. VIDEO SURVEYS ...................................................................................................... 80

Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 80 Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 80

Video Survey Setup Options ....................................................................................................... 80 Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 80 Device Connection ...................................................................................................................... 80 PGR Video Survey Setup Options ............................................................................................... 81 DV Video Survey Setup Options .................................................................................................. 81 Video Codec ................................................................................................................................ 83 Overlay ........................................................................................................................................ 83

Hardware Settings ....................................................................................................................... 83 Camera Settings .......................................................................................................................... 83

Executing Video Surveys ............................................................................................................ 84 Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 84 Roughness Display ...................................................................................................................... 84

Processing Digitising Videos ...................................................................................................... 85 Digitising Options ....................................................................................................................... 85

11. GPS SURVEYS .......................................................................................................... 86

Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 86 Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 86

Principles of GPS Measurements ................................................................................................ 86 Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 86

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Accuracy of Measurements ......................................................................................................... 87 When to Differentially Correct Data .......................................................................................... 87 GPS Altitude ............................................................................................................................... 88

Survey Planning .......................................................................................................................... 89 Objective: .................................................................................................................................... 89

GPS Setup Options ..................................................................................................................... 89 GPS Settings: .............................................................................................................................. 89 Trimble Settings: ......................................................................................................................... 91 GPS Processing Settings: ........................................................................................................... 91

Executing a GPS Survey ............................................................................................................. 92 Starting the Survey ...................................................................................................................... 92 GPS Data Logging ...................................................................................................................... 92

12. SURVEYS WITH LCMS SCANNING LASER ............................................................. 94

Introduction................................................................................................................................. 94 Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 94

Laser Safety ................................................................................................................................ 94 Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 94

LCMS Setup ............................................................................................................................... 94 LCMS Laser Sensor Setup on Vehicle ......................................................................................... 94 Frame Grabber Card .................................................................................................................. 95 Frame Grabber Software Setup .................................................................................................. 95 LCMS Controller Connections.................................................................................................... 96 LCMS Settings............................................................................................................................. 97 Analysis Options ......................................................................................................................... 98 Calibration Files ......................................................................................................................... 98 Odometer Calibration with LCMS .............................................................................................. 99

Executing a LCMS Survey ......................................................................................................... 99 Starting the Survey ...................................................................................................................... 99 LCMS Data Logging ................................................................................................................... 99

Data Processing ........................................................................................................................ 100 Overview ................................................................................................................................... 100 Processing ................................................................................................................................. 101

Analysing LCMS Data ............................................................................................................. 102 Overview ................................................................................................................................... 102 Automatic Lane Markings and Curb and DropOff for Lane Width .......................................... 102 Road Roughness ........................................................................................................................ 103 Rut Depth Under a Straight-Edge ............................................................................................. 103 Macro-Texture .......................................................................................................................... 104 Cracking ................................................................................................................................... 105 Potholes .................................................................................................................................... 105 Image with Overlay ................................................................................................................... 105 Cleaning of LCMS .................................................................................................................... 106

13. RUT DEPTH SURVEYS WITH LRMS SCANNING LASER.......................................108

Introduction............................................................................................................................... 108 Overview ................................................................................................................................... 108

Laser Safety .............................................................................................................................. 108

LRMS Setup ............................................................................................................................. 109 LRMS Laser Sensor Setup on Vehicle ....................................................................................... 109 Frame Grabber Card ................................................................................................................ 109 LRMS Controller Connections .................................................................................................. 110 LRMS Settings ........................................................................................................................... 111 Analysis Options ....................................................................................................................... 112 Calibration Files ....................................................................................................................... 112 Frame Grabber Software Setup ................................................................................................ 113 LRMS Test Menu ....................................................................................................................... 113

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Executing a LRMS Survey ........................................................................................................ 114 Starting the Survey .................................................................................................................... 114 LRMS Data Logging ................................................................................................................. 114

Data Processing ......................................................................................................................... 115 Overview ................................................................................................................................... 115 Processing ................................................................................................................................. 115

Analysing LRMS Data .............................................................................................................. 115 Overview ................................................................................................................................... 115 Rut Depth Under a Straight-Edge ............................................................................................. 116 Tilt Angle ................................................................................................................................... 116 Status Codes .............................................................................................................................. 116

LRMS Calibration Verification and Cleaning .......................................................................... 117 Calibration Verification ............................................................................................................ 117 Cleaning of LRMS ..................................................................................................................... 118


Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 120 Overview ................................................................................................................................... 120 Theory ....................................................................................................................................... 120

TPL Setup Options .................................................................................................................... 121 TPL Ethernet Connections ........................................................................................................ 121 TPL Settings .............................................................................................................................. 123 Analysis Options ....................................................................................................................... 124 Error Corrections ..................................................................................................................... 125

Executing a TPL Survey ........................................................................................................... 125 Starting the Survey .................................................................................................................... 125 TPL Data Logging .................................................................................................................... 125

Data Processing ......................................................................................................................... 126 Overview ................................................................................................................................... 126 Processing ................................................................................................................................. 127

Analysing TPL Data .................................................................................................................. 129 Overview ................................................................................................................................... 129 Rut Depth Under a Straight-Edge ............................................................................................. 129 Pseudo-Rut Depths .................................................................................................................... 133

15. GEOMETRY SURVEYS ........................................................................................... 134

Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 134 Overview ................................................................................................................................... 134 Theory ....................................................................................................................................... 134

Geometry Setup Options ........................................................................................................... 135 Geometry IMU Connections ..................................................................................................... 135 Geometry IMU Driver ............................................................................................................... 135 Geometry Settings ..................................................................................................................... 135 Setup .......................................................................................................................................... 136

Executing a Geometry Survey .................................................................................................. 136 Starting the Survey .................................................................................................................... 136 Geometry Data Logging ............................................................................................................ 136

Data Processing ......................................................................................................................... 137 Overview ................................................................................................................................... 137 Processing ................................................................................................................................. 137

16. MOVING TRAFFIC COUNT SURVEYS .................................................................... 140

Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 140 Overview ................................................................................................................................... 140 Theory ....................................................................................................................................... 140 Example of Predictions ............................................................................................................. 141

Adjustment Factors ................................................................................................................... 142 Overview ................................................................................................................................... 142

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ADT Calibration Factor ........................................................................................................... 142 AADT Adjustment Factor .......................................................................................................... 143 Defining ADT Calibration Factor ............................................................................................. 144 Defining AADT Adjustment Factor ........................................................................................... 145

Defining Moving Traffic Count Events and Executing a Survey ............................................. 145 Defining Events ......................................................................................................................... 145 Executing a Survey .................................................................................................................... 145

Setup Options............................................................................................................................ 146 Processing Setup options .......................................................................................................... 146

17. TRAVEL TIME SURVEYS ........................................................................................148

Introduction............................................................................................................................... 148 Overview ................................................................................................................................... 148

Setup Options............................................................................................................................ 148 Setup Options ............................................................................................................................ 148

Data Processing ........................................................................................................................ 149 Overview ................................................................................................................................... 149

18. DIGITAL ODOMETER ..............................................................................................150 Overview ................................................................................................................................... 150 Setup ......................................................................................................................................... 150 Using the Odometer .................................................................................................................. 150

19. SOFTWARE SETUP OPTIONS ................................................................................152

Introduction............................................................................................................................... 152 Overview ................................................................................................................................... 152

Basic Settings............................................................................................................................ 152 Calibrate ................................................................................................................................... 152 Test Instruments ........................................................................................................................ 152 Customise .................................................................................................................................. 152 Default File Directory............................................................................................................... 152 Define Pause Key ...................................................................................................................... 153 Assign Mouse Buttons ............................................................................................................... 153 User Defined Fields .................................................................................................................. 153

Advanced Settings .................................................................................................................... 154 Passwords ................................................................................................................................. 154 Program Options ...................................................................................................................... 154 Digital Photos ........................................................................................................................... 155 Time Settings ............................................................................................................................. 155 Laser Surveyor .......................................................................................................................... 156 Heading Gyroscope .................................................................................................................. 156

20. FILE MANAGEMENT ................................................................................................158

Introduction............................................................................................................................... 158 Overview ................................................................................................................................... 158

File Locations ........................................................................................................................... 158 Folders ...................................................................................................................................... 158 Data Files ................................................................................................................................. 158 Audio Files ................................................................................................................................ 159

File Structures – Survey Setup and Management Files ............................................................ 159 Overview ................................................................................................................................... 159 Keycode Event ........................................................................................................................... 159 Odometer Calibration Factors.................................................................................................. 160 Vehicle Calibration Log ............................................................................................................ 160 LRP Pre-Definition ................................................................................................................... 160 Survey Log ................................................................................................................................ 160 ADT Calibration Factors .......................................................................................................... 161 AADT Adjustment Factors ........................................................................................................ 161

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Laser Elevation Test Header ..................................................................................................... 161 Laser Elevation Test Data ......................................................................................................... 162 Laser Elevation Test Packet Diagnostic Data .......................................................................... 162 Laser Bounce Test ..................................................................................................................... 162

Table Structures – Headers and Raw Data ................................................................................ 163 Overview ................................................................................................................................... 163 Survey Header Table ................................................................................................................. 163 Raw BI Roughness Table .......................................................................................................... 164 GPS Header Table .................................................................................................................... 164 GPS Data Table ........................................................................................................................ 164 Video Header Table .................................................................................................................. 165 Video Data Table ...................................................................................................................... 165 TPL Header Table ..................................................................................................................... 165 TPL Data Table ......................................................................................................................... 166 Geometry Header Table ............................................................................................................ 166 Geometry Data Table ................................................................................................................ 167 TPL-LRMS Header Table ......................................................................................................... 167 TPL-LRMS Raw Data Table ..................................................................................................... 168 LCMS Header Table ................................................................................................................. 168 Travel Time Header Table ........................................................................................................ 169 Travel Time Data Table ............................................................................................................ 169

Table Structures – Processed Data ............................................................................................ 170 Overview ................................................................................................................................... 170 Keyboard Rating Table ............................................................................................................. 170 Digital Photo Table ................................................................................................................... 170 LRP Table ................................................................................................................................. 170 GPS Processed Data ................................................................................................................. 171 Video Processed Data ............................................................................................................... 171 Roughness Processed Data ....................................................................................................... 172 TPL Processed Data ................................................................................................................. 172 Travel Time Processed Data ..................................................................................................... 173 TPL-LRMS Processed Data ...................................................................................................... 173 Geometry Processed Data......................................................................................................... 174 Laser Profiler Processed Data.................................................................................................. 174 Texture Processed Data (SMTD) .............................................................................................. 175 LCMS Crack Processed Data ................................................................................................... 175 LCMS Pothole Processed Data ................................................................................................. 175 LCMS Texture Processed Data (MPD) ..................................................................................... 176 LCMS Rutting Processed Data ................................................................................................. 176 LCMS Lane Width Processed Data ........................................................................................... 177 LCMS Ravelling Processed Data .............................................................................................. 177 LCMS Concrete Joint Faulting Processed Data ....................................................................... 178 LCMS Roughness Processed Data ............................................................................................ 178

Other Processed Data Files ....................................................................................................... 179 LCMS XML String File ............................................................................................................. 179 LCMS Roughness Profile Output .............................................................................................. 179 LCMS Roughness csv Output .................................................................................................... 179 LCMS Overlay Image File ........................................................................................................ 179 Laser profiler ERD file (Text or Binary) ................................................................................... 180

21. LICENCE AND WARRANTY .................................................................................... 181 OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................................... 181 DEFINITIONS .......................................................................................................................... 181 HARDWARE WARRANTY ........................................................................................................ 181 SOFTWARE LICENCE ............................................................................................................. 181 COPYRIGHT AND RESTRICTIONS ON USE ......................................................................... 182 NO WARRANTY ........................................................................................................................ 182 SUPPORT ................................................................................................................................. 182 LIMITATION OF LIABILITY .................................................................................................... 182 TERMINATION ......................................................................................................................... 183

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ENTIRE AGREEMENT ............................................................................................................. 183 WAIVER .................................................................................................................................... 183 LANGUAGE.............................................................................................................................. 183 GOVERNING LAW ................................................................................................................... 183

APPENDIX A: INSTALLING THE SPEED/DISTANCE SENSOR .........................................185

APPENDIX B: INSTALLING AND CALIBRATING BUMP INTEGRATORS...........................193 Components .............................................................................................................................. 194 Installation Overview ................................................................................................................ 195 Mounting Options ..................................................................................................................... 195 BI Hook ..................................................................................................................................... 197 Connecting the Wire ................................................................................................................. 198 Overview ................................................................................................................................... 199 Removing the BI Wire ............................................................................................................... 199 Removing the BI Spindle ........................................................................................................... 199 Removing the BI Spring ............................................................................................................ 200 Installing the BI Spring ............................................................................................................. 201 Install BI Wire ........................................................................................................................... 201 Install in Vehicle ....................................................................................................................... 201 Calibration Requirements ......................................................................................................... 201 International Roughness Index ................................................................................................. 202 Definition .................................................................................................................................. 202 Underlying Model ..................................................................................................................... 203 Algorithm .................................................................................................................................. 203 Calibration Steps ...................................................................................................................... 204 Calibration Section Characteristics .......................................................................................... 204 Number of Sections ................................................................................................................... 204 Profiling Techniques ................................................................................................................. 204 Z-250 Profiling ......................................................................................................................... 205 MERLIN Profiling ..................................................................................................................... 207 Overview ................................................................................................................................... 209 Check the Data .......................................................................................................................... 210 Locating the Program ............................................................................................................... 210 Installing the Software .............................................................................................................. 210 Running An Analysis ................................................................................................................. 210 Files .......................................................................................................................................... 211 Preparing the Vehicle ............................................................................................................... 211 Survey Form .............................................................................................................................. 212 Collecting the Data ................................................................................................................... 212 Establishing the Number of Runs .............................................................................................. 212 Performing the Calculations ..................................................................................................... 213 Analysis of Data ........................................................................................................................ 214 Calibration Equations ............................................................................................................... 214 Determining Coefficients .......................................................................................................... 214 Low Speed Effects ..................................................................................................................... 215

APPENDIX C: INSTALLING AND CALIBRATING THE LASER PROFILOMETER ...............217 Laser Profilometer System ........................................................................................................ 218 Overview ................................................................................................................................... 220 Laser DMI Interface Keylock .................................................................................................... 220 Laser Mechanical Shutter ......................................................................................................... 220 Laser Minimum Speed Electrical Interlock ............................................................................... 220 Overview ................................................................................................................................... 221 Mounting on Vehicle ................................................................................................................. 221 Cable Connections .................................................................................................................... 226 ROMDAS Data Collector Computer TCP/IP Configuration .................................................... 228 Laser Profilometer Units Configuration ................................................................................... 228 Laser Profilometer DMI Interface Configuration ..................................................................... 230 Profilometer DMI Interface Odometer Direction ..................................................................... 231 ROMDAS Profilometer Test Menus .......................................................................................... 232

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ROMDAS Software Profilometer Setup .................................................................................... 233 Calibration Requirements ......................................................................................................... 234 Profilometer Odometer Calibration .......................................................................................... 235 Bounce Test ............................................................................................................................... 236 Elevation and Linearity Test ..................................................................................................... 238 Macrotexture ............................................................................................................................. 242 Testing Ethernet Connections ................................................................................................... 243 Laser Profilometer Fuse ........................................................................................................... 243 Laser Lens ................................................................................................................................. 243 Laser Beam Not Active .............................................................................................................. 244

APPENDIX D: INSTALLING AND CALIBRATING THE TPL ................................................ 245 TPL System................................................................................................................................ 246 TPL Installation ........................................................................................................................ 246 Attaching the TPL to the Vehicle .............................................................................................. 246 TPL Wings ................................................................................................................................. 248 Connections............................................................................................................................... 248 Attaching the TPL to the Vehicle .............................................................................................. 249 Calibration Requirements ......................................................................................................... 251 Distance Calibration ................................................................................................................. 251 Create Datum Level .................................................................................................................. 252 Sensor Numbering ..................................................................................................................... 254 Overview ................................................................................................................................... 255 Testing TPL ............................................................................................................................... 255 Sensor Diagnostics .................................................................................................................... 257 Overview ................................................................................................................................... 257

APPENDIX E: INSTALLING THE VIDEO SYSTEM ............................................................. 258 Video Systems ............................................................................................................................ 259 Overlay of Data ......................................................................................................................... 259 Components............................................................................................................................... 259 Configuring Cameras ................................................................................................................ 259 Pegasus Compression Codec .................................................................................................... 260 Windows Media Player Classic ................................................................................................ 262 GigE Video Cameras ................................................................................................................ 262 IP Address ................................................................................................................................. 262 Installing GigE Drivers ............................................................................................................. 263 Ethernet Packet Size.................................................................................................................. 264 Connecting The Camera ........................................................................................................... 265 Pavement Video ........................................................................................................................ 267 Installing the Camera Roof ....................................................................................................... 268 Focusing PGR Video Camera ................................................................................................... 268 Survey with PGR Video Cameras ............................................................................................. 268 Overview ................................................................................................................................... 269 Installing the Camera in the External mount Enclosure ........................................................... 270 Testing ....................................................................................................................................... 270 Mounting to the Vehicle ............................................................................................................ 270

APPENDIX F: INSTALLING GPS RECEIVERS ................................................................... 272 Components............................................................................................................................... 273 Installation ................................................................................................................................ 273 Setting up the Receiver .............................................................................................................. 273 Connections............................................................................................................................... 274 Connecting to the receiver through Ethernet ............................................................................ 274 SPS461 Receiver Setup ............................................................................................................. 275 ROMDAS Settings ..................................................................................................................... 276 OMNISTAR Setup ..................................................................................................................... 277 Components............................................................................................................................... 279 Installation ................................................................................................................................ 279 Setting up the Receiver .............................................................................................................. 279 Setting up ROMDAS.................................................................................................................. 282

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Testing ....................................................................................................................................... 282 Components no longer used ...................................................................................................... 282

APPENDIX G: LCMS/LRMS LASER SAFETY .....................................................................285 Overview ................................................................................................................................... 286 Laser Safety Officer (LSO) ........................................................................................................ 286 Nominal Hazard Ocular Area (NOHA) .................................................................................... 286 ROMDAS Safety Features ......................................................................................................... 286 Establishment of a Laser Controlled Area. ............................................................................... 287 LRMS Laser Output .................................................................................................................. 288 LCMS Laser Output .................................................................................................................. 289

APPENDIX H: PROGRAMMING THE RATING KEYBOARD ...............................................292 Rating Keyboards ..................................................................................................................... 293 USB Rating Keyboards ............................................................................................................. 294 Installing MacroWorks Software .............................................................................................. 294 Installing the Rating Keyboard ................................................................................................. 295 Programming the USB Rating Keyboard .................................................................................. 295

APPENDIX I: QUALITY ASSURANCE FORMS ...................................................................298

INDEX .................................................................................................................................306

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1 Introduction

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1 Introduction

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1. Introduction



The "Road Measurement Data Acquisition System" (ROMDAS) has been developed by Data Collection

Ltd. (DCL) as a generic system for collecting data on road condition and travel time.

It is possible to use ROMDAS for:

roughness surveys;

travel time and congestion surveys;

condition rating surveys;

inventory surveys;

moving traffic surveys;

transverse profile/rutting surveys;

video log surveys;

recording the location of digital photographs;

creating voice records which are associated with road attributes;

collecting GPS/GNSS data;

as a digital trip meter.

ROMDAS uses a computer to store all the data and to interact with the instruments.

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1 Introduction

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The basic ROMDAS system consists of:

a hardware interface;

a digital distance/speed sensor which is spliced into the vehicle speedometer cable or attached to an

electronic speedometer;

all necessary electrical plugs/sockets and cabling;

ROMDAS software.

The optional instruments are used to collect additional data.

The Hardware/Laser DMI Interface connects to the distance/speed sensor. During the survey, the

Interface monitors both the distance/speed sensor and other devices such as the roughness meter. At the

end of the survey the data are processed into Microsoft Access database files.

The only permanent fixture in the vehicle is the distance/speed sensor. It is therefore practical to move

ROMDAS between vehicles as long as they are fitted with a distance/speed sensor and harness. Since most

ROMDAS Systems use a portable computer as the data logger, the computer may also be used for other

activities in between surveys.


ROMDAS can be used in any type of vehicle, from passenger cars through vans to four wheel drives or

trucks. The photos below show vehicles used for ROMDAS surveys in New Zealand and Malaysia. The

ROMDAS web site at has additional photographs.

New Zealand


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1 Introduction

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Types of Data Collected


Designed to be a portable and modular system, ROMDAS can be used to collect a range of data. It is

common to start off with a basic system and then to enhance it with additional measurement instruments

as survey needs become more sophisticated.

Roughness – Response Meter

A response-type roughness meter can be added to measure road roughness. ROMDAS will convert raw

roughness data into calibrated roughnesses through user-supplied equations. If equations are available for

different speeds, ROMDAS will apply the appropriate equation given the vehicle speed at the time of the

measurement. This removes the constraint of trying to operate the vehicle at a single survey speed under all


If the only requirement is a simple roughness survey, ROMDAS can be run by the driver alone, eliminating

the need for an additional operator. A single roughness meter can be used if the vehicle has a rear axle

(half-car roughness); one or two roughness meters if independent rear suspension (quarter-car roughness).

Roughness – Laser Profilometer

The ROMDAS Laser/Accelerometer System is an intelligent transducer specifically intended to measure

road surface profile and optionally road texture characteristics. Distance from the surface under test to

the transducer is measured by means of an infrared laser beam reflected from the surface onto a sensing


Visual Condition and Inventory

Condition and inventory surveys can be done using the computer keyboard. It is possible to assign any key

to an event and these are recorded as point and continuous events. Using a special adapter available from

DCL it is possible to connect multiple keyboards to the Laptop computer. This makes it possible to have

several observers performing rating at the same time—for example one doing condition and a second

inventory. There are also special 20 or 58 key rating keyboards that are ideal for condition surveys.

Groups of keys can be assigned to an individual distresses or roadside events.

If it is necessary to establish the exact locations of certain attributes—for example km posts or signs—the

ROMDAS Laser Surveyor option can be used. This sees a laser range finder with integrated compass and

inclinometer used to establish the exact position of the attribute relative to the vehicle. If GPS is being

recorded in the survey the geo-coordinates of the attribute can be determined with a high degree of


Rut Depth

A ‘Transverse Profile Logger’ is available which can be used to measure the pavement transverse profile

elevations using ultrasonic’s and to establish the rut depth. This instrument stores raw elevation data

which are downloaded to the PC after the survey to calculate the rut depth under a user-definable straight

edge. The transverse profile distortion is used to estimate potential causes of rutting.

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1 Introduction

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Video Recording

A video camera can be used to record data on the pavement right-of-way or the surface. This is connected

to a GigE Ethernet port or Firewire card. Survey chainages and other basic data are recorded to an overlay

on the video image.

Multiple cameras can be used during the survey, for example to record the right-of-way as well as the

roadside areas.

GPS Positions

When used with a GPS/GNSS receiver, ROMDAS will record the global positioning data at user defined

sampling intervals (up to 25 Hz). An IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit) can be fitted to estimate the

location when there is a loss of satellite lock.

Travel Time

Travel time and congestion surveys can be conducted using ROMDAS. These will give the travel time,

distances travelled and acceleration on a second-by-second basis. The system has been specifically

designed to collect data for use in the World Bank’s HDM-4 congestion model.

Traffic Volume

ROMDAS can be used to perform ‘moving traffic surveys’. These entail recording every vehicle that

passes the survey vehicle. The data are used to establish and estimate the AADT.

Digital Photographs

During ROMDAS surveys data can also be collected using a digital camera. Typically, this consists of

photographs of roadside objects such as inventory items or km stones. The frame number corresponding to

the image is entered to ROMDAS which associates a chainage with the photograph.

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1 Introduction

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ROMDAS Versions

Software Platforms

The original ROMDAS software, developed in the early 1990s was an MS-DOS version. It was

superseded in 2002 by a ROMDAS Windows version, which is described in this User’s Guide. All

development on ROMDAS for DOS ceased after the introduction of the ROMDAS Windows version.

Hardware Interfaces

There are several versions of the ROMDAS Hardware Interface:

Version 6.0 (2007 Onwards) – 66 Hz

Version 5.4 (2003 Onwards)

Version 5.3 (2002 Onwards)

Version 5 (1999-2002) – 5 Hz

Version 4 (1998-99)

Version 3 (Post-1996)

Version 2 (Pre-1996)

Version 1 (1988)

The current ROMDAS software version only works with Hardware Version 5.4 and later.

What Needs to be Done to Start Surveying?

Read the Warranty and Software Licence

Before anything else read the Licence and Warranty details in Chapter 21. If you do not agree to these

please return the ROMDAS equipment to DCL for a partial refund.

Overview of Process

As shown in the following figure, the following steps need to be done:

Install the hardware and software

Calibrate the instruments

Plan and prepare for the survey

Execute the survey

Process the data

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1 Introduction

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Install ROMDAS

hardware in


Install ROMDAS

software on PC



Define keycode





test sections


roughness meter

Rut depths?


transverse profile


Visual rating?

Moving traffic


Define vehicle


Plan and

prepare for




Process and

analyse survey

data Output file

Road definitions

Install the Software

Install and set up the ROMDAS software. This is described in Chapter 0

Install and Test the Hardware

The ROMDAS hardware needs to be installed in the vehicle and tested. This is described in Chapter 3.

Calibrate the Instruments

The calibration of the various instruments is described in Chapter 5 and the Appendixes to this manual.

Plan and Prepare for the Survey

This consists of route planning, establishing location reference points, etc. These are discussed in

Chapters 4 and 6.

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1 Introduction

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Do the Survey

The different surveys each have different data collection requirements. They are discussed in Chapters 0

through 18

Data Processing

The processing of survey data is described in the chapters on executing surveys.

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2 Installing and Running ROMDAS

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2. Installing and Running ROMDAS



ROMDAS is copy protected. This sees a unique hardware fingerprint generated by the ROMDAS

software based on the name of the registered user and the hardware that it is installed to. This fingerprint

is provided to DCL who will then provide a registration key which will ensure continued operation.

Without a registration key the software will work for an evaluation period of 30 days after which it will

only operate in Office Mode. It is not possible to get around this by resetting the time or date on the

machine or any other method. The software can be uninstalled and transferred to another computer, but

this requires that a new registration key be issued.

Annual Maintenance Subscription

Continued user support and entitlement for ROMDAS software upgrades is done through the ROMDAS

Annual Maintenance Subscription (AMS). As well as entitling the user to the current update patches of

the software the user will also get many other support entitlements.

An invoice for the next year's Annual Maintenance fee will be sent at the anniversary of purchase date.

Two or more years Annual Maintenance fee can be purchased at a discount.

Refer to the ROMDAS website for current details of the ROMDAS Annual Maintenance Subscription

(AMS) .


Starting the ROMDAS CD

The ROMDAS CD contains software and documentation for the ROMDAS, along with the other

ROMDAS products available. Insert the CD and it should automatically start, displaying the following


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If the CD does not start automatically, do the following:

Start Windows Explorer

Locate the drive with the ROMDAS CD

Highlight the file MenuEng.exe

Double click to start the menu.

ROMDAS Software

To locate the ROMDAS software:

Select ROMDAS Road Measurement Data Acquisition System

Select ROMDAS Software

Select ROMDAS Data Collection Software

This will start the install.

Installing ROMDAS

Default Folder

The ROMDAS software is installed by default to the folder c:\ROMDAS. If you would like to use a

different folder select the Browse button when the next screen is displayed. Otherwise, select Next to

run the install.

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Once installed, a shortcut will be placed on your desktop.

Updating ROMDAS

Update Software

To update the ROMDAS software with a new version you should uninstall the old software before doing

a full reinstall. This is done by locating the Remove Programs icon and then highlighting the

ROMDAS program to remove

Windows Settings

Power Saving Options and Screen Savers

For a real-time data collection system like ROMDAS it is important to insure that no other software is

taking processor time or operating system operations occur which could affect real-time performance.

The following should be done when using ROMDAS in data collection surveys

All Windows Power saving options and screen savers should be turned off.

Check for programs that start-up automatically and run in the background that could affect

performance and can be disabled or turned off e.g. anti-virus software, Skype etc

The data collection computer should be keep as “clean” as possible as the more software is installed the

more background services will be running that could affect real-time operation.

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Windows Performance Options

The ROMDAS software uses Windows background

services for the TPL, Video and Laser Profilometer

devices. With Windows 2000 and later operating

systems, you can increase the performance of

ROMDAS while using any of these devices by

changing the Processor Scheduling setting from the

default “Programs” to the "Background Services"

This option is set under: Control Panel | System |

Advanced | Performance Settings | Advanced |

| Processor Scheduling.

For better real-time performance the Visual Effects

setting can also be changed to Adjust for best


Disk Defragmentation

The ROMDAS Video option will generate a lot of disk activity when writing video data. Disk

fragmentation will affect the performance of the ROMDAS software. Disk defragmentation should be

performed regularly.

Anti Virus Software

Several of the free anti-virus software programs interfere with some or all of ROMDAS operation

(Avast, Kaspersky etc). Generally if it can be avoided we recommend not using anti-virus software on

the data collection computer. However Microsoft Security Essentials has been successfully tested with

ROMDAS and currently is the only anti-virus software that we can recommend using if a antivirus

protection is required.

Active hard drive Protection

Active hard drive protection refers to technology that is mainly used in laptop computers that detects

excess acceleration or vibration and attempts to avoid or reduce mechanical damage to hard disk drives

by preparing the disk(s) prior to impact. The software tells the hard disk to unload its heads to prevent

them coming in contact with the platter, thus potentially preventing head crash.

Laptop vendors have implemented this technology under different names:

HDAPS, Hard Drive Active Protection System, by Lenovo

GraviSense by Acer

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3D DriveGuard, HP Mobile Data Protection System 3D and ProtectSmart Hard Drive Protection

by HP

Free Fall Sensor (FFS) by Dell

HDD Protection by Toshiba

These utilities will generally interfere with ROMDAS data collection as the vibration of the moving

vehicle can shut done the hard disks and prevent ROMDAS from saving the data to file (particularly

important with Video Logging option). These utilities need to be turned off when ROMDAS is operating

in the vehicle.

Evaluating and Registering ROMDAS


The full ROMDAS software is protected with a registration key system so that only the purchased

subsystems will work in surveys. However ROMDAS can also be operated in other modes that don’t

require registration. The three modes of operation are: Evaluation Version - all features and subsystems work, expires after 30 days if full registration

key is not entered. On expiry ROMDAS will automatically revert to become ROMDAS Office.

The 30 day extension will reset if a newer version is installed. The 30 day evaluation period can

be extended at DCL’s discretion. Contact DCL to apply for an extension key.

ROMDAS Office Version - no restrictions on use. Everything works except surveys. Can be

used for Data processing, survey file setup etc.

ROMDAS Registered Version - restricted to one copy per system and enabled for survey

subsystems purchased.

Evaluation Version

ROMDAS can be evaluated for a period of 30 days before registration is required. During the evaluation

period the software is fully functional. However, after this period the software will no longer operate in

evaluation mode on the same computer except if you install a later version of ROMDAS in which case

another 30 days trial is available.

When the software is started in evaluation mode the screen above is shown. After a period of 5 seconds

select Start and ROMDAS will continue to load.

ROMDAS can be changed to operate in either ROMDAS Office or Registered versions at any time.

ROMDAS Office Version

The ROMDAS Office version requires no

registration key to operate. You are therefore able

to install on as many computers as required for

data processing, survey file setup etc.

After installation the ROMDAS software will

operate in Evaluation mode by default. When

starting up the software will display the following

Registration screen.

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To change to ROMDAS Office select he Office Mode button. The following message will appear

informing you that all surveying options will be disabled in the Office version.

Select OK. ROMDAS will now always start in Office mode. The version that ROMDAS is operating in

will be shown on the status line (or the About ROMDAS dialog).

ROMDAS Registered Version

Once the software has been purchased a registration key will be issued. Enter the name the software is to

be registered to in the ROMDAS Registration window shown above (which can also be accessed from

About ROMDAS|Registration Status) and select Email Finger Print or Print Finger Print. Both the

user name and the fingerprint need to be supplied for the software to be registered. In the example above

the fingerprint is EA6D-964E. Send the fingerprint to [email protected] or fax to number in the

Information|About ROMDAS menu. E-mail will give the most prompt response.

The Hardware Finger Print is the unique hardware code for

the computer that ROMDAS is to be installed to. Each

fingerprint is unique to a single computer.

The user name and fingerprint is used to generate a unique

registration key. This will be provided and should be entered as

shown to the right. Once done the Register button is used to

complete the process. If successful, the window below right

will be shown. If not, please contact [email protected].

NOTE: If you change the hardware on your computer the registration key may no longer work. It

will be necessary to first obtain an uninstall key as described next for moving the software to

a new computer, and then obtain a new key once the new hardware is installed.

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Changing the Registration Key

The key is only valid for the specific machine hardware configuration so if ROMDAS is to be used on

another computer or the hardware is changed, it will be necessary to uninstall the software and obtain a

new key. The process is as follows.


Select Information|About ROMDAS|Registration Status

Select the Unregister ROMDAS button

ROMDAS will shut down and the following dialog will be shown. Select OK.

To unregister it is necessary to provide a code which verifies that ROMDAS has been removed. An

example of this code is shown on the following screen. WRITE THIS CODE DOWN. It is necessary

to press all three buttons and then OK to complete the unregistering.

Send this code along with the new hardware fingerprint to DCL at the contacts above and a replacement

key will be provided.

NOTE: If you need to install ROMDAS on to another computer because of hardware failure during a

survey and have no way of easily contacting DCL to obtain a new registration key, the

software can be installed and run for 30 days on a new/uninstalled computer. This 30 days

period should allow you to complete your work in progress.

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Running ROMDAS

Menu Options

The ROMDAS menu system has the following options:

File. Surveys, Odometer Surveys and Data Processing options;

View. View processed data;

Calibrate. Calibration options;

Test. Test menus for the various ROMDAS instruments

Tools. Define setup options;

Help. Information about the software.


Since ROMDAS is used in a moving vehicle, the system has been designed as much as possible to be

operated without needing a mouse. Navigation can be done with standard Windows navigation keys:

Accelerator Key (Ctrl Key) combination: Ctrl key + letter as shown in menu. E.g. Ctrl-S brings up

New Survey dialog.

Alt Key combination: Alt key + first letter of menu item. E.g. Alt-F brings up File menu.

Up/Down/Left/Right Arrow Keys. Move between menu and submenu items

Tab. Move between fields

Enter. Select a menu item

ESC. Close the menu

Function Keys. Assigned to specific tasks


The Tools|Options menu can be password protected to stop unauthorised access to critical settings. If

enabled selecting Tools|Options from the main menu gives the password entry box shown:

The first time ROMDAS is used, the user has direct access to the Tools|Options menus. The password

settings are described in Section 0.

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Test Mode

The ROMDAS software can be run without being connected to the Interface or being in the vehicle by

using the ‘Survey Test Mode’ option. This simulates being connected to Hardware and driving along the

road. It is activated by the menu Survey Test Mode under the Test menu as follows.

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3 Installing and Testing the Survey Hardware

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3. Installing and Testing the Survey Hardware



There are a number of different components to install before surveys can be done. A basic ROMDAS

system, comprised of the hardware interface and roughness meter, can typically be installed in about 2

hours. More complicated systems, such as the video, may take 3-4 hours. In general, less than a day is

required to install a full ROMDAS system into a vehicle.

It is not necessary to have specialist tools or services to install ROMDAS, although access to a vehicle

hoist or work pit is useful for installing the odometer sensor and bump integrator.

This chapter covers installing and testing the various ROMDAS instruments. It also includes setting up

the system for using with digital cameras and voice recording.

Tools Required

The following tools are required:


Sharp knife


Screw Driver


Electric Drill with 20 mm drill bit (for roughness meter)

Installing the Odometer Sensor

Types of Sensors

The installation requirements for the speed/distance sensor depend upon the type of sensor. Appendix A

describes how the appropriate sensor should be selected. The main sensor is the generic fit Proximity

Odometer sensor. The Proximity Odometer sensor magnets are affixed to the driveshaft to the inside

of the wheel and monitored when the part rotates.

Other types of standard speed/distance sensors are also available for use with ROMDAS:

High Resolution DMI. This is the sensor used when high resolutions are required (see Appendix

A). If you have LCMS/LRMS, Laser Profiler, or TPL modules then the HR DMI is the mandatory

DMI sensor. This sensor should only be used on sealed roads.

Electronic Speedometer Sensor. This is used in vehicles that have electronic speedometers. It

monitors the pulse line and returns a signal for each pulse. This works on most vehicles with the

only problems reported with a Nissan utility.

For older vehicles with cable driven speedometers the following could also be used:

Screw-in Transmission Speedometer Cable Sensor. This connects at the junction between the

speedometer cable and the transmission. It fits most modern Japanese vehicles and screws directly to

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the transmission. The speedometer cable is then connected to the sensor. It is fast and easy to fit but

it does not fit all vehicles.

Splice-in Speedometer Cable Sensor. This is spliced into the speedometer cable housing with the

existing speedometer cable running through the centre of the sensor.

The standard sensors are illustrated in the following photograph.

Installation Instructions

Detailed instructions on installing the sensors are given in Appendix A.

Connecting the Power


There are two options available for supplying power to ROMDAS:

Power Cable. This is used when there is only a single hardware interface needs to be powered the

cable can be directly connected to the vehicle cigarette lighter socket.

Power Distribution Box. The distribution box is used when there are multiple instruments to

connect (i.e. GPS, gyroscope, video system, etc.).

The power plug used for the ROMDAS instruments is through a two-pin screw in connector, shown in

the next diagram. The pin connections and numbering are as follows. The figure shows the connections

when looking at the plug.

Positive (+)

Negative (-)

The installation requirements of both are different, as described next.

+ -

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Power Cable

The ROMDAS power cable1 is illustrated below and the labelled components are as follows:

Power In. The end of the cable with a cigarette lighter plug connected to it is used to power the

ROMDAS unit. A 7 Amp fuse is contained in the cigarette lighter plug.

Interface Power. This cable provides power to the ROMDAS hardware interface. It has a screw-in


Power Distribution Box

The ROMDAS power distribution box is shown next. It is used when there are multiple instruments that

need to be run—typically a video system or a TPL and GPS. The power distribution box provides

multiple power points for ROMDAS instruments, each individually fused.

The power distribution box has a battery cable. This should be run through the firewall of the vehicle to

the engine compartment and the two circular connectors attached to the positive (RED wire) and

negative (BLACK) wire terminals. Care should be taken to ensure that the wires are clear of all moving

parts and high-tension leads.

The power distribution box should be positioned in the vehicle so that the On-Off switch is readily

accessible and the instruments can be easily connected. Double-sided Velcro is supplied to help ensure

that the power distribution box is held firmly in place.

1 The Power Cable replaces the ROMDAS Power Switch.

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NOTE: The ROMDAS power distribution box should only be connected to a 12 V vehicle DC

electrical system.

The Power Box has re-settable fuses. If the fuse has blown the red button will pop out. It needs to be

pushed back in to reset the fuse.

Installing the Hardware Interface


The following components are required for installing the hardware interface in the vehicle:

ROMDAS hardware interface

Cable ties

ROMDAS power cable

RS-232 cable

Reverse light cable (optional)

Adhesive Velcro

Positioning the Interface

The interface should be positioned in such a way that:

The lights on the interface are visible. This allows the operator to confirm that the data are being


It is protected from collateral damage such as being stepped on;

It is within reach of the cables.

ROMDAS is supplied with double sided Velcro tape, which is suitable for positioning the interface in

many different ways and to hold it, steady. The photo to the right is an example of an installation at the

rear of the centre console in a Pajero that was done using the adhesive Velcro.

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Connecting the Cables

Odometer Cable. The cable connecting the odometer sensor needs to be run into the vehicle. This is

done either via an existing hole in the firewall or by drilling a new hole.

Roughness Cable. The BI extension cable should be run to the bump integrator if roughness is to be



RS-232 Cable. The RS-232 cable should be screwed into the interface and then run to the


The cables are usually wrapped together with tape or cable ties. For protection they should then be run

under the carpets, seats, consoles to the point where the interface will be mounted before connecting

them to the interface. The top of the interface is labelled with the location of the different connections.

Installing the Transverse Profile Logger


The transverse profile logger (TPL) must be mechanically mounted on the front of the vehicle. It is

connected to the computer via an Ethernet cable.

Detailed instructions on installing the TPL are given in Appendix D.


The following components are required for installing the TPL:

TPL ( Housing with Master Controller, sensors and electronics)

Power and Ethernet Connection Cables

Installing the Video System


Detailed instructions on installing the video system are given in Appendix E.


To record video images data the following components are supplied:

Video camera

Firewire PCMCIA Card if computer does not have a Firewire port


Power supply

The components depending upon the type of video system purchased.

Positioning the Camera

The camera should be positioned on the vehicle so that it has a clear view of the road right-of-way. If the

vehicle will be operated in rainy conditions it is advisable to mount the camera inside the vehicle

otherwise it will be necessary to regularly stop and wipe clean the lens on the camera housing.

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Installing GPS Receivers


Detailed instructions on installing GPS receivers are given in Appendix F


To record GPS data the following components are supplied:

GPS receiver

Cable to supply power to receiver

GPS antenna

RS-232 cable to connect GPS receiver to computer

Positioning the GPS Unit

The GPS receiver should be positioned so that it is clear of the floor. The receivers can be affixed using

double-sided Velcro or with some receivers an optional kit is available to hold the unit.

The antenna is usually mounted on the roof of the vehicle. The antenna should have as clear a view of

the sky as is practicable.

Activating GPS Measurements

Activating GPS measurements are described in Chapter 11.

Installing the Laser Profilometer


Detailed instructions on installing the Laser Profilometer are given in Appendix C


The Laser Profilometer data gives the longitudinal profile of the pavement for determining roughness in

IRI (m/km).

The following components are supplied with the Laser Profilometer:

Laser Unit

Ethernet Switch

High Resolution DMI

Laser DMI Interface

Mounting Bar


Positioning the Laser

The following should be considered when positioning the Laser:

It must be mounted at least 430 mm away from the road surface when the vehicle is carrying its

expected weight

It must be mounted as parallel as possible to the road surface

Installing the Laser

Once a suitable position has been established the following is done:

Attach the laser to the mounting bar

Mount the High Resolution DMI to the wheel

Connect cabling

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Software setup

Digital Cameras


Digital cameras can be used during ROMDAS

surveys for taking still photographs of roadside

events, such as location reference points, structures,

etc. By linking the digital photographs to keyboard

events, ROMDAS will store the file name when the

photograph is taken. The photographs can then be

readily accessed from database management systems.

As many photos as required can be taken of each


Activating Digital Camera Photos

The settings for the digital photographs are located under:

Tools|Options|Digital Camera Settings

Selecting this gives the screen to the right. Where the user defines the digital photograph settings

Generate File Name: This will see the name of the photograph generated and stored with the data


Camera Type: The type of camera used. Each camera has its own unique naming convention which

numbers the digital photographs sequentially, the following are the conventions used with each

camera, where xxxxx is a sequential number.

Fuji MX 1200 DSCfxxxx.jpg

HP C20/C30 DSCxxxxx.jpg

Ricoh 6000 RIMGxxxx.jpg

Sony DSC-F505 DSCxxxxx.jpg

Defined Camera File Name: Additional cameras can be included by selecting NEW as the camera

type and defining the camera name in the window to the top right. The character prefix and the

number of characters are then defined based on the naming convention used by the camera (bottom


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Using Digital Cameras in Surveys

Having activated the digital camera option it is necessary to associate a keyboard event with a digital

photo (see Section 0) and/or enable digital photos to be taken at LRP’s (see Section 0).

Installing Additional Communication Ports


Most computers, particularly Laptops, come with no or only a single COM port. When using ROMDAS

it is usually necessary to add extra COM ports via a USB to Serial (RS-232) converter.

All devices require drivers to run under Windows. These should be supplied with the system otherwise

they can be located on the ROMDAS CD under the Software|Drivers folder.

Once a device is installed, it should be verified from the Windows Control Panel.

Select Start|Settings|Control Panel

Select System | Device Manager and the window to the

right is opened. This lists the devices installed on the


Expand the entry for Ports (COM & LPT)

The available ports will be listed, such as shown below which

gives the available ports with a Socket IO dual PCMCIA card.

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Setting Communication Parameters

Assigning COM Ports

It is necessary to assign the communication (COM) ports that each instrument will operate at. These are

defined through the Setup Options dialog form for each device:

The following should be noted:

Each instrument must be assigned to a different COM port if it is to be used simultaneously. The

drop down list will list the available COM ports and any existing ROMDAS Instrument COM port


Some instruments need to have Baud rate and other serial parameters set to match the settings on the

instrument. Where this is applicable an additional Set button will be available beside the COM port

drop down list as in the following GPS settings form.

The table below lists the appropriate values for the different instruments used with ROMDAS.

Instrument Supplier Settings

These settings cannot be changed for the following instruments: -

Hardware interface DCL 38400,N, 8,1

These settings must match the settings on the Instrument but usually are

set to:

GPS – Garmin GPS18 /12XL


9600,N, 8,1

GPS – Trimble SPS 461 Trimble 56,000,N, 8,1

Laser Surveyor Laser Atlanta 4800,N, 8,1

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Testing the Instruments


The final step of the installation process is to test the instruments using the Test menu:

Test Hardware Interface

The ROMDAS hardware interface has a series of LED's on the unit to assist with testing and diagnostics.

The chart below summarises how these are used to investigate problems with the interface or the

connections when executing a roughness survey, either in a vehicle or with the ROMDAS tester.

Hardware interface v5.4 and V6.0

Turn On Interface

All LEDs On for 2


Then RED Power


Green BI and

ODO LEDS flash

if inputs recieving


Press Space Bar to

Start Survey

RED power LED

on Yellow PC



blink as unit

receives ODO

and BI pulese

If RED LED goes out or is intermittant there is a problem with the power to the unit

If the ODO LED is not blinking when driving check the odometer sensor and cabling or connect the tester

If the BI LED is not blinking check the cabling to BI or connect the tester

Test GPS

The ‘Test GPS’ option is used to test the receiver to ensure that data are being received. A successful test


The instrument is connected to the appropriate port; and,

The correct instrument settings are in the ROMDAS software. As described in Chapter 0, there are

several different ways of data being transmitted from the GPS receiver to ROMDAS and it is

important that the system be properly set.

Select the type of GPS to use

Trimble instruments should use Trimble TSIP protocol settings if available.

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Other instruments NMEA

Select Tools|Test Instruments|Test GPS

Select Start

The data from the GPS receiver will be logged to the PC. It will be converted to the latitude, longitude

and altitude. The Data Received box will show the actual NMEA sentences being received. The screen

below is an example of such data.

NOTE: It is common for receivers to take several minutes to initialise and begin logging their data.

The following should be noted with regard to this test:

If the GPS time is displayed but there is no position information (latitude, longitude, and altitude)

this is because there are insufficient satellites in view. Try moving the antenna

If there is no GPS time:

Ensure that the antenna can see satellites (i.e. is it outdoors in an open area?)

Check the communications parameters and COM Port through the Test COM Port menu

Test TPL

The ‘Test TPL’ option is used to test the Transverse Profile Logger instrument. This instrument is used

to obtain the transverse profile of the road to measure rut depth.

Connect the TPL Master Controller

Select Test|Test Instruments|Test TPL

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Test Laser Surveyor

The ‘Test Laser Surveyor’ option is used to test the hand-held Laser Surveyor instrument. This

instrument is used to obtain the position of objects adjacent to the road.

Select Test|Test Instruments|Test Laser Surveyor

Point the laser at an object at least 5 m away

Press the trigger

The screen should display the distance to the object, its bearing and the slope.

If there is no data received check the communications parameters and COM Port through the Test COM

Port menu.

Test Geometry

The ‘Test Geometry’ option is used to test the ROMDAS Geometry Unit.

Connect all cables

Start the Geometry test

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The ‘Test TPL-LRMS’ option is used to test the ROMDAS LRMS Laser.

Connect all cables

Connect the power to the LRMS

Start the TPL_LRMS test

Test Laser Profilometer

The ‘Test Laser Profilometer’ option is used to test the ROMDAS Laser IP connections.

Connect all cables

Connect the power to the Laser

Start the laser Connections test

The display will be as shown below showing the IP connections of each unit.

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4. Principles of Road Measurement



Before describing the ROMDAS and its features, it is important to appreciate some of the principles of

road measurement. A proper understanding of these principles will ensure that the ROMDAS system is

used to its full potential.


The following terminology is employed in this User’s Guide:

Chainage: the location along a road from a start point (in m).

LRP: Location Reference Point. A permanent marker or feature adjacent to the road used as a

reference point for surveys.

Keyboard rating: recording events with the PC (or external rating) keyboard.

Continuous event: an event on, or adjacent to, the road which applies over a section of the road

(e.g. a cracked section)

Point event: an event on or adjacent to the road which applies to a point (e.g. a traffic sign or


Sampling interval: the interval over which data are recorded. It is usually 100 - 1000 m for

roughness surveys.

Transverse profile: the pavement profile across a lane.

Longitudinal profile: the pavement profile along a lane.

Location Reference Points

Using LRPs

When conducting a survey, the most important single consideration is the location referencing system.

The location referencing system used in ROMDAS is a linear system i.e. the survey starts at a given

point and progresses along the road. The survey chainage increases as you drive away from the start

point and decreases when heading back along the same road towards the start point.

Surveys are always done between a start and end point. The common practice is only to record these two

chainages, however, this is inadvisable. No matter how well calibrated a distance/speed sensor is, there

will be variations in the lengths recorded between different surveys on the same road. This will create

problems in reconciling data.

A better approach is to have regular Location Reference Points (LRPs) along the road. These can be

existing km stones, culverts, buildings, signs, or any physical feature which will not change between

surveys. By selecting LRPs at regular intervals, generally 1 km, one minimises the errors between

different surveys, particularly those conducted in successive years. This is done by resetting the chainage

at each LRP thereby expressing all data in terms of the offset from the last LRP.

To illustrate the importance of using LRPs and resetting the chainages at each LRP, consider Figure 1.

This consists of a road which has been accurately surveyed and has LRPs at 1000 m and 2000 m.

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Figure 1: Implications of LRP Resets on Survey Chainages

No matter how well calibrated the odometer is, it will never read exactly the same in two surveys of the

same road. This applies not only to the ROMDAS, but to any distance measuring device. Proper

calibration limits these effects, but they can never be eliminated. Thus, in each subsequent survey the

sections will not be identical, with the chainage errors accumulating as one travels along the road.

In Case 1, the odometer is underestimating the distance. As a consequence, the actual sampling intervals

are greater than the target 250 m. At the first LRP there is only a small difference, however, as one

continues along the road the errors accumulate so one eventually has the target segments completely out

of synchronisation with the actual segments.

However, were one using LRP resets the errors would not accumulate and would only pertain to the last

sampling interval. This is illustrated in Figure 1 under “Case 1 - Reset” where the final sampling interval

before the LRP reset is shorter than the others. At each LRP the data are resynchronised thereby

ensuring that the errors are confined to each section. It is also important to note that the data, for

example the roughness, is calculated on the actual distance measured so the value will be representative

of that actual segment, even though they are measured on a shorter segment.

Case 2 arises when the odometer is over-estimating the chainage. As in Case 1, the error accumulates so

the sections are soon unsynchronised. In this instance, ROMDAS synchronises the sections depending

upon the distance after the last sampling interval when the LRP is recorded. Two situations arise:

the user can specify a distance after the LRP to increment to the next LRP. By default, this is set at

100 per cent of the sampling interval. If the LRP is recorded within this zone, the data will be stored

as in “Case 2 - Reset A”;

if the LRP is not recorded within this zone, the data are recorded as “Case 2 - Reset B”.

Implications of Odometer Error

To illustrate the importance of resetting chainages at LRPs, consider the following example from a

typical (and real life) odometer calibration. Three runs were made with the vehicle over a 200 m section.

The number of odometer pulses recorded were 973, 975 and 977 over the section. These corresponded to

4865, 4875 and 4885 pulses per km. Assuming that the mean of 4875 is appropriate, the following is the

distances that would have arisen with each of these values:

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The above data show that the small difference of 2 pulses over 200 m can translate into an error of 100

m over 50 km. Over short distances, such as are used with LRP resets, the error is small enough to be


Importance of LRP Resets

The importance of using LRP resets cannot be overemphasised. Highway agencies which do

not use these invariably have problems reconciling their data from year to year. Many have to

resort to sophisticated (or not so sophisticated!) processing algorithms (“rubber banding”),

while others simply give up in frustration. ROMDAS has been designed in such a way that you can

easily avoid these problems. Because of that we STRONGLY recommend the use of LRP resets.

ROMDAS has been designed to make full use of LRPs. The software will let the user supply a file

containing a list of LRPs and their chainages, as recorded in a previous survey. As the survey progresses,

the ROMDAS informs the operator that the vehicle is approaching an LRP established in a previous

survey along with a description of the LRP. The operator will then press the ESC key when the vehicle

is adjacent to the LRP. The recording is then reset thereby ensuring that the data corresponds exactly to

the measurements made in previous surveys. The end chainages can be synchronised by replacing the

surveyed chainage with the measured chainage from the LRP survey. It is also possible to insert new

LRPs into an existing file or even to create an entirely new LRP file during a survey.

It is recommended that the chainages of the LRPs be established either in a separate survey or during the

first roughness survey. These LRPs can then be used in all future surveys to ensure sampling


Distance Measurement Accuracy


The above discussion of LRPs touched upon the issue of measurement accuracy. It must be appreciated

that the accuracy of your distance measurement is directly proportional to the number of pulses

measured per km. With a Proximity odometer vehicles generate 2000 - 7000 pulses/km. This

corresponds to 0.5 - 0.14 m/pulse which is adequate for most applications.

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The exception to this is when looking at acceleration behaviour in travel time surveys. Unless there is

approximately 5000 pulses/km one finds that the results are insufficiently accurate to get a good estimate

of the acceleration behaviour. The ROMDAS High Resolution Distance Measurement Instrument

(HRDMI) is available for situations where high resolutions are required.

Visual Keyboard Rating


The principle behind keyboard rating is to use the survey vehicle to establish the chainage of features,

pavement condition or other roadside events.

Types of Events

Before undertaking keyboard rating it is necessary to break down the items to be measured into point

and continuous events:

a point event is something which exists at a single point in space, such as traffic signs or LRPs; or,

a continuous event is something which exists over a section, such as pavement condition.

Continuous events have two chainages: a beginning and end chainage.

There is a special type of continuous event called a switch event. This can be understood as a series of

continuous events. For example, one may define a ranking for pavement condition from 0 to 5. These are

continuous events so one would normally have to press two keys when changing; one to end the

previous condition and one to apply to the new condition. Switch events remove the need to press two

keys. When the second key is pressed the first event is cancelled2.

Assigning Events

It is necessary to allocate an individual key on the computer keyboard to each event. These should be

carefully selected so as to be both easily accessible and easy to remember. It is good practice to tape

small labels to the keys identifying the event.

When recording pavement condition it is recommended that the severity of the event also be recorded.

This is done by allocating several keys to the same event, each with differing severities, for example:

Key Description

A No cracks

S Low cracking

D High Cracking

F Extreme Cracking

It is strongly advised that any severity rating system must include a ‘no defect’ condition since many

models which use condition data have different functions for ‘no’ versus ‘some’ distresses.

When selecting the number of distresses to record, and their severities, always bear in mind the

practical limitations of the operator. The greater the number to record the more difficult it is to

get reliable and repeatable results.

2 Normally, one has events that apply continuously along a section of road. For example, there will always be either no

cracking or a level of cracking. ROMDAS defaults to having the user switch only between switch events; you cannot

have ‘no’ event. However, this can be overruled in the keycode event setup screen.

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Rating Keyboards

There are special 20 or 58 ROMDAS rating keyboards available which are designed to facilitate

condition rating surveys. Each key can be individually programmed to any key on the computer

keyboard. These greatly simplify the visual rating process. The programming of these keyboards is

described in Appendix G.

20 Key Keyboard

58 Key Keyboard

For example, one can assign different distresses to the rows and different severities to the columns. This

greatly simplifies the correct identification of the key to press for a distress. For inventory surveys the

keys could be labelled with different inventory items. The figure is an example of how a 58 key rating

keyboard could be labelled to collect different data. Here, the condition is being expressed in terms of

the Surface Integrity Index which is a 0 to 5 scale3.

It is possible to record keyboard events before the survey actually starts. This allows the

operators to mark the events so that they are recorded at the survey chainage. For further

information on Preliminary Keycodes see Section 0

Surveying Adjacent Sections

The Problem

A problem can often arise when measuring two adjacent lanes on a two-lane road.

When the survey of the first lane is completed the vehicle must be turned around to measure the second

lane. Roughness is measured over regular sampling intervals but the last interval is usually of a shorter

length than the sampling interval. When measuring the roughness in the second lane unless the first

interval length is the same as the last interval for the previous lane, the survey results will be staggered

and not correspond to exactly adjacent sections. This problem can be visualised as under diagram (a).

3 Paterson, W.D.O. (1993). A Standard Surface integrity Index of Pavement Condition: Definition and Measurement

Procedure. Internal Paper, the World Bank, Washington, D.C.

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ROMDAS allows the user to terminate a survey, reposition the vehicle and start the survey on the other

lane. It adjusts the first interval length so that it is the same as the last interval for the previous lane. This

ensures that the results of a roughness survey apply to adjacent samples. This is illustrated below under

diagram (b).

The user does not need to survey the other side of the road immediately. By opening an existing file the

operator will be prompted if they want to continue an existing survey or survey the other side. This

makes it possible to plan the surveys in the most efficient manner possible.

NOTE: This option cannot be used in conjunction with LRP resets. In such a case there should

be separate files of LRPs for each lane. It will also not work if you are manually defining the

end of the roughness sampling interval.

Programming a Survey


To improve the efficiency of the survey programme it is often necessary to interrupt what should be a

continuous run to measure roads running off from the primary survey route. An example of this is shown

below. The procedure to follow is:

The operators shall terminate the main survey at an LRP or other roadside feature which will be easy

to return to (Run 1). It is generally recommended that this be past the point where the other surveys

are to commence.

They may then execute the other surveys (Run 2 and Run 3).

They shall return to where they ended the previous survey they enter the same Survey_ID as was

used previously. They will then be given the option to Continue the previous run. The data

collection will be started where they left off and, once processed, both components of Run 1 will be


LRP or Roadside Feature

Run 1

Run 2 Run 3

Continuation of Run 1

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5. Calibrating the Instruments



Before any surveys can be conducted it is necessary to calibrate the instruments. The following

calibrations must be done:

Odometer: This is required for all vehicles. This ensures that the distances and speeds recorded by

the survey vehicle are correct.

Roughness Meter: The roughness meter must be calibrated on Roughness calibration sections

against the International Roughness Index (IRI).

Transverse Profile Logger: The distance measurements of the TPL must be calibrated and the

instrument levelled.

Laser Profilometer: The accuracy of the Profilometer must be monitored with the Bounce checks.

If this calibration test does not meet the requirements or the Profilometer or it is past its calibration

expiry date, the Profilometer should be returned for calibration.

Odometer Calibration


Every 5000 km

Equipment Required

The following equipment is required:

DMI and Roughness Calibration log E012 Form 1 (see Appendix I)

ROMDAS vehicle with DMI operating and computer installed

Chalk for marking tyre

Tyre pressure gauge

Tape measure (the longer the tape the easier to maintain accurate measurements – 50 m or greater is


Paint for marking start and end of section.

Locating and Marking the Calibration Section

It is necessary to locate a section of road which is flat and straight with little traffic for the calibration

and which is at least 200 m long (preferably 300 m or more).

Locate the start of the section at a permanent feature, such as a traffic sign.

Mark this start location with paint.

Measure along the road with the tape measure to a second permanent feature.

Mark this end location with paint.

Note: For future reference and audit it is imperative that the Odometer Calibration section is

well marked, maintained and easily identifiable. This site will now become the distance

reference standard for all your ROMDAS surveys so care and attention are vital.

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Preparing the Vehicle

Drive vehicle for minimum of 10 km to ensure that tyres are at operating temperature

Check pressure with a tyre gauge and ensure that tyres are at their manufacturer’s recommended

operating pressure4.

Park vehicle with a wheel over the pavement paint mark

Mark tyre with white chalk where tyre meets pavement paint mark (if using low resolution DMI –

see below)

Running the Calibration

Start the ROMDAS software

Select Calibrate|Odometer|Run Odometer Calibration

Use the Add New Vehicle button to enter the name of the vehicle to be calibrated or select an

existing vehicle from the drop down Vehicle list (see below).

Press the Space Bar to start calibration

Drive to end of the test section5

The next steps will differ depending on the resolution of the DMI. If you are using a HI RES DMI then

just stop exactly on the end of calibration section mark and press Space Bar otherwise:

Continue past the end of calibration section mark and stop vehicle at place where the point marked

by chalk on the tyre meets the pavement

Press Space Bar to end calibration

Measure the distance travelled past the end of calibration section mark

Enter the distance of the calibration section (plus the distance travelled past if required as above)

Press Calculate and the calibration factor will be displayed

4 Manufacturers recommended pressures usually on sticker on back of driver’s side door frame. 5 It is important that the vehicle does not move backwards at any time during the calibration as this will give false distance


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Record the number of pulses and data of calibration in the Odometer calibration spreadsheet

Repeat for 5 runs


A workbook template Odometer Calibration.xlt is available for the calculations. It is located on the

ROMDAS CD under menu ROMDAS Software|Templates. This template is shown below.

Enter the data for each of the runs

If the error tolerance is < 0.1% the 90 and 95% confidence intervals will show the word ‘Pass’. If it

is greater than 0.1% it will show ‘Fail’. In this instance additional runs should be done.

For a discussion of the statistical basis for the above calculations please see Appendix B (Installing and Calibrating Roughness Meters).

Entering Results to Software

Every time a calibration survey is run the last calibration factor is stored for use. This value should be

replaced by the Mean calibration factor calculated from the multiple runs in the Odometer Calibration


Select Calibrate| Calibrate Odometer| Edit

Odometer Calibration Factor

Select the appropriate vehicle

Enter the mean calibration factor from the


Enter the tyre pressure used for calibration (usually

the manufacturers recommended tyre pressure) with


Enter the vehicle odometer amount with units.

Select Apply

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Roughness Meter Calibration


Before each major roughness survey or every 5000 km

Equipment Required

The following equipment is required:

DMI and Roughness Calibration log E012 Form 1 (see Appendix I)

ROMDAS vehicle with DMI and roughness meters operating and computer installed

Roughness calibration test sites (see Appendix B)


Preparing the Vehicle

Drive vehicle for minimum of 10 km to ensure that tyres are at operating temperature

Check pressure with a tyre gauge and ensure that tyres are at their manufacturer’s recommended

operating pressure.

Running the Calibration

Start the ROMDAS software

Select Calibrate|Calibrate Roughness Meter

Enter the test section ID, description and select the vehicle to be calibrated

Enter the length of the calibration section

Press F10 to prepare the system to store the data

Drive the vehicle to the appropriate speed6.

6 One must calibrate the vehicle for each speed that is surveyed. Typically, these consist of low speeds (eg 30-50 km/h)

and high speeds (eg 80 – 100 km/h). Average Interval Speed should be within ± 2.3 km/h of selected calibration


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When the vehicle reaches the start of the test section press the Space Bar to start logging. The

software will record for the distance entered (in the example above 300 m) and then automatically

stop. The results will be displayed as shown below.

Record the speed and raw count for each BI

Perform at least three runs at each speed and check that the data are of an appropriate accuracy as

described under analysis below. Perform additional runs as required.

Repeat for each test section.


A workbook template Roughness Calibration.xlt is available for the calculations. It is located on the

ROMDAS CD under menu ROMDAS Software|Templates. The Data Sheet in the workbook is shown


Enter the roughness of the test section in IRI m/km in Site IRI column (as established with Class 1

Device such as ROMDAS Z250).

Enter the calibration speed of the vehicle run in Calibration Speed Column.

Check that the actual average speed is within ± 2.3 km/h of the calibration speed.

Enter the data for the roughness from each of the three runs in ROMDAS Raw BI Count columns.

As described in Appendix B, if the mean is not statistically significant at 90 or 95% confidence

intervals the data will show Fail in Pass/Fail columns. In this case, perform additional runs until

Pass is shown. It may also be appropriate to delete outliers.

Note: If two bump integrators are used the data should be entered for each BI into the workbook. The

above example is for a single BI.

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Roughness Calibration Equations

Roughness calibration equations are used to convert the raw survey roughnesses into a calibrated

roughness index (IRI m/km). The template Roughness Calibration.xlt can be used to establish these


The Roughness Plot Sheet shows the mean roughness from Raw BI Count per KM Column plotted

against the Site IRI Column. A linear or non-linear regression can be done on these data by right clicking

on the data series points and selecting Fit Trendline.

The figure below is an example of these equations in the linear form.

Defining Coefficients in ROMDAS

Having established the regression equations the coefficients can be entered in ROMDAS.

In the example above linear equations for each speed have been established with R2 <= 0.90

IRI100 = 0.001BI - 0.06

R2 = 0.9989

IRI50 = 0.0011 BI- 0.1926

R2 = 0.9437

The Roughness Coefficients need to be entered into the linear form of the roughness equation below

CALIB_RGH = a1 + a2 x BI

For calibration speed of 50 km/h the calibration factors are:

a1 as –0.1926

a2 as 0.0011

For calibration speed of 100 km/h the calibration factors are:

a1 as -0.06

a2 as 0.001

(with a linear equation all other coefficients of the full roughness equation (a3 to a7)) would be zero).

Select Calibrate|Calibration Files | Edit Roughness Calibration Coefficients

Select the Vehicle which the coefficients will apply to.

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Enter the Speed Value that the coefficients apply to.

Enter the coefficients for BI 1 and, if used, BI 2. The screen below shows the entries for the

following equations to be applied at the calibration speeds of 50 and 100 km/h for 1 BI:

Video Display Roughness Coefficients

The video overlay display can show the roughness. Instead of showing the actual IRI, the display is of a

Roughness Index as expressed by a single equation, applied for all speeds. This is because the vehicle

may be out of calibration during the survey and so any display of IRI may be incorrect.

Laser Profilometer Calibration


Annually or sooner if not able to acceptable results in Elevation Tests


Each laser unit is fitted with a calibration sticker containing the date of last calibration and the date of

the next recommended re-calibration (12 months from last calibration). To ensure continued optimum

performance of the unit re-calibration within the suggested dates is recommended.

If the calibration sticker has been removed then the last calibration date can be checked by connecting to

the laser with the serial configuration cable and using the config command from Hyper Terminal. See

Appendix C for details

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Calibration is not possible by the user and the lasers need to be sent back to the manufacturer. Please

contact DCL ([email protected]) for details.

Transverse Profile Logger Calibration


Before each TPL survey

Equipment Required

TPL Calibration log E012 Form 2

ROMDAS vehicle with TPL operating and computer installed

TPL test trough. This can be made from a wooden frame with plastic sheeting, as shown below.


Fill the TPL trough with water

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Park the vehicle with TPL mounted over the trough on the level concrete floor of the garage

Bounce the suspension of the vehicle to settle the suspension

Select Calibrate|Calibrate TPL|CREATE CALIBRATION DATA

Run the TPL for 1 minute


A workbook template TPL Calibration.xlt is available for the calculations. It is located on the

ROMDAS CD under menu ROMDAS Software|Templates. The Data Sheet in the workbook is shown


The analysis performs two checks on the data:

Absolute Readings: The elevation readings (in mm) are checked to ensure that there are no missed

readings (i.e. the minimum elevation is > 0), that the standard error is <= 1.0 mm, and that the

standard deviation is <= 1.0 mm.

Successive Reading Differences: These are the differences between successive elevation readings.

The maximum difference must be <= 2 mm and the average <= 0.05 mm.

If any of the rules fail the Pass/Fail box will have the word ‘Fail’. A check should be made of the TPL

sensor which fails. Often, this only requires that the foam be repositioned.

To perform these checks the following procedure is followed:

Process the data using the ROMDAS TPL data processing routines

Open a new workbook using the Excel TPL Calibration template

Open the file from the calibration in Excel

Copy the data to the data section of the TPL Calibration workbook highlighted in yellow.

Ensure that all data Pass.

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6 Planning and Preparing for a Survey

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6. Planning and Preparing for a Survey



The importance of survey planning and preparation cannot be over-emphasised. Experience has shown

that every hour spent planning a survey to ensure that it is executed smoothly can save up to 8 hours in

post-survey data processing/corrections etc.

This chapter focuses on the following components of survey planning and preparation:

Defining Keyboard Events. Setting up the keyboard to record visually identified features during a

survey. See Chapter 7 for further details on setting up and defining the Rating Keycodes.

LRP File Utilities. Ways in which LRP files can be modified:

Importing Data. Creating an LRP file from an existing data source

Reversing LRP Files. Reversing the order of an LRP file to allow for the survey to be done in

the opposite direction.

Creating a Survey Route. Combining individual LRP files into a single file representing a

continuous survey route.

LRP Definitions. Short-cut definitions that can be used when defining LRPs in a survey

Survey ID Definition. Creating a file which contains key survey data, such as the description and

file name, so that when the operator enters a Survey ID all other data and survey options are

correctly set.

Default Survey Settings


It is necessary to define the default survey settings before the survey can commence. These control the

various settings and options available during the survey. These settings are described in Chapter 1.

Importing LRP Data


As described in Chapter 0, LRP files are an integral component of ensuring survey data quality. LRP

files are generally created through an LRP survey (see Chapter 8), but sometimes the data may be

available in existing files, such as from a pavement management system. ROMDAS LRP files are in a

Microsoft Access table in the LRP.MDB file in the Setup folder. This data from other sources can be

put into the required format for use in surveys.

Reversing LRP Files


LRP files are created with the LRPs in the order that they were surveyed in the original LRP survey. It is

necessary to reverse the LRP files when the surveys are done in the opposite direction to the original

LRP survey.

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The table below shows the differences between original and reversed LRP files.

Original Direction Reversed

LRP Distance Name LRP Distance Name

1 0 Km 0 4 0 Km 4

2 985 Km 1 3 992 Km 3

3 2005 Km 2 2 2012 Km 2

4 2997 Km 3 1 2997 Km 1


Currently this will have to be done manually in Microsoft Access or by exporting the data to Excel for

data sorting.

Creating Survey Routes


A survey route consists of a series of LRP files which will be driven continuously. For example, there

may be files covering 0 - 10 km, 10 - 20 km and 20 - 25 km. It is proposed to drive this continuously as

0 - 25 km so a new LRP file is required which allows this.

A source table is created which includes the links to be included in a route. These must be continuous,

for example it would not work in the above example to have 0 - 10 km and 20 - 25 km.

Pre-Defining LRP Entries


When defining LRP’s in surveys the operators must type in a description of the LRP. To simplify the

process and ensure consistency of the LRP descriptions it is recommended to use the Predefined LRP’s.

A list of LRP descriptions are each associated with a short-cut key. When the operator defines a LRP

during the survey the complete LRP description is selected with the short-cut key. This feature is

enabled under Tools|Options|Location Reference Points.


Select Setup| Survey Setup Files|LRP Utilities|Pre-

Define LRPs Enter the key for the short cut

Enter the full LRP description

The screen to the right shows how entering ‘4’ would have

the LRP description stored as ‘Intersection Riversdale


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To use the Predefined LRP’s during a survey the feature

needs to be turned on under Tools| Options | Location

Reference Points.

The Name of LRP Definition table can also be set here. The LRP definition tables are located in


Define Survey ID’s


The Survey ID file is used to control the survey options. The data are typically generated from a standard

database to ensure that the correct data are used during the survey. The operator enters the Survey ID

and then the other data are automatically inserted into the appropriate field.

Under Setup| Survey Setup Files | Define Survey Ids.

The screen to the right shows the data associated with

each Survey ID:

Survey description

File name

LRPs (Yes/No/Define)

Existing or new LRP file name

User defined fields (if activated as described in

Section 0)

As an example, the screen to the right shows the data

that would have been entered to the survey definition

screen after the user entered ‘SH16’. The description

and file name were defined based on the entry in the

screen given above.

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Start the Survey

Defining Survey Data

When the New Survey menu option is selected, the Survey Setup screen is displayed. The data entered

are as follows:

Survey ID: A unique code identifying the survey. The F5 or Alt-F5 Key will bring up the list of

existing or predefined Survey ID’s in the Survey Defineitions.mdb file.

Survey File: The name of the file where the data are stored. This defaults to the Survey ID.

Description: A description of the survey.

LRP Reset: How LRPs are used in the survey (No/Yes/Define). This setting can be set to default to

any of these options under LRP Setup.

LRP Data Files: The name of the data file with the LRPs (if ‘Yes’ selected for LRP reset).

Start LRP:

User Defined Fields: There are up to three User defined fields available. Any user defined fields

need to have the appropriate data entered. See Section 0.

Start Chainage: The chainage along the road where the survey is starting. This will usually be 0. It

would be non-zero if the survey starting part way along the road.

Length: You can optionally enter the Road length if known and have the ROMDAS software

automatically stop the survey when this length is reached (if the Survey to End When Survey

Length Reached field is set - see Section 0).

Direction: This indicates if the measurements are increasing (Increment) or decreasing (Decrement).

For example, a road section starting at 0 and going to 1000 m is increasing, with the other direction

being classified as decreasing.

Lane: If surveying multiple lanes the lane number can be identified here.

Operator: The name of the operator for the survey. Defaults to last used.

Vehicle: The vehicle used in the survey. The data are selected for a list based on the vehicle


These data are all recorded in the Survey_Header output table.

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Select devices for survey: Make sure the survey devices are selected as appropriate. These would

normally be enabled automatically from the settings in Default to Use in Survey fields for each


Once all the survey setup data is entered select F10 to get to the Survey screen.

End the Survey

Ending the Survey

At the completion of the survey press the F10 key. The screen below will be shown.

Sometimes the operator has something to note about the survey. The Make Survey Notes button allows

user to enter comments on the survey when the survey ends. This data is stored in the Memo field of the

Survey_Header table in the output file.

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7 Visual Keyboard Rating Surveys

54 © Data Collection Ltd.

7. Visual Keyboard Rating Surveys



Visual keyboard rating surveys are done to record the locations of various features or ‘events’ along the

road. This is done by assigning different events, such as pavement condition, roadside inventory, etc.

events to keys on the computer and having an observer press the key when the event is observed. The

position of the event, in terms of distance along the road and GPS co-ordinates (if GPS is in use) is

recorded along with the description of the event.

Operational Considerations

The task of keyboard rating can be demanding so it is recommended that a separate operator be assigned

this task. As described in Section 0, there are special 20 or 58 ROMDAS rating keyboards available

which are designed to facilitate condition rating surveys (see below). Each key can be individually

programmed to any key on the computer keyboard. These greatly simplify the visual rating process. Two

or more Rating keyboards can also be simultaneously connected by USB to the same computer (a special

dual keyboard adapter is available for the older PS/2 connector Rating keyboards).

20 Key Keyboard

58 Key Keyboard

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Appendix describes how the rating keyboards are programmed.

The rating keyboards are connected to the USB (or PS/2 on older keyboards) port on the data collection

computer and the data is logged when the keys are pressed.

Types of Events

The definition of keyboard events was described in detail in Section 0. Before the survey starts the

events must be defined as point or continuous or switch events:

a point event is something which exists at a single point in space, such as traffic signs or LRPs; or,

a continuous event is something which exists over a section, such as pavement condition.

Continuous events have two chainages: a beginning and end chainage.

There is a special type of continuous event called a switch event. This can be understood as a series of

continuous events. For example, one may define a ranking for pavement condition from 0 to 5. These are

continuous events so one would normally have to press two keys when changing; one to end the

previous condition and one to apply to the new condition. Switch events remove the need to press two

keys. When the second key is pressed the first event is cancelled7.

Switch events are allocated into Switch Groups. Each Switch

Group contains a set of related mutually exclusive continuous


You can only have one event activated in each group at any one

time and another key press of any event in that switch group will

turn off the currently activated key and activate the new key in

that group.

In the example on the right the Switch Groups are


Drainage Condition

Pavement Type

Pavement Width

Rut Depth

Most Switch Groups will need to be recorded for the whole road

section being surveyed and will need to be activated before the

survey starts by using Preliminary Keycodes.

Continuous events and switch events are recorded the same way in the keycode table with both a start

and end chainage.

7 Normally, one has events that apply continuously along a section of road. For example, there

will always be either no cracking or a level of cracking. ROMDAS defaults to having the user switch

only between switch events; you cannot have ‘no’ event. However, this can be overruled in the keycode

event setup options using the Turn off switch Event Group with Second Key Push parameter.

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Defining Keyboard Events


The principles behind keyboard rating were given in Section 0. The events are defined under the setting:

Setup|Survey Setup Files|Define Keycode Events

Selecting this entry gives the form displayed below.

Key Options

The keycode system can work with the keyboard set to be either having case sensitivity set to Yes or

case sensitivity set to No. The default is Case Sensitivity set to No. With Case sensitive set to No the

case of the letters are ignored, i.e. A = a; B = b; etc. if case sensitivity is Yes the A is different to a; B to

b; etc. Using case sensitivity enables up to 120 keycodes to be defined compared to the 61 keys available

with no case sensitivity. This setting is done under the Tools|Options|Keycode Settings menu (see

Section 0). If using the computer keyboard for keycodes then generally the setting should be left at the

default as it becomes very difficult for the operator to operate too many keys. If however more keycodes

are needed and the ROMDAS rating keyboards are used (allowing different keys assigned to each case

of the one letter) then the case sensitivity should be turned on. The screens (below) show the different

options depending on the setting.

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With Case Sensitivity set to NO

With Case Sensitivity set to YES

Point and Continuous Events

The same procedure is used to define a point or continuous event:

Select Point event from the menu

Select the key to activate the event

Enter the event description

The screen below shows how the letter E would be assigned to a Point Event - Intersection.

Switch Events

Switch events are special types of continuous events. When one of the keys is pressed it cancels the

previous key.

Select Switch event from the menu

Define a new Switch Group Name or select an existing group

Optionally enable a particular Switch Group Name or select an existing group

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The Actions group defines various setting options to be associated with individual keyboard events.

Roughness Exclusion during Event. The option is

only available with Continuous or Switch events. This

option halts the roughness meter from recording while

the event is selected. It is used, for example, to exclude

recordings on bridges, during road works, etc. The

advantage of using this method for Roughness

Exclusion rather than the F5 manual Exclusion key is

the that the reason for the Roughness exclusion can be

documented in the Keycode description or Keycode

comments. See Section 0. When activated, the

Equivalent Roughness during Exclusion option is

available. This is described in Chapter 0.

Take Digital Photo. Indicates whether a digital photo is associated with the event. The type of

digital camera can be defined for the event (see Section 0)

Add Text Comment. If selected, Text Comment box will appear for either a comment to be typed

or selected from the Predefined Comment list.

Voice Recording. If selected, a voice recording is associated with the event. The user can define

how the recording will be made (see Section Error! Reference source not found.).

Laser Distance Measurement. If selected, a Laser Surveyor Measurement is associated with the

event to give GPS co-ordinates of the object. The user can define how the recording will be made

(see Section 0).

Moving Traffic Count Survey Event. This defines the event as a moving traffic count survey

event. When this is selected, the moving traffic count survey group box at the bottom right is

activated. This is described below.

Moving Traffic Count Survey Events

Moving traffic count surveys are discussed in Chapter 1. In summary, every time the survey vehicle

passes a vehicle the operator presses a key which has been associated with a moving traffic survey.

When the data are processed, the times of observations and other data are used to estimate the AADT.

When an event is defined as a moving traffic count survey

event, the screen to the right is activated. The direction of the

vehicle can be entered and, optionally, its relative speed. The

latter is used for an improved AADT estimate (see Chapter 1).

Laser Distance Measurement

This associates measurements with the laser surveyor option with the keyboard event. This will see the

azimuth, inclination and distance of the event relative to the GPS position of the vehicle stored with the

data. This would normally be used to record the GPS position of events of roadside furniture such as

signs etc.

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Laser Surveyor

If you require the accurate positions of your keyboard events we

recommend that you use the ROMDAS Laser Surveyor option. This

uses a hand held laser distance measurement device with an

integrated compass and inclinometer for accurate positioning.

These are used to take a ‘shot’ of the event and the data is recorded by ROMDAS in the data file. These

data can then be used with the GPS co-ordinates to obtain a precise location of the event. When coupled

with digital photos this offers an excellent way of obtaining the detailed locations of the events.

Special Features

During keyboard surveys it is possible to collect additional data:

Digital Photographs. When the vehicle is stopped a digital photograph can be taken of the roadside

event. The operator enters the frame number and this is stored along with the photograph name in

the file.

Text Comment. The operator can type in comments or select from a predefined list which are stored

in the keycode table.

Voice Recordings. The operator can enter comments which are stored as a .WAV file.

These are described in Sections 0 and 0.

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Keycode Setup Options

Keycode Setup Options

The menu at Setup Options|Keycode Settings is used to define the following global keycode settings.

Keycode Key Button Push Delay. This is the time delay (in seconds) for pressing a keycode event

key twice. It is used to prevent incorrect readings due to the same key being pressed twice by

mistake in rough conditions.

Turn off Switch Event Group with Second Key Push. Switch events are usually used to apply a

condition rating which applies to all sections of road. Thus, if the condition is being rated from 0 to

5 it must always have a value, even if it is 0. Under certain situations users may wish to have

sections of road not assigned any value. In this instance this option should be set to Y and the switch

group will be turned off with the second key push of any member of that switch group.

Keycodes are Case Sensitive. It is possible to have 61 or 119 keycode events defined. For most

applications 61 is more than sufficient so this is the system’s default. If additional keycode events

are required this option should be set to Y and upper and lower case keys will be treated as different


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Executing the Survey

Starting the Survey

Select New Survey menu option and enter the survey data into the Survey Setup screen as per Section 0

and proceed to the Survey screen. Press the Space Bar to start surveying.

Preliminary Keycodes

Some events (usually switch events) will need to be activated from the start of the section. Any Keycode

can be pushed before the Space Bar is used to start the survey. These preliminary keycodes will all be

recorded at the survey start distance in the Keycode table.

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Group Distance Trigger

Switch Groups can also be set to a Trigger Distance so that the operator will be required to update this

Group whenever the set distance is passed.

The Group Trigger Distance will apply to all keycodes in that Switch Group.

During the Survey

As events are observed the keys are pressed. The location (in terms of the chainage) is displayed for the


All events types are recorded in the Survey Dialog List.

The currently activated Continuous and Switch events are also displayed in the Active Keycodes Dialog.

A Continuous event will stay on until the key is pressed for the second time, indicating the end of the


A Switch Event will stay on until another Switch event in that Switch Group is pressed (or if the current

key is pressed for a second time and the option Turn off Switch Event Group with Second Key Push

is turned ON)

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In the above Active Keycode dialog the first two events are Switch keys (as they are part of the

Pavement Type and Pavement Width switch groups). The Construction Works event is continuous as it

has no entry in the Group field.

Ending the Survey

At the completion of the survey press the F10 key. See Section 0 for further options when ending the


Example of Data

An example of the key data from the survey is shown below. A full description of the data is given in

Chapter 20 File Management.

Digital Photographs


Digital photographs can be used to record the keycode features. ROMDAS keeps a record of the digital

photo filenames for each keycode. As many photos as required can be taken at each event.

Setting Up the Camera

The setting up of digital cameras is described in Section 0.

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Setting Up the Keyboard Event

The digital photograph must be associated with a keyboard event with a keyboard event. The screen

below shows how a digital photograph would be associated with a bridge event.

During the Survey

When the Keycode event key activated the Take Photo dialog above appears allowing one or more

digital photographs of the event to be logged. For each photograph the incremental photo number is

displayed. This can changed if required. A comment can be entered if required giving more information

about the contents of the photo. If more than one photograph of the event is required then the Another

Photo button should be used else select Finished to exit the dialog.

Example of Output

An example of the photo data from the survey is shown below. A full description of the data is given in

Chapter 20.

The photograph for each keycode event is recorded in the Set_Number field in the Keycode_raw_ table.

The photograph numbers and file names for each Set are recorded in the Set_Number and

Photo_Number fields of the Digital_Camera_Picture_ table.

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In the example above it can be seen that two photos were taken of the bridge at chainage 242 m (0016

and 0017).

Text Comments


Text comments are used during surveys to record any pertinent information about the keycode. It is

typically used for storing details on roadside features such as bridges, environmental or social features.

The information may either be typed in at time of recording the keycode or selected from a list of Pre-

Defined Keycodes.

A Keycode can be enabled to automatically require entry of a text Comment or text Comment can be

added to any keycode on an ad hoc basis.

Setting Up for Text Comments Recording

The setting up of a keycode to be enabled automatically for Text Comments is done in the Define

Keycodes Events by checking the Add Text Comment checkbox in the Actions Section.

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Setting Up Pre-Defined Keycodes

Currently there is no form provided in ROMDAS for directly editing the Pre-defined Keycodes. These

need to be entered by directly entering and editing the COMMENT field in the COMMENT_DEF table

in the …\ROMDAS\Setup\Keycode.mdb file. The mdb file will need to be opened and edited using

Microsoft Access.

During the Survey

There are two ways to entering comments during the survey

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The comment can either be typed in directly Key Code Comment field or by pushing the ALT key the

Pre-defined key codes will be displayed as below.

Use arrow keys and Enter key to select the Predefined Comment.

To enter a Text Comment to a Keycode on an ad-hoc basis where the Keycode has not been

automatically enabled to add a text Comment the following can be done.

To enter a Comment any Keycode the following needs to be done before the Keycode key is pushed.


Push the F6 key before the event key

Push the Comment/F6 button in the Active Keycodes dialog before the Event key

This can be very useful if the operator needs to enter a comment about a particular Keycode but not all

of that particular keycode.

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Setting Up the Keyboard Event

If the Switch Group Trigger has been enabled for any Switch Group then the Key Code Trigger dialog

will appear at the specified distance with the list of keycodes in that Switch Group for easy reference for

the operator. Once the new keycode has been selected the Switch Group will be updated from the last

trigger distance (and not from the point that the keycode has been pressed). This will keep any Switch

groups spaced according to the trigger distance as in the example below where average Road Width for

each 1000m section is being entered using the Group Trigger.

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8 Location Reference Point Surveys

70 © Data Collection Ltd.

8. Location Reference Point Surveys



The Location Reference Point (LRP) Survey is used to establish the chainage of the various LRPs. As

discussed in Section 0, these LRPs are any permanent fixture adjacent to the road, for example km posts.

By having regular LRPs the data collected in the roughness survey can be accurately related to the same

sections of road, even when the survey is conducted in different years.

The LRP Survey allows the operator to record both the chainage of the LRPs and their identifiers. At the

same time, they can do keyboard rating of events and store GPS data if the vehicle is fitted with a GPS


Establishing LRPs

LRPs can be surveyed using either a dedicated LRP survey or during another survey, such as a

roughness survey.

It is strongly recommended that LRPs be defined in a separate survey to the roughness survey. There

are two principal reasons for this:

the LRPs are the basic description of your network and they should be located as accurately as

possible. Since the roughness vehicle will generally be travelling at a speed above 30 km/h such

accuracy is difficult to achieve;

if you have existing markers, such as kilometre stones, it is often necessary to stop the vehicle to

read the marker, to remove grass or debris which may be obscuring it, or even to find the marker.

This is impossible during a roughness survey.

LRP Records

During LRP surveys it is advisable to also take digital photos of the LRPs and record LRP diagrams.

These can be retrieved in computer applications such as the HDM-4 Information Management System

( and will ensure that the LRPs can be found in future surveys. The figures below

are examples of this from an LRP survey in Samoa.

LRP Diagram >

<LRP on Bridge

LRP on Culvert ̂

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LRP Setup Options

LRP Setup Options

LRP Reset Method: This option determines how LRP current chainage are to be recorded. Manual

resets mean that the operator must press the ESC key to physically record the current chainage of the

LRP; Automatic resets automatically reset the readings when the vehicle chainage corresponds to that

of the LRP chainage in the LRP file (i.e. it is assumed that the vehicle will record the same chainage at

the LRP as that recorded in the LRP file). It is highly recommended that this parameter be set to

MANUAL since there will always be slight differences in the LRP chainage between surveys (see

Section 0).

Chainage Reset on LRP Reset: If set to Yes (the default) the survey chainage is reset to zero as a

LRP location is marked all subsequent chainages are then relevant to the Last LRP.

Sampling Intervals reset on LRP Reset: If set to Yes (the default) is yes as normally the sampling

intervals should be reset at LRP’s

Warning Beep in Advance of LRP’s: Setting this to “Y” warns the operator through audible beeps

that an LRP is approaching. Beeps are given every 25 m before an LRP, starting at 100 m. It is

recommended that this be enabled.

Default LRP Settings in Survey. This option defines whether or not to default to using LRPs. The

options available are:

Yes Use an existing LRP file

No Don’t use LRP’s

Define Add or define new LRPs

If you are defining LRPs (D), consider using the Predefined LRP option (see Section 0). This allows

you to define a short keycode associated with a longer description, making it easier to ensure

consistency during the survey.

Take Digital Photos when defining LRP’s: This option is used to assign digital photo numbers

when defining specific LRPs. In the survey the vehicle will stop adjacent to the LRP and take a photo

with a digital camera. Upon noting an LRP the operator will record the LRP data as in the standard

survey. If this option is selected they will be asked to enter the digital photo number.

Name of LRP Definition Table: The default table name in the …/ROMDAS/Setup/LRP.MDB file is

LRP_DEF. This can be changed by entering another table name here.

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Use Predefined LRP entries: As described in Section 0, it is possible to predefine the LRP

descriptions. This means that during the survey the operators only need to enter a short code to insert

the full LRP description entry. Setting this option to Y means that these definitions can be accessed

when the ALT key is pressed during the survey.

Executing the Survey

Starting the Survey

Select New Survey menu option and enter the survey data into the Survey Setup screen as per Section 0

and proceed to the Survey screen.

The screen below will be shown. Since LRP surveys must always start at an LRP, the start name must be

entered to continue.

Press the Space Bar to start surveying.

During the Survey

When an LRP is reached press the INS key to enter the new LRP. The window below will open and the

LRP description is entered.

The display will list the distance from the last LRP as well as the total distance travelled (see below).

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Using Predefined LRP’s

Instead of using the INS key to mark the LRP and have to type in the LRP description you can use the

Predefined LRP’s option to automatically define the LRP. You must have the required LRP descriptions

entered into the Predefined LRP definition table (see Section 0) and the LRP Predifintion feature enabled

in the Tools | Options | Location Reference Points menu.

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Pushing the ALT key (instead of the INS key) will bring up the Pick Predefined LRP list. Select the

predefined LRP key or you can return to the Define LRP dialog to enter your own description if

required. In fact you can change back and forth between the Pick Predefined LRP and Define LRP

dialogs by using the ALT and ESC keys.

Ending the Survey:

At the completion of the survey press the F10 key. See Section 0 for further options when ending the


Example of Data:

A full description of the data is given in Chapter 20.

Continuing Previous Surveys:

The Continue previous surveys works in the same manner as described in Section 0 for keyboard rating


Digital Photographs


Digital photographs can be used to record the LRP features when defining LRP’s. As many photos as

required can be taken at each LRP.

Setting Up the Camera

The setting up of digital cameras is described in Section 0.


The Take Digital Photographs at LRP’s option must be enabled.

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During the Survey

Whenever a LRP is defined the Take Photo dialog above appears allowing one or more digital

photographs of the LRP to be logged. For each photograph the incremental photo number is displayed.

This can changed if required. A comment can be entered if required. If more than one photograph of the

LRP is required then the Another Photo button should be used else select Finished to exit the dialog.

Example of Output

An example of the photo data from the survey is shown below. A full description of the data is given in

Chapter 20.

The photograph for each LRP is recorded in the Set_Number field in the LRP_ table. The photograph

numbers and file names for each Set are recorded in the Set_Number and Photo_Number

Digital_Camera_Picture_ table

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9 Roughness Surveys with Bump Integrators

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9. Roughness Surveys with Bump Integrators



Roughness surveys are used to record the roughness over a sampling interval (default of 100 m), the

roughness can be recorded using one or two bump integrators. During the roughness survey additional

data can be recorded, such as:

Visual keyboard rating;

Location reference points;

Transverse profile and rut depth;

GPS measurements;

Moving traffic survey;

Travel Time Survey;

Resolution of BI Measurements

The accuracy of the roughness measurements is a function of the precision of the bump integrator (BI).

The ROMDAS BI encoder returns 5008 pulses per revolution. With a spindle diameter of 45 mm this

corresponds to approximately 3.5 pulses per mm of vertical travel, or a resolution of approximately 0.3


Roughness Survey Setup Options

Roughness Survey Setup Options

Auto Reset at Sampling Intervals: Normally, one defines a sampling interval for roughness surveys

which is a fixed length (e.g. 100 m). ROMDAS then automatically resets the roughness counts at the

end of this sampling interval. However, if you wish to manually reset the roughness at the end of a

8 Bump Integrators supplied before 2008 had 360 pulse per revolution encoders with a resolution of approximately 0.4 mm

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sampling interval you would enter “N” here. The resets would then be done by pressing the ESC key.

In practice, this is only done with long sampling intervals, such as 1000 m, and is not normally


Roughness Sampling Interval (m): The roughness sampling interval is the regular interval over

which to sum the roughness counts. It is recommended that 100 m be used for the minimum sampling

interval. Even if data are only required at longer intervals, for example 1000 m, by sampling at short

intervals the data can be aggregated upwards. However, if a large sampling interval is used the data

cannot be disaggregated downwards. It is not recommended that intervals less than 20 m be used since,

particularly on roads with low roughnesses, they can give misleading results.

BI Minimum Speed Warning. This is the minimum survey speed. If the average speed in the

roughness survey over an interval drops below the minimum speed, the computer will beep at the

end of the interval.

Use Roughness Exclusion at Low Speeds. When this option is selected ROMDAS will

automatically discard all measurements below the user specified speed and calculate the equivalent

roughness. The user must define the speed below which this option is to be implemented.

Display Calibrated Roughness During Survey. When this option is selected ROMDAS will

automatically discard all measurements below the user specified speed and calculate the equivalent

roughness. The user must define the speed below which this option is to be implemented.

Roughness Coefficients for display. Select the appropriate Roughness Calibration Coefficients to

display the Calibrated Roughness of the Bump Integrators during the survey.

Equivalent Roughness on BI Exclusion. During a roughness survey the roughness meter can be

temporarily halted. This is used, for example, when travelling over a road in the process of being

reconstructed. It can be done either by halting the BI with a keycode event, by pressing the F5 key or

with BI Exclusion at Low Speeds settings below (see Chapter 0).

If this option is selected as “Y” ROMDAS will calculate and record the equivalent roughness based on

the length measured. Otherwise, ROMDAS will record the actual roughness.

Distance to Extend Sampling Interval at LRP. When approaching an LRP the situation may arise

where the sampling interval may end just in advance of the point where the LRP reset is pressed. This

would lead to a short section of data between the end of the sampling interval and the LRP. To avoid

this, ROMDAS will extend the last sampling interval before the LRP by the distance specified here.

Include Measured and LRP Chainages in Roughness table. The Chainages of the LRPs should be

baseline values against which all other measurements are referenced. During the roughness survey the

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9 Roughness Surveys with Bump Integrators

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vehicle is travelling at a speed and even a slight delay in pressing the LRP reset key will lead to an

error in the chainage recorded. This option will use the LRP chainage from the LRP file to replace the

chainage recorded by the vehicle. By always replacing the recorded Chainages with the LRP file

Chainages the data in successive surveys will always have the same start and end Chainages.

ROMDAS will automatically adjust the measurements to these Chainages. This greatly facilitates

importing the data into road management systems since the location referencing is the same for each

section from year to year. For this reason this option defaults to “Y”.

Executing the Survey

Starting the Survey

Select New Survey menu option and enter the survey data into the Survey Setup screen as per Section 0

and proceed to the Survey screen.

Press the Space Bar to start surveying.

During the Survey

During the survey the roughness will be displayed from each bump integrator, along with the distance

travelled. At the end of each roughness interval the total raw BI count and the average speed is


If keyboard rating is performed during the survey this will be displayed. Above is an example of

recording a bridge.

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9 Roughness Surveys with Bump Integrators

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Ending the Survey

At the completion of the survey press the F10 key. See Section 0 for further options when ending the


Example of Data

Roughness Exclusion


During surveys there are often times when it is desirable to pause the roughness recording (roughness

exclusion), for example:

If there are road works

On bridges

Over fords

At low speeds (below the BI calibration speeds)

This can be done in three different ways

manually by pressing the F5 Manual Roughness Exclusion key

by associating a keyboard continuous or switch event with Roughness Exclusion during Event (see

Section 0 Defining Keyboard Events).

By setting the Roughness Exclusion at low speeds parameters (see Section 0)

Roughness Exclude Processing Options

There are two options for processing the roughness data when roughness is excluded during a survey:

Actual Roughness Count: This is the actual roughness recorded over the sampling interval when the

measurements were not paused; or,

Equivalent Roughness Count: This is the roughness over the interval based on the measurements that

were actually made.

The equivalent is calculated as follows:


where ECOUNT is the equivalent roughness count in counts/sample interval

SAMPLEIN is the sampling interval in m (usually 100 m)

MEASURED is the length of the sampling interval roughnesses were measured over in m

For example, if you measured for 70 m out of a 100 m interval and there were 10 counts, the equivalent

roughness would be 14.

This option is set under Tools|Options|Roughness Bump Integrators. The default setting is for

Equivalent Roughness on Roughness exclusion to be set to Yes (Section 0)

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10 Video Surveys

80 © Data Collection Ltd.

10. Video Surveys



The ROMDAS video recording system allows a camera to be used during a ROMDAS survey to record

images from the moving vehicle. The most common application is to mount the camera facing forwards

to record the right-of-way (ROW), although it is also possible to record sideways or to the rear of the

vehicle. Multiple cameras can be used simultaneously.

The data is digitised directly to the computer. In real time key data are overlaid on the image including

the road chainage, date, time, GPS co-ordinates, roughness, and more. The user has a high degree of

control over what is displayed.

The ROMDAS system uses Ethernet (GigE) DCAM compliant 9cameras.

When digitising it is common to sample images at intervals of 2 – 10 m. This is more than adequate for

road surveys and ensures that the file size is manageable.

Video Survey Setup Options


In order for the ROMDAS Video Logging to work you will need to ensure that the following are

installed and working correctly:

Pegasus MJPEG Compressor/Decompressor

The GigE Ethernet connection

The drivers for the Video device ( if any)

Appendix E describes the installation of these components.

Device Connection

The final test is whether the Firewire connection has been made. Install the Firewire device following

the instructions in Appendix E. With the camera conected to the Firewire card plugged in you should be

able to see both the Firewire IEEE 1396 controller and the Imaging Device in the Windows Device

Manager as shown below.

9 HD cameras are currently not supported.

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10 Video Surveys

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PGR Video Survey Setup Options

There are certain Digital Video cameras with Progressive Scan option that can be connected to

ROMDAS. The DV video camera software options are defined under Tools|Options|Video. This option

will only be active if you have purchased the video option (unless you are using the evaluation software

which has all options available for 30 days). When selected, the form below will be shown.

DV Video Survey Setup Options

There were certain Digital Video cameras with Progressive Scan option that could be connected to

ROMDAS. The DV video camera software options are defined under Tools|Options|Video. This option

will only be active if you have purchased the video option (unless you are using the evaluation software

which has all options available for 30 days). When selected, the form below will be shown.

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10 Video Surveys

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Up to two cameras can be used. Use the Add and Modify buttons to bring up the Camera Settings


Name: A suitable name for the camera. This name will be appended to the video AVI filename and

Video_Proccessed_ table name.

Capture Image Every: The interval (in m) when frame captures are to be recorded is defined.

Format: Most imaging devices will give a choice of Video resolution which can be selected here. A

higher resolution will increase the file size.

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Video Codec

The drop down box will display all the Compression Codec’s that are installed. We recommend the

Pegasus PICVideo M-JPEG 3 VfW Codec that is available with ROMDAS (see Pegasus Compression

Codec section in Appendix F)


The overlay settings box controls the appearance of the overlay.

The Overlay Background Colour setting controls the colour of the overlay background while the font

type, size and colours can be changed in the Parameter Font and Value Font options. These should be

selected for the best contrast.

Selecting the Display Settings opens the screen to the right.

This enables the user to select which information to display on

the overlay. Contact DCL if you have any special

customisation needs of what will appear on the Overlay.

Note: The Roughness data displayed is for the last Roughness

Sampling Interval and therefore the current frame may not be

displaying a pavement surface that necessarily is representative

of the roughness value shown.

Hardware Settings

Camera Settings

The key to successful video surveys is to ensure that the zoom and focus to the camera are centred on the

features of interest. One should decide on the region of interest and set the system up accordingly. For a

right-of-way video one would have a much wider zoom with the camera focused at a distance from the

vehicle whereas for recording pavements one would zoom the camera at a spot immediately in front of

the vehicle.

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It is also important to ensure that the heading image is centred in the frame.

Executing Video Surveys


There are some specific issues which need to be considered with video surveys, above the normal survey


Roughness Display

When using roughness with the video surveys there are two options to display the roughness values on

the video overlay:

Raw Roughness: The total raw BI count/km is displayed (default); or,

Roughness Index: This is an approximation of the calibrated roughness over the preceding interval


When the Display Roughness Index Instead of BI is selected the roughness calibration coefficients of

the vehicle used in the survey are used to calculate the roughness index over the previous interval length

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Processing Digitising Videos

Digitising Options

Under Data Processing the Export Raw option produces a table where each video frame is correlated

to the road chainage it was triggered at.

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11 GPS Surveys

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11. GPS Surveys



GPS surveys are done to obtain the spatial co-ordinates (the latitude, longitude and altitude) of the road

elements. The data falls into two groups:

Road Centreline. The centreline is a nominal line which represents the road alignment.

Events. Data identified through keyboard rating events/ LRP locations/ Video logging frame


To conduct a GPS survey it is necessary to have a GPS receiver connected to ROMDAS. ROMDAS

will work with any receiver with NMEA output but is specifically designed to work with Trimble

receivers. When Trimble receivers are used the data can be post-processed to differentially correct the

data for enhanced accuracy.

GPS surveys can be conducted on their own or in conjunction with roughness, rut depth, travel time, or

any other type of survey.

This chapter opens with a discussion of the principles of GPS measurement and how GPS surveys

should be planned. A proper understanding of these two issues is essential for accurate data collection.

This is then followed by how the GPS data are analysed and exported to other systems.

The report ‘Using ROMDAS for Network Referencing and Mapping Surveys’ describes the procedure

for GPS surveys and data processing in detail. This is available on the ROMDAS CD under menu

ROMDAS Road Measurement Data Acquisition System|ROMDAS Documents|ROMDAS

Applications| or from

Principles of GPS Measurements


The Navigation Satellite Timing and Ranging (NAVSTAR) GPS is a space-based satellite radio

navigation system developed by the U.S. Department of Defence. There are a series of 24 satellites

placed in 6 orbital planes about 20,200 km above the earth’s surface. The satellites are in circular orbits

with a 12-hour orbital period and inclination angle of 55 degrees. This orientation normally provides a

GPS user with a minimum of five satellites in view from any point on Earth at any one time.

Each satellite continuously broadcasts a radio frequency signal. To determine a range, the GPS receiver

measures the time required for the GPS signal to travel from the satellite to the receiver antenna. The

timing code generated by each satellite is compared to an identical code generated by the receiver. The

receiver’s code is shifted until it matches the satellite’s code. The resulting time shift is multiplied by the

speed of light to arrive at the apparent range measurement.

Since the resulting range measurement contains propagation delays due to atmospheric effects, and

satellite and receiver clock errors, it is referred to as a “pseudorange”. Changes in each of these

pseudoranges over a short period of time are also measured and processed by the receiver. These

measurements, referred to as “delta-pseudoranges” are used to compute velocity.

A minimum of four pseudorange measurements are required by the receiver to mathematically determine

time and the three components of position (latitude, longitude, and altitude).

Figure 2 shows how three satellites are used to establish position. This figure does not include the fourth

timing satellite.

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After the four range equations are solved, the receiver has estimates of its position and time. Similar

equations are then used to calculate velocity using the relative velocities instead of pseudo-ranges. The

position, velocity and time data are generally computed once per second.

One range measurement put us

somewhere on this sphere ...

Two range measurements put us

somewhere on this circle ...

... Three measurements put us at

one of two points, of which only one

is a reasonable solution

Figure 2: Satellite Triangulation

Accuracy of Measurements

The accuracy of GPS measurements depends upon a variety of factors but the two main ones are:

Quality of Receiver. Receivers can be placed into two general categories: consumer grade and

survey grade. Consumer grade receivers are low cost and relatively low accuracy. Survey grade

receivers cost much more but will give greatly improved results.

Differential Correction This uses data from a base station, whose position is accurately known, to

correct for the errors that arise in the field measurements.

GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) Data from other satellite systems can be used to further

enhance the accuracy and availability of positions – e.g. using the Russian GLOANASS satellites.

As a general rule, it is better to use a low-cost receiver with differential correction than a high cost

receiver without. The best results will be obtained using survey grade receivers which are differentially


When to Differentially Correct Data

The question which is often asked is ‘are differential corrections always necessary’? The answer is no.

Adequate results can be obtained without differential corrections so the benefits of the improved

accuracy need to be weighed against the additional costs and complexity that differential corrections


Until 2000 there was a random error in the GPS measurements, called ‘Selective Availability’ which

meant that the 95% confidence interval for the data was +/- 100 m. However, since selective availability

has been disabled the 95% confidence intervals are now on the order of +/- 5 – 10 m. For many

applications this is sufficient accuracy, although it must be recognised that 5% of the readings could be

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significantly worse than 10 m.

Differential corrections are straightforward with ROMDAS using

Real-Time Corrections. Suppliers such as OMNIStar, StarFire etc transmit real-time

differential corrections for many countries. These data can be logged during the surveys so there

is no post-processing. Many areas in the world now have some form of real-time correction

signal available (SBAS and Beacon signals being free) and this is increasingly coming a

practical way of achieving higher accuracy of your GPS data.

Post-processing of Base Station. ROMDAS stores Trimble GPS receiver data so that it can be

differentially corrected with data from a base station using Trimble Pathfinder Office.

ROMDAS stores the SSF file needed for importing into PathFinder Office.

The principal difference is that real-time differential corrections have latency in them, so that the

corrections used to correct a measurement are predictions based on the broadcast corrections from a few

second beforehand. Post-processing from Base station data is therefore usually more accurate.

As a general rule post processed differential corrections should be done under the following conditions:

If base station data are readily available, for example there are often commercial suppliers of the

data or it is practical to set up your own base station10.

If you will never be more than 300 km from the base station, since the accuracy decreases with

increasing distance.

Note: If you are using high accuracy GPS data then careful attention must be paid to the GPS offset

settings from the vehicle to the road centreline so that the positions collected actually reflect the road

centreline and not the path travelled by the vehicle.

GPS Altitude

The GPS altitude can be measured in two ways:

Height Above Ellipsoid (HAE)

Height Above Mean Sea Level (MSL)

As shown to the right, the MSL is a geoid which is an imaginary surface determined by the earth’s

gravity. An ellipsoid is a reference which approximates the earth’s surface.

ROMDAS stores the altitude in terms of HAE in the ROMDAS rbf file but this can be converted into

any co-ordinate system using the ROMDAS co-ordinate transformer utility.

10 Contact DCL for further information and prices on setting up your own Base Station receiver.

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11 GPS Surveys

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Survey Planning


Since GPS satellites orbit the Earth on six different orbital paths, during the course of every day the

number of satellites overhead changes as the satellites move. This affects the accuracy of the GPS

measurements (as represented by the PDOP) and so it is necessary to plan GPS surveys to ensure that

they are timed to avoid periods of poor PDOP.

GPS mission planning is an easy and accurate way for GPS users to determine the number of satellites

available and the quality of their arrangement over any period of time.

Mission planning software such as Trimble’s Planning software can be used to plan GPS work to

coincide with the optimal satellite conditions.

Further details about using the Trimble Planning Software are available in the ROMDAS website

document GPS Survey Planning

GPS Setup Options

GPS Settings:

The GPS options are defined under Tools|Options|GPS. This option will only be active if you have

purchased the GPS option (unless you are using the evaluation software which has all options available

for 30 days). When selected, the form below will be shown.

Default to Use in Survey. This entry sets the default in the Device selected in order to have the

GPS in a survey.

GPS Data Sampling Interval. This is how frequent ROMDAS samples the GPS data. Usually set

to 1 second. This is limited by the output rate of the receiver.

Receiver Output Protocol. This is the type of GPS receiver.

NMEA Compliant. Used for receivers capable of outputting in the NMEA 0183 2.0 protocol.

Depending on what data is required the sentences that should be enabled are:

RMC (has position, heading, time, date)

GGA (for altitude (MSL))

GSA (for PDOP)

Other supported NMEA sentences:

RMC - Valid data indicator, Lat, Long, Heading, GPS Time,

GPS Date

GGA - Lat, Long, Alt, Sats Used

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GSV - Sats Ava

ZDA - GPS Time, GPS Date

VTG - Heading

Trimble TSIP. Used for Trimble GPS receivers set to output in the TSIP mode (Trimble

Standard Interface Protocol).

Antenna Height Above Road. This is the height of the GPS antenna above the road surface. It is

deducted from the GPS altitude to get the altitude of the road surface.

Offset Direction. To accurately record the road centre-line when travelling down the lane the

recorded GPS positions need an offset and direction applied of the location of the centreline in

relation to the GPS antenna on the vehicle. The GPS positions will have this offset direction and

amount applied so they locate the road centreline and not vehicle position. The GPS Offset and

direction are displayed in the Survey GPS dialog so that operator can check that the correct settings

are used for the road being surveyed.

Offset Distance. The offset distance in (meters) applied in the direction of the Offset Direction


Note: the GPS antenna should be located as close to the road centreline as practical to minimise the

amount of the Offset Distance as there is a small error introduced the larger this value is.

Warn if PDOP. This will issue a warning to the ROMDAS operator if the PDOP is greater than a

certain value.

Warn if Loss of Satellite. This warns the operator when there is a loss of satellite.

Select Co-ordinate System. GPS positions always come from the receiver as latitude, longitude,

and height relative to the WGS-84 datum. However, you may need or want to work in a different

coordinate system. Some coordinate systems are used for maps. These are called grid coordinate

systems and the spherical coordinates of latitude, longitude and height are translated into planar

coordinates of northing, easting, and elevation. Worldwide there are a number of standard grid

coordinate systems defined.

System. This field specifies the coordinate system. The ROMDAS software provides over 650 pre-

defined11 coordinate systems and zones, covering most major regions of the world.

Zone. The Zone list box contains all the zones belonging to the selected coordinate system. Select

the specific zone required for the area in which you are working.

Datum. The Datum field is usually read-only, and simply displays the datum associated with your

selected coordinate system and zone. However, if you selected the Latitude/Longitude or Universal

Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinate system, you must also specify the appropriate datum in

order for the ROMDAS software to correctly interpret coordinates.

Altitude Measured From. Altitudes are heights above one of two different base levels:

- Mean Sea Level (MSL) or Approximate Mean Sea Level

11 Contact Data Collection Ltd if you have a local coordinate system or Zone that is not predefined.

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Altitudes are displayed as a height above (or below) the mean sea level. This is the usual altitude

reference for printed maps. The ROMDAS software computes heights relative to mean sea level

using a geoid model. The default geoid model used is the EGM96 global geoid model. You can

change the geoid model associated with each coordinate system or zone by selecting Other, then

choosing the required geoid model from the list of available geoids in the Geoid field. The

accuracy of altitudes relative to mean sea level depends on the quality of the geoid model used.

-Height Above Ellipsoid (HAE)

Altitudes are displayed as a height above (or below) the current ellipsoid, as determined by your

selected coordinate system, zone and associated datum. Altitudes relative to an ellipsoid are

precise, but may be meaningless for your application.

Coordinate and Altitude Units The Units field specifies the units to be used by the ROMDAS

software when computing or interpreting coordinates.

The Trimble PathFinder Office Coordinate System Manager Utility can be used for creating your own

CSW files for coordinate selections for other local datum’s and zones that are not defined in ROMDAS.

Trimble Settings:

When using the Trimble TSIP mode there are a number of the receiver settings which can be directly set

from ROMDAS Trimble Settings menu. The TSIP protocol receivers from Trimble have been

discontinued. Please contact DCL for information of setup of these receivers and instruments previously

used with ROMDAS or see document Previously Supplied GPS.

GPS Processing Settings:

There are a number of settings which affect the output data in the processed Access file that are set under

the GPS Processing tab.

Interpolate GPS Readings: Positions between actual measured GPS poitions are interpolated from

distance and heading data. Default is Yes.

Maximum PDOP Value for a valid GPS reading: Position Dilution of Precision (PDOP) is a

measure of the satellite geometry. The lower the PDOP value, the more accurate the GPS positions.

A PDOP mask is set on the receiver (under Trimble GPS Settings) to esure that only data of the

required accuracy is collected. However further filtered can also be applied to the processed data if a

stricter requirement is needed. The default PDOP mask is 8.

Extract with Distance Intervals: Exactly/Not less than x (m). The Exactly setting will only work if

Interpolate GPS Reading is set to Yes

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Executing a GPS Survey

Starting the Survey

Select New Survey menu option and enter the survey data into the Survey Setup screen as per Section 0

and proceed to the Survey screen.

Press the Space Bar to start surveying.

GPS Data Logging

During the survey a file is created which contains the data from the GPS receiver. The GPS data are

logged against chainage at the rate set in the GPS Sampling frequency setting.

Lat/Long: decimal degrees, WGS 84

Altitude: meters – Height above ellipsoid (HAE)

PDOP (Sats): The number to the left is the current PDOP reading. In the brackets is the (number of

satellites used / number of satellites in view). Some satellites in view may not be used because they

are below the minimum elevation mask or the minimum Signal to Noise ratio etc.

Status: Current GPS Status.

DGPS: Current status of the real-time differential correction. Possible values are:

A real-time differential source is selected and corrected positions are being received

A source is selected but corrected positions are not being received

No DGPS source selected

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Offset: Current GPS offset direction and distance (m) to road centre line. The operator should be

aware of the offset amount and vehicle position in relation to the road centreline if high accuracy is

to be maintained.

Battery Level: Current GPS receiver battery level (some Trimble units connected with TSIP only).

Estimated Accuracy: Estimated accuracy of the GPS position in meters (Trimble TSIP receivers

only). The estimated accuracy has a confidence level of 68%. The estimated accuracy reflects the

accuracy of the positions that are being collected in real-time, whether they are autonomous

positions, or real-time differentially corrected positions. It does not indicate the accuracy that might

be achieved after post processing.

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12 Surveys with LCMS Scanning Laser

94 © Data Collection Ltd.

12. Surveys with LCMS Scanning Laser



The ROMDAS Laser Crack Measurement System (LCMS) is a transverse road profiling system.

Capable of acquiring full 4-metre width profiles of a highway lane at normal traffic speed, the system

uses two lasers that acquire the shape of the pavement. Custom optics and high power pulsed laser line

projectors allow the system to operate in full daylight or in night time conditions. The LCMS includes

the following components:

LCMS laser (2): The two LCMS lasers are responsible for the measurement of the left and

right side transverse profiles. Each unit is composed of a high-power laser line projector and

a special camera to measure deformations of the laser line profile.

Frame grabber boards: The PCI Express frame grabber boards are used to digitize the

images coming out from the laser cameras and need to be installed in the ROMDAS host


Controller: The LCMS controller is a standard 19-inch 2U rack-mount unit interfacing data

and control signals between the host computer and the lasers.

Mounting Framework:

All necessary cables: All necessary power, data and control cables

The LCMS lasers (which are environmentally protected to IP65) are mounted on the mounting frame at

back of vehicle.

Laser Safety


The exposure to laser radiation emitted from Class 3B laser equipment such as the LCMS can be

hazardous to the eyes, particularly if the exposure duration exceeds a few seconds while the viewer’s

eyes are at close proximity of the aperture from which the laser radiation is emitted (worst-case viewing

scenario). You must be aware of the LCMS Laser safety issues and the LCMS system should not be

used by anyone who is not aware of these dangers. See Appendix G before operating this equipment.

LCMS Setup

LCMS Laser Sensor Setup on Vehicle

The laser profilers should be installed:

2200 mm (±50mm) above the road surface and their laser beams must be projected

perpendicularly towards the road surface.

The sensors must be installed parallel to each other, 2000mm (±50 mm) apart,

With a 15° yaw angle with respect to the vehicle; (if not, the left and right scanning regions will

overlap with each other, causing cross-talk issues in the data). Note a +ve angle has front of

sensor to the left and a –ve angle has front of sensor to the right.

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Frame Grabber Card

The frame grabber board delivered with all LCMS systems is a Solios eA device manufactured by

Matrox Imaging. This board is used to digitize the images coming out from the LCMS cameras.

To install the Solios Frame Grabber board, first make sure the computer is turned off and open the

computer case. Locate two free PCIex4 slots or better and insert the Solios board into it.

Close the computer case and turn it on. When you boot your computer, Window’s Plug and Play system

will detect a new device. At this point, you should click on Cancel. The frame grabber driver will be

installed from the ROMDAS installation CD. Follow the procedure in the Software Installation section


Frame Grabber Software Setup

The Matrox Frame grabber card MIL-Lite software must be installed after the Frame grabber board is

inserted into the computer (none of the LCMS options will display in ROMDAS unless the MIL-Lite

drivers are detected).

Insert the LCMS Application CD in your CD-ROM drive. For the first-time installation, run the

install.bat file in the root directory of the CD-ROM drive. This will first copy the INO directory on c:\

and install the redistribution version of MIL-Lite software needed to control the frame grabber card that

is used to acquire data from the LCMS sensors. During the installation, you might get a few popup

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messages from Windows saying that the software you are installing might be incompatible with

Windows XP. Click on Continue Anyway. When the installation is completed, you will be asked to

reboot your computer.

LCMS Controller Connections

The LCMS controller is a standard 19-inch rack-mount unit that is mounted into a rack-mount cabinet in

the vehicle. It is a 2U rack-mount unit that interfaces data and control signals between the host computer

and the LCMS laser controller. On the controller back panel there are the following connections:

Note: The Frame Grabber double ended cable connection

connects with Cable A to Channel #0 and Cable B to

Channel #1.

LCMS back


Connection Type Connect to Connection Type Note

USB Cable USB B Computer USB USB A Any port

Right ACQ


DB9 Male Computer Solios PCI

Card ACQ Board

DB 15 Male

Left ACQ


DB9 Male Computer Solios PCI

Card ACQ Board

DB 15 Male



26 pin male



Left and Right LCMS


26 pin male



Status Output DB15 Female Not Used

Encoder Input DB9 Female ROMDAS Controller


DB9 Male






BNC ROMDAS Controller



The other connections for LCMS are:

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Connect to Connection



7m camera link cables

A Computer Solios PCI

Card ACQ Board

Channel 0 Left Sensor must go

to Solios Card

connected to Left

ACQ Board

B Channel 1

IMU (Optional for Roughness and Geometry)

LCMS Sensor



n Type

Connect to Connection



7m IMU USB cables

Computer USB port USB

LCMS Settings

The LCMS options are defined under Tools|Options|Laser Crack Measurement System. This option

will only be active if you have purchased a LCMS (unless you are using the evaluation software which

has all options available for 30 days). When selected, the form below will be shown.

Default to Use in Surveys This defines the setting on the survey opening screen. If you are always

using the LCMS Lasers in the survey then select this box.

Sensor Angle (degrees). Default 15 degrees. Range from +15 to -15 (+ve angle is with front of

sensors towards the left).

Inter-Sensor Distance (mm). Default 2000.

Section Length (m). Default 10.

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Analysis Options

Rutting Gauge Width (mm). This parameter specifies the width of the gauge block under the straight-edge

used for measuring the rut (see Figure 5). The range is from 19 mm and 75 mm (default 40 mm).

Extract Lane Markings for Processing. The image is processed to detect the lane markings at the

edge of the pavement. If they are detected then any points outside the markings are discarded and

not used during other processing tasks. Default is ON.

Detect Curb and DropOff. The image is processed to detect Curb and DropOff at the edge of the

pavement. If they are detected then any points outside the markings are discarded and not used

during other processing tasks. This is valuable to make sure that features such as drop off or the

Curb are not included in the calculations. Default is ON.

Imaging Save Intensity Image. Save the intensity image of each road section as a JPEG file.

Defect Overlay on Image. Overlay lane markings, cracking and potholes onto the JPEG image.

Calibration Files

Each LCMS laser unit (sensor) is aligned and calibrated prior to shipping. The result of this alignment

and calibration process is the generation of X-axis (.ltx) and Z-axis (.ltz) look-up tables (LUT). These

LUT files are particular to a given sensor. They are located on the supplied CD labelled “LCMS LUT


Copy the following files into the ..\ROMDAS\Calibration folder12.



12 LUT files for subsequent Calibrations will have an updated file name “–cal002.”. They should just be copied into the same

folder and the software will automatically use the latest files for acquisition.

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The following files should be automatically installed by software installation into the ..\ROMDAS


Lcms200.dcf Camera configuration file

License.txt Licence File

Copy the following files into the ..\ROMDAS\Setup folder.

LCMSAquisitionParam.cfg Parameter file

Odometer Calibration with LCMS

Odometer calibration should be performed as per a normal laser system (see section 5: Odometer


Executing a LCMS Survey

Starting the Survey

Turn on the LCMS Laser Activation key before you are ready to start the survey. The Green lights on

front panel and on Laser Sensor show that laser is ready to activate.

Note: The Laser Activation Key should be turned on 1 minute before starting a survey to allow for the

units to warm up.

In the toolbar select File/New Survey and enter the survey details into the Survey Setup screen as per

Section 0 and select Survey (F10) to proceed to the Survey screen.

Once the devices have opened and all survey windows can be seen, press the Space Bar to start


LCMS Data Logging

During the survey a file is created which contains the data from the LCMS for each 10 m Road Section.

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The real-time display of the LCMS consists of:

A Status Indicator (red/green) and Status Message of LCMS System

Last Capture Distance

Encoder Pulses Count

Left and Right Laser Status Message

Left and Right Laser Counter of Missed, Lost and Skipped Profiles (for example, if you have

gone under the Laser activation speed the safety interlock will switch off the lasers and Profiles

will be skipped)

Data Processing


After the LCMS data has been collected it is necessary to process the data before analysis. This is done

using the FILE/DATA PROCESSING option. All of the LCMS data is stored in ../LCMS_RoadID/

folder, where RoadID is the Romdas Survey ID. There will be a separate .fis file for each Road Section

(i.e. 10m default and maximum length). The filenames are in the form RoadID_SectionID.fis where

RoadID is the Romdas Survey ID and SectionID is the sequential Section id starting from 0 in a six digit

number 000001 (giving max survey length of 10,000 km).

e.g.. ./LCMS_SH14/SH14_000001.fis

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Select the files to Process.

Select the appropriate processing option and proceed.

Because the LCMS processing takes quite a long time there is a “LCMS File Check” option that gives a

quick way to check the integrity of the LCMS files. If you choose this option the first and last section

files are fully processed and all other section files are also opened and checked but not processed. This

gives a way of being able to check the LCMS files in a timely way without doing a full process. A

warning message will appear if any fault appears and the nature of the fault can be found in the Process

Log table in the mdb file.

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Generally processing should be done using the default setting of From Survey file. If the wrong settings

were used during the survey and the correct settings have now been entered into the computer processing

the data (go to Tools/Options/LCMS/Analysis Settings) then select the Current Settings option and

begin processing.

A window showing the progress of the process will then appear.

Analysing LCMS Data


ROMDAS analyses the LCMS data to calculate the following data outputs

Cracking - length ,width and depth

Rut Depth – rut depth, rut width, rut cross-sectional area, rut type.

Macro-Texture (MPD and MTD) – presented in 5 longitudinal bands

Potholes - area and depth

LaneWidth - width

Ravelling –Ravelling Index

Concrete Joint Location and Faulting

Automatic lane marking detection – used to delimit other data sets

Automatic Curb and Drop Off detection- used to delimit other data sets

Images - with optional overlay of Lane markings, Curb and Drop Off, cracking and potholes.

Roughness (optional) - Roughness index (IRI), ProVal ppf file of longitudinal Profile

Automatic Lane Markings and Curb and DropOff for Lane Width

The “Lane Marking” module can be set to either automatically detect and return the positions of these

left and right lane marks on the road or position them according to a user defined width.

The “Curb and DropOff” module will automatically detect and return the positions of these features and

adjust the lane marks accordingly.

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Using these modules is important because processing of the other LCMS information uses the lane edge

information to limit the data used for processing to only that within the lane. This eliminates any effect

on the processed data due to the transverse position of the vehicle in the lane. The list below shows the

data types that are processed only using the data within the detected lane to increase their quality.


Crack detection

Position of 5 AASHTOO Bands for Macrotexture measurement



Roughness Longitudinal Wheelpaths

Without the lane detection the total scanned width of the road will be used for the above measurements

which could include features off the pavement.

In case no lane markings are found, the two lane marks are centred in the image using the road width

parameter. If only one lane marking is detected, the other lane marking is positioned relative to the lane

mark that was found using the road width parameter. The road width parameter is ignored in the case

where both lane marks are detected.

The lane marking lines can be overlaid on the road section image.

Road Roughness

This processing module generates two (usually one for each wheel path) longitudinal profiles of the road

using the 3D data and the vertical accelerations stored in the “fis” files of a survey. The profiles are also

saved in the “ppf” file format that can be read and processed using Proval software (available at ).

The lane marking tracking module provided by the LCMS is used to compensate transversal shift of the

vehicle in order to make sure the IRI measurement is done in the wheel path. This allows the erratic

trajectory of the vehicle will still resulting in straight longitudinal profiles unlike classic systems which

results depend on the trajectory of the vehicle (subject to variation based on driver’s ability and traffic


Rut Depth Under a Straight-Edge

The transverse profile data is analysed to perform rut extraction on a road profile using an algorithm

based on ASTM E1703 standard.

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Figure 3: Calculating Rut Depth from Transverse Profile

The depth and width of the detected rut is in millimetres (mm)

The rut type is defined as follows:

0 = no rutting (rut depth <5 mm),

1 = Short Radius - Multiple Ruts,

2 = Short Radius – Single rut,

3 = Large radius.

Below shows examples of two different rut types: a “short radius – multiple

Ruts” on the right and a “large radius rut”` on the left.


The LCMS gives MTD (Mean texture Depth) and MPD (Mean

Profile Depth) macro texture in 5 longitudinal bands across the

lane. The texture values are either averaged for each band along

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the road section length or can be extracted in more detail at 250 mm intervals.

The MTD algorithm is based on the “digital sand patch method” that computes the air void-content

volume between a digital 3D surface and the road surface itself. A direct relationship then allows the

computation of an estimated Mean Profile Depth (MPD) value, expressed in millimetres (mm).

The band widths dimensions are:

Band Description Width (mm)

Band 1 – Curb Depends on detected Pavement width

Band 2 - Left Wheel Path 750 mm – adjustable

Band 3 - Central band 1000 mm- adjustable

Band 4 - Right Wheel Path 750 mm- adjustable

Band 5 - Centre of Road Depends on detected Pavement width

The Central and Wheel Path band widths are the LCMSAnalyserParams.cfg file.


Crack detection is performed from the range (3D) data image, for which a depth threshold is applied in

order to identify potential cracks. The depth threshold parameter is determined automatically by the

ROMDAS software using the local texture information of the road surface. This automatic depth

threshold can be turned off and a default depth threshold value used instead. The resulting potential

cracks image is then processed to remove lonely cracks, which are typically caused by asperities on the

road surfaces. The last step of the crack detection algorithm is to join together the remaining cracks in

order to form continuous segments.

The crack length and a weighted average crack width and depth are reported in the data output table.


The LCMS detects the area and depth of potholes. To be detected as a pothole it must have a minimum

diameter of 150mm. This is the default value set according to the “Distress Identification Manual for the

Long-Term Pavement Performance Program” published by FHWA (Federal Highway Administration) in

2003. The minimum diameter can be adjusted in the LCMSAnalyserParams.cfg file.

All areas in which a pothole is detected are excluded from the crack detection results, making it

impossible to detect cracks inside a pothole.

The pothole area and depth are reported in the data output table.

Image with Overlay

A JPEG image of each road section is available. To get the result image the processing involves:

• Merging operation of the left and right sensors

• Image stitching to compensate for the installation angle of the sensor

• Image re-sampling to match the physical aspect ratio of the road surface.

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An optional overlay of lane markings, cracking and potholes can be saved with the image.

Colour Description Dimension (mm)

1 Lane and Macro-Texture Band markings 2 Very weak cracks. Severity = 0 < 3

3 Weak cracks in the results images. Severity = 1 < 6

4 Medium cracks in the results images. Severity = 2 < 20

5 Major cracks in the results images. Severity = 3 > 20

6 Pothole > 150 diameter

7 Drop Off detected

8 Curb detected

Cleaning of LCMS

When necessary, all the windows should be cleaned with a soft fabric using isopropyl-alcohol or

methanol. Avoid scratches that could potentially damage the optical quality of windows and affect

system performances. DO not touch the lens with your fingers or hands. When the LCMS is not in use

the external windows should always be protected with the plastic caps.

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13. Rut Depth Surveys with LRMS Scanning Laser



The ROMDAS Laser Rut Measurement System (LRMS) is a transverse road profiling system. Capable

of acquiring full 4-metre width profiles of a highway lane at normal traffic speed, the system uses two

laser that acquire the shape of the pavement. Custom optics and high power pulsed laser line projectors

allow the system to operate in full daylight or in night time conditions. The LRMS includes the

following components:

LRMS laser (2): The two LRMS lasers are responsible for the measurement of the left and

right side transverse profiles. Each unit is composed of a high-power laser line projector and

a special camera to measure deformations of the laser line profile.

Frame grabber board: The PCI Express frame grabber board is used to digitize the images

coming out from the laser cameras and needs to be installed in the ROMDAS host computer.

Controller: The LRMS controller is a standard 19-inch 3U rack-mount unit interfacing data

and control signals between the host computer and the lasers.

Mounting Framework:

All necessary cables (5): All necessary power, data and control cables

The LRMS lasers (which are environmentally protected to IP65) are mounted on the mounting frame at

back of vehicle noting the position of left and right hand unit (facing the direction of travel).

The processed LRMS data can be displayed in real time. The following data is recorded each time a

measurement is made:

the vehicle chainage in m ;

an array of elevations of each measured point on pavement surface;

The following sections describe the design of the LRMS and how the rut information is calculated from

the LRMS data.

Laser Safety


The exposure to laser radiation emitted from Class 3B laser equipment such as the LRMS can be

hazardous to the eyes, particularly if the exposure duration exceeds a few seconds while the viewer’s

eyes are at close proximity of the aperture from which the laser radiation is emitted (worst-case viewing

scenario). You must be aware of the LRMS Laser safety issues and the LRMS system should not be

used by anyone who is not aware of these dangers. See Appendix G before operating this equipment.

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LRMS Setup

LRMS Laser Sensor Setup on Vehicle

Two configurations of LRMS lasers’ installation are recommended depending on the inspection vehicle:

the regular configuration or the tilted configuration. In both configurations, the bottom of the laser unit

main body should be located approximately 850 mm above the road surface. The laser beam of each

laser profilometer is projected at a 21° angle towards the road surface (from the horizontal). It expands

laterally at a 60° angle. The camera of each laser profilometer looks at the projected laser line with a

nominal angle of 32° from the horizontal and with a field-of-view of 43°.

The regular configuration is intended for larger inspection vehicles (see Figure 1a), where the LRMS

laser units can be mounted 2m apart centre-to-centre) with no tilt with respect to the rear panel of the

vehicle. The two projected laser lines are then completely transversal to the road and the system can see

4.1m of pavement (at a nominal height of 850 mm).

In the tilted configuration, which is recommended for smaller inspection vehicles, the LRMS laser units

can be mounted as close as 1m apart centre-to-centre) but with a small tilt angle of 13.5° so that they aim

slightly to the outside of the vehicle (see Figure 1b). Using this second configuration, it is still possible

to measure 4.1m of pavement (at a nominal height of 850 mm) without reducing the other LRMS

performances. When using the tilted configuration, the tilt angle must be specified in ROMDAS so that

the data analysis functions can compensate for all necessary geometric corrections.

Frame Grabber Card

The frame grabber board delivered with all LRMS systems is a Solios eA device manufactured by

Matrox Imaging. This board is used to digitize the images coming out from the LRMS cameras. The

board come in two parts:

Frame Grabber board

Adapter Board

Ribbon Cable to connect frame grabber to Adapter Board

To install the Solios Frame Grabber board, first make sure the computer is turned off and open the

computer case. Locate a free PCIex4 slot or better and insert the Solios board into it.

Then, locate an empty slot (PCI, PCI-X or PCIe) and install the adapter board (this slot need not be

adjacent to the Solios board).

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The adapter board has a support tab that must be removed in case the selected slot is a PCIe. Otherwise,

the adapter board won’t fit into the slot. The support tab can remain in place for a PCI/PCI-X slot. Note

that the adapter board do not plug into a slot connector; they attach only to the back of the computer’s


Connect the adapter board’s flat ribbon cable to the internal auxiliary I/O connector of the Matrox Solios

Frame Grabber board. To do so, position the cable so that the red wire is on the same side as the bracket

of the Matrox Solios board. With the Matrox Solios board and the cable in this position, only the

connector on one end of the cable will latch properly onto the internal auxiliary I/O connector. The other

end will not and excessive force might damage the cable connector. In addition, you should hear a snap

when the hooks of the cable’s connector latch onto the internal auxiliary I/O connector.

Close the computer case and turn it on. When you boot your computer, Window’s Plug and Play system

will detect a new device. At this point, you should click on Cancel. The frame grabber driver will be

installed from the ROMDAS installation CD. Follow the procedure in the Software Installation section


LRMS Controller Connections

The LRMS controller is a standard 19-inch rack-mount unit that is mounted into a rack-mount cabinet in

the vehicle. It is a 3U rack-mount unit that interfaces data and control signals between the host computer

and the LRMS laser controller. On the controller back panel there are two 26 pin military spec.

connectors which are connected to the LRMS laser units using the LRMS laser cables. The female DB9

input is connected to a computer serial port and the DB15 interface goes to the frame grabber.

The remote interlock goes to the Laser DMI (the interlock is a safety feature).

The Frame Grabber double ended cable connection connects to the Analogue Video Input Connecter

#0 and External Auxiliary Connecter #0

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LRMS Settings

The LRMS options are defined under Tools|Options|TPL-LRMS. This option will only be active if you

have purchased a TPL-LRMS (unless you are using the evaluation software which has all options

available for 30 days). When selected, the form below will be shown.

Default to Use in Surveys This defines the setting on the survey opening screen. If you are always

using the LRMS Lasers in the survey then select this box.

Com Port. The computer serial port used to connect to the LRMS Controller Serial Port.

Sensor Configuration. Drop down list with options: Regular or Tilt. Dependant on the way the

Lasers are mounted. Regular configuration mounting is 2 m apart (centre to centre) with no tilt. If

the 2 m width is not possible the Tilt Configuration needs to be used.

Sensor Tilt Angle (degrees). Option only available if the Tilt Sensor Configuration is selected.

Required angle can be calculated using the INO Laser Geometry setup spreadsheet. Enter the Tilt

angle of the Laser Sensors. Valid range 0 – 15 degrees.

Sample Interval (m). Recording sample interval. Default 1 m.

Display in Real-time. This will enable the real-time display of LRMS real time data for both Laser

sensors. For each sensor reading the Rut Depth, Rut Width and Rut cross sectional area will be


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Store Bitmap Image. A bitmap image of each frame is stored in the Data folder. This option would

normally only be used for debugging purposes. Having this option on will effect real-time

performance and also consume 619kb for each image (2 images for each sample).

Analysis Options

Processing Interval (m). The processing interval that data is summarised over in metres. Default

100 m

Straight-edge Length (m). The rut depth is calculated under a user-defined simulated straight-edge.

The range is 1.73 m to 4 m (default 2 m). Note that a warning will be set in the LRMS raw table

statusCode_Left/Right field if the rut width is greater than the straightedge length.

Gauge Width (mm). This parameter specifies the width of the gauge block under the straight-edge

used for measuring the rut (see Figure 5). The range is 19 mm and 75 mm (default 40 mm).

Extract Lane Markings for Processing. The image is processed to detect the lane markings at edge

of Pavement. If they are detected then points outside the markings are discarded. This is valuable to

make sure that features such as drop off or the kerb is not included in the calculations. Detected

markings are ranked by a Confidence level of 75% (less confident) to 100% (absolutely confident)

in the LRMS_Raw_ table. Default is ON.

Calibration Files

Each LRMS laser unit (sensor) is aligned and calibrated prior to shipping. The result of this alignment

and calibration process is the generation of X-axis (.elx) and Z-axis (.elz) look-up tables (LUT). These

LUT files are particular to a given sensor - LPSLUT1 for the left sensor and LPSLUT2 for the right

sensor. They are located on the supplied CD labelled “LRMS LUT Files”.

Copy the following files into the ..\ROMDAS\Calibration folder.







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Note : the correct LUT files must also be present on any computer that is used for processing of the

LRMS data. So if the LRMS data is processed on another computer with ROMDAS in Office Mode then

these calibration files need to be installed in the ROMDAS Calibration on that computer as well.

Frame Grabber Software Setup

The Matrox Frame grabber card MIL-Lite software must be installed after the Frame grabber board is

inserted into the computer (none of the LRMS options will display in ROMDAS unless the MIL-Lite

drivers are detected).

Insert the LRMS Application CD in your CD-ROM drive. For the first-time installation, run the

install.bat file in the root directory of the CD-ROM drive. This will first copy the INO directory on c:\

and install the redistribution version of MIL-Lite software needed to control the frame grabber card that

is used to acquire data from the LRMS sensors. During the installation, you might get a few popup

messages from Windows saying that the software you are installing might be un-compatible with

Windows XP. Click on Continue Anyway. When the installation is completed, you will be asked to

reboot your computer.

LRMS Test Menu

The LRMS test menu can be used to check operational status of the LRMS system. Under Test|Test

TPL-LRMS|Scanning Laser Status.

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Executing a LRMS Survey

Starting the Survey

Select New Survey menu option and enter the survey data into the Survey Setup screen as per Section 0

and proceed to the Survey screen.

Turn on the LRMS key before you are ready to start the survey.

Press the Space Bar to start surveying.

LRMS Data Logging

During the survey a file is created which contains the data from the LRMS. The LRMS data are logged

against chainage at the Sampling interval set in the LRMS Settings.

The display shows real-time calculations for each LRMS Laser of

Rut Depth mm

Rut Width mm

Cross Sectional Area mm2

As well as Status Message for each Laser and for LRMS system.

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Data Processing


After the LRMS data has been collected it is necessary to process the data before analysis. This is done

using the DATA PROCESSING option.


Select the files to Process

Select the Processing to perform.

Generally the default setting of From Current file should be accepted and the processing started.

Analysing LRMS Data


ROMDAS analyses the LRMS data and calculates the rut depth, rut width and cross sectional area.

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Rut Depth Under a Straight-Edge

The transverse profile data are analysed to perform rut extraction on a road profile using an algorithm based on

ASTM E1703 standard ( as implemented by INO)

Figure 4: Calculating Rut Depth from Transverse Profile

The rut depth and width of the detected rut in millimetres

Note that a warning will be set in the Status Code field when the rut width is greater then the straightedge length.

Tilt Angle

A workbook template Odometer Calibration.xlt is available for the calculations. It is located on the

ROMDAS CD under menu ROMDAS Software|Templates.

Status Codes

The LRMS raw table Status Code Left/Right field contains status codes that indicate warning or error

conditions on the left or right sensors.

Code Status Message

1000 OK

1015 WARNING – Auto Pulse Width Adjustment (APWA)

being performed because of changed light conditions on

Pavement surface. This is a normal response to changing

light conditions.

1207 WARNING - Gauge Block Width larger than rut

1208 WARNING - Rut width larger than Straightedge.

1209 ERROR – invalid Rut



WARNING - Data Oversaturated – because of large

difference between darkest and lightest areas in image.

Any other status code reported that is not in this list should be reported to DCL.

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LRMS Calibration Verification and Cleaning

Calibration Verification

The LRMS cannot be calibrated by the user and must be returned back to the manufacturer for

calibration. Under normal circumstances the calibration should not change or be affected. If the

calibration needs to be checked or verified this can be carried out by the user with the following


To verify the calibration of the LRMS lasers the LRMS Calibration Object13 must be used.

The Verification is done using the LRMS Viewer software.

Prior to using this function on a given sensor, the calibration object must be carefully placed and levelled

in front of the sensor. The calibration object should be located such that the laser line lies on the surface

of the calibration object as shown in Figure above. The centre edge of the calibration object should be

roughly aligned with the centre of the lateral field of view of the sensor (X = 0).

13 LRMS Calibration Object not supplied as standard with LRMS – contact DCL for quotation.

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Even though the tilt and roll angles are measured and used for compensation, it is not recommended to

perform the calibration verification when the LRMS sensor has a tilt or a roll angle larger than 5°.

Therefore the inspection vehicle should not be level as possible when performing the calibration

verification. Also, the vehicle should not move while performing the calibration verification. Be sure to

stop the engine and not to move inside the vehicle while performing this operation.

When you have pushed the Verify Calibration button you will get the following message.

When ready push the Start button. A dialog shortly will display with the Calibration Verification results.

Cleaning of LRMS

When necessary, all the windows should be cleaned with a soft fabric using isopropyl-alcohol or

methanol. Avoid scratches that could potentially damage the optical quality of windows and affect

system performances. It is recommended to protect the external windows with covers when the LRMS is

not in use. The controller and the sensor’s body should be cleaned with a soft fabric using water.

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14 Rut Depth Surveys with Transverse Profile Logger

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14. Rut Depth Surveys with Transverse Profile Logger



The ROMDAS transverse profile logger (TPL) is designed to measure the transverse profile of the

pavement. These measurements are used to calculate the rut depth. The TPL consists of the following:

ultrasonic measurement sensors;

TPL master controller in Control box on front of TPL;

Aluminium housing for the sensors and Master Controller which is affixed to the front of the

vehicle. There is a main section and two ‘wings’ which extend beyond the main section.

The TPL Controller is in an IP67 environmentally protected housing. The sensors (which are also

environmentally protected to IP67) are spaced at 125 mm intervals and will measure the distance to

pavement with an accuracy of + 0.5 mm14. The main section contains 18 sensors while the wings contain

3 sensors each.

The TPL does not do real-time processing of the data. Instead, the data is downloaded to the computer

during the survey and stored for post-processing. This allows for a more detailed data analysis than is

possible with real-time systems.

The following data are recorded each time a measurement is made:

the vehicle chainage in metres;

the vertical elevations of each sensor above the pavement;

The transverse profile measurement is therefore characterised by readings of a pair of sensor numbers

and elevations — or a series of x-y co-ordinates when the sensor number is replaced by the location of

the sensor relative to the first sensor.

The y co-ordinates consist of the time it takes for the ultrasonic signal to travel to the surface and return

to the sensor. These are converted to the actual distance in mm. Data are stored along with the chainage

where the measurements were taken. Details of the file structure are given in Chapter 20. Appendix D

gives full details on the TPL.

The following sections describe the design of the TPL and how rut depths and distortion are calculated

from the TPL data.


The ROMDAS TPL operates with 24 ultrasonic sensors spaced at 125 mm intervals. The TPL Controller

is the interface between the sensors and the computer.

The TPL Controller is connected to the computer via an Ethernet cable.

Based on a sampling interval defined by the user, the computer sends a signal to the master controller.

To avoid interference effects between adjacent sensors, the sensors are fired in sets of 2. A firing of the

14 This is based on static testing of the system with objects of known heights. The confidence intervals for the means

were < 0.5 mm with 95% confidence. Allowing for errors in the ‘real world’ the measurements can be taken to be +

1.0 mm. Working papers on the testing are available at in the download section.

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other sensors then follows. The staggering of the firings means that the resulting transverse profile is not

from exactly the same point across the road but is instead a composite formed from the two firings.

However because of the speed of firing the distance between firings is minimal..

The firing of all sensors takes approximately 0.02 s. The total longitudinal distance between all sensors

firing depends upon the speed of the vehicle. The table below shows the theoretical distance over which

the sensors are fired as a function of the vehicle speed. In practical terms, Sampling intervals down to

0.5 m are achievable at speeds of 30 km/h or less, speeds above15 that should be set to 1 m or above.

Transverse Profile Measurement Locations





Distance for Firing


5 1.4 0.01 10 2.8 0.03 20 5.6 0.06 30 8.3 0.08 40 11.1 0.11 50 13.9 0.14 60 16.7 0.17 70 19.4 0.19 80 22.2 0.22 90 25.0 0.25 100 27.8 0.28

TPL Setup Options

TPL Ethernet Connections

The v2 TPL connects to ROMDAS by Ethernet. Physically the Ethernet cable can be connected either

directly to the ROMDAS data collection computer or via the Ethernet Switch if used with ROMDAS

Laser Profilometer system (all devices connected need to be in the same IP subnetwork i.e. all should

have IP addresses of 192.168.1.x).

The IP address of the TPL Controller is The ROMDAS computer should have the IP

address set to

15 Speeds above 75 km/h are not recommended for the TPL because of the increased wind effects. 16 Changed in August 2012 with introduction of GigE camera - previously subnet mask

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Go to Local Area Connection Properties – Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties

The following IP address and Subnet Mask should be set.

Set the subnet mask to and press OK

Under Setup Options|TPL set the TPL Connection to Ethernet (the Com Ports settings are for v1 TPL

connection and cannot be used for a v2 TPL).

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TPL Settings

The TPL options are defined under Tools|Options|TPL. This option will only be active if you have

purchased a TPL (unless you are using the evaluation software which has all options available for 30

days). When selected, the form below will be shown.

TPL Connection This option should only be set to Ethernet unless connecting to the previous v1

TPL which then must be set to the connected RS232 port.

Default to Use TPL in Surveys This defines the setting on the survey opening screen. If you are

always using a TPL in the survey set this value to Y.

Default TPL Sampling Interval (m). This is the distance in m where transverse profile

measurements will be taken.

Sensor closest to Kerb. The TPL is shipped with Sensor 1 on the left hand side of the vehicle. The

software needs to know which sensor (1 or 30) is closest to the kerb in order to correctly report the

wheelpaths. The sensor closest to the kerb will change depending on whether you drive on the left or

right hand side of the road in your country.

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TPL Wing Configuration Use. Specify which wings are used in the survey. Either None, Wing

1(contains lowest sensor numbers, on left hand side of v2 TPL’s), Wing 2 or Both.

TPL Measurement Calibration Coefficients (Constant and Slope). The user can calibrate the

TPL readings by comparing the measured output with a known distance. This is done as described in

Appendix Dand results in a linear equation between the measured and actual distance. The user

enters the slope and constant of this regression here.

Fixed Target Distance at Standard Conditions (mm). This only applies to v1 TPL’s. V2 TPL

should be left at the default value. As described in Appendix D the TPL has a sensor firing at a fixed

target. The user enters the distance to the fixed target (in mm) under the standard conditions. These

standard conditions represent a base altitude, temperature and atmospheric pressure. The fixed target

value is established during the TPL Distance Calibration.

Distance between sensors. Set to 100 mm for v1 TPL and 125 mm for v2 TPL.

TPL Processing Interval (m). Reporting Interval that Rut depth is reported over.

Analysis Options

As described in below there are two methods for calculating rutting:

Straight-edge. The rut depth is calculated under a user-defined simulated straight-edge.

Pseudo-rut. This is the maximum difference in height between the wheelpath and the crown

between the wheelpaths

Straight-edge rut depths are really only meaningful when the rut bar extends over the full width of the

ruts. Thus, if one is using only the 2 m section it may be appropriate to use pseudo-ruts.

Length of Straight Edge. The rut depths are calculated under a user-defined straight edge length.

This can be any length from 0.2 to 2.5 m in 0.1 m intervals.

Pseudo-Rut Calculation Parameters. These entries give the sensor numbers where the high and

low points will be located for calculating the pseudo-rut depths. Here, only the main bar is used so

the rutting is assumed to be in the first 5 sensors to the left (6-10) and the last 5 sensors at the right

(21-25). The high point will be between sensors 11-20. As with the straight-edge, calibration

coefficients are provided to correct for any biases when compared to a straight-edge measurement.

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Error Corrections

The TPL Error Corrections are applied when processing the raw TPL data. The dialog above shows the

corrections that can be made to the data.

Correct for Maximum and Minimum deviations. The TPL sensors may occasionally ‘range out’

which sees them giving excessively high values. Less frequent are excessively low values. Since

these will lead to false estimates of the rut depth they should be corrected. The values entered here

should represent the maximum and minimum likely values expected and any reading exceeding

these is treated as a bad reading to be corrected. They should be based on the height of the TPL

sensors above the pavement and the expected rutting levels.

Correct incremental differences. Unless you are dealing with a highly discontinuous pavement, or

going over the pavement edge, there will not be large incremental differences between adjacent

sensors. If the values are outside of the limit set here the reading is treated as a bad reading to be


Correct 0 Elevation Readings. When a sensor fails it returns a zero elevation. Setting this option to

‘Y’ sees these readings corrected.

When a TPL reading fails one of the first three tests and corrections have been requested, it is treated as

a bad reading. The data are corrected by linearly interpolating the elevations from the adjacent good


Executing a TPL Survey

Starting the Survey

Select New Survey menu option and enter the survey data into the Survey Setup screen as per Section 0

and proceed to the Survey screen.

Press the Space Bar to start surveying.

TPL Data Logging

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During the survey a file is created which contains the data from the TPL. The TPL data are logged

against chainage at the interval set in the TPL Settings.

The relative height of each sensor above the road surface is shown in real-time in the TPL window. A

faulty sensor or node can quickly be identified from this window.

Note: It will be noticed that as the road surface texture becomes larger that some sensors will

sporadically disappear the greater the surface becomes. This is because of more adverse reflections from

the higher texture road surface. This can’t be avoided but doesn’t overall affect the rut depth result as the

missing sensor values are ignored in the rut depth calculation.

Data Processing


After the TPL data have been downloaded it is necessary to process the data before analysis. This is

done using the DATA PROCESSING option.

Before processing the data ensure that the appropriate data correction options are selected (Section 0).

The user is prompted to enter the name of the Datum Level file (Datum Table in TPL Calibration.mdb)

created as described in Section 0. This provides the correction factors for each sensor relative to one

another. The user then selects the raw TPL data file to be processed. The following processing is done to

the data:

Standard Conditions. Ultrasonic’s are influenced by temperature, altitude and barometric pressure.

To correct for this, the TPL has a sensor which fires continuously at a fixed distance target. Thus,

any variations in the readings of this sensor represent the effects of the above ambient conditions on

the ultrasonic’s. The user defines the standard distance to fixed target (see Appendix D) and the ratio

of the fixed sensor measurement to the standard distance is used to correct the data for ambient


Measurement Calibration Coefficients. The data are then corrected for the measurement

calibration coefficients. As described in Appendix D, these are created by comparing the TPL output

to known distances and analysing the data to establish a linear relationship. The coefficients are

entered as described in Section 0.

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Relative Heights. The datum level file contains the correction factors for each sensor relative to

each other. These values are added to the individual elevations, after being corrected to standard

conditions based on the fixed target measurement during the calibration.

To illustrate this process, consider the following example:

Standard Conditions - The standard distance of the fixed distance sensor is 200.0 mm

Measurement Calibration Coefficients - The distance calibration equation is 10.0 + 0.9 DISTANCE

Relative Heights - The relative height for the sensor is -2.0 mm and this was established with the fixed

sensor reading 300 mm.

Sensor Readings (from TPL_Raw_xxx table) - The readings of the sensor was 302.0 mm with a fixed

distance sensor reading of 222.0 mm.

1. Correct the raw data for ambient conditions:

RAW_1 = 302.0 x 200.0/222.0 = 272.1 mm

This means that although the sensor measured 302.0 mm, since the fixed sensor was over

measuring by 11% (222.0/200.0) the true distance is 11% lower than the measured 302.0 mm –

272.1 mm.

2. Measurement Calibration Coefficients

The actual measurements at standard conditions is established as:

RAW_2 = 10 + 0.9 RAW_1

= 10 + 0.9 x 272.1 = 254.9 mm

Although the instrument was measuring 272.1 mm the actual distance corresponding to that

measurement is 254.9 mm.

3. Relative Distance

The relative distance for this sensor is -2.0 mm but this was at a standard condition of 300.0 mm.

The actual relative distance is:

REL_DIST = -2.0 x 200.0/300.0 = -1.3 mm

4. Final Elevation

The final elevation is the calibrated distance plus the relative distance:

ELEV = 254.9 - 1.3 = 253.6 mm


Select the files to Process

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Select the Processing to perform.

Generally the default setting of From Current file should be accepted and the processing started.

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Analysing TPL Data


ROMDAS analyses the TPL data and calculates the rut depth using two methods:

Rut depth under a straight-edge

Pseudo-rut depths

Rut Depth Under a Straight-Edge

The transverse profile data are analysed to determine the rut depth under straight edge. The straight edge

length is user-definable between 1.0 - 3.0 m. The analysis method is based on that developed for the US

Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP) by Hadley and Myers (1991)17. Two statistics are


the rut depth under a user-defined straight edge; and,

the transverse profile distortion.

Rut Depth

The rut depth algorithm can analyse any straight-edge length up to the 3.0 m, however, the straight-edge

must be expressed in terms of multiples of 0.1 m.

When a straight-edge is laid over a wheelpath, it rests upon the two high points under its span. The rut

depth is defined as the maximum vertical distance between the straight-edge and the pavement. This is

illustrated in Figure 5 for two wheelpaths under a 1.2 m straight-edge and a hypothetical transverse


Rut Depth

1 30Sensor

Figure 5: Calculating Rut Depth from Transverse Profile

The analysis starts at sensor 1 which is the reading closest to the pavement edge. It progresses until the

rutting in one wheelpath is established. It is then repeated for the second wheelpath starting at the last

sensor and moving downwards. If the ‘wings’ are not used the calculations start with the sensors at the

ends of the main bar (7 – 24).

To illustrate the analysis process consider Figure 6-A which shows a set of hypothetical transverse

profile elevations. The algorithm places the end of the straight-edge at a starting point. For each start

17 Hadley, W.O. and Myers, M.G. (1991). Rut Depth Estimates Developed from Cross Profile Data. SHRP Long Term

Pavement Performance Program Technical Memo AU-179, Texas Research and Development Foundation, Austin.

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point, the slopes are calculated between it and all successive points which would fall within the span of

the straight-edge (e.g. 12 points for 1.2 m straight-edge). Figure 6-B illustrates this using Sensor 3 as the

start point.

The maximum of these slopes is identified (Sensor 5 in Figure 6-B). Two criteria are used to establish

whether or not this is a viable placement point for calculating a rut depth. If either of these is met the

current starting point will not produce a rut depth and the analysis moves on to the next starting point.

These criteria are:

if the maximum slope is less than the slope between the start point and the preceding sensor;

if the maximum point arises for the point adjacent to the starting point.

Once a viable placement point has been established, the vertical distances of all intermediate placement

points are established. In Figure 6-C the start point is Sensor 5 and the maximum slope point is Sensor

13. Here, the maximum slope is that closest to the horizontal plane since all elevations are below that of

Sensor 5. Figure 6-D shows the various possible rut depths for these two points.

For that starting point, the rut depth is the maximum of the vertical distances of all intermediate points. It

should be noted that in calculating the rut depth the change in horizontal span due to tilting is assumed

not to be significant.

For each possible starting point a maximum rut depth is derived. The largest of these values is taken as

the rut depth for the wheelpath in question.

To minimise computation time, the number of possible starting points to analyse for each wheelpath can

be limited. Hadley and Myers (1991) indicate that the maximum elevation usually arises within 0.6 m of

the pavement edge so the default value used with ROMDAS is 0.6 m. However, this can be changed


menu (Section 0) up to 1.5 m.

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1 30Sensor

1 30Sensor

1 30Sensor

1 30Sensor

Rut depth

1.2 m Straight Edge

Elevations considered in

calculating rut depth

Figure 6: Example of Calculating Rut Depth

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Transverse Profile Distortion

Hadley and Myers (1991) outline a method for using the distortions in the transverse profile to identify

the potential source of rutting.

Distortion is defined as “the unit volumetric change in a [transverse] profile from its original cross slope

orientation to that of the measured rutted configuration.”

There are two components of distortion:

uplift of the pavement gives rise to positive distortion. The uplift can be related to shoving within

the asphalt surface layer(s), rutting in the upper pavement layers, or, possibly, soil swelling;

negative distortion consists of a downward displacement of the pavement. This can be due to rutting

in the upper pavement layer or, in extreme cases, subgrade effects.

The net transverse profile distortion is calculated using a finite element integration technique. A segment

is defined as the product of the elevation and the distance between the sensors (i.e. based on the x-y co-

ordinates). The distortion is the sum of the segments for all sensors.

The base cross profile is defined from the average elevations of the first three and last three sensors to

minimise the impact of shoulder/edge drop off:

YL = 4

3Y2Y21Y YR =



where YL is the left elevation in mm

YR is the right elevation in mm

Y1 to Y30 are the elevations of sensors 1 to 30 in mm

This approach is not used when the wings are not employed since it is assumed that there is little

likelihood of edge drop off influences.

As shown in

Figure 7, there are three cases which arise based on the net distortion:

negative - if the rutting is severe and the distortion is almost completely negative this corresponds to

a displacement of the pavement layers and the probable cause is subgrade rutting (

Figure 7-A);

zero - if the net distortion is approximately zero, i.e. it is evenly divided between upward and

downward movement, this suggests rutting arising in the upper pavement layers (

Figure 7-B);

positive - when there is more uplift than displacement the net distortion will be positive which is

indicative of shoving (

Figure 7-C).

The distortion is reported both as an absolute value and as the ratio of positive to negative distortion.

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1 30Sensor

1 30Sensor

1 30Sensor

Net Distortion - Negative (no positive values)

Deep Subgrade Rutting

Net Distortion - Zero

Rutting Within Pavement Layer

Net Distortion - Positive

Shoving Within Upper Layer




- -

+ +



Figure 7: Pavement Distortion Possibilities

Pseudo-Rut Depths

As illustrated in

Figure 8, ‘pseudo-ruts’ are defined as the difference (in mm) between the high point and the low points.

This is a useful measure when only a portion of the rut bar is used—for example just the main section—

and it has been found to give very repeatable results.

The pseudo-ruts are calculated for the left and right wheelpaths, and also averaged.

Figure 8: Definition of


1 30Sensor

Low Point 1 Low Point 2High Point

Pseudo-Rut 1 Pseudo-Rut 2

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15. Geometry Surveys



The ROMDAS Geometry Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) is used to measure Grade, Horizontal

Radius of Curvature and Cross slope.

The following sections describe the design of the ROMDAS Geometry system and how the geometry

information is calculated from the IMU data.


Cross slope is a geometric feature of pavement surfaces; the transversal slope [%] with respect to the

horizon. It is a very important safety factor. One task is to make water runoff the surface to a drainage

system, as Cross Slope is the main contributor to Pavement Drainage gradient. In horizontal curves, the

cross slope is banked into super-elevation, in order to reduce hazardous lateral forces. Typical values

range from 2% for straight segments to 10% for sharp superelevated curves.

To measure the Cross slope the angle of the best fit of the line through the road profile and the roll angle

of the vehicle from the IMU are subtracted from each other.

The Road profile data can be from either LRMS scanning laser, TPL or two Laser profilometers.

Grade or Gradient is also expressed as a percentage, the formula for which is 100 X rise/run

which could also be expressed as the tangent of the angle of inclination times 100.

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Horizontal Radius of Curvature as the proper design of the radius of curvature of a roadway at a

horizontal curve is vital to making the roadway safe for its users at the design sped. Also

because of the relationship between super-elevation and the radius of curvature, knowledge of

the radius of curvature at a location is essential in checking the adequacy of super-elevation of

that location.

Geometry Setup Options

Geometry IMU Connections

The IMU connects to the ROMDAS computer USB port. The IMU also has a GPS antenna that needs to

be mounted on the roof of the vehicle.

Geometry IMU Driver

The driver for the Geometry unit is on the ROMDAS CD at menu Software Extras|ROMDAS

Geometry Unit|Install ROMDAS Geometry Unit 32/64 bit drivers. ROMDAS will automatically

detect the installed comport.

Geometry Settings

The Geometry options are defined under Tools|Options|Geometry. This option will only be active if

you have purchased the Geometry option (unless you are using the evaluation software which has all

options available for 30 days). When selected, the form below will be shown.

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Default to Use in Surveys This defines the setting on the survey opening screen. If you are always

using a Geometry IMU in the survey then select this box.

Vehicle Body to Road Angle Derived from. Whether the road datum is derived from

LCMS/LRMS/TPL or NONE. If NONE the reported Cross slope is the vehicle roll only.

Processing Interval (m). The processing interval that data is summarised over in metres. Default is

10 m.


Extra care must be taken to ensure that the device used for measuring road datum for Cross slope

(LRMS, TPL or Laser profilometers) are installed at exactly the same height on both sides of the vehicle.

Executing a Geometry Survey

Starting the Survey

Select New Survey menu option and enter the survey data into the Survey Setup screen as per Section 0

and proceed to the Survey screen.

Press the Space Bar to start surveying.

Geometry Data Logging

During the survey a file is created which contains the data from the Geometry IMU. The IMU data are

logged against chainage at the Sampling interval set in the Geometry Settings.

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The Pitch, Roll and Yaw angles are shown in real-time in the Geometry window. The Status box gives a

message on current status of IMU and GPS availability.

Data Processing


After the Geometry data have been collected it is necessary to process the data before analysis. This is

done using the DATA PROCESSING option.


Select the files to Process

Select the Processing to perform.

Generally the default setting of From Current file should be accepted and the processing started.

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16 Moving Traffic Count Surveys

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16. Moving Traffic Count Surveys



Traffic count data have always been recognised as important in the design and planning process.

Traditionally, most traffic count data have come from temporary or permanent traffic count locations.

Either manual or automatic surveys are done which count the number of vehicles and convert these to an

average daily traffic (ADT) or the average annual daily traffic (AADT).

An alternative approach, which lends itself to a ROMDAS survey, is to do a ‘Moving Traffic Survey’. It

works mainly on single and two-lane roads, although theoretically it should also work on multi-lane


Moving traffic surveys are done by recording the number of vehicles travelling in the opposite direction.

An Average Daily Traffic (ADT) is calculated which needs to be adjusted for day of week and month of

year to get an AADT.


To calculate the ADT from a moving vehicle, consider the following proof where:

X is the oncoming flow rate in veh/h

So is the average oncoming vehicle speed in km/h

Sr is the speed of the survey vehicle in km/h

L is the distance travelled by the survey vehicle in km

C is the number of vehicles counted travelling in the opposite direction in veh

The average headway (km/veh) between vehicles is So/X. The length of the observed traffic stream (in

km) is C So/X.

The observed duration of the survey (in h) is given by L/Sr. Hence the length (km) of the traffic stream

that has been observed is (Sr+So) L/Sr.

Equating these two expressions:

X = C So/[(Sr + So) L/Sr]

X =






If the survey vehicle travels at the same speed as the oncoming traffic, and it is assumed that there are no

speed differences between classes, the above expression reduces to:

X = 2




Since the duration of the survey is given by t = L/Sr, this can be expressed as:

X = t



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We assume that the total flow on the road is twice the flow in the opposing direction so the total flow is

given as18:

Xtot = t


Or, for different survey vehicle speeds to oncoming traffic:

Xtot =






A calibration factor is used to convert to an ADT:

ADT = CFadt Xtot

The accuracy of the ADT count can be improved by classifying the vehicles and using the above

expression to calculate the ADT by class and added to get the total ADT. It is not necessary to have the

precise speeds of these other vehicle classes in the calculations. The speeds for the buses and trucks can

be expressed relative to car speeds, for example as travelling 10 and 20 km/h slower respectively:

Xpc =








Xhb =








Xtk =








ADT = CFadt (Xpc + Xhb + Xtk)

where Cpc is the number of cars travelling in opposite direction

Chb is the number of heavy buses travelling in the opposite direction

Ctk is the number of heavy trucks travelling in the opposite direction

Xpc is the flow for cars in veh/h

Xhb is the flow for heavy buses in veh/h

Xht is the flow for heavy trucks in veh/h

ADT is the Average Daily Traffic

CFadt is the ADT calibration factor based on time of day

L is the distance travelled in km

So is the speed of oncoming traffic in km/h

Sr is the speed of the ROMDAS survey vehicle

Example of Predictions

How reliable is this method at calculating the ADT? The figure below shows the results of AADT

derived from moving survey data from India, corrected for time of day and other factors, compared to

18 An alternative approach is proposed by the TRL. They use the equation ADT = (C + y – z)/t where y is the number of

vehicles that overtake the survey vehicle (Direction = 1) and z is the number of vehicles overtaken by the survey

vehicle (Direction = 2). The theoretical basis for this equation is not known but it is postulated it is to correct for a

departure from the median speed by the survey vehicle. The user can optionally apply this equation in processing

survey data collected with ROMDAS, but it is recommended that the ROMDAS method described above be used.

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the AADT from 7-day counts for the same road sections19. It can be observed that the moving survey

method gave an excellent correlation with the 7-day counts.

Example of Moving vs. 7-Day ADT from India

Adjustment Factors


The traffic count flow profiles are used to convert the moving traffic survey data to an ADT and an

AADT. There are two corrections which are required:

ADT Calibration Factor: used to correct for the time of day and duration of the survey

AADT Adjustment Factor: used to correct for the day of week and month of year of the survey.

ADT Calibration Factor

The ADT Adjustment Factor (CFadt) is used to convert the hourly flow estimate to an ADT. It should be

noted that the factor is generally dependent upon the type of road being surveyed. As a general rule, they

will be different for urban and rural roads, and different roads in your hierarchy (e.g. residential,

collector and arterial).

The traffic flows vary over the day. The figure below shows the hourly flows (veh/h) over a 24 h period

based on 5 minute intervals for a road in Thailand. The direction monitored was out of town so the flows

are low during the morning peak and increase during the day, reaching their highest during the afternoon


19 Bennett, C.R. and Paterson, W.D.O. (1999). HDM Calibration Reference Manual. Report to the International Study

of Highway Development and Management Tools, PIARC, Paris.

y = 1.02x

R2 = 0.97










0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000

AADT: 7 - day Count






m M









Line of equality

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Example of Daily Flow Profile

On the basis of the flows, six periods with relatively constant flow were identified. The flows during

these periods are given in the table below. Dividing the flow by the length of each period gives the

average hourly flow in veh/h. The total number of vehicles observed (ADT) was 8076 veh/day. The

adjustment factor for each of the flow periods is therefore given by the ADT divided by the hourly flow.

These are given in the right column. Thus, an hourly flow measured between 06:00 and 08:30 should be

multiplied by 28 to convert it to an ADT.

Start End Observed







Factor to


22:00 03:30 389 71 114

03:30 06:00 398 159 51

06:00 08:30 733 293 28

08:30 15:30 2986 427 19

15:30 20:00 2857 635 13

20:00 22:00 713 357 23

ADT 8076

AADT Adjustment Factor

As with regular traffic counts, ADT also needs to be converted to an AADT using correction factors

which are based on the month of year and, optionally, the day of week.

The figure below is an example of AADT seasonal correction factors from Gujarat, India. The traffic

flows are lowest during the monsoon season from June-September so counts taken during these periods

are multiplied by a factor greater than 1 to convert them to an AADT.


1 00

2 00

3 00

4 00

5 00

6 00

7 00

8 00

9 00

10 00





































Time of D ay




w in



Flow P er iod 1 Flow P er iod 2 Flow Pe ri od 3 Flow P er iod 4 Flo w P er io d 5


P er iod 6


Pe ri od 1

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AADT Seasonal Correction Factors from Gujarat, India

The conversion is done as:


where CFaadt is the AADT seasonal correction factor

The following sections describe defining CFadt and CFaadt in ROMDAS.

Defining ADT Calibration Factor

Select Setup|Survey Setup Files|ADT Calibration Factor.

The screen to the right will be shown.

The name of the table to store the ADT profile in must be

entered and the Create Table button selected. This will create

the table. It will be available from the drop-down list as

shown to the bottom right.

The Start Time, End Time, and ADT Factor are then entered

as shown to the right. The Insert key is used to save the data.

When the data are entered, select Exit. Records can be

changed using the Update button.

These data are used to multiply the average hourly flow to convert it to an AADT. Thus, if an hourly

flow of 20 veh/h was observed between 22:00 and 03:30 the ADT would be 2,280 veh/day with the data


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It should be noted that the data spans midnight since there was a constant flow profile from 22:00 –

03:30. This requires two different settings: 0:00 – 03:30 and 22:00 – 24:00. When the data are entered

the user always starts at 0:00 and enters the end time for the interval. That end time then becomes the

start time for the next interval until data have been entered for the entire 24 h period.

Defining AADT Adjustment Factor

The AADT Adjustment Factor is entered through Setup|Survey Setup Files| AADT Calibration

Factor. As shown to the right, the user defines a table name. For each month the factor is entered either

as a single factor for the entire month or as a daily factor. The Insert button adds the records.

Defining Moving Traffic Count Events and Executing a Survey

Defining Events

It is necessary to assign a keyboard event to be associated with a vehicle. Every time a vehicle travelling

in the opposite direction is passed, the appropriate key should be pressed. This is done as described in

Section 0. The screen to the right is an example of this for a truck.

Executing a Survey

Once the system has been set up with keys assigned to record traffic data, the moving traffic survey is

done by having the operator press a key when a vehicle travelling in the opposite direction is passed.

When a key is pressed the time of observation is stored in the data file along with the vehicle class and

the key pressed. These data are then used to calculate the AADT.

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16 Moving Traffic Count Surveys

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Setup Options

Processing Setup options

Processing Method for Moving Traffic Count: The ROMDAS method is the default. This

uses the relative speed of different vehicles to improve upon the ADT estimate. The TRL method

corrects for vehicles overtaking and overtaken.

Speed of Opposing Vehicle: When using the ROMDAS method the speed of the opposing

vehicles is important. This is set to 0 as the default which means that the survey vehicle is assumed

to travel at the same mean speed as the opposing vehicles.

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17 Travel Time Surveys

148 © Data Collection Ltd.

17. Travel Time Surveys



The speed survey option is designed to collect data on travel times and accelerations. It is used for

floating car surveys as well as congestion evaluation through the acceleration noise. The system is

designed to calibrate the HDM-4 Congestion Model.

The data are collected at user defined sampling intervals (default = 1 s) and consist of the cumulative

distance travelled and the cumulative time when the observation was made. The interval can be changed

as described in this Section.

In common with roughness surveys, it is recommended that LRPs be used in all speed surveys. This will

ensure that data from successive surveys can be correlated with each other. This is particularly important

for travel time surveys which are used to evaluate level of service on road networks.

The Travel time survey can be used simultaneously with any other ROMDAS survey option.

The Travel Time survey requires no operator input during the survey.

Setup Options

Setup Options

Use in Surveys: This defines the setting on the survey opening screen. If you are always using the

Travel Time survey set this value to Y.

Sampling Interval: The data is recorded at this frequency.

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Data Processing


The time, speed and acceleration profile calculation uses the raw travel time data to calculate the average

speed as well as the instantaneous speeds and accelerations:

average speed: this is defined as the cumulative distance travelled divided by the cumulative time.

When LRP’s are used the value represents the average speed between LRP’s. It is reported in km/h.

instantaneous speed: the instantaneous speed is the speed over the last observation interval. It is the

change in distance divided by the change in time. It is reported in km/h.

instantaneous acceleration: this is calculated as the change in instantaneous speed divided by the

change in time. It is reported in m/s2.

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18 Digital Odometer

150 © Data Collection Ltd.

18. Digital Odometer


The ROMDAS Odometer System option allows the PC to be used as a digital odometer. It is designed to

replicate a dual display trip meter with both continuous and elapsed distance counters.

This is also a useful option for checking the odometer calibration.


For the top and bottom counters the user can enter two items of data:

Initial Chainages: This is the chainage to start

the display at. The values can be entered for the

Continuous Distance Counter or the Elapsed

Distance Counter.

For example, one may be 1000 m from the beginning

of the road and wish to use this as the initial

chainage. By setting this value as the initial chainage

the Odometer display would start at 1000 m and

increment upwards.

Display Distance Decimal Data: The Odometer display by default only displays whole metres. If

you have a DMI with Odo Calibration factor greater than 10,000 you will have better than 0.1 m

resolution and you can select this option to display to 0.1 m.

When these data have been entered, the F10 key should be pressed.

Using the Odometer

The vehicle should be positioned at

the start of the section. The user then

has the option of pressing the F2 key

to start both distance counters, or the

F3 key to start the Continuous

counter only. The screen shot below

is an example of the display with

both distance counters operating.

The Continuous and Elapsed

Distance counters are controlled

independently. Pressing the Hold

(F10) key will pause the display of

the top Continuous distance counter.

However, even though the display is

paused the cumulative distance is still

being recorded. Thus, pressing the

Hold (F10) key again will return the

display to the current cumulative

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18 Digital Odometer

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distance. This is useful for noting the distance of events during a survey.

The bottom counter is used to measure the elapsed distance between two points. Pressing the SPACE bar

toggles and resets this counter.

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19 Software Setup Options

152 © Data Collection Ltd.

19. Software Setup Options



ROMDAS is designed to provide the user with control over most survey settings and options. The

defaults are suitable for most situations, but with experience users will modify the settings for their

specific needs. They are accessed through the Tools entry on the menu.

There are two types of settings:

Basic Settings are those which the survey operators typically have access to. They are required for

basic setup and operation of ROMDAS.

Advanced Settings are typically set by the survey manager and should not be modified by operators

in the field.

Each of these are discussed in the following sections.

Basic Settings


Selecting Calibrate gives the menu to the right. The options are:

Odometer. This is used to calibrate the vehicle odometer (see

Section 0).

Gyro. This is used to calibrate the Gyro (see Section Error! Reference source not found.)

Laser Profilometer. This is used to set up the Laser Sampling interval and odometer calibration

(see Annex C)

Roughness Bump Integrator. This is used to calibrate the roughness meter (see Section 0).

TPL. This is used to calibrate the transverse profile logger (see Section 0).

Test Instruments

Selecting Test menu gives the drop menu to the right. The testing of

instruments is described in Section 0.


Selecting Tools|Customise gives the menu to the right. These options are

described in Section 0

Default File Directory

This option is not implemented yet.

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Define Pause Key

This option is not implemented yet.

Assign Mouse Buttons

This option is not implemented yet.

User Defined Fields

ROMDAS has a number of ‘system’ fields that are used for storing data, e.g. Survey_ID for the survey.

However, users often need to have additional fields for storing their own data, for example the District

that a survey is being conducted in, the weather conditions at time of survey etc. ROMDAS provides

three additional User Defined Fields to record any extra data that may be required. The data that can be

entered are:

Field Name: The name of the field to be displayed

Field Type: The type of data stored (see below)


Any Character



Length: The size of the field

The User Defined Field names and entered data are recorded in the Survey_Header table in the output


The two sets of screens below show the survey input form without and with user defined fields.

Without User Defined Fields

With User Defined Fields

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19 Software Setup Options

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Advanced Settings


If the Protect Setup Options with Password option (defined using the Program Options setup

described later in this section.) has been set Selecting Tools|Options from the main menu gives the

password entry box shown below: The correct password must be entered to gain access to the Setup


Program Options

Hardware Interface / Laser DMI Com Port: The serial port that is connected to the ROMDAS

Hardware Interface or Laser DMI.

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Use Start Trigger Sensor During Calibration. For use with the ROMDAS Automatic Start

Trigger to ensure more accurate start of calibration runs.

Survey to End When Survey Length Reached. If the Survey Setup Length field is entered the

survey will automatically stop at that length.

Activate Warning Beep. A beep will sound at the end of the interval defined here.

Rest Warning Beep with LRP’s. The warning beep distance will set back to zero at LRP.

Protect Setup Options with Password. This option enables or resets the password which allows

access to the Tools|Options. When ROMDAS is installed the password is blank and the

Tools|Options is not password protected.

Default Vehicle. The default vehicle to use in surveys if there is more than one vehicle defined.

Digital Photos

Time Settings

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19 Software Setup Options

156 © Data Collection Ltd.

Some customers run other data collection systems in conjuction with ROMDAS and use the above time

fields to link the data between the systems. A time field with two different time formats can be

optionally added to the above listed tables for this purpose.

Laser Surveyor

Type of Laser You must specify the type of laser instrument to be used. Currently only the

LaserAce 300 is supported.

Length of Time for Readings: The length of time in seconds for to monitor for readings once the

data are received.

Beep When Acceptable Reading: Whether the ROMDAS computer should beep when acceptable

Laser reading is received.

Heading Gyroscope

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19 Software Setup Options

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20 File Management

158 © Data Collection Ltd.

20. File Management



This chapter describes the file structures for the ROMDAS data. It is divided into the following sections:

File Locations. The locations and types of files saved by ROMDAS.

File Structures – Survey Setup and Management Files. The structures of files and tables used for

setting up and managing surveys.

File Structures – Headers and Survey Raw Data. The structures of files and tables storing raw

survey data.

File Structures – Processed Data. The structures of files and tables containing processed survey


File Locations


As shown the right, the ROMDAS files are stored in the

following folders:

Calibration: Files associated with instrument calibration.

Setup: Files associated with setting up the software.

Survey Data: Files from actual surveys. The survey data are

stored in different folders depending upon the type of data:

Audio, Data, Photo or Videos.

Data Files

All survey data is recorded in a binary format file (rbf). The rbf files can be processed to produce Access

.mdb files. The file names are taken from the Survey File field in the Survey Setup dialog. For example,

a Survey File of SH16 would result in the file SH16.mdb. The various survey exported raw, header and

processed information is stored in Access tables within the Access mdb database file.

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20 File Management

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Audio Files

Internally recorded audio files are stored as Microsoft Wave Sound .wav files. The file names are the

Survey ID and the recording number. For example, the first recording for Survey ID of SH16 would

result in the file SH16-1.wav; the second SH16-2.wav; etc.

File Structures – Survey Setup and Management Files


Survey management and setup files are files used to for storing survey parameters (e.g. keyboard rating

files) or managing survey results.

Keycode.mdb Keycode rating events

Predefined Keycode Comments

Survey Definition.mdb Survey and Road definition data

Vehicles.mdb Odometer calibration data

Vehicle calibration history

LRP.mdb LRP Predefinitions

Copy of all LRP Files

ADT Cal. Factors.mdb Moving traffic survey ADT factors

AADT Adj. Factors.mdb Moving traffic survey AADT factors

Keycode Event

Function: Keyboard rating events

Location: Setup folder

File Name: Keycode.mdb

Table Name: Keycode

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Odometer Calibration Factors

Function: Stores the odometer calibration factor for each vehicle

Location: Calibration folder

File Name: Vehicles.mdb

Table Name: Odo_Calibration

Vehicle Calibration Log

Function: Records when each vehicle was calibrated

Location: Calibration folder

File Name: Vehicles.mdb

Table Name: Vehicle

LRP Pre-Definition

Function: Provides shortcut key for entering LRPs during survey

Location: Setup folder

File Name: LRP.mdb

Table Name: LRP_Def

Survey Log

Function: To provide a permanent record of the options and surveys done each day

Location: Survey Data folder

File Name: Survey Definition.mdb

Table Names: Survey

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ADT Calibration Factors

Function: To convert moving traffic survey hourly flows to AADT

Location: Calibration folder

File Name: ADT Calibration Factors.mdb

Table Names: User Defined

AADT Adjustment Factors

Function: To convert moving traffic survey ADT estimate to an AADT

Location: Calibration folder

File Name: AADT Adjustment Factors.mdb

Table Names: User Defined

Laser Elevation Test Header

Function: To record Laser Elevation Test Details

Location: Calibration folder

File Name: Laser Calibration.mdb

Table Names: Elev_Headers

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Laser Elevation Test Data

Function: To record Laser Elevation Test Data

Location: Calibration folder

File Name: Laser Calibration.mdb

Table Names: Elev_Data_User supplied name

Laser Elevation Test Packet Diagnostic Data

Function: To record Laser Elevation Test Packet Data. This table is for DCL diagnostics.

Location: Calibration folder

File Name: Laser Calibration.mdb

Table Names: Elev_pkt_User supplied name

Laser Bounce Test

Function: To record Laser Bounce Test Data

Location: Calibration folder

File Name: Laser Calibration.mdb

Table Names: Bounce_Profile_User supplied name

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Table Structures – Headers and Raw Data


ROMDAS parameters for each instrument are processed into the Header tables for reference of the

values used in the processing of the survey data.

Raw survey data output can also be processed for some instruments. Normally the raw data tables would

not be processed unless additional information is required.

Survey Header Table

Function: Records key data for the survey

Location: Survey Data/Data folder

File Name: Survey File.mdb (e.g. SH16.mdb)

Table Names: Survey_Header (e.g. Survey_Header)

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Raw BI Roughness Table

Function: Contains Roughness data

Location: Survey Data/Data folder

File Name: Survey File.mdb (e.g. SH16.mdb)

Table Names: Roughness_Raw_Survey ID (e.g. Roughness_Raw_SH16)

GPS Header Table

Function: Contains GPS header data

Location: Survey Data/Data folder

File Name: Survey File.mdb (e.g. SH16.mdb)

Table Names: GPS_Header_Survey ID (e.g. GPS_Header_SH16)

Height of GPS Antennae above road (m)

GPS Data Table

Function: Contains raw GPS data

Location: Survey Data/Data folder

File Name: Survey File.mdb (e.g. SH16.mdb)

Table Names: GPS_Raw_Survey ID (e.g. GPS_Raw_SH16)

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Video Header Table

Function: Contains Video header data

Location: Survey Data/Data folder

File Name: Survey ID.mdb (e.g. SH16.mdb)

Table Names: Video_Header_Survey ID (e.g. Video_ Header_SH16)

Video Data Table

Function: Contains Video raw data

Location: Survey Data/Data folder

File Name: Survey File.mdb (e.g. SH16.mdb)

Table Names: Video_Raw_Survey ID (e.g. Video_Raw_SH16)

TPL Header Table

Function: Contains TPL header data

Location: Survey Data/Data folder

File Name: Survey ID.mdb (e.g. SH16.mdb)

Table Names: TPL_Header_Survey ID (e.g. TPL_ Header_SH16)

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TPL Data Table

Function: Contains TPL raw data

Location: Survey Data/Data folder

File Name: Survey File.mdb (e.g. SH16.mdb)

Table Names: TPL_Raw_Survey ID (e.g. TPL_Raw_SH16)

Geometry Header Table

Function: Contains Geometry header data

Location: Survey Data/Data folder

File Name: Survey File.mdb (e.g. SH16.mdb)

Table Names: Geometry_Header_Survey ID (e.g. Geometry_Header_SH16)

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Geometry Data Table

Function: Contains raw Geometry data

Location: Survey Data/Data folder

File Name: Survey File.mdb (e.g. SH16.mdb)

Table Names: Geometry_Raw_Survey ID (e.g. Geometry_Raw_SH16)

TPL-LRMS Header Table

Function: Contains TPL-LRMS header data

Location: Survey Data/Data folder

File Name: Survey File.mdb (e.g. SH16.mdb)

Table Names: LRMS_Header_Survey ID (e.g. LRMS_Header_SH16)

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TPL-LRMS Raw Data Table

Function: Contains raw TPL-LRMS data

Location: Survey Data/Data folder

File Name: Survey File.mdb (e.g. SH16.mdb)

Table Names: LRMS_Raw_Survey ID (e.g. LRMS_Raw_SH16)

LCMS Header Table

Function: Contains LCMS header data

Location: Survey Data/Data folder

File Name: Survey File.mdb (e.g. SH16.mdb)

Table Names: LRMS_Header_Survey ID (e.g. LRMS_Header_SH16)

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Travel Time Header Table

Function: Contains Travel Time header data

Location: Survey Data/Data folder

File Name: Survey ID.mdb (e.g. SH16.mdb)

Table Names: TravelTime_Header_Survey ID (e.g. TravelTime_Header_SH16)

Travel Time Data Table

Function: Contains Travel Time raw data

Location: Survey Data/Data folder

File Name: Survey File.mdb (e.g. SH16.mdb)

Table Names: TravelTime_Raw_Survey ID (e.g. TPL_Raw_SH16)

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Table Structures – Processed Data


The processed data tables contain the processed data. ROMDAS raw data collected in the surveys is

processed under the Data Processing menu option.

Keyboard Rating Table

Function: Contains keyboard rating data

Location: Survey Data/Data folder

File Name: Survey File.mdb (e.g. SH16.mdb)

Table Names: Keycode_Raw_Survey ID (e.g. Keycode_Raw_SH16)

Digital Photo Table

Function: Contains Digital Photo data

Location: Survey Data/Data folder

File Name: Survey File.mdb (e.g. SH16.mdb)

Table Names: Digital_Camera_Picture_ Survey ID (e.g. Digital_Camera_Picture _SH16)

LRP Table

Function: Contains LRP data

Location: Survey Data/Data folder

File Name: Survey File.mdb (e.g. SH16.mdb)

Table Names: LRP_Survey ID (e.g. LRP_SH16)

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GPS Processed Data

Function: Contains processed GPS data

Location: Survey Data/Data folder

File Name: Survey File.mdb (e.g. SH16.mdb)

Table Names: GPS_Processed_Survey ID (e.g. GPS_Processed_SH16)

Video Processed Data

Function: Contains processed Video frame data

Location: Survey Data/Data folder

File Name: Survey File.mdb (e.g. SH16.mdb)

Table Names: Video_Processed_Survey ID (e.g. GPS_Processed_SH16)

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Roughness Processed Data

Function: Contains processed Roughness BI data

Location: Survey Data/Data folder

File Name: Survey File.mdb (e.g. SH16.mdb)

Table Names: Roughness_Processed_Survey ID (e.g. Roughness_ Processed_SH16)

TPL Processed Data

Function: Contains processed TPL data

Location: Survey Data/Data folder

File Name: Survey File.mdb (e.g. SH16.mdb)

Table Names: TPL_Processed_Survey ID (e.g. TPL_ Processed_SH16)

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Travel Time Processed Data

Function: Contains processed Travel Time data

Location: Survey Data/Data folder

File Name: Survey File.mdb (e.g. SH16.mdb)

Table Names: TravelTime_ Processed_Survey ID (e.g. Traveltime_processed_SH16)

TPL-LRMS Processed Data

Function: Contains processed TPL-LRMS or LCMS Rutting data

Location: Survey Data/Data folder

File Name: Survey File.mdb (e.g. SH16.mdb)

Table Names: LRMS_Processed_Survey ID or LCMS_Rut_Processed_Survey ID

(e.g. LRMS_Processed_SH16)

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Geometry Processed Data

Function: Contains processed LRMS data

Location: Survey Data/Data folder

File Name: Survey File.mdb (e.g. SH16.mdb)

Table Names: Geometry_Processed_Survey ID (e.g. Geometry_Processed_SH16)

Laser Profiler Processed Data

Function: Contains processed Laser Profilometer data

Location: Survey Data/Data folder

File Name: Survey File.mdb (e.g. SH16.mdb)

Table Names: Plaser_IRI_Survey ID (e.g. Plaser_IRI_SH16)

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Texture Processed Data (SMTD)

Function: Contains processed SMTD Texture data

Location: Survey Data/Data folder

File Name: Survey File.mdb (e.g. SH16.mdb)

Table Names: Plaser_SMTD_Survey ID (e.g. Plaser_SMTD_SH16)

LCMS Crack Processed Data

Function: Contains processed Crack data

Location: Survey Data/Data folder

File Name: Survey File.mdb (e.g. SH16.mdb)

Table Names: LCMS_Crack_Processed_Survey ID (e.g. LCMS_Crack_Processed_SH16)

LCMS Pothole Processed Data

Function: Contains processed Pothole data

Location: Survey Data/Data folder

File Name: Survey File.mdb (e.g. SH16.mdb)

Table Names: LCMS_Potholes_Processed_Survey ID (e.g. LCMS_Potholes_Processed_SH16)

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176 © Data Collection Ltd.

LCMS Texture Processed Data (MPD)

Function: Contains processed MPD Texture data in Five longitudinal Bands (Central and

Wheelpath band width is configurable)

Location: Survey Data/Data folder

File Name: Survey File.mdb (e.g. SH16.mdb)

Table Names: LCMS_Texture_Processed_Survey ID (e.g. LCMS_Texture_Processed_SH16)

LCMS Rutting Processed Data

Function: Contains processed Rutting data

Location: Survey Data/Data folder

File Name: Survey File.mdb (e.g. SH16.mdb)

Table Names: LCMS_Rut_Processed_Survey ID (e.g. LCMS_Rut_Processed_SH16)

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LCMS Lane Width Processed Data

Function: Contains processed Lane Width data

Location: Survey Data/Data folder

File Name: Survey File.mdb (e.g. SH16.mdb)

Table Names: LCMS_LaneWidth_Processed_Survey ID (e.g. LCMS_LaneWidth_Processed_SH16)

LCMS Ravelling Processed Data

Function: Contains processed Ravelling data

Location: Survey Data/Data folder

File Name: Survey File.mdb (e.g. SH16.mdb)

Table Names: LCMS_Ravelling_Processed_Survey ID (e.g. LCMS_Ravelling_Processed_SH16)

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178 © Data Collection Ltd.

LCMS Concrete Joint Faulting Processed Data

Function: Contains processed Concrete Joint and Faulting data

Location: Survey Data/Data folder

File Name: Survey File.mdb (e.g. SH16.mdb)

Table Names: LCMS_LaneWidth_Processed_Survey ID (e.g. LCMS_LaneWidth_Processed_SH16)

LCMS Roughness Processed Data

Function: Contains processed Roughness data

Location: Survey Data/Data folder

File Name: Survey File.mdb (e.g. SH16.mdb)

Table Names: LCMS_Rough_Processed_Survey ID (e.g. LCMS_Rough_Processed_SH16)

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Other Processed Data Files

LCMS XML String File

Function: Contains all LCMS data in XML file. One file for each LCMS Road Section.

Location: LCMS Data folder

File Name: Survey File_Road Section Number.XML (e.g. SH16_000001.XML)

LCMS Roughness Profile Output

Function: Contains LCMS roughness profile in ProVal ppf file. One file for each Wheelpath.

Location: LCMS Data folder

File Name: Survey File_Road Section Number.ppf (e.g. SH16_000001.ppf)

LCMS Roughness csv Output

Function: Contains LCMS roughness data in csv file. One file for each Wheelpath.

Location: LCMS Data folder

File Name: Survey File_Road Section Number.csv (e.g. SH16_000001.csv)

LCMS Overlay Image File

Function: JPEG Intensity image of LCMS Crack data and Road Markings overlaid onto Road

section Image. One file for each LCMS Road Section.

Location: LCMS Data folder

File Name: Survey File_Road Section Number.jpg (e.g. SH16_000001.jpg)

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180 © Data Collection Ltd.

Laser profiler ERD file (Text or Binary)

Function: Contains road longitudinal profile data in ERD format that can be imported into ProVal

or RoadRuf software for further analysis

Location: Survey Data/Data folder

File Name: Survey File.ERD (e.g. SH16.ERD)

Note: output of text or binary output file has the same name and will therefore overwrite

each other.

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21 Licence and Warranty

© Data Collection Ltd. 181

21. Licence and Warranty


This EULA is Copyright © Data Collection Ltd. 1999-2013. All rights reserved. ROMDAS™ is

trademark of Data Collection Ltd.



By using this software, you are agreeing to be bound by the terms of this Licence. If you do not agree to

these terms, promptly cease all further installation or use of the software


In this Agreement, "DCL" means Data Collection Ltd.; "DCS" means the ROMDAS Data Collection

Software (Windows or MS-DOS) or miniROMDAS; "LICENSEE" means you, the licensee of the

software; "SOFTWARE" means the ROMDAS DCS.


The ROMDAS system is supplied with hardware components built by DCL or sourced from other

suppliers. DCL cannot guarantee that installation of the hardware will be in accordance with the

recommended instructions. The hardware has been tested and is considered by DCL to be in operating


In the event that it ceases to operate within 12 months of supply, the equipment will be repaired or

replaced. DCL expressly exclude damages due to improper installation or use or factors outside our

control. The customer must cover the cost of returning equipment to DCL.

An extended warranty may be available for some components depending upon their source of supply.

Please contact DCL for further details.


In consideration of your undertaking to comply with the terms and conditions of this Licence

Agreement, DCL grants you, LICENSEE, a non-exclusive licence to use the Software and to view the

documentation. It is also agreed that the Licence is non-transferable. This Agreement does not grant

LICENSEE any rights to patents, copyrights, trade secrets, trade names, trademarks (whether registered

or unregistered), or any other rights, functions or licences in respect of the Software.

One licence is provided in conjunction with each hardware interface. The software is not licenced to be

used with any other hardware except that provided by DCL.

DCL warrant the software to be free of defects in workmanship and to perform as described in this

documentation for a period of 60 days from the date of purchase. In the event of notification within the

warranty period, DCL will correct the errors and replace the software at no charge to the end user.

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21 Licence and Warranty

182 © Data Collection Ltd.


The Software contains copyrighted material and, in its human readable form, it contains trade secrets and

proprietary information owned by or licenced to DCL. Title to and ownership of the Software and the

documentation that accompanies the Software and all intellectual property rights in the Software and

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21 Licence and Warranty

184 © Data Collection Ltd.

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Appendix A: Installing the Speed/Distance Sensor

© Data Collection Ltd. 185

Appendix A: Installing the Speed/Distance Sensor

Sensor Options 186 Proximity Sensor 186

High Resolution DMI 188

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Appendix A: Installing the Speed/Distance Sensor

186 © Data Collection Ltd.

Sensor Options

The following are the odometer sensor options available with ROMDAS:

Proximity sensors which are affixed to the inside of the wheel and monitor when the hub rotates.

These are the default sensors when setup doesn’t require a Hi RES DMI.

High Resolution DMI which is mounted to the wheel and is used for highly accurate measurements

(or by default for LCMS/LRMS, Laser Profilometer, TPL and high accuracy GPS situations). It

should only be used on sealed roads. For unsealed roads one of the other sensors should be used.

The following three sensors can be used where fitting will be easier than using the standard Proximity

sensor (generally for older vehicles). See document Installing Other Speed Distance Sensors for

installation details.

Screw-in transmission sensors – these screw directly onto vehicle transmission speedometer cable

fitting where the fitting external thread size is either M20x1.5 (Japanese) or M18 x1.5 (European). It

works with most vehicles with mechanically driven speedometer cable.

Splice-in cable for cable driven speedometer vehicles where screw-in sensor does not fit.

Electronic sensor for most vehicles with electronic pulse driven electronic speedometers where

Low signal is <= 1 Volt and High signal >= 4 Volts.

Proximity Sensor

The proximity sensor is mounted on the vehicle and magnets are affixed to the driveshaft, inside of the

wheel hub, or some other moving part of the vehicle drive train. As the magnets move past the sensor

they provide a ‘Hall Effect’ connection which sends pulses to the ROMDAS interface.

Mounting the sensor is different for every vehicle, and can sometimes

require some ingenuity. The proximity sensor works best when

mounted on a non-driven wheel (rear wheel for front drive cars, front

wheel for rear drive cars). If your car is equipped with disk brakes,

the back side of the dust shield makes an excellent mount (see right).

If the vehicle is equipped with drum brakes, you may need to build a

small bracket to hold the sending unit close enough to the wheel to

sense the magnets. In either case the sensor should be mounted at the

highest possible location to minimise its chances of being hit by a

rock kicked up from the wheel. The sensor may also be attached to a

strut or any other part of the vehicle that maintains its distance from

the rotating wheel.

For maximum protection of the sensor, the magnets may be mounted inside the drum, or on the back of

the wheel mount studs. The sensor would be mounted directly to the brake assembly, where it is shielded

from rocks and other road debris.

A possible alternative to wheel mounting would be mounting the magnets to the vehicle’s drive shaft

and the sensor to either the transmission or axle casing. This arrangement gives a much higher resolution

(higher odo calibration factor) when mounted on the driveshaft of a rear wheel drive vehicle because of

the gearing in the differential axle.

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Appendix A: Installing the Speed/Distance Sensor

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The magnets are mounted to the wheel or hub with the paint mark indicating the South Pole facing

toward the sending unit. Any magnets may be used, but they must be oriented with the south pole of the

magnet facing the sending unit. Ceramic magnets of average power should have a gap of about 3 mm

between the sensor and the magnet. More powerful "rare earth" magnets may be used which in some

cases allow gaps up to 12 mm. It is recommended that you mount the magnets using a Silicone adhesive

which remains flexible when cured. Epoxy, super-glues, and other bonding agents which become hard or

brittle will not stand up well to extended use.

The photo to the right shows a typical installation for a

disk brake vehicle. The sensor has been mounted through

the rear brake shield, and tightened to be held in place.

The magnet is mounted to the rear of the hub with a gap

between the end of the sensor and the magnet.

The photo to the left shows an installation where it is not

possible to use the brake shield. A bracket has been made

which attaches the sensor to the strut. The magnets are

mounted to the hub shaft.

The photo to the right shows a typical installation to a

drive shaft or axle. The magnets must be mounted at a

point where they will not move relative to the sensor.

This mounting works well on all wheel drive vehicles

in the front or back, using either the inner or outer CV


For all installations be careful to protect the wires

attached to the sensor. The best way to route the wires

from the wheel is to attach them to the brake hydraulic

line with nylon cable ties (see photo to the right). The

brake line is usually routed such that it will not be

stressed as the suspension does its job, and also is least

prone to breakage from road hazards.

The wire should enter the inside of the car at the earliest possible point, and care should be taken to be

sure that it is not crimped at the point of entry. The length of all wires associated with the sending units

should be kept as short as possible and should not be routed near ANY ignition components.

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Appendix A: Installing the Speed/Distance Sensor

188 © Data Collection Ltd.

High Resolution DMI

The ROMDAS High Resolution DMI sensor (HR DMI) has been developed for applications where high

distance resolution is required and are supplied as standard for ROMDAS Systems with LCMS/LRMS,

Laser Profilometers, TPL or high accuracy GPS. The sensor returns from 360 to 10,000 pulses per wheel

revolution, depending on the application. Although the encoder has IP67 environmental rating it should

generally not be used on unsealed roads. For use on unsealed roads the Proximity sensor should be used.

This gives a typical distance resolution of over 150,000 pulses per km. By comparison, the standard

sensors only give 2,000 - 10,000 pulses per km, depending upon the vehicle’s equipment.

The HRDMI components are shown in the following photo. The components numbered in this figure


Installation of the HRDMI is as follows:

1. The encoder should be supplied with shaft collar, clevis pin and encoder rod mount angle

bracket already installed as below.

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Appendix A: Installing the Speed/Distance Sensor

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2. Bolt the encoder shaft collar to the wheelplate. Place locktite onto the wheelplate bolt. Ensure

that the fit is flush and the wheelplate rotates without wobbling.

3. The HR DMI is to be installed on a rear wheel of the vehicle preferably on the driver-side of the

vehicle (as this better follows the distance of the road centreline).

4. Replace three of the existing wheel nuts with the wheel nut extenders.

5. Attach the wheel plate to the wheel nut extenders with the three retaining bolts and washers.

You will need to rotate the wheelplate so that the holes line up with the wheel nut extender

holes. The slots in the wheelplate have been designed so that it will fit any wheel nut

configuration and effectively be self-centring. The centre of the wheelplate must be located in

the centre of the wheel.

6. The encoder will now rotate freely so it is necessary to stabilise it in one place. This is done

using the stabilisation rod. The rod is attached to the clevis pin on the encoder angle bracket at

one end. The other end of the rod slides through the vehicle wheel-rim rod mount so as to allow

for vehicle suspension movement.

7. Fit a nut to one end of a stabilisation rod and screw to the end of the thread. Insert the end of the

stabilisation rod with the nut and a locking spring washer into the threaded hole in the clevis pin

on the right angle bracket. Tighten the lock nut so that the stabilisation rod is held in place


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Appendix A: Installing the Speed/Distance Sensor

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8. The wheel-rim rod mount should be bolted to the vehicle wheel-rim. The wheel-rim rod mount

should be positioned so that the stabilisation rod will be in line with the suspension movement;

otherwise extra pulses will be generated unrelated to forward movement of the vehicle when the

suspension moves up and down. This can generally be done by positioning the vehicle rod

mount so that the stabilisation rod and the vehicle shock absorber are in line.

Line of



Alignment of suspension and stabilisation rod

The ball swivel joint thread should be adjusted to ensure that the stabilisation rod is as close as

possible to a 90 degree angle to the encoder shaft.







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Appendix A: Installing the Speed/Distance Sensor

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9. Insert the other end of the stabilisation rod through the ball swivel joint. Fit another nut to the

end of the stabilisation rod that has been passed through the ball swivel joint and tighten. This

will help to prevent losing any components should something become loose or break.

10. Attach the ball swivel joint to the wheel-rim rod mount. If the rod is too short (make sure you

allow for plenty of suspension movement), it can be extended using the rod joiner and the

extension rod. The short extension rod should be installed onto the encoder rod mount (step 5)

and the longer stabilisation rod on top so that the rod join will be well away from the ball swivel


11. Adjust the ball swivel joint so that the stabilisation rod is at approximately 90 degrees to the

encoder shaft when looking forward along the line of the vehicle.

12. Run the encoder cable along the rod and tie it loosely in place. This should be connected to the

ROMDAS Interface either directly or through an odometer extension cable. Once installed the

final system will be as shown in the following photo.

13. Check all bolts and the shaft collar grub nut are tight before testing. You will need a 3 mm Allen

Key to tighten the grub screw.

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Appendix B: Installing and Calibrating Bump Integrators

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Appendix B: Installing and Calibrating Bump Integrators

© Data Collection Ltd. 193

Appendix B: Installing and Calibrating Bump Integrators

Installing the Bump Integrator 194 Replacing the BI Spring 199

BI Calibration – Overview 201 International Roughness Index 202

Selecting and Profiling Calibration Sections 204 Calculating IRI From Profiles 209

Calibration Survey 211 Calibration Equations 214

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Appendix B: Installing and Calibrating Bump Integrators

194 © Data Collection Ltd.

Installing the Bump Integrator


The ROMDAS Bump Integrator (BI) is illustrated below. It is installed in the rear of the vehicle but is

small enough to be relatively unobtrusive.

ROMDAS BI and Mounting Plate

ROMDAS BI Installed in Vehicle With Protective Cover Off

The BI has the following components:

1 x Bump integrator

1x Base plate and cover

1 x BI wire

1 x BI hook

4 x Self-tapping screws for mounting base plate to vehicle floor

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2 x Bolts for connecting BI to base plate

Installation Overview

The BI comes with an installation kit consisting of a base plate and a protective cover. The base plate is

attached to the floor of the vehicle via screws or bolts (not supplied). The BI is then mounted to the base

plate. The cable and the BI wire are fed through holes in the base plate and the protective cover is then

fitted. The figure below shows a cross-section of the BI with the protective cover in place.

Cable to

ROMDASWire to Axle

Cover to

Protect BI

Holes in

plate for

mounting to


Fasters for



Bump Integrator

Cross-section of ROMDAS BI When Installed

When using dual BI's it is VITAL that you confirm which is returning data to the BI-1 connection. This

is best done by installing the dual BI system and then disconnecting one of the BI units. Connect the

ROMDAS simulator to the ODO connection on ROMDAS and start a roughness survey with BI-1

connected. The data displayed should be the left of the two numbers and this corresponds to the left hand

wheelpath when driving along the road.

Mounting Options

As shown in below there are several options for installing the BI in a vehicle:

Solid Rear Axle. If the vehicle has a solid rear axle it should be installed over the centre of the

differential. This will measure what is termed a ‘Half-Car’ roughness.

Independent Rear Suspension - 2 BI Units. If there is an independent rear suspension it is

recommended that two BI units be installed: one for each wheelpath. Each of these will measure a

‘Quarter-Car’. The average of these two will give the overall roughness.

Independent Rear Suspension - 1 BI Unit. The use of 1 BI unit with an independent rear

suspension is possible, but not recommended. This is because the vehicle will still measure a

‘Quarter-Car’ but the roughness measurements will be dominated by the roughness in the single

wheelpath—it does not matter which one—being monitored. It will prove difficult to have a good

calibration of the meter because the roughnesses will vary between wheelpaths and between test


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Appendix B: Installing and Calibrating Bump Integrators

196 © Data Collection Ltd.

Single BI used with solid rear axle


Dual BI used with independent rear suspension














Single BI used with independent rear suspension


Installation Options For BI

The fixing point for the BI should always be along the centreline of the axle. If there is an independent

rear suspension it should be along the line of the drive shafts. When mounting with a solid rear axle the

fixing point should be along the vehicle centreline (see below). With an independent rear suspension the

fixing point will depend upon the suspension design and geometry. It is important that if dual BI units

are used the fixing points should be in identical locations.

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Appendix B: Installing and Calibrating Bump Integrators

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Location of Fixing Point

BI Hook

The BI is usually fixed to the vehicle via a cable and wire hook, although other options than the hook

can be used: all that is required is that the wire be firmly fixed to the suspension. Modifications may be

required with independent rear suspensions where there is not a good location for installing the hook.

The hook should be installed in the appropriate location and bent so that it will hold the end of the wire.

The wire should be threaded through the supplied connector to form a loop as shown below. These

connectors are readily available from most electrical suppliers: they are used in ‘Fuse Blocks’.

Note: The loop must be tight so that there is no flex in the cable. Not having the wire tight around the

hook is the primary cause of broken BI wires

Looped Wire

A metal plate is supplied with a rod welded to the plate. This should be attached to the differential and

the rod bent into a ‘hook’. Alternatively, if two BI units are to be used or there is an independent

suspension, it should be mounted on the side of the axle.

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Appendix B: Installing and Calibrating Bump Integrators

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Hook on Side of Axle (2 x BI)

Hook on Centre of Differential

Connecting the Wire

Connecting the wire requires two people.

1. The BI contains a spring which is pre-tensioned by winding it COUNTERCLOCKWISE IN


PRETENSION BY MORE THAN 1.5 TURNS. 2. Loop the wire around the BI spindle so that it is of the correct length to connect to the hook.

3. Holding the BI spindle in place, lower the wire through the hole in the floor.

4. Loosen the two screws and loop the wire over the hook.

5. Pull the wire tight around the BI Hook and then tighten the two screws.

6. Release the spindle and the wire should tighten (see photo to right).

Check the connection by bouncing the rear bumper on the vehicle. The spindle should move as the

vehicle bounces up and down.

BI Wire Connected tightly to Hook

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Appendix B: Installing and Calibrating Bump Integrators

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Replacing the BI Spring


It is sometimes necessary to replace the BI spring. This section describes how this is done.

NOTE: It is recommended that a spare BI spring be available at all times.

Removing the BI Wire

Firstly, you will need to remove or secure the Bump Integrator Wire attached to the Bump Integrator

Unit. Either secure the wire around the spindle with a rubber band or similar or remove the wire as


Unscrew the two retaining screws that hold the wire clamp at the end of wire (where the wire is looped)

to be able to pull the BI wire fully off the Bump Integrator spindle (see below).

Removing the BI Spindle

Remove the spindle nut in the middle of the Bump Integrator Spindle as shown below using a 13

mm socket spanner or a similar tool.

NOTE: If the key pin on the BI shaft is damaged the spindle may turn freely on the shaft making it

very difficult to undo the spindle nut. In this case the mounting from the bottom of the BI

should be removed and a M6 bolt20 can be screwed into the bottom of the BI to stop the shaft

from turning.

20 Supplied with BI Spring

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Appendix B: Installing and Calibrating Bump Integrators

200 © Data Collection Ltd.

Remove the Bump Integrator Spindle by pulling it carefully outwards off the shaft. Be very careful

of the BI spring that is coiled just on the inside of the Bump Integrator (see below).

Removing the BI Spring

The BI Spring is held in place at each end by its retaining hooks which hook onto two spring retaining

screws on the BI. One retaining screw is on the on the BI Unit and the other on the inside of the BI

spindle. Unhook the BI spring from these retaining screws.

NOTE: You normally do not need to remove the retaining screws to remove the BI Spring, the

retaining hooks at the ends of the spring should unhook off the retaining screws.

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Appendix B: Installing and Calibrating Bump Integrators

© Data Collection Ltd. 201

Installing the BI Spring

A new spring supplied by Data Collection Ltd comes in a metal retaining ring which holds together as

shown below. Note that the spring must be installed in the right way around so that the spindle is

tensioned in the right direction (direction arrow is scribed onto front of spindle).

Carefully remove the retaining ring that holds the BI spring together

Attach the outer Spring retaining hook to the spring retaining screw attached on the inside of the BI


Care needs to be taken to wind the spring into the spindle the correct way. The Spring needs to

installed so that turning the spindle in the direction of the arrow will put tension on the spring

Attach the inner spring retaining hook to the spring retaining screw attached on the BI Unit.

Carefully loop the Spring tight inside the BI Spindle.

Line up the key pin on the BI Unit shaft with the hole on the inside of the BI spindle and push the BI

Spindle onto the shaft so that the key pin and hole latch.

Replace spindle nut and tighten.

Install BI Wire

Insert BI wire through the hole on the spindle to put it back in place

Insert wire clamp removed earlier then thread through the BI wire approx. 10 mm from end of BI

wire then make a loop of 20 mm diameter at the end of the BI wire, then tighten the 2 wire clamp

retaining screws to hold the loop of wire together.

Install in Vehicle

Check that the spindle can turn approximately four turns, and then re-install back into vehicle.

The Bump Integrator should be re-calibrated after the installation of a new spring.

BI Calibration – Overview

Calibration Requirements

Each vehicle responds differently to roughness due to variations in the springs, dampers and tyres. It is

therefore essential to calibrate each roughness survey vehicle against a standard roughness so that its

measurements can be related back to the standard roughness.

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Appendix B: Installing and Calibrating Bump Integrators

202 © Data Collection Ltd.


Before each major roughness survey or every 5000 km

International Roughness Index

This appendix describes the method which should be followed to calibrate roughness meters to the

International Roughness Index (IRI). It is based on the work presented in Sayers, et al. (1986) and

Sayers (1995)21.

The ROMDAS CD contains the background reference reports listed below which should be reviewed in

addition to the material presented here.

Report Name Contents

Guidelines on Calibrating

Roughness Meters

World Bank publication which is

the standard reference for IRI


Little Book of Road Profiling University of Michigan report

giving excellent overview of


Everything you want to know

about roughness

Summary of roughness calibrations

Austroads Validation of

Roughness Measurements

Technical report on calibration and

validation issues

Subjective Estimates of

Unpaved Road Roughness

World Bank publication on visually

estimating road roughness

Using MERLIN for Calibrating

Road Roughness

Extract from TRL publication on


LTPP Dipstick Operators


LTPP guide on manual profiling

with the Dipstick. Similar to Z-250

LTPP Manual for Profilometer


LTPP guide on profile


International Roughness Index


Sayers (1995) gives the following definition for the IRI:

1. IRI is computed from a single longitudinal profile. The sample interval should be no

larger than 300 mm for accurate calculations. The required resolution depends on the

roughness level, with finer resolution being needed for smooth roads. A resolution of

0.5 mm is suitable for all conditions.

2. The profile is assumed to have a constant slope between sampled elevation points.

3. The profile is smoothed with a moving average whose baselength is 250 mm.

21 Sayers, M.W., Gillespie, T.D. and Paterson, W.D.O. (1986). Guidelines for the Conduct and Calibration of Road

Roughness Measurements. World Bank Technical Paper No. 46, The World Bank, Washington, D.C. Available on


Sayers, M.W. (1995). On the Calculation of IRI from Longitudinal Road Profile. TRB Paper No. 950842,

Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C.

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Appendix B: Installing and Calibrating Bump Integrators

© Data Collection Ltd. 203

4. The smoothed profile is filtered using a quarter-car simulation, with specific parameter

values (Golden Car), at a simulated speed of 80 km/h.

5. The simulated suspension motion is linearly accumulated and divided by the length of

the profile to yield IRI. Thus, IRI has units of slope (usually m/km).

Underlying Model

The underlying IRI model is a series of differential equations which relate the motions of a simulated

quarter-car to the road profile. Figure B.1 illustrates the quarter-car model used and the parameters

adopted (Sayers, 1995).

Golden Car


mu/ms = 0.15

ks/ms = 63.3

cs/ms = 6.0

kt/ms = 653



Mass: mu


Mass: ms




B=250 mm

Figure B.1: IRI Quarter-car Model

The IRI is the accumulation of the motion between the sprung and unsprung masses in the quarter-car

model, normalised by the length of the profile. Mathematically this is expressed as:



us dt.z




where IRI is the roughness in IRI m/km

L is the length of the profile in km

V is the simulated speed (80 km/h)


.z is the time derivative of the height of the sprung mass


.z is the time derivative of the height of the unsprung mass


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Appendix B: Installing and Calibrating Bump Integrators

204 © Data Collection Ltd.

The algorithm used to calculate the IRI is described in Sayers, et. al. (1986) and elaborated on in Sayers

(1995). Both references provide a computer listing for calculating the IRI; Sayers, et al. (1986) in

BASIC and Sayers (1995) in FORTRAN.

The RoadRuf software, provided by the University of Michigan, is the standard analysis software for IRI

calculations. It is available on the ROMDAS CD under menu:

Software Extras|Roughness Analysis|UMTRI Road Roughness Software

Calibration Steps

In order to calculate the IRI the following steps must be taken:

identify calibration test sections;

determine the elevation profile of each wheelpath for each test section;

using the profile data, run a quarter-car simulation for the reference vehicle over each wheelpath and

calculate the wheelpath IRI;

establish the average IRI for both wheelpaths.

Selecting and Profiling Calibration Sections

Calibration Section Characteristics

The objective of calibration section profiling is to obtain an accurate representation of the road profile. It

is necessary to identify calibration sections which cover the full range of roughnesses the survey is likely

to encounter22. These sections should have the following characteristics:

the sections should be 200-300 m long (400-450 with MERLIN) with adequate geometry before and

after the section to ensure that they can be travelled at a constant speed;

the roughness should be fairly uniform along its length insofar as there are not short sub-sections

with high roughnesses interspersed with sub-sections containing lower roughnesses;

the surface should not be broken (i.e. potholes or bad depressions) so that the profiling survey can

get the true profile;

they should have low traffic volumes so that the roughness will not change significantly over time

and so that you will survive the calibration survey;

one should not have combinations of rigid and flexible, or machine laid and hand laid, sections since

these can have different roughness properties, although this is not always possible in some countries

if one wants to cover the full range of roughnesses;

the beginning and end of sections should be clearly marked;

permanently mark the wheelpaths for profiling using nails and painting them white. During

recalibration you can then readily remark the wheelpaths.

Number of Sections

The number of test sections required is calculated by dividing 4500 by the site length in m, with a

minimum of 8 (Sayers, et al., 1986). For example, with 300 m test sections 15 sites would be required.

Profiling Techniques

The sections should be profiled at maximum intervals of 300 mm using one of the techniques below:

22 This can be done using an uncalibrated roughness meter to differentiate between sections with different roughness levels.

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ROMDAS Z-250 Reference Profilometer


TRL Beam;

A rod-and-level survey23;



Irrespective of what method is used, the device should be calibrated before the survey. Each instrument

will have its own procedures for calibration and these should be carefully followed.

Z-250 Profiling

Step 1 – Clear the Site

It is useful to walk the site and clear off any loose stones and debris which may cause the feet of the Z-

250 to slip. It is particularly important to ensure that there is no water on the section as this could affect

the Z-250 electronics.

Step 2 – Mark the Site

The beginning and end of the site should be marked with nails or another form of permanent marker.

This will enable resurveys to be done on the section. When calibrating the vehicle it is useful to put a

post in adjacent to the start of the section so that it can be readily identified from the moving vehicle.

Alternatively, a paint strip across the pavement will suffice.

It is necessary to mark the wheelpaths to ensure that the Z-250 measurements follow the wheelpath. If

the wheelpaths are clearly identifiable this is straight forward. When they are not clear it is necessary to

adopt a consistent rule for locating the wheelpaths. For example, the LTPP study identifies the centre of

the lane and then takes the wheelpaths as 0.826 m either side of this centreline.

Use a chalk line to put a line down each of the wheelpaths. Alternatively, run a string along the

wheelpath and put paint marks in at regular intervals.

Step 3 – Record Data

Place the Z-250 at the start of the section

Start the Z-250 software

If the automatically selected file name is not appropriate change the name by clicking on the top left

icon and entering a new name.

Hold the Z-250 handle vertical and select the Start Data Logging button. The Z-250 will take a

reading and beep when it is done.

The Z-250 is ‘walked’ along the road. As shown in the figure below, this consists of rotating the Z-250

clockwise around its lead foot. This results in a set of elevation measurements between every placement.

23 For a description on using a rod-and-level survey for profiling test sections see:

Visser, A.T. (1982). A correlation study of roughness measurements with an index obtained from a road profile

measured with rod and level. Technical Report RS/2/82. National Institute for Transport and Road Research, CSIR,


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Appendix B: Installing and Calibrating Bump Integrators

206 © Data Collection Ltd.














1 2 3 4

Movement of Z-250

During the survey the Z-250 displays the chainage along the section (in m) as well as the elevation (in

mm). An example of this display at 2.00 m (8th placement) is shown below (left).

It is sometimes necessary to pause the survey, for example to allow for a change of operator or because

of traffic conditions. In this case the Pause button should be pressed which will stop the data logging

until the Resume button is pressed (below, left).

Errors happen and these are handled by selecting the Error button. As shown below (right) this allows

the operator to repeat up to the last three measurements. The data are flagged in the file and can be

manually removed.

Step 4 – End Survey

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© Data Collection Ltd. 207

At the end of the survey press the End button. The roughness in IRI m/km will be displayed (below,

left) and, optionally, a plot (below, right).

Step 5 – Download Data for Analysis

Two files are saved for each survey:

Text File: A text file which contains 3 columns the distance, the logged elevation data and the

summed or longitudinal profile data.

RoadRuf .erd File: An erd file, which has the necessary header information to allow the file to be

imported into the RoadRuf program for further analysis.

These files can be copied to a PC for further analysis. This is done as follows:

Connect the data logger to the PC

Ensure that the ActiveSynch connection is open

Start Windows Explorer

Open the Mobile Device

Locate the Z-250 Data Directory

Select the appropriate files

Right click and select Copy

Paste the files to the appropriate folder on the PC

MERLIN Profiling

As described in24, the MERLIN (a Machine for Evaluating Roughness using Low-cost INstrumentation)

was devised to measure the roughness of a calibration inexpensively, quickly, easily and reliably.

The ROMDAS CD contains TRL reports 229 and 301 describing the MERLIN and its use. DCL can

supply plans for its manufacture.

MERLIN consists of a rigid metal frame, 1.8 m long, with a wheel at the front, a curved foot at the rear

and a moveable probe midway between the two which rests on the road surface. If the road were always

smooth, the probe would always lie on a straight line between the bottom of the wheel and the rear foot.

If the road were uneven, the probe would be displaced above or below the line.

24 TRL Overseas Newsletter, February 1993 - No. 10. Transport Research Laboratory, Crowthorne.

Cundill, M.A. (1991). The MERLIN Low-Cost Road Roughness Measuring Machine. TRRL Report 301, Transport

Research Laboratory, Crowthorne.

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208 © Data Collection Ltd.

To measure the displacements, the probe is attached to a pivoted arm, at the other end of which is a

pointer which moves over a chart. The arm is pivoted close to the probe so that a movement of the probe

of 1 mm will produce a pointer movement of 1 cm.

The roughness of a section of road is measured by wheeling the MERLIN along the road with the

handles raised. Once every wheel revolution, the handles are lowered so that the probe and rear foot

touch the ground and the resulting pointer position is recorded as a cross on a chart. Two hundred

measurements are made to produce a histogram. The width of the central 90 per cent of the histogram is

measured form the chart and this can be converted directly into roughness.

Although the MERLIN is manufactured to rigid specifications, its accuracy is predicated on the exact

ratio of 10:1 or 5:1 being maintained. However, with use it is possible for this to be lost. Accordingly, it

is necessary to apply a correction factor to the readings. This correction factor is established as follows

(Kampsax, 1992)25:

Place the MERLIN on a smooth level surface, such as a terrazzo office floor;

Tape a blank sheet of A4 paper onto the chart holder;

Adjust the probe until the pointer is roughly in the centre of the paper;

Mark the position of the pointer on the paper;

Slide under the probe a steel plate of known thickness (such as the 6 mm plate supplied by

FARNELL) - the amount of thickness is not important but it must be measured accurately with a

micrometer or vernier gauge;

make a second mark on the paper and measure the distance between the two marks with a ruler;

repeat several times at different locations on the floor and calculate the average movement of the


MERLIN Survey in Gujarat, India. The wood was the width of the vehicle track and the pavement was

painted to precisely locate the wheelpaths

The correction or scaling factor for the machine is given by:

CF = 10 x T/S

where CF is the MERLIN correction or scaling factor

T is the thickness of the plate in mm

S is the average movement of the pointer in mm

25 Kampsax (1992). ADB Farm-to-Market Roads Project Phase II, Road Maintenance Management Systems, Volume I

- System Concepts and the Database, Appendix H: Roughness Meter Calibration. Report to the Asian Development


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© Data Collection Ltd. 209

If you are using the 5:1 probe position the value of S would change by approximately half to give a new

correction factor.

For example, if the plate thickness is 6 mm and the average pointer movement is 62 mm the correction

factor is 0.97.

The roughness is calculated using the following equation (Cundill, 1991):

IRI = 0.593 + 0.0471 D CF

where D is the roughness in terms of the Merlin scale in mm

The above equation is based on machine laid surfaces. Research in Indonesia has suggested the

following equation for hand laid Penetration Macadam surfaces (Cundill, 1995)26:

IRI = 1.913 + 0.0490 D

The equation was developed from 8 data points over the range of 97 < D < 202 (6.7 < IRI < 11.3) so it

must be used with some caution.

DCL have a MERLIN IRI Calculation Excel template for all the MERLIN calculations.

In addition to calibrating the probe, it is also necessary to check on the circularity of the front wheel

(Kampsax, 1992). As it is difficult to stop in exactly the same position each time, a part of the wheel

circumference should be found which is of constant radius. This can be done by keeping the MERLIN so

that the rear foot and probe remain in the same location. Then make marks on the paper while turning

the wheel in increments of 5 - 10 cm of its circumference. When a section is found that gives constant

readings, mark it on the rim with white paint.

Calculating IRI From Profiles


When using the ROMDAS Z-250, a rod-and-level survey, DIPSTICK, or any other Profilometer output,

it is necessary to calculate the IRI from the elevation profile. This section describes the use of the

ProVal27 software for calculating IRI.

26 Correspondence with author. 27 The RoadRuf software from the University of Michigan Transport Research Institute web page at:

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210 © Data Collection Ltd.

Check the Data

The first stage is to reduce the data into the appropriate format. The Z-250 stores data in the ERD format

for use with ProVal or RoadRuf.

It is recommended that the individual profile data be reviewed graphically so as to ensure that there are

no errors in recording or processing. The importance of this is illustrated in the figure below which is

from a calibration using the DIPSTICK in Myanmar. During the data entry there were several

transcription errors which led to discontinuities in the right wheelpath elevation profile. Had these not

been corrected the IRI would have been 26.0 instead of 14.7.

Example of DIPSTICK Data Problem from Myanmar

Locating the Program

ProVal is provided on the ROMDAS CD menu item:

Software Extras|Roughness Analysis|ProVal Software

It can also be downloaded from the Internet from the web page at:

Installing the Software

Follow the instructions in the installation application

By default the software will be installed to the folder C:\Program Files\FHWA\ProVAL 2.7

Running An Analysis

The most useful Analysis for ROMDAS would be Ride Statistics at Intervals.

The segment length can be set to various sampling intervals and the IRI and other statistics extracted. or on the ROMDAS CD can also be used for this data analysis








0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 325 350 375

Chainage in m




n in


Right Wheelpath

Left Wheelpath

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Note for ROMDAS Z-250 the 250mm moving average does not need to be applied.

Additional analyses, for example power spectral densities, are available. Reference should be made to

the ProVal User’s Guide.


It is necessary to select the files for analysis. ProVal and RoadRuf use .erd files which are created by the

Z-250 in the survey. These have a specific format as well as a header.

Files are selected using the Add Individual Files to List button which opens the window below. It is

necessary to have copied the Z-250 files to the PC before they can be analysed. The folder containing the

Z-250 files should be selected.

Calibration Survey

Preparing the Vehicle

The calibration survey is conducted by operating the vehicle over each calibration section and recording

the roughness meter output. There are a few practical considerations in calibrations and roughness


calibrate the odometer;

drive vehicle for minimum of 10 km to ensure that tyres are at operating temperature;

ensure that the tyre pressure is at the correct operating pressure28;

load the vehicle to the same level that it will be at during the survey (e.g. driver, operator, fuel);

28 The tyre pressure can be set either warm or cold as long as the same state is used in all calibrations and operations.

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before starting a major survey install new tyres and dampers a few weeks before the survey so they

have time to be run in

Survey Form

Appendix I contains a form to be used for recording data during calibration surveys. It is recommended

that this form, or a variation, be used to ensure that all the necessary steps are followed.

Collecting the Data

The response of a vehicle to roughness is a function of speed. Thus, different roughness values will arise

at different speeds for the same calibration section. Since it is practically impossible to conduct a

roughness survey at a constant speed, it is recommended that calibration be done at a range of speeds.

This is done by repeating the calibration survey with the vehicle operating at different speeds.

Each measurement run should be started well in advance of the start of the test section in order to bring

the vehicle up to a steady state speed before reaching the mark. At the start of the test section the

ROMDAS recording is started and it is halted at the end of the section.

Establishing the Number of Runs

A sufficient number of calibration runs should be made to ensure statistical significance of the mean.

Since we are dealing with small samples (n < 30), the t Distribution should be used to establish the

number of runs to give a desired level of confidence. If the roughness has a Normal Distribution, then

small-sample confidence intervals for the mean roughness are obtained by:



where IRI is the mean roughness in IRI m/km

s is the standard deviation of roughness in IRI m/km

n is the number of runs

t is the critical value for the t Distribution

Hamilton (1990)29 gives the values below for 90 and 95 per cent confidence intervals using the t


Sample Size Critical t Value by

Confidence Interval

90 95

3 2.920 4.303

4 2.353 3.182

5 2.132 2.776

6 2.015 2.571

7 1.943 2.447

8 1.895 2.365

9 1.860 2.306

10 1.833 2.262

On the basis of the above equation, we can define a new statistic as:

29 Hamilton, L.C. (1990). Modern Data Analysis - A First Course in Applied Statistics. Brooks/Cole Publishing

Company, Pacific Grove, California.

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The results are acceptable when is within a certain percentage of the mean. For most applications we

would set a limit of a 10 per cent confidence interval. Thus, the results are acceptable if:

< 0.10 BImean

Performing the Calculations

The following is how we would use this theory:

1. Conduct a minimum of 3 runs of the roughness meter and record the roughness of each run.

2. Calculate the mean roughness (BI) and the standard deviation (s).

3. Calculate the statistic For example, if there were 3 runs with a mean of 21 and a standard

deviation of 0.80 you would calculate it as (95%):



In the above equation the value of 2.776 is from Table above and corresponds to 5 runs with

95% confidence.

4. Check that is within 10 per cent of the mean. In the above example = 0.99 which is less than

2.1 (0.10 * 21) so it would not be necessary to do any additional runs.

An Excel template is available on the ROMDAS CD to perform these calculations. If you do not have

access to Excel there is a freeware spreadsheet program supplied on the ROMDAS CD. The template is

located under menu:

ROMDAS Software|Excel Templates|Roughness Meter Calibration Excel Template

When opened, the display will be as shown below. The data are entered for up to 8 runs and the

spreadsheet calculates the mean, standard error, , and then indicates whether the mean is statistically

significant at 90% and 95% confidence with the terms ‘Pass’ or ‘Fail’.

If any of the sites ‘Fail’, check the data for outliers or perform repeat runs.

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214 © Data Collection Ltd.

Calibration Equations

Analysis of Data

The data need to be analysed to develop a calibration equation. This equation converts the raw

ROMDAS roughness measurements to calibrated IRI m/km. The analysis should be done using the

roughness calibration template located at:

Software|Templates|Roughness Calibration.xlt

Calibration Equations

ROMDAS converts the raw roughness meter counts to the calibrated roughness (i.e. the IRI) using a

general equation of the following form:

CALIB_RGH = a1 + a2 x BIa3 + a4 x BIa5 + a6 * exp(a7 x BI)

where CALIB_RGH is the calibrated roughness in IRI m/km ( or other Roughness Index)

BI is the raw roughness meter counts in counts/km

a1 to a7 are regression coefficients

Usually only the linear form of the equation is used

CALIB_RGH = a2 x BI + a1

However the full equation CALIB_RGH = a1 + a2 x BIa3 + a4 x BIa5 + a6 * exp(a7 x BI) is available and

has been designed for maximum flexibility for where the Bump Integrator response is not linear or for

research purposes.

There is no limit to the number of equations that can be used with ROMDAS. Each equation will be

used for all speeds below the mean of the previous and following speeds. For example, if equations were

supplied for 50 and 100 km/h the first equation would be used for speeds below 75 km/h and the second

for speeds above 75 km/h.

Determining Coefficients

The relationship between raw roughness and IRI is usually linear so the following approach can be used

in Excel to establish the regression coefficients:

Highlight the series of interest and right clicking the mouse.

Select Add Trendline from the menu.

Select the type of regression (see below)

Select Options

Select Display Equation on Chart and Display R-squared on Chart.

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Click OK and the regression will be fitted

As shown in the example below, a linear equation will be fitted to the data.

If the data are non-linear, you can try and fit curves using the same procedure, except selecting different

types of curves. For complicated curves it is necessary to use a non-linear regression program such as


You must be careful to ensure that all the coefficients are statistically significant in the calibration

equation (i.e. the Prob(t) < 0.05) and that there is an acceptable standard error. Please refer to any

standard statistical text book or the NLREG manual for a discussion of statistical significance.

Low Speed Effects

The roughness is a function of speed which is why the roughness calibration coefficients should be

specified for different speed ranges. However, a situation may arise where the vehicle is forced to travel

at a very slow speed due to the high level of roughness. Under these situations the instrument will not

give correct readings under typical calibrations.

Montgomery Watson (2001)30 found in Tonga that “… the vehicle could not travel [at] the desired

survey speed was because the road physically became too rough. The rougher the road the slower the

speed of the survey vehicle.” This effect is illustrated in the figures below.

In total, 28% of the unsealed network and 3% of the sealed network had to be driven at speeds below 15

km/hr. The following equations were developed to assign an estimated roughness value to these road

sections (Montgomery Watson, 2001).


IRI = 20 for < 5 km/hr

30 Montgomery Watson (2001). Tonga Transport Infrastructure Project: HDM-4 Establishment Technical Reference.

Report to the Ministry of Works, Christchurch.

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IRI = 24 – 0.8*Speed for 5 km/hr to 15 km/hr


IRI = 12.5 for < 15 km/hr

Speed Effect – Unsealed Roads

Speed Effect – Sealed Roads







0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45

Vehicle Speed (km/hr)




ess -


I (m



Coral Gravel (<15km/hr)

Coral Gravel

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Appendix C: Installing and Calibrating the Laser Profilometer

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Appendix C: Installing and Calibrating the Laser Profilometer

Overview 218 Laser Safety 220

Installing the Laser Profilometer 221 Laser Profilometer 234

Laser Profilometer Diagnostics and Maintenance 242

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Appendix C: Installing and Calibrating the Laser Profilometer

218 © Data Collection Ltd.


Laser Profilometer System

The ROMDAS Laser Profilometer system consists of sensors bolted to an adjustable mounting system

which attaches to any vehicle on the trailer hitch on the rear of the vehicle. The Laser Profilometer

contains both a laser and accelerometer unit and their associated processors.

The laser unit senses the distance from a reference level on the instrument to a target using reflected

laser beam geometry. The laser beam is reflected from the target through an optical lens system onto a

linear sensitive strip. The position of the reflected laser spot along this strip is measured and processed

by the system. The non-linear nature of the response of this strip and any optical aberrations are

corrected using a detailed calibration table held within the laser processor. Laser elevation readings are

calculated at a rate of 16kHz. An 8-sample moving average low pass filter is then applied to the acquired

data before the laser elevation data is reported.

The vertical acceleration of the Profilometer is measured by a high precision accelerometer mounted in

the same vertical plane as the laser itself. There is a dedicated processor for measuring acceleration

signals. The acquisition of acceleration data occurs at a rate of 16kHz. The constant one gravity signal

experienced by the accelerometer is removed by circuitry within the system. The processing elements

within the acceleration signal chain are effectively AC coupled, and have a time constant of

approximately 10 seconds. This ensures the dynamic range of the system is not exceeded during normal

use, and the bandwidth of interest is not compromised.

The laser and accelerometers are both contained in an IP65 rated housing

General specifications are:-

For roughness the laser samples at 16kHz,

The Laser is designed specifically for road measurement applications. The dynamic range is a large

± 128 mm, important to prevent data clipping due to suspension movement.

Triple high speed Analogue to Digital Converters are used with high 16-bit resolution.

There is no skew between channels during sampling – channels are sampled simultaneously.

Data is converted directly to digital data within the laser and remains digital throughout the

processing stages, thus eliminating the problems of noise due to lengthy cable runs carrying

analogue data. Data output is via Ethernet networking for easy connection of multiple lasers through

standard Ethernet hub to computer running ROMDAS software

Data all fully controlled from ROMDAS software so can be used simultaneously with other

ROMDAS instruments like GPS, Video, and Rut Depth with TPL etc. Also only one calibration

required for distance measurement instrument (DMI) for both Laser input and ROMDAS.

Laser Safety features include - Mechanical shutter to isolate the laser beam - Keyed switch to power

Laser - Configurable low speed cut-off to laser activation input

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Invisible laser fires vertically at surface at sampling speed.

Internal optical target senses reflected spot

Height of spot related to its horizontal position on the target.

Dynamic height-range = ± 128 mm

This Appendix

This appendix describes the installation and calibration of the Laser Profilometer, as well as additional

background information which may be of interest to users.





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Appendix C: Installing and Calibrating the Laser Profilometer

220 © Data Collection Ltd.

Laser Safety


Lasers emit an invisible light. Avoid exposure to the beam

The beam is hazardous to the eye if viewed directly or via spot reflection at close range.

The operational status of the lasers can be seen within the software – so there is no need to look at the

lasers directly.

When adjusting and calibrating the lasers, ensure the use of the correct wavelength laser safety glasses.

lasers used in outdoor and similar environments should only be operated by personnel adequately

trained in their use

The Laser has the following mechanical and electrical safety features.

The Laser Profilometer is powered through the Laser DMI Interface, which can only be turned on

with the key.

Mechanical Shutter to isolate the Laser beam

Configurable low speed cut-off to laser activation input

Laser DMI Interface Keylock

The Laser Profilometer is powered through the Laser DMI

Interface which is controlled by the keyed switch. The key

should be removed when the Laser Profilometer is not in use to

ensure that it is not operated by untrained personal.

Laser Mechanical Shutter

The laser is equipped with a mechanical shutter to

isolate the laser beam. Ensure the shutter is in the closed

position when the Laser Profilometer is left unattended

Laser Minimum Speed Electrical Interlock

Each laser is also equipped with a 12V activation input for safety interlock purposes. Although the laser

electronics can be powered on with the key on the Laser DMI Interface the laser diode itself will not

activate unless this activation signal is provided. The activation signal interlock is powered by the Laser

DMI interface when the minimum speed cut-off is exceeded. The 12V activation input is on when the

Minimum Speed Exceeded LED is lit.

When the Laser DMI is in Test mode it simulates a speed of 80 km/h. The Min Speed will be exceeded

and the laser beam will activate. Observe laser safety when in Test mode (the DMI Test mode is

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Appendix C: Installing and Calibrating the Laser Profilometer

© Data Collection Ltd. 221

activated by the ROMDAS software when doing stationary tests such as the Elevation and Bounce tests

– particular care must be taken when using these options).

Installing the Laser Profilometer


The Laser Profilometer setup has the following steps:

Mounting hardware on Vehicle

Cable Connections

ROMDAS Data Collector Computer TCP/IP Configuration

Laser Profilometer Units Configuration31

Laser DMI Interface Configuration

ROMDAS Software Configuration

Laser DMI Odometer Calibration

Laser Bounce test

Mounting on Vehicle

The Laser Profilometer is mounted to the vehicle using the supplied kit of mounting parts. The parts are

shown at the end of the instructions. The only tool required for assembly is a ¼’ ball-end hex wrench

which is also supplied with the kit.

The mounting hardware has been designed for easy adaptation to any test vehicle, and to facilitate

accurate adjustment of height and positioning of the Laser Profilometer for best performance.

(Photo 1)

The assembly of the Laser Profilometer requires several steps to complete. When finished, the mounting

assembly should look like Photo 1.

The Laser Profilometer Mounting Hardware is attached to the test vehicle using the Vehicle Mounting

Bracket Photo 2. This bracket has 8 holes (left side of photo) to attach the Laser Profilometer mounting


31 These settings preconfigured by DCL before shipping and would not normally be set by customer.

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Appendix C: Installing and Calibrating the Laser Profilometer

222 © Data Collection Ltd.

(Photo 2)

The first step in the assembly is to attach the mounting bracket to the vehicle. The most convenient way

of doing this is to attach the bracket to a standard trailer hitch. This can be done by using the hole

normally used for the trailer towing ball. In this case, you must drill a matching hole in the Mounting

Bracket and then bolt the bracket to the trailer hitch

For improved stability, you can drill a second mounting hole in both the bracket and the hitch. This hole

will prevent the bracket from rotating.

(Photo 3)

If you have a receiver style trailer hitch as shown in Photo 3, then you should modify the mounting

bracket by welding a matching bar to the mounting bracket as shown below.

(Photo 4)

Using the 5/16 inch x 7/8 inch cap screws (Photo 19) and lock washers (Photo 29), attach 4 double T-

Nuts (Photo 20) to the Vehicle Mounting bracket in Photos 2 and 4. In a later step, you will attach the

mounting bar extrusion to the bracket by sliding the bar over the T-Nuts and tightening the cap screws.

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(Photo 5)

When attached to the trailer hitch, the Vehicle Mounting Bracket should look like Photo 5

Prepare one 16 hole mounting plate for each laser by attaching four double T-Nuts and 4 single T-Nuts

as shown in Photo 6

(Photo 6)

Assemble the laser Profilometer Mounting Brackets. When finished, you should have 2 brackets that

look like Photo 7.

( Photo 7) (Photo 8)

Next, prepare the main mounting bar for attachment to the Vehicle Mounting Plate. The main mounting

bar will usually consist of two 850 mm aluminium extrusions that are joined together using 4 butt

fasteners at each joint (two on the top, and two on the bottom). As shown in Photo 8.

When assembled, the main mounting bar should look like Photo 10. The main mounting bar can now be

attached to the vehicle by sliding it over the T-Nuts on the vehicle mounting plate.

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(Photo 9)

Attach the laser to the Laser Mounting Bracket using the two Laser Mounting Bolts and Lock Washers

(Photo 8), and slide the final assembly onto the main mounting bar.

Attach the end caps to all extrusions using the supplied cap screws, and tighten all connections

(Photo 10)

You can use the sliding features of the extrusion system to adjust laser spacing to match the wheel paths,

and to raise or lower the laser to the required height of 430 mm from the ground to the top of the laser

mounting attachment. The Laser has a dynamic height range of ± 128 mm.

Special attention needs to be given to the location of the Laser Profilometer in relation to the

exhaust pipe of the vehicle. The Profilometer must not be in the path of the exhaust gases.

The exhaust pipe of the vehicle may have to be modified in order to position the Profilometer

in the vehicle wheelpath.

As the Profilometers are usually installed in line with the vehicle wheels it is important that the vehicle

should have adequate mud flaps to stop water and mud from spraying onto the Profilometer.

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DRAWN G.TYSON, 09 JAN 02, modified for connector pos.

SCALE: 1:4











Suggested mounting beam 100x100x8mm HOT











M10 M10











T-2010 PIN








If you require additional stability, you can use the supplied turnbuckles, eyebolts and hooks to attach the ends of the main mounting bar to the vehicle bumper. Attach the eyebolt to the bottom end of the main bar using a single T-Nut as shown in Photo. Attach the hook to the bumper. Adjust the turnbuckle to apply tension to the mounting bar.

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226 © Data Collection Ltd.

Cable Connections

The Laser DMI Interface has the following Cable Connections

Laser DMI Interface Connection Connected To

CAB-LS-12V Power – 3 pin socket Power Distribution Box

CAB-RS232 RS 232 Serial DB9


ROMDAS Computer Serial Port (

or to USB to Serial Adapter)

CAB-LS-Power Laser 1 - 12 Pin

circular socket

Laser 1 - 13 Pin Power/Odometry


CAB-LS-Power Laser 2 - 12 Pin

circular socket

Laser 2 - 13 Pin Power/Odometry


Encoder - 8pin circular socket High Resolution DMI Encoder

ODO – 5 Pin DIN circular socket Can be connected to another input

requiring odometer pulses

Rev – 2.1 mm Bayonet socket Can be connected to another input

requiring a reverse signal

Laser Profilometer Connections Connected To

CAB-LS-Ether Ethernet Connecter

22 Pin circular Connector

Ethernet Switch

CAB-LS-Power Power/Odometry

13 Pin Circular Connector

Laser DMI Laser 1 or Laser 2


CAB-LS-Config Configuration

Serial 7 Pin Circular Connector

Computer Serial port to do Laser


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Serial Cable




Ethernet Switch

ROMDAS Power Distribution Box

Laser DMI




r Pro




Laser Ethernet



Laser Power /

Odometry Cable








Connect to



Power Cables


Laser 1



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Appendix C: Installing and Calibrating the Laser Profilometer

228 © Data Collection Ltd.

ROMDAS Data Collector Computer TCP/IP Configuration

The Profilometer data is received by the data collection Laptop computer (running the ROMDAS

software) via its Ethernet port. The TCP/IP settings on the data collection computer need to match the

DataCollectorAddress parameter set on the Laser Profilometer (see section below). The data collector

computer TCP/IP properties can be accessed by Control Panel|Network Connections then right

clicking on Local Area Connection. Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) should be visible in the list, right click

and select Properties.

Click on Use the following IP Address. Enter the Laser Profilometer DataCollectorAddress IP address

and net mask. Note the IP address and net mask for use when configuring laser units below.

The TCP/IP settings of the computer can be easily checked by running the IPCONFIG command from a

MSDOS window.

Laser Profilometer Units Configuration

The Laser Profilometer units will be configured by DCL before being shipped and would not normally

be changed by the customer. The factory settings are supplied on the Calibration Certificate.

All laser and accelerometer processors need to have unique unit numbers and IP addresses (with the

same net mask). A recommended convention is to provide IP addresses to each unit that end in the same

digit as the distinct unit number. The processor unit numbers should be incremental starting from 0, with

laser processors as even unit numbers and accelerometer processors as odd unit numbers.

For example in a two Laser Profilometer system

Right WheelPath Laser

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IP Address - Unit Number 0 (Laser),

IP Address - Unit Number 1 (Accelerometer),

Left WheelPath Laser

IP Address - Unit Number 2 (Laser),

IP Address - Unit Number 3(Accelerometer),

These parameters are set on the Laser Profilometer through the serial configuration cable (CAB-LS-

Config) provided. The laser Profilometer system does not need to have the serial configuration cable

connected for normal operation. The serial configuration cable will need to be connected for the

following operations;

Setting the unit up for the first time for use in an Ethernet network, or changing networking


Changing the computer within the network that is acting as a data collector (change of

destination IP address).

Calibration of the laser unit (normally a factory operation).


Typically the serial configuration cable can be attached in the field while the unit is mounted on to a

vehicle using a portable laptop as a terminal. The cable can be removed without having to power off the

system. The Serial configuration cable has two cables with RS232 9pin female connectors on the end.

The plug labelled Serial Config A connects to the Laser Elevation unit and Serial Config B connects to

the Accelerometer unit.

Use Term Pro32 (or HyperTerminal on XP computers) with 19200N81 settings to communicate with

each Laser processor unit. There will be a delay in characters echoing back from the laser and

accelerometer processors until the TCP/IP settings are correct.

By typing the “Config” command you will get the display of the current settings. Current Configuration:

UnitNumber = 0

IPAddress =

Netmask =

Gateway =

DataCollectorAddress =

ManufactureDate = June2002

CalibrationDate = 27June2002

UseCalibrationTable = Yes

X1HighThreshold = 95

32 Tera Term software is on the ROMDAS CD

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X1LowThreshold = 3

X2HighThreshold = 95

X2LowThreshold = 3

X1Offset = -250

X2Offset = -80

The following Parameters will generally need to be set.

UnitNumber This may need to be set if an additional Laser was being added to the system as

the second Laser should have UnitNumber 2 (Laser) and 3 (Accelerometer). Recommended

convention is to have the UnitNumber be the same as the last digit of the IPAddress. Laser

UnitNumbers even and Accelerometers odd.

IPAddress IP Address of the Laser Processor (Laser or Accelerometer)

DataCollectorAddress IP Address set on each unit to match the IP address of the data

collection computer running ROMDAS. The data collector IP address should only differ from

the IP Address in the last block of three digits.

Netmask This must match the subnetmask on the data collector computer. This should generally

be left at the default value of unless you have reasons to have set to a different

value on the data collector computer (because of other networks you will be connecting to).

Gateway This setting is not important, set it to the same as the gateway setting on the data

collection computer.

The SET command is used to input a new value for one of the configuration variables.

The syntax of this command is;


Variable refers to one of the listed configuration variable names. Value can be either an integer value or

a text string, depending on the requirements of the variable being set. Note that in the case of a string

variable, the use of spaces or equal signs within the VALUE string is not allowed. An acceptable

alternative to a space is the underscore character “_”.

Once the value has been successfully interpreted and accepted by the system, the revised value of the

variable will be reported.

E.g. SET DataCollectorAddress=

DataCollectorAddress is now set to

Remember to save the configuration settings in each unit with the Save command, then power off. It is a

good idea to check the settings after re-powering on the unit to ensure they are set correctly.

Always fit the protective cover to the serial configuration cable connector on the Profilometer when not

in use to avoid water and dust ingress.

Laser Profilometer DMI Interface Configuration

The Laser DMI Interface has a serial port that is used to set various parameters and communicate from

the ROMDAS computer.

You can use Tera Term Pro33 (or HyperTerminal on XP computers) with 38400N81 settings to

communicate directly with the Laser DMI Interface. However all numbers are in Hexadecimal (base 16)

format so it is generally not recommended except for fault finding.

When the power is turned on the Laser DMI Interface will display the following message

33 Tera Term software is on the ROMDAS CD

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The Laser DMI uses the following commands:

‘d’ – set divisor factor (Hex)

‘r’ – display current minimum speed and divisor settings (Hex )

‘s’ – set minimum speed (Hex)

‘t’ – testmode (simulates 80 km/h)

‘y’ – DMI Interface version

‘z’ –Finish testmode and zero odo counter

‘ ‘ – get current odo count (Hex)

Note that all numbers are displayed and set via the serial interface are in Hexadecimal (base16) notation.

When the Laser DMI Interface is in Test mode it simulates a speed of 80 km/h. The Min Speed will be

exceeded and the Laser will activate if connected. Observe Laser safety when in Test mode.

Profilometer DMI Interface Odometer Direction

The Laser DMI Interface detects the vehicle direction from the HIGH Resolution DMI encoder. The

Reverse LED on the Laser DMI Interface and the Reverse 12V Output are activated when the vehicle

moves backward. Depending on which side of the vehicle the High Resolution DMI is mounted on the

direction of rotation of the encoder in the reverse direction will be different.

To allow for mounting the DMI on either side of the vehicle you will have to set the Direction Setting

accordingly. This will be set differently depending on the version of DMI that you have. This switch

must be set correctly so the Reverse LED comes on when the vehicle is reversing for the ROMDAS

software to work as it will not recognise the reverse distance in Survey operation.

With the new Laser DMI box as below there is a small switch that needs to set to the left or the right.

Please set so that the Reverse LED is on when the vehicle is going backwards in direction.

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With the older version Laser DMI you need to unscrew the lid of the Laser DMI and there is a circuit

board direction jumper (S1) that will need to be set so that the direction indication is correct.

Jumper OFF – High Res DMI installed on left side of vehicle

Jumper ON – High Res DMI Installed on right side of vehicle

ROMDAS Profilometer Test Menus

Check that each processor unit of each Profilometer is communicating with ROMDAS with the Setup |

Test Instruments | Test Laser Profilometer | Connections option.

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The Laser Profilometer must be powered up only after the ROMDAS software is started for the Laser

Profilometer Processors to make the Ethernet connection. If there is no IP Address entries in the

connections window re-power the Laser Profilometer by turning the key on the Laser Profilometer DMI

Interface Off and On again.

ROMDAS Software Profilometer Setup

Once the unit numbers and IP address have been set and the connections with ROMDAS are established

through the Connections menu above ROMDAS needs to be configured to recognise each Profilometer

used and each processor unit in each Profilometer.

Select Setup | Options | Laser Profilometer Setup

Default to Use in Survey. Default value for Laser Profilometer option in Select devise for Survey

check boxes in Survey setup screen.

IRI Processing Interval (m). IRI interval in laser processed tables.

Texture Processing Interval (m). SMTP Texture interval in laser processed tables.

Select Add to get dialog below.

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Short Name. This name will be used to identify the laser in the data files and.

Long Name. This name is entered into the ERD file header. It can be a more descriptive name than

the Short name above. It is recommended that this name include the Laser Serial number.

Elevation Unit (IP Address). This is the unique Unit number of the Laser processor. The IP address

of the unit is also shown for identification.

Accelerometer Unit (IP Address). This is the unique Unit number of the accelerometer processor.

The IP address of the unit is also shown for identification.

Accelerometer Scale Factor. The Accelerometer itself requires no regular calibration, and is a

sealed micro-machined servo type unit. Typically this scale factor will be within approximately 5%

to 10% of unity, and the value is taken from the Calibration Certificate supplied with the Laser.

Once the amplitude scale factor is determined, it can be applied as a constant multiplier from that

point onwards, and should not require adjustment.

DMI Com Port. The Laser DMI Interface COM port is set under the Setup | Options | Program

Options menu.

Laser Profilometer Calibration Check

Calibration Requirements

The Laser requires the following calibrations and calibration checks:

Laser Odometer Calibration This defines the Laser sampling distance and the minimum speed

laser safety cut-out.

Bounce Check. This measurement checks that all aspects of the Profilometer are working optimally

and should be carried out daily before starting survey.

Elevation and Linearity Check. This measurement checks that the Laser absolute elevation and

linearity are within the acceptable limits. This check needs special equipment and is generally needs

to be done in controlled conditions which are not possible in the field.

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Profilometer Odometer Calibration

The Laser Profilometer uses a 7,200 or 10,000 pulse per revolution ROMDAS High Resolution DMI

connected to the Laser DMI Interface. The ROMDAS Interface odometer input is then connected to the

Laser DMI Interface ODO output.

To Calibrate

Set the Laser DMI Interface Divisor to 40 ( 24 Hex)

Calibrate the Odometer (Section 0)

Enter the following parameters:

Required Sampling Interval (mm). Select a longitudinal sampling interval. Default is “greater than 37.5

mm” (“less than 25 mm” is required to meet some specifications)

Min Speed required to Activate Laser (km/h). The accelerometer needs a certain level of “excitement”

to operate accurately. The vehicle speed and movement provides the “excitement” needed for the

accelerometer. Minimum speeds below 20 km/h are not recommended and the roughness results will not

be as accurate below this speed.

Push Next and the Laser DMI and Odometer calibration factors are recalculated.

In the example above the Sampling Interval was set to 37.5 mm and the Sampling Interval Rounding

to “greater than”. Maximum survey speeds of 120 km\h are available if the Greater than 37.5 mm

Sampling Interval is selected (a “Less than or equal” to 25 mm setting will restrict the maximum survey

speed to approx 80 km/h).

Select Finish and the Laser DMI Divisor and Min Speed will be automatically set on the Laser DMI

Interface (if there is a serial connection). The vehicle Odometer calibration Factor will also be

automatically saved if it has changed (this will change if the calculated Laser DMI Divisor has changed).

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Bounce Test

For a system of multiple laser units, repeat the Bounce Test on all lasers within the system in turn. If any

laser repeatedly reports readings outside the tolerance band, results from that laser unit cannot be used in

a survey and the laser unit requires full inspection and calibration by approved personnel.

Go to Test|Test Instruments|Test Laser Profilometer|Dynamic Bounce Tests

Identifying Test Name. User defined test name. This name will be used in the table names in the

laser Calibration.MDB file to identify the test. i.e. Elev_pkt_identifying test name and Elev_Data_

identifying test name

Laser to Use for Test. Drop down list of available Laser name (shortname). Select the laser to be


Warmup Period (min). The accelerometer needs at least 10 minutes warm-up to stabilise

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Observing adequate safety precautions have someone “bounce” the vehicle as much as possible. Select

the Begin Measuring button and when there is 2000 or more Accelerometer Readings stop the test.

The results will be displayed as below.

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These test results are stored in the Bounce_Test_Testname.rtf test file in the …\ROMDAS\Calibration

folder. The bounce test data is stored in the Laser Calibration.MDB file in the same folder. The

Correlation Factor should be within 10% of unity (0.9<=Correlation Factor<=1.1).

Elevation and Linearity Test

The elevation and linearity test of the laser units measures the size of a machined block of known size. A

100 mm x 75 mm x 50 mm test block and reference plate can be supplied for this. The DCL supplied

calibration block dimensions are accurate to within 5 microns.

It is critical that tests are carried out on a level surface in carefully controlled conditions, as the slightest

variation in angle and position of the block will be measured by the instrument.

Using the three separate dimensions of the test block, a total of four height readings can be obtained

(including the reference zero). Ensuring that each laser can accurately measure each dimension will

confirm the calibration of the laser is sufficient to produce an absolute measurement and also that the

laser is linear over the range of the largest dimension.

Once the reference zero has been obtained, place the block under the laser and measure each available

dimension. All three dimensions should be reported within ±0.25 mm in order for the absolute and

linearity test to be passed. Ensure the range of the laser is not exceeded during the test.

If readings within the tolerance band are not obtained, repeat the test in another location. If the laser unit

is mounted on a vehicle, during the test ensure that the vehicle can not move on its suspension by block

under the Laser Mounting as described below. Even with the suspension movement restricted do not get

in or out of the vehicle, or even lean on the side of the vehicle during the test. The test should not be

carried out if the vehicle subject to wind and other disturbances.

For a system of multiple laser units, repeat the Absolute and Linearity Test on all lasers within the

system in turn. If any laser repeatedly reports readings outside the tolerance band, results from that laser

WARNING: Observe Laser Safety when performing all calibration tests.

Wear appropriate laser safety eye wear, and ensure that the tests are

carried out in a manner safe to pedestrians and other personnel.

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unit cannot be used in a survey and the laser unit requires full inspection and calibration by approved


Preparation of Vehicle

The vehicle needs to be stopped from being able to move on its suspension. To do this a suitable

block of wood should be put under the Laser mounting beam as a stabilisation block. The

Mounting beam should be lifted by several centimetres to ensure that some weight of the vehicle

is on the stabilisation block

Adjust Laser height so that it will not go out of range during the test. The reference point of the

Laser should be adjusted to a height of 480 mm from the base plate.

The Laser Profilometer needs to be at right angles to the base plate. By ensuring that the laser

and the base plate are level using the Bull’s-eye level provided.

Use a string line to mark the Laser Profilometer spot position on the base plate to aid in

placement of the calibration block during the testing

A cover should be put around any side of the laser that may be exposed to personal not wearing

laser safety glasses

Go to Test|Test Instruments|Test Laser Profilometer|Elevation Tests

Identifying Test Name. User defined test name. This name will be used in the table names in the

laser Calibration.MDB file to identify the test. i.e. Elev_pkt_identifying test name and Elev_Data_

identifying test name

Laser to Use for Test. Drop down list of available Laser name (shortname). Select the laser to be


Warmup Period (min). The accelerometer needs several minutes to stabilise. If the laser has just

been switched on before the test a warm-up period of 1 minute should be taken.

Pass Tolerance. The readings for each measurement should be reported within +-0.5 mm in order

for the absolute and linearity test to be passed.

Number of readings of each Block. This amount of readings will be taken for each measurement


Readings to Disregard at Beginning of Measure. This amount of readings will be discarded for each

measurement block before measurements are recorded.

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The base plate should be positioned under the laser. This will become the zero reference. Then select

Measure. The required number of readings will be taken and stored and results displayed.

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The next block should be positioned on the baseplate and the height of the block entered. Then select

Measure. The required number of readings will be taken and stored and results displayed.

Repeat for the required number of blocks. When finished the results will be displayed as below.

These test results are stored in the Elev_Test_Testname.rtf test file in the …\ROMDAS\Calibration


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SMTD Macrotexture


Macrotexture facilitates rapid drainage of the bulk of the water from the surface under vehicle.

The ROMDAS Macrotexture is calculated in real-time using the TRL method (Cooper, 1974).

Sensor Measured Texture Depth (SMTD) is determined mathematically from 128 samples taken at

intervals of 2.34mm, every 300mm of travel.

A quadratic equation is fitted to the 128 data points for every 300mm length, and from this, the Sensor

Measured Texture Depth is determined. Refer to Cooper (1974) for detailed coverage of this process.

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Laser Profilometer Diagnostics and Maintenance

Testing Ethernet Connections

Ethernet Switch Status Lights

The Ethernet switch provides status indicators to inform the user of link presence and link activity. The

link presence indicator should show an Ethernet link is present at all times while the Laser unit is

powered on. When the unit is receiving odometry pulses and a connection has been established with

ROMDAS software, the link activity light should show that data is being transmitted.

PING Command

The standard PING command available on Windows operating systems can be used to test Ethernet

connectivity with each Profilometer unit.

Usage from the CMD Window is;

PING <IP address of laser or accelerometer unit>

The unit should respond to PING commands immediately as above.

Laser Profilometer Fuse

If there is no response from the Ethernet Connection or the Laser Configuration menu (from serial

interface like Tera term or HyperTerminal) the Laser Fuse may have blown. The fuse is located on the

back panel of the Profilometer housing and should only be replaced by a similar 3.15 Amp fuse.

Laser Lens

The optics within the Laser unit are covered with a standard 52 mm clear UV filter used as a protective

cover. These should be regularly cleaned with a soft lint free lens cloth, and visually inspected for signs

of scratching or damage. As at all times, obey all safety requirements when inspecting or working on the

laser units, and ensure the laser shutter is closed. If the protective UV filter is damaged, replacements

can be obtained from most photographic stores.

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Laser Beam Not Active

If communications with the laser have been established and data is being received, however the Laser

unit is reporting a constant laser elevation value regardless of target distance, then the unit may not be


The presence of the invisible laser spot can be established using IR sensitive test cards available from

photonics suppliers. Check that the physical beam shutter is open and that the laser safety electrical

interlock Activate signal is present (indicated by the Minimum Speed Exceeded LED being ON).

Always ensure adequate safety procedures are followed at all times when using or diagnosing faults with

the Laser units.

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Appendix D: Installing and Calibrating the TPL

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Appendix D: Installing and Calibrating the TPL

Overview 246 Installing the TPL 246

Calibration 250 TPL Diagnostics 255

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246 © Data Collection Ltd.


TPL System

The ROMDAS Transverse Profile Logger (TPL) consists of a series of ultrasonic sensors contained in a

‘housing’ which is affixed to the front34 of the vehicle. The sensors emit ultra-sound pulses and the

distance of each sensor from the pavement is established from the time it takes for the pulse to travel to

and from the pavement.

The TPL sensors are contained in an aluminium housing with TPL Master Controller attached to the

front of the housing.

This appendix describes the installation and calibration of the TPL, as well as additional background

information which may be of interest to users.

Installing the TPL

TPL Installation

The optimum height above the road surface is 300 mm to the bottom surface of the TPL Housing.

Attaching the TPL to the Vehicle

The vehicle should be parked on as level surface as possible for initial mounting of the TPL.

34 The TPL should only be mounted on the front of the vehicle to stop any disturbed airflow from the vehicle that may upset the


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After attachment the TPL should be made as level as possible on the mounting using the bulls eye spirit

located on top of TPL as a reference.

The TPL can be removed from the mounting frame by loosening the Cap screws and lifting the TPL up.

The bottom Yellow mounting frame end plates are slotted so that they can be slid on and off the

mounting. A locating cap screw and nut can be used to mount TPL to the same height each time.

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TPL Wings

The TPL Wing sensors turn on automatically when the wings are folded out. To stop the TPL wings fold

back in and do up the catches.

The Wings also have a removable extendable aerial.


The TPL Controller is the white IP6735 rated box on the front of the TPL. The Ethernet connection

provided has an IP67 water and dust proof connection on the end to connect to the TPL Controller.

35 IP67 is water and dust proof.

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There the are two connections to the TPL

The Ethernet Connection from the TPL Master Controller to either the Laptop Ethernet port or a

Ethernet Switch that is connected to the Laptop Ethernet port.

The Power Cable connected between the TPL Master Controller and the ROMDAS Power

Distribution box.

NOTE: The cables connecting the TPL to the Master Controller must be kept clear of any high

tension leads (to spark plugs) in the vehicle.

Attaching the TPL to the Vehicle

The ROMDAS TPL enclosure consists of a main section with two ‘wings’. The wings are retractable.

The TPL enclosure MUST be mounted at a height of 275 to 300 mm above the pavement surface. If the

sensors are outside of this range problems with the readings may arise on certain pavements.

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The TPL enclosure comes with the mounting brackets above. These need to be attached to the vehicle.

NOTE: The mounts should be regularly checked to ensure that they have not cracked or been

weakened by the combination of vibrations and the weight of the TPL. There is always a

possibility of failure which would see the TPL fall off the vehicle. DCL bears no

responsibility for damage due to mounting failure.

The first step in the assembly is to attach the mounting

bracket to the vehicle. The most convenient way of doing

this is to bolt the mounting bracket to the front cross-

member of the vehicle suspension.

For improved stability, you can cut the plate in half and

mount the two halves further apart.

Prepare two 16 hole mounting plates by attaching four double

T-Nuts and 4 single T-Nuts.

Using the Double T-Nuts on the back of the 16 Hole Joining

Plate, slide each assembly onto the 900 mm extrusion. This

completes the assembly of the mounting hardware. To attach to

the vehicle, slide the 900 mm extrusion onto the 8 Double T-

Nuts previously attached to the Vehicle Mounting Bracket

Attach the end caps to all extrusions using the supplied cap

screws, and tighten all connections

You can use the sliding features of the extrusion system to raise or lower the TPL to the required height

of 275 – 300 mm from the ground to the enclosure.

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Calibration Requirements

The TPL requires the following calibrations:

Distance Calibration. This calibrates the measurement distances of the ultrasonic sensors.

Create Datum Level. This corrects for differences in the elevations between adjacent sensors.

Before each major survey the Survey Calibration needs to be done. This sees the measurements of the

sensors checked to confirm that they are within tolerance and levels the readings for differences between

adjacent sensors. This is described in Section 0.

Distance Calibration

The distance calibration is done to ensure that the TPL measurements correspond to a known distance.

A calibration equation is developed which predicts the distance (in mm) as a function of the TPL raw


NOTE: This calibration is done by DCL using special equipment prior to the TPL being shipped and

the TPL should include the calibration equation for the TPL.


tape measure

an object with a vertical face

Preliminary Setup

NOTE: It is only necessary to do this analysis for one sensor, although it may be repeated for multiple

sensors and the results averaged.

1. Set up one of the TPL USMA sensors along with the fixed sensor and connect to the TPL

Master Controller and Laptop computer.


3. Enter a description of the calibration test and the file name.

4. Start the sensor recording.

Measurement Data

1. Place the tape measure perpendicular to one of the UMS transducers with the 0 value at the

edge of the UMS.

2. Place the object at a distance of approximately 250 mm on the tape.

3. Note the distance displayed on the Laptop and record on Form 1. Also enter the actual

distance (it is not necessary to be exactly 250 mm).

4. Move the object to 275 mm on the tape and note the distances.

5. Repeat step 4 every 25 mm until 450 mm of data have been collected.

Develop Regression Equation

1. Open the Excel template TPL Calibration.xlt.

2. On the tab labelled Distance Data enter the measurement data.

3. Open the tab Validation Summary.

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4. Right click on the plotted series and select Add Trendline.

5. Ensure that the trendline is linear.

6. Under options select Display Equation on Chart and Display R-squared on Chart (see


7. Select OK and the regression line will be fitted (see below).

8. Record the values for the constant and slope on the form.

9. Record the value for the standard conditions on the form.

Enter the values for the constant and the slope under TOOLS|OPTIONS|TPL TPL Measurement

Calibration Coefficients.

Create Datum Level

The Datum level is used to correct for differences in the elevations between sensors.


ROMDAS vehicle with TPL operating and computer installed

TPL test trough. This can be made from a wooden frame with plastic sheeting, as shown below.

y = 1.3193x - 15.645

R2 = 0.9985








0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500

ROMDAS Distance (mm)


e D





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Fill the TPL trough with water

Park the vehicle with TPL mounted over the trough on the level concrete floor of the garage

Bounce the suspension of the vehicle to settle the suspension

The data for the datum can come from either a previously run TPL Calibration file with the Load

Calibration Table or directly from the TPL with the Start button. The recommended method is to use

the Create Calibration Data option first and then check the data using the TPL Calibration spreadsheet

template. If the data is passed then use it to create the datum level.

Select Calibrate|Calibrate TPL|Create Calibration Data

Capture approximately 1000 readings.

Analysis the data in the TPL Calibration Excel spreadsheet.

If the data all passes then select Calibrate|Calibrate TPL|Create Datum Level

Enter Test name and other details

Select Load Calibration Table and select the table.

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For each sensor the average value of the readings is displayed as well as the total number of readings.

The datum sensor in the above example is sensor 1 as it has the value that is closest to the surface (i.e.

lowest value). The datum file will contain the measurements of all other sensors relative to sensor 1.

Select Calc to see the results.

The datum data is stored in the …\ROMDAS\Calibration\TPL Calibration.mdb file in the datum table.

Sensor Numbering

The TPL sensors must be numbered sequentially (1 to 30) across the TPL housing. If this is not done the

software will incorrectly calculate the rut depth. If any sensors are removed from the housing the sensors

need to be checked to ensure that the numbering is sequential.

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Ensure Sequential Numbering

This is done by starting Test|Test Instruments | Test TPL and having an assistant place their hand

under each of the sensors. The values displayed for each covered sensor will change and it can be

confirmed that they are in the correct order.

Sensor closest to Kerb

The Sensor closest to Kerb option needs to be set. If this is not done the software will incorrectly report

the rutting in the centre and edge wheelpaths. Different countries drive on different sides of the road.

However the TPL will come with Sensor 1 on the left hand side of the vehicle. This means that Sensor 1

will be closest to the kerb side of the road on right hand drive vehicles.

TPL Diagnostics


There are various methods available for faultfinding and diagnostics with the TPL.

The TPL connects to the computer by Ethernet cable. If there are no connections there are several things

that should be checked to make sure that the networking connection is OK.

Testing TPL

The following things should be checked in this order to test a TPL that doesn’t work or connect with the

ROMDAS software.

TPL Power Status Light

Check the small red power status light. If light is not on check the fuse at the ROMDAS Power

Distribution box and the cable connection.

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Ethernet Switch Status Lights

The Ethernet port on the Laptop or Ethernet switch usually provides status indicators to inform the user

of link presence and link activity. The link presence indicator should show an Ethernet link is present at

all times while the TPL is powered on. The link activity light should show that data is being physically


PING Command

The standard PING command available on Windows operating systems can be used to test Ethernet

connectivity between the data collection computer with the TPL Master Controller Ethernet address.

Usage from the CMD Window is;

PING <IP address of TPL Master Controller []>

The unit should respond to PING commands immediately as above.

If not check the Computer - Local Area Network, Internet Protocol, IP Addresses. This can be done

inside the cmd window with the ipconfig command.

TELNET Connection With TPL Master Controller Operating System

For further diagnostic purposes a Telnet connection can be established with the TPL Controller. DCL

engineers can do this remotely with ROMDAS Remote Support if the ROMDAS computer has an

internet connection.

36 Previously

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Sensor Diagnostics

Each sensor has some status lights that are viewable through the tinted Perspex cover on the top of the

TPL. If a sensor has a target the Target Indicator LED will show solid Red and Output #1 LED will

show solid green. If a sensor has lost target then the round Target Indicator LED will be solid red and the

two status indicators will be off.

If there is no sync pulse (the pulse that controls the timing of the sensor firing) then the Target Indicator

will slow flash red and the green and the status indicators will be off. There will also be no ultrasonic

output (no noise) from the sensors. The sync pulse is provided by the Master Sensor (Sensor number 7).

There is either a problem with the Master Sensor or the Connection board.

There are various other combinations that show other fault conditions. These other fault conditions

should be reported to DCL for further help.

The left sensor below has a target (both LED’s green) whereas the right sensor has no target (red Target

Indicator LED).

Sensor Cleaning

In general, dust does not affect performance unless it totally blocks the

sound path. Dust accumulation on the sensor face can be cleaned by

blowing pressurized air across the sensor face. The sensor face can also be

cleaned with alcohol or window cleaner. DO NOT use solvents such as

MEK or acetone.

Installing Updated Software to TPL Controller


If there is a change to the TPL Controller software it can be uploaded to the Controller using the

Windows ftp software. Please see ROMDAS document Installing Updated Software to TPL Controller

Page 276: ROMDAS Manual

Appendix E: Installing the Video System

258 © Data Collection Ltd.

Appendix E: Installing the Video System

Overview of ROMDAS Video System 259 Setting Up the Video Camera 259 Mounting the Video Camera 269

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Appendix E: Installing the Video System

© Data Collection Ltd. 259

Overview of ROMDAS Video System

Video Systems

The ROMDAS video system is consists of a camera in either a

an environmentally protected enclosure which is mounted on the roof of the vehicle, or;

mounted on the inside of the windscreen with suction mounting (optional extra but usually not

recommended as doesn’t give as good results as enclosure mounted camera).

Overlay of Data

During video recording the video data have key data superimposed on the image. The data can be

defined by the user, but typically consists of:

Road name and description;

Location (distance and GPS co-ordinates);


Roughness and Keyboard events.

Setting Up the Video Camera


The video camera is supplied with the following components:

GigE DCAM compliant camera

Environmentally protected housing for camera

GigE Ethernet cable with environmentally protected connection.

Ethernet Power Injector

Parts supplied with Housing

Power distribution box and cables

Base plate for mounting enclosure to roof rack

Screws for closing enclosure access panel

Bolts for attaching base plate to roof rack

Sun shroud and screws for attaching sun shroud to base plate

Configuring Cameras37

The key configurations required for any camera used generally consist of:

Shutter Speed: The faster the survey vehicle will be travelling the higher the shutter speed should

be set. The further the camera is pointing to the side of the vehicle the shutter speed will also need to

be increased.

Progressive Scan Mode: In this mode, all of the image pixels in a capture frame are captured at the

same instant in time. This mode eliminates the jaggy lines seen in many images captured from

common video cameras that capture the image pixels in interlaced mode (at two different times).The

Progressive Scan setting needs to be turned on for ROMDAS.

Auto Exposure Settings: The auto exposure settings will need to be set suit the light conditions

encountered while surveying.

37 See Document Previously Supplied Video Cameras for configuration of older ROMDAS Video systems

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Appendix E: Installing the Video System

260 © Data Collection Ltd.

Camera Angle: The camera should be positioned so that the least amount of sky is in the field of

vision so that changing light conditions do not overly effect the auto exposure capabilities of the


The following gives the settings for some commonly supplied cameras:

For best performance, camera settings should be reviewed at the beginning of each run and adjusted to

match the current conditions. For example, if you must change direction away from the sun to into the

sun, you should check the Back Light setting, and if lighting conditions change substantially you should

check the Automatic Exposure setting.

Pegasus Compression Codec

We recommend the Pegasus PICVideo M-JPEG 3 compressor/ decompressor codec for ROMDAS

Video direct digitising. Other Video Codec’s can be used if desired but may not give the performance of

the recommended codec. Note that this is not free software and there is one licensed copy per ROMDAS

Video system. Only one copy of this software should be licensed with the provided registration keys.

The Pegasus v3 codec needs to be installed from the ROMDAS CD menu.

Software Extras|Video Logging|PIC JPEG v3 Video Compression

Say Yes to Licence Agreement

Uncheck all options except PICVideo Motion JPEG Codec

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© Data Collection Ltd. 261

Accept the default file location.

Select the PIC Video M-JPEG 3 VfW Codec from the available Video Codec’s and then push the Setup


ROMDAS will install the PICVideo MJPEG v3 codec in trial mode. In trail mode PIC Video will

watermark” the video image with the words “PICVideo M-JPEG 3” at the top and the Pegasus Imaging

Corporation URL at the bottom of the image.

To Register:-

Please contact DCL at [email protected] for your Compressor/Decompressor serial numbers

and registration codes.

Enter the Serial Numbers and Registration codes in the appropriate fields and push the OK


The Compression setting lets you determine whether you

want to favour compression or quality in your video. It

does this by adjusting the trade-off between file size (more

quality results in larger files) and image quality (more

compression results in blockier images).

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Appendix E: Installing the Video System

262 © Data Collection Ltd.

The quality setting ranges from 1 (best compression, least image quality) to 20 (least

compression, best image quality). The default setting of 16 results in good compression without

sacrificing quality for most applications. Each of the 20 quality settings is actually a

combination of settings for luminance, chrominance, and subsampling, and for each setting, the

subsampling is fixed at 4:2:2.

Alternatively, the luminance, chrominance, and sub sampling values may be explicitly set via

the provided controls.

Ensure that the 2 Fields If More Than xxx Lines is unchecked

Windows Media Player Classic

For video resolutions above 1600 x 1200 you may find that the Videos will not play on the standard

Video playing software because the resolution is too large. If you download and install Windows Media

Player Classic you will be able to play the higher resolution

Video on most of the Video viewers like Apple QuickTime (needed for ROMDAS Data View), VLC

Media Player38 etc.

GigE Video Cameras

The GigE camera is powered through the Ethernet cable. The Ethernet Power injector has a 12 volt

input. This needs to be connected to the ROMDAS Power Distribution box in order to supply power to

the camera.

The maximum bandwidth available is 125 MB. This includes image data, control data and image

resends, which occur when frames are being dropped. Each image and each packet has a certain amount

of overhead that will use some bandwidth. Therefore, when calculating your bandwidth requirements,

you should not attempt to use the full maximum of 125 MB. If the packet size and packet delay

combination exceeds the available bandwidth, frames will be dropped.

IP Address

Both the Video camera and the computer Ethernet Port must have IP addresses on the same subnet.

There will be up to 2 cameras per Ethernet port. The cameras have a pre-assigned fixed IP address. The

computer Ethernet Port will need to be assigned a compatible address as below

Multiple ports will be needed depending on the number of cameras on your system.

Your camera will have a fixed IP address set of – Subnet mask


Ethernet Port 1 IP Address Subnet Mask Host Address 1 Camera 1 Camera 2 Ethernet Port 2 IP Address Subnet Mask

38 DCL recommend the VLC Media Player as it gives a better image that the other free players

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Appendix E: Installing the Video System

© Data Collection Ltd. 263

Host Address 2 Camera 3 Camera 4

Installing GigE Drivers

From the ROMDAS CD or ROMDAS Website Members Page39 install the GigE/Firewire Camera

Driver Install software. Choose Minimal install.

Select I will use GigE cameras

39 – you will need to use your customer logon to access the

members page.

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Appendix E: Installing the Video System

264 © Data Collection Ltd.

Any system setup can be done with the GigE Configurator software that has been installed.

Ethernet Packet Size

Packet Size for the computer Ethernet Adapter is configurable through the Windows Device Manager or

the GigE Configurator. This is called Jumbo Packet in the device manager or MTU (Maximum

Transmission Unit) in the GigE Configurator. Adjust the packet size to 9000 by selecting Open

Network Connections in the GigE Configurator.

The GigE camera should have been set up with Persistent IP address as below.

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Appendix E: Installing the Video System

© Data Collection Ltd. 265

Connecting The Camera

The camera uses a Cat 6 Ethernet cable. The camera is powered through the Ethernet cable.

To set up the RGR camera the RGR Video settings dialog is used.

Select the Add button and you should see the connected camera ID.

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Appendix E: Installing the Video System

266 © Data Collection Ltd.

The trigger distance (Capture Image Every) is individually settable on each camera.

Choose the Camera Format, Resolution and Frame Rate. A range of different standard Format and

Resolution options are avaliable in the Settings Group. For

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Appendix E: Installing the Video System

© Data Collection Ltd. 267

Pavement Video

For a Pavement View video camera select the

Pavement View Camera checkbox. This will

make some changes to the auto-exposure and

enable the Graduated Scale on Image

options. The Format should be set to Mono 8

and the Resolution set to the largest possible

(2448 x 2048 to get maximum pavement

coverage). The maximum resolution is only

obtainable under the Custom Format menu.

Graduated Scale on Image settings allows

calibration of scale graduations in meters put

along the X and Y axis of the image to allow

size estimations of pavement defects on the


Note that this will only be usable on the pavement view video because the distance to surface is

relatively constant and image is perpendicular to camera. This feature will not give satisfactory results

for forward view video.

To measure the X and Y axis the Test PGR Video camera option should be used with a tape measure

laid out on the pavement and the viewable extents of the image can be measured and entered into the X-

axis and Y-axis fields. The Larger graduated marks are in meters and the smaller are half a meter


All other settings (Output Settings/Trigger Settings/ Overlay) are as per instructions in Video Survey

Setup Options in Video Surveys section.

Updating PGR Video Camera Firmware

If there is an update to the PGR camera firmware DCL will provide the instructions and software to do


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Appendix E: Installing the Video System

268 © Data Collection Ltd.

Installing the Camera Roof

Focusing PGR Video Camera

Print the Focus chart n the ROMDAS CD onto A3 or A4 paper (in the CD folder

…\software\extras\Focus Chart\ focus01.jpg).

While adjusting the focus on the camera you will see the image of the focus chart go in and out of focus.

The centre of the focus image may still be blurry. The focus is sharpest when the blurred circle is the


It is best to adjust the focus in good light with the camera IRIS wide open.

To set the focus

Set focus chart on a surface on the road at the distance from the vehicle that is of the most

interest to you (probably about 10m in front of the vehicle).

Looking at focus chart image adjust until blurred circle is smallest or gone.

Do not over tighten the set screws on lens as over tightening will distort the lens and put the lens back

out of focus. Do finger tight and secure setting by using nail polish or similar across adjustment rings.

Survey with PGR Video Cameras

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Appendix E: Installing the Video System

© Data Collection Ltd. 269

Before starting the Space bar to start he survey (and when the survey is paused) you can push the Setup

button and adjust the RGR Camera settings. These can then be adjusted to the current lighting


All settings should generally be set to Auto as above.

For a pavement view camera the shutter speed should be taken off Auto and manually set to a

value < 3ms as the light conditions will allow.

Pan and Tilt can be adjusted to give better perspective of the road. Tilt should be adjusted to see

the least amount of sky in the image as to much sky makes it harder for the cameras auto

exposure settings to compensate for the best exposure for the road.

Mounting the Video Camera


The camera can either be installed in the enclosure mounted on the vehicle or in the vehicle with the

suction mount. Installing the video camera to the enclosure consists of placing the camera on the inside

of the enclosure, testing the camera, sealing the enclosure, and mounting the enclosure on the vehicle.

A camera mounted in the enclosure on the outside of the vehicle will generally give better image results

than one mounted inside the vehicle windscreen due to the light reflection on the inside of the


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Appendix E: Installing the Video System

270 © Data Collection Ltd.

Installing the Camera in the External mount Enclosure

Before the camera is inserted in the enclosure CLEAN THE INSIDE OF THE GLASS LENS.

Once the camera is installed there should be no need to open the enclosure again.

Note: the enclosure should not be left mounted on the vehicle overnight or when the camera is not in use

to stop condensation forming in camera and lens.


Before screwing closed the enclosure, the camera MUST be tested.

Connect the Firewire cable to the computer Firewire PCMCIA card

Connect the power from the power distribution box to the Fire PCMCIA card

Check the If the camera does not turn on, check the power supply and connections.

Start the ROMDAS software and use the Test menu. The camera image should be displayed.

Mounting to the Vehicle

The camera enclosure should be mounted to the vehicle roof rack, and the camera angled to ensure that

the appropriate image is being viewed. For example, if recording the roadside the camera should be on a

slight angle.

The camera focus may need to be adjusted before the lid is closed.

For best results there should be as little sky in view as possible. This enables the camera auto-exposure

to adjust for exposure of the road surface rather than for the more variable sky conditions.

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Appendix E: Installing the Video System

© Data Collection Ltd. 271

Page 290: ROMDAS Manual

Appendix F: Installing GPS Receivers

272 © Data Collection Ltd.

Appendix F: Installing GPS Receivers

Trimble SPS461 GPS Receiver 273 GARMIN GPS 18 Receiver 279

Previously Supplied Receivers


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Appendix F: Installing GPS Receivers

© Data Collection Ltd. 273

Trimble SPS461 GPS Receiver


The Trimble SPS461 GPS receivers contain the following components:

GPS Receiver


Data/Power Cable

RS-232 Extension Cable


Connect the antenna to the receiver on the BNC connector

Use Bluetooth40 Connection (or connect the Laptop RS-232 plug to the Data Receiver (DB9

plug) on the data / power cable (Trimble Part no. 30231-00) which should be attached to Port B

on the GPS receiver).

The receiver needs to be positioned so that the antenna can have a clear view of the sky. It is common to

run the antenna through an open window, although it is better to drill a small hole in the vehicle and pass

the cable through the hole. This will minimise the potential for damage to the cable.

Once the cable has been positioned, double-sided Velcro should be affixed to the GPS receiver and to

the vehicle to keep the receiver secure and out of the way. Ideally, the status lights should be in view of

the operator.

Setting up the Receiver

Connector Type Description

1 TNC Not installed, system without internal radio

2 TNC Connect to GPS Antenna 1 for GPS position. Omni STAR correction only

available on this port.

3 TNC Only use for 2nd Antenna connected for vector and heading. This port does

not support OMNISTAR. Not currently used with ROMDAS

4 High Density DB26 Connection to data/power cable

5 Vent Plug

40 Please see the ROMDAS document Trimble GPS or GPS PathFinder Pro User Guide for instructions on how to do this.

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Appendix F: Installing GPS Receivers

274 © Data Collection Ltd.


The following needs to be connected for ROMDAS system use.

1) ROMDAS connects to the DE9-S plug labelled “Serial 3”

2) The 2 Pin plug (replaces the DC Jack) should be connected to the ROMDAS Power Distribution


3) For setup and diagnostics with the Web Browser interface an Ethernet cable can be connected by

the RJ45 plug

Connecting to the receiver through Ethernet

The default setting of the receiver is DHCP enabled. Using

DHCP enables the receiver to automatically obtain the IP

address, Netmask, Broadcast, Gateway, and DNS address

from the network of the computer it is connected to.

When a receiver is connected to a network using DHCP, the network assigns an IP address to the

receiver. To verify the IP address, select the up button from the keypad when the Home screen is

displayed. The Ethernet IP address appears.

To connect using a web browser

1) Enter the IP address of your receiver into the address bar of the web browser as shown:

2) Enter the logon details

The default login values for the receiver are:

– User Name: admin

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Appendix F: Installing GPS Receivers

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– Password: password

SPS461 Receiver Setup

To set up the NMEA output for ROMDAS: Note that this should have been setup before delivery.

1) Go to I/O Configuration – Port Configuration menu.

2) Select Serial 3/ modem 2 from the drop down box

3) Network Configuration - a fixed IP address should be assigned and DHCP turned off if used

with other IP devices (TPL/Laser profilers) and access to the Trimble Web Browser Interface is

still required.

4) Confirm that baud is at least 34,400 and leave Parity at the default None (N)

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Appendix F: Installing GPS Receivers

276 © Data Collection Ltd.

5) Set the following NMEA settings

- GGA and RMC both need to be put to a value that you require for ROMDAS survey (1 – 20


- GSA needs to be set to 1 Hz.

- Turn off HDT (which is set to 1 Hz by default)

ROMDAS Settings

In the ROMDAS GPS (Tool/Options/GPS GPS Com Port:

Set) setup do the following

1) Set GPS Comport settings to match exactly those set

in the SPS461 setup.

Baud rate 38,400

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Appendix F: Installing GPS Receivers

© Data Collection Ltd. 277

8-None-1 None

2) Set Receiver Output Protocol to – NMEA Compliant


The OMNISTAR settings can be made on the following setup page. Please consult your local

OMNISTAR provider for the correct settings. You should only use the OMNISTAR VBS signal for

ROMDAS. Your GPS unit will need to be switched on and seeing satellites during the activation


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Appendix F: Installing GPS Receivers

278 © Data Collection Ltd.

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Appendix F: Installing GPS Receivers

© Data Collection Ltd. 279

GARMIN GPS 18 Receiver


The GARMIN GPS 18 receiver has antenna and receiver integrated into one complete unit:


Connect communications cable to the ROMDAS computer

Connect the 12V cigarette lighter to the Power Distribution box.

The receiver needs to be positioned so that the antenna can have a clear view of the sky. There are two

options for this:

The GARMIN mounting kit can be used to hold the antenna against the inside of the window.

Alternatively, run the antenna through an open window and use the magnetic mount to hold it on the

roof. It is better to drill a small hole in the vehicle and pass the cable through the hole. This will

minimise the potential for damage to the cable.

Setting up the Receiver

The GPS 18 will need to be configured for first use with ROMDAS. The GPS Sensor Configuration

software is on the ROMDAS CD under menu Software Extras|GPS|GARMIN Configuration


Or it is available from the Garmin website.

Select the GPS 18 PC/LVC option.

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Appendix F: Installing GPS Receivers

280 © Data Collection Ltd.

Select the Comm Setup dialog and set the Serial Port and Baud rate (or select Auto if Baud rate

unknown – new unit default is 4800 baud).

Select the Comm Connect option

A message will be displayed as to whether the connection is successful or not.

Set the baud rate to 9600 (or more). All other options should be left at that the default values.

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Appendix F: Installing GPS Receivers

© Data Collection Ltd. 281

Select the following NMEA sentences

Use the Send Configuration to GPS option.

Cycle power off and on again before the next step.

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Appendix F: Installing GPS Receivers

282 © Data Collection Ltd.

Setting up ROMDAS

The baud rate on the GARMIN defaults to 4800 while the ROMDAS default is 9600.

Select Tools|Options|GPS

The Set button next to the GPS Com Port edit box will bring up the dialog below

Check that the settings are as shown below ( with COM Port set to the appropriate port)


The unit should be tested as described in Section 0.


GPS Antenna (all systems)

Keep the ceramic antenna dome clean and free of scratches, as antenna dome imperfections will

impact the GPS receiver's performance.

Inspect all antenna cables and connections once a year for loose cable ends, frayed cable

insulation and scratched or damaged antenna surfaces.

Replace any damaged components.

Previously Supplied Receivers

Components no longer used

Please contact DCL for information of setup of the following receivers and instruments previously used

with ROMDAS or see document Previously Supplied GPS:

Trimble Pro XT/XH

Trimble Pro XRT

Trimble Pathfinder Pocket

Trimble GeoExplorer GPS receivers

Trimble Pro XRS/XR

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Appendix F: Installing GPS Receivers

© Data Collection Ltd. 283



KVH Heading Gyroscope

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Appendix F: Installing GPS Receivers

284 © Data Collection Ltd.

Page 303: ROMDAS Manual

Appendix G: LCMS/LRMS Laser Safety

© Data Collection Ltd. 285

Appendix G: LCMS/LRMS Laser Safety

Class 3B Laser Safety 286 LCMS Laser Safety 289 LRMS Laser Safety 288

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Appendix G: LCMS/LRMS Laser Safety

286 © Data Collection Ltd.

Class 3B Laser Safety


The exposure to laser radiation emitted from Class 3B laser equipment such as the LRMS/LCMS is

hazardous to the eyes and skin, particularly if the exposure duration exceeds a few seconds while the

viewer’s eyes are at close proximity of the aperture from which the laser radiation is emitted (worst-case

viewing scenario). The risks of eye injury resulting from inadvertent ocular exposure are increased by

the fact that the emitted laser radiation is invisible when observed with the unaided eye. You must be

aware of the LRMS/LCMS Laser safety issues and the LRMS and LCMS systems should not be used by

anyone who is not aware of these dangers.

Laser Safety Officer (LSO)

Because of the potential safety risks in operating Class 3B laser products, it is strongly recommended that a laser

safety officer (LSO) be appointed in organizations that make use of these laser products. The LSO should take

responsibility, on behalf of its organization, for the administration of day-to-day matters that relate to laser safety.

The LSO that will have the responsibility to enforce adequate laser safety practices and to set up the appropriate

control measures for the safe use of either of the LRMS, or LCMS laser equipments owned and/or used by its


Nominal Hazard Ocular Area (NOHA)

The three-dimensional region of space where the Laser exposure levels exceed the level safe for the

human eye is called the Nominal Hazard Ocular Area (NOHA). The dimensions and shape of the NOHA

vary according to the specific laser equipment, and they are described in next sections for each device.

It is essential that the LSO as well as any other individual that has to work with these laser equipments be aware

of the NOHA determined for the specific laser equipment in use.

In addition to the built in safety measure (see next section) implemented in a laser product, some extra

safety precautions and control measures must be taken when operating a Class 3B laser product to

prevent people being in the NOHA or if they are required to be in the NOHA to prevent inadvertent laser

exposures to their eyes.

ROMDAS Safety Features

The ROMDAS system has the following safety features to minimise laser exposure risk :

LCMS system can only be activated with Key on the LCMS/ LRMS Controller. The key should be

removed when the Laser is not in use to ensure that it is not operated by untrained personal. The

LSO should be the person normally responsible for the Laser Activation keys.

Visible Warning Lights – there are visible Red and Green warning lights on the Lasers. Green means

system is on and can potentially emit laser light at any time. Red means that the Laser is emitting

Laser light. The controller panel also has red warning light to indicate to the operator that Laser

beam is active

Low speed safety interlock –stops the lasers activating unless the vehicle is moving.

Infrared Motion Sensors to deactivate the Test Button and Lasers if movement is detected close to

the Lasers

Therefore under normal circumstances the equipment will not operate while the vehicle is stationary.

Any safety risks from Lasers while the vehicle is moving are very unlikely and no risk management is

required under normal survey conditions with moving vehicle.

However for testing and setup sometimes it is necessary to operate the LCMS/LRMS Lasers while the

vehicle is stationary. For Stationary testing the LCMS/LRMS Test Button can be activated. Before using

the Test button the LSO should be present and the factors below must be considered and a Laser

Controlled Safety Area maintained.

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Appendix G: LCMS/LRMS Laser Safety

© Data Collection Ltd. 287

The Test Button also has the following safety features built in - but these should not be relied on solely

for the Laser safety and the Laser Controlled Area should be clearly marked and enforced.

Two Infrared Motion detectors are mounted next to the Laser units - these will activate and the

Test Button will deactivate if motion is detected in a approx 3 m radius around each sensor

The Test Button will switch off automatically after 30 minutes.

Establishment of a Laser Controlled Area.

For a stationary test the appointed LSO must establish a laser controlled area having dimensions large

enough to fully enclose the NOHA associated to the laser equipment. Its dimensions may then vary

depending on the specific laser equipment in use (see NOHA details in next sections).

The presence of a laser controlled area should be clearly indicated by posting at least one area warning

sign outside of it. The number and locations of the warning signs should be such that they can alert

individuals approaching from any direction. For convenience, the area warning signs may be mounted

on poles, stands, easels or on any other type of supporting means so that their height correspond to the

average height of the eyes of a person standing up. The signal word DANGER should be read and the

triangular sunburst pattern should be visible on the signs. Note that they should be written in the

appropriate language.

It is not necessary to provide complete physical enclosure of the laser controlled area with laser barriers,

screens or curtains since there is no risk of laser hazards to people standing out of the area provided that

the use of reflecting objects inside of the NOHA is properly controlled.

If required for someone to enter the NOHA when Lasers activated then they would need to follow the

specific precautions outlined in the Laser-Safety-Manual-LRMS-LRIS-LCMS manual. The Infrared

Sensors would have to be deactivated for this to occur.

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Appendix G: LCMS/LRMS Laser Safety

288 © Data Collection Ltd.

LRMS Laser Safety

LRMS Laser Output

Each LRMS include two identical laser units mounted in an inspection vehicle as depicted schematically

in Figure below.

During operation of the LRMS, invisible laser radiation is emitted from the laser line projector enclosed

in each LRMS laser unit. The laser radiation is depicted in light red colour in Figure 3. The laser

radiation is emitted from the bottom output window and it propagates towards the road pavement with a

tilt angle of about 21 degrees relative to the horizontal. This means that the projected laser line strikes

the surface of the pavement at a horizontal distance of about 2.2 m from the rear panel of the inspection

vehicle when the bottom of each LRMS laser unit is set at the nominal height of 0.85 m above the road


The zones depicted in light blue colour in the figure indicate the field of view of the camera enclosed in

the upper part of the LRMS laser units. The NOHA corresponds to the zone depicted in red colour.

Above depicts four representative viewing

scenarios along with the associated risks of eye

injuries resulting from exposure to laser radiation

emitted from LRMS projector. As expected, the

greatest laser hazards occur during direct

intrabeam viewing (scenario A in the figure), with

the eyes of the observer located in the NOHA

(Nominal Ocular Hazard Area) associated to the

laser equipment.

Note that eye injuries could result even if the

observer is not looking right at the output window

of the laser line projector. In fact, the precise

direction of the observer’s gaze will determine the

region of its retina hit by the laser light that enters

in its pupil. Laser hazards of nearly the same severity could occur when an object located in the NOHA

has a surface that reflects laser light in a specular manner (i.e., like a mirror), as illustrated by the

scenario B in the figure. For both scenarios A and B, the severity of the potential eye injuries increases

as the laser exposure lasts longer and as the observer’s eyes get closer to the output window from which

the laser radiation is emitted.

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Appendix G: LCMS/LRMS Laser Safety

© Data Collection Ltd. 289

Note that some peculiar features of the laser radiation emitted from the LRMS laser equipment help in

reducing the risks of eye hazards. For instance:

The projected laser lines spread with a divergence angle in the order of 50 degree along the direction

parallel to the length of the laser line. Stated otherwise, the length of the laser line increases rapidly

as we move away from the output window of the laser radiation source. The local irradiance of the

laser lines then decreases rapidly with the distance from the output window. Note that the local

irradiance is nearly uniform along the length of the projected laser lines.

Although the NOHA for each of the two laser units is fully detailed above, it can be said that it

corresponds to the region of space delimited on one end by the surface area of the output window

from which the laser line is projected, and on the other end by the surface area of the zone of the

road pavement that is illuminated by the laser line. From the area depicted in red in Figure above,

the outer shape of the NOHA can then be imagined as a triangular thin sheet of a few mm thick, with

its summit located at the output window and its base on the road pavement.

The laser radiation propagates unenclosed (open path) over an on-axis distance that does not exceed

1.9 m to 2.3 m before hitting the road pavement. The exact distance depends upon the specific laser

equipment and its installation on the inspection vehicle. The on-axis distance at which the local

irradiance of the laser beam has reduced to the applicable MPE is referred to as the Nominal Ocular

Hazard Distance (NOHD). Beyond this distance there is no hazard to the unaided eye.

Viewing scenario C: A dry road pavement has a matte gray-black surface, which reflects laser light

mostly in a diffuse manner. The laser power incident on the road pavement is then redirected over a

broad angular extent. For the specific LRMS Class 3B laser equipment, viewing directly the area

illuminated on the road pavement is not hazardous to the eyes for any viewing duration and distance

from the illuminated area.

Viewing scenario D: By definition, the local irradiance level of the projected laser lines is below the

applicable MPE out of the NOHA determined for the laser equipment. As soon as the observer is

standing outside of the NOHA and that uncontrolled specular reflections of the laser lines do not

take place, there is no risk of ocular injuries even when looking at the output window of a firing

laser line projector.

LCMS Laser Safety

LCMS Laser Output

Each LCMS includes two identical laser units mounted in an inspection vehicle as depicted

schematically in the adjacent

figure. The laser sensor units are

secured to a horizontal mounting

structure attached to the rooftop of

the vehicle. During operation of

the LCMS, invisible laser

radiation is emitted from the laser

line projector enclosed in each

laser sensor unit. The zones in

which the laser radiation

propagates have been

schematically depicted in light red

colour in the below figure. The

lower part of the figure also shows

a photograph of a laser sensor unit

in which the output windows of

the camera and of the laser line projector are clearly identified. Note that the output window of the

camera is round shaped while that of the laser line projector is rectangular.

Page 308: ROMDAS Manual

Appendix G: LCMS/LRMS Laser Safety

290 © Data Collection Ltd.

The schematic front and side views illustrated

in the figure below depicts the key parameters

relating to the geometry and dimensions of the

NOHA defined for each laser sensor unit of the

LCMS. The NOHA is shown by the zone

depicted in red colour. The superposition of the

laser lines projected by both sensor units results

in an illuminated area on the road pavement

having the shape of a thin line of about 4 m

long. As a result, it is recommended to setup a

laser controlled area having a minimum

footprint of about 5.0 m width by 1.0 m length,

located behind the inspection vehicle.

Page 309: ROMDAS Manual

Appendix G: LCMS/LRMS Laser Safety

© Data Collection Ltd. 291

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Appendix H: Programming the Rating Keyboard

292 © Data Collection Ltd.

Appendix H: Programming the Rating Keyboard

Overview 293 USB Rating Keyboards 294

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Appendix H: Programming the Rating Keyboard

© Data Collection Ltd. 293


Rating Keyboards

The rating keyboard works alongside standard keyboards, or as a standalone keyboard. It is designed to

simplify keyboard rating by allowing for a dedicated keyboard with the rows corresponding to up to 5

different types of distresses, the columns 4 different levels of severity for each distress. Alternatively,

the keys can be assigned to different inventory items, or anything that can be visually recorded.

Rating Keyboards are available in 20 and 58 keys with USB (or PS241 on request) connections.

The keyboard comes with a key puller. This enables you to remove the plastic caps on the keys and to

label the keys. There are several ways available to label the keys.

Pre-cut legend sheets are included to make it easy to hand inscribe labels for your keys

A Template file for MS Word for printing out your typed legends is available on the ROMDAS CD

under the menu Software Extras|Rating Keyboards| Rating Keyboard Legend

X-Keys MacroWorks II Software. This software is installed from the ROMDAS CD for use with

USB Rating keyboards. Else if you are using a PS2 keyboard Legend Maker can be installed without

Macro Works from Software Extras|Rating Keyboards|Install Legend Maker

A logical layout with clear labelling and colour coding make the Keyboard rating easier to manage. Note

also the Title labels for each group of related keys in the samples below affixed at the top of the


41 See document PS2 Rating Keyboard for details on programming and using the PS2 Rating keyboards.

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Appendix H: Programming the Rating Keyboard

294 © Data Collection Ltd.

USB Rating Keyboards

USB Rating Keyboards

The USB rating keyboard offers more flexibility than the PS2 keyboard. An external keyboard is not

needed for programming. The installation of the MacroWorks software is required to operate the USB

Rating Keyboards. Please do not plug in the USB Rating Keyboards until the software is fully installed.

MacroWorks is a runtime application which translates the "layout" into actual keystrokes, mouse clicks

etc understandable by the operating system.

Installing MacroWorks Software

The MacroWorks software is designed to run on Windows XP, Vista or 7.

To install MacroWorks:

Exit any applications you are running.

MacroWorks III installation requires the removal of earlier versions of MacroWorks. Please

uninstall earlier versions of MacroWorks before installing MacroWorks III.

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Appendix H: Programming the Rating Keyboard

© Data Collection Ltd. 295

Install from the ROMDAS CD from menu Software Extras|Rating Keyboards|Install USB

Rating Keyboard MacroWorks III Follow the installation instructions.

Installing the Rating Keyboard

After the MacroWorks software has been successfully installed on the computer the Rating Keyboard

can be connected to the computer USB port.

Programming the USB Rating Keyboard

1. Decide upon the distresses—or any other keycode events—to be assigned to the rating keyboard.

2. Decide upon the levels of severities to be used.

3. Create a ROMDAS keycode event file with these distresses and severities ( see Section 54 Keycode

Setup Options)

4. Programme the Rating Keyboard

To Program

Throw the programming switch to open the Device Programming window (or open this window by

selecting the device from the taskbar menu).

The programming switch is located in the upper right corner. Sliding the switch up will open the Device

Programming window. Sliding it down will close the programming window.

A slowly blinking indicator means the Rating key is in Programming mode and ready for you to select a

key for programming.

Page 314: ROMDAS Manual

Appendix H: Programming the Rating Keyboard

296 © Data Collection Ltd.

Double click and key on the keyboard display and the Macro Window will open. Ensure that you enter

as a keystroke under the Keystrokes tab (entries using the Text tab won’t work with ROMDAS)

Type your text or Macro. The keystrokes you type will be displayed in the window. Press the button on

the rating keyboard again or click the “OK” button with the mouse to complete programming. The

keystrokes you have recorded will be displayed on the key in the Device Programming Window.

Repeat the steps above for as many keys as you wish to program.

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Appendix H: Programming the Rating Keyboard

© Data Collection Ltd. 297

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Appendix I: Quality Assurance Forms

298 © Data Collection Ltd.

Appendix I: Quality Assurance Forms

Page 317: ROMDAS Manual

Appendix I: Quality Assurance Forms

© Data Collection Ltd. 299

This appendix contains the following forms:

DMI and Roughness Calibration Log

E012 - Form 1

This form is used when calibrating the roughness meter.

TPL Calibration Log E012 - Form 2

This form is used when calibrating the TPL

Pre-survey Check List

E012 - Form 3

This form is completed before the survey commences

Daily Survey Check List

E012 - Form 4

This form is completed at the start of each day.

Survey Road List E012 - Form 5

This form is used during the survey.

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300 © Data Collection Ltd.

Procedure: E012 - FORM 1


Version: 1.21

Date of Last Revision: 27/11/00

Date: Vehicle: Operator: Tyre Pressure: Date of Last

Tyre Balance:

DMI Calibration Site: Nominal Length (m):

Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Run 4 Run 5

Calibration Factors by Run Number:




Roughness Calibration Results For Each Run

Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Run 4 Run 5

Speed Rough. Speed Rough. Speed Rough. Speed Rough. Speed Rough.











Minimum of three runs for each speed. Check that sufficient runs have been performed using BETA statistic

Roughness Calibration Equation: Speed Range (km/h):

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© Data Collection Ltd. - 1/07/2014 9:16:00 a.m. 301

Procedure: E012 - FORM 2

Title: TPL Calibration Log

Version: 1.21

Date of Last Revision: 24/01/01

TPL Validation

Date: Vehicle: Operator:

Number of





Constant: TPLSlope:

Fixed Target




Option in ROMDAS

Data Analysed With

Excel Template

All Sensors With S.

Error < 1 mm (append


Checked Sensor

Numbering to Confirm

1-30 With 1 at Kerb

TPL Settings

TPL Sensor


Straight-Edge Pseudo-Ruts Error Corrections


to Check








Point 1




Point 2







O Elev.



Checked (Y/N):

Value: N/A

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302 © Data Collection Ltd.

Procedure: E012 - FORM 3

Title: Pre-Survey Check List

Version: 1.21

Date of Last Revision: 27/11/00

Date: Vehicle: Operator: Survey:

ROMDAS Survey Equipment

Basic System Roughness Video Log TPL Keyboard GPS GPS Gyro GPS Laser

To Be Used in Survey (Y/N):

Instrument Installed

Check Power

Spares: Fuses x 5


BI Wire x 1

BI Cable x 1

Sensor x 5 Keyboard Serial Cable


Engine Oil Tyre



Balances Spare Tyre Survey Sign Fuel Level

Checked (Y/N):

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© Data Collection Ltd. - 1/07/2014 9:16:00 a.m. 303

Procedure: E012 - FORM 4

Title: ROMDAS Daily Pre-Survey Check List

Version: 2

Date of Last Revision: 27/11/00

Survey: Client:

Date Tyre Pressure

Set to



Fuel Tank














with Lens


Video Cables


and Set to




Power Up


Check Power

to Equipment

and Computer

Page 322: ROMDAS Manual


304 © Data Collection Ltd.

Procedure: E012 - FORM 5

Title: Survey Road List

Version: 2

Date of Last Revision: 27/11/00

Survey: Client:

Date Road ID Road Description User


Field 1



Field 2



Field 3



Ending At Length







Note: If problems are encountered record the chainage where they arose and a brief description on the subsequent line. Use multiple lines if more than one problem arises

in a run.

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306 © Data Collection Ltd.



Annual Maintenance Subscription (AMS) .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 10, 182


coordinate system ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 90


Datum ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 90, 91, 126, 127, 136, 251, 252, 253, 254 Differential Correction ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 87 DMI ..................................................................................................................... 3, 20, 25, 39, 40, 42, 110, 150, 154, 185, 186, 188, 189, 218, 220, 221, 226, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 299, 300


Ellipsoid .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 88, 91, 92

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© Data Collection Ltd. - 1/07/2014 9:16:00 a.m. 307


Geoid ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 91 GNSS .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 87 GPS .............................. 2, 4, 5, 21, 22, 25, 28, 29, 30, 54, 58, 59, 70, 76, 80, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 135, 137, 164, 171, 186, 188, 218, 259, 272, 273, 276, 279, 281, 282, 283, 285, 289, 302


HAE (Height above Ellipsoid).................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 88, 91, 92 HDM4 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5, 70, 148, 215 High Res DMI ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 36, 188


International Roughness Index (IRI) ....................................................................................................................... 25, 39, 43, 44, 45, 174, 193, 202, 203, 204, 207, 209, 210, 212, 214, 215, 216, 233 IRI 202


LCMS ........................................................................................................................................................ 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 102, 104, 106, 108, 168, 173, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 286, 289 LRMS .................................................................................................................................................... 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 134, 136, 167, 168, 173, 174, 288, 289


Mean Sea Level (MSL) .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 88, 89, 90 MERLIN ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 202, 204, 205, 207, 208, 209


NMEA ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 30, 86, 89, 275, 276, 277, 281 Northing ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 90

Page 326: ROMDAS Manual


308 © Data Collection Ltd.


PDOP .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 89, 90, 91, 92 ProVal ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 180, 209, 210, 211


Rating Keyboard ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................37, 292, 293, 294, 295 RoadRuf ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 180, 204, 207, 209, 210, 211


Satellite Based Augmentation System (SBAS) ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 88 SSF........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 88


TPL ... 4, 13, 22, 24, 30, 39, 46, 47, 111, 113, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 129, 130, 134, 136, 152, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 172, 173, 186, 188, 218, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254, 255, 256, 257, 299, 301, 302

Trimble Standard interface Protocol (TSIP) ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 29, 90, 91, 93


Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM)................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 90


WGS-84 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 90


Z250 ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 43

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